Dear Parents/ Carers, punctuality weekly and, whilst many families are
I am sure, however long you have still constantly reliable in getting their children to
their education on time each day, there is still a
now been a part of our school
minority who appear to think it is acceptable to
Non Uniform family, you will know how
Day Friday dedicated my staff are to giving send their children into school late. I know how I
would feel as an adult being the last to enter the
17th February, your child the best possible
suggested education we can. I cannot reiterate enough how room when 34 other people were already seated
minimum and ready for the day's work. I wonder how
much regular and punctual attendance at
donation £1— school is essential in promoting sound academic children must feel when their arrival puts them
see page 2 for in that exact same position? I also question how
more details on progress.
toilet twinning parents would feel if my staff were consistently
Messy Church My staff are skilled at what they do but they late to class. Persistent late comers to school
A Family Friendly cannot educate your children if they are not in may need to pay back missed learning time in
time full of fun,
games, food and class either because they are off or are late their own time so this may be at lunch time.
crafts in. The attendance level of some children As you know we are a C of E school and we will
at Bilton C of E Junior School causes me great always consider ways in which we can support
Saturday 18th concern. We know that illness in childhood is our families. You chose us for your children and
February 2017 unavoidable at times, but I also know that I expect that you would anticipate a level of
sometimes we can push ourselves and at least support from staff in such a setting. That also
4.30—6pm try and come into school or, if we feel off colour applies to attendance and punctuality and is
in the morning, come in later in the day so the precisely why, where concerns are raised due to
At Bilton Junior whole day's learning is not missed. I am, of low attendance or poor punctuality, the families
School course, not asking any parent to send their child are contacted by Mrs Hodgson in the first
in when they are genuinely not well enough to instance to see if any help can be offered. This is
For more info be in school or may be infectious, I do however something which will continue. Where concerns
contact 07901 ask you to seriously consider if they could attend remain however, if necessary, we will refer
school. matters to the Local Authority Attendance
I also ask that medical appointments be made for Compliance and Enforcement Team (ACE) who
outside of school hours where possible. If they may take action if little or no improvement is
are booked in school time, please bring an seen. Holidays will not be authorised except in
appointment card or letter to show the office exceptional circumstances.
staff in order to ensure the absence is correctly
marked. If your child has been absent, please If you do have any issues getting your children to
remind them that they will need to speak with school and on time, please do contact Mrs
their teacher to find out what work they must Hodgson via the school office (01788 810675) or
do to catch up. This work may need to be on her email address
completed at home. [email protected]
You will know from the 'Time Thank you for your support in this important
Keeper's Award' updates in the matter,
bulletin, that we monitor
On Monday we have a visitor from Rugby Baptist Church, who is coming to talk to us about
'Toilet Twinning' and we are going to be doing various activities to raise money for this
important Charity. Toilet Twinning is a simple, quirky way to solve a serious problem and save
lives and we wish to twin our school toilets to enable us to raise money to fund the work of
international relief and development agency Tearfund. On Friday, next week, we are kicking off
with a non uniform day where a £1 donation will be used to provide clean water, basic sanitation, and hygiene education in places
around the world. This vital combination works together to prevent the spread of disease. Children are healthier, and able to go to
school; parents are well enough to work their land and grow enough food to feed their family. With better health, and more ability
to earn a living, men and women discover the potential that lies within them to bring transformation.
Family by family, community by community, nation by nation, we need your help to flush away poverty.
We are aiming eventually to raise over £1000 for the charity. Ask your child all about it on Monday after school. St Mark's Church
are also getting in on the act :-)
See the following website for more details:
Safer Internet Day 2017
On Tuesday, and throughout the week we have been celebrating 'Safer Internet'. We have discussed
many things throughout the week.
Please see these links to help you as parents, back up the message that we are sharing at school:
Also please check out our website to see the Power Point, that was shared and a link to the film about being careful about posting
PE Kit for cold weather Parent View
Please could you provide your children with a As you know, myself and my leadership team
plain blue sweatshirt and jogging bottoms for are constantly trying to make the school
cold weather PE as per the uniform policy. It better. It is my ultimate goal to make this
is not really ideal for them to be out in their school the best it can be for our children,
green jumper, but of course we will allow parents and staff. If you have any issues that you need addressing then
them to until they have the correct kit. please contact your child's class teacher or Phase Leader (Yr 3/4 Mrs
Thanks for your support in this, Thompson and Yr5/6 Miss Lewis). If you feel that your concerns have
especially when it is cold. not been addressed then the next stage is to elevate your concerns to
my Deputy, Mrs Webb. If by a small chance you still feel unhappy then
Mrs Norton. please contact me and I will help resolve issues.
Parent Partnership Meetings Remember what I always say... If you go for a haircut and the
hairdresser makes a lovely job then tell others, if she doesn't tell her/
Thank you to all of you who attended Parent Partnership events him :-) That is exactly how I would like you to feel and respond to me.
this week it was great to see you as it makes a big difference to
your child. Apologies that some of you are waiting until Monday Please can you use the link to our school website below to enable us to
13th February and Wednesday 1st March to see teachers. I know it see your views on 'Parent View'. This is a really helpful tool for us.
is not ideal but completely unavoidable. Thanks for your patience Currently there are only 13 responses in the last year which makes it
and understanding. difficult to read and respond to. The more responses then the more
helpful it is! This is the perfect place to say that you are really happy
Join Our Lunch Time Team—First Aider with the school if you are! If you are not, unfortunately it doesn't give
you a chance to say how we can put it right...ring me please!
