BJS Bulletin
BILTON C F E Plantagenet Drive, Rugby, CV 22 6LB
POINTS OF Oh I got my more snow...let's hope that is it for 2018! I am not sure whether it is
INTEREST: has been a particularly bad year for weather or that I have been without a caretaker for a
while but the last two months have been pretty difficult. It was great to see some spring
Science sunshine this week and I have almost secured a new caretaker so all it right with the world!
week next
Lots to look forward to coming up including Science Week which officially
week starts today (Friday 9th March) Please see the information Ms Davies has given
later in the Bulletin which outlines how we are celebrating as a school. This
Mothering year has officially been our Year of Science. Ms Davies has been working really
Sunday Service at hard to attain our Science Mark and has collected plenty of evidence to
St. Marks Church successfully achieve it this year, I am sure.
this Sunday at Thank you to all children, staff and parents who have helped raise money in various ways for
10am our chosen charity, the air ambulance. We have had bake sales, smaller stalls selling gifts and
many competitions so far. Next term we will be continuing by having a few more whole
All welcome school events. I am looking forward to a pyjama day when the weather is a bit warmer :-)
https:// Lets see if we can raise a target of £1500 before July 2018 :-) currently funds raised so
m/stmarksbilton/ Spring Fever has been taught over the past weeks and I would be very interested
how you feel it has gone. Thanks to those parents who have already done so. I
have had lots of positive feedback from children and staff and it has enabled some
open, honest and frank discussions. Many parents, too, have felt it has
encouraged discussions at home. Jonny Hunt who is a Warwickshire SRE
consultant has also asked for feedback and had given us an update on the programme for
next year as it is being updated this coming April. Next year it is going to be law to teach
Relationships education. The new programme is based on the ethos and evidence
of Spring Fever but the content will be different. The licence Warwickshire has with Rutgers
has run out and in the light of the new guidance due in 2019 they decided to develop their
own, based on the evidence for Spring Fever, joining it together with the evidence and good
practice of the Taking Care programme (which we run in October at BJS). Parents will still
have the right to remove their children from the programme. Next year we will have
another parents meeting in plenty of time for the launch in 2019. Please email me
on if you have any particular feedback that you think would
be helpful.
Thanks for your enquiries re our Ofsted report. We are still awaiting the formal outcome of
our OFSTED section 8 inspection we had on 14th February. I will let you know the outcome
as soon as I am able to.
I have the freedom and choice to be ambitious for my future
Incidents concerning your children
I do not wish what I am about to ask to seem like I am not interested in your children and their
welfare...hopefully you know me enough now to know that is far from the truth!
If there is a concern that you have regarding a classroom issue or a fall out between children I
would ask that you contact the office who will pass your query/concern to your child's class teacher.
If you have tried that and there has been no improvement then please feel free to contact my Assis-
tant Heads- Yr 3/4 Mrs Thompson or Yr 5/6 Miss Lewis. In addition to that you may wish to speak to
Mrs Hodgson our Family Support worker, who is an expert in dealing with children who fall out or
who are concerned about another child being unkind to them.
If you query is of a more serious nature, then please contact my Deputy Head, Mrs Webb or myself.
Thank you
National Science Week
Next week we are taking part In National
Science week. This year’s theme is explorers
and exploration. We have an exciting start
to the week with Ian Bates (one of our parent
scientists) from Coventry University, who is
bringing some of his demonstrations from
the Big Bang Fair to share with everyone in
assembly on Monday morning. Teachers have prepared exciting
activities for the children related to the theme and children will be
sharing their discoveries with their mentors and mentees at the end of
the week. It promises to be an exciting week full of science.
If you are keen to explore further, the Big Bang Fair is on at the NEC
from March 14th - 17th.
Happy Exploring.
Ellen Davies
(Science Lead)
Young Carers
We work closely with the Young Carers organisation and are proud to be the
first primary school in Warwickshire to achieve their Gold School’s Award!
Young Carers do an amazing job supporting young people who are in a caring
role. The project describe a YoungCarer as 'a young person who lives with
someone who has an illness, disability, mental health or substance misuse
If you think this project could help a young person in your life, have a look at
the link and if you have any questions or would like a referral making, either contact me
in school or contact the project direct
Excellence Lunch Time Top Table Every week Mrs.
