12TH MAY 2017
Please pay for school Hello again everyone,
dinners via SIMS Agora
Wow! what a week. My first big round of applause goes to Yr. 6 for
Thursday 18th May the huge effort put into their SATs this week. I don't remember
3.30 to 4.30pm feeling such pressure when I was 10/11 but they have handled it
Come along to 2 with resilience and fortitude. I am so grateful for the effort they
events at school: have put in throughout the whole of their school career here at
BJS. They can now look forward to lots of exciting things planned
School Dinners— for them for the rest of the academic year. They will be working
Food Tasting Event on topic, science, 'the play', basic first aid and lots, lots more.
Thursday 18th May
I came in this morning to find Mrs Worrall from the office on
3.30 to 4.30pm bended knee at 7a.m doing a spot of gardening in some pots
Come along and outside Miss Lewis and Mrs Thompson's rooms. She was quietly
sample some of the beavering away. Thank you, your attention to the small things in
delicious food the the school does not go unnoticed. On the back of those small, fine
school kitchen have details that make a big difference, I wanted to show you some of
on their new menu the new displays that have popped up around school. Please see
the photos. Look out for more to follow... the learning
BJS Library Book environment in school is of paramount importance to us.
I wanted to let you know of a new development that is due to
(see page 2 for happen over half term (we hope!). We are having a new fence
details) erected at the front of school to give parents a larger waiting area.
The path is also being updated and widened making it easier for
children to enter and exit. We hope you like the new
developments. We are constantly aiming to make every effort to
make the school a more welcoming and pleasant place to be.
Thanks for everything you do as parents to encourage your
children to do their best too, again a detail that does not go
Regards, Mrs Norton
Lunch Time Top Table BJS Book Sale
WISDOM PERSEVERANCE Every week Mrs. Thursday 18th May 3.30pm to 4.30pm
Reeves-Brown and
Ben W—3AT Harriett G—3FR her team awards Old school library books are being
children for sold off at ‘pocket money’ prices.
Arjun H –3AT Domenic F—3FR demonstrating our
Christian values All monies raised will go towards
RESPONIBILITY SERVICE during lunch time, new books for the school library.
the nominated
Chandu G—5BG Summer H—4SV children get an Please come along to pick up a bargain, once you’ve browsed
invitation to join the books you can then sample food the school kitchen have
Rhianna L—5BG Amelie B—4SV the top table on the prepared (School Dinner Food tasting 3.30pm to 4.30pm in
Friday of that week. the school hall)
James M—5BG Casey D –4SV
Hermione T—4JE
Esme E—4JE Craft Club
Excellence Awards Children from craft club thoroughly enjoyed decorating plant
pots and planting their flowers. I think you would agree they
look stunning!?
This week’s Excellence Awards were presented to the
following children during Thursday’s assembly:
3AT—Peter R for always quietly getting on and doing the right
3FR—Sinead L for a superb effort recently—well done
3ED—Esme –S-R for improved focus
4SV—The whole class for great behaviour and enthusiasm on Social media
our trip
4BY—Zak H for great effort in maths this week learning about We are always keen to work with our
fractions families to resolve any concerns or complaints you may have.
4JE—Jack W superb effort in PE all week—great jumping! If you have any issues regarding bullying, attendance or any
5FM—Molly S for concentrating well in English lessons, writing other area of school life, please speak with us rather than
her Maya Myth sharing your negative comments on social media. Thank you.
5BG— Chandu G for putting 100% effort into all of her work—
well done! Punctuality
5SS—Lola C for her enthusiasm towards her learning and her
positive attitude Well done to Chestnut House again for receiving the
6AL—To the whole of 6AL you have done a fantastic job with Time Keeper's Award this week with 3 late marks.
your SATS. Really proud of you all!
6CC—To the whole class for working so hard in the run up to The school total crept up to 13 with the other two
SATS and for a fantastic effort all week. You are all brilliant! houses recording 5 late marks each. Disappointingly all
6KC—Scarlet Rose P for a great ‘can do’ attitude towards her the late marks from Sycamore came from 3FR.
