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Published by deluxmacris, 2021-04-18 08:53:40

DnD 5e Players Handbook

DnD 5e Players Handbook

T h e C l e r ic

Proficiency Cantrips — Spell Slots per Spell Level—
Bonus Known
Level +2 Features 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +2 Spellcasting, Divine Domain 3 2— —
2nd Channel Divinity (1/rest), 3 3— — — —— — ——
+2 Divine Domain feature
3rd +2 — 3 — —— — ——
4th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4
5th +3 Destroy Undead (CR 1/2) 4 4 2— — —— — ——
6th Channel Divinity (2/rest), 4 ——
+3 Divine Domain feature 4 3— — —— — ——
7th +3 — 4 ——
8th Ability Score Improvement, Destroy Undead 4 4 3 2 — —— —
+4 (CR 1), Divine Domain feature
9th +4 — 4 4 3 3 — —— —
10th +4 Divine Intervention 5
11th +4 Destroy Undead (CR 2) 5 4 3 3 1 —— — ——
12th +5 Ability Score Improvement 5 4 3 3 2 —— — ——
13th +5 — 5
14th +5 Destroy Undead (CR 3) 5 4 3 3 3 1————
15th +5 — 5 4 3 3 3 2————
16th +6 Ability Score Improvement 5 4 3 3 3 2 1———
17th Destroy Undead (CR 4), 5 4 3 3 3 2 1———
+6 Divine Domain feature 4 3 3 3 2 1 1——
18th +6 Channel Divinity (3/rest) 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1——
19th +6 Ability Score improvement 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1—
20th Divine Intervention improvement 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1—


4 33 3321 11
4 3 3 3 3 2 2 11

their deities’ w orshipers, w hich can mean fighting C lass Features
rampaging orc s, negotiating peace between warring
nations, or sealing a portal that w ould allow a dem on As a cleric, you gain the follow ing class features.
prince to enter the world.
H it Poin ts
M ost adventuring clerics maintain som e connection to Hit Dice: 1d8 p er cleric level
established tem ples and orders o f their faiths. A temple Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution m odifier
m ight ask for a cleric’s aid, or a high priest m ight be in a Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your
position to dem an d it.
Constitution m odifier per cleric level after 1st
C r e a t in g a C leric
P roficiencies
A s you create a cleric, the m ost im portant question to Armor: Light armor, m edium armor, shields
consider is w hich deity to serve and what principles you Weapons: All simple weapons
want your character to embody. Appendix B includes Tools: None
lists o f many o f the gods o f the multiverse. Check with
your DM to learn w hich deities are in your cam paign. Saving Throws: W isdom , Charisma
Skills: C hoose tw o from History, Insight, Medicine,
O n ce you ’ve ch osen a deity, con sid er your cleric's
relationship to that god. Did you enter this service Persuasion, and Religion
willingly? Or did the god ch oose you, im pelling you into
service with no regard for your w ishes? H ow do the Equ ipm en t
temple priests o f your faith regard you: as a cham pion You start with the follow ing equipment, in addition to
or a troublem aker? W hat are your ultimate goals? D oes the equipment granted by your background:
your deity have a special task in m ind for you? Or are
you striving to prove yourself worthy of a great quest? • (a) a m a ce or (b) a w arham m er (if proficient)
• (a) sca le mail, (b) leather armor, or (c) chain m ail (if
Q u ic k Build
You can make a cleric quickly by following these proficient)
suggestions. First, W isdom should be your highest • (a) a light cro s s b o w and 20 bolts or (b) any sim ple
ability score, follow ed by Strength or Constitution.
Second, choose the acolyte background. weapon
• (a) a priest’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack
• A shield and a holy symbol

Sp e llc a st in g You can change your list o f prepared spells w hen you
finish a long rest. Preparing a new list o f cleric spells
As a conduit for divine power, you can cast cleric spells. requ ires tim e spent in prayer and m editation: at least 1
S e e chapter 10 for the general rules o f spellcasting and m inute per spell level for each spell on your list.
chapter 11 for the cleric spell list.
Spe l l c a st in g A b il it y
C a n t r ip s W isdom is your spellcasting ability for your cleric spells.
At 1st level, you know three cantrips o f your choice from The pow er o f your spells com es from your devotion to
the cleric spell list. You learn additional cleric cantrips your deity. You u se your W isd om w hen ever a cleric spell
o f your ch oice at higher levels, as sh ow n in the Cantrips refers to your sp ellcastin g ability. In addition, you use
Know n colum n o f the Cleric table. your W isdom m odifier when setting the saving throw
DC for a cleric spell you cast and when making an
P r e p a r in g a n d C a s t in g Spells attack roll with one.
The Cleric table show s how m any spell slots you have
to cast your spells o f 1st level and higher. To cast one of Spell save D C = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
th ese spells, you m ust expend a slot o f the sp ell’s level your Wisdom modifier
or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you
finish a long rest. Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +
your Wisdom modifier
You prepare the list o f cleric spells that are available
for you to cast, ch oosin g from the cleric spell list. W h en R it u a l C a st in g
you do so, ch oose a num ber o f cleric spells equal to You can cast a cleric spell as a ritual if that spell has the
your W isdom modifier + your cleric level (minimum of ritual tag and you have the spell prepared.
one spell). The spells must be o f a level for which you
have spell slots. Spe l l c a st in g Focu s
You can use a holy sym bol (found in chapter 5) as a
For example, if you are a 3rd-level cleric, you have four spellcasting focus for your cleric spells.
1st-level and tw o 2nd-level spell slots. W ith a W isd om
o f 16, your list o f prepared spells can include six spells D iv in e D o m a in
o f 1st or 2nd level, in any com bination. If you prepare
the 1st-level sp ell cure wounds, you can cast it using C h oose one dom ain related to your deity: Know ledge,
a 1st-level or 2nd-level slot. C asting the spell d oesn ’t Life, Light, Nature, Tempest, Trickery, or War. Each
rem ove it from your list o f prepared spells. dom ain is detailed at the end o f the class description,
and each one provides examples of gods associated
w ith it. Y our ch oice grants you dom ain sp ells and other
features w hen you c h o o s e it at 1st level. It also grants
you additional ways to use Channel Divinity when you
gain that feature at 2nd level, and additional benefits at
6th, 8th, and 17th levels.

D o m a in Spells
E ach dom ain has a list o f sp ells—its dom ain sp ells—
that you gain at the cleric levels noted in the dom ain
description. O nce you gain a dom ain spell, you always
have it prepared, and it d oesn ’t coun t against the
num ber o f spells you ca n prepare each day.

If you have a dom ain spell that d oesn ’t appear on the
cleric spell list, the spell is nonetheless a cleric spell for you.

C h a n n e l D iv in it y

At 2nd level, you gain the ability to channel divine
en ergy directly from your deity, using that en ergy to fuel
magical effects. You start with tw o such effects: Turn
Undead and an effect determined by your domain. Som e
dom ains grant you additional effects as you advance in
levels, as noted in the dom ain description.

W hen you use your Channel Divinity, you ch oose
which effect to create. You must then finish a short or
long rest to use your Channel Divinity again.

S om e Channel Divinity effects require saving throws.
W hen you use such an effect from this class, the DC
equals your cleric spell save DC.

B egin n in g at 6th level, you can u se your Channel
Divinity tw ice betw een rests, and beginning at 18th level.

you can use it three tim es betw een rests. W h en you finish dom ains o f Know ledge, Life, and Light. A s a cleric, you
a short or long rest, you regain your expended uses. c h o o s e on e aspect o f your deity’s portfolio to em phasize,
and you are granted pow ers related to that dom ain.
C h a n n e l D iv in it y : T urn U ndead
As an action, you present your holy symbol and speak a Your choice might correspond to a particular sect
prayer censuring the undead. Each undead that can see dedicated to your deity. A pollo, for exam ple, cou ld be
or hear you within 30 feet o f you must make a W isdom w orshiped in one region as P h oebu s (“radiant”) Apollo,
saving throw. If the creature fails its saving throw, it is em phasizing his influence over the Light domain,
turned for 1 m inute or until it takes any dam age. and in a different place as A p ollo A cesiu s (“h ealing”),
em phasizing his association with the Life domain.
A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move Alternatively, your choice o f dom ain could simply be a
as far away from you as it can, and it can ’t w illingly matter o f personal preference, the aspect o f the deity
m ove to a sp ace w ithin 30 feet o f you. It also ca n ’t take that appeals to you most.
reactions. F or its action, it can use only the D ash action
or try to esca p e from an effect that prevents it from Each dom ain’s description gives exam ples o f deities
m oving. If th ere’s now h ere to m ove, the creature can use w ho have influence over that domain. G ods are included
the D odge action. from the worlds o f the Forgotten Realm s, Greyhawk,
Dragonlance, and Eberron cam paign settings, as well as
A b il it y Sco re Im pro vem en t from the Celtic, Greek, Norse, and Egyptian pantheons
o f antiquity.
W h en you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th,
and 19th level, you can increase one ability score o f your K n o w led g e D o m a in
choice by 2, or you can increase tw o ability scores of
your ch oice by 1. A s norm al, you ca n ’t in crease an ability The gods o f know ledge—including Oghma, B occob ,
score above 20 using this feature. Gilean, A u reon, and T h oth —value learning and
understanding above all. S o m e teach that kn ow led ge is
D estroy U ndead to be gathered and shared in libraries and universities,
or prom ote the practical knowledge o f craft and
Starting at 5th level, w hen an undead fails its saving invention. S o m e deities hoard kn ow led ge and keep its
throw against your Turn Undead feature, the creature is secrets to themselves. And som e prom ise their followers
instantly destroyed if its challenge rating is at or below a that they w ill gain trem endous pow er if they u nlock the
certain threshold, as show n in the D estroy Undead table. secrets o f the multiverse. Followers of these gods study
esoteric lore, collect old tom es, delve into the secret
D estro y U n d ea d places of the earth, and learn all they can. S om e gods
of knowledge prom ote the practical knowledge of craft
Cleric Level Destroys Undead o f CR and invention, including smith deities like Gond, Reorx,
5th 1/2 or lower Onatar, Moradin, Hephaestus, and Goibhniu.
8th 1 or lower
11th 2 or lower K n o w l e d g e D o m a in S p el l s
14th 3 or lower
17th 4 or lower Cleric Level Spells
1st com m and, identify
D iv in e In t e r v e n t io n 3rd augury, suggestion
5th nondetection, speak with dead
B egin ning at 10th level, you can call on your deity to 7th arcane eye, confusion
intervene on your behalf when your need is great. 9th legend lore, scrying

Im ploring your deity’s aid requ ires you to u se your B le ssin g s o f K n o w l e d g e
action. D escribe the assistance you seek, and roll At 1st level, you learn tw o languages o f your choice.
percentile dice. If you roll a number equal to or lower You also becom e proficient in your choice o f tw o o f the
than your cleric level, your deity intervenes. The DM follow ing skills: Arcana, History, Nature, or Religion.
ch ooses the nature o f the intervention; the effect of any
cleric spell or cleric dom ain spell w ould be appropriate. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check
you m ake that uses either o f those skills.
If your deity intervenes, you can’t use this feature
again for 7 days. O therw ise, you can use it again after C h a n n e l D iv in it y :
you finish a long rest. K n o w led g e of th e A ges
Starting at 2nd level, you can u se your Channel Divinity
At 20th level, your call for intervention su cceed s to tap into a divine w ell o f knowledge. As an action,
automatically, no roll required. you ch oose one skill or tool. For 10 minutes, you have
proficiency with the chosen skill or tool.
D ivine D omains
C h a n n e l D iv in it y : R ead T h ou gh ts
In a pantheon, every deity has influence over different At 6th level, you can use your Channel Divinity to read a
asp ects o f m ortal life and civilization, called a deity’s creature’s thoughts. You can then use your a ccess to the
dom ain. All the dom ains over w hich a deity has creatu re’s m ind to com m a n d it.
influence are called the deity’s portfolio. For exam ple,
the portfolio o f the Greek god Apollo includes the

A s an action, ch oose one creature that you can see o f healing or endurance (such as Ilmater, Mishakal,
within 60 feet of you. That creature must make a Apollo, and Diancecht), and gods of hom e and
W isdom saving throw. If the creature succeeds on the com m unity (such as Hestia, Hathor, and Boldrei).
saving throw, you ca n ’t use this feature on it again until
you finish a long rest. Life D o m a i n S pells

If the creature fails its save, you can read its su rface Cleric Level Spells
thoughts (those forem ost in its mind, reflecting its 1st bless, cure w ounds
current em otion s and w hat it is actively thinking 3rd lesser restoration, spiritual weapon
about) w hen it is w ithin 60 feet o f you. T h is effect lasts 5th beacon o f hope, revivify
for 1 minute. 7th death ward, guardian o ffaith
9th m ass cure wounds, raise dead
D uring that time, you can use your action to end this
effect and cast the suggestion spell on the creature B o n u s P r o f ic ie n c y
without expending a spell slot. The target automatically W hen you ch oose this dom ain at 1st level, you gain
fails its saving throw against the spell. proficiency with heavy armor.

