BJS Bulletin
BILTON C F E Plantagenet Drive, Rugby, CV 22 6LB
Fabulous turn out at the 'Pop up' Gallery event last Friday. A big thank you to all of
Year 6 Leavers you who came and all those who exhibited. Thank you also goes to the Mayor of
Disco Rugby who came to open the event. Mrs Bodepudi and I first came up with the idea
for the gallery of children's art work after we won a place in the 'Take One Picture' initiative at the
Friday 13th July National Gallery. Our event was called 'The Road Less Travelled' as we value everyone at BJS. A link to
7pm –8.30pm what it was all about from The Rugby Advertiser can be found here: https://
IMPORTANT setbacks-1-8550634
To continue
receiving the Induction day was great this year too. Tuesday saw all the children joining us
school bulletin next year coming to spend the day with us whilst the oldest in school attending
for 2018/19 their secondary schools for the day. It was great to see children from
please visit the Bawnmore Infants, Bilton Infants, Henry Hinde Infants and also Dunchurch
school website Infants. I ran a special assembly which culminated in us creating a floral display
to re-subscribe with the colours that represent all the schools and we thought about all the
to our mailing wonderful gifts that they bring with them. Happiness, knowledge, fun, laughter,
care, friendship and trust were just a few adjectives that they offered to bring
list. with them. I welcome them with open arms.
The page is
under school The Year 6 performances were also this week, interrupted by induction days and a certain football
info—bulletin. match... which we successfully rearranged at the last minute! Thanks to all the children who gave 100%
Thank you and to parents for coming along to enjoy the show. A huge 'thank you' to Mrs Craddock an actress who
helps us each year, (she also runs STORYBOX and after school drama group) and the Year 6 Staff who
Lunch Time— give everything at this time of year to our children.
Next week we I will be writing the last bulletin entry of the year. I cannot quite believe it and I always
Fresh water is feel a little sad that another year has passed, but I must admit I am ready for a holiday!
available on the
tables at lunch Mrs Norton
time for all Well Done BJS Football Team
Our Year 3/4 boys played in a football
tournament at Paddox on Tuesday 10th
July. They played 5 matches. Winning 3,
drawing 1 and losing the other. They
played exceptionally well and finished 3rd
Overall. Well done!
Another opportunity to meet your child’s call teacher—Wednesday 18th July 3.30pm to 4.00pm
Apologies if you missed the headlines in the bulletin on the 6th July advertising meeting your child’s new
class teacher. As some people missed meeting the new class teachers on the induction day, the teachers
will be available on Wednesday the 18th July after school. Thank you
Well done to Sycamore and Oak Houses thisPunctualitySupport over the holidays:
week. Both houses received the Time Keeper's Please see below a message from the Warwickshire Local Welfare Scheme:
Award with only 1 late mark in each house. The Warwickshire Local Welfare Scheme helps the most vulnerable
residents at times of unavoidable crisis. It provides basic and
Chestnut were close behind with 2. essential help for food and energy. This is provided either in emergency food
parcels or with credit for energy. It is not a cash benefit.
This week Robyn M received the We recognise that some families eligible for free school meals struggle financially
individual Attendance Award for improved and have difficulty covering the period when their children are off school during
attendance. the school holidays. This Scheme is therefore an opportunity to reach and help
those most in need by supporting families with the cost of food for their children
Go to the Family Information over the school holiday period. Applications for support will be taken
Service Facebook page for ideas from Monday 23rd July to Friday 31st August 2018.
on free or low cost summer So if you (or someone you know) are registered for Free School Meals (FSM) and
holiday activities. need some financial support over the summer holidays, please contact the
Warwickshire Local Welfare Scheme. The telephone contact number is 0800 408 1448 or 01926 359182. When calling, please make reference to the eligibility
WarwickshireFIS/notes/?ref=page_internal for free school meals.
School Meals Next Week
Pupils will make their choices as they pick up their meals from the
serving hatch as the kitchen is using up stock & emptying freezers &
some choices will be different to the menu.
School meal prices will INCREASE from September to £2.25 per day
£11.25 per week.
BJS Art Thank you to all who attended the
Exhibition fabulous exhibition.
Excellence Awards Messy Church at BJS this Saturday—July 14th 2018
This week’s Excellence Awards were presented to Time: 4.30pm to 6pm (4.30-5pm eat a meal together, 5-5.30pm craft
the following children during Thursday’s assembly: activities, 5.30 to 6pm Messy church celebration)
Please note you are required to stay with your
3SV—Maeve E for her cheerful, hardworking attitude For more info 07901 998079 or email
to all she does [email protected] to book
your places.
3FS—Megan C for a fantastic end to the school year!
Shoe Share is Back!
3ED—Kaso H for hard work and consistent effort
As with last year we would ask children to leave their
4DB—Lailah F for wonderful insightful responses in old/unwanted shoes behind when they leave us at
class home time 19/7. I will then ensure they get to Clarks who will send the
shoes for reuse.
4AT—Ollie Y for his effort and increased confidence in
his learning Mrs Hodgson
4BR—Natalia Z for giving 100% in her work
5JE—Lola T for continued excellent presentation in all
5SS—Gene F for his positive attitude in all that her All Weather Running Track—Please keep voting for us!
