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HRPolicy and Procedure complete

HRPolicy and Procedure complete

Pacific Montessori Society
Victoria, BC

Human Resource
Policies and Procedures Manual

Section 1 – General Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Pacific Montessori Society Revised April 8, 2011

Message from the Board

We are pleased to provide you with a copy of the Pacific Montessori Society Human
Resource Policy and Procedures Manual. The manual is intended to serve both as a guide
and a reference source for current School personnel policies.

The people – faculty, staff and administrators- who lead and serve our learning community
are truly the School’s most important resource. Without your competence and dedication, the
School’s continued success would be impossible. We are extremely grateful to you and your
many contributions toward the fulfillment of the school’s mission, and for your personal

J KVision Statement

Our vision is to cultivate a life-long love of learning in our children and to inspire them to
realize their full potential while enjoying life’s journey and positively contributing to the world
around them.

J KMission Statement

Guided by the Montessori philosophy, our mission is to provide a caring school community
that nurtures every child’s natural curiosity for learning and supports full development of
academic, social, artistic, physical and life skills.


The Pacific Montessori Society values the following:
• Compassion and kindness
• Safety and security in a caring school environment
• Inclusion of diverse perspectives and cultures
• Respect for life and the environment
• Honesty and integrity
• Striving for excellence in everything we do
• Peace and cooperation throughout our local and global community
• Leadership within our school community and beyond
• Independence and confidence


• Immediate family (the spouse, child, parent, guardian, sibling, grandchild or
grandparent of an employee; any person who lives with an employee as a member of
the employee’s family)

• Pacific Montessori Society (the PMS)
• Selkirk Montessori School (the School)


These policies are approved by Pacific Montessori Society Board, administered by the
Administrative and Academic Heads and apply to all employees at the Selkirk Montessori
School. They are effective immediately as noted in the revision date of April 2011.
Periodically they will be reviewed and updated as noted in the Board resolution.

Section 1 – General Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Pacific Montessori Society Revised April 8, 2011

Table of Contents

Section 1 General

Non- Disclosure/Confidentiality
Code of Conduct
Conflict of Interest
Outside Employment and Serving on Boards or Committees
Multiculturalism and Non-discrimination
Conflict Resolution/Complaint Procedure
Attendance and punctuality
Performance planning and reviews
Dress code
Tobacco products
Scented products in the workplace
Lunchroom etiquette
Parking and bicycling storage
Vehicle usage (personal and business usage)
Pets in the workplace
Workplace health and safety
Student safety and security
Drugs and alcohol
Fire, earthquake and lockdown drills
Safety supplies and equipment
Company property and supplies
Use of office equipment and computers
Internet usage
Consent to Collect Use and disclose personal information
Licensing and memberships

Section 2 Staffing, Pay and Benefits

Probation Period
Hours of Work
Alternative Work Hours and Job Sharing
Payment of Wages
Payment of Wages for outside substitutes
Sick days and personal days
Pension and extended health benefits
Tuition reduction
Statutory Holidays
Personnel Files
Education and Training reimbursement/repayment
Recruitment and Selection
Travel and other expense reimbursement
Criminal Record Check

Section 1 – General Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Pacific Montessori Society Revised April 8, 2011

Section 3 Leaves of Absence

Annual Vacation
Pregnancy Leave
Parental Leave
Family Responsibility Leave
Education Leave
Compassionate Care Leave
Bereavement Leave
Jury Duty/ Court Appearances
Sick Leave
Personal Leave
Time off to vote

Section 4 Discipline and Resignation

Corrective Action
Exit Interview

Section 1 – General Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Pacific Montessori Society Revised April 8, 2011


The Pacific Montessori Society strives to maintain a stable, competent work force which is well-
informed in all employment matters and to provide employees with full opportunities for growth,
expression of ideas, work satisfaction and recognition for their contributions. The Policies and
Procedures will assist employees in understanding the institution and their employment rights
and responsibilities.

By accepting employment at the PMS, employees have chosen to work at a school that provides
quality educational opportunities to students. The PMS is committed to intellectual exploration,
critical thinking, and creative expression in an environment that values diversity and respect for
the rights of others. Contributions of all employees are highly prized and contribute to the quality
of students’ educational and personal experiences.

The policies and procedures contained in this manual are in no way intended to be nor should
they be interpreted as a contract between the PMS and any of its employees. It is a living
document, and will change as the PMS changes. From time to time, the PMS must modify its
policies. Information is current as at the time of publication and may be subject to change at any
time, at the discretion of the PMS.

Section 1 – General 1
Pacific Montessori Society
Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Revised April 8, 2011



ƒ Protecting confidential information is of vital concern to the PMS. Certain information
enhances opportunities for future growth and indirectly adds to the job security of all its


ƒ Employees must agree that any work performed during the period of their employment
is the property of the PMS and they will not copy, remove or retain any of this
information at any time during or upon completion of employment.

ƒ Employees shall not transmit, either verbally or in writing, any information to another
person without prior authorization from the PMS.

ƒ Release of confidential information when authorized by the PMS shall be on a need-to-
know basis. Caution and discretion in handling confidential information extends to
disclosure made inside and outside of the organization and continues to apply after the
employment relationship ceases.

ƒ Information concerning the affairs of the PMS is privileged and confidential.


ƒ It is the responsibility of each employee to familiarize themselves with the PMS
Personal Information and Privacy Policy and Principles document, which is available in
the Staff Handbook.

ƒ All employees must sign and date the Acknowledgement form in the staff handbook
stating that they understand and agree to the terms of the staff handbook. This
agreement will be kept in the employee’s personnel file.

Section 1 – General 2
Pacific Montessori Society
Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Revised April 8, 2011



ƒ The PMS recognizes that fostering respect, honesty and courtesy is not only a
necessary contribution to emotional and social growth, but is essential as well for the
achievement of a positive learning climate in the school.

ƒ Regulations for the acceptable conduct and behaviour of employees are necessary for
the orderly operation of the school, for the benefit and protection of the rights and
safety of employees and the protection of the PMS assets.


ƒ Staff rights and responsibilities will be recognized through the adoption of a school-
based, positively oriented code of conduct which centers on self-discipline and an
embracing support system.


ƒ It is the responsibility of all employees to conduct themselves in a professional manner at
all times and to adhere to the policies and procedures described in this document.

