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Published by mrsthomas, 2017-11-24 09:52:47

bulletin 24.11.17

bulletin 24.11.17

BJS Bulletin


Plantagenet Drive, Rugby, CV22 6LB



Science Evening Dear All,

Wednesday 29th Another cracking week at BJS this week, but before I mention that, a mention from last
November weeks antics. Mark Pawsey MP for Rugby, visited us on Friday as he was interested in our
'No Outsiders' approach. Please see page 3 of the bulletin for more information.
Please book your
tickets This week has seen us hosting the Fire Brigade in Year 5 who shared
some very important information with them around fire safety. They
Air Ambulance each were given a booklet, book mark and ruler to mark the occasion.
Bake Sale—8th They commented about how alert, interested and focused the children
December after were. They were eager to listen and asked some really thought
provoking questions.
Also this week we have hosted Maths Mastery Inset for ourselves and other
If you would like Junior School colleagues from our local Cluster of schools. Teachers of Yr.3-6
to bake from Henry Hinde Junior and Cawston Primary came to a meeting led by
Mrs Thompson and also her colleague Mrs O'Neill from Henry Hinde Infants,
something for who are both Maths Mastery specialists. Our Infant colleagues had their
the sale please bespoke training last week.
bring in on the
Next week sees our special Science Event organised by Ms Davies. There are still tickets
morning of available for 'Bringing Science to life' which is in the school hall on Wednesday 29th
8.12.17 and the November at 6:30p.m. If you require tickets please use the following link https://
sale will be at
the end of the The children will be enjoying their own show in the afternoon
day. It would be and then staff will be having some training on Inspiring Science
really helpful if lesson delivery. This all helps to further our wish to make
you make a la- 2017/18 'Science Year at BJS.'
bel saying what
you have baked
and how much
each item will


Christmas Celebration concerts at St Mark’s Church

Letters were sent home last week, concerts begin at 6pm and aim to finish by 7.15pm.
Please bring children to the church at 5.45pm on their ‘House’ evening per the below:
Tuesday 12th December—Oak (3SV, 4AT, 5SS and 6AL)
Wednesday 13th December—Sycamore (3FS, 4BR, 5JB and 6CC)
Thursday 14th December—Chestnut (3ED, 4DB, 5JE and 6KC)
If you haven’t already returned the permission slip please return to the school
office as soon as possible. Thank you

Lunch Time Top Table Punctuality

COMPASSION SERVICE Every week Mrs. Congratulations go to Oak House for winning the
Nathan A - 6CC Time Keepers Award for the 4th week in a row!
Kieran H—6CC Anabelle P—3ED Reeves-Brown and her
Max A—3FS Chestnut and Sycamore came joint second again with 7 each
Ellen G—6KC Maisie P—3ED team awards children this week.
Edward M—6AL for demonstrating our Congratulations also go to 4BR for the best class attendance
Alex J—6CC with just over 98%!
Jack P—6AL Madison E—5JB Christian values during
Luis T—6AL Please remember we want to give your children the very best
lunch time, the education that we can, but we need them in school and on
time each day in order to do that.
RESPONSIBILITY nominated children get
Prevention of Cyberbullying—’Stop, Speak,
Toby E –5JB an invitation to join the Support’ Campaign
top table on the Friday
Please use the link below to look at the new initiative on
of that week. cyberbullying -

Excellence Awards
This week’s Excellence Awards were presented to the following children 20Education&utm_medium=Newsletter%20Nov%2017th
during Thursday’s assembly:
3SV—Alfie G for fantastic work in Maths—well done! BJS are now on Facebook as well as twitter.
3FS—Max A for empathy and performance skills in a drama activity Please follow the link to find us and keep up to
3ED—Sophie H for wonderful cave art sketching date with things that are going on here at Bilton
4DB—Daisy S for always trying her best in every aspect of school life C of E Junior School. Of course we will still have
4BR—Elizabeth B for always doing her best our bulletin to keep up communications too :-)
4AT—Caoimhe H for her effort in all lessons Mrs Norton

5JB—Toby E for being an amazing ‘music man’ who can be relied upon Making Year 3 had great fun making
to be ‘on the ball’ during our Christmas song practises the axle cars and testing them for
their DT lesson
5JE—Leah W for writing an amazing description of a setting from the
Pied Piper

5SS—Dylan D.J for engaging well in his lessons and his determination to
improve his focus

6AL—Jack P for working really hard with his English

6CC—Ruby B for a positive learning attitude

6KC—Charlie R for consistent improvement throughout the curriculum

French—Evie S (4DB) for helping to teach the class how to sing ‘Head,
Shoulders, Knees and Toes in French—Fantastique!

