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Published by mrsthomas, 2020-06-12 09:52:37

12th June BJS BulletinR

12th June BJS BulletinR

"it is the courage to continue that
counts.”– Winston Churchill

12th June 2020
B U L L E T I N HeadlinesThe weekly newsletter to keep you updated with the highlights of
the school week

PoIninttesreosft Hello Everyone,
It was absolutely fabulous to see Pod 1 of Year 6 in school on Monday and then the second pod on
Science aoecfxtpiidvleoitariees!sto Wednesday. They spent a good chunk of time discussing what they had been up to and how lock down
Lots had been for them. As is similar, with the whole of society there were mixed responses to how they felt. I
think looking forward, children in school are going to need increased work on personal and social
education as we slowly and steadily come out of this situation. Teachers have enjoyed seeing children
whilst juggling the online studies we are providing for children who are not yet in school.

We have had lovely messages from parents today which I wanted to share with you:

'I wanted to say a huge thank you to you and your team for making our child’s
return to school such a wonderful and happy experience. We are living in such
unusual times and whilst our daughter has been very excited about coming back
to school it has not been without it’s worries and wobbles! She has had the
most incredible two and a half days, things have been different and she has
noted that, but the routine has soon become the new normal and she has loved
every minute and been so enthused when she has come home. She has loved the
online learning and will continue to do so, but having this opportunity to spend
time in a place she calls “her second home” has been so important for her especially as she will soon be
moving on to high school. I feel that how we behave as adults and what we do to manage our way
through our current situation is going to have an everlasting impact on the resilience and happiness of
our youngsters and as always the BJS team have been calm, caring, fun loving and nurturing and we feel
truly blessed that our daughter goes to such an amazing school. Thank you so very much!'

And also 'I would like to thank you and your team for all their hard work and dedication to get the school
open for the year 6s, this week. I can only imagine all the planning, cleaning and organising that you
have all gone through. It is very, very much appreciated. It has had an immensely positive effect on our
daughter's well being. I cannot thank you all enough for making her feel so safe and happy on her first
week back. Wishing you all a wonderful rest of the week and weekend.'

NeSwCeheZatewhlalhielseanrwngeedeweke are 'I just wanted to send an email to say thank you so much for all your hard work in opening the school
:-) back up for the Year Sixes and in such a thoughtful way. It has been great that she has got to make new
friends and get to know another girl who she will be with in her new school, I am certain that this wasn't
a coincidence and It's very much appreciated. She has absolutely loved every second, for what could
have been very scary and different for them, you have made it so positive, safe and special. Thank you. A
big thank you to all the teachers for the Google Classroom work too, it has all been enjoyed and

The government has withdrawn their decision to bring back all year groups by the summer holidays. I
know this must be incredibly frustrating for children and parents at home. We will do our best to sort
something out for children especially in the area of transition.

Our online learning will continue and I have had lots of good comments from
parents about Google Classroom. I am putting a survey out this week for
your thoughts about how things are going for you at home. Please feel free to
let me know what you think is going well, what isn't and what you would like
support with. We will then do our best as always. Please follow the link:

Plantagenet Drive, Rugby, CV 22 6LB Kind regards as usual,
Email: Mrs Norton

[email protected]


Please remember that whilst school is now closing, the School Health team are #HereToHelp
Children and Family Support Team shall continue to offer
their support. The drop ins they have previously run have Warwickshire families at this difficult time.
been suspended however their duty line will remain open Text for confidential health & wellbeing advice from their

for families who may need advise/support. friendly nurses.
Young people 11-19: text ChatHealth on
They can be contacted on 01926 412412 between 9am and
4pm Monday - Friday. 07507 331 525

The FIS (Family Information Service) will also still be Parents/carers: text Parentline on
taking calls and they can be contacted on 01926 742274. 07520 619 376

Please remember that Mrs Hodgson
will be available over email

([email protected])
for any families needing advice/support. If you do not

have access to the
internet, please leave a message with the school office

(01788 810675) and a
request for contact will be passed.

See the 'helpful information' tab
on the home page of the school's

website for a
list of support/sources of advice
available during lockdown and


I have the freedom and choice to be
ambitious for my future


I have the freedom and choice to be
ambitious for my future


Please email details of any birthdays due to happen in the next
couple of weeks to [email protected]


I have the freedom and choice to be
ambitious for my future


If you’re searching for fun science for children, welcome
to Science Sparks! We’ve got 100s of hands-on child-friendly
science experiments so you’re sure to find something to try

wherever your interests lie.

Searching out the best To support parents and carers with
primary science activities home learning, our subject experts have put together a selection of
activities and materials, all of which
are completely free for everyone to


Resources to support the BBC Bitesize
Daily Programme

Starters for STEM
Ten activities that parents can use at
home to help children develop their
science, technology, engineering and
maths skills. These activities are easy-
to-resource and provide children
with the stimulus to talk about the
world around them.

I have the freedom and choice to be
ambitious for my future


Keep emailing them in to
[email protected]

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