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Published by mrsthomas, 2017-02-17 03:31:43

bulletin 17.02.17

bulletin 17.02.17






FDS Multi Sports Dear Parents,
Club starts on
Monday & Well that is another half term over... wow... blink and you miss it! Please enjoy some of the
Tuesday 27th & photographs from this week as we look forward to our bake sale and non uniform in aid of Toilet
28th February, Twinning. If you have not heard about it, ask your children or pick up a leaflet from the office. We
application forms, are collaborating with St Mark's church to charity fundraise for those much less fortunate than
details of dates & ourselves.

costs went to class Lots to look forward to next half term including book week, science day and lots lots more. I hope
yesterday, spare you have a wonderful holiday and I look forward to seeing you all back on Monday 27th February.

copies available from I would like to finish with a big thank you to all parents and carers who help in school. Whether you
the office. are a Governor, member of PPF or PTA Your time effort and energy is much appreciated. Whether
you read with children help in classrooms, take assemblies, come on trips; You make a difference.
Thank you.

Many Blessings,

Year 4 Parents / Warwickshire County Caterers—School Dinners
Sharing work The price of a school meal for Junior School pupils will be £2.10 per day during the second half
of the Spring Term.
Save the Date:

Thursday 6th
April, 2.45 to


More Info to

School opens on Monday 27 February and the cost of meals is estimated as follows:-

5 day week £10.50 **
1/2term payment (30 days) £63.00 **

(Monday 27 February—Friday 7 April 2017 incl)

**REMINDER you will be able to make payments using the Agora cashless system from
Monday 27 February providing you have registered, if you need us to reissue
your activation code because it has expired please contact the school office.**

(February 27th – March 3rd)

Timetable of activities

Monday Launch of the BJS Readathon – see below for details.

Tuesday Usborne Book Fayre straight after school in Oak.
Wednesday Children will have the opportunity to spend their
book day tokens.

Story Hour from 3:30pm – 4:15pm – see below for details.

Friday Dress up day . Children to come dressed in their
favourite colour. £1 donations will go to our charity,
Toilet Twinning.
Author Stephen Davies in to visit Year 5 and 6.

Our theme for this year:

Children will be writing a variety of persuasive
letters based on this fantastic story…

BJS invites you to come into school with your child
and share a story with their teacher. Juice and

biscuits will be provided. *Note Mrs Norton will be
reading in 5FM due to parents evening.


To encourage a love of reading, we are again
holding our annual Readathon event. All money
raised will go towards new books for our school
bookshelves. There will be book vouchers available
for the children who raise the most money and
who read the most during the week. Please help us
to enhance our reading resources by encouraging
your child to spend a small amount of time each
day reading to themselves or aloud to another.
Please look out for a letter that will be coming
home with your child offering more details of the

event along with a sponsorship form.

Lunch Time Top Table Every week Mrs. Lunchtimes: Skipping Thursdays
Reeves-Brown and
WISDOM RESPONSIBILITY her team awards Following the success of Marathon
Liel M - 5FM Joseph M - 5BG children for Wednesdays, after half term we will be
Edward M - 5SS demonstrating our starting Skipping Thursdays.
James P - 6CC Jack B - 4BY during lunch time, We will be providing skipping ropes but if you have any you
Jack G - 4JE TRUTHFULNESS the nominated no longer need at home and would like to donate them to
Alfie M - 4SV Kayden E - 4SV children get an school, they would be gratefully received. Also if children
Alfie C - 4SV Oliver S - 4SV invitation to join want to bring their own ropes in on Thursdays, they are
Sebastian O - 4SV COMPASSION the top table on very welcome - please make sure they are named.
Lana E the Friday of that

Vacancy Lunchtime Play Leader

We have a vacancy available for a lunchtime play leader,
closing date for applicants is Monday 27th February 2017.

Excellence Awards Understanding and managing your child’s ADHD

This week’s Excellence Awards were presented to the Free event for parents and carers to give you expert opinions and
following children during Thursday’s assembly: practical advise.

3FR—Anna P for a much improved attitude towards learning— The event is being run by the Witherslack Group in partnership with
keep it up! the ADHD Foundation.

Alexa H for her determination to do her best and stay in to com- Venue: Avon Park School, Rugby
plete every piece of work
When: Saturday 1st April
3ED—Zak McCafferty for fantastic effort in Art—a careful painting
Lunch and refreshments will be provided
4SV—Dylan M for typing up his 500 word story independently—
well done! Please contact Clare or Rukiya on 015395 66081 or
[email protected] for more information on times and for
4BY—Jack B working hard on his story and persevering when it booking.
was difficult. Hard work on problem solving in Maths too.
4JE—Elspeth R for being a fantastic teacher in the class, guiding
others in learning Well done to Oak house who won Time Keeper's this week
with one late mark across the house.
5BG—Aimee F for always exerting her best effort, her home
learning was delicious Chestnut were 2nd with 5 late marks (4 of those were from 5BG) and
Sycamore were just behind them with 6 (4 of those were from 3FR).
5SS—Willian P for trying so hard with his handwriting and presen-
tation—keep going! Thank you to pupils in 3ED, 4SV, 4BY, 5SM, 6AL, 6KC and 6CC who all
managed to get to school on time!
5FM—Robyn M for consistent hard work throughout the week
and being supportive. You will have seen in last week's bulletin that children who are con-
sistently late will be paying back missed time during their lunch
6AL—Alice F for applying herself to her studies and booster
groups, working really hard! break. Please make sure you are getting to school on time to avoid
6CC—Archie P for a fantastic piece of Red Riding Hood writing
that demonstrates what you are capable of! Attendance:

6KC—Angelina G always working well, both as an individual or a 5BG are still out in the lead with a class attendance of 97.8% whilst
group member 5SM remain the lowest with 95.8%.

