FDS Dear Parents / Carers,
(Football Development) This week has seen lots of involvement from parents which
I am so thankful for. If you have helped to den build at
As well as sessions taking Cock Robin Wood or if you have been to a Yr 4 assembly
place during the Easter your contribution has been gratefully received. Our com-
holiday, the after school munity feels stronger and stronger by the day. Look out for
sessions start Monday & lots more opportunities to get involved next term! (Alison R
Tuesday 24 & 25th April, sending some photos) Thanks too for my Governors who
letters have been sent to spent an evening this week evaluating their support for the
class. school and setting our vision for the future.
All the children have been involved in a week of RE as we are leading up to the
important Christian festival of Easter. The year groups have been looking into
some big questions, such as: Why does Easter matter to Christians? Why do
Christians call the day Jesus died, 'Good Friday'? What did Jesus do to save
human beings? What difference does resurrection make for Christians? See
photos of some of the work that has been produced. We look forward to
looking at celebrations of other faiths going forward.
I wish you a really Happy Easter and hope you manage to have a break. I am
looking forward to 'going slow' for a week or so and recharging my batteries for the Summer Term :-)
Many Blessings, Mrs Norton
Lunch Time Top Table Every week Mrs.
Reeves-Brown and
FRIENDSHIP FRIENDSHP her team awards Photos from this week - 3AT completed their
Luke B - 6KC CONT…... children for PE unit of Tri Golf by creating their own golf
Reuben L-S - 6KC Kayden E - 6KC demonstrating our
Dylan F - 6KC Dylan M - 4SV Christian values course on the field. We practised our
Connor S- 6KC Archie B - 4SV during lunch time, chipping and putting skills by creating sand
Dawson B - 6KC GENEROSITY the nominated
Joshua E - 6KC Esme E - 4JE children get an and water features from cones.
Cory McC - 6KC Hermione T - 4JE invitation to join
Joseph E - 6KC the top table on the
SERVICE Friday of that week.
Zara S - 4JE
Excellence Awards Hay fever medication
Children should not be sent into school
This week’s Excellence Awards were presented to the with any hay fever tablets, school cannot
following children during Thursday’s assembly:
administer it.
3AT—Megan B for her positive and focused attitude when den Thank you for your cooperation
3FR—Jake O for a great improvement in writing—well done!
Thank you and well done to everyone this week! Our
3ED—Eloise S for consistent hard work, helpfulness and school total for late marks this week dropped to 10 for the
whole school.
4SV—Oliver H for consistently fabulous home learning—well Chestnut and Oak both get the Time Keeper's Award with 3
done! late marks in each house (4 of those were from their year 3
classes.) Sycamore were very close behind with 4 late marks.
4BY—Eden C for a mature attitude and conscientious ap-
proach to learning 4BY, 5BG, 5SS, 6AL and 6KC all recorded 0 late marks.
Thank you all for your efforts.
4JE—Evelyn J for continued excellence in class and some great
assessment scores 5BG still lead on attendance with 97%.
Enjoy a well earned rest over Easter. We look forward to
5FM—Liel M for consistently following school rules, applying
himself and generally being a pleasant member of the class seeing everyone back in school, on time, next term!
5BG—Hope S for a fab up level of her persuasive speech—
great effort!
5SS—Evie C for helping her peers with their fraction work
6AL—Charlie H for being resilient and persevering with his
SATS studies
6CC—Sam G for continually editing to up level his writing and
a fantastic ‘Alma’ first draft
6KC—Hazel B for an improved attitude across the board
French—Charlotte N (3ED) for an excellent improvement in
effort in French lessons recently. Bravo!
Inspire Challenge Achieve
For all Year 6 parents
To aid with parents and carers understanding of the SATs and the SATs process, please can you
refer to the Bilton Junior School web site where documents have been posted in the Year 6 area.
There is also information relating to the different subjects which will be tested with some sample
style questions. Advice, tips and tricks: ideas on how to remain positive over the testing period are
also available. Hopefully, you will find this of benefit.
If parents have any further queries about the tests after reading these
documents, please do not hesitate to contact a representative of Year 6.
Do you want to promote your business with us?
In the school bulletin we hope to issue a monthly page showing local businesses.
Please get in touch if you wish to advertise, all we are asking in return is that you
make a small donation to the school, whether this be a cash donation or a PTA
raffle prize .