Po t e n t Sp e l l c a st in g D is c ip l e o f L ife
Starting at 8th level, you add your W isd om m odifier to A lso starting at 1st level, your h ealing spells are m ore
the dam age you deal with any cleric cantrip. effective. W henever you use a spell o f 1st level or higher
to restore hit points to a creature, the creature regains
V is io n s o f t h e Pa s t additional hit points equal to 2 + the sp ell’s level.
Starting at 17th level, you can call up vision s o f the
past that relate to an object you hold or your im mediate C h a n n e l D iv in it y : P r ese rv e L ife
surroundings. You sp end at least 1 m inute in meditation Starting at 2nd level, you can u se your Channel Divinity
and prayer, then receive dream like, shadow y glim pses to heal the badly injured.
o f recent events. You can m editate in this w ay for a
num ber o f minutes equal to your W isdom score and As an action, you present your holy sym bol and
must maintain concentration during that time, as if you evoke h ealing en ergy that can restore a num ber o f hit
were casting a spell. points equal to five tim es your cleric level. C h oose any
creatu res w ithin 30 feet o f you, and divide th ose hit
O n ce you use this feature, you ca n ’t use it again until points am ong them. This feature can restore a creature
you finish a short or long rest. to no m ore than h alf o f its hit point m axim um . You ca n ’t
use this feature on an undead or a construct.
Object Reading. H olding an object as you meditate,
you can see vision s o f the o b je ct’s previous owner. Blessed H ealer
After meditating for 1 minute, you learn how the ow ner B egin ning at 6th level, the healing spells you cast on
acquired and lost the object, as w ell as the m ost recent others heal you as w ell. W h en you cast a spell o f 1st
significant event involving the object and that owner. level or higher that restores hit points to a creature
If the object w as ow ned by another creature in the other than you, you regain hit points equal to 2 + the
recent past (within a num ber of days equal to your spell’s level.
W isdom score), you can spend 1 additional minute
for each ow ner to learn the sam e inform ation about D iv in e St r ik e
that creature. At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your w eapon
strikes with divine energy. O nce on each o f your turns
Area Reading. As you meditate, you see visions w hen you hit a creature with a w eapon attack, you can
o f recent events in your im m ediate vicinity (a room , cau se the attack to deal an extra 1d8 radiant dam age to
street, tunnel, clearing, or the like, up to a 50-foot cube), the target. W hen you reach 14th level, the extra dam age
going back a num ber o f days equal to your W isdom increases to 2d8.
score. For each minute you meditate, you learn about
one significant event, beginning with the m ost recent. Su prem e H e a l in g
Significant events typically involve powerful em otions, Starting at 17th level, w hen you w ould norm ally roll
such as battles and betrayals, marriages and murders, one or m ore dice to restore hit points with a spell, you
births and funerals. However, they might also include instead use the highest num ber possible for each die.
m ore mundane events that are nevertheless im portant F or exam ple, instead o f restoring 2d6 hit points to a
in your current situation. creature, you restore 12.

L ife D o m a in L ig h t D o m a in

The Life dom ain focuses on the vibrant positive G ods o f light—including Helm, Lathander, Pholtus,
energy—one o f the fundamental forces o f the universe— Branchala, the Silver Flame, Belenus, Apollo, and
that sustains all life. The gods o f life prom ote vitality Re-Horakhty—prom ote the ideals o f rebirth and
and health through healing the sick and wounded, renewal, truth, vigilance, and beauty, often using the
caring for th ose in need, and driving away the forces o f symbol of the sun. S om e of these gods are portrayed
death and undeath. Alm ost any non-evil deity can claim as the sun itself or as a charioteer w ho guides the sun
influence over this domain, particularly agricultural
deities (such as Chauntea, Arawai, and Demeter), sun
gods (such as Lathander, Pelor, and Re-Horakhty), gods

across the sky. Others are tireless sentinels w h ose eyes N atu re D o m ain
pierce every shadow and see through every deception.
S om e are deities o f beauty and artistry, w ho teach that G ods of nature are as varied as the natural world
art is a vehicle for the soul's improvement. Clerics o f a itself, from inscrutable gods o f the deep forests (such
god o f light are enlightened souls infused with radiance as Silvanus, Obad-Hai, Chislev, Balinor, and Pan) to
and the pow er of their gods’ discerning vision, charged friendly deities associated with particular springs and
with chasing away lies and burning away darkness. groves (such as Eldath). Druids revere nature as a
whole and might serve one of these deities, practicing
Lig h t D o m a in S pells m ysterious rites and reciting all-but-forgotten prayers in
their own secret tongue. But many of these gods have
Cleric Level Spells clerics as well, cham pions who take a m ore active role
1st b u rning h a nds, faerie fire in advancing the interests o f a particular nature god.
3rd f la m in g sphere, sco rch ing ray T h ese clerics might hunt the evil m onstrosities that
5th daylight, f ireball despoil the w oodlands, bless the harvest of the faithful,
7th gu ardia n o f faith, wall off ire or wither the crops o f those w ho anger their gods.
9th f al m e strike, scrying
N ature D o m a in S pells
B on u s C a n t r ip
W h en you c h o o s e this dom ain at 1st level, you gain the Cleric Level Spells
light cantrip if you don ’t already k n ow it. 1st anim alfriendship, speak with anim als
3rd barkskin, spike growth
Wa r d in g Flare 5th plant growth, wind wall
A lso at 1st level, you can in terpose divine light betw een 7th dom inate beast, grasping vine
yourself and an attacking enemy. W hen you are attacked 9th insect plague, tree stride
by a creature within 30 feet of you that you can see,
you can use your reaction to im pose disadvantage on
the attack roll, causing light to flare before the attacker
before it hits or m isses. A n attacker that ca n ’t be blinded
is im m une to this feature.

You can use this feature a num ber o f tim es equal to
your W isd om m odifier (a m inim um o f once). You regain
all expended uses w hen you finish a long rest.

C h a n n e l D iv in it y : R a d ia n c e o f t h e D aw n
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity
to harness sunlight, banishing darkness and dealing
radiant dam age to your foes.

A s an action, you present your holy symbol, and any
m agical darkness within 30 feet of you is dispelled.
Additionally, each hostile creature within 30 feet of
you must make a Constitution saving throw. A creature
takes radiant dam age equal to 2 d 10 + your cleric level
on a failed saving throw, and half as much damage on a
successful one. A creature that has total cover from you
is not affected.

Im pr o v e d Fla r e
Starting at 6th level, you ca n also use your W arding
Flare feature w hen a creature that you can see within
30 feet o f you attacks a creature other than you.

P o t e n t Sp e l l c a st in g
Starting at 8th level, you add your W isd om m odifier to
the dam age you deal with any cleric cantrip.

C o r o n a of L ig h t
Starting at 17th level, you can use your action to activate
an aura o f sunlight that lasts for 1 minute or until you
d ism iss it usin g another action. You emit bright light in
a 60-foot radius and dim light 30 feet beyond that. Your
enem ies in the bright light have disadvantage on saving
throws against any spell that deals fire or radiant damage.

A colyte of Nature righteousness or to encourage them to offer sacrifices of
At 1st level, you learn on e druid cantrip o f your choice. propitiation to w ard off divine wrath.
You also gain proficiency in one of the follow ing skills of
your choice: Anim al Handling, Nature, or Survival. T e m p e s t D o m a in S p e l l s

B o n u s P r o f ic ie n c y Cleric Level Spells
A lso at 1st level, you gain proficiency w ith heavy armor. 1st f o g cloud, thunderw ave
3rd gu st o f wind, shatter
C h a n n e l D iv in it y : C h a r m A n im a l s 5th call lightning, sleet storm
and Plants 7th control water, ice storm
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity 9th destructive wave, insect plague
to charm anim als and plants.
B o n u s P r o f ic ie n c ie s
A s an action, you present your holy sym bol and invoke At 1st level, you gain proficiency w ith m artial w eap on s
the nam e o f your deity. Each beast or plant creature that and heavy armor.
can see you within 30 feet of you must make a W isdom
saving throw. If the creature fails its saving throw, it is W r a t h o f t h e St o r m
ch a rm ed by you for 1 m inute or until it takes dam age. A lso at 1st level, you can thunderously rebuke attackers.
W h ile it is ch arm ed by you, it is friendly to you and other W hen a creature w ithin 5 feet o f you that you can see
creatures you designate. hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to
cause the creature to make a Dexterity saving throw.
Dam pen Elem ents The creature takes 2d8 lightning or thunder damage
Starting at 6th level, w hen you or a creature w ithin 30 (your choice) on a failed saving throw, and half as much
feet o f you takes acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage on a successful one.
damage, you can use your reaction to grant resistance to
the creature against that instance of the damage. You can use this feature a num ber o f times equal to
your W isd om m odifier (a m inim um o f once). You regain
D iv in e St r ik e all expended uses w hen you finish a long rest.
At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your w eapon
strikes with divine energy. Once on each of your turns C h a n n e l D iv in it y : D e str u c tiv e W r a t h
w hen you hit a creature with a w eapon attack, you Starting at 2nd level, you can u se your Channel Divinity
can cau se the attack to deal an extra 1d8 cold, fire, or to wield the pow er o f the storm with unchecked ferocity.
lightning dam age (your choice) to the target. W hen you
reach 14th level, the extra dam age increases to 2d8. W hen you roll lightning or thunder damage, you can
use your Channel Divinity to deal m axim um damage,
M aster of Nature instead o f rolling.
At 17th level, you gain the ability to com m a n d anim als
and plant creatures. W hile creatures are charm ed by T h u n d e r b o l t St r ik e
your Charm Anim als and Plants feature, you can take At 6th level, w hen you deal lightning dam age to a Large
a bonus action on your turn to verbally com m and what or sm aller creature, you can also push it up to 10 feet
each o f those creatures w ill do on its next turn. away from you.

T em pest D o m a in D iv in e St r ik e
At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your w eapon
G ods w hose portfolios include the Tempest d o m a in - strikes with divine energy. O nce on each o f your turns
including Talos, Umberlee, Kord, Zeboim , the w hen you hit a creature with a w eapon attack, you can
Devourer, Zeus, and Thor—govern storms, sea, and cau se the attack to deal an extra 1d8 thunder dam age to
sky. They include gods o f lightning and thunder, gods the target. W hen you reach 14th level, the extra dam age
o f earthquakes, som e fire gods, and certain gods of increases to 2d8.
violence, physical strength, and courage. In som e
pantheons, a god o f this dom ain rules over other deities St o r m b o r n
and is know n for swift justice delivered by thunderbolts. At 17th level, you have a flying sp eed equal to
In the pantheons o f seafaring people, gods o f this your current walking speed whenever you are not
dom ain are ocean deities and the patrons of sailors. underground or indoors.
Tem pest gods send their clerics to inspire fear in the
com m on folk, either to keep those folk on the path of T r ic k e r y D o m a in

G ods of trickery—such as Tymora, Beshaba,
Olidammara, the Traveler, Garl Glittergold, and
Loki—are mischief-m akers and instigators w ho stand
as a constant challenge to the accepted order am ong
both g od s and m ortals. T h ey’re patrons o f thieves,
scoundrels, gamblers, rebels, and liberators. Their
clerics are a disruptive force in the world, puncturing
pride, m ocking tyrants, stealing from the rich, freeing
captives, and flouting hollow traditions. They prefer

subterfuge, pranks, deception, and theft rather than watch over w arriors and reward them for their great
direct confrontation. deeds. T he clerics o f such gods excel in battle, inspiring
others to fight the g ood fight or offering acts o f violence
Trickery D o m a in S pells as prayers. G ods of war include cham pions of honor
and chivalry (such as Torm, H eironeous, and Kiri-
Cleric Level Spells Jolith) as well as gods o f destruction and pillage (such
1st charm person, disguise self as Erythnul, the Fury, Gruumsh, and Ares) and gods of
3rd mirror image, pass without trace conquest and domination (such as Bane, Hextor, and
5th blink, dispel m agic Maglubiyet). Other w ar gods (such as Tempus, Nike,
7th dim ension door, polym orph and Nuada) take a m ore neutral stance, prom oting war
9th dom inate person, modify m em ory in all its m anifestations and supporting w arriors in any
circu m stan ce.
Blessing of th e T rick ster
Starting w hen you c h o o s e this dom ain at 1st level, you W ar D o m a in S pells
can use your action to touch a w illing creature other
than y ou rself to give it advantage on D exterity (Stealth) Cleric Level Spells
checks. This blessing lasts for 1 hour or until you use 1st divine favor, shield o f faith
this feature again. 3rd m a g ic weapon, spiritual w eapon
5th crusad er’s mantle, spirit gu ardians
C h a n n e l D iv in it y : In vo k e D u plicity 7th fre edom o f m ovem ent, stoneskin
Starting at 2nd level, you can use y ou r Channel Divinity 9th f al m e strike, hold m onster
to create an illusory duplicate o f yourself.
B onus Proficiencies
As an action, you create a perfect illusion of At 1st level, you gain proficiency with martial w eapons
yourself that lasts for 1 minute, or until you lose your and heavy armor.
concentration (as if you w ere concentrating on a spell).
The illusion appears in an unoccupied space that you Wa r P riest
can see within 30 feet of you. A s a bonus action on your From 1st level, your god delivers bolts o f inspiration to
turn, you can m ove the illusion up to 30 feet to a space you w hile you are engaged in battle. W hen you use the
you can see, but it must rem ain w ithin 120 feet o f you. Attack action, you can make one w eapon attack as a
bonus action.
For the duration, you can cast spells as though you
w ere in the illusion’s space, but you must use your ow n You can use this feature a num ber o f tim es equal to
senses. Additionally, when both you and your illusion your W isd om m odifier (a m inim um o f once). You regain
are within 5 feet o f a creature that can see the illusion, all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
you have advantage on attack rolls against that creature,
given how distracting the illusion is to the target. C h a n n e l D i v i n i t y : G u id e d St r ik e
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity
C h a n n e l D iv in it y : C l o a k of Sh ad o w s to strike with supernatural accuracy. W hen you make
Starting at 6th level, you can u se your Channel an attack roll, you can use your Channel Divinity to gain
Divinity to vanish. a +10 bonus to the roll. You m ake this choice after you
see the roll, but before the DM says w hether the attack
A s an action, you b e co m e invisible until the end o f your hits or m isses.
next turn. You becom e visible if you attack or cast a spell.
C h a n n e l D i v in i t y : W a r G o d ’s B le ssin g
D i v i n e St r i k e At 6th level, w hen a creature within 30 feet o f you
At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your w eapon m akes an attack roll, you can use your reaction to grant
strikes w ith p o iso n —a gift from your deity. O nce on each that creature a +10 bonus to the roll, using your Channel
o f your turns w hen you hit a creature w ith a w eapon Divinity. You make this ch oice after you see the roll, but
attack, you can cau se the attack to deal an extra 1d8 before the DM says w hether the attack hits or m isses.
poison dam age to the target. W hen you reach 14th level,
the extra dam age increases to 2d8. D iv in e St r ik e
At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your w eapon
Im proved D u plicity strikes with divine energy. O nce on each of your turns
At 17th level, you can create up to four duplicates w hen you hit a creature w ith a w eap on attack, you can
o f yourself, instead o f one, w hen you use Invoke cau se the attack to deal an extra 1d8 dam age o f the
Duplicity. A s a bonus action on your turn, you can sam e type dealt by the w eapon to the target. W hen you
m ove any num ber o f them up to 30 feet, to a m axim um reach 14th level, the extra dam age increases to 2d8.
range o f 120 feet.
A vatar of Battle
W a r D o m a in At 17th level, you gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing,
and slashing damage from nonm agical weapons.
W ar has m any m anifestations. It can m ake h eroes o f
ordinary people. It can be desperate and horrific, with
acts o f cruelty and cow ardice eclipsing instances of
excellence and courage. In either case, the gods of war

D ruid

H olding high a gnarled staff w reathed with holly, an elf
sum m ons the fury o f the storm and calls dow n explosive
bolts o f lightning to smite the torch-carrying orc s w ho
threaten her forest.