ƒ Unacceptable conduct could result in disciplinary action up to and including termination
without notice or pay in lieu thereof.

Section 1 – General 3
Pacific Montessori Society
Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Revised April 8, 2011



The PMS recognizes the importance of protecting the PMS while preserving the rights of
employees and board members to participate as private citizens in the life of the community.

Employees are expected to devote their best efforts and attention to the performance of their
jobs. Employees are expected to use good judgment, adhere to high ethical standards, and
avoid situations that create an actual or potential conflict between the employee’s personal
interests and the interests of the PMS.

A conflict of interest exists when the employee’s loyalties or actions are divided between
employer interests and those of another. Both the fact and the appearance of a conflict of
interest should be avoided.

Employees should not place themselves in a situation where they are under obligation to any
person who might benefit from or seek to gain special consideration or favour. The honesty and
impartiality of employees must be above suspicion.


• The PMS’s property, materials and services will be utilized only as requested or authorized
by the employment contract.

• Participation of the employee in other business, organizations or activities that compromise
the employment relationship or disadvantage the PMS will be considered conflict of interest.

• The Administration shall be responsible for identifying potential conflict of interest activities
to employees. Where an employee persists in activities that may disadvantage the PMS, the
Board is to be informed.

• Employees must consult with the Administration prior to engaging in any activities that may
be seen as conflict of interest, such as, but not limited to

¾ Having a vested interest in an external business which may provide materials or
service to the PMS;

¾ Being offered services or materials as a result of employment or position with the

¾ Making use of a position with the PMS to solicit services or materials for personal gain;

¾ Pursuing personal gain over the well being or needs of the School.

• Employees unsure as to whether a certain transaction, activity, or relationship constitutes a
conflict of interest must discuss it with Administration for clarification.

Section 1 – General 4
Pacific Montessori Society
Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Revised April 8, 2011



The PMS expects all employees to give the responsibilities of their position in the School
precedence over any outside employment or serving on outside boards or committees.

Employees may engage in remunerative employment with another employer, carry on a
business, receive remuneration for activities outside their position or engage in volunteer
activities provided it does not interfere with their employment with the PMS and it does not:

• Prevent them from performing their responsibilities to the PMS effectively.
• Prejudice their effectiveness in their position, or compromises or embarrasses the PMS.
• Raise a question of conflict of interest (where the employee’s position with the PMS permits

access to information or other advantages useful to the outside employer).
• The employee is not receiving an unfair advantage derived from employment with the PMS.
• The duties of secondary activity are not performed in such a way as to appear to be an

official act of the PMS, or to represent the PMS’s opinions or policies.
• Hours of outside employment do not coincide with your hours of scheduled work.

The outside employment does not cause employees to arrive late for, or leave early from
scheduled work hours.


Employees who serve as members, officers and/or directors of organizations, or
associations are required to prepare a brief written notification to the Administration.
This applies only where employees serve on their own right and not at the request of the
PMS as an officer, or director of an outside organization.

Employees accept full responsibility for all actions resulting from their association or
position within the organization. Any claims or judgments brought against an employee
for involvement with the outside organization will be the sole responsibility of the

Where an employee serves as a board member, officer, or director of an organization, or
association, at the request of the PMS, they are said to be acting as a representative of
the PMS. Any claims or judgments made against the employee or actions resulting will
be the responsibility of the PMS and the PMS will assume costs associated with such
action only if it can be proved that the employee acted ethically, honestly and in good
faith, with the best interests of the PMS in mind.

Employees who believe they may be in a conflict of interest situation or are engaged in
outside employment as defined in the policy must consult with the Administration if they
experience or foresee any actual or potential activities that may bring this policy into


Section 1 – General Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Pacific Montessori Society Revised April 8, 2011



The PMS does not discriminate in employment opportunities or practices on the basis of race,
colour, ancestry, place of origin, political belief, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin,
age, physical or mental disability or other factor. The letter and spirit of applicable human rights
laws shall be carefully observed, enforced, and supported, so that all members of the school
community may work together in an atmosphere of tolerance and respect for individual

In order to provide equal employment and advancement opportunities to all individuals,
employment decisions at the PMS are based on merit, qualifications and abilities.

This policy governs all aspects of employment, including selection, job assignment,
compensation, discipline, termination, and access to benefits and training.


Employees with questions or concerns about discrimination in the school and workplace are
encouraged to bring these issues, in writing, to the attention of the Administration, and if not
satisfied, to the Board of Directors of the PMS.

Section 1 – General 6
Pacific Montessori Society
Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Revised April 8, 2011



The PMS is committed to providing a workplace free of sexual harassment (which includes
harassment based on gender, pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions), as well as
harassment based on such factors as race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age,
physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, marital status, sexual orientation. The
PMS disapproves of and will not tolerate harassment of employees by managers, supervisors,
or co-workers. Similarly, the PMS will not tolerate harassment by its employees or non-
employees with whom the PMS employees have a professional relationship.

We value respect for each other which allows the students to feel safe, to develop a sense of
belonging, to forge friendships with peers and maintain respectful relationships with adults.
With this sense of community, teaching and learning thrive; it is imperative that school
leadership takes a firm and intentional position against all forms of bullying and harassment.

Bullying and harassment, regardless of their source, have a negative impact on the learning
environment, and can leave individuals with lasting scars. Our staff are leaders who nurture
and model a school climate that fosters community, prevents bullying and harassment, and
works for forgiveness, healing and reconciliation when either of these occurs.

Our policy models healing and justice for the victim and healing, and accountability for the


Harassment/bullying includes verbal, physical, and visual conduct that creates an intimidating,
offensive, or hostile environment or that interferes with teaching and learning.

Harassing conduct can take many forms and includes, but is not limited to: slurs, jokes,
offensive statements, and gestures, assault, impeding or blocking another’s movement or
otherwise physically interfering with another employee’s work space.

Sexually harassing conduct includes all of these prohibited actions as well as other unwelcome
conduct such as requests for sexual favors, conversation containing sexual comments, and
unwelcome sexual advances.


Prevention and Awareness

Employees should be, where appropriate, encouraged to work out these issues among themselves.
When this does not resolve the difficulty, they should bring this to the attention of the Administration
through a verbal and written statement.

