BJS Bulletin
Plantagenet Drive, Rugby, CV22 6LB
Now the cold Dear Parents/ Carers,
weather is here,
What a great week in school this week. Plenty of learning going on and a few wonderful events that
please ensure I would love to share with you. The first is 'the food festival' that Year 4 parents, staff and children
children with took part in on Wednesday. The photographs on page 3 don't do it justice! It was a great event
asthma have their with a lovely sense of sharing and community. Lots of talented cooks out there :-)
inhalers in school.
The second event was the:
Thank you
Parent Partnership Forum (PPF)
Science Evening
Wednesday 29th It was great to have our first Parent Class Email address
PPF meeting this week where Jing Ho 3SV [email protected]
Please book your we had a parent Kev Timms 3FS [email protected]
tickets (see page
3 of the bulletin representative from each class. Emma Pearce 3ED [email protected]
4DB [email protected]
for more Please see the list of Parents Jessica Delaney 4BR [email protected]
information) 4AT [email protected]
that have volunteered their Pam Davey 5JE [email protected]
FRIDAY 17th 5JB [email protected]
NOVEMBER— services to share your views on Nicola Beauchamp 5SS [email protected]
Wear some- Sarah Vigus 6AL [email protected]
thing blue to behalf of the parent body. 6KC [email protected]
school for Anti Vicky Shaw 6CC [email protected]
Next to their name is an email Blanke Gal SEND [email protected]
(Please see address that you can use to Julie Monk
page 3 of the contact them to ask them to Lynsey Smith
bulletin) share issues or pass on positive Karen Farmer
feedback at the next meeting Claire Brinkley
which is on Monday 22nd January 2018 at 7pm. Obviously, if you have something to share before
the next meeting then please contact school in the interim.
At the meeting we discussed a Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) document and
parents got a chance to add any details that they felt needed more clarification. We also discussed
communication via text and email. Parents were really positive about having been given the open
evening events for the secondary schools and the transition up to Junior School. We also spent
some time talking about parking and decided that it would form a major part
of our discussion next time we meet. If you have any comments or
suggestions about parking then please feel free to email to your class rep.
above. The minutes of the meeting will be on the PPF page of the website
Thank you for all the Christmas boxes that you donated this week, they will be
collected by one of our grandparents to take to the charity. This is just a small
selection of the boxes collected.
Mrs. Norton
I have the freedom and choice to be ambitious for my future
Lunch Time Top Table Punctuality
WISDOM RESPONSIBILITY The Time Keeper's Award goes to two houses this
Todd C - 6CC week: Oak and Chestnut both recorded 7 late marks across
Charlotte L - 6CC Holly B - 4AT Every week Mrs.
Lana E - 6CC Esme S-R - 4AT Reeves-Brown and her their houses.
Martha T-K - 6CC SERVICE team awards children
Henry B - 6CC Ben W - 4DB for demonstrating our Unfortunately as the cold weather has kicked in we are seeing
Charlie W - 6CC Harriet H - 4AT Christian values during an increase in late arrivals and we did not have a single class
Ayesha B - 4AT lunch time, the
Mariam Y - 4AT nominated children get with perfect time keeping this week.
an invitation to join the
top table on the Friday We understand windscreens need clearing and traffic is heavy
of that week. due to the large amount of road works etc around town, but
please plan this into your day as school still starts at 8.50am
and work missed first thing in the morning due to late arrival
may mean your child will spend their break time catching up.
Excellence Awards Lateness = Lost Learning
This week’s Excellence Awards were presented to the following children Is your child getting to school on time?
during Thursday’s assembly: Did you know?
3SV—Alice S for an excellent explanation in science
3FS—Sofia B-R for an excellent attitude to learning and a high standard 5 minutes late every day = 15 hours a year = 3 days of learning
of work in all subjects 10 minutes late every day = 30 hours a year = 6 days of learning
3ED—Oscar H for excellent work with hoop gliders 15 minutes late every day = 45 hours a year = 9 days of learning
4DB—Eleanor B for her continued determination to always improve 20 minutes late every day = 60 hours a year = 12 days of learning
4BR—Harriet G for always working hard and taking pride in her work 25 minutes late every day = 75 hours a year = 15 days of learning
5JE—Mark G for excellent multiplication in maths this
week CHRISTMAS DINNER - Wednesday 20 December
5JB—Sienna W for making excellent progress recalling
multiplication facts Forms went to class this week, please only return if
5SS—Lily C for her amazingly positive attitude towards her learning— your child DOES NOT NORMALLY HAVE SCHOOL MEALS ON A
keep it up! WEDNESDAY.
6KC—Charlie C for being a good role model to his peers
6CC—Martha T-K for a fantastic diary entry piece of writing—well done! Spare copies can be picked up from the office.
6AL—Jack P for his effort he has put into his English writing Please return by next FRIDAY 17 NOVEMBER
French—Ruth H (3SV) for challenging herself to extend her learning in with your payment.
writing simple sentences with a conjunction in French—superbe!
School Uniform Reminder
Play Leader Vacancy at BJS
We have a strict adherence to our school uniform
You will be required to supervise groups of children in the policy (please view on the school website). There are
dining hall, playground and in the school building to ensure a a lot of children coming in with jewellery,
safe and happy lunchtime for the pupils in your care. bangles, large hair accessories, nail varnish etc which are not
Hours: 12.15pm to 1.45pm Monday to Friday uniform. Over the next couple of weeks we will be ensuring
Salary Band B: £2,594- £2,634 that all BJS children are conforming to the uniform policy.
