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Published by mrsthomas, 2016-10-14 04:03:37

bulletin 14.10.16

bulletin 14.10.16



14TH OCT 2016


Inspire Dear Parents/Carers

Thank you for all the support you gave us this week in attending our Parents Evenings. We had the
biggest turn out, EVER!

It is so important that you are with us to support your children. Staff were kept busy but are
thankful for your engagement and commitment. It was great to see so many children here too. We
hope that by joining us for Parents Evening you as parents feel valued and respected when you
come to our school. We hope too, that you feel involved in your children’s learning and
development. We are pleased that many parents felt that they could use the experience to be able
to share information about their children because it helps us enormously to understand better the
children and families in our setting and use this information to make learning more enjoyable and
rewarding for all children.

Having chatted to some of the children who attended the evenings, they say they like to be involved
and feel like they are more clear about the expectations on them.

On another note this week has seen an assembly on T4U Christmas boxes. One of our children has
two wonderful Grandparents who lead an initiative to create Christmas boxes using a show box. If
you would like to be involved this year then please see the information further in the Bulletin. The
date for the boxes filled with gifts, to be brought to school is Monday 14th November, so you have
plenty of time over half term to collect gifts to pack up! It is a wonderful initiative and we are going
to make up some boxes as a school to so see the list of things you can send in if you want to
contribute, if you can 't manage a whole box. All donations gladly received.

Thanks again, for all you do, to help make this school great :-)


Achieve Braiswick
company will be
taking individual
photos of pupils on
Thursday morning
3 November.

Lunch Time Top Table Every week Mrs. Punctuality
RESPECT RESPONSIBILITY awards children Oak and Sycamore both received the Time Keeper's Award
Jessica M - 4BY Priya T - 4SV for demonstrating this week with 7 late marks each.
Hannah D - 5BG Noah K - 4JE our Christian
Adela N - 5BG HOPE values during Chestnut recorded 8 across their house. It was very disap-
Martha T-K - 5BG Tom F - 3FR lunch time, the pointing to note that half of those late marks in Chestnut
Ruby B - 5BG COMPASSION nominated came from our year 3 children in 3ED who have only been
SERVICE George W - 5FM children get an
Isaac S - 6CC Alfie O - 5FM invitation to join with us for 6 weeks.
Kiel H - 5FM the top table on
the Friday of that School starts at 8.50a.m If you have issues with getting your
week. child to school on time PLEASE contact Mrs Hodgson and see

if there is anything we can support you.

Excellence Awards Shoebox appeal

This week’s Excellence Awards were presented to the following
children during Thursday’s assembly:
Leaflets came out last week, but there are more in the
office if you need them.

3FR—Harriet G for a great attitude towards work and for asking
thoughtful and interesting questions on our school trip

3At—Amelia B for her effort and focus in all lessons

3ED—All of 3ED for exemplary behaviour at the Air Museum on

4SV—Casey D for always being enthusiastic and ready to learn

4BY—Roll over

4JE—Killian S for an excellent persuasive leaflet—super
language features

5FM—Oscar W for a fantastic attitude to learning this week

5SS—Mia H for always having a fantastic attitude in all her

5BG—Matha T-K for persevering with her maths and always
giving 100%

6AL—Georgina H for her persistence with her learning—keep it

6CC—Hema K for a positive attitude and supporting others in

6KC—Reuben S—making a xxx effort in everything he does

French (3AT) - Holly W for a fantastic improvement in
behaviour and leading the learning in this weeks lesson—


Many hands make light work... thank you so much for the great support at Rugby St Cross Hospital, 'Planting4Polio' event. Lots
of children and parents came along togged up in outdoor gear to support the Rotary and Friends of St Cross plant 5000 tiny purple
crocus bulbs to highlight that Polio still needs eradicating in some areas around the world. We are hoping for a brilliant show of
purple this February at the entrance to the hospital. We also have some bulbs to put in pots at school...a job for allotment club, I

School Crossing Patrol PARKING!!!!

For your information, the new School Crossing Patrol To the owner of a black mini with a pink roof who keeps parking across a
site on Bawnmore Road, near Magnet Lane, is now drive (and a drop kerb) in Magnet Lane, then walking her child to school.
operational. The School Crossing Patrol on Cymbeline Please can you be considerate and not park there, Reg number BJ14 AE0.
Way, currently operating at the zebra crossing, will be
moving to the new site after the half term break on We Have Many Children
Monday 31 October 2016. But None to Spare
Please Drive Carefully
If you have any questions then please don't hesitate to
give Dawn Greensmith of the SCP service a call on :-

Direct Line: 01926 412661

Mobile: 07767330681
Email: [email protected]

The sun shone again on our
Marathon running this week.

We are pleased to say over
80% of the children have
taken on the challenge of

running a marathon over the
course of the academic year.

Inspire Challenge Achieve

Bilton Pantomummers will be holding
auditions for their next pantomime, entitled
Don't Wake The King, to be staged Spring

Auditions for all parts, both speaking and non-
speaking, will be held in St Mark's
Church Centre, Church Walk, Bilton from
6.15pm on Friday 14th October 2016 as

6.30pm for Junior School children (boys and
girls) aged 8 years and over

7.30pm for Secondary School children (boys
and girls) aged 11 years to 16 years

8.30pm for young people aged 17 and
over and adults.

As we are committed to promoting amateur
dramatics in Bilton we can only offer parts to
candidates with a home or school postal code
of CV22 7

PTA NEWS School—Diary Dates

Could you sponsor the printing of the Christmas Raffle Tickets? Monday 24th October - 28th October 2016—half
term week
We are looking for a company / business to sponsor us for the printing of the
raffle tickets. The cost is approx. £100, if you feel you could support us in this Friday 16th December 2016—school closes at
way please email the [email protected] 3.30pm

Please return your firework forms by Wednesday 19th October—thank you, Wednesday 4th January 2017- School opens
spare forms in the school office.
Monday 20th February to Friday 24th February
2017 —Half Term

Friday 7th April 2017—School closes 3.30pm for the
Easter break

Monday 24th April 2017—School opens

Monday 1st May 2017—Bank Holiday—School

Friday 26th May 2017—Teacher Training Day—
School closed

Monday 29th May to Friday 2nd June—Half Term

Thursday 20th July—School closes at 3.30pm

Friday 21st July—Teacher
Training day

Bilton Junior School To report your child absent please use:
[email protected]
Plantagenet Drive, Rugby To arrange an appointment to see your child’s class teacher use:
Warwickshire, CV22 5RU [email protected]
CV22 6LB To get a message passed onto your child’s class teacher use:
[email protected]
Phone: 01788 810675
E-mail: [email protected]

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