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Published by mrsthomas, 2016-11-18 05:33:58

bulletin 18.11.16

bulletin 18.11.16




SPECIAL Headlines
INTEREST: Hello Everyone,

 Please ensure I wish to start this week with a massive thank you for the Christmas boxes that
children have people have sent in. It is wonderful to see the faces of the children bringing them in
their coats in
school to school so heaven only knows what it must be like to
receive a gift like this if you are desperately in need. The
Do you run a boxes given vary in size, colour and contents but each one
small business has been packed with a lot of love. Thank you for your
(craft related) , if generosity. At the last count there were 60 boxes collected...
so get in touch to
hold a stall at the This week has seen us concentrate on Anti Bullying week. We kicked off on Monday with an assembly
entitled 'You are not alone' and I shared a very moving clip of a young girl named Holly who suffered
Christmas bullying and it shows the effects that it had on her life. You may wish to see the clip shared: https://
Extravaganza on

the 26th I made it clear to our children that bullying is when someone or a group of people repeatedly targets
November—£10 an individual and makes them feel vulnerable, isolated and sad. This bullying can be face to face or
per stall
We then looked at a two pieces of paper one which was screwed up and then unfolded. We looked at
the creases and discussed how they looked like scars. The scars are created when someone has been
repeatedly hurt by words or actions. I spoke of our Anti Bullying policy and who the children need to
talk to if they feel they are being bullied. They can speak to Class teachers, Learning Support Assis-
tants, Lunchtime Play leaders and Mrs Hodgson. We are a school that does not tolerate bullying of
any kind.

If you feel your child is being bullied then please in the first
instance ask them to tell someone about it in school and then
do not hesitate to contact us. Next, go to your child's class
teacher, then to their Phase leader (Mrs Thompson Yr. 3/4 or
Miss Lewis Yr. 5/6). Appointments are made via the office. If
you feel the issue has not been resolved then please contact
Mrs Webb, my Deputy Headteacher and/or myself. Having
been bullied myself at school I am passionate that children
should not need to be subjected to anything that causes them

During the week the children in class are focusing on writing story boards and debating themes
around Anti Bullying. Please take the opportunity to talk to your children about this serious issue.

PTA Christmas Fayre—Donations required please

Y3/4 make a Christmas cracker & donations of chocolate item donation.

Y5/6 make a Christmas sweet jar & bottle tombola donation, details on letter
sent to class last week, spare copies in office. All to be sent into school on
Friday 25 November. Thank you

Year 6—Mathematicians Competition Punctuality
Well done to the team of year 6
pupils who have got through the first Congratulations to Oak House this week who won the
round in the Young Mathematicians time keepers award with 5 late marks.
competition in the area. They are
now in the area final which will take Thank you to everyone this week, we have seen an
place in a couple of weeks. Quotes improvement across the whole school this week.
from the children taking part:
Last Friday, a group of children went
‘The questions were challenging, particularly the last one!’ to the Rugby Hall of Fame museum. It
‘We had to work as a team’ and ‘We want to win next week’s final’ was brilliant! We
Year 5 & 6—Primary Maths Challenge recommend you
Pupils in year 5& 6 have taken part in the Primary go there! By
Maths challenge this week. Asher and Toby

Excellence Awards Rugby
Hall of
This week’s Excellence Awards were presented to the following Fame
children during Thursday’s assembly: Museum

3FR—Josh K for working hard and concentrating at all times this School Uniform Reminder
week—keep it up!
3AT—Megan W for working hard in all lessons We have a strict adherence to our school uniform
3ED—Ewan H for a huge improvement to learning policy (please view on the school website). There
4SV—Casey D for her excellent attitude towards school and area a lot of children coming in with jewellery,
learning bangles, nail varnish etc which are not uniform.
4BY—Lauren B for working really hard in maths—Well Done! Over the next couple of weeks we will be ensuring that all BJS
4JE—Roll over children are conforming to the uniform policy.
3FM—Myia D for her improved attitude to learning by doing her
very best No nail varnish or Jewellery are permitted, with the
5BG—Harry P for a fantastic effort in his English work. Keep it up! exception of sleeper studs.
5SS—Kieran B for a much improved listening and concentration
in lessons. Keep it up! During P.E lessons earrings should be removed to ensure
6AL—Marcus S for actively participating in lessons and making safety. Children must be responsible for removing their
good contributions own ear studs and for keeping them safe during P.E./
6CC—Thomas U for a very effective piece of writing based on Games.
Private Peaceful. Well Done! Children who cannot remove earrings will be required to
6KC—Lola M always been responsible and extremely helpful supply and apply their own Micro-Pore tape for safety
French—4BY—Shayni M for always doing her best and always reasons.
challenging herself to improve—superbe! Please ensure children have jumpers / cardigans in school!