Section 1 – General 7
Pacific Montessori Society
Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Revised April 8, 2011


Procedure - cont’d.

Initial Intervention

The Administration will investigate the complaint or report, interview participants,
witnesses and review evidence as necessary.

Upon completion of the investigation, the Administration will write a report of their
findings and submit it to the Board. They will also discuss expectations with all parties
involved and set a definite time frame to follow-up with all parties to see if the
bullying/harassment has been resolved.

Secondary Intervention

If the bullying or harassing behaviour continues or escalates, the Administration will
propose a written recommendation for disciplinary action and present this to the Board
along with a rationale and any supporting documentation.

The Board will determine who will take over responsibility for dealing with the matter.
The Board member assigned this will carry out an investigation and file a report to the

Based on the outcome of the investigation the Board will meet with the Administration
and jointly determine what action will occur.

The Board will meet with the employees in question; provide them with a written decision
which will be placed in the employee personnel file.

Section 1 – General 8
Pacific Montessori Society
Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Revised April 8, 2011



The PMS is committed to sustaining a positive work environment in which employees work
constructively together. The conflict resolution policy and process has been established as a
foundation for ensuring that the work environment remains positive.

The conflict resolution policy is intended to:

• provide the opportunity to resolve a conflict or complaint quickly, fairly and without reprisal;

• improve communication and understanding between employees; and between employees
and the Administration;

• ensure confidence in management decisions by providing a mechanism whereby
management decisions can be objectively reviewed; and

• identify organization policies and procedures which need to be clarified or modified.


• Penalty or retaliation against an employee who initiates conflict resolution or makes a
complaint, or participates in a problem resolution investigation will not be tolerated and will
be subject to disciplinary action.

• If a complaint is found to be frivolous, vindictive or vexatious, then the PMS may take
appropriate steps, which may include disciplinary action.

Section 1 – General 9
Pacific Montessori Society
Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Revised April 8, 2011



• Employees are encouraged to follow the informal approach to problem resolution prior to
making a formal complaint.

Informal Conflict Resolution and Complaint Process

• Employees who experience a work related conflict or who have a complaint should first
attempt to discuss the matter with the person they are in conflict with to resolve the issue.

• If this fails, the employee will discuss the matter with the Administration and provide a written
statement if requested.

• The Administration will analyze the merits of the conflict resolution request or complaint, and
within two (2) working days will meet with the employee to inform the employee of the
proposed plan of action.

• If the employee is not satisfied with the informal resolution of the problem, they may proceed
with the formal conflict resolution process.

Formal Conflict Resolution and Complaint Process

• Employees who have a complaint or require intervention in relation to a work related conflict
and wish to initiate the formal problem resolution process must prepare written
documentation, with supporting details, of the conflict situation or complaint and submit it to
the Board of Directors.

• The Board will investigate the merits of the conflict resolution request or complaint and will
consult with other relevant individuals, if necessary.

• Within five (5) working days of receiving the conflict resolution request or complaint, the
Board will complete the investigation and prepare a written response. The Board will forward
a copy of the response along with a request that the employee sign and date the copy to
confirm he or she has received the reply and agrees or disagrees with the supervisor’s plan
of action.

• The decision and recommendations made by the Board will be final.

Section 1 – General 10
Pacific Montessori Society
Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Revised April 8, 2011



It is the expectation of the PMS that all employees be present and ready for work at scheduled
times. These hours of work are specified in each employment contract.


• Employees must notify the Office Manager at the start of the business day or preferably the
night before prior if they will be absent or late for work.

• There is a listing of substitute teachers available to all staff. Each teacher is responsible
for finding their substitute teacher to cover their absence, and will advise the Office

• It is acceptable practice for employees to contact the Office Manager via electronic mail,
fax, or by leaving a message on voicemail.

Section 1 – General 11
Pacific Montessori Society
Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Revised April 8, 2011



Performance reviews and planning sessions are designed to provide a joint
supervisor/employee performance planning and review mechanism related to the requirements
of the individual jobs and program responsibilities; and to facilitate planning of employee
training and development requirements related to current job responsibilities and to future

Teachers will have their performance reviews conducted by the Academic Head.
Administrative staff will have their performance reviews conducted by the Administrative Head.

The performance planning and review cycle is characterized by three major steps:
Performance Planning – Performance Review – Action Planning. The cycle repeats itself a
minimum of once every year, generally, the anniversary date of hire.

There are two parts of the performance plan: the first involves reviews of employee progress
towards achievement of objectives or results, and the second is a formal summary review at
the end of the review period. The length of time between informal reviews will vary depending
on the employee and the nature of the work involved.


• Performance reviews will be conducted annually from the date of hire. New employees will
be reviewed prior to completion of their probation period.

• At the end of the formal review period, the employee and supervisor will meet to discuss
and evaluate achievements and overall performance, to determine any action required to
improve future performance and plan for the next review period. Action plans identified may
include additional on the job training, various developmental opportunities (i.e. temporary
appointment or job exchange) or specified training and development courses.

• The performance plan is a planning document that the supervisor and employee keep as a
reference throughout the review period. At the end of the review period, once all
documentation is completed and signed, the employee and the supervisor keep a copy and
the original is placed in the employee personnel file.

Section 1 – General 12
Pacific Montessori Society
Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Revised April 8, 2011



During regular hours of work or when representing PMS, employees are expected to present a
clean, neat and tasteful appearance. Employees should dress and groom themselves
according to the requirements of their position.


• Overly revealing and overtly provocative clothing (i.e. transparent, displaying
undergarments, backless tops, bare stomachs, etc.) are inappropriate modes of dress and
fashion for a school setting/event.

• Clothing such as ball caps; baggy, low riding or ripped jeans are not acceptable.
• Footwear must we worn as a matter of health and safety within the school environment.
• Dress restrictions may also be applied to specific classes and/or subject disciplines as

directed by school staff (e.g. physical education, field trips).
• Employees who do not meet dress code standards may be asked by the Administration to

remove the offensive items or arrange for an immediate change of clothing.

Section 1 – General 13
Pacific Montessori Society
Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Revised April 8, 2011



To protect and enhance our indoor air quality and to contribute to the health and well-being of all
employees, the School shall be entirely smoke free.
The use of tobacco products is not permitted on the PMS premises or in vehicles used to
transport students.


