BJS Bulletin
Plantagenet Drive, Rugby, CV22 6LB
Please note the Dear Parents/ Carers,
school will not be Wow what a week. PGL was absolutely amazing! Our Yr. 5 had an amazing time. See photos
able to accept any attached. Their behaviour was exemplary, commented on by PGL staff. Thank you to the staff who
old £1 coins after came with us, leaving their own families for BJS children. Thank you.
Friday 13 October I also wanted to share some of the wonderful comments that have been shared by parents of new
starters here at BJS. It is always great to have your feedback:
'Mrs Webb and the staff of 3SV for all the extra support they have provided with my sons statement.'
REMINDER - Flu 'Mrs Hodgson, extremely supportive and professional, thank you!'
Immunisation - 'All staff are doing a great job my child is so happy and excited about being in school and his confidence and
development is amazing thank you all.'
2 November 'I think Mrs Stanford and Mrs Vipond work really well together. Great to see them both at parents evening.'
Year 3 & 4 'I really feel it is of true credit to the school that Mrs Norton greets each child (usually by name) as they enter
consent forms the site each morning. Always saying hello and wishing parents and sibling a good day. Brilliant! Makes me
should be sent very confident leaving my daughter at the gates. Thank you'
back into school 'Ms Davies for acting immediately on two small requests that were made during parents evening. Thank you.'
asap, spare '3SV Parents eve-friendly, relaxed, informative. Leaflets (summary and expectations) are a good idea. Lovely to
forms available see teachers at start and end of the day. Again friendly and approachable.'
from the office. 'Mrs Fletcher and Miss Shillcock are great teachers.'
Ms Davies has been a real help in ****** settling in to his new school and felt on parents evening she really
Christmas listened to what was said and would like to say a big thank you..... Mrs Hodgson to for the help she has given
Performances at St. me for ******I am really grateful'
'Staff seem really lovely. I really like the presence of a staff member on the gates at the beginning of the day
Mark’s Church at and everyone is welcomed with a warm hello.'
6pm 'The links with Bawnmore were excellent. Having the opportunity to meet staff and ask questions several times
and not just on transition day really helped allay my son's concerns.'
Tuesday This is how you rated our 'transition' as a whole:
12th December—Oak
Wednesday 13th
Thursday 14th
Thank you, too, for the comments and concerns that we need to attend to. Watch out for new
reading booklets, clearer communication and concerns over not being able to access the bulletin.
We will continue to improve in any areas we can. If you have not had chance to respond to the
survey please do. Blessings, Mrs Norton
Lunch Time Top Table Punctuality
SERVICE RESPONSIBILITY Well done and thank you to all our year 3
Imogen P - 6AL children who were awarded the Golden Pocket
Lola C - 6AL Troy M - 4BR Every week Mrs.
Vidhi S - 6AL WISDOM Reeves-Brown and her Watch Award this week for perfect time keeping across the
Josh H - 5JE Charlotte L - 6KC team awards children year group!
Jayden M - 5JE Imogen L - 6KC for demonstrating our
Logan W-S - 5JE Connie T - 6KC Christian values during The Time Keeper's Award goes to Oak House who recorded 2
GENEROSITY lunch time, the late arrivals. Unfortunately Sycamore and Chestnut both
nominated children get slipped back this week with 5 each.
an invitation to join the
top table on the Friday Well done also to 5SS, 5JE and 6AL for brilliant time keeping.
of that week.
Please remember the school day starts at 8.50am. Any arrival
Annabelle P - 3ED after that time means your child has missed part of their day's
learning. If there is a problem with getting your child to school
MaisieEP x- 3cEDellence Awards
on time, please contact Mrs Hodgson
Excellence Awards at [email protected] or via the
school office on 01788 810675
This week’s Excellence Awards were presented to the following Online Safety
children during Thursday’s assembly:
When used safely the internet can be a great tool for
3SV—Poppy C for her cheerful enthusiasm and hard work in all children. Unfortunately we now live in an age where use of
that she does the internet and electronic devices is becoming an addiction
for some and, at times, we know this has led to children
3FS—James F for adopting a ‘can do’ attitude and trying hard in exposing themselves to danger. Please make sure you are
all lessons aware of what your children are doing on line. Our school
website has a very helpful On Line safety page with links to
3ED—Oliver S for a great week—positive and hard working external agencies who are expert in the internet world and on
line safety. Please have a look or speak with staff in school if
4DB—Ethan L for superb and consistent effort during all lessons you feel you need further help .
