BJS Bulletin
Plantagenet Drive, Rugby, CV22 6LB
Deputy HeadlinesOF INTEREST:
Please pay for school Over the course of 2016/17 a number of new initiatives were
dinners via SIMS Agora introduced at lunchtime to improve the experience for both children
and staff. We had noticed that there were a high number of first aid and behaviour incidents
Prospective Open happening at lunchtime, so we set about doing something about it.
Evening / Mornings We introduced Marathon Wednesdays when all the children get the chance to
run a marathon over the course of the year (we’re going for 2 this year!) We
We warmly invite introduced ABCs (our anti-bullying committee) – a group of year 6 volunteers
prospective parents who, following some training from us, are available at play and lunch times to
and children to visit support children with any issues they may have.
Some of our lunchtime play leaders went on training to learn about different
our school. activities they could offer at lunchtimes. With more activities on offer we set
Thursday 5th October up a bulletin board which advertises the different adult led games on offer
which our ABCs also announce daily in assembly, along with who the ABC
2017 6.30pm to children and adults are for the day. We also now offer a quiet room twice a
8.00pm week for those children who prefer to read, draw or colour and have some
time away from the hustle and bustle of the playground.
Open mornings Finally in the summer term we introduced our ‘No Outsiders’ initiative which
Friday 13th October pro-actively addresses how we treat each other at school in line with the
and Monday 16th Equality Act.
The reaction from the children to our new look lunchtimes has been over-
October whelmingly positive and we have seen a drastic reduction in accident and
9am to 11.30am behaviour incidents recorded on Iris.
Please remember to This year the Lunchtime team, led by Mrs Reeves Brown, will continue to look
update the school at ways to improve our lunchtimes. Look out for ‘Fit and Funky Friday’ coming
office if your address, soon. Also Marathon Wednesday we restart at the beginning of October –
contact telephone keep an eye out for the letter explaining the digital system which will help us
numbers or email keep track of all the laps we hope the children will be running. We’d also love
address change as it some family adults to come and join us on Wednesdays either cheering the
is important we have children on or getting involved and running too. – You could earn a medal too!
the correct Mrs. Webb
information for your
children's contacts
recorded in school.
Lunch Time Top Table Punctuality
SERVICE WISDOM Every week Mrs. Congratulations to Oak House who won the Time Keeper's
Dylan M -5SS Award this week with only two late marks. Chestnut were
Maisey W—4BR Henry B—6CC Reeves-Brown and her close behind with 3 whilst Sycamore trailed way behind with 8.
Hanaa Y—4BR Sam M—6CC team awards children
Ruby B—6CC for demonstrating our Please remember the school day starts at 8.50a.m. If you
Aimee F—6CC have any issues getting to school/getting your children to
Kieran H—6CC FRIENDSHIP Christian values during
Kalvin G—6CC school on time, please contact Mrs Hodgson
lunch time, the at [email protected] or via the
Elizabeth B—4BR nominated children get
school office.
GENEROSITY an invitation to join the
Lauren G—4BR top table on the Friday
of that week.
Priya T—5SS Lateness = Lost Learning
Excellence Awards
Excellence Awards Is your child getting to school on time? Did you
This week’s Excellence Awards were presented to the
following children during Thursday’s assembly: 5 minutes late every day = 15 hours a year = 3 days of learning
10 minutes late every day = 30 hours a year = 6 days of learning
3SV—Harrison B for excellent science work on forces 15 minutes late every day = 45 hours a year = 9 days of learning
20 minutes late every day = 60 hours a year = 12 days of learning
3FS—Daniel A-E for always working hard and for being helpful and kind
to others Spare Uniform
3ED—Oscar H for always being ready to learn and showing excellent
learning behaviours
4AT—Rheagan F for her consistent effort in all her work
4DB—Axel M-H for some amazing writing in English The PTA are looking for any bits of uniform that your children
have outgrown and no longer need. Please send it in, in a bag
4BR—Katie H—great focus and always ready to learn marked 'PTA'. Thank you.
5JB— Lennon H—for persevering and showing good resilience, Mindful Parking
remember a growth mind Lennon! Just a reminder for all our new parents, please do not stop or
park on the yellow zig zag lines at the front of school for all
5JE—George for his amazing blocking skills in Bench Ball (awarded by our safety, especially children in our care. Thank you for not
Mrs. Stevens) using the school car park before 5 o'clock in the afternoon.
