I have the freedom
and choice to be
ambitious for my
Teachers Mrs Stanford and
Oak 3SV: Miss Shillcock
Mrs Vipond Ms Davies
Sycamore 3ES
Chestnut 3ED:
Year 3 Learning Support
Mrs Barnes
Mrs Jones
Mrs Talbot
Ms Mison
Mr Clarke
Mr Morgan
Year Group Philosophy
Inspire. Challenge. Achieve.
independence – becoming more
organised and looking after their own
belongings; beginning to be more resilient
in their learning and using the class
working walls; learning how to help each
other effectively
behaviour – recognising when things
have gone wrong and apologising. Being
kind towards others. Using good manners.
expectations – In year 3 we expect
pupils to produce their best work. We
support and encourage them to do their
best in all lessons.
Maths and English in Yr 3
Pupils are taught in their class groups
for all subjects
Daily lessons using Power Maths scheme
following a mastery approach.
Fluency sessions which focus on recall
and flexibility to use number bonds and
times tables.
Pupils have a daily lesson.
Extra sessions weekly on reading
comprehension, spelling and handwriting..
First half term
Autumn 2018
Our theme this half term is:
Getting to know school
Getting to know each other
Working as a team
Animals including humans
Second half term
Autumn 2019
Meet the
Life in the stone age
Cave painting and pottery
Change over time
First half term Spring 2020
Extreme Survival
Maps, atlases and globes
Cold regions
Animals and people that live in extreme
Rocks and Soils
Second half term Spring 2020
UK Geography
Visit to Coventry Airport
Designing and making a vehicle
Forces and magnets
Summer Term 2019
Tomb Raiders
Beliefs of the Ancient Egyptians
Everyday life for Ancient Egyptians
Egyptian artefacts
Light and shadow.
Educational visits and school
o Autumn Term – MacreadyTheatre –
Santa and the Christmas Dragon
o First half Spring Term - Den building
Cock Robin Wood
o Second half Spring term – Coventry
Airport and Cemex
o Summer Term ~ New Walk museum to
visit Egyptian gallery and rocks and
fossils. We have guided sessions and
handle artefacts; approximate cost
What you can do to help...
Partnership between Parents, children
and School Community.
Wednesday 23rd October – 2:30pm
Invitation for parents/carers to come
into school and share your child’s
learning in their ‘Changes’ topic.
Support your Child through engaging
them in their Home Learning and
Reading. (recommended book list and
Mathletics website)
Everyday ‘Real life’ learning, inspiring
children to ask questions.
Community Volunteers
We are always pleased to accept offers of help in school.
If you have some time to spare, you could, for example:
• Listen to readers,
• Practise times tables,
• Support handwriting,
• Keep the library running well,
• Help with the allotment,
• Support cooking, craft, DT projects,
• Lunchtime clubs (eg knitting)
• Join us on trips
The list is endless – many of our parents/carers have wonderful
skills that could be used to inspire and challenge our children so please
get in touch and let us know!
For more information or to volunteer some
Help, please contact Mrs Stanford or Mrs Vipond through the
school office and leave your details.