Awards Reeves-Brown
This week’s Excellence Awards were Lennon H - 5JB awards children
presented to the following children Amelie B - 5SS Hanaa Y - 4BR GENEROSITY for
Harlen W - 4BR demonstrating
during Thursday’s assembly: Ameerah I - 5SS COMPASSION Daniel P - 4BR our Christian
RESPONSIBILITY values during
3SV—Eve F for always trying hard in all Sybilla U - 3SV Erin C - 5JB Jake O - 4BR lunch time, the
that she does Joseph P - 4BR nominated
COURAGE Zara S - 5JB children get an
3FS—Madison B for writing a fabulous invitation to join
diary entry Alfie G - 3SV the top table on
the Friday of
3ED—Fatimah K for always working Rolled over to this week due that week.
hard and doing her best to the snow day
4AT—Eva S for always working hard to Punctuality
produce high quality work
Time keeping has not been good again this week (with no snow and ice to blame ei-
4BR—Sydney T for always taking pride ther!)
in her work Sycamore got the Time Keeper's Award with 9 late marks whilst Oak recorded 10 and
Chestnut got a very disappointing 14.
4DB—Megan B for making a real effort Our doors open at 8.40am, our lessons start at 8.50am. Please remember if your
in her presentation and spelling child is late they are missing their learning.
Where lateness is persistent your child may need to use their break time to catch up
5JE—Eden C for sensible and helpful with missed work.
contributions in class all week Please contact Mrs Hodgson ( if you
have difficultly getting your children to school on time.
5SS—Summer H for her determination
to do her best in all that she does
5JB—Whole class for showing maturity
through out the spring fever lessons
6AL—Michael E for understanding the
importance of focusing in lessons
6CC—Moris A for settling in really well
to 6CC
6KC—Liel M very positive attitude to all
areas of the curriculum
Thank you to Mrs Norton and
Mrs Thomas who gave up a day of
their half term holiday to come into
school to paint the downstairs pupil
toilets. They look refreshed!
Teaching Assistant Apprentice Harris C of E Academy SSP
Vacancy at BJS Presents:
We are looking for two Teaching Assistant apprentice’s Bikeability—Easter
to support children in class, lead small group activities Holiday Courses
and support individual children.
Level 2 Training for pupils in
Working week year 5 & 6
Monday to Friday (Term time only), plus teacher Thur 12 April and Fri 13 April
training days (both days must be
30 hours per week, 15 month contract attended). 9.15am to
12.30pm £20 per person
For more information please see the below link:
Level 1 Training for pupils in years 3,4, 5 & 6
Tue 10 April 9.30am to
Possible start date: Monday 16th April 2018 11.45am. £12 per person
Metcalf Multi Sports Easter Holiday Course at Abbots For more information call
Farm Infant School Debbie on 01788 812549,
ext 304 or email
9am—3pm £12 a day, 3rd-6th April & 9th-13th April
Email or call on uk
07792659978 for more information
Year 4 used the new Crumble electronic equipment this week….
School Information School—Diary Dates
School gates open at 8.30am, doors open at 8.40am 2017/2018
School starts at 8.50a.m - Any child arriving after this time is late and Friday 30th March 2018 to 13th April 2018—Easter
will be marked as such. Monday 7th May 2018—School Closed Bank
School finishes at 3.30p.m Friday 25th May 2018—Teacher Training Day
If your child is ill and going to be absent please either telephone us on 01788 810675 (you can leave Monday 28th May to 1st June 2018—Half Term
Friday 20th July 2018—Teacher training Day
a voice mail if the office is closed or busy) or email us on
If you feel you need to meet with a teacher face to face please email the school office
If you need to talk with a teacher over the phone or have a general enquiry for them please email Our teachers are busy with your children in the classrooms all day
however they will get back to you as soon as possible.
If you would like to share concerns or contact Mrs Hodgson our Home/School Support worker,
please call the office, pop into school or email her directly
Inspire Challenge Achieve