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Published by mrsthomas, 2017-01-12 14:29:47

bulletin 13.01.17

bulletin 13.01.17




Fabulous week in school this week! I
Online Payment think I may need to start finding a few
System Coming Soon more adjectives to describe
to school—see page school...inspiring, thought provoking,
stimulating, stirring....It has been great to see children involved in 'Inspiring Maths Week'. I love the
2 for more details idea that Maths is for all of us. I know that in the past and certainly as a child, I would have always
said English was my 'thing'. Not so now, I realise the importance of not pigeon holing myself. I am
willing to give anything my best shot and so are our learners here at BJS.

Priya T said, 'I enjoyed our Maths, because we have learned
different things. We watched short video clips which had
important messages like- We all can learn Maths and mistakes
help us to learn. Self belief is really important and so is having a
growth mind set!'

Gene F said, 'The video clips encouraged me and the questions have made me think
hard. I feel better at Maths.'

Amelie B said, 'Inspire Maths week has helped me understand
that Maths is fun.'

Lily C said, Everyone can do Maths. It's ok to take your time to think things through!'

Thanks to all the parents who came in to school for the PGL meeting on Wednesday to find out about
PGL in Yr 5. I know some of you are thinking the meeting is slightly early but we have decided to do
the trip earlier in Yr5 to help children bond with their new teacher and each other. We will be heading
off in October. If you missed the meeting please check the website for details. Letters will be coming
out soon, so keep a look out please.

Have a good weekend, lots more fun next week…

Closure of School in bad weather

The next parent I think the weather is set to get colder. If I do have to close the school over the coming
evenings will be months due to snow I will let you know by text as soon as a decision has been made
held on the 7th between us and our two main feeder infant schools (Bilton Infant and Bawnmore Infant). There will also
be a notice on our website and an announcement will be made on Rugby FM 107.1, BBC Coventry &
and 8th Warwickshire 94.8FM and Free Radio 97 & 102.9 FM. Please do not ring the school but listen to the ra-
February 2017 dio.

Alternatively sign up for free school closure text alerts to your mobile phone – please log
on to:

Online Payments

Exciting times ahead for finance and the way you can make
payments to school, we are moving into the 21st century!
Within the next week you will receive an information pack
with your unique details to register for the online payment
system, we ask that you register before the 7th February

We will then role the system out in 2 phases:

1) After February half term the system will be live for you to
be able to pay for school dinners in the 1st instance.

2) After Easter we then hope to have changed some internal
processes for you to be able to pay for school trips, resources,
donations etc.

We hope you will support this exciting move forward.

Thank you

Knitting Club Coming Soon…..

Mrs Stanford will be starting a knitting club on a Tuesday
lunchtime between 12.30pm to 1pm. If there are any volun-
teers that could help with this club please get in touch via the
school office.

We also welcome any donations of wool (chunkier the better!)

Thank you

Parent Partnership Evenings

We actively encourage you to bring your child with you to discuss
how they are getting on in school, their progress and their
behaviour. As a school we very much value the
partnership between home and school to aid your child to be the
best they can be. We look forward to seeing you on either the
7th or 8th February 2017 .

Please follow the link to make an appointment. If for any reason,
you cannot do this then please feel free to telephone the office
and they would be happy to assist you to make an appointment.

As well as seeing your child’s class teacher there will also be a
'drop in' service available for anyone who wants to visit Mrs
Chesney - Specialist SEND Teacher and Madame Mulley - Specialist
French Teacher.

Mrs Chesney will be available on both evenings, 7th and 8th Feb-
ruary between 3:30 and 5p.m. Madame Mulley is available on
Wednesday 8th February also between 3:30 and 5p.m

Lunch Time Top Table Every week Mrs. Punctuality
SERVICE RESPECT awards children for Since we returned we have seen a disappointingly high
Holly U—4BY Liron—5FM demonstrating our level of late arrivals. The school total since our return
Rebecca E—4BY COMPASSION Christian values has been 46 which is the highest we have seen since July
Daniel H—5SM Tristan B—6CC during lunch time,
Edward M—5SM James P—6CC the nominated 2015.
Joe Mc—5SM WISDOM children get an
Finlay C—5SM Sariah E—3AT invitation to join Chestnut and Sycamore have received the Time Keeper's
FRIENDSHIP Lailah F—3AT the top table on Award this week with each house recording 15 late marks
Harry D—3FR the Friday of that
week. whilst oak recorded 16.

