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Published by mrsthomas, 2018-10-19 06:46:33

bulletin 19.10.18

bulletin 19.10.18

BJS Bulletin


Plantagenet Drive, Rugby, CV 22 6LB 19TH OCTOBER 2018

BILTON C OF E Headlines
Dear Parents and Carers,
POINTS OF Great to be back! PGL was an amazing opportunity to facilitate Yr 5 bonding and for staff to know
INTEREST: the children behind the BJS uniform. Big congratulations to all Yr 5 children who went to PGL and
to those who stayed behind with Mrs Gibson. Your behaviour was exemplary as usual! My favourite
picture of all is this one...



TONIGHT I got back to some really exciting news...we have been invited to write an article in the
'Parliamentary Review' which allows businesses and public sector bodies to share and promote their
best practice within policy sectors, with the goal of raising standards. The publication is
independently owned by Westminster Publications Ltd. This, they say, allows the publication to
remain non-partisan, and as such grants the freedom to our representatives to praise and criticise
government policy against the blank canvas of the document, which takes no official stance.
Alongside these voices that represent different sectors, each year notable politicians and senior
figures related to the relevant industry lend their perspective and insight to The Parliamentary

Unfortunately, after speaking to the publishers there is a considerable cost of £3,500 to be part of
the document which aims to share good practice and successes of the school. Unless we have
anyone out there who has won the lottery and/or would like to gift us the monies needed I can
think of many ways of spending such a large sum of money to continue to benefit our learners. I
guess everyone has to make money, but how wonderful it would be if this opportunity had been
free, giving ordinary hardworking schools a chance to share their good practice.

Firework order Transition survey results
forms have been
Thank you to Yr 3 parents who completed our transition survey, which aims to ask parents about
sent home, their experiences of transition so we can further improve this important service year on year. The
spares available survey results have been very positive. You really liked the welcome pack and that there is a
from the office. welcoming staff presence at important parts of the day. You feel our office staff are positive and give
you the information you need. One parent said, 'The mentoring system was a huge help in making
Please return our child feel welcome, excited and settled. Also the little notes, certificates etc have been a great way
before of making our son feel a part of the school and that he is really valued. Have been super impressed
with everything so far. Thank you for all your hard work.'
Wednesday 24th
October Another said, 'Lovely to see staff warmly welcoming children at the beginning of the day and staff
presence at the end of the day is appreciated, helping the children to cross the school driveway is
Thank you lovely by stopping the flow of cars coming out of school and standing guard.'

Thank you to those who left helpful comments about how we can improve too.
Regards, Mrs Norton

Punctuality Well done to Sycamore and Chestnut houses this week for achieving the Time Keepers
Award with 2 late marks each.

Year 4 received the Golden Pocket Watch Award for perfect time keeping
across the year group!

This week’s individual award goes to Sianne for improved attendance.

Don’t forget to send in your
Firework Safety Competition poem
and poster into school by
Entries should be eye catching yet
simple spreading the messages of
safety surrounding handling
fireworks, keeping pets indoors,
staying well back etc.
Please see bulletin dated 05/10/18
for more info


Please check to see if you can access your SIMS Agora account, if you actioned the SIMS ID process before September 2018 you should be
able to log in and pay for school dinners as before.
However if you can’t log in and you had an existing account with SIMS AGORA you should have received an email from SIMS Agora at the
beginning of September so that you can complete your registration process under the new SIMS ID process. The email will be sent
from [email protected] - please ensure you have checked your inbox and junk folders etc. and follow the instructions.
You will be sent a separate invitation and code and instructions on what to do. If your child has a sibling in school you can link the two chil-
dren with your existing account information—there is no need for 2 accounts.
Any queries please speak with the school office.

