BJS Bulletin
BILTON C F E Plantagenet Drive, Rugby, CV 22 6LB
Thank you to our members of PPF who were able to join us for our meeting this
School Closed Monday. We talked about 'transition' particularly which is what we call the work
Monday 7th that we do to prepare Yr2 children joining us in September and those leaving us
May—Bank in July to begin their secondary career.
Holiday It was a really helpful meeting where we gathered lots of new ways to make
children feel ready to join and leave us! Something new for this year is that we are
NSPCC Non going to schedule a 'welcome' meeting in July for Year 3. Also children and parents
Uniform Day will be given a sort of pen portrait template to fill out so we know as much as we
Friday 18th possibly can about their children.
May & Royal
Like last year several visits will be made by myself and my team to the Infant Schools where the children
Wedding are coming from. I run assemblies and my team meet up with teachers from the Infant school to find out
celebrations about the children.
School Closed At the other end of the school, our 'outgoing' children get similar treatment in terms of us liaising closely
Friday 25th with our secondary colleagues. We meet with them throughout the term to make sure children feel as
May - inset ready as they can for September.
Have a lovely long weekend, I hear the weather is going to be great :-)
Blessings, Mrs Norton
Massive Mini Church
Thank you to the Byatt family who created
the wonderful model of St Marks church. It
will be heading to Coventry Cathedral over
next few weeks to be displayed with all other
mini churches in the diocese. It even has a
working bell!
The new School
Dinner menu
starts on the
Copies have
been sent to
I have the freedom and choice to be ambitious for my future
Punctuality Congratulations this week to Oak and all of year 6 who were awarded the Golden Pocket Watch
Award for perfect time keeping!
5JE also achieved perfect time keeping so thank you and well done to all of you!
Please can we remind children that sweets are not Car Park
allowed in school. They are not a healthy snack and
children will be asked to put them in their bags. Unless prior agreement, please can we remind parents /
Only trying to look after their teeth! :-) carers not to use the school car park to collect children
Mrs Norton before 5pm. Thank you for your cooperation.
Crazy assembly from Simon at
Rugby Youth for
Christ....peacocks and pegs...
Mrs Norton is looking
forward to attending The
National Gallery on Tuesday
We are delighted that BJS
have been chosen to display
our work at the Gallery.
The certificate below shows
the recognition of our
pupils work.
Excellence Awards Lunch Time Top Table Every week Mrs.
This week’s Excellence Awards were presented to SERVICE WISDOM and her team
the following children during Thursday’s assembly: awards children
Liel M - 6KC Bryce A - 6KC for
3SV—Alfie G for excellent writing in English—he produced demonstrating
a fantastic seed packet last week Phoebe C - 6KC COMPASSION our Christian
values during
3FS—Amelie T for a consistently high standard of work in Poppy C - 3SV Maddie B - 3FS lunch time, the
all subjects nominated
Ashley-Rose W - 3FS children get an
3FS (correction from last week) - Lucas B for a positive invitation to join
learning attitude—well done! To nurture the growth of friendships in school we are the top table on
changing the number of children who are invited on to the the Friday of
3ED—Reha S for consistent hard work and always doing top table on a Friday from 12 to 6. that week.
her best
The 6 children who receive an invite will be asked to bring
4DB—Julia F for always maintain a fabulous attitude to another pupil to accompany them. We want to encourage
learning at all times the children to ask someone who has never been invited to
the top table in the past. This can be either a usual friend or
4BR—Bennie R for working really hard in Guided Reading, someone in their class or year group they do not usually play
thinking carefully about the text with at lunchtime.
4AT—Grace W for her positive and calm attitude to Contact with Staff
We are always keen to work with our families to ensure
5JE—Rebecca E for a wonderful piece of writing in Eng- the best possible outcomes for the children in our school.
lish—An excellent speech!
As you know, our teachers spend a large amount of their time
5JB– Jasmine S for writing an excellent description of planning, preparing, teaching and marking. For this reason we please
‘Paradise’ - great use of descriptive vocabulary and well ask that any messages from home for class teachers are either called
constructed sentences through to the office or sent to [email protected]
5SS—Faith B for her superb speech writing, and she’s Staff in the office will then pass the messages on to classroom staff.
definitely got her pen licence
Please feel free to contact Mrs Hodgson direct re any welfare
6KC—Kiel H for outstanding achievement in his mock concerns on [email protected]
Packed Lunch
6CC - Adela N for a positive working attitude
We encourage children to bring all of their rubbish
6AL—Mackenzie H for completing writing tasks and uneaten lunch home so that parents can
monitor what their children are eating. The children
have been reminded of this fact in assembly.
Despite the weather, BJS girls played brilliantly on Saturday.
Well Done!
Come and join us to celebrate 50 years of
Bawnmore Infant School on Saturday 9th
Family picnic at school from midday.
PTA NEWS Bilton School – School—Diary Dates
Open Morning
Dates for your Diaries: 2017/2018
An opportunity to Monday 7th May 2018—School Closed Bank
Friday 18th May—Royal Wedding Picnic discuss admissions for Holiday
Thursday 24th May School Disco Friday 25th May 2018—Teacher Training Day
Friday 8th June—Family Bingo September 2018 Monday 28th May to 1st June 2018—Half Term
School Closes Thursday 19th July at 3.30pm
Friday 22nd June—BBQ and Talent Show Wednesday 9th May Friday 20th July 2018—Teacher Training Day
Friday 13th July Year 6 Leavers Disco 9.30 am to 11 am 2018/2019
Email: [email protected] To book a tour please
[email protected]
Monday 3rd September 2018—Teacher Training
School Information School Opens Tuesday 4th September 2018
School gates open at 8.30am, doors open at 8.40am Monday 29 October to Friday 2 November—Half
School starts at 8.50a.m - Any child arriving after this time is late and Term
will be marked as such. School Closes Friday 21st December 2018 at
School finishes at 3.30p.m
If your child is ill and going to be absent please either telephone us on 01788 810675 (you can leave a Monday 7th January 2019—Teacher Training Day
voice mail if the office is closed or busy) or email us on [email protected] School Opens Tuesday 8th January 2019
If you feel you need to meet with a teacher face to face please email the school office Monday 18 February to Friday 22nd February
2019—Half Term
[email protected]
School Closes Friday 12 April 2019 at 3.30pm
If you need to talk with a teacher over the phone or have a general enquiry for them please email
School Opens Monday 29 April 2019
[email protected] Our teachers are busy with your children in the classrooms all day
however they will get back to you as soon as possible.
If you would like to share concerns or contact Mrs Hodgson our Home/School Support worker, please
call the office, pop into school or email her directly on [email protected]
Inspire Challenge Achieve