Year 3

Testing the cars

How fab do the PTA magnets
look?!You should have received them

this week. What a great way to help
keep you informed of the events this


Harris CofE Academy Sports Centre NO OUTSIDERS

Christmas Multi Sport Holiday Club WITH MR. PAWSEY

Tuesday 2nd January to Friday 5th January 2018 Pupils at Bilton C of E Junior School
9am– 4pm £12 For ages 5-12 years met with their local MP Mr Mark
PAWSEY not only to discuss the work
Early drop off from 8am and late pickup until 6pm, additional charges apply they have all been doing throughout
Anti-bullying week, but also to share
To book your place or for more info: with him details of the No
Email:[email protected] Outsiders ethos which runs through
Phone 01788 818925 their school.

REVERSE ADVENT CALENDAR The children spent time discussing
the Equality Act 2010 which is the
This Advent, which is the lead up to Christmas from the 1st foundation of their No Outsiders
December, we are going to do something special. I love work. They also explained why they
opening up my chocolate calendar every year and gobbling up the feel it is important to spread this
secret tasty treats and the countdown to Christmas is so exciting. work outside of their school to
ensure all in the community and
This year we are going to 'turn Advent on its head' and ask that each further afield are aware of the need
class brings an item of food for the Foodbank on a specific day during to adhere to the Equality Act and
Advent. You could bring a tin of food, a toiletry item or something else treat people fairly and with respect.
from the list.
The children gave Mr Pawsey a tour
The day that your child could bring of the school and he met many of
something to put in our special Advent the pupils. He also took time to talk
boxes is: with the children and gain an
understanding about the Anti Bulling
6AL Friday 1st December charter which every adult and pupil
6KC Monday 4th December in school signs to show their support
6CC Tuesday 5th December in speaking out against bullies.
5SS Wednesday 6th December
5JE Thursday 7th December I have the freedom and choice to be ambitious for my future
5JB Friday 8th December
4DB Monday 11th December
4AT Tuesday 12th December
4BR Wednesday 13th December
3SV Thursday 14th December
3FS Friday 15th December
3ED Monday 18th December
Office Staff Tuesday 19th December
Learning Support Assistants Wednesday
20th December
Teaching Staff Thursday 21st December
Senior Leadership Team Friday 22nd
Thank you for your support.

Christmas Performances at St. Admissions 2018 entry
Mark’s Church at 6pm
Where families have a child who is due to start school in Reception, or transfer from Year
Tuesday 12th December—Oak 2 at an infant school to Year 3 at a junior school, in September 2018, the application pro-
cess is now in full swing and the deadline for families to apply is Monday 15th January
Wednesday 13th December— 2018. Should you have any queries please contact the Admissions Service on 01926
Sycamore 414143—option 2

Thursday 14th December—

School Information School—Diary Dates

 School gates open at 8.30am, doors open at 8.40am 2017/2018
 School starts at 8.50a.m - Any child arriving after this time is late and will be marked as
Monday 25th December to 5th January 2018—
such. Christmas Holiday
 School finishes at 3.30p.m Children start back on Monday 8th January 2018
 If your child is ill and going to be absent please either telephone us on 01788 810675 (you Monday 19th February to 23rd February 2018—
Half term
can leave a voice mail if the office is closed or busy) or email us Friday 30th March 2018 to 13th April 2018—Easter
on [email protected] Holiday
 If you feel you need to meet with a teacher face to face please email the school office Monday 7th May 2018—School Closed Bank Holi-
[email protected] day
 If you need to talk with a teacher over the phone or have a general enquiry for them Friday 25th May 2018—Teacher Training Day
please email [email protected] Our teachers are busy with your children in Monday 28th May to 1st June 2018—Half Term
the classrooms all day however they will get back to you as soon as possible. Friday 20th July 2018—Teacher training Day
 If you would like to share concerns or contact Mrs Hodgson our Home/School
Support worker, please call the office, pop into school or email her directly

Inspire Challenge Achieve

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