Employees, who choose to smoke, shall do so during their breaks or at lunch away from school

Section 1 – General 14
Pacific Montessori Society
Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Revised April 8, 2011



The use of scented products and fragrances by an individual is a matter of personal choice.
However, the PMS reserves the right to request an employee to discontinue the use of a
particular scented product or products in order to accommodate another employee’s sensitivity
to such products.

Employees are expected to minimize their use of and to be courteous and respectful in their
use of scented products and fragrances while attending at the School.

The PMS shall endeavour to use only unscented cleaning products, where possible, and
where not possible, that the scented product is only used in places or at times when few
people will be exposed to the product’s scent.


• Employees suffering from scent-related symptoms should bring the issue to the attention of
their immediate supervisor. Scent related symptoms may include, but are not limited to
headaches, dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, fatigue, weakness, insomnia, malaise,
confusion, loss of appetite, depression, anxiety, numbness, upper respiratory symptoms,
shortness of breath, difficulty with concentration, skin irritation.

• The Administration will attempt to alleviate the effect of the scent(s) on the employee,
either by removing the scented product(s) from the employee’s work area, requiring a
fellow employee to cease using a scented product, or by implementing some other solution
to accommodate the needs of the scent-sensitive employee.

Section 1 – General 15
Pacific Montessori Society
Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Revised April 8, 2011



The PMS has provided a fully equipped lunchroom for all staff to use.


• Lunchroom cleanup duties are designated evenly amongst all teaching staff at the beginning
of the year and marked on the staffroom calendar.

• Employees are expected to clean up after themselves i.e. wash up their dirty dishes or
place them in the dishwasher instead of leaving them to accumulate in the sink, and clean
up any spills on the counter or in the microwave and fridge.
1. Conversation in the lunchroom should be professional and positive. Staff are asked to
refrain from talking about sensitive information; private information in a public space, this
includes gossiping.

Section 1 – General 16
Pacific Montessori Society
Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Revised April 8, 2011



The PMS provides parking, bicycle storage and will pay for bus passes for employees.


• Employees are to park in the designated parking spaces available to the PMS.
• Employees who chose to ride a bicycle to work are encouraged to lock their bikes in the

underground parkade.
• Employees requiring reimbursement for bus passes must bring receipt in for bus passes,

complete a petty cash form, attach the receipt to the form and submit it to the
Administrative Head for approval.
• The Administrative Head will forward the approved form on to the Accountant for payment.
The Accountant will deposit the payment in the employee’s bank account.

Section 1 – General 17
Pacific Montessori Society
Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Revised April 8, 2011



It is mandatory that all employees have a valid BC Driver’s License to operate any school

If an employee is requested to use their personal vehicle for business-related activities, the
employee must have Third Party Liability coverage and appropriate Business Use coverage as
required by Insurance Corporation of British Columbia.

The School will have an ICBC rider which covers parents, volunteers and staff when using a
school vehicle.


• All employees of the PMS are responsible to ensure that their personal vehicles are
ensured correctly. (‘Business Use” coverage may be included in their personal use
coverage for a limited number of days per month or may require specific business use

• A valid driver’s license and insurance paperwork must be submitted to the reception prior
to any trip. These documents will be held in the personnel file.

• If the employee uses their personal vehicle, it is the responsibility of the employee to
ensure that their vehicle is insured to the requirements set out by the Insurance
Corporation of British Columbia.

• Employees or volunteer drivers must ensure that all children are properly restrained.
Booster seats are mandatory for children over 18 kg (40 lb) until their 9th birthday, or,
unless they have reached the height of 145 cm (4’9”).

• Names of individuals carried in the vehicle on a field excursion must be recorded by
employees and left in the school office. A copy of the list must accompany the vehicle
driver on the trip.

• If a rental van is to be used, the Office Manager will ensure that a written contract is used
and that the van carries a minimum of $10 million in third party liability insurance.

Section 1 – General 18
Pacific Montessori Society
Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Revised April 8, 2011



The PMS recognizes the important role of pets in the lives on many employees and students.
It also acknowledges that some may have concerns regarding health (especially allergies), fear
and safety concerning pets; especially in the workplace environment. This issue shall be dealt
with on a case-by-case basis.


Definitions: For the purpose of this policy, the following definitions will apply:
Pet Owner: Anyone working or studying at the School, including teaching staff, administrative
staff, students, or others who bring a pet to the school.
Pet: A domestic animal that is owned by, resides with, and is cared for by an employee or
student. This will include dogs, cats, and fish. For the purpose of this policy, pets are not
snakes, ferrets, rats and spiders. Those with questions about other domestic animals should
talk to Administration.


• Before bringing a pet to school, the pet owner will check first with the Administration to
ensure that there are no concerns, such as allergies, safety, etc.

• If the pet owner requires the animal’s presence due to a documented disability, then
reasonable accommodation will be made.

• Decisions about the appropriateness of bringing a pet to the school will be made by the
Administration based on any potential risk to the pet and to people in the community, and
to the perceived disruptions caused by the pet.

Section 1 – General 19
Pacific Montessori Society
Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Revised April 8, 2011



Employees are not required to work in an environment in which they fear their safety is at risk.

Safety is to be given primary importance in every aspect of planning and performing all
activities. The goal of the PMS is to ensure a safe and healthy work environment through
continual awareness, encouragement and practice of health and safety conscious behaviour.
All management, employees and students are required to work safely and to know and follow
safe work procedures.


