LIFE goes on! N E W S U P D A T E - S P R I N G 2 0 2 0
Changed Hearts: Power in Stillness
As the world endures a viral crisis, keeping a relationship. She said she
women facing unplanned has felt powerless so many times in
pregnancies are experiencing their her life and now felt pressure to
own personal crises. With social abort her baby. This broken woman
isolation as the new norm, the wanted someone else to make the
evening news forecasting doom and decision for her. Our advocate
stress usurping empowerment, soothed her fears, confirming that
women and the unborn are at risk. she was ENOUGH: worthy and
Without hope, the abortion clinic is strong. They discussed her deep-
the fast answer to fear. down desires and God's
unconditional love. Slowly, our
Praise God, hope is alive and well at advocate observed the woman taking
Pregnancy Aid Clinic as evidenced in her power back to make her own
a recent phone conversation with a decision. A glimmer of joy returned
client who was crying hysterically. to her voice when the woman
Our advocate fielded the call, declared, "The choice IS mine, and
offering the woman an ear, soft I want this baby."
encouragement and silence. That's
it. A gentle voice and a little space There is power in stillness,
gave this woman the opportunity to gentleness and silence. There is a
share her circumstances and power in a friendly voice and strong
struggles. Spilling her emotions, she ear. Being "still" is so difficult in these
confessed feeling as if she had to uncertain times, but God continues
decide between keeping a baby or to remind us of His ultimate power-
the calm amidst the storm.
PAC has remained open during the
COVID-19 crisis. As a nation, we can
cancel all the church gatherings and
sports events or close restaurants
and workplaces - but LIFE GOES ON.
Women continue to seek pregnancy
support, babies are still being born
and families are need of services-
perhaps more than ever before.
Life is our mission.
Protecting life is our call.
From the desk of Lisa Regan, PAC Executive Director
Dear Friends in Christ,
Eleven weeks before this writing, Georgia saw its first COVID-19 case. In eleven short weeks,
the world as we know it has changed. Tragic loss of life, thousands fallen ill, job loss, social
isolation, and lack of resources we rely on (including classrooms for children) have taken a toll.
Necessary measures taken to "flatten the curve” bely the season of Resurrection and renewal.
We yearn to be together. We are made for each other, in body and soul. While women
navigating pregnancy undertake a new level of uncertainty, our role as messengers of hope is
more significant than ever.
As evidenced in the conversation referenced in our cover story, we are here to offer pregnant women the gift of time.
Time to think and process the magnitude of what it means to bear life. I pray that the anxieties and emotional fervor
of this time do not drive quick decisions to end an unborn life. Our message of truth is more ‘essential’ than ever.
There is life in quietness. God lives in our stillness. I invite you to join me amidst uncertainty to lean on the Lord and
listen to the Word of God and His wisdom as a roadmap to healing and coveting life. For Life,
"Essential" Faces in a Pandemic
Client visits Staff meetings Education program Policies & protocols
COVID-19 has changed the way the world works, including PAC. Some fast realignment of processes forced change to
prioritize health and safety, particularly in consideration of our precious pregnant clients. But even a global crisis will not
stop us from saving lives and serving families. Below is a glimpse of how we’ve adapted:
Screening clients for COVID symptoms and fever Learn online with PAC
Adding telehealth and work-at-home client contact
Infection control processes - anyone can join
Limiting public access to the clinics
Spacing medical appointments Check out PAC’s new wide
Daily team zoom meetings to facilitate clinic communication array of online classes
Temporary closing of public access to the baby boutique including:
Curbside diaper and supply pickup for students 5-part Parenting Class series taught by
Twice weekly online classes with YouTube recordings professionals at Holy Family Counseling
Marist High School Senior and 2020 Volunteers Keeping Us "Covered"
Graduate, Bella Mraz (pictured) used her
shelter-at-home time to borrow a sewing As personal protective equipment (PPE) is in low supply all over
machine and learn to make masks for PAC. the world, we turned to our faithful volunteers to help sew
Thank you & Congratulations Bella! masks for our clinics. Janary Fitzpatrick, Bella Mraz, Erin Schott
(picture on right) and Patty Anhut jumped at the opportunity to
sew masks from surgical material, provided by PAC Medical
Director, Dr. Kongoasa.
