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Published by mrsthomas, 2019-01-18 03:27:25

18.01.19 new

18.01.19 new

BJS Bulletin


Plantagenet Drive, Rugby, CV22 6LB 18TH JANUARY 2019



SPECIAL Hello All, we are getting We have had a few special Bit about what is happening
POINTS OF very excited for the All assemblies this week. The in school at the
INTEREST: Weather Track to be first one kicked off our moment...Year 5 had a visit
finished. Please see some of Value of the half term - from a firm offering Virtual
 PTA BINGO the photos of the process Trust. The second was a reality tours to help with
FRIDAY and progress of the building special 'Change4life' their topic on Space and
EVENING AT of it. The company hired assembly which promotes Year 6 welcomed a theatre
SCHOOL have been superb to work healthy living. Children company in to engage
with and we are itching to eagerly collected some little children in their learning this
get moving on the AWT! booklets that we have been week. Year 4's topic is based
We are also busy planning a given and some have already on Crime and punishment
special opening of the track had a chance to work out and Year 3 are learning
for the children. We hope to like a Jedi! If eating healthily about Extreme Survival.
invite investors who have is something that your family
put money towards the cost is interested in I urge you to Thank you to those of you
of building it to the special register with the organisa- who came along to the BJS
event. Watch this space… tion using the following PTA meeting this Tuesday. It
link: https:// is wonderful to have so
registra- many people on board supporting us.

Their website, backed by the Don't forget to join in the
NHS, is full of helpful hints, fun with family Bingo run by
tips, recipes and much more the PTA on Friday :-) See
to entice you to eat well, you there...
move more and live longer!
Kind Regards, as always,

Mrs Norton

I have the freedom and choice to be ambitious for my future

3SV—Emilia W 4FM—Riley W—always 5AL—Josh K—always on
for always being on task and consistently task, working hard and
polite, cheerful, trying his best tracking—thoughtful and
kind and empathetic
hardworking 4AT—Esmay D—always
polite, hard working and 6JB—Sophie C—for always
3ES—Adrianne H consideate working hard, behaving to
for always being the highest standards, sup-
kind and 4DB—Archie K—always portive of others, kind and
considerate and choses to do the right thoughtful
consistently trying thing
her best 6KC—Kai B always being a
5SS—Eva S—always kind, good friend to his peers and
3ED—Grace for considerate, diligent— helpful to staff
always doing her perfect in every way
best—an all round 6CC—Elspeth R for always
superstar! 5JE—Niamh McN for trying her best and always
always helping others and being polite
just getting straight on
with all her learning

Year 6

Year 6 did a topic theme day
and had a drama workshop
about Natural Disasters.
Here are some pictures of
them acting as a tsunami and
a volcano

We also made
earthquake-proof buildings
from spaghetti and
marshmallows and created
volcano art by blowing paint

School Fun

Excellence Awards Punctuality

3ES—Ellie B for her fantastic knowledge and contributions Well done to Sycamore House who won the Time Keeper's
to class discussions in R.E Award this week with one late mark.
3SV—Jake G for making super effort with his reading in Congratulations also go to Esme in 3ES who received the
Project X—Well Done! individual attendance award.
3ED—Aaryan B for always working hard and doing his best
4DB—Lewis D for his hard work in English this term Please remember learning starts at 8.50am. We are
4FM—Gopal A for his enthusiasm when seeing a large number of children still arriving after the
talking maths investigations gates have closed. If your child arrives after the gate is
4AT—Kyle V first in school to achieve closed they are missing learning time.
Gold Mathletics certificate—Fantastic! If getting to school on time is a genuine problem for you,
5JE—Eleanor B for persistence in all her please contact Mrs Hodgson via the school office, by phon-
work, especially with fractured bones! ing in (01788 810675) or
5SS—Haider K for being so knowledgeable about Pakistan email [email protected])
and the Partition
5AL—Jake O for a positive start to the year—keep it up! Top Table Every week Mr. Wilson
6KC—Harry R for working really hard in his maths lessons and his team awards
6CC—Charlie K for always being helpful Service Compassion children for
6JB—Zack H for making very knowledgeable contributions demonstrating our
to our Natural Disasters Day Alfie B 3ED Megan S 3SV Christian values during
lunch time, the
Chloe H 3ES nominated children
get an invitation to
Sophia M 3SV Thankfulness join the top table on
Emme W 3SV the Friday of that
Oliver B 3ES week

RISE 'community offer'

RISE are part of the broad CAMHS service and they offer support and advice in the community
for parents who might be worried about their child. This latest offer gives details of coffee
mornings and consultations available to families in the Rugby area.
Please visit for more information on sessions available between January 2019 to
July 2019

For more information and to book a place on any of the sessions, email [email protected] or call
07917 504682

Coffee Mornings: Parent group sessions start at 9.30am until 11.00am
(Please book an appointment, you may be turned away without an appointment due to group capacity)
Moriartys Café & Gallery, 28 Regent Street, Rugby CV 21 2PS

10/01/19—Understanding and supporting children aged 3-11 years with Anxiety

14/02/19—Understanding and Managing challenging Behaviours in Children aged 4-12 years old

14/03/19—Understanding and supporting healthy Emotional Development for children aged 3-11 years

06/06/19—Understanding and supporting children and young people with School Refusal

Consultation Dates & Location

1:1 Consultations: Face to face consultation with a Professional (Bookable by appointment only)
Moriarty’s Café & Gallery, 28 Regent Street, Rugby CV21 2PS



Inspire Challenge Achieve

School Information PTA NEWS School—Diary Dates

 School gates open at 8.30am, doors open at 8.40am Dates for your Diaries: 2018/2019
 School starts at 8.50a.m - Any child arriving after this
 Friday 18th January—  Monday 18 February to Friday 22nd
time is late and will be marked as such. Family Bingo
February 2019—Half Term
 School finishes at 3.30p.m  Friday 8th February—
 If your child is ill and going to be absent please either School Disco  School Closes Friday 12 April 2019 at

telephone us on 01788 810675 (you can leave a voice  Friday 15th March—Grown 3.30pm
mail if the office is closed or busy) or email us ups Quiz Night
on [email protected]  School Opens Monday 29 April 2019
 Wednesday 10th April—
 If you feel you need to meet with a teacher face to face Easter Egg Competition  Monday 6th May 2019—School Closed

please email the school office  Friday 7th June—Family Bank Holiday
[email protected] Bingo
 Monday 27 May to Friday 31 May 2019—Half
 If you need to talk with a teacher over the phone or have  Saturday 22nd June—
Summer Fayre Term
a general enquiry for them please email
[email protected] Our teachers are busy Please view the Autumn’s  Monday 3 June 2019—Teacher Training
with your children in the classrooms all day however edition of the Fundzine on the
they will get back to you as soon as possible. Day
school website
 If you would like to share concerns or contact  School closes Thursday 18 July 2019 at

Mrs Hodgson our Home/School Support worker, please 3.30pm
call the office, pop into school or email her directly
on [email protected]  Fri 19 July & Mon 22 July - Teacher


 Monday 2nd September—Teacher training

Inspire Challenge Achieve

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