Lunch Time Top RESPONSIBILITY Every week Mrs.
Tatum C—5SS Reeves-Brown
WISDOM Mackenzie H—5SS awards children
Joel B—4BY Adam M—5SS for demonstrating
COMPASION Teves L—5SS our Christian
Alfie C—4SV Jessica M—4BY values during
Arthur M—6KC Darcy V—4BY lunch time, the
RESPECT nominated
Edward M—5SS children get an
Joseph M—5BG invitation to join
Richie F—5SS the top table on
the Friday of that

Always Child

3AT—Mya L is always polite, hard working and helpful
3FR—Elizabeth B for an excellent attitude towards learning and always being thoughtful, kind and polite.
3ED—Haider K for an excellent attitude to learning, always ready to learn, contribute and help others
4BY—Sophie C—always has excellent attitude to everything she does, quiet but helpful and a great learning ambassador
4SV—Oliver H for always trying his very best and working incredibly hard. Oliver is always thoughtful, kind and considerate.
4JE Oliver F—always working hard in every lesson. Always producing great home learning.
5BG—Tily C for being kind, considerate, generous with her time - helpful and polite to her friends
5FM—Finley D for trying his best in his learning and always being kind and considerate
5SS—Emily W for being thoughtful and her readiness for learning
6AL—Tilly S a very conscientious student, always producing great learning
6KC—Arthur M—always making a great effort and doing his upmost to improve
6CC—Hema K for always working hard and always on task, her work is always
beautifully presented.


In the event of any bad weather where it is necessary to close the school an announcement will be made on Rugby FM 107.1, BBC
Coventry & Warwickshire 94.8FM and Free Radio 97 & 102.9 FM. Please do not ring the school but listen to the radio.
Alternatively sign up for free school closure text alerts to your mobile phone – please log on to:
We will also use our own text messaging service – Text2parents to notify you of closure.

Zebra Crossing on Bawnmore Road Inconsiderate Bad Parking Continues!

Its been brought to our attention that a near miss occurred on Please, please, please
the Zebra crossing on Cymbeline Way. Please can we remind stop parking on
you that priority is given to pedestrians and that drivers need
to be more vigilant. Please can you reiterate to your children double yellow lines—
that they must wait at the zebra crossing until cars from both they are there for
directions have stopped. We have reinforced this message in everyone’s safety.
school too.
Pictures are now being
sent onto our local PCSO

Christmas Carol Services

This Year our Christmas celebrations are happening during the day on Thursday 15th December at
St Mark's church. Yr. 3 and 6 service begins at 10 a.m and Yr. 4 and 5 service begins at 2p.m. You are
warmly invited to join us for the Carol services. If you can help walk down to the church, we leave at 9:30
and 1:30 respectively. I will ask for volunteers a bit nearer the time. :-)

Prayer Group

For a number of years now, we hold a prayer group on a Monday morning where a small group of parents
meet to pray for the school. If you feel you have time between 8:50 and 9:10 and would like to join us, then
please come along. If you can't make it then please keep us in your prayers anyway. Thank you your thoughts
and prayers are much appreciated. If you have any issue you would like prayer for we have a small box in the
front entrance to the school. Post a prayer if you would like to :-)

Saturday 26th November 2016 PTA NEWS [email protected]

10am to 1pm We hope you will support your PTA in the
following events, please pop them in the diary so
you don’t miss out on all the fun.

Friday 18th November 2016—School Disco
Saturday 26th November 2016—Christmas Fayre
Friday 27th January 2017 - School Disco
Friday 10th February 2017 - Quiz Night
Friday 31st March 2017— Family Bingo Night
Friday 12th May 2017—School Disco
Friday 30th June 2017 -Summer BBQ/Talent
Friday 14th July 2017—Leavers Disco

Thank you to all that helped at the firework
night and thanks to all those that attended. We
hope to have a total of the monies raised next

All proceeds will go towards the flooring of the trim

School Information School—Diary Dates

 School gates open at 8.40a.m Friday 16th December 2016—school
closes at 3.30pm
 School starts at 8.50a.m - Any child arriving after this time is late and will
marked as such. Wednesday 4th January 2017- School opens

 School finishes at 3.30p.m Monday 20th February to Friday 24th February
2017 —Half Term
 If your child is ill and going to be absent please either telephone us on
01788 810675 (you can leave a voice mail if the office is closed or busy) or Friday 7th April 2017—School closes 3.30pm for the
email us on [email protected] Easter break

 If you feel you need to meet with a teacher face to face please Monday 24th April 2017—School opens
email [email protected]
Monday 1st May 2017—Bank Holiday—School
 If you need to talk with a teacher over the phone or have a general closed
enquiry for them please email [email protected] Our
teachers are busy with your children in the classrooms all day however Friday 26th May 2017—Teacher Training Day—
they will get back to you as soon as possible. School closed

 If you would like to share concerns or contact Mrs Hodgson our Home/ Monday 29th May to Friday 2nd June—Half Term
School Support worker, please call the office, pop into school or email her
directly on [email protected] Thursday 20th July—School closes at 3.30pm

Friday 21st July—Teacher Training day

Inspire Challenge Achieve

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