Crouching out o f sight on a high tree branch in the
form o f a leopard, a hum an p eers out o f the ju n gle at the
strange construction o f a temple o f Evil Elemental Air,
keeping a close eye on the cultists’ activities.

Sw inging a blade form ed o f pure fire, a half-elf
charges into a m ass o f skeletal soldiers, sundering
the unnatural m agic that gives the foul creatures the
m ockin g sem blance o f life.

W hether calling on the elemental forces of nature or
emulating the creatures o f the animal world, druids are
an em bodim ent o f nature’s resilience, cunning, and fury.
They claim no m astery over nature. Instead, they see
them selves as exten sion s o f nature’s indom itable will.

Pow er of N ature

D ruids revere nature above all, gaining their spells and
other m agical pow ers either from the force o f nature
itself or from a nature deity. M any druids pursue a
mystic spirituality o f transcendent union with nature
rather than devotion to a divine entity, w hile others
serve gods o f wild nature, animals, or elemental forces.
The ancient druidic traditions are som etim es called
the Old Faith, in contrast to the w orship o f g od s in
temples and shrines.

Druid spells are oriented toward nature and anim als—
the pow er o f tooth and claw, o f sun and m oon, o f fire
and storm. Druids also gain the ability to take on animal
form s, and som e druids make a particular study of this
practice, even to the point w here they prefer animal
form to their natural form.

P reserve th e Ba la n ce

F or druids, nature exists in a preca riou s balance. The
four elem ents that m ake up a w orld —air, earth, fire,

The D ru id

Proficiency Cantrips — Spell Slots per Spell Level—
Bonus Known
Level +2 Features 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +2 Druidic, Spellcasting 2 2— — — —— — — —
2nd +2 Wild Shape, Druid Circle 2 3— — — —— — — —
3rd +2 2 4 2— — —— — — —
4th — 3 4 3— — —— — — —
5th +3 Wild Shape improvement, 3 4 3 2 — —— — — —
6th +3 Ability Score Improvement 3 4 3 3 — —— — — —
7th +3 — 3 4 3 3 1 —— — — —
8th Druid Circle feature 3 4 3 3 2 —— — — —
+4 —
9th +4 Wild Shape improvement, 3 4 3 3 3 1— — — —
10th +4 Ability Score Improvement
11th +4 4 4 3 3 3 2— — — —
12th +5 —
13th +5 4 4 3 3 3 2 1— —
14th +5 Druid Circle feature
15th +5 —
16th +6 —
17th +6 4 4 3 3 3 2 1— — —
18th +6 Ability Score Improvement
19th +6 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1——
20th —
4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1— —
Druid Circle feature
4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1—

4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1—
Ability Score Improvement
— 4 433321111
Timeless Body, Beast Spells
Ability Score Improvement 4 433331111
4 433332111

4 433332211

and w ater—must rem ain in equilibrium. If one element as a sign that becom ing a druid
w ere to gain pow er over the others, the world could be w as part o f your character’s destiny.
destroyed, drawn into one o f the elemental planes and
broken apart into its com p on en t elem ents. Thus, druids Have you always been an adventurer
op p ose cults o f Elemental Evil and others w ho prom ote as part o f your druidic calling, or did you
one element to the exclusion o f others. first spend time as a caretaker o f a sacred
grove or spring? Perhaps your homeland was
D ruids are also concerned with the delicate ecological befou led by evil, and you took up an adventuring life in
balance that sustains plant and anim al life, and the need hopes of finding a new hom e or purpose.
for civilized folk to live in harm ony with nature, not in
opposition to it. D ruids a ccept that w h ich is cru el in Q u ic k B u il d
nature, and they hate that w hich is unnatural, including You can make a druid quickly by following these
aberrations (such as beholders and mind flayers) suggestions. First, W isdom should be your highest
and undead (such as zom bies and vampires). Druids ability score, followed by Constitution. Second, choose
som etim es lead raids against such creatures, especially the hermit background.
when the m onsters encroach on the druids’ territory.
C lass Features
Druids are often found guarding sacred sites or
watching over regions o f unspoiled nature. But when a A s a druid, you gain the follow ing class features.
significant danger arises, threatening nature’s balance
or the lands they protect, druids take on a m ore active H it P o in t s
role in com ba tin g the threat, as adventurers. Hit Dice: 1d8 per druid level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution m odifier
C r e a t in g a D ruid Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your

W hen making a druid, consider why your character has Constitution m odifier per druid level after 1st
such a close bond with nature. Perhaps your character
lives in a society w here the Old Faith still thrives, or w as P r o f ic ie n c ie s
raised by a druid after being abandoned in the depths Armor: Light armor, m edium armor, shields (druids will
of a forest. Perhaps your character had a dramatic
encounter with the spirits o f nature, com in g face to not w ear arm or or use shields made of metal)
face with a giant eagle or dire w olf and surviving the Weapons: Clubs, daggers, darts, javelins, m aces,
experience. Maybe your character w as born during an
epic storm or a volcanic eruption, which was interpreted quarterstaffs, scimitars, sickles, slings, spears
Tools: H erbalism kit

Saving Throws: Intelligence, W isdom

Skills: C hoose two from Arcana, Animal one spell). The spells must be o f a level for which you
have spell slots.
Handling, Insight, M edicine, Nature, Perception,
Religion, and Survival For example, if you are a 3rd-level druid, you have four
1st-level and tw o 2nd-level spell slots. W ith a W isdom
E q u ip m e n t o f 16, your list o f prepared sp ells can include six spells
You start w ith the follow ing equipment, in addition to o f 1st or 2nd level, in any com bination. If you prepare
the equipment granted by your background: the 1st-level spell cure wounds, you ca n cast it using
a 1st-level or 2nd-level slot. Casting the spell d o e s n ’t
• (a) a w o o d e n shield or (b) any sim ple w eapon rem ove it from your list o f prepared spells.
• (a) a scim itar or (b) any sim ple m elee w eap on
• Leather armor, an ex plorer’s pack, and a druidic focu s You can also change your list o f prepared spells when
you finish a long rest. Preparing a new list o f druid
D r u id ic sp ells requ ires tim e spent in prayer and m editation: at
least 1 m inute p er spell level for each spell on your list.
You know Druidic, the secret language of druids. You
can sp ea k the language and u se it to leave hidden Sp e l l c a st in g A b il it y
m essages. You and others w ho know this language W isdom is your spellcasting ability for your druid
automatically spot such a m essage. Others spot the spells, since your m agic draws upon your devotion and
m essage’s presen ce w ith a su ccessfu l D C 15 W isdom attunement to nature. You use your W isdom whenever
(P erception ) ch eck but ca n ’t deciph er it w ithout m agic. a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition,
you use your W isdom m odifier when setting the saving
Spe ll c a s t in g throw DC for a druid spell you cast and w hen making an
attack roll with one.
D rawing on the divine essence o f nature itself, you
can cast spells to shape that essence to your will. See Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
chapter 10 for the general rules o f spellcasting and your Wisdom modifier
chapter 11 for the druid sp ell list.
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +
C a n t r ip s your Wisdom modifier
At 1st level, you know tw o cantrips o f your choice from
the druid spell list. You learn additional druid cantrips R it u a l C a st in g
o f your ch oice at higher levels, as sh ow n in the Cantrips You can cast a druid spell as a ritual if that spell has the
K now n colum n o f the D ruid table. ritual tag and you have the spell prepared.

P r e pa r in g a n d C a s t in g Spells Sp e l l c a s t in g Fo cu s
The Druid table show s how many spell slots you have You can u se a druidic focu s (found in chapter 5) as a
to cast your spells o f 1st level and higher. To cast one of spellcasting focus for your druid spells.
these druid spells, you must expend a slot o f the spell’s
level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when W il d S h a p e
you finish a long rest.
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your action to
You prepare the list o f druid spells that are available m agically assum e the shape o f a beast that you have
for you to cast, ch o o s in g from the druid spell list. W h en seen before. You can use this feature twice. You regain
you do so, ch oose a num ber o f druid spells equal to expended uses w hen you finish a short or long rest.
your W isdom m odifier + your druid level (minim um of
Your druid level determ ines the beasts you can
Sacred Plants and Wood transform into, as show n in the Beast Shapes table. At
A druid holds certain plants to be sacred, particularly alder, 2nd level, for exam ple, you can transform into any beast
ash, birch, elder, hazel, holly, juniper, mistletoe, oak, rowan, that has a challenge rating o f 1/4 or low er that d oesn ’t
willow, and yew. Druids often use such plants as part of a have a flying or sw im m ing speed.
spellcasting focus, incorporating lengths o f oak or yew or
sprigs o f mistletoe. Beast S hapes

Similarly, a druid uses such woods to make other objects, Level Max. CR Limitations Example
such as weapons and shields. Yew is associated with death
and rebirth, so weapon handles for scimitars or sickles might 2nd 1/4 No flying or swimming speed Wolf
be fashioned from it. Ash is associated with life and oak
with strength. These woods make excellent hafts or whole 4th 1/2 No flying speed Crocodile
weapons, such as clubs or quarterstaffs, as well as shields.
Alder is associated with air, and it might be used for thrown 8th 1 — Giant eagle
weapons, such as darts or javelins.
You can stay in a beast shape for a num ber o f hours
Druids from regions that lack the plants described here equal to half your druid level (rounded down). You then
have chosen other plants to take on similar uses. For revert to your norm al form unless you expend another
instance, a druid o f a desert region might value the yucca use o f this feature. You can revert to your norm al
tree and cactus plants. form earlier by using a bonus action on your turn. You
automatically revert if you fall unconscious, drop to
0 hit points, or die.

W hile you are transform ed, the follow ing rules apply:

• Your game statistics are replaced by the statistics of T im e le ss B o d y
the beast, but you retain your alignment, personality,
and Intelligence, W isdom , and Charisma scores. You Starting at 18th level, the prim al m agic that you w ield
also retain all o f your skill and saving throw proficien- causes you to age m ore slowly. For every 10 years that
cies, in addition to gaining those o f the creature. If pass, your body ages only 1 year.
the creature has the sam e proficiency as you and the
bon u s in its stat b lo ck is higher than yours, u se the B east Spells
creature’s bonus instead of yours. If the creature has
any legendary or lair actions, you can't use them. B egin ning at 18th level, you can cast m any o f your druid
spells in any shape you assum e using W ild Shape. You
• W h en you transform , you assu m e the b ea st’s hit can perform the som atic and verbal com ponents of a
points and Hit Dice. W hen you revert to your norm al druid spell w hile in a beast shape, but you aren’t able to
form , you return to the num ber o f hit points you had provide material com ponents.
before you transformed. However, if you revert as a
result o f dropping to 0 hit points, any excess dam age A r c h d r u id
carries over to your norm al form. For example, if you
take 10 dam age in anim al form and have only 1 hit At 20th level, you can use your W ild Shape an unlimited
point left, you revert and take 9 damage. A s long as num ber of times.
the ex cess dam age d oesn ’t reduce your n orm al form
to 0 hit points, you aren’t k n ock ed u n con sciou s.

• You can’t cast spells, and your ability to speak or
take any action that requires hands is limited to the
capabilities o f your beast form . Transform ing doesn ’t
break your concentration on a spell you ’ve already
cast, however, or prevent you from taking actions that
are part o f a spell, such as call lightning, that you ’ve
already cast.

• You retain the benefit of any features from your class,
race, or other source and can use them if the new
form is physically capable o f doing so. However, you
c a n ’t use any o f your sp ecia l sen ses, such as darkvi-
sion, unless your new form also has that sense.

• You ch oose w hether your equipment falls to the
ground in your space, m erges into your new form , or
is w orn by it. W orn equipm ent fu nction s as norm al,
but the DM d ecid es w hether it is practical for the new
form to w ear a piece o f equipment, based on the crea-
ture’s shape and size. Your equipm ent d oesn ’t change
size or shape to match the new
form , and any equipm ent that
the new form can’t w ear
must either fall to the
grou nd or m erge w ith it.
Equipment that m erges
with the form has no
effect until you leave
the form.

D r u id C ir c l e

At 2nd level, you ch oose to
identify with a circle o f druids:
the Circle o f the Land or the Circle o f the M oon, both
detailed at the end o f the class description. Your ch oice
grants you features at 2nd level and again at 6th, 10th,
and 14th level.

A b il it y S co r e Im pr o v em en t

W h en you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th,
and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of
your choice by 2, or you can increase tw o ability scores
o f your ch oice by 1. A s norm al, you ca n ’t in crease an
ability score above 20 using this feature.

