• We are ambitious for all our children as they journey safely through our school.
• Our children will become successful learners, confident individuals and responsible
citizens of our community and the wider world. They aim to be ‘lights to the world.’
Matthew 5:14
• Our core Christian values of: Respect, Kindness, Forgiveness, Honesty, Friendship
and Perseverance, underpin everything that we do.
Mission Statement
“I have the freedom and choice to be ambitious for my future”
• Year 4 Staff & DSL’s
• Curriculum Overview
• Home Learning
• The Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)
• Parent partnership
• Home/School Support
• Additional Information
• Online safety
• Contacts
• Questions
Year 4 Staff:
⮚ Chestnut House – 4LC : Miss Coles (RE Co-ordinator)
⮚ Sycamore House – 4CG : Mrs George (Maths Co-ordinator)
⮚ Oak House – 4SS : Mrs Stevens (Music Co-ordinator)
Learning Support Assistants:
⮚ 4LC: Mrs Gibson, Mrs Jones, Miss Foster
⮚ 4CG: Mrs Warriner, Miss Watkins
⮚ 4SS: Mrs King, Miss Hewitt (PGCE Student)
Safeguarding & Designated Safeguarding
Leaders (DSL):
Safeguarding children is the responsibility of every adult. At Bilton C
of E Junior School we take that responsibility very seriously. If you
have any concerns about the welfare of any child in our school, please
do not hesitate to speak with one of our Designated Safeguarding
Year 4 Curriculum:
Home learning:
As children get older, they will increasingly take responsibility for their own
work and homework tasks. That’s not to say that parents can’t help though.
Encourage your child to work independently on their homework, but also
take the opportunity to discuss it with them and to have them explain their
understanding to you. Home work will be set on Friday to be completed by
and handed in by the following Friday. All homework will be put onto Google
Classroom for reference.
Daily Weekly
• Reading at least 30 mins • Grammar (10 mins) – CGP book
• Spelling – 10 mins • Spelling on Spelling Shed
• Times table practise 10 mins • 10 minutes of garage and 10 minutes
of studio to repeat every week
Home learning:
⮚Reading regularly to an adult across a wide range of genres. We expect
children should read for a minimum of 30 minutes every evening at home.
⮚Spellings – will be available on Spelling Shed– children can access this at
home so they can practise their spellings daily. They will also be published on
Google Classroom.
⮚Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily
times tables practice and children will be able to access this at home and
will be assigned daily/weekly times tables. The best way to learn your
times tables is little and often – 3 minutes every day is better than 15
minutes once a week!
⮚Any additional work to support your child’s learning will
be posted on Google Classroom.
The Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)
The multiplication tables check (MTC) is statutory for primary schools in the 2022/23
academic year.
The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables
fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will help schools to
identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support
can be provided.
What is the Multiplication tables check?
It is an on-screen check consisting of 25 times table questions. Your child will be able to
answer 3 practice questions before taking the actual check. They will then have 6 seconds
to answer each question. On average, the check should take no longer than 5 minutes to
Will I receive feedback on my child’s check?
Yes. Your child’s score will be shared with you in our end of term reports. There is no pass
mark for the check.
Schools must administer the MTC to all eligible year 4 pupils between Monday 5th June
and Friday 23rd June.
The Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)
What can I do to help my child?
⮚Practise, practise, practise!
⮚The best way to learn times tables is by going over them and practicing them
in different ways, such as times tables games, online games, skip counting,
songs, rhymes, testing each other. Little and often is key!
⮚This year we have invested in Times Tables Rock Stars, which is a fantastic
resource to help children learn their times tables.
⮚A ‘Sound Check’ on TTRS replicates the format of the multiplication check
so is an excellent way to check to see how confident your children are feeling.
⮚Please reassure your child not to worry and just to do their very best!
Parent Partnership:
Monitor your child completing their Home learning to ensure they are
completing their work to the best of their ability and are handing in on time.
We will go through the homework in the CPG books in school each Friday
Ensure your child reads regularly and reads a good variety of genres.
Help your child learn their times tables – practise, practise, practise.
Discuss school with your child. What was the most interesting thing you
learned today? What did you enjoy today?
Practise real life maths, mental skills - addition and subtraction, telling the
time, money and word problems.
Watch the news and discuss topical issues.
End of the day: It is helpful if children have a regular meeting point with
whoever is picking them up further away from the main gates to ensure the
driveway is clear so children can leave safely and securely.
Home/School Support : I am Mrs Hodgson - the
Home/School Support Worker
at Bilton C of E Junior School.
At BJS we are very aware that in order to support children in achieving the
best possible outcomes, we must look at the ‘whole child.'
We now live in a time where pressures on children and their families are
mounting and sometimes that can impact on the way children behave, learn and
feel. We also know that at times parents need support to.
We are invested in your child’s learning and pay particular attention to their
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) in-put. My role supports this
through me working with children and families to identify any barriers to
wellbeing and learning. We then work together to look at the best ways to
tackle concerns. Positive changes can be achieved through support delivered
directly in school, for example through 1:1 with the child (this might include
work with RISE resources or Draw & Talk Therapy), delivering parenting
support or holding Early Help support meetings. This is not an exhaustive
list! There may also be times where we need to look at services delivered by
external services but I can work with you to access those.
If there is an issue that may, in some way, impact on your child’s wellbeing or
ability to either attend school or settle and concentrate once they are with us,
please let me know.
Additional Information:
⮚ Accelerated Reader: Children will be able to take a quiz after reading a
text at home or at school. The children will be given passwords and shown how
to access the platform. However, when accessing the site at home (as it is a
subscription site) you have to have the correct url.:
⮚Curriculum Trips – Lunt Fort & Rugby Museum, Oakham Castle & Cadbury’s.
⮚After School Clubs – The Haven and lots of other clubs available – sports
and drama – contact the office
⮚Parents Evenings: 3rd and 5th October - save the date.
Online safety:
Our Online Safety policy reflects the importance of using information
systems and electronic communication safely.
We aim to keep our children safe online in school and promote their safety at
home when using mobile phones, games consoles and wireless technology. We
feel it is important to educate our children on the benefits, risks and
responsibilities of using information technology.
Online Safety is taught to all pupils explaining how to stay safe and behave
smartly online (SMART rules) throughout the year.
We also celebrate Safer Internet Day in February to help children become
more aware of the internet.
Online safety:
We are all able to recognise that the internet is an
essential element in modern day life.
Here are a few tips for safe internet use:
• Set time limits for internet use. Balance time on the
computer with time outside or other activities.
• Ensure your child understands why it is important not
to publish private information.
• Placing systems with internet access in communal
rooms is a wise decision and installing safety software.
• Tell your child to talk to a trusted adult if anything
inappropriate happens online.
For further information please see the school website under, school info, online
[email protected]
Please contact the school office, in the first
instance if you wish to speak to a class teacher.
Q&A session
If you have any questions please direct them to us via
[email protected] email address and they
will be answered.
Thank you!