Excellence Awards Parent Governor Needed

This week’s Excellence Awards were presented to School governors have a vital role to play in making sure all pupils at a
the following children during Thursday’s assembly: school receive the highest standard of education possible and are able
to achieve their full potential.
3ES—Freya P for trying really hard with all learning this
week The quality of education we provide for today’s children will affect the
3SV—Berta O for super learning behaviour—great track- quality of society in the future.
ing and listening, well done! School governors come from all backgrounds reflecting different
3ED—Roll over cultures, communities, work skills and life experiences.
4AT—Kneesha A for a fantastic first week here
4DB—Vivian B for a wonderful story in English, and for As a Parent Governor …
being a fabulous role model
4FM—Alfie W for a great explanation of a strategy used  You will bring a parental view to the work of the governing
in maths body.
5JE—Charlie R for a much improved week for concen-
trating and focusing on all work—keep it up!  You will be actively involved in the decisions affecting your
5SS—for their superb behaviour, positive mental attitude child’s school.
& their resilience at PGL
5AL—Maisey W for her fabulous ‘I can do it’ attitude,  You will be actively helping it to be a successful school.
keep it up  You will be rewarded with the knowledge that you are making a
6KC—Kamilla B for using her imitative and being a great
friend difference by doing something positive for the next
6CC—Erin C for a positive working attitude—Well done!
6JB—Sophie N and Ruby C for writing a lovely prayer for generation and for your local community.
our class assembly
No prior knowledge is required; a comprehensive range of training and support
Poppies is provided.
If you are interested in the position and would like a nomination
form or would like some more information on what it involves please
contact [email protected]

Closing Date: Friday 26th October 2018

Lunch Time Top Table

Service Respect

Molly L—4AT Rudi K—5AL
Elizabeth B—5AL Jake O—5AL

Harini G—6JB

Daisy S—5JE

Every week Mr. Wilson and his team awards
children for demonstrating our Christian values during
lunch time, the nominated children get an invitation to

join the top table on the Friday of that week.

Making Poppies - we know you are Calling all Lego cards!
all well underway to creating a
paper/plastic/kitted/crocheted If you have any spare Lego
poppy for our display leading up to the commemoration cards that your children no
of WW1 Centenary. If you would like to create longer need please send them
something slightly different, as well as your red poppy, in to our office. Eloise from
you may consider a purple poppy to remind us of the 5SS and her Mum are going to
brave animals who took their part in history or a white make up some special packs
poppy which accentuat- to go into the Christmas
ed peace for those who boxes we are preparing.
were conscientious Thank you
objectors to war. Regards,
Mrs Norton


Dates for your Diaries:

Friday 19th October—School Disco
Thursday 8th November—Fireworks @BJS
Saturday 1st December—Christmas Fayre

Friday 18th January—Family Bingo
Friday 8th February—School Disco
Friday 15th March—Grown ups Quiz Night
Wednesday 10th April—Easter Egg Competition

Friday 7th June—Family Bingo
Saturday 22nd June—Summer Fayre

Email: [email protected]

School—Diary Dates

A massive thank you to Anne Wordsworth of Cube 2018/2019
Accounting for supporting the school through her
sponsorship for the printing of the schools Monday 29 October to Friday 2 November—Half
Christmas raffle tickets. Term

School Closes Friday 21st December 2018 at

School Information Monday 7th January 2019—Teacher Training Day
School Opens Tuesday 8th January 2019

 School gates open at 8.30am, doors open at 8.40am Monday 18 February to Friday 22nd February
 School starts at 8.50a.m - Any child arriving after this time is late and 2019—Half Term
School Closes Friday 12 April 2019 at 3.30pm
will be marked as such. School Opens Monday 29 April 2019
Monday 6th May 2019—School Closed Bank
 School finishes at 3.30p.m Holiday
 If your child is ill and going to be absent please either telephone us on 01788 810675 (you can leave a Monday 27 May to Friday 31 May 2019—Half Term
Monday 3 June 2019—Teacher Training Day
voice mail if the office is closed or busy) or email us on [email protected] School closes Thursday 18 July 2019 at 3.30pm
Fri 19 July & Mon 22 July - Teacher training
 If you feel you need to meet with a teacher face to face please email the school office

[email protected]

 If you need to talk with a teacher over the phone or have a general enquiry for them please email

[email protected] Our teachers are busy with your children in the classrooms all day
however they will get back to you as soon as possible.

 If you would like to share concerns or contact Mrs Hodgson our Home/School Support worker, please

call the office, pop into school or email her directly on [email protected]

Inspire Challenge Achieve

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