5SS—Sebastian for his fantastic team work during Bench Ball (awarded We Have Many Children
by Mr. Evans) But None to Spare
Please Drive Carefully
6AL—Aiden R for showing the BJS qualities. Really helpful to a year 3 at
6CC—Rhiana L for demonstrating independence, maturity and
6KC—Lira M for fantastic investigations in Maths
French—Grace N 5JB for superb speaking in French, modelling a
greeting conversation in front of the whole class from memory—
Missing Coat
Liam F (5JE) has lost his school coat. Please could you look out for
a thin summer coat, which is dark and light blue from Next.
Name tag should be on the coat. Thank you
Inspire Challenge Achieve
This half-term we are looking at Creativity from a faith perspective. We are looking at our amazing world
where we can take our inspiration from. We will be thinking about 'awe and wonder' and will be looking at some amazing
stories. We are all natural creators, whether your gift is art, dance, sport or drama. Maybe you are a lover of design tech-
nology or your passion is in maths. What do you love to create? An interesting discussion over your evening meal!
Children’s Young Carers:
We work closely with the Young Carers organisation and are proud
You may recall in our last update we advised you that we were to be the first primary school in Warwickshire to achieve their Gold
uncertain as to what our future involvement with Children's School’s Award!
University would be. Unfortunately we are still unclear, however
what we do know is that The Central Children’s University Trust Young Carers do an amazing job supporting young people who are
which was the 'arm' of the organisation that we were involved with, in a caring role. The project describes a Young Carer as 'a young
has now ceased to run. person who lives with someone who has an illness, disability,
mental health or substance misuse problem'.
The staff who used to support us assure us that Children's
University are working hard with local universities in the hope that If you think this project could help a young person in your life, have
they will agree to take on the running of this great scheme. As soon a look at the link and if you have any questions or would like a
as we know something we shall let you all know. referral making, either contact me in school or contact the project
They have, however, confirmed the graduation ceremony in
November will be taking place for those children who have achieved
100 stamps. Details of this will be shared with families when more Mrs. Hodgson
information is known. Home School Support Worker
Please feel free to send in any passports and time sheets that need
updating. (For Mrs Hodgson's attention please.)
Foodbank Harvest Collection
Every year we help support the Rugby Foodbank
with donations of food and we would like to do
the same this year. If you have any food from the items below
please can you bring them in on Wednesday 20th September. Rev-
erend Tim from St Marks will be in school to take the collection on
behalf of Bilton C of E Junior School. We keep a box in the front
entrance of school throughout the year for any donations you
have at other times. Your contributions make a massive difference
to our community.
Tinned Meat/Fish Tinned Rice Pudding/Custard
UHT milk/dried milk Tinned vegetables/fruit
Pasta/Rice (500g) Tinned Potatoes/Tomatoes
Coffee/hot chocolate Jam/Marmalade
Long Life Fruit Juice
Thank you in advance.
We hope you will support your PTA in the following
events, please pop them in the diary so you don’t miss out
on all the fun.
Friday 22nd September PTA Quiz
Friday 6th October—School Disco
Saturday 2nd December—Christmas Fayre
If you have any suggestions for the PTA or would like to get
involved please email [email protected]
The AGM meeting is on Tuesday
26th September at 7pm at
school—all welcome
Quiz Night
Entry forms available from the school office, Teams of
6 (adults only). £10 per team
Messy Church is a family friendly time full of fun, food games, crafts and worship
Where: Bilton Junior School
Time: 4.30pm - 6pm, Saturday 16th September 2017
Contact Jon Diesch 07907998079 or email [email protected]
School Information School—Diary Dates
School gates open at 8.30am, doors open at 8.40am 2017/2018
School starts at 8.50a.m - Any child arriving after this time is late and will be marked
Monday 23rd October to Friday 27th October
as such. 2017—Half Term
School finishes at 3.30p.m Monday 25th December to 5th January 2018—
If your child is ill and going to be absent please either telephone us on 01788 810675 Christmas Holiday
Monday 19th February to 23rd February 2018—
(you can leave a voice mail if the office is closed or busy) or email us Half term
on [email protected] Friday 30th March 2018 to 13th April 2018—Easter
If you feel you need to meet with a teacher face to face please email the school Holiday
office [email protected] Monday 7th May 2018—School Closed Bank Holi-
If you need to talk with a teacher over the phone or have a general enquiry for them day
please email [email protected] Our teachers are busy with your Friday 25th May 2018—Teacher Training Day
children in the classrooms all day however they will get back to you as soon as Monday 28th May to 1st June 2018—Half Term
possible. Friday 20th July 2018—Teacher training Day
If you would like to share concerns or contact Mrs Hodgson our Home/School
Support worker, please call the office, pop into school or email her directly
on [email protected]
Inspire Challenge Achieve