5-6Pictures from
“An Evening for Life”
In a client’s
A Thank You Note
from Client M.
This is my journey... having a baby!” was not comforting. At PAC, we were so pleased to see
I am a divorced mom of 3 children The staff at the clinic listened to my this note and wanted to share it with
ages 23,17, and 15. I am now a concerns and reassured me that I all of our generous donors.
mom of a beautiful baby boy born could do this.
on July 24, 2019. I struggled with This Thanksgiving season please accept
the thought of starting over with a I'm thankful for the encouragement, our sincere gratitude for all the gifts you
new baby as I am in my mid 40s. I support, information, and services share with us and our clients.
had been laid off my corporate job provided during this new chapter in
and trying to stay afloat while on my life. Thank you for all you do!! Visit page 3 for more client words of
unemployment and draining my gratitude.
savings. Bringing a baby into this - Client M & Baby J
situation wasn't ideal. I came to
the Pregnancy Aid Clinic to Newborn Baby J is pictured above.
confirm my pregnancy and hearing
the words "Congratulations, you're