You can only become truly accomplished at
something you love.
~ Maya Angelou
8th October 2021
B U L L E T I N HeadlinesThe weekly newsletter to keep you updated with the highlights of
the school week
t Hello everyone
Plewyahocseouednlrltreeuwnocnrpeatngaiyotironiofnfsfeufgcorhrtcoohoilld We are really proud of all of our children and the efforts they make
to be the best they can be here at BJS. We love to give out
opportunities to lead in lots of ways and we are particularly
proud of our Learning Ambassadors, House Captains, Junior
Leadership Team, Worship Leads and Online Rangers.
The Junior Leadership Team are voted for by their classmates to
represent them at regular meetings which cover all aspects of
school life. They have already had their first meeting to discuss ways to improve
lunchtimes with Miss Lewis and Mr Wilson. They are: William M, Alana F, Harry M,
Stephen A, Katie G, Millie C, Lily V, Sofia L, Mara B, James B, Daisy Mae B, and Madisen L.
The House Captains are voted in by all year groups in each house to support the smooth
running of Chestnut, Sycamore and Oak are Nihal S, Lulu M, Sophia M, Macey F, Eve T,
Oliver B.
The Learning Ambassadors are a group of children chosen by school who take feedback
from the class to the teachers weekly planning meetings each week. They are Summer H,
Zachery C, Amaan A, Annabelle H, Albie R, Lailah C, Ella F, Joe O'B, Zach M, Erin K, Grace H
and Archie M.
oofnboserr Our Worship Team is made up of a volunteer from each class who are looking at ways to
provide areas for quiet reflection for our children around the school and school grounds.
Plantagenet Drive, Rugby, CV 22 6LB They have begun working with Mrs Spraget on some exciting ideas. They also support
Email: assemblies and we have already had some lovely prayers created by members of the
team. They are: Eden S, Briony E, Paula B, Elsie M, Rose V, Nate C, PJ S, Jovanna G, Leo B,
[email protected] James B, Dougie B and Freya F.
Last but not least is our team of Online Rangers who are pupil monitors for the
technology that is used within our school and are advocates for good behaviour around
its use. They support teachers wherever possible and help showcase a range of digital
skills. They have also already had their first meeting and are eager to take on their roles.
They are: Verity B, Violet P, Lilly F, Lola D, Albie R, Joules L, Orla G, Solomon C, Joseph G,
Sai N, Valentina C and Thomas H.
Halfway through the year we will have a swap around and give a new set of children the
opportunity to take on these roles.
Thank you to everyone for supporting our non uniform day today
helping us raise money for the Young Minds charity. Here is the
link to the video we shared in assembly this week from Young
Kind regards
Mrs Webb and the BJS Team
Notices 3JE Libby-Rose For working hard to answer tricky
3JE Miya L For working hard on her joined up place value questions.
3AL Amelia C For working hard with her Alien writing 3AL Maisie J For working really hard in her maths
task and gaining great confidence in answering
3ED Anaiya C For a great alien story questions
4VF Sasha For trying really hard with sentence 3ED Janelle For always trying her best in maths
4CC Angad For coming up with excellent ideas in
sentence stacking 4VF Lailah For her enthusiasm in maths lessons
4SS Katie for collecting some excellent examples of 4CC Lincoln For always working really hard in maths
vocabulary for her writing 4SS Evan L For his excellent explanations in maths
5ES PJ For fantastic sentence stacking, deepening the
moment and using adventurous vocabulary 5ES Jorgie For persevering with rounding
5JB Lucas K For excellent sentence stacking 5JB Zain For always working hard and being a
5MB Jess T Super sentence stacking
supportive partner
6SM Elizabeth R For super perseverance when 5MB Charlie D Consistent good work
writing/editing her independent writing
6KC Paulina Excellent effort in her non-chronological
report 6SM Noel M For good reasoning when choosing
6AT Miles For thinking deeply about the content of
his independent writing multiplication and division methods
6KC Alexa Completing all tasks efficiently
6AT Chloe For perseverance learning new division
3JE Harper F For helping those around her both in
the classroom and on the playground.
3AL Ruben F For trying to do an AR quiz at every 3JE Rose C For perseverance and making a big effort to
opportunity finish all her work.
3ED Oscar N For fantastic concentration and effort 3AL Archi D For being very kind natured and always
in his story writing looking out for his peers
3ED Chase TS For always being cheerful and friendly and
4VF Jody B For her excellent attitude to learning. for making Ms Davies and Mrs Jones smile
4CC Joe For always setting a good example
4SS Lucy for sharing her knowledge and skills 4VF Oskar For respect - Oskar always follows the class
with the class during PE rules.