The PMS shall endeavor to provide safe and healthy working conditions for all workers through
the concerted actions of management, teachers and employees. To this end, the
responsibilities of the company, supervisors and workers shall be as follows:

It is the PMS’s responsibility to:

• Provide for the instruction and supervision of workers in the safe performance of their work
• Provide a safe and healthy working environment
• Take action as required to improve unsafe conditions
• Provide first aid facilities where appropriate
• Ensure compliance with Workers’ Compensation Board regulation and other applicable

• Maintain the required records and statistics
• Hold periodic management meetings for the purpose of reviewing health and safety

activities and accident trends and to determine necessary courses of action

It is the supervisor’s responsibility to:

• Formulate safety rules and safe work procedures specific to his or her area of supervision
• Ensure that all workers under his or her supervision are aware of safety practices and

follow safety procedures
• Provide training in the safe operation of equipment
• Must ensure that appropriate personal protective equipment is available to workers;

properly worn when required; and properly cleaned, inspected, maintained and stored
• Regularly inspect his or her area for hazardous conditions
• Cooperate in investigating any accidents that occur in his or her area of responsibility
• Report any accidents or near accidents


Section 1 – General Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Pacific Montessori Society Revised April 8, 2011


It is the employee’s responsibility to:

• Observe safety rules and procedures established by PMS
• Actively practice safe work habits
• Immediately report any accident, injury and unsafe conditions or acts to a supervisor

The PMS shall endeavor to provide safe and healthy working conditions for all workers through
the concerted actions of management, teachers and employees. To this end, the
responsibilities of the company, supervisors and workers shall be as follows:

It is the PMS’s responsibility to:

• Provide for the instruction and supervision of workers in the safe performance of their work
• Provide a safe and healthy working environment
• Take action as required to improve unsafe conditions
• Provide first aid facilities where appropriate
• Ensure compliance with Work Safe BC regulation and other applicable legislation
• Maintain the required records and statistics
• Hold periodic management meetings for the purpose of reviewing health and safety

activities and accident trends and to determine necessary courses of action

It is the supervisor’s responsibility to:

• Formulate safety rules and safe work procedures specific to his or her area of supervision
• Ensure that all workers under his or her supervision are aware of safety practices and

follow safety procedures
• Provide training in the safe operation of equipment
• Must ensure that appropriate personal protective equipment is available to workers;

properly worn when required; and properly cleaned, inspected, maintained and stored
• Regularly inspect his or her area for hazardous conditions
• Cooperate in investigating any accidents that occur in his or her area of responsibility
• Report any accidents or near accidents

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Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Revised April 8, 2011



• All injuries and incidents must be immediately reported to the supervisor by the employee
(no matter how slight), as well as anything that is a safety concern or a safety hazard.

• Employees must initiate having safety concerns addressed by bringing them to the
attention of the Office Manager verbally or in writing.

• The employee initiating the concern must be involved in the process of eliminating the
concern. Employees who are not satisfied that their concern has been eliminated may
bring their concern to the attention of the Administration.

• Employees must complete WCB – Application for Compensation and Report of Injury or
Occupational Disease Form, ensuring all relevant information is contained on the form.

• When a workplace injury occurs, the employee’s direct supervisor is responsible for
completing the accident report and submitting it to the Office Manager.

• The Office Manager is responsible for filing all WCB forms to the Worker’s Compensation
Board within 3 days of the incident or accident.

Section 1 – General 22
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Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Revised April 8, 2011



The Board of the PMS authorizes its employees to make directions and follow such courses of
action as deemed appropriate for the protection of students and maintenance of order.


• The Office Manager will have notices posted at school entrances requesting visitors to report
to the office to secure permission to remain on the School property.

• Where an employee has reason to believe that a person is on the School property without
authorization, the employee must identify themselves and their position in the School, ask
what the nature of the person’s visit is, and whether they have checked in with the office.

• If a visitor has not checked in with the office, the employee will escort them to Reception.

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Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Revised April 8, 2011



The purpose of this policy is to ensure the safety of all employees and the public at large and to
ensure the integrity of the PMS.

The PMS has a ZERO tolerance towards employees consuming alcohol or any illegal substance
during their regular scheduled work hours. No employee shall consume alcohol or any illegal
substance while in the normal course of their duties. This prohibition includes lunch breaks
and/or rest periods or while attending any work-related function, on or off premises.


• In the judgment of the Administration, if an employee attends work in an impaired or “hung
over” condition, the Administration shall take such steps as are necessary to prevent the
person from causing injury, including placing the employee on a temporary suspension.

• An employee who is discovered to be consuming alcohol or any illegal substance while on
duty, during a lunch period or a rest period or who reports for work intoxicated will be subject
to discipline up to and including termination.

• An employee who breaches the provisions of this policy is subject to discipline ranging from
a warning, suspension from work without pay and up to and including termination of

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Revised April 8, 2011



Fire and earthquake drills shall be held throughout the school year as close to once a month as
possible, in accordance with the procedures forming part of this policy. Lockdown drills shall be
held two times a year, once in the Fall and once in the Spring, with a representative of the
Police Department in attendance.


The PMS operates a public building housing large numbers of people, and as such it must
provide safe, orderly procedures for personnel evacuation and protection in fire and
earthquake emergencies.


• The Office Manager will maintain records of the date of each practice in the school.

• The Office Manager will ensure that the Fire Department telephone number is posted by
all school telephones.

• The Administrative Head will act as the Evacuation Marshall.

• The Evacuation Marshall will coordinate drills with the Office Manager and the Fire

• Because earthquakes and lockdown happen with no warning, drills will occur separately
from fire drills. Earthquake and lockdown drills will be preceded by classroom discussions.

Fire Drills/Alarm Procedure:

• When the fire alarm is sounded, the teacher will give the warning FIRE DRILL. All
instruction and activity shall cease.

• The teacher shall give the command STAND. Pupils should stand and remain silent. The
teacher shall then take the class register or such other record of attendance as may be
available and keep possession of it until the end of the drill.

• The teacher will determine the route to be taken, and give the order to exit. The teacher
will then supervise the class out of the building in an orderly manner, to a predetermined
point of safety.

• Pupils will remain with their teacher until dismissed by the Evacuation Marshall or their

Section 1 – General 25
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Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Revised April 8, 2011


Fire Drills/Alarm Procedure cont’d:

• Pupils outside the classroom and still in the building shall go to the nearest corridor and
join with any class, or, if close to an exit, shall leave the building and report to their
particular class outside the building.

• Once assembled at the predetermined point of safety, the teacher shall check the
names and the number of pupils and report to the Evacuation Marshall or their
designate. The report shall indicate whether all are present and accounted for and/or
the names of any missing or additional pupils and the classroom numbers involved.

• Fire wardens shall check washrooms and classes before exiting the building.
• The Evacuation Marshall or their designate shall make every effort to ensure that no

person remains in the school.

