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Published by mrsthomas, 2019-01-14 09:50:00



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TFoorADrirk,SNoenilaaBnedrnTaerdd––TJ.R.W. .


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First published in Great Britain in 2019 by Andersen Pres Ltd.,
20 Vauxhal Bridge Road, London SW1V 2SA.
Text copyright © Jean e Wil is, 2019.
Il ustration copyright © Tony Ros , 2019.

The rights of Jean e Wil is and Tony Ros to be identified
as the author and il ustrator of this work have
be n as erted by them in ac ordance with the
Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 198 .
Al rights reserved.

Printed and bound in Lithuania.
This edition created exclusively for Vodafone. Not for resale.

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data available.
ISBN 978 1 7834 717 6

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A Hashtag Cautionary Tale




There was a girl
with golden hair
who used her mobile
phone to share
her photos and

her videos;
no harm in that,
you might sup ose.

At first, she posted
boring things –

a selfie in her fairy wings –
and lo ked for likes
that didn’t come

(she couldn’t count the ones from Mum).

She thought, as she lay wal owing,
“I must increase my fol owing.
But how can I at ract a crowd?
I know! I’l make them

_L-augh Out Loud.”



And so, she shared on Instagram
her baby brother eating jam,

al smothered in it, head to fe t,
her friends adored it: #Swe t!

She shared a talking dog cal ed Rover,

Uncle Richard fal ing over.

Farting fer ets, frisky rab its…

But then her fol owers got bored
of fun y cats and they ignored
her baby brother’s latest antic.
Goldilocks felt friendles , frantic!

Fearful she would fal from fame,
she felt that she must UP her game
and lo k for something far more daring –
something shocking, go d for sharing.

Then, swinging on the tiny chair, -_ -_
it broke and flung her in the air.

She didn’t care: #Fun!

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She filmed the damage that she’d done.

“I wonder what’s upstairs?” she said,
and bounced from bed to bed to bed.

And then, col apsing in a heap
upon the smal est: #Sle p.

But as she slept, thre bears walked in,
“It’s her, there’s por idge on her chin!”

“She’s in my cot!” cried Baby Bear.
“She ate my breakfast, broke my chair.”

The bears were such a scary sight
that Goldilocks ran home in fright.

But it was no go d hiding there,
for who came knocking? Dad y Bear!

And Dad y Bear was not alone.
A gruf policeman to k her phone.

He’d se n her posts
and al the shares
which proved that
she’d upset the bears.

“You must be punished for this crime,”
he said, “and you must spend your time
inside the bears’ house, swe ping flo rs,

mending chairs and doing chores.”

Al sum er long, she went each day.
No time for phones, no time to play.

And even when they set her fre …
Her posts lived on for al to se .

But then, in answer to her prayers
She was forgiven by the bears;

She learnt her les on in the end...

And THINKS before she presses Sendl

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