BJS Bulletin
Plantagenet Drive, Rugby, CV22 6LB 15TH FEBRUARY 2019
BILTON C OF E Headlines
Dear Parents/Carers,
SPECIAL Here we are in the last week of this half term and I think it is safe to say children and staff are in need
POINTS OF of a little break. Thank you to all of those who came to Parent Evening Meetings on Tuesday and
INTEREST: Wednesday. It was great to see you. For those of you who didn't get to see us this week. Please ring up
and make alternative arrangements after half term.
Something very exciting I wanted to bring your attention to is our new SOLARDOME project! The SO-
LARDOME is a freestanding, multipurpose outdoor domed classroom. Please see the following link for
more information about it:
The key benefits as we see them are:
· Unique outdoor classroom and breakout area
· Inspirational yet practical classroom area
· Simulates creativity and brings learning to life
· Multifunctional safe and fun space
· Versatile, eco-friendly and long lasting
· Children can experience outdoor learning
Sanctuary Dome—£39,700
Seats approx. 40 children around the
edge of the dome
Diameter 8.1m, area 48.8m2
Thank you to all We anticipate gathering funding for the project in a variety of ways including gaining local company
those that sponsorship/donations of between £500 to £1000. In return for helping us build such an amazing space
we would etch their company/charity logo on to an individual triangle of the dome's cover.
helped out at the
PTA disco last If you feel you would like to donate either personally or through the company you
Friday. work for then please contact my School Business Manager, Mrs Natasha Strefford on
[email protected]
The children had
a great time and Alternatively, you may know a charity or charitable organisation that may want to support us. Please
we raised over feel free to forward this information to them.
£500 (final We really look forward to hearing from you,
figure to be Mrs Norton and the Team here at BJS.
Please see links below for books / authors your child might like to try,
links also available via the school website
World Book Day is fast approaching and here at BJS we love a
good celebration… so we’re hosting a whole week worth of
activities beginning on the 4th March 2019.
The week kicks off with a wonderful book called ‘Bee and Me’ by Jay Alison. A bee flies in the window of the
high-rise flat where she lives and a little girl is frightened. She traps the bee and then wonders what to do.
This beautiful book traces the growing friendship between girl and bee and introduces children to the
ecology of the natural world. Highlighting the plight of the disappearing bumble bee, it shows how some
simple actions can help restore beauty and balance in our environment. We invite the children to come dressed in
black and yellow on Friday 8th March. We would love the children to bring in donations of £1 or more, if they wish,
which will go towards books for their classroom..
On Thursday 7th March we will have an award winning illustrator and author, Nadine Kadaan, who will be sharing
her book ‘Tomorrow’ and conducting workshops with the whole school.
In amongst all of this, we would love to get YOU involved too! Do you have a favourite children’s story to share? Is
there a folktale you remember being told, a family favourite full of magic and wonder you would like to tell? If so,
then please send Mrs Bodepudi a message with the following details and she can organise a slot for you to come in
and share your tale with your child’s class.
Name, Name of child/children in school, Class,
Contact Telephone number/email address,
whether you would like to share a story on the
afternoon of the 5th or 6th March.
Radio 2: 500 words competition
Topic: A fictional story about ANYTHING!
Closing date: 7pm Friday 8th March, online not to school.
1st Prize - Chris Evans' height in books and an invite to visit the set of a CBBC
2nd Prize - HRH Duchess of Cornwall's height in books!
3rd Prize - Your own height in books!
We would of course love to see copies of entries given :-)
A Family Friendly time full of Fun, games, food and Crafts
When: February 16th 2019
Where: Bilton Junior School
Time: 4.30pm to 6pm (1st enjoy a meal together,
then craft activities followed my messy church celebration)
For more information contact 07901 998079
Or [email protected]
Excellence Awards Punctuality
3SV—Emme W for beautiful presentation in all that This week's individual award goes to Ethan F for 100%
she does
3ES—Kai H fantastic ‘N Outsiders’ knowledge in class Top Table
and even impressing Mrs Hodgson
3ED—Ruby Rose B for taking extra care with her Service Every week Mr. Trust is the basis for
writing Wilson and his team all good relationships,
4AT—Annabelle O’B for always putting her best effort Sydney T—5AL awards children for including a person's
in her work Karishma L—ES demonstrating our
4DB—Martha K for her positive attitude towards her Kunal T—5AL Christian values relationship with
work and school life in general Charlie O—4DB during lunch time, God. It is rooted in
4FM—Charlie G for a successful spring term so far— the nominated truth and trust grows
much improved! Respect children get an when we treat each
5JE—Ethan L for great participation and effort in eve- invitation to join other with honesty
ry lesson Berta Oller C— the top table on the
5AL—Maisey and Ava for having a great session with 3SV Friday of that week and integrity.