Additionally, you can ignore the verbal and som atic A r c t ic Circle Spells
com ponents o f your druid spells, as well as any material hold person, spike growth
com ponents that lack a cost and aren’t consum ed by a Druid Level sleet storm , slow
spell. You gain this benefit in both your norm al shape 3rd freedom o f m ovem ent, ice storm
and your beast shape from W ild Shape. 5th com m une with nature, cone o f cold
D ruid C ircles 9th

Though their organization is invisible to most outsiders, C o ast Circle Spells
druids are part o f a society that spans the land, ignoring mirror image, misty step
political borders. All druids are nominally m em bers Druid Level water breathing, water walk
o f this druidic society, though som e individuals are so 3rd control water, fre e d o m o f m ovem ent
isolated that they have never seen any high-ranking 5th conjure elemental, scrying
m em bers o f the society or participated in druidic 7th
gatherings. Druids recognize each other as brothers and 9th
sisters. Like creatures of the wilderness, however, druids
som etim es com pete with or even prey on each other. D esert Circle Spells
blur, silence
At a local scale, druids are organized into circles that Druid Level create fo o d a n d water, protection fro m energy
share certain perspectives on nature, balance, and the 3rd blight, hallucinatory terrain
way o f the druid. 5th insect plague, wall o f stone
C ircle of th e L a n d 9th

The Circle o f the Land is m ade up o f m ystics and sages Fo r e s t Circle Spells
w ho safeguard ancient knowledge and rites through barkskin, spider climb
a vast oral tradition. T hese druids meet within sacred Druid Level call lightning, plant growth
circles o f trees or standing stones to whisper primal 3rd divination, freedom o f m ovem ent
secrets in D ruidic. T h e circle’s w isest m em bers preside 5th c o m m u n e with nature, tree stride
as the chief priests o f com m unities that hold to the Old 7th
Faith and serve as advisors to the rulers o f those folk. 9th
As a m em ber of this circle, your m agic is influenced
by the land w here you w ere initiated into the circle’s G rassland
mysterious rites.
Druid Level Circle Spells
B on u s C a n t r ip 3rd invisibility, pass without trace
W h en you c h o o s e this circle at 2nd level, you learn one 5th daylight, haste
additional druid cantrip of your choice. 7th divination, freedom o f m ovem ent
9th dream, insect plague
Natural R ecovery
Starting at 2nd level, you can regain som e o f your M o u n t a in Circle Spells
m agical energy by sitting in meditation and com m uning spider climb, spike growth
with nature. During a short rest, you ch oose expended Druid Level lightning bolt, m eld into stone
spell slots to recover. The spell slots can have a 3rd stone shape, stoneskin
com bined level that is equal to or less than half your 5th passwall, wall o f stone
druid level (rounded up), and n one o f the slots can be 7th
6th level or higher. You can’t use this feature again until 9th
you finish a long rest
Sw amp Circle Spells
For example, w hen you are a 4th-level druid, you can darkness, M e lf ’s acid arrow
recover up to two levels w orth of spell slots. You can Druid Level water walk, stinking cloud
recover either a 2nd-level slot or tw o 1st-level slots. 3rd freedom o f movement, locate creature
5th insect plague, scrying
C ir cle Spells 7th
Your mystical connection to the land infuses you with 9th
the ability to cast certain spells. At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and
9th level you gain a cce ss to circle spells connected U nderdark
to the land w here you becam e a druid. C h oose that
land—arctic, coast, desert, forest, grassland, mountain, Druid Level Circle Spells
swam p, or Underdark—and consult the associated 3rd spider climb, web
list o f spells. 5th gaseous form, stinking cloud
7th greater invisibility, stone shape
O nce you gain access to a circle spell, you always have 9th cloudkill, insect plague
it prepared, and it d o e s n ’t coun t against the num ber o f
spells you can prepare each day. If you gain a cce ss to a
spell that doesn ’t appear on the druid spell list, the spell
is nonetheless a druid spell for you.

L a n d ’s St r id e P r im a l St r ik e
Starting at 6th level, m ovin g through n onm agical Starting at 6th level, your attacks in beast form count as
difficult terrain costs you no extra movement. You can m agical for the purpose o f overcom ing resistance and
also pass through nonm agical plants without being immunity to nonm agical attacks and damage.
slowed by them and without taking damage from them if
they have thorns, spines, or a similar hazard. E l e m e n t a l W il d Sh a pe

In addition, you have advantage on saving throws against At 10th level, you can expend tw o uses of W ild Shape
plants that are magically created or manipulated to im pede at the sam e tim e to transform into an air elem ental, an
m ovem ent, such th ose created by the entangle spell. earth elemental, a fire elemental, or a water elemental.

N a t u r e ’s W a r d T h o u san d Form s
W hen you reach 10th level, you can ’t be charm ed or By 14th level, you have learned to use m agic to alter
frightened by elem entals or fey, and you are im m u ne to your physical form in m ore subtle ways. You can cast the
poison and disease. alter self spell at will.

N a t u r e ’s Sa n c t u a r y D ruids and the G ods
W hen you reach 14th level, creatures o f the natural Some druids venerate the forces o f nature themselves, but
w orld sense your connection to nature and becom e most druids are devoted to one o f the many nature deities
hesitant to attack you. W hen a beast or plant creature worshiped in the multiverse (the lists o f gods in appendix
attacks you, that creature must make a W isdom saving B include many such deities). The worship o f these deities
throw against your druid spell save DC. On a failed save, is often considered a more ancient tradition than the faiths
the creature must ch oose a different target, or the attack o f clerics and urbanized peoples. In fact, in the world of
automatically m isses. On a successful save, the creature Greyhawk, the druidic faith is called the Old Faith, and it
is im mune to this effect for 24 hours. claims many adherents among farmers, foresters, fishers,
and others who live closely with nature. This tradition
T h e creature is aw are o f this effect before it m akes its includes the worship o f Nature as a primal force beyond
attack against you. personification, but also encompasses the worship o f Beory,
the Oerth Mother, as well as devotees o f Obad-Hai, Ehlonna,
C ir cle o f t h e M o o n and Ulaa.

Druids o f the Circle o f the M oon are fierce guardians In the worlds of Greyhawk and the Forgotten Realms,
o f the w ilds. Their order gathers under the full m oon to druidic circles are not usually connected to the faith o f a
share news and trade warnings. They haunt the deepest single nature deity. Any given circle in the Forgotten Realms,
parts o f the w ilderness, w here they might go for w eeks for example, might include druids who revere Silvanus,
on end before crossing paths with another humanoid Mielikki, Eldath, Chauntea, or even the harsh Gods o f Fury:
creature, let alone another druid. Talos, Malar, Auril, and Umberlee. These nature gods are
often called the First Circle, the first among the druids, and
Changeable as the m oon, a druid o f this circle might most druids count them all (even the violent ones) as worthy
prowl as a great cat one night, soar over the treetops o f veneration.
as an eagle the next day, and crash through the
undergrowth in bear form to drive off a trespassing The druids o f Eberron hold animistic beliefs completely
monster. The wild is in the druid's blood. unconnected to the Sovereign Host, the Dark Six, or any of
the other religions of the world. They believe that every living
C o m b a t W ild Sh ape thing and every natural phenomenon— sun, moon, wind,
W h en you c h o o s e this circle at 2nd level, you gain the fire, and the world itself—has a spirit. Their spells, then, are
ability to use W ild Shape on your turn as a bonus action, a means to communicate with and command these spirits.
rather than as an action. Different druidic sects, though, hold different philosophies
about the proper relationship of these spirits to each other
Additionally, while you are transform ed by W ild and to the forces o f civilization. The Ashbound, for example,
Shape, you can use a bonus action to expend one believe that arcane magic is an abomination against nature,
spell slot to regain 1d8 hit points per level o f the spell the Children o f Winter venerate the forces o f death, and the
slot expended. Gatekeepers preserve ancient traditions meant to protect the
world from the incursion o f aberrations.
C ir c le Form s
The rites o f your circle grant you the ability to transform
into m ore dangerou s anim al form s. Starting at 2nd
level, you can use your W ild Shape to transform into a
beast with a challenge rating as high as 1 (you ignore
the Max. CR colum n o f the Beast Shapes table, but must
abide by the other limitations there).

Starting at 6th level, you can transform into a beast
with a challenge rating as high as your druid level
divided by 3, rounded down.


A human in clanging plate arm or holds her shield
before her as she runs toward the m assed goblins. An
elf behind her, clad in studded leather armor, peppers
the goblins with arrow s loosed from his exquisite
bow. The half-orc nearby shouts orders, helping
the two com batants coordinate their assault to the
best advantage.

A dw arf in chain m ail interposes his shield betw een
the o g re ’s club and his com panion , k n ock in g the deadly
blow aside. H is com panion, a half-elf in scale armor,
sw ings tw o scim itars in a blinding whirl as she circles
the ogre, look in g for a blind spot in its defen ses.

A gladiator fights for sport in an arena, a master with
his trident and net, skilled at toppling fo e s and m oving
them around for the crow d’s delight—and his ow n
tactical advantage. H is op p on en t’s sw ord flares with
blue light an instant before she sends lightning flashing
forth to smite him.

All o f these heroes are fighters, perhaps the m ost
diverse cla ss o f characters in the w orld s o f D u n g e o n s &
D r a g o n s . Questing knights, conquering overlords, royal
cham pions, elite foot soldiers, hardened m ercenaries,
and bandit kings—as fighters, they all share an
unparalleled mastery with w eapons and armor, and a
thorough knowledge of the skills of combat. And they
are w ell acquainted w ith death, both m eting it out and
staring it defiantly in the face.

W e l l -R o u n d ed Spe c ia lists

Fighters learn the basics o f all com bat styles. Every
fighter can sw ing an axe, fence with a rapier, wield a
longsword or a greatsword, use a bow, and even trap foes
in a net with som e degree o f skill. Likewise, a fighter is
adept with shields and every form o f armor. Beyond that
basic degree of familiarity, each fighter specializes in a
certain style of combat. S om e concentrate on archery,
som e on fighting w ith tw o w ea p on s at on ce, and som e
on augmenting their martial skills with magic. This
com bination o f broad general ability and extensive
specialization m akes fighters superior combatants
on battlefields and in dungeons alike.

T r a in e d fo r D a n g e r

Not every m em ber o f the city watch, the village militia,
or the qu een ’s arm y is a fighter. M ost o f these troop s are
relatively untrained soldiers with only the m ost basic
com bat knowledge. Veteran soldiers, military officers,
trained bodyguards, dedicated knights, and similar
figures are fighters.

T h e Fig h t e r

Level Proficiency Features
1st Bonus Fighting Style, Second Wind
2nd +2 Action Surge (one use)
3rd +2 Martial Archetype
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement
5th +2 Extra Attack
6th +3 Ability Score Improvement
7th +3 Martial Archetype feature
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
9th +3 Indomitable (one use)
10th +4 Martial Archetype feature
11th +4 Extra Attack (2)
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement
13th +4 Indomitable (two uses)
14th +5 Ability Score Improvement
15th +5 Martial Archetype feature
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement
17th +5 Action Surge (two uses), Indomitable
+6 (three uses)
18th Martial Archetype feature
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 Extra Attack (3)

S om e fighters feel drawn to use their training as to buy them. Your armaments are now am ong your
adventurers. The dungeon delving, m onster slaying, and m ost im portant p ossession s—the only things that stand
other dangerous w ork com m on am ong adventurers is betw een you and death’s em brace.
se co n d nature for a fighter, not all that different from
the life he or she left behind. There are greater risks, Q u ic k B u il d
perhaps, but also m uch greater rew ards—few fighters in You can make a fighter quickly by follow ing these
the city watch have the opportunity to discover a m agic suggestions. First, make Strength or Dexterity your
flame tongue sw ord, for exam ple. highest ability score, depending on w hether you
want to focus on m elee w eapons or on archery (or
C r e a t in g a F ig h t e r finesse weapons). Your next-highest score should be
Constitution, or Intelligence if you plan to adopt the
A s you build your fighter, think about tw o related Eldritch Knight martial archetype. Second, choose
elements o f your character's background: W here did the soldier background.
you get your com bat training, and what set you apart
from the mundane w arriors around you? W ere you C lass Features
particularly ruthless? Did you get extra help from a
mentor, perhaps because of your exceptional dedication? A s a fighter, you gain the follow ing class features.
W hat drove you to this training in the first place? A
threat to your hom eland, a thirst for revenge, or a need H it P o in t s
to prove yourself might all have been factors. Hit Dice: 1d 10 per fighter level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution m odifier
You m ight have enjoyed form al training in a noble’s Hit Points at Higher L ev els: 1d 10 (or 6) + your
army or in a local militia. Perhaps you trained in a w ar
academy, learning strategy, tactics, and military history. Constitution m odifier p er fighter level after 1st
Or you might be self-taught—unpolished but w ell tested.
Did you take up the sw ord as a way to escape the limits P r o f ic ie n c ie s
o f life on a farm, or are you follow ing a proud family A rm or: All armor, shields
tradition? W here did you acquire your w eapons and Weapons: Simple weapons, martial w eapons
arm or? They might have been military issue or family Tools: None
heirlooms, or perhaps you scrim ped and saved for years
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution

Skills: C hoose two skills from Acrobatics, Animal O nce you use this feature, you must finish a short or
long rest before you can u se it again. Starting at 17th
Handling, Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, level, you can u se it tw ice b efore a rest, but only on ce on
Perception, and Survival the sam e turn.

E q u ip m e n t M a r t ia l A r ch etype
You start with the follow ing equipment, in addition to
the equipment granted by your background: At 3rd level, you ch o o se an archetype that you strive to
em ulate in your com bat styles and techniques. C h oose
• (a) chain m ail or (b) leather, longbow , and 20 arrow s Champion, Battle Master, or Eldritch Knight, all detailed
• (a) a martial w eap on and a shield or (b) tw o martial at the end o f the class description. T h e archetype you
c h o o s e grants you features at 3rd level and again at 7th,
weapons 10th, 15th, and 18th level.
• (a) a light c ro s s b o w and 20 bolts or (b) tw o handaxes
• (a) a du ng eon eer’s pack o r (b) an explorer’s pack A b il it y Sco re Im pr o vem en t

F ig h t in g St y l e W h en you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 12th,
14th, 16th, and 19th level, you can in crease one ability
You adopt a particular style o f fighting as your specialty. score o f your choice by 2, or you can increase tw o ability
C h oose one o f the follow ing options. You can’t take a s c o r e s o f your ch oice by 1. A s norm al, you ca n ’t in crease
Fighting Style option m ore than once, even if you later an ability score above 20 using this feature.
get to ch oose again.
Extra A ttack
A rchery
You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with B egin ning at 5th level, you can attack tw ice, instead o f
ranged weapons. once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

D efense The num ber o f attacks increases to three when you
W h ile you are w earin g armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. reach 11th level in this class and to four w hen you reach
20th level in this class.
D u e l in g
W hen you are w ielding a m elee w eapon in one hand and In d o m it a b le
no other w eapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls
with that w eapon. B egin ning at 9th level, you can reroll a saving th row that
you fail. If you do so, you must use the n ew roll, and you
G reat W e apo n F ig h t in g can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest.
W hen you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you
m ake with a m elee w eapon that you are wielding with You can use this feature tw ice between long rests
two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new starting at 13th level and three tim es betw een lon g rests
roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The w eapon must starting at 17th level.
have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain
this benefit. M artial A rchetypes

P r o t e c t io n Different fighters ch oose different approaches to
W hen a creature you can see attacks a target other perfecting their fighting prowess. The martial archetype
than you that is within 5 feet o f you, you can use your you choose to emulate reflects your approach.
reaction to im pose disadvantage on the attack roll. You
must be w ielding a shield. C h a m pio n

Tw o -W e apo n Fig h t in g The archetypal Champion focuses on the development
W hen you engage in tw o-w eapon fighting, you can add of raw physical pow er honed to deadly perfection.
your ability m odifier to the dam age o f the second attack. T h ose w ho m odel themselves on this archetype com bine
rigorous training with physical excellence to deal
Se c o n d W in d devastating blows.