Please contact the school office for further details:
[email protected] No nail varnish or Jewellery are permitted, with the
Closing date for applicants: 27/11/17, interviews on exception of sleeper studs.
During P.E lessons earrings should be removed to ensure safety. Chil-
dren must be responsible for removing their own ear studs and for
keeping them safe during P.E./Games.
Children who cannot remove earrings will be required to supply and
apply their own Micro-Pore tape for safety reasons.
Small hair accessories (bows) in school uniform colour are allowed
but excessive hair pieces are not part of school uniform.
Please ensure children have jumpers / cardigans in school!
Year 5 Please check to see whether you qualify for FSM, it doesn’t matter Inspire
what year your child is in, if you think you qualify please apply as it
On Friday 3rd November Year 5 rounded off their takes seconds to do!
rat-tastic writing week with a visit from a colony of
rats. Their ages ranged from pink, naked 2 day-olds Claim your free school meals
to very protective fully-grown mother rats. Year 5
were fascinated by them and are very grateful to Mr
Malnder for giving up his time to talk to them. Did
you know that the collective noun for a group of rats
is a mischief of rats?! 5JB can tell you the difference
between male and female rats!
...everyone's a winner! Challenge
Anti-Bullying Applying for Free School Meals has never been easier. Achieve
As you know next week is Parents can either call 01926 359189 or visit
Anti Bullying Week (13-17th and receive an
November). Please see a leaflet instant decision regarding eligibility. Any information you
that has been created to share provide will be treated in absolute confidence. If you receive any of
with you all the details you need to know regarding the following benefits then your child may be eligible for Free
this important topic. Next Friday(17th) children are
asked to come wearing something blue to highlight School Meals:
the importance of STAMPING OUT bullying. It is also
Children In Need day so wearing spots or other non Income Support or Income-Based Job Seekers Allowance (but not
uniform is allowed. Contribution Based Job Seeker’s Allowance).
The Guarantee Element of State Pension Credit.
Child Tax Credit where the family’s annual income as assessed by
HMRC is not in excess of £16,190. Please note that families who are
also entitled to Working Tax Credit do not qualify for Free School
Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999.
Income Related Employment and Support Allowance (but not
Contribution-Based Employment and Support Allowance).
*If you qualify we are entitled to an extra £1,300 of pupil premium benefits so please
sign up to help support your child and the school.
Fish Finger Sandwiches Year 4 Food
Irish Soda Bread
Gluten free
Christmas Shopping Extravaganza
Thursday 16th November
7pm to 9pm Bawnmore Infant School
£2.50 in advance or £3 on the door
(welcome drink included)
There are 22 stalls including:
SANTA FUN RUN—Sunday 3rd December Loubie Lou’s Dolly Mix Gifts
Pussycat Jewellery Twinings Home Fragrance
Rugby’s 6th annual fun run 9.00 am to 12.00 pm Snowflake Sentiments Usborne Books
My Sweet Theory Once Upon a Time
Races at the Rugby Athletics Track, online fees: Karishmatic Kreations Springfield Kitchen
Fat Fairy Jewellery And many more
Santa Run £10, 1 Mile Santa Dash £5 and Mini Santa Lap
£2.50 Raffle on the night
Register online at
In the event of any bad weather where it is necessary to Saturday 2nd Dec—Christmas Fayre 9.30am to 12.30pm
close the school an announcement will be made on Rugby Friday 19th January 2018—Family Bingo
FM 107.1, BBC Coventry & Warwickshire 94.8FM and Free Friday 26th Jan—Adult Only Quiz
Radio 97 & 102.9 FM. Please do not ring the school but lis- Friday 9th Feb—Disco
ten to the radio. Friday 8th June 2018—Family Bingo
Alternatively sign up for free school closure text alerts to your mobile Thank you to Mr. Gilkes for donating all the tuck at
phone – please log on to: the fireworks last week, it was a very generous donation and we really do appreciate it.
We will also use our own text messaging service – Text2parents to notify
you of closure.
School Information School—Diary Dates
School gates open at 8.30am, doors open at 8.40am 2017/2018
School starts at 8.50a.m - Any child arriving after this time is late and will be marked
Monday 25th December to 5th January 2018—
as such. Christmas Holiday
School finishes at 3.30p.m Children start back on Monday 8th January 2018
If your child is ill and going to be absent please either telephone us on 01788 810675 Monday 19th February to 23rd February 2018—
Half term
(you can leave a voice mail if the office is closed or busy) or email us Friday 30th March 2018 to 13th April 2018—Easter
on [email protected] Holiday
If you feel you need to meet with a teacher face to face please email the school Monday 7th May 2018—School Closed Bank Holi-
office [email protected] day
If you need to talk with a teacher over the phone or have a general enquiry for them Friday 25th May 2018—Teacher Training Day
please email [email protected] Our teachers are busy with your Monday 28th May to 1st June 2018—Half Term
children in the classrooms all day however they will get back to you as soon as Friday 20th July 2018—Teacher training Day
If you would like to share concerns or contact Mrs Hodgson our Home/School
Support worker, please call the office, pop into school or email her directly
on [email protected]
Inspire Challenge Achieve