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Published by mrsthomas, 2019-03-22 07:55:15



BJS Bulletin


Plantagenet Drive, Rugby, CV22 6LB 22ND MARCH 2019

HeadlinesBILTON C OF E £412 raised for the Ups
of Downs charity—

Hello there,

SPECIAL The highlight of this week has definitely been raising money and awareness of Down
POINTS OF syndrome for the 'Ups of Downs' charity.
The Ups of Downs provides services for families, in Warwickshire and the surrounding
BJS Art counties, who have a child with Down syndrome. These include weekly activity groups,
competition— specialist training for parents and teaching professionals and specialist Speech and
details on the Language Therapy sessions for the children.
last page of the
They are always looking for supporters to work with them to provide learning
bulletin interventions and training and to be part of our advocacy role in working towards people with
Down syndrome being valued and accepted as a normal element of the society we all live in.

The money we have raised, in its entirety, directly improve a child’s life. All administrators and
Trustees are volunteers and take no financial reward for the work they do for The Ups of
Downs. If you wish to find out more about how you could support the charity then please visit
their web page.

I guess the reason we hold this charity close to our hearts is that we have supported a child,
who is now in his last year with us at BJS who has Down syndrome. The child and his family
have been a blessing to us and we wanted to give something back to the charity they are
involved with.

I must say at this point that the children who have grown up with the boy in question have
really benefited from the relationship that has grown between them. I have never met such a
genuinely lovely class of children and I have no doubt that this is in part due to the
relationship they have developed.

Kind regards,
Mrs Norton

Cross Country Team

Twelve children from year 6 have represented BJS
in the primary schools cross country trials.
This took place over 3 different courses, with over
80 other children from Rugby schools competing
to represent Rugby in the finals. Pupils at BJS
battled for the top 20 positions to give them the
chance to compete in the final.

Throughout the trials most BJS children finished in
the top 10—A massive well done to the cross
country team!

We have just heard 5 children from BJS have
made it to the finals and will be representing
Rugby on the 23rd March.
I hope you will join the school in wishing those
children all the best and good luck for Saturday.

Inspire Challenge Achieve

3SV—Liam H 4AT—Savannah H for studies and being ambitious
always hardworking, always being helpful, kind for his future
engaged in his learning and considerate to others
and always a pleasure to 6JB—Lola T for being
have in class 4DB—Kiefer T for always considerate, kind and
trying his best thoughtful
3ES—Aiden McE always
kind to other children, 5SS—Lowan McG for 6KC—Amelie B always
contributes to class ALWAYS giving his all, working hard and doing the
discussions with fantastic being a delight to teach and right thing
ideas an excellent role model for
his peers 6CC—Maddie E for always
3ED—Aaryan for being being kind and helpful
conscientious and an all 5JE—Eden C for being
round hard worker positive every day and eager
to learn
4FM—Connor B for always
trying his best 5AL—Bennie R really
working hard with his

Excellence Awards Punctuality

3SV—Emilia W for always trying her best and Well done this week to Oak and Sycamore Houses for
being a patient, supportive talk partner perfect time keeping! That means they get valuable leaves
3ES—Seb H for always having a smile on his face
and making others smile too for being Golden Pocket Watch Award winners!
3ED—Daisy-May B for making excellent Our individual award this week goes to Luca in 3SV for 100%
contributions in class
4AT—Kathryn B for contributions to class discus- attendance.
4FM—Elijah H for his enthusiasm for reading— Top Table Every week
well done for working hard on accelerated reader Mr. Wilson and his team awards
quizzes Service 5AL children for demonstrating our
4DB—Jayden B for some fantastic sentences in Hanaa Y 6CC Christian values during lunch
English this week Charlie K time, the nominated children
5AL—Harriet G for always being an active get an invitation to join the top
participant in class Wisdom table on the Friday of that week
5JE—Finley W for completing all homework and Karishma L 3ES
all classwork to a high standard
5SS—Grace W for improved attendance and her Respect 4AT
positive attitude to work Liam C 3ES
6KC—Seb O for great all round effort Thomas H
6CC—Grace N for being a kind, resilient member
of the class Responsibility
6JB—Roll over Martha K 4DB

Thank you to everyone who came to our science afternoon to celebrate Science
week. The week began with a fascinating assembly about the journey of recycling
presented by one of our parents, Mrs Harlock. Years 3, 4 and 5 then investigated a
variety of journeys from nurons to light and electricity. It was wonderful to see so
many parents, grandparents and other family members come into school on Thursday
afternoon and the children really enjoyed sharing their investigations with you.

This term, BJS are taking part in 'Spring Slam' a school If you are engaged in the 40 acts for Lent then you might like to know the
-wide timestable competition. Every week, each class is challenges for the week ahead:
doing a timed times tables quiz and the class in each
Monday 25th March - Say thank you to your teacher or
year with the highest average score and most Learning Support Assistant for teaching you
improved average score gets a certificate. This means Tuesday 26th March - Congratulate others when they are
that everyone's score matters and everyone can work doing well
hard to improve their class's average score. There are Wednesday 27th March - Help return lost property to the
even 5 bonus points available for anyone who gets full right owner
Thursday 28th March - Leave the classroom as clean and tidy as you can
marks! Get practising your times tables at home to Friday 29th March - Make a class introduction pack in case anyone new joins
help your class win! before the end of the year or for next year
Saturday 30th March - Give someone a nice compliment

Art Competition!

Did you know that it is 500 years since Leonardo da Vinci’s death?
Since he was one of the greatest artists known, Mrs McKee is holding an
Art competition.

Submit a re-interpretation of the painting, The Mona Lisa
Hand in: Friday 3rd May to Mrs McKee in 4FM
***50p entry fee. Prizes available for winners!***
(Early entries will not be accepted due to space and please do not fold or
roll artwork)

• You can use any medium, e.g. paint, pencil, pastel, collage…
• It must be A4 or A3 size only.
• It must be all your own work, although an adult at home can offer advice and support.
• Submit the artwork paper-clipped to this sheet along with your 50p, and, using no more than

200 words, write an explanation about your piece to include information such as: Why have
you interpreted it this way? What steps/techniques and materials did you use? How does
your finished piece of artwork make you feel? Why? Do you think Da Vinci would like this
piece of artwork? Why/why not?

Take a copy of the submission form from your teacher if you wish to participate.
~Enjoy the creative process!~

PTA NEWS School—Diary Dates

 School Closes Friday 12 April
Dates for your Diaries: 2019 at 3.30pm

 Wednesday 10th  School Opens Monday 29 April
April—Easter Egg 2019
 Monday 6th May 2019—School
 Friday 7th June— Closed Bank Holiday
Family Bingo
 Monday 27 May to Friday 31 May
 Saturday 22nd June—
Summer Fayre 2019—Half Term

NEXT PTA Meeting—  Monday 3 June 2019—Teacher
Tuesday 14th May @ Training Day
school, 7pm all welcome
 School closes Thursday 18 July
2019 at 3.30pm

 Fri 19 July & Mon 22 July -
Teacher training

 Monday 2nd September 2019—
Teacher training

 Monday 28th October to 1st
November—half term

Thank You—Every little helps

Thanks you to Oliver B, Solomon C, Aiden M and Felix H from 3ES
for organising a lucky dip to raise funds for the solardome.

They raised £11.37 in total

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