You have a limited well o f stam ina that you can draw on Im pro ved C r it ic a l
to protect yourself from harm. On your turn, you can use B eg in n in g w hen you c h o o s e this arch etype at 3rd
a bon u s action to regain hit points equal to 1d 10 + your level, your w eapon attacks sco re a critical hit on a
fighter level. roll of 19 or 20.

O nce you use this feature, you must finish a short or R em arkable A thlete
long rest before you can u se it again. Starting at 7th level, you can add h alf your proficiency
bonus (round up) to any Strength, Dexterity, or
A c t io n Su rge Constitution check you make that d oesn ’t already use
your proficiency bonus.
Starting at 2nd level, you can push y ou rself beyon d your
norm al limits for a moment. On your turn, you can take In addition, w hen you m ake a running long jum p, the
one additional action on top of your regular action and a distance you can cover increases by a num ber of feet
possible bonus action. equal to your Strength modifier.

A d d it io n a l F ig h t in g St y l e
At 10th level, you can ch oose a secon d option from the
Fighting Style class feature.

Su p e r io r C r it ic a l
Starting at 15th level, your w eap on attacks sc o r e a
critical hit on a roll o f 1 8 -2 0 .

Su r v iv o r
At 18th level, you attain the pinnacle o f resilien ce in
battle. At the start o f each o f your turns, you regain hit
points equal to 5 + your Constitution modifier if you
have no m ore than half o f your hit points left. You don’t
gain this benefit if you have 0 hit points.

Battle M aster

T hose w ho emulate the archetypal Battle Master
employ martial techniques passed down through
generations. To a Battle Master, com bat is an academ ic
field, som etim es including subjects beyond battle such
as w eaponsm ithing and calligraphy. Not every fighter
absorbs the lessons o f history, theory, and artistry
that are reflected in the Battle M aster archetype, but
those w ho do are well-rounded fighters o f great skill
and knowledge.

C o m b a t Su p e r io r it y
W h e n you c h o o s e this archetype at 3rd level, you
learn m aneuvers that are fueled by special dice called
superiority dice.

Maneuvers. You learn three maneuvers of your
choice, which are detailed under “M aneuvers” below.
M any m aneuvers en h a n ce an attack in so m e way. You
can use only one maneuver per attack.

You learn two additional maneuvers of your choice
at 7th, 10th, and 15th level. E ach tim e you learn new
maneuvers, you can also replace one maneuver you
know with a different one.

Superiority Dice. You have four superiority dice,
which are d8s. A superiority die is expended when you
u se it. You regain all o f your expen ded superiority dice
when you finish a short or long rest.

You gain another superiority die at 7th level and one
m ore at 15th level.

Saving Throws. S o m e o f your m aneuvers require
your target to m ake a saving throw to resist the
m aneuver’s effects. T h e saving th row D C is calculated
as follows:

Maneuver save D C = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice)

St u d e n t o f W a r
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency with one type of
artisan’s tools o f your choice.

K now Y our Enem y
Starting at 7th level, if you spend at least 1 m inute
observing or interacting with another creature outside
com bat, you can learn certain inform ation about its
capabilities com pared to your own. The DM tells you if
the creature is your equal, superior, or inferior in regard
to two of the following characteristics of your choice:

• Strength score Maneuvering Attack. W h en you hit a creature with
• Dexterity score a w eapon attack, you can expend one superiority
• Constitution score die to maneuver one o f your com rades into a m ore
• Arm or Class advantageous position. You add the superiority die to the
• Current hit points attack’s dam age roll, and you c h o o s e a friendly creature
• Total class levels (if any) w ho can see or hear you. That creature can use its
• Fighter class levels (if any) reaction to m ove up to h alf its sp eed w ithout provoking
opportunity attacks from the target o f your attack.
Im p r o v e d C o m b a t Su p e r io r it y
At 10th level, your superiority dice turn into d 10s. At Menacing Attack. W h en you hit a creature with a
18th level, they turn into d l2 s. w eapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to
attempt to frighten the target. You add the superiority
R elentless die to the attack’s dam age roll, and the target must
Starting at 15th level, w hen you roll initiative and m ake a W isd om saving throw. On a failed save, it is
have no superiority dice remaining, you regain 1 frightened o f you until the end o f your next turn.
superiority die.
Parry. W h en another creature dam ages you with a
M aneuvers melee attack, you can use your reaction and expend one
The m aneuvers are presented in alphabetical order. superiority die to reduce the dam age by the num ber you
roll on your superiority die + your Dexterity modifier.
Commander’s Strike. W h en you take the Attack
action on your turn, you can forgo one o f your attacks Precision Attack. W h en you m ake a w eapon attack
and use a bonus action to direct one of your com panions roll against a creature, you can expend one superiority
to strike. W hen you do so, ch oose a friendly creature die to add it to the roll. You can u se this m aneuver
w ho can see or hear you and expend one superiority die. before or after m aking the attack roll, but before any
That creature can im m ediately u se its reaction to m ake effects o f the attack are applied.
one w eapon attack, adding the superiority die to the
attack’s dam age roll. Pushing Attack. W h en you hit a creatu re with
a w eapon attack, you can expend one superiority
Disarming Attack. W h en you hit a creature w ith a die to attempt to drive the target back. You add the
weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to superiority die to the attack's dam age roll, and if the
attempt to disarm the target, forcin g it to drop one item target is Large or sm aller, it m ust m ake a Strength
o f your ch oice that it’s holding. You add the superiority saving throw. On a failed save, you push the target up
die to the attack’s dam age roll, and the target m ust to 15 feet away from you.
m ake a Strength saving throw. O n a failed save, it drops
the object you c h oose. The object lands at its feet. Rally. On your turn, you ca n use a bon u s action and
expend one superiority die to bolster the resolve o f one
Distracting Strike. W h en you hit a creature w ith a o f your com panions. W hen you do so, ch oose a friendly
w eapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to creature w ho can see or hear you. That creature gains
distract the creature, giving your allies an opening. You tem porary hit points equal to the superiority die roll +
add the superiority die to the attack’s dam age roll. The your Charisma modifier.
next attack roll against the target by an attacker other
than you has advantage if the attack is made before the Riposte. W h en a creature m isses you with a m elee
start o f your next turn. attack, you can use your reaction and expend one
superiority die to make a melee w eapon attack against
Evasive Footwork. W h en you m ove, you can expend the creature. If you hit, you add the superiority die to the
one superiority die, rolling the die and adding the attack's dam age roll.
num ber rolled to your AC until you stop moving.
Sweeping Attack. W h en you hit a creature with a
Feinting Attack. You can expend one superiority die melee w eapon attack, you can expend one superiority
and use a bonus action on your turn to feint, choosing die to attempt to dam age another creature with the
one creature within 5 feet o f you as your target. You sam e attack. C hoose another creature within 5 feet
have advantage on your next attack roll against that o f the original target and within your reach. If the
creature. If that attack hits, add the superiority die to the original attack roll w ou ld hit the se co n d creature, it
attack’s dam age roll. takes damage equal to the num ber you roll on your
superiority die. The dam age is o f the sam e type dealt by
Goading Attack. W h en you hit a creature with a the original attack.
w eapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to
attempt to goad the target into attacking you. You add Trip Attack. W h en you hit a creature w ith a w eapon
the superiority die to the attack’s dam age roll, and attack, you can expend one superiority die to attempt
the target must make a W isdom saving throw. On a to knock the target down. You add the superiority die
failed save, the target has disadvantage on all attack to the attack’s dam age roll, and if the target is Large or
rolls against targets other than you until the end of sm aller, it m ust m ake a Strength saving throw. On a
your next turn. failed save, you knock the target prone.

Lunging Attack. W h en you m ake a m elee w eapon E ld r itc h K n ig h t
attack on your turn, you can expend one superiority die
to in crease your reach for that attack by 5 feet. If you hit, The archetypal Eldritch Knight com bines the martial
you add the superiority die to the attack’s dam age roll. mastery com m on to all fighters with a careful study of
magic. Eldritch Knights use magical techniques similar
to those practiced by wizards. They focus their study

on tw o of the eight sch ools o f m agic: abjuration and E l d r it c h K n ig h t S p e l l c a s t in g
evocation. Abjuration spells grant an Eldritch Knight
additional protection in battle, and evocation spells deal Fighter Cantrips Spells — Spell Slots per Spell Level—
dam age to m any foes at on ce, extending the fighter’s Level Known Known
reach in com bat. T h ese knights learn a com paratively 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
small number of spells, com m itting them to m em ory 4th 2 3 2 ———
instead o f keeping them in a spellbook. 5th 2 4 3 ———
6th 2 4 3 ———
Sp e l l c a st in g 7th 2 4 3 ———
W hen you reach 3rd level, you augment your martial 8th 2 5 4 2——
p row ess w ith the ability to cast spells. S e e chapter 10 9th 2 6 4 2 ——
for the general rules o f sp ellcastin g and chapter 11 for 10th 2 6 4 2——
the w izard spell list. 11th 3 7 4 3——
12th 3 8 4 3——
Cantrips. You learn tw o cantrips o f your ch oice from 13th 3 8 4 3——
the w izard spell list. You learn an additional w izard 14th 3 9 4 3 2—
cantrip o f your ch oice at 10th level. 15th 3 10 4 3 2—
16th 3 10 4 3 2—
Spell Slots. The Eldritch K night Sp ellcastin g table 17th 3 11 4 3 3—
shows how many spell slots you have to cast your 18th 3 11 4 3 3—
spells o f 1st level and higher. To cast one o f these 19th 3 11 4 3 3—
spells, you m ust expend a slot o f the spell’s level or 20th 3 12 4 33 1
higher. You regain all expended spell slots w hen you 3 13 4 33 1
finish a long rest.
during a short rest. The w eapon must be within your
F or exam ple, if you kn ow the 1st-level spell shield and reach throughout the ritual, at the con clu sion o f w hich
have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you you touch the w eapon and forge the bond.
ca n cast shield using either slot.
Once you have bonded a w eapon to yourself, you
Spells Known o f 1st-Level and Higher. You know ca n ’t be disarm ed o f that w ea p on u nless you are
three 1st-level w izard spells of your choice, tw o o f w hich incapacitated. If it is on the sam e plane o f existence,
you must ch oose from the abjuration and evocation you can sum m on that w eapon as a bonus action on your
sp ells on the w izard spell list. turn, cau sin g it to teleport instantly to your hand.

The Spells K nown colum n of the Eldritch Knight You can have up to two bonded weapons, but can
Spellcasting table show s when you learn m ore w izard su m m on only one at a tim e w ith your bon u s action.
spells o f 1st level or higher. Each o f these spells must be If you attempt to bond with a third w eapon, you must
an abjuration or evocation spell o f your choice, and must break the bond with one of the other two.
be o f a level for w hich you have spell slots. For instance,
w hen you reach 7th level in this class, you can learn one W a r M a g ic
n ew spell o f 1st or 2nd level. B egin ning at 7th level, w hen you use your action to
cast a cantrip, you can make one w eapon attack as a
T h e sp ells you learn at 8th, 14th, and 20th level can bonus action.
com e from any school of magic.
E l d r it c h St r ik e
W henever you gain a level in this class, you can At 10th level, you learn h ow to m ake your w eapon
replace one of the w izard spells you know with another strikes undercut a creatu re’s resistan ce to your spells.
spell o f your ch oice from the w izard spell list. The W h en you hit a creature w ith a w ea p on attack, that
new spell must be o f a level for w hich you have spell creature has disadvantage on the next saving throw
slots, and it m ust be an abjuration or evocation spell, it m ak es against a spell you cast before the end o f
u n less you ’re replacin g the spell you gained at 8th, 14th, your next turn.
or 20th level.
A rcane C harge
Spellcasting Ability. Intelligence is your spellcasting At 15th level, you gain the ability to teleport up to 30
ability for your w izard spells, since you learn your feet to an unoccupied space you can see w hen you use
spells through study and memorization. You use your your Action Surge. You can teleport before or after the
Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting additional action.
ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence m odifier
w hen setting the saving throw DC for a w izard spell you Im pr o v e d W a r M a g ic
cast and when m aking an attack roll with one. Starting at 18th level, w h en you u se your action to
cast a spell, you can m ake one w eapon attack as a
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + bonus action.
your Intelligence modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +
your Intelligence modifier

W eapon Bond
At 3rd level, you learn a ritual that creates a m agical
bond between yourself and one weapon. You perform
the ritual over the course o f 1 hour, which can be done

M onk

Her fists a blur as they deflect an incom ing hail o f arrows,
a half-elf springs over a barricade and throws herself
into the m assed ranks o f hobgoblins on the other side.
She whirls am ong them, knocking their blow s aside and
sen din g them reeling, until at last she stands alone.

Taking a deep breath, a human covered in tattoos
settles into a battle stance. A s the first charging orc s
reach him, he exhales and a blast o f fire roars from his
mouth, engulfing his foes.

M oving with the silence o f the night, a black-clad
halfling steps into a shadow beneath an arch and
em erges from another inky shadow on a balcony a
ston e’s throw away. S h e slides her blade free o f its cloth-
w rapped scabbard and peers through the open w indow
at the tyrant prince, so vulnerable in the grip o f sleep.

W hatever their discipline, m onks are united in their
ability to m agically h arn ess the en ergy that flow s in
their bodies. W hether channeled as a striking display
o f com bat prow ess or a subtler focus o f defensive ability
and speed, this en ergy in fu ses all that a m on k does.

T h e M a g ic of K i

M onks make careful study o f a m agical energy that m ost
m onastic traditions call ki. This energy is an element
o f the m agic that suffuses the multiverse—specifically,
the elem ent that flows through living bodies. M onks
harness this pow er within themselves to create magical
effects and exceed their bodies' physical capabilities,
and som e of their special attacks can hinder the flow o f
ki in their oppon en ts. U sing this energy, m on k s channel
uncanny speed and strength into their unarm ed strikes.
A s they gain experience, their martial training and their
m astery o f ki gives them m ore pow er over their bodies
and the bodies of their foes.

