BJS Bulletin
BILTON C OF E Plantagenet Drive, Rugby, CV 22 6LB
Super week here at the Mother Ship! Great to see so many parents and carers to see
PGL—Year 5 teachers and find out how children are getting on. If you didn't manage to make parents
Parents/ Carers evening then please contact your child's class teacher and arrange to pop in for ten minutes
at another time. You can make contact through the office.
Q&A session after
school on Friday for This has been a week where we have kicked off our 'Protective
Behaviours/Taking Care' curriculum. Over the next month you should be
any last minute hearing about your child's 'network' and that there is nothing too small
questions regarding that they can tell us about'. Children will also be discussing their 'Early
Warning Signs'. Please have a chat with your children about the issues
PGL next week. they face growing up. There are plenty of leaflets available in the front
There will also be a entrance of school which explain the scheme
pop up shop after a bit further.
school run by the
PTA for a chance to Lots of visits out this week...Yr.3 thoroughly enjoyed Coventry
buy any last minute Airport and museum as they are studying 'Transport' in all its
forms. Yr 4 successfully navigated their way around
items for PGL Bilton Village. Year 5's turn next week as we are off to PGL
and then Yr 6 to the Staffordshire Regiment in the last week
PTA DISCO before the half term holiday. Trips/Visits are really important
parts of our curriculum. Thank you to those who pay in full for
Friday 19th October them as it makes sure that trips can go ahead.
Year 3 & 4
We also had two open mornings on Wednesday and Friday
6.00 to 7.15pm where Yr. 5 helped to show around prospective parents. There
Year 5 & 6 were lots of lovely comments about the school and the
politeness of the children. I am always really proud when I hear good news stories about
7.30 to 8.45pm our children. They are a credit to you :-)
Parent helpers
needed, please There is also building work going on in school this week where
chestnut are having brand new windows installed. Children and
email staff are being very patient and understanding.
pta@biltonjuniorsch if you can Regards, Mrs Norton
help I have the freedom and choice to be ambitious for my future
Punctuality Congratulations to Sycamore House who were awarded the Golden Pocket Watch
Award this week along with year 3 and 4 who all had perfect time keeping!
It is a shame it’s the older children who are still arriving after the school day has started.
The individual award this week goes to Mirtill T for 100% attendance so far this term.
Please check to see if you can access your SIMS Agora account, if you actioned the SIMS ID process
before September 2018 you should be able to log in and pay for school dinners as before.
However if you can’t log in and you had an existing account with SIMS AGORA you should have received an email from
SIMS Agora at the beginning of September so that you can complete your registration process under the new SIMS ID
process. The email will be sent from [email protected] - please ensure you have checked your inbox and junk
folders etc. and follow the instructions.
You will be sent a separate invitation and code and instructions on what to do. If your child has a sibling in school you
can link the two children with your existing account information—there is no need for 2 accounts.
Any queries please speak with the school office.
We hope to roll the system out to enable you to pay for school trips in due course.
Remembrance Art project for Children, Staff and Parents,
I would really like to create a display for the commemoration of 100 years since the 1st World War. I
envisage a selection of poppies adorning the front gate and fence area a little bit like the poppies at
the Tower of London. I wonder if you or your family would like to make a poppy (or more if you like)
to be part of the display. Wouldn't it be great to create 100!
You could knit, crochet, create out of plastic or paper. There are a number of ideas below that you
may wish to try and have a go at:
Here is a link that you could use if you like:
Please deliver your poppy/poppies to school by Monday 5th November 2018
Thank you in advance:-)
Excellence Awards Dear members and friends of RIFF, the Rugby In-
This week’s Excellence Awards were presented to terfaith Forum
the following children during Thursday’s assembly: The Steering Group warmly invites you to the Music Unites concert
3ED—Emily W for excellent attitude to learning and which will be held this Saturday, 6th October at 2.00pm for 2.30pm in
enthusiasm St Andrew’s Church, Rugby. This free event, which is open to the
general public, is the final part of our recent discussions around this
3SV—Ozzy H for enthusiasm—particularly on our trip theme and is an opportunity for us all to listen, watch and celebrate the
yesterday music and dance of different faiths united in their love of God.
