It has been great to see so many parents in and around school this week. We understand that some
Look at our have not been able to attend due to work commitments at this busy time of year. We endeavour to
gorgeous wreaths give you more notice of events so you can plan to attend. Biannually, we do a big Christmas
created by each class look out in 2017 for that :-)
courtesy of Wayside
Willow and Mrs Yr.3 were very proud of their work and loved showing it off! Yr.5 completed a walkathon to raise
Thomas's nimble money for Water Aid and Yr. 6 engaged parents with poetry and other amazing writing...let's not
forget the Harvest Assembly Yr 4 produced in October too!
It was also great to see so many parents and carers in church on Thursday to celebrate with us.
Thanks to all the helpers who walked with us too! 5 BG were spectacular telling the Nativity Story.
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May the peace of the Christ Child be
with you and all you love. I look forward to seeing you in the new year where there will be lots more
fun at BJS!
Many Blessings, Mrs Norton :-)
Excellence Awards Children’s University
This week’s Excellence Awards were presented to the Please find attached to the bulletin the Central Children’s
following children during Thursday’s assembly: University Newsletter, a Christmas Challenge and Central
Children’s Uni Public Learning Destinations.
3AT—Laura O for helpful and polite attitude and con-
sistent hard work in class School reopens Wednesday
4th January 2017
3FR—Katie H for persistent hard work and outstanding
Home Learning German Club
Join Mrs. Mulley after school on Thursday’s for a German Club.
3ED—Harriet H for hard work and effort all term Sessions are held at school 3.30 to 4.15 pm
Sessions are £4.50 each, £31.50 payable in advance for the spring
4SV—Savannah W for excellent work in Maths half term. For more information letters are in the school office.
4BY—Joel B for being a great role model Year 5—Fire Safety Talk
Pictured is the winner of the fire competition
4JE—Grace N for a brilliant learning attitude this
term—keep it up!
5BG—Adela N for working super hard to improve her
handwriting and earning her pen licence
5SS—Martyna M for her fantastic progress in Reading
and Writing this term. Amazing!!
5FM—Charlie C for being such a super role model and
an all round wonderful student
6AL—Thomas for always working hard in lessons and
producing great work
6CC—The whole class for working so hard and putting
on an excellent performance to parents on
Wednesday. Well done!
6KC—Joel D for his excellent poetry recital
French—Charlie N (3FR) for excellent effort and
enthusiasm all the time in French—Fantastique!
Lunch Time Top Table Every week Mrs. Punctuality
GENEROSITY SERVICE awards children for Well done this week to Chestnut House who achieved the
demonstrating our Time Keeper's Award with 5 late marks. Unfortunately all
Daniel H - 5SS Lia J - 6AL Christian values
Edward M - 5SS Alice F - 6AL during lunch time, those late marks were from 3 children in 4JE.
Sydney T - 3FR Blayze K-C - 6AL the nominated
Dan L- 6CC Charlie H - 6AL children get an Year 5 came very close to getting the Golden Pocket
Isaac S - 6CC Matthew H - 6AL invitation to join Watch Award but unfortunately one pupil in 5FM stood in
Craig B –6CC the top table on
FRIENDSHIP the Friday of that their way!
Dylan M - 4SV Thank you to everyone who did get in on time this
Daisy B - 6AL week. Have a good rest over the holiday and come back
refreshed and on time in the new year!
Always Child—December The children
were invited
3AT—Stephanie W for always being super smiley and always willing to help
3FR—Ava S is always a pleasure to teach and have around school to join
3ED—Tiahnae L is very gentle and kind and always ready to listen Mrs.Norton
4SV—Oliver G—always kind and gentle and ready to learn
4JE—Jake E P—ready to learn and always trying his best in The
4BY—Owen S—always polite, well mannered and a super member of class Burrow for
5SS—Tevez—polite, hard working and supportive to friends party games
5FM—Sinead T for always trying her best
5BG—Kamil R for being well mannered and polite, thoughtful and kind and
6AL—Ruby B for all her hard work, especially in writing Christmas
6KC—Tarrell L—for giving ‘it’ his best at all times
6CC—Demi L for all her hard work and knuckling down even when things are snacks
The next parent evenings
will be held on the 7th
and 8th February 2017
Addressing key fundamentals for successful parenting from the Bible. We hope you will support your PTA in the
On: 22nd & 29th January 2017 2-4 pm following events, please pop them in the diary so
To sign up for these two classes please email: [email protected] you don’t miss out on all the fun.
Please visit for details of future events Friday 27th January 2017 - School Disco
Friday 10th February 2017 - Quiz Night
Friday 31st March 2017— Family Bingo Night
Friday 12th May 2017—School Disco
Friday 30th June 2017 -Summer BBQ/Talent
Friday 14th July 2017—Leavers Disco
We have just paid £5000 to have the next part
of the AstroTurf laid under the trim trail—the
children really do love being able to use trim
trail in the winter months. Thank you for all
your support to raise the funds.
Our next aim is to support the school in
purchasing a community defibrillator
School Information School—Diary Dates
School gates open at 8.40a.m Friday 16th December 2016—school
closes at 3.30pm
School starts at 8.50a.m - Any child arriving after this time is late and will
marked as such. Wednesday 4th January 2017- School opens
School finishes at 3.30p.m Monday 20th February to Friday 24th February
2017 —Half Term
If your child is ill and going to be absent please either telephone us on
01788 810675 (you can leave a voice mail if the office is closed or busy) or Friday 7th April 2017—School closes 3.30pm for the
email us on [email protected] Easter break
If you feel you need to meet with a teacher face to face please Monday 24th April 2017—School opens
email [email protected]
Monday 1st May 2017—Bank Holiday—School
If you need to talk with a teacher over the phone or have a general closed
enquiry for them please email [email protected] Our
teachers are busy with your children in the classrooms all day however Friday 26th May 2017—Teacher Training Day—
they will get back to you as soon as possible. School closed
If you would like to share concerns or contact Mrs Hodgson our Home/ Monday 29th May to Friday 2nd June—Half Term
School Support worker, please call the office, pop into school or email her
directly on [email protected] Thursday 20th July—School closes at 3.30pm
Friday 21st July—Teacher Training day
Inspire Challenge Achieve