4BR—Joseph P for a lovely shape poem Please see the attached Poster—Top Internet Manners
4AT—Orlaith D-N for a fantastic shape poem
5SS—Abigail C for her outstanding Tempest poem
5JE—Joel B for being a superstar at PGL—wonderful can do atti- LA School Category
We like to keep you informed and celebrate successes with us.
6KC—Casey B for improved confidence and participation in class At the beginning of my headship we were categorised as a
'Category C' school by the Local Authority. We were supported
6CC—Charlie W for excellent up levelling of his writing—well by the LA and put in some sheer hard work!
I am now pleased to let you know we have been given a
6AL— Amelia S for always being a competent student in class 'Category A'. This is the highest accolade given to a school and
it means, in their eyes we are a securely good school. They
French—Joe M—6CC for great creativity and sentence writing have confidence in the school, its Governors and Leadership
about films in French—Bravo! Team and in the ability of all to continue working in strong
partnerships and steer the way to further school
improvement. It also means they feel we have the capacity to
help other schools to improve.
El Club Espanol We are due an OFSTED at some point this year and I am
actually looking forward it!
Spanish after school club still has some places
available on a Thursday 3.30-4.15 £4.50 per session
please email [email protected] for more details & to book
a taster session or pop into the office for a form.
Play Leader Vacancy at BJS Get ready for Global Handwashing Day 2017
Celebrate Global Handwashing Day this year
You will be required to supervise groups of children in the on October 15th and join the
dining hall, playground and in the school building to fight against germs!
ensure a safe and happy lunchtime for the pupils in your During mentor time on Friday children were
care. asked to work collaboratively to design mini post-
ers that can be displayed in the children’s wash
Hours: 12.15pm to 1.45pm Monday to Friday rooms
Salary Band B: £2,528- £2,567
Please contact the school office for further details:
[email protected]
Closing date for applicants: 16/10/17
We hope you will support your PTA in the
following events, please pop them in the dia-
ry so you don’t miss out on all the fun.
Thursday 2nd November—Community Fireworks
Saturday 2nd December—Christmas Fayre
9.30am to 12.30pm
Friday 19th January 2018—Family Bingo
Friday 8th June 2018—Family Bingo
If you have any suggestions for the PTA or would In partnership with Bawnmore Infants and Bilton Infants
like to get involved please email
[email protected] Please support your school by attending this great event, order forms have been sent
home with your child, spare copies available at the school office. Please return order
forms by Wednesday 18th October 2017, no tickets will be available at the gate. Thanks
Introducing our weekly maths challenge—Here is
an example to try at home.
Which one doesn’t belong?
Work with your child to solve this puzzle and send
in your answer giving your reasons. Answers
(there may be more than one) to Mrs Thompson
our Maths Lead, don’t forget to add your child’s
name and class.
School Information School—Diary Dates
School gates open at 8.30am, doors open at 8.40am 2017/2018
School starts at 8.50a.m - Any child arriving after this time is late and will be marked
Monday 23rd October to Friday 27th October
as such. 2017—Half Term
School finishes at 3.30p.m Monday 25th December to 5th January 2018—
If your child is ill and going to be absent please either telephone us on 01788 810675 Christmas Holiday
Monday 19th February to 23rd February 2018—
(you can leave a voice mail if the office is closed or busy) or email us Half term
on [email protected] Friday 30th March 2018 to 13th April 2018—Easter
If you feel you need to meet with a teacher face to face please email the school Holiday
office [email protected] Monday 7th May 2018—School Closed Bank Holi-
If you need to talk with a teacher over the phone or have a general enquiry for them day
please email [email protected] Our teachers are busy with your Friday 25th May 2018—Teacher Training Day
children in the classrooms all day however they will get back to you as soon as Monday 28th May to 1st June 2018—Half Term
possible. Friday 20th July 2018—Teacher training Day
If you would like to share concerns or contact Mrs Hodgson our Home/School
Support worker, please call the office, pop into school or email her directly
on [email protected]
Inspire Challenge Achieve