4CC Elise M For showing responsibility in her role as
5ES Lilah For always doing the right thing and Worship Leader
being polite and kind to everyone
4SS Thea For her lovely supportive words to a fellow
5JB Sofia L For always being attentive and classmate
engaged in our learning
5MB Jaxon For consistently working hard 5ES Isiah For showing friendship and generosity to
everyone in 5ES
6SM Xavier For insightful and mature thoughts 5JB Izzy C For being determined to be focused and on task
contributed to small group discussion. 5MB Jaya For respect- always considerate of others
6KC Rory Childs Brilliant attitude to completing
his work 6SM Hanna For showing responsibility and being a
6AT Sammy For always doing his best in all mature, conscientious learner
lessons 6KC Holly Always doing the right thing
6AT Josh For courage and perseverance - making
the most of his learning, despite a fractured ankle
French Katelin 4SS For such a positive attitude to
French William C 4CC For courage and respect, asking
some searching but polite questions in RE.
Class Individuxxal
Chestnut 6KC
Chloe H 6SM Friendshi
Kai H 6SM Friendship
Melody T 3JE Respect
Sophie W
3JE Respect
Sycamore 4CC Cameron R 6AT
Sofiya S 5
JB Respect
Oak 3AL Kayla D 6SM Friendship Niko K 4CC
Amber T 3AL Wisdom
William M 3AL Hope
Asithan G 3JE Wisdom
I hav
e the freedom and choiceRhys A 4SS Hope to be
ambitious for my future
Riding to school
Rugby Cycle Repairs have hand picked a range of lights, reflective gear, helmets, mud
guards and locks that would help keep pupils visible and safe, especially at this time of
year when the mornings and evenings are getting darker and more accidents happen.
The process is really simple.
You can view the hand selected products and place an order directly on their website:
The deadline for this order is October 14th at 12:00pm so that all items can be delivered
to the school during the week beginning 18th October where we will distribute these
pupils in time for the clocks going back over half term.
If you place an order with Rugby Cycle Repairs you will also be helping to raise fund for
the school as we will receive 10% of the value of all orders placed
Orders will be delivered to school week commencing 20th of October
If you have any questions or need advice about what to order, you can contact Rugby
Cycle Repairs directly using [email protected]
Here is the link to the Sept/Nov digital version of Allsorts magazine
you can tap straight to advertisers’ websites when viewing the
mag on your phone (please mention allsorts). They have included
a competition to win a £20 voucher
I have the freedom and choice to be
ambitious for my future
Understanding your If you want to understand more about your child's behaviour,
child's behaviour Warwickshire has an interactive parenting group is for parents and
carers who would like to know more about:
Your child’s development
Your child’s behaviours
Your role as a main carer and how best to support your child
The programme starts in October and runs for 10 weeks
For any enquires or questions about this course please email:
[email protected].
I have the freedom and choice to be
ambitious for my future
Activities for children with additional Free heating systems for eligible
residents in Warwickshire
ILEAP is a Stratford-upon-Avon based
charity who provide community based
leisure activities for anyone with The project is aimed to assist those with
additional needs aged four years and long term health conditions affected by the
cold who are struggling financially. Act on
over. Energy can also provide free independent
advice on what to do if your energy
supplier ceases trading, how to lower your
New app energy usage, billing issues and much
for Dads
Call Act on Energy on 0800 988 2881
Dadpad is a free app accessible to all fathers living in
Warwickshire, Coventry & Solihull. It's designed to
reduce any anxieties, create a strong bond and healthy
attachment with your child or baby, build stronger
family relationships and recognise when you or your
partner might need to get help for your mental health.
I have the freedom and choice to be
ambitious for my future
Arty Tots Spooktacular
Market Hall Museum, Warwick
Tuesday 26 October 2021 - 10am to 3pm
Potions, Cures and Witches
Market Hall Museum
Wednesday 27th October 10am to 3pm
St John’s Haunted House
Thursday 28 October 2021 - Sunday 31 October 2021
Spaces are limited so please book soon through the Heritage
and Culture Warwickshire Eventbrite page.
Visitors are welcome to use the free onsite parking at St John's
House. If this car park is full, paid parking available at St
Nicholas Park.
I have the freedom and choice to be
ambitious for my future
Dates and Contact Details
I have the freedom and choice to be
ambitious for my future