T r a in in g a n d A sce ticism

Sm all walled cloisters dot the landscapes o f the worlds
o f D&D, tiny refuges from the flow o f ordinary life,
w h ere tim e seem s to stand still. The m on k s w h o live
there seek personal perfection through contemplation
and rigorous training. Many entered the m onastery
as children, sent to live there w hen their parents died,
w hen food cou ld n ’t be found to support them, or in
return for som e kindness that the m onks had perform ed
for their families.

S om e m onks live entirely apart from the surrounding
population, secluded from anything that might im pede
their spiritual progress. Others are sw orn to isolation,

The M onk

Level Proficiency Martial Ki Unarmored Features
1st Bonus Arts Points Movement Unarmored Defense, Martial Arts
2nd +2 1d4 Ki, Unarmored Movement
3rd +2 1d4 — — Monastic Tradition, Deflect Missiles
4th +2 1d4 2 +10 ft. Ability Score Improvement, Slow Fall
5th +2 1d4 3 +10 ft. Extra Attack, Stunning Strike
6th +3 1d6 4 +10 ft. Ki-Empowered Strikes, Monastic Tradition feature
7th +3 1d6 5 +10 ft. Evasion, Stillness o f Mind
8th +3 1d6 6 +15 ft. Ability Score Improvement
9th +3 1d6 7 +15 ft. Unarmored Movement improvement
10th +4 1d6 8 +15 ft. Purity o f Body
11th +4 1d6 9 +15 ft. Monastic Tradition feature
12th +4 1d8 10 +20 ft. Ability Score Improvement
13th +4 1d8 11 +20 ft. Tongue o f the Sun and Moon
14th +5 1d8 12 +20 ft. Diamond Soul
15th +5 1d8 13 +20 ft. Timeless Body
16th +5 1d8 14 +25 ft. Ability Score Improvement
17th +5 1d8 15 +25 ft. Monastic Tradition feature
18th +6 1d 10 16 +25 ft. Empty Body
19th +6 1d10 17 +25 ft. Ability Score Improvement
+6 1d 10 18 +30 ft. Perfect Self
20th +6 1d10 19 +30 ft.
20 +30 ft.

em erging only to serve as spies or a ssa ssin s at the A s a result o f the structured life o f a m onastic
com m and of their leader, a noble patron, or som e other com m u n ity and the discipline requ ired to h arn ess ki,
mortal or divine power. m onks are almost always lawful in alignment.

The majority o f m onks don’t shun their neighbors, Q u ic k Bu il d
making frequent visits to nearby towns or villages and You can make a m onk quickly by following these
exchanging their service for food and other goods. As suggestions. First, m ake Dexterity your highest
versatile warriors, m onks often end up protecting their ability score, follow ed by W isdom . Second, ch oose the
neighbors from m onsters or tyrants. hermit background.

For a monk, becom ing an adventurer m eans leaving C lass Features
a structured, com m unal lifestyle to becom e a wanderer.
This can be a harsh transition, and m onks don’t A s a monk, you gain the follow ing class features.
undertake it lightly. T h o se w h o leave their cloisters take
their w ork seriously, approaching their adventures as H it P o in t s
personal tests o f their physical and spiritual growth. Hit Dice: 1d8 per m on k level
A s a rule, m onks care little for material wealth and are Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution m odifier
driven by a desire to accom plish a greater m ission than Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your
m erely slaying m onsters and plundering their treasure.
Constitution m odifier per m on k level after 1st
P r o f ic ie n c ie s
A s you make your monk character, think about your Armor: None
connection to the monastery where you learned your Weapons: Simple w eapons, shortswords
skills and spent your formative years. W ere you an Tools: C h oose on e type o f artisan’s tools or one
orphan or a child left on the m on astery’s th resh old? D id
your parents prom ise you to the m onastery in gratitude m usical instrument
for a service perform ed by the m onks? Did you enter
this secluded life to hide from a crim e you com m itted? Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
Or did you ch oose the m onastic life for yourself? Skills: C hoose tw o from Acrobatics, Athletics, History,

Consider why you left. Did the head of your m onastery Insight, Religion, and Stealth
choose you for a particularly important mission beyond
the cloister? Perhaps you were cast out because of E q u ip m e n t
so m e violation o f the com m u n ity ’s rules. Did you dread You start with the follow ing equipment, in addition to
leaving, or w ere you happy to go? Is there som ething the equipment granted by your background:
you hope to accom plish outside the monastery? Are you
eager to return to your hom e? • (a) a sh ortsw ord or (b) any sim ple w eapon
• (a) a d u n geon eer’s pack or (b) an exp lorer’s pack
• 10 darts

U n arm ored D efense Flurry of Blows
Immediately after you take the Attack action on your
B egin n in g at 1st level, w hile you are w earin g no arm or turn, you can spend 1 ki point to make tw o unarm ed
and not w ielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + your strikes as a bonus action.
Dexterity m odifier + your W isdom modifier.
Pa t i e n t D e f e n s e
M a r t ia l A rts You can spend 1 ki point to take the D odge action as a
bonus action on your turn.
At 1st level, your practice o f m artial arts gives you
m astery o f com bat styles that use unarm ed strikes and St e p o f t h e W in d
m onk weapons, which are shortswords and any simple You can spend 1 ki point to take the Disengage or Dash
m elee w eapons that don’t have the tw o-handed or action as a bonus action on your turn, and your jum p
heavy property. distance is doubled for the turn.

You gain the follow ing benefits w hile you are unarm ed U narm ored M ovem ent
or wielding only m onk w eapons and you aren’t wearing
arm or or w ielding a shield: Starting at 2nd level, your sp eed in crea ses by 10 feet
while you are not w earing arm or or w ielding a shield.
• You can use Dexterity instead o f Strength for the This bonus increases when you reach certain monk
attack and damage rolls o f your unarm ed strikes and levels, as show n in the M onk table.
monk weapons.
At 9th level, you gain the ability to m ove along vertical
• You can roll a d4 in place o f the norm al dam age surfaces and across liquids on your turn without falling
o f your unarm ed strike or m onk weapon. This die during the move.
changes as you gain m onk levels, as show n in the
Martial Arts colum n of the M onk table. M o n a st ic T r a d it io n

• W hen you use the Attack action with an unarm ed W hen you reach 3rd level, you com m it yourself to a
strike or a m onk w eapon on your turn, you can make m onastic tradition: the Way o f the Open Hand, the Way
one unarm ed strike as a bonus action. For example, if o f Shadow, or the W ay o f the Four Elements, all detailed
you take the Attack action and attack with a quarter- at the end o f the cla ss description. Your tradition
staff, you can also m ake an unarm ed strike as a bonus grants you features at 3rd level and again at 6th, 11th,
action, assum ing you haven't already taken a bonus and 17th level.
action this turn.
D e f l e c t M issile s
Certain m onasteries use specialized form s o f the
m onk w eapons. For example, you might use a club Starting at 3rd level, you can use your reaction to
that is tw o lengths o f w o o d con n ected by a sh ort chain deflect or catch the m issile w hen you are hit by a ranged
(called a nunchaku) or a sickle with a shorter, straighter w eapon attack. W hen you do so, the dam age you take
blade (called a kama). Whatever name you use for a from the attack is redu ced by 1d 10 + your Dexterity
m onk weapon, you can use the game statistics provided m odifier + your m onk level.
for the w eapon in chapter 5.
If you reduce the dam age to 0, you can catch the
Ki m issile if it is sm all en ough for you to hold in one hand
and you have at least on e hand free. If you catch a
Starting at 2nd level, your training allow s you to m issile in this way, you can spend 1 ki point to m ake a
h arness the m ystic en ergy o f ki. Your a c c e s s to this ranged attack with the w eapon or piece o f ammunition
energy is represented by a num ber o f ki points. Your you just caught, as part o f the sam e reaction. You make
m onk level determ ines the num ber o f points you have, this attack with proficiency, regardless o f your w eapon
as show n in the Ki Points colum n o f the M onk table. proficiencies, and the missile counts as a m onk weapon
for the attack.
You can spend these points to fuel various ki features.
You start knowing three such features: Flurry of Blows, A b il it y S co r e Im pr o v em en t
Patient Defense, and Step o f the W ind. You learn m ore
ki features as you gain levels in this class. W h en you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th,
and 19th level, you can increase one ability score o f your
W h en you spend a ki point, it is unavailable until choice by 2, or you can increase tw o ability scores o f
you finish a short or lon g rest, at the end o f w hich you your ch oice by 1. A s norm al, you ca n ’t in crease an ability
draw all o f your expended ki back into yourself. You score above 20 using this feature.
must spend at least 30 m inutes o f the rest m editating to
regain your ki points. S l o w Fa l l

S om e o f your ki features require your target to make B egin n in g at 4th level, you can u se your reaction w hen
a saving throw to resist the feature’s effects. The saving you fall to reduce any falling dam age you take by an
throw DC is calculated as follows: am ount equal to five tim es your m on k level.

Ki save D C = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
your Wisdom modifier

Extra A ttack D uring that time, you also have resistance to all dam age
but force damage.
B egin ning at 5th level, you ca n attack tw ice, instead o f
once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. Additionally, you can spend 8 ki points to cast the
astral projection spell, without n eeding material
St u n n in g St r ik e com pon en ts. W h en you do so, you ca n ’t take any other
creatures with you.
Starting at 5th level, you can interfere w ith the flow o f
ki in an op p on en t’s body. W h en you hit another creature P erfect Self
with a m elee w eapon attack, you can spend 1 ki point to
attempt a stunning strike. The target must su cceed on a At 20th level, w hen you roll for initiative and have no ki
Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of points remaining, you regain 4 ki points.
your next turn.
M onastic Traditions
K i-E m po w er ed St r ik e s
T hree traditions o f m onastic pursuit are com m on in
Starting at 6th level, your unarm ed strikes coun t as the m onasteries scattered across the multiverse. M ost
m agical for the purpose o f overcom ing resistance and m onasteries practice one tradition exclusively, but a
immunity to nonm agical attacks and damage. few honor the three traditions and instruct each monk
according to his or her aptitude and interest. All three
Ev a sio n traditions rely on the sam e basic techniques, diverging
as the student grow s m ore adept. Thus, a m onk need
At 7th level, your instinctive agility lets you dodge ch oose a tradition only upon reaching 3rd level.
out of the way of certain area effects, such as a blue
dragon ’s lightning breath or a fireball spell. W h en you Wa y of th e O pen H an d
are subjected to an effect that allow s you to m ake a
Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you M onks o f the Way o f the Open Hand are the ultimate
instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving masters of martial arts combat, whether armed or
throw, and only h alf dam age if you fail. unarm ed. They learn techniques to push and trip their
opponents, manipulate ki to heal damage to their
St il l n e ss o f M in d bodies, and practice advanced meditation that can
protect them from harm.
Starting at 7th level, you can u se your action to end on e
effect on yourself that is causing you to be charm ed O pen H a n d T e c h n iq u e
or frightened. Starting w hen you c h o o s e this tradition at 3rd level,
you can manipulate your enem y’s ki w hen you harness
P u rity o f B ody your ow n. W h enever you hit a creature w ith on e o f the
attacks granted by your Flurry of Blows, you can im pose
At 10th level, your mastery o f the ki flow ing through you one o f the follow ing effects on that target:
makes you immune to disease and poison.
• It m ust su cce e d on a D exterity saving th row o r be
T on gu e of th e Su n a n d M o o n knocked prone.

Starting at 13th level, you learn to touch the ki o f other • It m ust m ake a Strength saving throw. If it fails, you
m inds so that you understand all spoken languages. can push it up to 15 feet away from you.
Moreover, any creature that can understand a language
can understand w hat you say. • It ca n ’t take reaction s until the end o f your next turn.

D ia m o n d So u l W holeness of B ody
At 6th level, you gain the ability to heal yourself. A s an
B egin ning at 14th level, your m astery o f ki grants you action, you can regain hit points equal to three tim es
proficiency in all saving throws.

Additionally, w henever you make a saving throw and
fail, you can spend 1 ki point to reroll it and take the
secon d result.

T im e le ss B o d y

At 15th level, your ki sustains you so that you suffer
none o f the frailty o f old age, and you can't be aged
magically. You can still die o f old age, however. In
addition, you no longer need food or water.

Em pty B ody

B egin ning at 18th level, you can use your action to
spend 4 ki points to becom e invisible for 1 minute.