Excellence Awards We are sure you don't need reminding but school starts
at 8.50a.m. That is the time by which your child should
This week’s Excellence Awards were presented to the following be in class and ready to learn. If you have issues getting
children during Thursday’s assembly: your child to school on time please make contact with our

Home/School Support Worker Mrs Hodgson to see if
there is anything that can be done to help. (Contact can

be made via the office on 01788 810675 or via email
to [email protected])

3FR—Troy M for hard work and perseverance in his reading—keep We shall be holding Children's University
it up! passport control at 12.30 on Tuesday 17th
January 2017 in the French room.
3ED—Jason T for excellent contributions to class discussions

3AT—Amy G for her positive attitude to all her learning Please bring along your passport and
timesheets so we can add more stamps
4SV—Harry R for superb behaviour and excellent attitude to school to your passports!

4BY—Pranajara S for being polite, helpful and ready to learn We have seen some beautiful work coming in following
the Christmas Challenges that Children's University
4JE—Erin C for super contributions in the group work in maths this set and those efforts will be rewarded with stamps next
week week!

5FM—Robyn M for trying really hard in maths and exploring We are expecting to be handing out the first Children's
further University pin badges as rewards for 20 stamps so please
make sure you come and see us!
5BG—Kalvin G for an improved attitude to his learning—Miss Gale
is super proud of him—keep it up! (If we have your passport in school, just bring your time
sheets with you.)
5SM—Martyna M for enthusiastic learning and a positive attitude

6AL—Matthew H for his outstanding knowledge with his history
topics of World War

6CC—Jaiden T for a positive start to the year and a good attitude to

6KC—Zakk C-J for a massive improvement in all subjects BJS Press—Attached to this bulletin

French—Archie B (4SV) - for excellent participation in the lesson This is the first edition of BJS Press , the newspaper for
this week—Fantastique! the children written by the children! This publication gives
another opportunity for children to have a voice about the
issues that matter to them, as well as inspiring writing and
reading. We hope parents might enjoy the insight it gives
into school life too. Thank you to those Y5 and 6 pupils
who contributed to this edition. Mrs Burton.

Inspire Challenge Achieve

PTA NEWS [email protected]

We hope you will support your PTA in the
following events, please pop them in the diary so
you don’t miss out on all the fun.

Friday 27th January 2017 - School Disco
Friday 10th February 2017 - Quiz Night
Friday 31st March 2017— Family Bingo Night
Friday 12th May 2017—School Disco
Friday 30th June 2017 -Summer BBQ/Talent
Friday 14th July 2017—Leavers Disco

Any suggestions to the PTA can be emailed to
[email protected]

School Information School—Diary Dates

 School gates open at 8.40a.m Monday 20th February to Friday 24th
February 2017 —Half Term
 School starts at 8.50a.m - Any child arriving after this time is late and will
marked as such. Friday 7th April 2017—School closes 3.30pm for the
Easter break
 School finishes at 3.30p.m
Monday 24th April 2017—School opens
 If your child is ill and going to be absent please either telephone us on
01788 810675 (you can leave a voice mail if the office is closed or busy) or Monday 1st May 2017—Bank Holiday—School
email us on [email protected] closed

 If you feel you need to meet with a teacher face to face please Friday 26th May 2017—Teacher Training Day—
email [email protected] School closed

 If you need to talk with a teacher over the phone or have a general Monday 29th May to Friday 2nd June—Half Term
enquiry for them please email [email protected] Our
teachers are busy with your children in the classrooms all day however Thursday 20th July—School closes at 3.30pm
they will get back to you as soon as possible.
Friday 21st July—Teacher Training day
 If you would like to share concerns or contact Mrs Hodgson our Home/
School Support worker, please call the office, pop into school or email her 2017/2018
directly on [email protected]
Term starts Monday 4th September 2017

Monday 23rd October to Friday 27th October
2017—Half Term

Inspire Challenge Achieve

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