Mrs Mulvaney –always so positive and happy!
5SS—Max S for much improved presentation and
handwriting in his work
6KC—Oliver S for a great working attitude
6CC—Esme E for excellent language choices in her
6JB—Kryspin W for producing a super information
text about volcanoes
Social Media Request
I love the fact that social media can be a place
where we in the modern world can gain support
from one another. Can I please respectfully ask that
it is not used to share problems and issues about
particular children. If you have any problems come
to me and I will help sort out issues between
parents and children. Thank you Mrs Norton.
Medicines in School
Please may we remind you that no medicines
should be sent into school with your child. We have
had a few incidents this week where children have
medicines in their bags, this puts all children at risk.
The school is able to administer medicine
prescribed by the doctors but any medicines must
be handed in by an adult to the school office staff
and the necessary form filled out.
Thank you for your understanding.
Cross of Nails
It is with great excitement we have been welcomed into the community of the
Cross of Nails! See part of the letter we have been sent:
Dear Mrs Norton and all at Bilton CE Junior School,
It is with great pleasure that I write to confirm that your application to become an International Cross of Nails School (ICON School) has been
received and approved by the Reconciliation Ministry Team at Coventry Cathedral. International representatives of the Community of the Cross of
Nails from the US, Germany, South Africa and Central & Eastern Europe will all be given the opportunity to see your application too.
We warmly welcome you to this world-wide network of schools, and to the wider family of the Community of the Cross of Nails (CCN). The CCN
pages of the Coventry Cathedral website have a list of all our Cross of Nails partners and ICON Schools, so you will be able to see what a large
network you have joined:
We are very pleased that you have joined us!
Watch this space for our official welcoming service and presentation of our very special cross. I am immensely proud of everything we
do here at BJS and that it has been recognised by the Community of the Cross of Nails at Coventry Cathedral.
Thank you to The Works for their donation to the school BAWNMORE INFANT SCHOOL
which included water colour crayons and various other
We all know exercise is good for us but if you don’t want to commit to a gym membership but want to
Commit to Get Fit join me and try something NEW!!!
7-8pm Total Body Workout
8-9 pm Low Impact Aerobics & Core Strengthening
7-8pm The Ultimate Workout
8-9pm Low Impact Aerobics & Body Conditioning
All classes £4.80
For further details please contact JILL ROBSON 07770433216 [email protected] and on
Face book
Fully Qualified/Experienced Instructor
Push harder today if you want a different tomorrow. Why put off feeling good?
If you have not attended before and would like a taster session bring this advert with you and pay just
School Information PTA NEWS School—Diary Dates
School gates open at 8.30am, doors open at 8.40am Dates for your Diaries: 2018/2019
School starts at 8.50a.m - Any child arriving after this Friday 15th March—Grown Monday 18 February to Friday 22nd
ups Quiz Night February 2019—Half Term
time is late and will be marked as such.
Wednesday 10th April— School Closes Friday 12 April 2019 at
School finishes at 3.30p.m Easter Egg Competition 3.30pm
If your child is ill and going to be absent please either Friday 7th June—Family School Opens Monday 29 April 2019
Bingo Monday 6th May 2019—School Closed
telephone us on 01788 810675 (you can leave a voice
mail if the office is closed or busy) or email us Saturday 22nd June— Bank Holiday
on [email protected] Summer Fayre Monday 27 May to Friday 31 May 2019—Half
If you feel you need to meet with a teacher face to face Term
please email the school office Monday 3 June 2019—Teacher Training
[email protected] Day
If you need to talk with a teacher over the phone or have School closes Thursday 18 July 2019 at
a general enquiry for them please email
[email protected] Our teachers are busy Fri 19 July & Mon 22 July - Teacher
with your children in the classrooms all day however training
they will get back to you as soon as possible.
Monday 2nd September—Teacher training
If you would like to share concerns or contact
Mrs Hodgson our Home/School Support worker, please
call the office, pop into school or email her directly
on [email protected]
Inspire Challenge Achieve