TOP 10 Special Edition
CLEARING OUT present this to you
This Content Its All about Human Sosiolog menggunakan istilah kerah putih atau
Rights so We Need To Know What kejahatan elite untuk mengacu pada kegiatan kriminal
Human Rights Is oleh orang-orang dari status sosial yang tinggi yang
melakukan kejahatan mereka dalam konteks pekerjaan
Berdasarkan Undang - Undang No. 39 Tahun 1999 mereka. Banyak ahli mengatakan bahwa tipe
tentang Hak Asasi Manusia, pengertian hak asasi kejahatan seperti ini merupakan dampak dari proses
manusia ialah seperangkat hak yang melekat pada perkembangan ekonomi yang terlalu cepat yang
keberadaan manusia sebagai makhluk ciptaan Tuhan menekankan pada aspek material belaka. Pada
Yang Maha Esa, yang wajib dihormati, dijunjung awalnya, gejala ini disebut business crime atau
tinggi serta dilindungi oleh negara. economic criminality. Golongan "kerah putih"
HAM menjelaskan bahwa setiap orang mempunyai menganggap dirinya kebal terhadap hukum dan
hak yang sama untuk memperoleh kebebasan, sarana pengendalian sosial lainnya karena kekuasaan
keadilan, perlindungan, dan perdamaian. HAM dan keuangan yang dimilikinya sangat kuat.several
penting karena HAM mengatur pemnuhan kebutuhan themes, such as individuality, leadership, and
dasar kita semua dari Pendidikan, tempat tinggal, compassion through the journey of a young boy who
makanan, paikaian, dan sebagainya. Landasan finds out he is heir to the throne. The story fulfills the
hukum HAM ada pada sila ke - 2 Pancasila aim to present stories of “coming of age” and “getting
"Kemanusiaan yang Adil dan Beradab". of wisdom.”
Like The Criminal Acts that How We Fix It ?
Happened in Indonesia
Upaya preventif : Pemerintah harus menerapkan hukum
1.Penembakan Brigadir J oleh Irjen Ferdy Sambo yang sangat tegas untuk memberi peringatan pada
Kasus tersebut tergolong dalam masalah sosial masyarakat untuk tidak berani mencoba melakukan
kejahatan kerah putih (White collar crime) dan pelanggaran HAM.
disebabkan karena faktor sosial (masalah kriminalitas)
Upaya Represif : Adanya penyelesaian kasus
secara tegas, terbuka dan tanpa pandang bulu.
HUMAN RIGHTS Examples of social problems (crime) related to human
rights violations in Indonesia:
PRESENT THIS TO YOU 1. The shooting of Brigadier J by Inspector General Ferdy
Sambo. This case is classified as a social problem of white
HUMAN collar crime and is caused by social factors (criminal
RIGHTS problems).
Based on Law no. 39 of 1999 Sociologists use the terms white-collar or elite crime to
concerning Human Rights, refer to criminal activity by people of high social status who
the notion of human rights commit their crimes in the context of their work. Many experts
is a set of rights inherent in say that this type of crime is the impact of the process of
human existence as economic development that is too fast which emphasizes only
creatures of God Almighty, material aspects. Initially, this phenomenon was called
which must be respected, business crime or economic crime. The "white collar" group
upheld and protected by considers itself immune to the law and other means of social
the state. control because it has so much power and finances.
Human rights explain that There are 2 ways to deal with crime, 2. Repressive: There is a firm, open and
everyone has the same Preventive (Prevent) and Repressive indiscriminate settlement of cases so that
rights to obtain freedom, (Overcome). the open settlement of cases can continue
justice, protection and 1. Preventive efforts: The government must to be a new chapter in efforts to build a
peace. Human rights are implement very strict laws to warn the clean and trustworthy Polri institution.
important because human public not to dare to try to commit human
rights regulate the rights violations (especially in cases of The government continues to oversee
fulfillment of all of our murder like this). the case until it is processed by the
basic needs, from prosecutor's office through legal
education, shelter, food, This effort requires a legal approach as construction. Then, they are brought to
clothing, and so on. The well as a dialogical approach that aims to court with serious accusations and
legal basis for human rights increase community participation in prosecutions (must undergo a very strict
lies in the 2nd precept of preventing human rights violations. In legal process accompanied by threats of
the Pancasila "Just and addition, law enforcers must also play an punishment in accordance with the criminal
Civilized Humanity". active role in providing fair services to the acts that have been committed).
ems). community.
Human rights