your m onk level. You must finish a long rest before you O p p o r t u n ist
can use this feature again. At 17th level, you can exploit a creatu re's m om entary
distraction w hen it is hit by an attack. W h enever a
T r a n q u il it y creature w ithin 5 feet o f you is hit by an attack m ade by
B egin ning at 11th level, you can enter a sp ecia l a creature other than you, you can use your reaction to
m editation that surrounds you with an aura o f peace. At m ake a m elee attack against that creature.
the end o f a long rest, you gain the effect o f a sanctuary
spell that lasts until the start o f your next long rest (the Way of th e Four Elem ents
spell can end early as normal). The saving throw DC
for the spell equals 8 + your W isdom modifier + your You follow a m onastic tradition that teaches you to
proficiency bonus. harness the elements. W hen you focus your ki, you can
align yourself with the forces o f creation and bend the
Q u iv e r in g Pa l m four elements to your will, using them as an extension
At 17th level, you gain the ability to set up lethal o f your body. Som e m em bers o f this tradition dedicate
vibrations in s o m e o n e ’s body. W h en you hit a creature them selves to a single element, but others weave the
with an unarm ed strike, you can spend 3 ki points to elements together.
start these im perceptible vibrations, which last for a
num ber o f days equal to your m onk level. The vibrations Many m onks o f this tradition tattoo their bodies with
are harm less unless you use your action to end them. representations of their ki powers, com m only imagined
To do so, you and the target must be on the sam e plane as coiling dragons, but also as phoenixes, fish, plants,
o f existence. W hen you use this action, the creature mountains, and cresting waves.
m ust m ake a Constitution saving throw. If it fails, it is
redu ced to 0 hit points. If it su cceed s, it takes 10d 10 D isc iple o f t h e E le m e n ts
necrotic damage. W h en you c h o o s e this tradition at 3rd level, you learn
m agical disciplines that harness the pow er o f the four
You can have only one creature under the effect o f this elements. A discipline requires you to spend ki points
feature at a tim e. You can c h o o s e to end the vibrations each tim e you use it.
harm lessly without using an action.
You know the Elemental Attunement discipline and
Wa y of Sh adow one other elemental discipline of your choice, which are
detailed in the “Elemental D isciplines” section below.
M onks of the W ay o f S h adow follow a tradition that You learn one additional elemental discipline of your
values stealth and subterfuge. These m onks might ch oice at 6th, 11th, and 17th level.
be called ninjas or shadowdancers, and they serve as
spies and assassins. Som etim es the m em bers o f a W henever you learn a new elemental discipline,
ninja m onastery are family m em bers, form ing a clan you can also replace one elemental discipline that you
sw orn to secrecy about their arts and m issions. Other already know with a different discipline.
m onasteries are m ore like thieves’ guilds, hiring out
their services to nobles, rich merchants, or anyone else Casting Elemental Spells. S om e elem ental
w ho can pay their fees. Regardless of their methods, the disciplines allow you to cast spells. S e e chapter 10 for
heads of these m onasteries expect the unquestioning the general rules of spellcasting. To cast one o f these
obedience of their students. spells, you use its casting time and other rules, but you
don ’t need to provide material com pon en ts for it.
Sh a d o w A rts
Starting w hen you c h o o s e this tradition at 3rd level, you O n ce you reach 5th level in this class, you can spend
can use your ki to duplicate the effects o f certain spells. additional ki points to increase the level o f an elemental
A s an action, you can spend 2 ki poin ts to cast darkness, discipline spell that you cast, provided that the spell has
darkvision, pass without trace, or silence, without an en hanced effect at a higher level, as burning hands
providing material com ponents. Additionally, you gain does. The spell's level increases by 1 for each additional
the minor illusion cantrip if you don ’t already k n ow it. ki point you spend. For example, if you are a 5th-level
m on k and use S w eep in g Cinder Strike to cast burning
Sh a d o w St e p hands, you can spend 3 ki points to cast it as a 2nd-level
At 6th level, you gain the ability to step from one shadow spell (the disciplin e’s ba se cost o f 2 ki points plus 1).
into another. W hen you are in dim light or darkness,
as a bonus action you can teleport up to 60 feet to an The m axim um num ber o f ki points you can spend to
u noccupied space you can see that is also in dim light cast a spell in this w ay (including its base ki point cost
or darkness. You then have advantage on the first m elee and any additional ki poin ts you sp en d to in crease its
attack you m ake before the end o f the turn. level) is determ ined by your m onk level, as show n in the
Spells and Ki Points table.
C l o a k of Sh ad o w s
By 11th level, you have learned to becom e one with S p e l l s a n d K i Po in t s
the shadows. W hen you are in an area o f dim light or
darkness, you can use your action to becom e invisible. Monk Levels M axim um Ki Points for a Spell
You remain invisible until you m ake an attack, cast a 5th—8th 3
spell, or are in an area o f bright light. 9th—12th 4
13th—16th 6

E l e m e n t a l D isc ip l in e s Shape the Flowing River. A s an action, you can
spend 1 ki point to choose an area of ice or water no
The elem ental disciplines are presented in alphabetical larger than 30 feet on a side within 120 feet o f you. You
order. If a discipline requires a level, you must be that can change water to ice within the area and vice versa,
level in this class to learn the discipline. and you can resh ape ice in the area in any m anner you
ch oose. You can raise or low er the ic e ’s elevation, create
Breath o f Winter (17th Level Required). You can or fill in a trench, erect or flatten a w all, or form a pillar.
spend 6 ki points to cast con e o f cold. T he extent o f any such changes can’t exceed h alf the
area’s largest dim ension. For exam ple, if you affect a
Clench o fthe North Wind (6th Level Required). You 30-foot square, you can create a pillar up to 15 feet high,
can spend 3 ki points to cast hold person. raise or low er the square’s elevation by up to 15 feet, dig
a trench up to 15 feet deep, and s o on. You ca n ’t shape
ElementalAttunement. You can use your action to the ice to trap or injure a creature in the area.
briefly control elemental forces nearby, causing one of
the follow ing effects o f your choice: Sweeping Cinder Strike. You can spend 2 ki points to
cast burning hands.
• Create a harm less, instantaneous sensory effect
related to air, earth, fire, or water, such as a sh ow er o f Water Whip. You can sp end 2 ki points as a bonus
sparks, a puff o f wind, a spray o f light mist, or a gentle action to create a whip o f water that shoves and pulls
rumbling of stone. a creature to u nbalance it. A creature that you can see
that is within 30 feet o f you must make a Dexterity
• Instantaneously light or snuff out a candle, a torch, or saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 3 d 10
a sm all campfire. bludgeon ing dam age, plus an extra 1d 10 bludgeon ing
damage for each additional ki point you spend, and you
• Chill or w arm up to 1 pound o f nonliving material for can either k n ock it prone or pull it up to 25 feet closer
up to 1 hour. to you. On a successful save, the creature takes half as
m uch dam age, and you don ’t pull it or k n ock it prone.
• Cause earth, fire, water, or m ist that can fit w ithin a
1-foot cu b e to sh ape itself into a crude form you d esig­ Wave o fRolling Earth (17th Level Required). You
nate for 1 minute. can sp end 6 ki points to cast wall o f stone.

Eternal Mountain Defense (11th Level Required). Monastic O rders
You can sp end 5 ki points to cast stoneskin,
targeting yourself. The worlds o f D&D contain a multitude o f monasteries
and monastic traditions. In lands with an Asian cultural
Fangs o fthe Fire Snake. W h en you use the Attack flavor, such as Shou Lung far to the east o f the Forgotten
action on your turn, you can spend 1 ki point to cause Realms, these monasteries are associated with philosophical
tendrils o f flame to stretch out from your fists and feet. traditions and martial arts practice. The Iron Hand School,
Your reach with your unarm ed strikes increases by the Five Stars School, the Northern Fist School, and
10 feet for that action, as w ell as the rest o f the turn. the Southern Star School of Shou Lung teach different
A hit w ith such an attack deals fire dam age instead of approaches to the physical, mental, and spiritual disciplines
bludgeoning damage, and if you spend 1 ki point when o f the monk. Some o f these monasteries have spread to the
the attack hits, it also deals an extra 1d 10 fire dam age. western lands o f Faerun, particularly in places with large
Shou immigrant communities, such as Thesk and Westgate.
Fist o fFour Thunders. You can spend 2 ki points to
cast thunderwave. Other monastic traditions are associated with deities who
teach the value o f physical excellence and mental discipline.
Fist o f Unbroken Air. You can create a blast o f In the Forgotten Realms, the order o f the Dark Moon is
com p re ss e d air that strikes like a m ighty fist. A s an made up o f monks dedicated to Shar (goddess o f loss), who
action, you can spend 2 ki points and ch oose a creature maintain secret communities in remote hills, back allies,
within 30 feet of you. That creature must make a and subterranean hideaways. Monasteries o f Ilmater (god
Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature o f endurance) are named after flowers, and their orders
takes 3 d 10 bludgeon ing dam age, plus an extra 1d 10 carry the names o f great heroes o f the faith; the Disciples of
bludgeoning dam age for each additional ki point you Saint Sollars the Twice-Martyred reside in the Monastery of
spend, and you can push the creature up to 20 feet away the Yellow Rose near Damara. The monasteries of Eberron
from you and k n ock it prone. On a su ccessfu l save, the combine the study o f martial arts with a life of scholarship.
creature takes half as much dam age, and you don’t push Most are devoted to the deities o f the Sovereign Host.
it or k n ock it prone. In the world o f Dragonlance, most monks are devoted to
Majere, god o f meditation and thought. In Greyhawk, many
Flames o f the Phoenix (11th Level Required). You monasteries are dedicated to Xan Yae, the goddess o f twilight
can spend 4 ki points to cast fireball. and the superiority o f mind over matter, or to Zuoken, god of
mental and physical mastery.
Gong o f the Summit (6th Level Required). You can
spend 3 ki points to cast shatter. The evil monks o f the Scarlet Brotherhood in the world of
Greyhawk derive their fanatic zeal not from devotion to a god
Mist Stance (11th Level Required). You can spend 4 but from dedication to the principles o f their nation and their
ki points to cast gaseous form, targeting yourself. race— the belief that the Suel strand of humanity are meant
to rule the world.
Ride the Wind (11th Level Required). You can spend
4 ki points to cast fly, targeting yourself.

River o fHungry Flame (17th Level Required). You
can sp end 5 ki points to cast wall o f fire.

Rush o f the Gale Spirits. You can spend 2 ki points
to cast gust o f wind.

Pa l a d i n

Clad in plate arm or that gleam s in the sunlight despite
the dust and grim e o f long travel, a hum an lays dow n
her sword and shield and places her hands on a mortally
w ounded man. Divine radiance shines from her hands,
the m an’s w ou n ds knit closed, and his eyes op en w ide
with amazement.

A dw arf crouches behind an outcrop, his black cloak
m aking him nearly invisible in the night, and watches
an orc w ar band celebrating its recent victory. Silently,
he stalks into their midst and w hispers an oath, and tw o
ores are dead before they even realize he is there.

Silver hair shining in a shaft o f light that seem s to
illuminate only him, an elf laughs with exultation. His
spear flashes like his eyes as he jabs again and again
at a tw isted giant, until at last his light ov ercom es its
hideous darkness.

Whatever their origin and their mission, paladins are
united by their oaths to stand against the forces o f evil.
W hether sw orn before a god’s altar and the w itness of
a priest, in a sacred glade before nature spirits and fey
beings, or in a m om ent o f desperation and grief with the
dead as the only w itness, a paladin’s oath is a pow erful
bond. It is a so u rce o f p ow er that turns a devout w arrior
into a blessed champion.

T he C ause of R igh teo u sn ess

A paladin sw ears to uphold justice and righteousness,
to stand with the good things o f the w orld against the
encroaching darkness, and to hunt the forces o f evil
wherever they lurk. Different paladins focus on various
aspects of the cause of righteousness, but all are
bound by the oaths that grant them pow er to do their
sacred work. Although many paladins are devoted to
gods o f good, a paladin’s pow er com es as m uch from a
com m itm en t to ju stice itself as it d o e s from a god.

Paladins train for years to learn the skills o f combat,
mastering a variety o f w eapons and armor. Even so,
their martial skills are secondary to the m agical pow er
they wield: pow er to heal the sick and injured, to smite
the w icked and the undead, and to protect the innocent
and those w ho join them in the fight for justice.

B e y o n d t h e M u n d a n e L ife

Alm ost by definition, the life o f a paladin is an
adventuring life. Unless a lasting injury has taken him
or her away from adventuring for a time, every paladin
lives on the front lines o f the cosm ic struggle against

T h e Pa l a d i n

Level Proficiency Features — Spell Slots per Spell Level— 5th
1st Bonus Divine Sense, Lay on Hands —
2nd +2 Fighting Style, Spellcasting, Divine Smite 1st 2nd 3rd 4th —
3rd +2 Divine Health, Sacred Oath —
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement — — —— —
5th +2 Extra Attack 2 — —— —
6th +3 Aura o f Protection 3 — —— —
7th +3 Sacred Oath feature 3 — —— —
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4 2 —— —
9th +3 — 4 2 —— —
10th +4 Aura o f Courage 4 3 —— —
11th +4 Improved Divine Smite 4 3 —— —
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 2— —
13th +4 — 4 3 2— —
14th +5 Cleansing Touch 4 3 3— —
15th +5 Sacred Oath feature 4 3 3— —
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 31 —
17th +5 — 4 3 31 1
18th +6 Aura improvements 4 3 32 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 32 2
20th +6 Sacred Oath feature 4 3 33 2
+6 4 3 33
4 3 33
4 3 33

evil. Fighters are rare enough am ong the ranks o f the as Torm , Tyr, H eironeou s,
militias and arm ies of the world, but even fewer people Paladine, Kiri-Jolith, D ol
can claim the true calling of a paladin. W hen they do Arrah, the Silver Flame,
receive the call, these w arriors turn from their form er Bahamut, Athena, Re-Horakhty,
occupations and take up arm s to fight evil. S om etim es and Heimdall.
their oaths lead them into the service o f the crow n as
leaders o f elite groups o f knights, but even then their H ow did you experience your call to
loyalty is first to the cau se o f righteousness, not to serve as a paladin? Did you hear a whisper
crow n and country. from an u n seen g od or angel w hile you w ere at
prayer? Did another paladin sense the potential within
Adventuring paladins take their w ork seriously. A you and decide to train you as a squire? Or did som e
delve into an ancient ruin or dusty crypt can be a quest terrible event—the destruction o f your hom e, perhaps—
driven by a higher purpose than the acquisition of drive you to your quests? Perhaps you stum bled into
treasure. Evil lurks in dungeons and primeval forests, a sacred grove or a hidden elven enclave and found
and even the sm allest victory against it can tilt the yourself called to protect all such refuges o f goodness
cosm ic balance away from oblivion. and beauty. Or you might have known from your earliest
m em ories that the paladin’s life w as your calling, alm ost
C r e a t in g a Pa l a d i n as if you had been sent into the w orld with that purpose
stamped on your soul.
Th e m ost im portant aspect o f a paladin character is
the nature of his or her holy quest. Although the class As guardians against the forces of w ickedness,
features related to your oath don't appear until you paladins are rarely o f any evil alignment. M ost of them
reach 3rd level, plan ahead for that choice by reading walk the paths of charity and justice. Consider how your
the oath descriptions at the end o f the class. A re you a alignment colors the way you pursue your holy quest
devoted servant of good, loyal to the gods of justice and and the manner in which you conduct yourself before
honor, a holy knight in shining arm or venturing forth gods and mortals. Your oath and alignment might be
to smite evil? A re you a glorious cham pion o f the light, in harmony, or your oath might represent standards of
cherishing everything beautiful that stands against the behavior that you have not yet attained.
shadow, a knight w hose oath descends from traditions
older than many o f the gods? Or are you an embittered Q u ic k Build
loner sw orn to take vengeance on those w ho have done You can make a paladin quickly by follow ing these
great evil, sent as an angel o f death by the gods or driven suggestions. First, Strength should be your highest
by your need for revenge? A ppendix B lists many deities ability score, follow ed by Charisma. Second, ch oose the
worshiped by paladins throughout the multiverse, such noble background.