Earthquake Drills:

• In the event of an earthquake or drill, the teacher and students will:
• Take cover under desks or tables;
• Face away from windows, move away from bookshelves;
• Assume “crash” position on knees, head down, hands clasped on back of neck of head

covered with a book or jacket;
• Count aloud to 60. Earthquakes rarely last longer than 60 seconds and counting is

• After an earthquake, building evacuation shall take place at the direction of the

Evacuation Marshall and Office Manager.
• If evacuation is necessary, the teacher and staff will:
• Instruct students to evacuate when all shaking has stopped;
• Lead class to the designated assembly area;
• Be prepared to choose an alternate escape route in case of fire or exit blockage;
• Take class list, I.D. tags, first aid kit;
• Apply I.D. information to all primary and injured students;
• Give first aid if necessary;
• DO NOT re-enter the building unless instructed by the Evacuation Marshall or Office

• Pupils outside the classroom and still in the building shall go to the nearest corridor and

join with any class, or, if close to an exit, shall leave the building and report to their
particular class outside the building.

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Revised April 8, 2011


Earthquake Drills cont’d:

• In the event of a major earthquake, the Evacuation Marshall will await instructions from
emergency officials. The Evacuation Marshall will allow dismissal of students only when it
is safe to travel and a designated adult comes for him/her. The teachers and staff will keep
accurate records of student releases.

Lockdown Drills

In the event of a Lockdown or drill:

Every school must practice a lockdown procedure twice a year. Students are kept in class,
teachers lock the doors, and everyone stays as far away from the windows as possible.
Someone from the police department will be in attendance for these drills.

Level 1: Danger inside the school

• The Administration or someone in authority makes the announcement of a lockdown over
the P.A system or by phone.

• All students and teachers are required to head to lockdown area in the room.
• Lights are turned off. Blinds and windows are closed.
• Those in the hallways are required to immediately head to the closest room.
• Students on the outside of the school are supposed to head away from the building and

meet at a pre-arranged evacuation point. (Rowing Club)
• If necessary, parents will be called, but only after the emergency is over.

Level 2: Danger Outside School

• Most of the procedures are the same, the lights are turned off and the blinds and drapes are
closed, and school doors are locked. Everyone remains in lockdown area until all clear is

Level 3: Danger in the Neighbourhood

• This scenario involves slightly less serious precautions, because the threat is farther away. It
involves increased supervision, locking the outside doors and controlling the movement of
students inside the building.

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Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Revised April 8, 2011


Lockdown Check List

Teachers shall to do the following when a lockdown is called:
• Lock all classroom doors. (Doors should be locked at all times.)
• Lock all exterior doors.
• Keep one telephone line open so that Police, Board office can contact the school.
• Take attendance in each room. Note those who are absent and notify the office immediately.
• Keep everyone remaining calm and in lockdown area.
• Keep everyone facing away from the glass and doors where possible.
• Pull shades or drapes and turn off lights; ensure that you can communicate visually with

police if necessary.
• Release no one except by the direction of the principal or designate or the police.
• Do not release students or staff for restrooms or lockers.
• Do not use radio, TV, or cell phones in classrooms.
• Everyone should lie on the floor in lockdown area if gunshots are heard.
• Call the school office with vital information. (e.g. I see a person in the NW Hallway etc.)
• Only open the doors when an "all clear" or "Release code" is given or police or

Administration come to the door.
• Have a consistent message for parents who are calling the school during the lockdown.
• Call other schools in immediate vicinity, which may be affected by the circumstances that

created the need for the lockdown.

The Administration and Police will go to each class to indicate that the drill is complete.

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Revised April 8, 2011



The PMS will provide employees with the necessary supplies and materials to provide safety
procedures for the staff and students.

All property of the PMS is to be respected and undamaged.


• First aid kits are handed out by the Office Manager.

• The Office Manager will give a refresher course on the use of the fire extinguishers to all
employees at the beginning of each school year.

• The designated employees will submit a written request to the Office Manager for
new/restock of first aid supplies.

• The Office Manager will delegate the restocking of the first aid kits.

• The Office Manager will ensure that fire extinguishers shall be maintained regularly, lights
checked, backflow testing conducted by a certified outside company by the beginning of
each school year.

• All employees will be given a tour of the premises at the start of each school year by the
Office Manager to identify the location of all safety supplies and equipment.

• The Office Manager will post maps outlining fire routes and earthquake drills. The Fire
Department will conduct fire drills. The Police will conduct lockdown drills.

The Office Manager and Evacuation Marshall will coordinate drills with the fire and police
departments and will advise all employees of any impending fire or lockdown drills.

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Revised April 8, 2011



The Pacific Montessori Society will provide employees with the technology, tools, supplies and
materials necessary for them to do their jobs.


• The Administration will supply technology, tools, supplies and materials as deemed

• Employees must inform the Office Manager in writing when an item is running low or they
have used the “last one” of anything.

• The Office Manager is responsible for delegating the ordering of supplies, materials etc.

• Employees wishing to purchase items for their class, must have written approval from the
Administration prior to doing so.

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Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Revised April 8, 2011



The PMS provides various forms of office equipment, computers and software to employees to
assist them in performing their job duties. Each employee has a responsibility to use this
equipment in a safe and responsible manner.
The PMS may access computer files, electronic mail messages and voicemail. All data and
information stored on the PMS systems are the sole property of the PMS regardless of content.
Employees are asked to respect PMS ownership and provision of these materials and
remember that they are only for employee use on the job.


• All employees must sign and date the Internet and Email Usage Policy and Agreement in
the Staff Handbook stating that they understand and agree to the terms of the Internet and
Email Usage Policy.

• The Office Manager will file this agreement in the employee’s personnel file.

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Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Revised April 8, 2011



Employees are responsible for ensuring that their use of Internet access is appropriate and
consistent with ethical conduct under this policy and with the policies issued by the PMS.


The Internet is an "open" environment. Information transmitted by the Internet or stored on
servers accessible by the Internet may be non-secure and may be logged or viewed by non-
intended audiences. Activities on the Internet can be traced to the address from which it

1. During work hours, the internet and email may only be used for business purposes.

2. Users must comply with all applicable laws and regulations and must respect the legal
protection provided by copyright and licenses with respect to both programs and data.

