BJS Bulletin
BILTON C F E Plantagenet Drive, Rugby, CV 22 6LB
A great week here at BJS! Well done to all our Year 6 children who have worked exceptionally hard on
School Closed their SATs. Each and every one of them have put in 100% which is all we can ask of them. Well done to
Friday 25th teachers too. The week involves huge organisation to make the best quiet, calm setting for children
May - inset taking their tests. We move children from other year groups around to give Year 6 the best chances to
day focus. Thank you to my staff who have been amazing too!
The Royal Picnic was a great success too with lots of parents on site joining with us to eat. Some parents
and carers joined in the play too. I hope you all enjoy the wedding on Saturday.
I can't believe we only have a week left before half term. Next week children are taking part in Multi
Cultural/ faith week. They will join in with children from across years 3, 4 , 5 and 6 to learn about many
different cultures. Pictures will be a plenty next week.
Have a great weekend,
Mrs Norton
Sports Day
26th June 2018
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distribution list for
the bulletin please
Punctuality Congratulations for to Sycamore House this week who recorded 4 late marks. Oak were just behind them with
5 whilst Chestnut trailed with 8. This week has been an important week for year 6 so it was disappointing to
see so many year 6 pupils arriving late.
Thank you and well done to 3ED, 3FS and 6AL who did all manage to get in on time.
Congratulations also go to Sporsho B who received the personal Attendance Award this week for 100%
attendance so far this year.
PSQM Press Release
Bilton C of E Junior School Awarded Primary Science Quality Mark
Schools Awarded Primary Science Quality Mark
In May Primary Science Quality Awards have been awarded to 180 infant, junior, primary, middle and special schools to
celebrate a commitment to excellence in science teaching and learning. So far, since its national launch in 2010, almost
2800 schools across the UK have achieved the award.
The Primary School Quality Mark scheme enables schools to work together to share good practice and is supported by
professional development led by local experts. It encourages teacher autonomy and innovation while at the same time
offering a clear framework for development in science subject leadership, teaching and learning.
The Primary Science Quality Mark is led by the University of Hertfordshire, School of Education in partnership with the
Primary Science Teaching Trust. It is supported by the Royal Society for Chemistry, the Ogden Trust and the Association for
Science Education.
Jane Turner, PSQM National Director said: “Gaining a Primary Science Quality Award is a significant achievement for a
school. The profile and quality of science teaching and learning in each awarded school is very high. Children are engaging
with great science both in and outside the classroom, developing positive attitudes towards science as well as secure
science understanding and skills. Science subject leaders, their colleagues, head teachers, children, parents and governors
should be very proud.”
Walk to School Week from the 21st -24th May
We will be taking part in Walk to School Week and we invite you to join us! From the 21 st -24 th May we are
encouraging as many children and parents to walk to school as possible. This includes walking/cycling the whole
journey or simply parking further away from school and walking in.
Thank you
Happy walking!
Excellence Awards
This week’s Excellence Awards were presented to
the following children during Thursday’s assembly:
3SV—Leon G for his enthusiasm in all lessons—well done!
3FS—Ella P for always working hard and being a good role
model—well done!
3ED—Logan D for a fantastic improvement in his attitude
to his work. Great work this week Logan, keep it up!
4DB—Eleanor B for showing some great understanding in
maths this week
4BR—Olivia C for neat presentation and care of books
across the curriculum
4AT—Eloise S for her careful and detailed writing in Eng-
5JE—Zak H for excellent researching skills when booking a
holiday to Mexico
5SS—Oliver S for a superb Mayan myth—Fabulous!
5JB—Arjan S for working really hard to be ambitious for Please check to see whether you qualify for FSM, it doesn’t matter what
his future by completing his home learning year your child is in, if you think you qualify please apply as it takes
seconds to do! Please contact Mrs. Hodgson if you need any assistance!
6KC—The whole of 6KC for putting in 100% this week for
the SATS Claim your free school meals
6CC—The whole of 6CC for working so hard this week
6AL—Whole of 6AL and all of year 6 for their effort for
SATS—really proud!
Keep up the great work!
Photo Consent Applying for Free School Meals has never been easier.
Parents can either call 01926 359189 or visit
This week all pupils in year 3, 4 & 5 have been
given a photo consent form to bring home for and receive an instant decision
your attention. This is in preparation for the next regarding eligibility. Any information you provide will be treated in absolute
academic year.
confidence. If you receive certain benefits then your child may be eligible
Please complete the form and send it back with your child
by Thursday 07th June 2018 so the forms can be collected BJS Hockey Team
by the class teacher.
On Friday 11th May, 9 Year 5's
If your child's form is not received back in school we will went to Bilton High School for a
record it as not having your consent to capture images of hockey tournament. The team
them during the forthcoming year in school. played really well winning their
first 2 matches and losing their last
If you have not received your form yet please ask your match in the group stage. This
child to request another from the class teacher or pop meant we came second in the
into the school office and request another copy. group and contested the 3rd/4th
playoff. BJS then went on to win
the playoff and so came 3rd
overall! Well done to all our
players for all their effort.
May Half Term Multisport Holiday Club at Harris C of E Academy Sports Centre Play Rangers @ Dunchurch
Methodist Church Centre, CV22 6QE
9am –4pm £12 per day , with early and late pickup available (additional cost)
To book or for more information email: [email protected] or call 01788 818925 Every Monday 5pm to 6.30pm
For ages 3-13 years (parents
School—Diary Dates
PTA NEWS 2017/2018
Friday 25th May 2018—Teacher Training Day
Dates for your Diaries: Monday 28th May to 1st June 2018—Half Term
School Closes Thursday 19th July at 3.30pm
Friday 18th May—Royal Wedding Picnic Friday 20th July 2018—Teacher Training Day
Thursday 24th May School Disco 2018/2019
Friday 8th June—Family Bingo Monday 3rd September 2018—Teacher Training
Friday 22nd June—BBQ and Talent Show School Opens Tuesday 4th September 2018
Friday 13th July Year 6 Leavers Disco
Email: [email protected]
School Information Monday 29 October to Friday 2 November—Half
School gates open at 8.30am, doors open at 8.40am School Closes Friday 21st December 2018 at
School starts at 8.50a.m - Any child arriving after this time is late and 3.30pm
will be marked as such. Monday 7th January 2019—Teacher Training Day
School finishes at 3.30p.m School Opens Tuesday 8th January 2019
If your child is ill and going to be absent please either telephone us on 01788 810675 (you can leave a
Monday 18 February to Friday 22nd February
voice mail if the office is closed or busy) or email us on [email protected] 2019—Half Term
If you feel you need to meet with a teacher face to face please email the school office School Closes Friday 12 April 2019 at 3.30pm
[email protected] School Opens Monday 29 April 2019
If you need to talk with a teacher over the phone or have a general enquiry for them please email Monday 6th May 2019—School Closed Bank
[email protected] Our teachers are busy with your children in the classrooms all day
however they will get back to you as soon as possible.
If you would like to share concerns or contact Mrs Hodgson our Home/School Support worker, please
call the office, pop into school or email her directly on [email protected]
Inspire Challenge Achieve