Thank you to all our volunteers that are helping facilitate classes,
making masks and supporting us in prayer!
Thanks to the Following Recent Donors:
Thank you for your most gracious support during the recent pandemic.
Your generosity has fueled PAC’s mission to continue to do God’s work.
Recent Parish Baby Bottle Events:
Georgia Tech Catholic Center, Atlanta - Knights of Columbus, Council #14496
St. Marguerite d’Youville Catholic Church, Lawrenceville
Thanks to Karen and Jim Sheehan who generously provided a double match of the January Baby Bottle
collection from Our Lady of the Assumption church this past fall. The April matching gift of $10,600 made for a
total of $16,554 collected by OLA for the parish Baby Bottle Campaign. Many thanks to this generous family!
Recent In Kind Donations:
St. Benedict Catholic Church, Johns Creek – baby supplies and clothing
The Catholic Church of Saint Monica, Duluth – baby supplies and clothing
St. Catherine of Siena Roman Catholic Church, Kennesaw – baby supplies and clothing
Good Shepherd Catholic Church, Cumming - diapers, baby clothes, wipes, & baby supplies
Gene and Sally Slaton, Stone Mountain - donated baby clothing
Knights on Bikes (representing various KofC councils) - diapers & gifts
Bespoke Foundation - masks & gifts
Christ Child Society - monthly layettes
Amazon Wishlist donations - Thanks to Kathleen & Norman Cotta, Alex Brown,
Kathleen Fleiszar, Angela Pausa, Matt Mitcham, Margaret Jennings,
The Trovato's and all of the Anonymous donors that sent Amazon packages!
Josh Harris - Go Fund Me campaign
generates over $12,500 for PAC!
Late March, Josh Harris started a Go Fund Me campaign to help support the Pregnancy
Aid Clinic. This generous Atlanta Comedian was able to inspire over 60 donors to give
online to the PAC mission. An anonymous donor matched the first 5K of donations.
Josh adds, "I'm so grateful for PAC as they extend a hand of hope during this pandemic.
Help us save lives, keep infant hearts beating and provide critical care for women in
need at"
We are so very grateful for Josh's generous heart and joyful attitude.
He is a PAC friend for life! Check out his website at
Thank you for your continued support!
Upcoming Events DATE!
Love is a fruit September 27, 2020:
in season at An Evening for Life Annual Fundraising Event for Pregnancy Aid Clinic
all times, and Featuring esteemed guest,
within reach of The Most Reverent Gregory John Hartmayer, OFM Conv.
every hand
Registration and sponsorships will be open at the end of May for
Saint Mother Teresa this content-rich online program with an optional dinner ticket at the
event venue: St. Catherine of Siena Church in Kennesaw.
This year’s event theme is Courageous Love. You won’t want to miss
this exceptional live-streamed evening of hope and refreshment as
we defeat fear and embrace life! Look for more info soon on our
speakers and the dynamic and unique program we have planned this
Contact Lisa Regan or Linda Grace for details:
[email protected] or [email protected]
October 24, 2020: Bespoke Beer Gala 2.0 to benefit PAC
Visit: for tickets and details
The mission of the Pregnancy Aid Clinic is to promote the sanctity of human life as recognized in the teachings of the
Roman Catholic Church. We accomplish this by empowering families in the greater Atlanta area to make healthy life
choices related to human sexuality by providing pregnancy confirmation and fertility awareness programs along with
pregnancy and parenting educational support.
Pregnancy Aid Clinic
PO Box 92
Roswell GA 30077