We are still looking for a new member of staff to join the
lunchtime team at BJS. This person would take on the First Aid during our
busy lunchtime, experience or a qualification in First Aid would be
desirable but not essential as training will be provided. If you are interested
in this position please contact the school office for further details.
Lunch Time Top Table Every week Mrs. Children's University have now released details of their
Reeves-Brown and Spring Challenges in time for the half term holiday!
WISDOM PEACE her team awards
Jack B - 4BY Alice F - 6AL children for Details can be found attached to the bulletin or on our
GENEROSITY Armaani H - 6AL demonstrating our Children's University page on the school website
Ishaan B - 3AT Kiera M - 6AL Christian values at
Zaydan H - 3AT Thomas E - 6AL during lunch time,
COURAGE RESPONSIBILITY the nominated Don't forget you can also get this information sent to you
Dylan F - 6KC Imogen C - 6AL children get an directly if you sign up to CU Families. (Details attached
Josh E - 6KC HUMILITY invitation to join and on our website. )
Joseph E - 6KC Daniel H - 5SS the top table on the
Friday of that week. Please note Passport Control will be held at 12.30 on
Tuesday 14th February 2017 in Mrs Hodgson's office.
Excellence Awards Punctuality
This week’s Excellence Awards were presented to the Congratulations not only to Oak for winning the Time
following children during Thursday’s assembly: Keeper's Award this week with 2 late marks, but also huge
thanks and well done to all of years 4 and 6 who achieved the Golden
3FR—Cody B for consistently wanting to challenge himself in
his learning Pocket Watch Award with perfect time keeping!
3AT—James E and Ben W for their positive attitudes to We had 10 late marks across school this week and all of those were
learning from pupils in years 3 and 5. This week punctuality has been greatly
improved. Please keep it up as we do not want to have to start keep-
3ED—Eloise S for consistent hard work and effort ing children in at lunchtime to catch up with missed work due to late
4SV—Jake E-P for being a consistent hard worker and a super arrivals.
member of class
4BY—Seth S—good sportsmanship, can win and lose
gracefully Over the last week the class leading the school with the highest
attendance is: 5BG with 97.2%. The class with the lowest attendance
4JE—Madi E for an excellent attitude to learn and a great
story this week is: 3ED & 5SS with 95.3%
5BG—Ruby B for always trying her best—keep it up! Lateness = Lost Learning
5SS—Thomas S for an excellent attitude to his learning—keep Is your child getting to school on
it up! time? Did you know?
6AL—Sam D for applying himself to his learning. Great 5 minutes late every day = 15 hours a year = 3 days of learning
attendance at booster!
10 minutes late every day = 30 hours a year = 6 days of learning
6CC—Akshita M for a fantastic working attitude and settling in
well to 6CC—well done! 15 minutes late every day = 45 hours a year = 9 days of learning
6KC—Lily-Sue R for persevering with all areas of her maths 20 minutes late every day = 60 hours a year = 12 days of learning
French—William C (5FM) for teaching the class how to count 25 minutes late every day = 75 hours a year = 15 days of learning
to 10 in Greek—brilliant!
Inspire Challenge Achieve
PTA [email protected]
We hope you will support your PTA in
the following events, please pop them
in the diary so you don’t miss out on all
the fun.
SIMS AGORA—Online payment Friday 10th February 2017 - Quiz Night
system Friday 31st March 2017— Family Bingo
Friday 12th May 2017—School Disco
Thank you to the 131 parents/ Friday 30th June 2017 -Summer BBQ/
carers that have registered their Talent Show
Friday 14th July 2017—Leavers Disco
SIMS Agora account.
Any suggestions to the PTA can be emailed
Can we please ask that you register to [email protected]
your account, you will need to ask
the school office to reactive your
unique reference number. School—Diary Dates
School Information Monday 20th February to Friday 24th
February 2017 —Half Term
School gates open at 8.40a.m
Friday 7th April 2017—School closes 3.30pm for the
School starts at 8.50a.m - Any child arriving after this time is late and will Easter break
be marked as such.
Monday 24th April 2017—School opens
School finishes at 3.30p.m
Monday 1st May 2017—Bank Holiday—School
If your child is ill and going to be absent please either telephone us on closed
01788 810675 (you can leave a voice mail if the office is closed or busy) or
email us on [email protected] Friday 26th May 2017—Teacher Training Day—
School closed
If you feel you need to meet with a teacher face to face please
email [email protected] Monday 29th May to Friday 2nd June—Half Term
If you need to talk with a teacher over the phone or have a general Thursday 20th July—School closes at 3.30pm
enquiry for them please email [email protected] Our
teachers are busy with your children in the classrooms all day however Friday 21st July—Teacher Training day
they will get back to you as soon as possible.
If you would like to share concerns or contact Mrs Hodgson our Home/
School Support worker, please call the office, pop into school or email her Term starts Tuesday 5th September 2017
directly on [email protected]
Monday 23rd October to Friday 27th October
2017—Half Term
Inspire Challenge Achieve