5JB—Madi E & Ewan T for being hard-working and We have great aspirations for our all weather running track
polite members of the class which will be installed on the school field using a rubber
6AL—6AL for putting on a great show . Two more to surface but we need your votes at Tesco Stores to make it
go! possible!
6CC—6CC for putting on a fabulous play!
6KC—6KC for the fabulous performance Voting is open in all Tesco stores
from Sunday 1st July to Friday 31st
Language Learning opportunities August 2018, there is no minimum
spend and if you are not automatically given a token please ask
for one! We would love to win the 1st prize of £4000.
Thank you
Tesco Bags of Help
We have recently bought a fantastic Lunch Time Top Table Every week Mrs.
language learning programme in
school called Linguascope. The students can access it by FOR DISPLAYING ALL OF THE VALUES OF THE Reeves-Brown
going online to or by SCHOOL DURING THEIR TIME AT BJS and her team
downloading the "Beginner" app. The students can use awards children
it to practise the French we have been doing in recent
lessons, revise topics from earlier years, or they can Riley H 6KC Rhiana L 6CC for
even access a different language if they wish. I will be Charlie R 6KC Richie F 6AL demonstrating
showing the children in lessons how to navigate our Christian
Linguascope and access everything they need. I will also
be sending home a card with the school username and Liel M 6KC George W 6KC values during
password for them to use. If you do not receive this or
would like further information, please Liron M 6KC Tille C 6CC lunch time, the
contact the school office. nominated
Madame Jago The 8 children who receive an invite will be asked to bring children get an
invitation to join
another pupil to accompany them. We want to encourage the the top table on
children to ask someone who has never been invited to the top the Friday of
table in the past. This can be either a usual friend or someone that week.
in their class or year group they do not usually play with at
_________T: 07971073530 / 07849168639 E: [email protected]____ _________
Our club offers children a chance to learn the coolest commercial & hip-hop moves to the latest songs whilst having fun in a relaxed and safe environment. We
incorporate challenging games which teach children life skills, self- confidence and encourage them to be active. Our most important aim is to have FUN. What better
way to end the day!!
We run a motivating awards system where each month one child who we feel has excelled and improved considerably will receive a Funstar trophy, there may also be the
opportunity to show off their talent in assemblies, school performances and to parents.
Funstar StreetDance -(3.30pm -4.30pm) Friday’s 14th September - 14th December 2018 – 13 sessions @ £3.50 = £45.50
TO APPLY: please go to registration/payment tab. Then select the PTA NEWS
click here link for term time classes.
Limited spaces are available therefore places will be given on a first come first serve basis.
(All current children must also apply online every term or their name will not be added to our online register)
Many thanks Funstar Education ☺
IDS—ASD support course Dates for your Diaries:
Friday 13th July Year 6 Leavers Disco
Thursday 8th November—Fireworks @BJS
Email: [email protected]
The Integrated Disability Service are offering support to families who have a child/ School—Diary Dates
children with an ASD diagnosis who attend mainstream school.
The course, described as ''An informative, interactive programme to help you School Closes Thursday 19th July at 3.30pm
to understand your child'', takes place in Rugby 19th & 26th September and 3rd & Friday 20th July 2018—Teacher Training Day
10th October 2018 – (10.00am to 1.00pm). The cost is £10 for all 4 sessions.
Application forms are available by emailing 2018/2019
[email protected] or please contact Mrs. Hodgson at
school who can also provide you with an application form. Spaces will be offered on Monday 3rd September 2018—Teacher Training
a first come first served basis. Day
Thank you to the PTA for the scooter pods. Can we please remind parents not to let School Opens Tuesday 4th September 2018
their children climb on top of the scooter pods and the benches at the front of the
school. Monday 29 October to Friday 2 November—Half
Thank you
School Closes Friday 21st December 2018 at
School Information Monday 7th January 2019—Teacher Training Day
School Opens Tuesday 8th January 2019
School gates open at 8.30am, doors open at 8.40am Monday 18 February to Friday 22nd February
School starts at 8.50a.m - Any child arriving after this time is late and 2019—Half Term
School Closes Friday 12 April 2019 at 3.30pm
will be marked as such. School Opens Monday 29 April 2019
Monday 6th May 2019—School Closed Bank
School finishes at 3.30p.m Holiday
If your child is ill and going to be absent please either telephone us on 01788 810675 (you can leave a Monday 27 May to Friday 31 May 2019—Half Term
Monday 3 June 2019—Teacher Training Day
voice mail if the office is closed or busy) or email us on [email protected] School closes Thursday 18 July 2019 at 3.30pm
Fri 19 July & Mon 22 July - Teacher training
If you feel you need to meet with a teacher face to face please email the school office
[email protected]
If you need to talk with a teacher over the phone or have a general enquiry for them please email
[email protected] Our teachers are busy with your children in the classrooms all day
however they will get back to you as soon as possible.
If you would like to share concerns or contact Mrs Hodgson our Home/School Support worker, please
call the office, pop into school or email her directly on [email protected]
Inspire Challenge Achieve