3ES—Aiden McE for great topic knowledge and excellent Attached is a small poster highlighting the event and the timetable for
attitude to learning
the afternoon - you may already have seen posters and other publicity in
4FM—Reha S for writing a story using interesting this regard - and we urge you not only to join us but to distribute this
vocabulary and phrases electronically or physically to anyone whom you think might be interest-
4DB—Archie K for excellent attempt at a retelling Finn Ma ed in coming. As mentioned the event is free of charge, refreshments
will be served, and there will be a retiring collection in aid of Jessie’s
Fund, the charity which helps children with additional or complex needs
4AT—Kyle V for his effort and excellent work on or serious illness to communicate by using music.
mathletics Please do come on Saturday. It would be good to see you again and to
5JE—Peter R for being very resourceful in maths this enjoy this landmark event in your company.
5AL—Josh K for a great attitude to all his lessons. Such a Lunch Time Top Table
competent student
Service 4AT Respect
5SS—Lowan McG for his excellent attitude to all aspects Mimi H 3ED Dexter M 3ED
of school life and being a super role model Kayla D 3ES Miles V 3SV
Freya P Aaryan B 3ED
6KC—Ruby C for her positive attitude towards her work
Every week Mr. Wilson and his team awards
6JB—Anjan S for always working hard and being an children for demonstrating our Christian values during
excellent role model—Well done Anjan lunch time, the nominated children get an invitation to
6CC—Callum N for a fantastic poem recital—well done join the top table on the Friday of that week.
for memorising it!
Warwickshire Trading Standards and Warwickshire Fire & Help shape services provided through the
Rescue Service’s Firework Safety Competition 2018 School Health & Wellbeing Service
Write a Firework Safety Poem or Rhyme and Decorate it competition Warwickshire County Council is
consulting with the public,
(For School Years 3,4, 5 and 6) professionals and partners on the
services provided through the School
Poems/Rhymes should be at least four lines long and also Health & Wellbeing Service to ensure
deliver a firework safety message. Children may decorate they are fit for purpose, good quality
their entry if they choose to. and meeting the needs of children and
families in Warwickshire.
There will be ten winners, one for each district. Each winner will
receive a prize of £25 book token and a visit to a Warwickshire Fire
Station. health-and-wellbeing-service/
In addition to their prize, they will also have their poster/poem Marathon Wednesday
enlarged and reprinted in time to be used as part of next years
campaign . Don’t forget you are welcome to join us for Marathon
Wednesday! Parents/Grandparents/Carers, dig out your
Please return all entries to school by the 5th November 2018 and running shoes and come and join in the fun—12.30pm
ensure you include their name, age and school on the back.
Contact: Ashley Metcalf, 07792659978 PTA NEWS
Email:[email protected] Dates for your Diaries:
Friday 19th October—School Disco
Twitter: @metmultisports Thursday 8th November—Fireworks @BJS
Saturday 1st December—Christmas Fayre
Facebook: Friday 18th January—Family Bingo
metcalfmultisports Friday 8th February—School Disco
Friday 15th March—Grown ups Quiz Night
Available at Avon Valley School or Wednesday 10th April—Easter Egg
Abbots Farm Infant School
Friday 7th June—Family Bingo
Saturday 22nd June—Summer Fayre
Email: [email protected]
School—Diary Dates
Monday 29 October to Friday 2 November—Half
School Closes Friday 21st December 2018 at
School Information Monday 7th January 2019—Teacher Training Day
School Opens Tuesday 8th January 2019
School gates open at 8.30am, doors open at 8.40am Monday 18 February to Friday 22nd February
School starts at 8.50a.m - Any child arriving after this time is late and 2019—Half Term
School Closes Friday 12 April 2019 at 3.30pm
will be marked as such. School Opens Monday 29 April 2019
Monday 6th May 2019—School Closed Bank
School finishes at 3.30p.m Holiday
If your child is ill and going to be absent please either telephone us on 01788 810675 (you can leave a Monday 27 May to Friday 31 May 2019—Half Term
Monday 3 June 2019—Teacher Training Day
voice mail if the office is closed or busy) or email us on [email protected] School closes Thursday 18 July 2019 at 3.30pm
Fri 19 July & Mon 22 July - Teacher training
If you feel you need to meet with a teacher face to face please email the school office
[email protected]
If you need to talk with a teacher over the phone or have a general enquiry for them please email
[email protected] Our teachers are busy with your children in the classrooms all day
however they will get back to you as soon as possible.
If you would like to share concerns or contact Mrs Hodgson our Home/School Support worker, please
call the office, pop into school or email her directly on [email protected]
Inspire Challenge Achieve