French—Lola T (4BY) for always being an excellent role model Please continue to support your child/children's regular and
for the class—superbe! punctual attendance at school. We really want to give them
the best education we can, but we really need them to be in
Try Tennis and visit a World War 2 Trench for free this order to do that.
weekend - 13-14 May 2017
We hope you will support your PTA in the following events, please
pop them in the diary so you don’t miss out on all the fun.
Friday 30th June 2017 -Summer BBQ/Talent Show
Friday 14th July 2017—Leavers Disco
Unfortunately there will be no school disco in May due to a
change in the disco provider. Rest assure though, it will be
back by popular demand in the Autumn Term!
As mental health (mindfulness) is so important in our children’s welfare Year 6 have been very 'mindful' of this as
the children have been working hard for SATs. It is a stressful time of year for children (and adults alike) but we
at BJS recognised this and ensure the children's mental health was put first during this stressful time. Started
off with a Year 6 Easter Egg hunt after study weeks before the Easter break.
Then yoga session to help with anxiety and understanding how important the breath can be to calm nerves, it was
then down to Mr Cantillon and his musical prowess to set up a good sing song and boogie out in sunshine the Friday
before we started and during SATs week we are doing Rag Rugging a meditative activity.
Young Carers
We work closely with the Young Carers organisation and are
proud to be the first primary school in Warwickshire to achieve
their Gold School’s Award!
Young Carers do an amazing job supporting young people who are
in a caring role. The project describe a Young Carer as 'a young
person who lives with someone who has an illness, disability,
mental health or substance misuse problem'.
If you think this project could help a young person in your life, have
a look at the link and if you have any questions or would like a
referral making, either contact me in school or contact the project
Year 3 Trip to New Walk Museum
All of the year 3 classes visited the New Walk Museum in Leicester last week. 3FR had a great trip on Wednesday and were
complemented by the public for their superb behaviour.
You could advertise your
business here!
For more details please get in touch with
Mrs Strefford, email:
[email protected] or phone
01788 810675
15 Name Labels - £1.99 + £1.50 Postage and Packing
25 Name Labels - £2.99
50 Name Labels - £4.99
May 2017
VACANCY—Midday supervisor at Bawnmore Infant School— School Caretaker Vacancy at BJS
required from June 2017
Start Date: 1st September 2017
Monday to Friday Term Time Only 12-1.15pm 5 sessions per
week Hours: 2.45pm to 6.15pm, Salary Band E Closing Date for
applications: 12th May 2017
All candidates will be subject to an enhanced DBS check
Application forms available from the
Job application forms from Bawnmore school office or school office. All candidates will be subject to an enhanced DBS
email [email protected]
School Information School—Diary Dates
School gates open at 8.40a.m Friday 26th May 2017—Teacher Training
School starts at 8.50a.m - Any child arriving after this time is late Day—School closed
Monday 29th May to Friday 2nd June—Half Term
and will be marked as such. Tuesday 4th July—Sports Day—am
School finishes at 3.30p.m Tuesday 11th July—Induction day—new classes
If your child is ill and going to be absent please either telephone us on 01788 810675 Thursday 20th July—School closes at 3.30pm
Friday 21st July—Teacher Training day
(you can leave a voice mail if the office is closed or busy) or email us 2017/2018
on [email protected] Term starts Tuesday 5th September 2017
If you feel you need to meet with a teacher face to face please Monday 23rd October to Friday 27th October
email [email protected] 2017—Half Term
If you need to talk with a teacher over the phone or have a general enquiry for them
please email [email protected] Our teachers are busy with your
children in the classrooms all day however they will get back to you as soon as
If you would like to share concerns or contact Mrs Hodgson our Home/School
Support worker, please call the office, pop into school or email her directly
on [email protected]
Inspire Challenge Achieve