Braxton Clark
Ante-Preschool Personal
Learning Journal
Settling in
Braxton has been getting
used to new
environments, rules and
routines and meeting
new friends.
March 2021
Baseline assessment
March 2021
Personal Learning Plan
Braxton has been very
interested in our
construction area where
he uses a variety of
materials to build towers
and structures.
April 2021
Health and wellbeing
I can identify core feelings.
April - June 2021
I listen and talk in
a small group.
April - June 2021
I am number
confident to 3.
April - June 2021
Bright ideas
Braxton took
responsibility for
his own learning
and chose his own
learning target.
Braxton chose the
“colour monsters”
where he has been
exploring feelings
and emotions.
April - June 2021
April - June 2021
Braxton has been exploring our outdoor areas including the woods, park
and our garden. Braxton has shown a keen interest in outdoor play and
is independent when putting on his waterproofs and wellies!
Hope you have a June 2021
fantastic summer
holiday Braxton!
We are so excited to
see you back at
Elderbank Early Years
in August!