Please email: [email protected]
Warwickshire County Caterers
The price of a school meal for Junior School pupils will be £2.10 per day during the first half of the Summer Term.
School opens on Monday 24 April and the cost of meals is estimated as follows:-
****REMINDER to make payments using the Agora cashless system if possible please.****
If you haven’t registered yet & need your activation code reissued contact the school office.
5 day week £10.50 ** Y5 deduct 3 days for PGL
1/2 term payment (24 days) £50.40** 26-28 April if applicable
Monday 24 April– Friday 26 May 2017 ** Y3&4 deduct 1 day Museum Trips
except Monday1 May (Bank Holiday)
May we remind parents that 48 hours written notice or, Friday for Monday, is required if children wish to change from
school meals to sandwiches or vice versa. Many thanks
Thank you to all those that entered the PTA Archery Competition
Easter Egg competition. As always we had
some great entrants which made judging On Tuesday afternoon.
them really hard! The winners are as follows: 3 of BJS's finest archers
took part in an Archery
Year 3 - Laura O (3AT) and Axel M H (3AT) competition at St
Matthew's Bloxham.
Year 4—Ivy F (4JE) and Noah K (4JE) The 3 were Tristan,
Daisy and Jess all in Year
Year 5—Joe M (5BG) and Moreblessing W 6. It was a fun and competitive
(5FM) afternoon and many targets were hit by
all teams. After 3 rounds of tense
Year 6—India H (6AL) and Lewis F (6CC) competition the results were
announced... BJS won! Congratulations
Adult / Sibling—Adelaide C-H and Mrs Tilley
PTA [email protected]
We hope you will support your PTA in the
following events, please pop them in the diary
so you don’t miss out on all the fun.
Friday 30th June 2017 -Summer BBQ/Talent
Friday 14th July 2017—Leavers Disco
Harris C of E Academy Kwik Cricket Coaching at Rugby Cricket Club, Webb Ellis
Bikeability Training—Easter Break 2017 Road, Rugby
Level 2—pupils in Year 5&6 (both days to be attended) If your children wish to learn how to play cricket
Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th April 9.15am to 12.30pm then please come along to 90 minute coaching
sessions every Sunday at 10:30-12:00 commencing
£20 per person 23rd April (subject to dry weather conditions). The sessions
are open to both infants and junior aged children and will cost
Level 1—pupils in year 3,4 & 5
Monday 10th April 9.30 am to 11.45am - £12 per person £3.50 for one child or £6 for two.
To book your place or for more info call Debbie on 01788 812549 ext 304 or The sessions are run by ECA recognised coaches to provide
email [email protected] cricket skills, fun match practice using soft balls as well as
some useful exercise. Additionally, the children will have a
Metcalf Multi-Sports—Easter Holiday Course drink and biscuit during a mid-session break plus a sandwich
and lolly at the end of the session. Parents & carers can watch
10th –13th April 9am to 3pm from the pavilion with a tea or coffee during the session.
At Abbots Farm Infant School
For more info please contact Ashley 07792659978 or email If you would like further information please contact Chris Carr
[email protected] at [email protected]/07740075670
School Information School—Diary Dates
School gates open at 8.40a.m Friday 7th April 2017—School closes
3.30pm for the Easter break
School starts at 8.50a.m - Any child arriving after this time is late and will be marked Monday 24th April 2017—School opens
as such. Monday 1st May 2017—Bank Holiday—School
School finishes at 3.30p.m Friday 26th May 2017—Teacher Training Day—
School closed
If your child is ill and going to be absent please either telephone us on 01788 810675 Monday 29th May to Friday 2nd June—Half Term
(you can leave a voice mail if the office is closed or busy) or email us Tuesday 4th July—Sports Day
on [email protected] Tuesday 11th July—Induction day—new classes
Thursday 20th July—School closes at 3.30pm
If you feel you need to meet with a teacher face to face please Friday 21st July—Teacher Training day
email [email protected] 2017/2018
Term starts Tuesday 5th September 2017
If you need to talk with a teacher over the phone or have a general enquiry for them
please email [email protected] Our teachers are busy with your
children in the classrooms all day however they will get back to you as soon as
If you would like to share concerns or contact Mrs Hodgson our Home/School
Support worker, please call the office, pop into school or email her directly
on [email protected]
Inspire Challenge Achieve