3. Internet usage must be able to survive scrutiny and/or disclosure. Users must avoid
accessing sites that might bring the PMS into disrepute, such as those which carry offensive

4. Users may not use the electronic mail or messaging programs to harass or interfere with
other computer users, send or post obscene or defamatory material, send excessive mail
and chain letters.

5. Sensitive information must not be transmitted via or exposed to Internet access. Users are to
avoid sending confidential information over the Internet, except when absolutely necessary,
and also verify electronic mail addresses before transmitting any messages.

6. Employees may use the PMS Internet services for personal improvement, outside of
scheduled hours of work, provided that such use is consistent with professional conduct and
is not used for personal financial gain.

7. Internet Relay Chat channels or other Internet forums such as newsgroups or net servers
may be used only to conduct work related business or to exchange technical or analytical
information. Users who wish to express personal opinions must use a private Internet
provider and a personal ID.

8. Users must not attempt to obscure the origin of any message or download material under an
assumed Internet address.

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Revised April 8, 2011


9. The PMS maintains the right to monitor internet usage on its equipment.
10. Other inappropriate use of the Internet will be reviewed by the PMS on a case by case basis

and may lead to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal or cancellation of contract.
11. The viewing of pornographic websites on the PMS’s computers is strictly prohibited and will

justify cause for dismissal.


• All new employees must sign and date the “Internet and E-mail Usage Policy and
Agreement” in the Staff Handbook, stating that they understand and agree to the terms of
the Internet and E-mail Usage Policy.

The Office Manager will file this agreement in the employee’s personnel file

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Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Revised April 8, 2011



PMS will provide telephones to employees where applicable, to assist them with their work.

Land line usage is limited to business calls only. If it is necessary to make or receive personal
calls, limit them to before or after school or during breaks.

Cell phones are to be used for business related calls only. If it is necessary to make or receive
personal calls, limit them to before or after school or during breaks.


• The PMS employees who use a company phone will be billed for any non business related
long distance calls.

• Employees must not discuss confidential school information to anyone except directly
related school parties.

• Employees will not use their cell phone while operating a motor vehicle while on company

Section 1 – General 34
Pacific Montessori Society
Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Revised April 8, 2011



The PMS understands the importance of protecting employee personal information. We are also
committed to collecting, using and disclosing your personal information responsibly.


Privacy of employee information is important and is kept in strict confidence in a secure
location. We will correct personal information that is inaccurate or incomplete and, where
appropriate, will advise other parties having access to the information. We also try to be as
open and transparent as possible about the way we handle employee personal information.

Personal information is defined as information that identifies the employee as an individual. It
includes not only the employee’s name, address, age and gender but also the employee’s
personal financial records, identification numbers including Social Insurance Number, and
employment records.

The Privacy Information Officer can assist you with this. The PMS’s Privacy Information Officer
is the Administrative Head.

The PMS ensures that:

• only necessary information is collected about employees
• we only share employee information with their consent
• storage, retention and destruction of personal information complies with existing legislation

and privacy protocols
• staff members who come in contact with personal information are aware of the sensitive

nature of the information that employees have disclosed to us and have been instructed in
the appropriate use and protection of your information

The PMS collects uses and discloses information about employees for the following purposes:

• for payroll processing
• for health benefit Administration
• to establish and maintain contact with employees
• to assist the PMS to comply with all regulatory requirements
• to comply with tax requirements
• to comply with the law
• for emergency contact information

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Revised April 8, 2011


If any of the reasons the PMS collects, uses or discloses information change, the PMS will
advise employees in writing. The PMS will not under any condition disclose information for any
reason other than outlined above.


• All employees must sign and date the Consent to Collect, Use, and Disclose Personal
Information policy in the Staff Handbook, stating that they have reviewed the policy and
that they agree that the PMS can collect, use and disclose their personal information as
outlined in this policy.

The Office Manager will file this agreement in the employee’s personnel file.

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Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Revised April 8, 2011



The PMS will pay for all required professional licensing and memberships as renewals come


• The employee submits licensing/membership renewal notice to the Accountant upon

• The Accountant submits the list of employees requiring licensing and memberships
payment to the Administration.

• The Administration signs off on the list to confirm accuracy, and gives it back to the

• The Accountant pays for the renewal and files it in the accounting files.

• The Accountant supplies the Office Manager with a list of employees for whom licensing or
membership payments are made.

• Employees are responsible for providing the Office Manager with a copy of the renewed
license or membership card.

• The Office Manager keeps track of the files to ensure that the updated information is
received for all relevant employees.

The Office Manager places a copy of the license or membership card in the employee’s
personnel file.

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Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Revised April 8, 2011

Section 2 – Staffing, Pay and Benefits



All new employees receive orientation when they commence employment.


Prior to Arrival of New Employee (completed by Office Manager/ Administration)

• Ensure the job description is accurate and up to date
• Order building keys
• Order business cards if applicable
• Send new employee information and forms prior to the first day of work including:

¾ Job Description
¾ Employee Handbook
¾ Offer of Employment Contract
¾ Oath of Confidentiality
¾ Ethics and Responsibilities of Employees
¾ Ensure receipt of signed off Employment Contract and other applicable

¾ Set up workstation for new employee (including desk and computer, email

account, phone and supplies

First Day Orientation (completed by the Office Manager/the Administration)

• Welcome new employee
• Introduction to the Administration
• Other staff and their respective roles
• Introduction to mentor
• Tour of office, building, facilities, amenities, work stations, restrooms, emergency exits,

elevators, coffee/tea area.
• Explain office routines, hours of work, lunch/coffee arrangements, parking arrangements
• Housekeeping Items
• Janitorial services
• Housekeeping duties
• Kitchen area cleanliness
• Where trash and recycle bins are located
• Location of fire extinguisher and first aid station
• Provide new employee with keys, passwords, and ID codes
• Review security and safety issues
• Review the PMS standards


Section 1 – General Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Pacific Montessori Society Revised April 8, 2011


First Day Orientation cont’d.