French—3AT 0 Eleanor B for excellent progress and effort writing Please have a good rest over the half term and come back to school
the days of the week in French from memory—Fantastique refreshed and on time on Monday 27th February!

Inspire Challenge Achieve

French BreakfastChildren enjoying French breakfast in The Nest on Wednesday morning as a reward for consistently great effort
and behaviour in French lessons throughout this half term. In the picture - Mya L, Elizabeth B, Rheagan F, Pranajaa
S, Harrison T, Chalie S, Evie H, William P, Eric I and Carys N. Also invited but unable to attend were Nathan A and
Noah H. Félicitations à tous!

Thank you so much once
again to all those children
who brought their
passports in on Tuesday
and to the families who
are supporting them.
This week we have awarded a further 8 pin badges for children who reached
20 stamps in their passports and 9 more Bronze Awards for children who have
reached 30! We also have one child who is expected to achieve his Silver
award after the next passport control!
Well done to Evie C, Milly G, Freya B, Elizabeth B, Harrison T, Olivia D, Amelie
B, Harriet H, Kieran H, Richie F & Ruby Bwho all received recognition of their
efforts this week.
Play in a Day: It’s that time of year again – when young imaginative minds come together to create and perform their own play in
just one day! Devised with the Warwick Arts Centre Youth Theatre leaders, who knows what stories you’ll tell, what strange and
wonderful characters you’ll create and what worlds you’ll transport your audience to. Exploring improvisation, drama games, music,
scriptwriting, theatre skills and your thriving imagination all while working as a team, this is your chance to create a unique, fun piece
of theatre. At the end of the day you’ll perform to friends and family on one of the most impressive stages in the country.
Time: 09:45 – 19:30 (Performance at 19:00)
Cost: Free to Children’s University pre booked places!
Age: 8 – 14
Web Link:

To book the FREE place, please inform them that you are part of Children’s University.

Opportunity for local families to shape a new service:

Warwickshire has been awarded a grant to develop a Recovery and Wellbeing Academy that will offer a learning approach to re-
covery and wellbeing for people with mental health concerns. The Academy will be operated by CW Mind.
The charity is looking to develop a user-shaped approach to service delivery and is hoping to gather views from individuals affected
by mental health issues as well as professionals working with children, young people and families who are affected. To do this they
are running a number of network events at the end of February / beginning of March. Full details are on the back page of the

PTA [email protected]

We hope you will support your PTA in
the following events, please pop them
in the diary so you don’t miss out on all
the fun.

Friday 31st March 2017— Family Bingo
Friday 12th May 2017—School Disco
Friday 30th June 2017 -Summer BBQ/
Talent Show
Friday 14th July 2017—Leavers Disco

Any suggestions to the PTA can be emailed
to [email protected] School—Diary Dates

School Information Monday 20th February to Friday 24th
February 2017 —Half Term
 School gates open at 8.40a.m
Friday 7th April 2017—School closes 3.30pm for the
 School starts at 8.50a.m - Any child arriving after this time is late and will Easter break
be marked as such.
Monday 24th April 2017—School opens
 School finishes at 3.30p.m
Monday 1st May 2017—Bank Holiday—School
 If your child is ill and going to be absent please either telephone us on closed
01788 810675 (you can leave a voice mail if the office is closed or busy) or
email us on [email protected] Friday 26th May 2017—Teacher Training Day—
School closed
 If you feel you need to meet with a teacher face to face please
email [email protected] Monday 29th May to Friday 2nd June—Half Term

 If you need to talk with a teacher over the phone or have a general Thursday 20th July—School closes at 3.30pm
enquiry for them please email [email protected] Our
teachers are busy with your children in the classrooms all day however Friday 21st July—Teacher Training day
they will get back to you as soon as possible.
 If you would like to share concerns or contact Mrs Hodgson our Home/
School Support worker, please call the office, pop into school or email her Term starts Tuesday 5th September 2017
directly on [email protected]
Monday 23rd October to Friday 27th October
2017—Half Term

Inspire Challenge Achieve



A big well done to all that completed in the Primary Schools Gala on the 15th February. A total of 14
schools took part and we came in the top 5 on all the events.

Year 4 Boys freestyle relay team—2nd Year 3—Breast stroke—1st place to Grace McC.
place Grace did an amazing job and came
steaming home 1/2 a length ahead of
Well done to Charlie S, Finlay T and Logan everyone else in breast stroke.
Year 4 Boys freestyle—2nd Place to Logan W-S
This team finished their heat a whole This was a very close race with the
length a head of all the other teams. winner coming in at 18.58 and Logan
coming in at 18.75—wow!

Year 4 Girls Breast stroke— Year 3 Girls freestyle relay team—1st place
3rd place to Eden C Well done Imogen R, Alexa H and Grace McC
For bringing the plaque home.
Well done!

All the competitors did a grand job and did Bilton C of E Junior School proud—well done!

Teams were as follows:

Year 3 Boys Year 3 Girls Year 4 Boys Year 4 Girls A special thanks to Mr Evans, Mrs Ravenhall
Zayden H Grace MC Charlie S Annalise B and Mrs Wilson-Shrubb for all their help
Harvey N Imogen R Finlay T Eden C with the gala.
Thomas P Alexa H Logan W-S Holly U

Fun at

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