• Review pay and benefit schedules
• Discuss probation period
• Develop initial performance/work plan (what is to be done by when and how performance

will be measured, documented and evaluated) including training needs/opportunities


Administrative (completed by Office Manager)

• Create an employee personnel file and payroll file; review the following forms and ensure
they are signed (if required), filed and that the new employee has a copies:

• Job Description
• Offer of Employment Contract
• Oath of Confidentiality
• Ethics and Responsibilities of Employees Form
• Criminal record search instructions
• Criminal Records Form when completed
• Employment Information Form
• If required by the position, confirm that employee has adequate 3rd party liability and

business use vehicle coverage as required by ICBC
• Orientation to phone and computer system, office equipment and any other applicable


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Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Revised April 8, 2011



The probationary period is an introductory period of employment meant to give new employees
the opportunity to achieve a satisfactory level of performance and to determine whether the
new position meets their expectations.

This time is also used to evaluate the employee capabilities, work habits, performance, and
overall suitability for the position.

All new employees will serve a three month (3) probationary period.


• An individual who is re-employed by the PMS as a regular staff member will serve the
probation period from the date of re-employment.

• If the employee does not meet job requirements or performance standards during their
probation period, the employee will be advised in writing of the specific performance
problems and the remedies that will be put into effect within the probationary period.

• If the employee fails to satisfactorily accomplish position requirements prior to the
completion of their probation period, immediate termination may result with the employee
being advised in writing of the failure to successfully complete the probation period. The
termination agreement from their employment contract will be invoked.

• If the employee is terminated after three (3) months of continuous service the termination
agreement from their employment contract will be invoked.

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Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Revised April 8, 2011



Core school hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m., Monday through Friday, with a half hour
unpaid lunch period. The mandatory hours are determined by the individual contract.


It is important for employees to understand their hours of work and the activities that are
considered acceptable performance. At the same time the PMS wishes to provide a working
environment that is enjoyable and sensitive to the needs of employees


• Teaching staff are to work the core school hours, including all scheduled hours as
determined in their employee contract and over the ten (10) month school year.

• Administrative salaried employees may be required to work up to eight hours in a day or 40
hours in a week over a twelve (12) month period. The annual salary is inclusive of all hours
worked up to these amounts.

• An employee who reports to work but is unfit for work (e.g. under the influence of drugs or
alcohol) will be sent home and will only be paid for time actually worked.

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Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Revised April 8, 2011



The PMS supports and fosters a work environment that enables work-life balance. In support
of work-life balance, all employees are eligible to request alternative hours – either part time or
job sharing.

The PMS will allow the sharing of teaching assignments where the educational value to the
students can be clearly demonstrated by the requesting teachers and where unambiguous and
firm arrangements can be made well in advance of the school year.


Part time consists of a work week less than 37.5 hours per week, September to June.

• Part-time hours must meet the following criteria:

¾ On days of scheduled work, the employee must be working during the core
business hours of 8:30 am – 3:15 pm; and

¾ The part-time hours must not impact the employee’s ability to perform job
requirements to the Administration’s satisfaction.


• A part-time employee, who reports to work at the employer’s request, will be paid a
minimum of four hours’ pay.

• The case for job sharing supporting the educational value for students must be submitted
in writing to the Administration by both teachers and contain sufficient evidence for a sound
decision to be made.

• The two teachers involved must share compatible educational philosophies and
methodologies, and be supported in their application by the Administration and the Board.

• Proposals must be submitted by May 15th of the year proceeding the school year intended
for job sharing.

• Notice of the application’s approval will normally be given by the Administration on or
before May 31st.

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Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Revised April 8, 2011



PMS has the right to request overtime work from any and all employees and will distribute it as
fairly and impartially as possible.

• Overtime is considered part of the job for the teaching staff
• Administrative staff must have prior approval for all overtime

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Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Revised April 8, 2011



Pay days are on the 15th and last day of each month. Pay statements will be issued upon
request and pay will be directly deposited into employee bank accounts.


• Payroll is deposited directly into each employee’s bank account. The Accountant will
prepare and distribute pay stubs upon request.

• If an employee believes an error has been made, or deposit missed, it is their responsibility
to contact the Accountant to advise them of the error or missed payment.

• The Accountant will research the problem and make any necessary adjustments.

• Deductions for income tax, CPP and EI will be made for all employees. Other deductions
will be made based on the benefits accrued to each staff member (i.e. parking, tuition
reduction, dental benefits, and pension plan).

• Employees are also eligible to request deductions for professional development loans from
PMS; Medical Services Plan fees and Canada Savings Bonds, and for increased income
tax and pension contributions.

• Employees are responsible for notifying the Accountant, in writing, of any changes in bank
information or changes to deduction amounts.

• Upon resignation, the Accountant will ensure the employee’s final pay cheque and Record
of Employment (ROE) will be prepared and mailed within five (5) working days.

• If an employee resigns without notice, the Accountant will mail their final pay cheque and
ROE to the employee’s last known address. The employee’s final pay cheque will include
payment for all unpaid wages and vacation pay, minus any authorized deductions.

• If an employee has used any vacation days before they have been accrued and then
leaves the employment of the PMS, the amount of pay for any vacation time taken that has
not accrued at the time of termination will be deducted from the employee’s final pay.

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Revised April 8, 2011



Substitute Teachers will receive a cheque at the end of each month worked. This cheque will
be mailed by the Administration.


• Substitute teachers are to sign in/sign out with reception.
• At the end of each month, the Accountant will take the sign in/sign out book from reception

and prepare a cheque based on the hours worked in that month.
• The Accountant will submit the cheque(s) to the Administration for signing, and the

Administration will ensure that the cheque is mailed to the substitute teacher.

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Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Revised April 8, 2011



The PMS provides for 10 (10) paid sick days and five (5) paid personal days per year.
Full time employees are eligible for paid sick days or personal days after completion of their
probation period. These days are pro-rated for part-time employees.


Sick Days are defined as those days when employees are unable to do their job or are at risk of
infecting others due to illness or injury. Paid sick leave may also be used for mandatory medical
procedures and recuperation periods.
Personal Days are defined as personal events for the employee or an immediate family
member. The PMS will allow one personal paid day off for scheduled events including weddings,
doctor or dental appointments etc. Employees are encouraged to make an effort to schedule all
appointments outside of school time.
Personal or sick days may not be used when enlisting in alternative employment.
Employees may use their five (5) paid personal days for sick leave, but may not use their ten
(10) paid sick days for personal leave.
Unused personal or sick days may not be carried forward from year to year.

Section 1 – General 46
Pacific Montessori Society
Human Resource Policy and Procedures
Revised April 8, 2011

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