C lass Features F ig h t in g St y l e

As a paladin, you gain the follow ing class features. At 2nd level, you adopt a style o f fighting as your
specialty. C h oose one o f the follow ing options. You can’t
H it P o in t s take a Fighting Style option m ore than once, even if you
Hit Dice: 1d10 p er paladin level later get to ch oose again.
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution m odifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d 10 (or 6) + your D efense
W h ile you are w earing armor, you gain a +1 bon u s to AC.
C onstitution m odifier per paladin level after 1st
D u e l in g
P r o f ic ie n c ie s W h en you are w ielding a m elee w eap on in on e hand and
Armor: All armor, shields no other w eapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls
Weapons: Sim ple w eapons, martial weapons with that w eapon.
Tools: None
G reat W e apo n Fig h t in g
Saving Throws: W isdom , Charisma W hen you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you
Skills: C h oose tw o from Athletics, Insight, Intimidation, m ake with a m elee w eapon that you are w ielding with
tw o hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new
Medicine, Persuasion, and Religion roll. The w eapon must have the two-handed or versatile
property for you to gain this benefit.
E q u ip m e n t
You start with the follow ing equipment, in addition to P r o t e c t io n
the equipment granted by your background: W hen a creature you can see attacks a target other
than you that is within 5 feet o f you, you can use your
• (a) a m artial w eap on and a shield or (b) tw o martial reaction to im pose disadvantage on the attack roll.
weapons You must be wielding a shield.

• (a) five javelins or (b) any sim ple m elee w eapon Spellcastin g
• (a) a priest’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack
• Chain mail and a holy symbol By 2nd level, you have learned to draw on divine
m agic through meditation and prayer to cast spells as
D iv ine Sense a cleric does. S e e chapter 10 for the general rules o f
spellcastin g and chapter 11 for the paladin spell list.
T he presence o f strong evil registers on your sen ses like
a noxious odor, and pow erful good rings like heavenly P r e p a r in g a n d C a st in g Spells
m usic in your ears. A s an action, you can open your The Paladin table show s how many spell slots you have
aw areness to detect such forces. Until the end o f your to cast your spells. To cast one o f your paladin spells of
next turn, you know the location o f any celestial, fiend, 1st level or higher, you must expend a slot o f the sp ell’s
or undead within 60 feet o f you that is not behind total level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when
cover. You know the type (celestial, fiend, or undead) o f you finish a long rest.
any bein g w h ose p resen ce you sen se, but not its identity
(the vampire Count Strahd von Zarovich, for instance). You prepare the list o f paladin spells that are available
W ithin the sam e radius, you also detect the presence for you to cast, ch oosin g from the paladin spell list.
o f any place or object that has been consecrated or W hen you do so, ch oose a num ber of paladin spells
desecrated, as w ith the hallow spell. equal to your Charisma modifier + half your paladin
level, rounded dow n (minim um o f one spell). The spells
You can use this feature a num ber of tim es equal to must be o f a level for which you have spell slots.
1 + your Charisma modifier. W hen you finish a long rest,
you regain all expended uses. For example, if you are a 5th-level paladin, you have
four 1st-level and tw o 2nd-level spell slots. W ith a
L ay on H ands C harism a o f 14, your list o f prepared spells can include
four spells o f 1st or 2nd level, in any com bination. If you
Your blessed touch can heal wounds. You have a pool prepare the 1st-level spell cure wounds, you can cast
of healing power that replenishes when you take a long it using a 1st-level or a 2nd-level slot. Casting the spell
rest. With that pool, you can restore a total num ber of d oesn ’t rem ove it from your list o f prepared spells.
hit points equal to your paladin level x 5.
You can change your list o f prepared spells when you
A s an action, you can touch a creature and draw finish a long rest. Preparing a new list o f paladin spells
p ow er from the p o o l to restore a num ber o f hit points requ ires tim e spent in prayer and m editation: at least 1
to that creature, up to the m axim um am ount rem aining m inute per spell level for each spell on your list.
in your pool.
Sp e l l c a s t in g A b il it y
Alternatively, you ca n expend 5 hit points from your Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your paladin
p ool o f healing to cure the target o f one disease or spells, since their pow er derives from the strength of
neutralize on e p oison affecting it. You can cure multiple
diseases and neutralize multiple poisons with a single
use o f Lay on H ands, expending hit points separately
for each one.

This feature has no effect on undead and constructs.

your convictions. You use your Charisma whenever a A b il it y Sco re Im pr o v e m e n t
spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you
use your Charisma m odifier when setting the saving W h en you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th,
throw DC for a paladin spell you cast and when making and 19th level, you can increase one ability score o f your
an attack roll with one. choice by 2, or you can increase tw o ability scores of
your ch oice by 1. A s norm al, you ca n ’t in crease an ability
Spell save D C = 8 + your proficiency bonus + score above 20 using this feature.
your Charisma modifier
Extra A ttack
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +
your Charisma modifier B egin ning at 5th level, you can attack tw ice, instead o f
once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Spe l l c a st in g Fo cu s
You can use a holy sym bol (found in chapter 5) as a A u r a of P ro tectio n
spellcasting focus for your paladin spells.
Starting at 6th level, w hen ever you or a friendly creature
D iv in e Sm ite within 10 feet o f you must m ake a saving throw, the
creature gains a bonus to the saving throw equal to your
Starting at 2nd level, w hen you hit a creature w ith a C harism a m odifier (with a m inim um bon u s o f +1). You
m elee w eapon attack, you can expend one paladin spell must be consciou s to grant this bonus.
slot to deal radiant dam age to the target, in addition to
the w ea p on ’s dam age. T h e extra dam age is 2d 8 for a At 18th level, the range o f this aura in creases to 30 feet.
1st-level sp ell slot, plus 1d8 for each spell level higher
than 1st, to a m axim u m o f 5d8. T h e dam age in creases A ura of C ourage
by 1d8 if the target is an undead or a fiend.
Starting at 10th level, you and friendly creatu res
D ivin e H ealth within 10 feet o f you can’t be frightened w hile you
are conscious.
By 3rd level, the divine m agic flow ing through you
m akes you immune to disease. At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

Sa cr e d O a th Im pro ved D iv in e Sm ite

W hen you reach 3rd level, you sw ear the oath that binds By 11th level, you are so suffused w ith righteous
you as a paladin forever. Up to this time you have been might that all your m elee w eapon strikes carry divine
in a preparatory stage, com m itted to the path but not pow er w ith them. W h en ever you hit a creature with a
yet sw orn to it. N ow you c h o o s e the Oath o f D evotion, m elee w eapon , the creature takes an extra 1d8 radiant
the Oath o f the Ancients, or the Oath of Vengeance, all dam age. If you also use your Divine Sm ite with an
detailed at the end o f the class description. attack, you add this dam age to the extra dam age o f your
Divine Smite.
Your ch oice grants you features at 3rd level and again
at 7th, 15th, and 20th level. T h ose features include oath C lean sin g T ouch
spells and the Channel Divinity feature.
B egin ning at 14th level, you can use your action to
O a t h Spells end one spell on yourself or on one willing creature
Each oath has a list o f associated spells. You gain that you touch.
a c c e s s to th ese spells at the levels sp ecified in the oath
description. O nce you gain access to an oath spell, you You can use this feature a number of times equal
always have it prepared. Oath spells d on ’t count against to your C harism a m odifier (a m inim um o f once). You
the num ber o f spells you can prepare each day. regain expended uses when you finish a long rest.

If you gain an oath spell that d oesn ’t appear on the Sa c r e d O a t h s
paladin sp ell list, the spell is n onetheless a paladin
spell for you. B ecom ing a paladin involves taking vow s that com m it
the paladin to the cause o f righteousness, an active
C h a n n e l D iv in it y path o f fighting w ickedness. The final oath, taken
Your oath allow s you to channel divine energy to fuel w hen he or she reaches 3rd level, is the culm ination
m agical effects. Each Channel Divinity option provided of all the paladin’s training. S om e characters with this
by your oath explains h ow to u se it. class don’t consider them selves true paladins until
they have reached 3rd level and m ade this oath. For
W hen you use your Channel Divinity, you choose others, the actual sw earing of the oath is a formality,
w hich option to use. You must then finish a short or long an official stamp on what has always been true in the
rest to use your Channel Divinity again. paladin’s heart.

S om e Channel Divinity effects require saving throws. O ath of D evo tio n
W hen you use such an effect from this class, the DC
equals your paladin spell save DC. The Oath o f Devotion binds a paladin to the loftiest
ideals o f justice, virtue, and order. Som etim es called
cavaliers, white knights, or holy warriors, these
paladins m eet the ideal o f the knight in shining armor,

acting with honor in pursuit o f justice and the greater B reakin g Yo ur O ath
good. They hold themselves to the highest standards of A paladin tries to hold to the highest standards o f conduct,
conduct, and som e, for better or w orse, hold the rest of but even the most virtuous paladin is fallible. Sometimes
the w orld to the sam e standards. Many w ho sw ear this the right path proves too demanding, sometimes a situation
oath are devoted to gods o f law and good and use their calls for the lesser o f two evils, and sometimes the heat of
gods’ tenets as the m easure o f their devotion. They hold emotion causes a paladin to transgress his or her oath.
angels—the perfect servants o f good—as their ideals,
and incorporate im ages of angelic w ings into their A paladin who has broken a vow typically seeks absolution
helmets or coats of arms. from a cleric who shares his or her faith or from another
paladin of the same order. The paladin might spend an all-
T enets of D e v o t io n night vigil in prayer as a sign o f penitence, or undertake a
Though the exact w ords and strictures o f the Oath of fast or similar act o f self-denial. After a rite o f confession and
D evotion vary, paladins o f this oath share these tenets. forgiveness, the paladin starts fresh.

Honesty. D on ’t lie or cheat. Let your w ord be If a paladin willfully violates his or her oath and shows no
your promise. sign o f repentance, the consequences can be more serious.
At the DM's discretion, an impenitent paladin might be
Courage. Never fear to act, though caution is w ise. forced to abandon this class and adopt another, or perhaps
Compassion. Aid others, protect the weak, and to take the Oathbreaker paladin option that appears in the
punish those w ho threaten them. Show m ercy to your D ungeon M aster's Guide.
foes, but tem per it w ith w isdom .
Honor. Treat others with fairness, and let your reactions. F or its action, it can use only the D ash action
honorable deeds be an example to them. D o as or try to esca p e from an effect that prevents it from
much good as possible while causing the least moving. If there’s nowhere to move, the creature can use
amount of harm. the D odge action.
Duty. B e responsible for your actions and their
consequences, protect those entrusted to your care, A u r a of D e v o t io n
and obey those w ho have just authority over you. Starting at 7th level, you and friendly creatu res w ithin
10 feet o f you ca n ’t be ch a rm ed w hile you are con sciou s.
O a th Spells
You gain oath sp ells at the paladin levels listed. At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

O a t h o f D e v o t io n S p e l l s P u r it y of Sp ir it
B egin ning at 15th level, you are always under the effects
Paladin Level Spells o f a protection from evil and good spell.

3rd protection fro m evil a n d good, sanctu ary H o l y N im b u s
At 20th level, as an action, you can emanate an aura of
5th lesser restoration, zone o f truth sunlight. F or 1 minute, bright light sh in es from you in a
30 -foot radius, and dim light sh in es 30 feet beyon d that.
9th beacon o f hope, dispel m agic
W henever an enem y creature starts its turn in the
13th freedom o f movement, guardian o ffaith bright light, the creature takes 10 radiant dam age.

17th com m une, flam e strike In addition, for the duration, you have advantage on
saving throws against spells cast by fiends or undead.
C h a n n e l D iv in it y
W h en you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the O n ce you use this feature, you ca n ’t use it again until
follow ing tw o Channel Divinity options. you finish a long rest.

Sacred Weapon. As an action, you can imbue one O a th of th e A n cien ts
w eapon that you are holding with positive energy,
using your Channel Divinity. For 1 minute, you add The Oath o f the Ancients is as old as the race o f elves
your Charism a m odifier to attack rolls m ade with that and the rituals o f the druids. Som etim es called fey
w eap on (with a m inim um bon u s o f +1). T h e w ea p on also knights, green knights, or horned knights, paladins w ho
emits bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light 20 sw ear this oath cast their lot with the side o f the light
feet beyon d that. If the w eap on is not already m agical, it in the co sm ic struggle against darkn ess b eca u se they
becom es m agical for the duration. love the beautiful and life-giving things of the world,
not n ecessarily b eca u se they believe in prin ciples o f
You can end this effect on your turn as part o f any honor, courage, and justice. They adorn their arm or and
other action. If you are no longer holding or carrying clothing with im ages o f grow ing things—leaves, antlers,
this w eapon, or if you fall unconscious, this effect ends. or flow ers—to reflect their com m itm ent to preserving
life and light in the world.
Turn the Unholy. A s an action, you present your
holy sym bol and speak a prayer censuring fiends and T en ets of t h e A n c ie n t s
undead, using your Channel Divinity. Each fiend or The tenets of the Oath of the Ancients have been
undead that can see or hear you within 30 feet o f you preserved for uncounted centuries. This oath
must make a W isdom saving throw. If the creature emphasizes the principles of good above any concerns
fails its saving throw, it is turned for 1 m inute or until o f law or chaos. Its four central principles are simple.
it takes dam age.

A turned creature must spend its turns trying to m ove
as far away from you as it can, and it ca n ’t w illingly
m ove to a sp ace w ithin 30 feet o f you. It also ca n ’t take

K indle the Light. T hrough your acts o f mercy, sym bol, and each fey or fiend w ithin 30 feet o f you that
kindness, and forgiveness, kindle the light o f hope in the can hear you must make a W isdom saving throw. On a
world, beating back despair. failed save, the creature is turned for 1 m inute or until it
takes damage.
S h elter the Light. W h ere there is good, beauty, love,
and laughter in the world, stand against the w icked ness A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move
that w ou ld sw a llow it. W h ere life flourishes, stand as far away from you as it can, and it ca n ’t w illingly
against the fo r ce s that w ou ld render it barren. m ove to a sp a ce w ithin 30 feet o f you. It also ca n ’t take
reactions. F or its action, it can use only the D ash action
P reserv e Your Own Light. D elight in son g and or try to esca p e from an effect that prevents it from
laughter, in beauty and art. If you allow the light to die in m oving. If th ere’s now h ere to m ove, the creature can use
your ow n heart, you ca n ’t preserve it in the w orld. the D odge action.

B e the Light. B e a glorious b ea con for all w h o live in If the creatu re’s true form is con cea led by an illusion,
despair. Let the light o f your joy and courage shine forth shapeshifting, or other effect, that form is revealed w hile
in all your deeds. it is turned.

O a t h Spells A u r a of W a r d in g
You gain oath sp ells at the paladin levels listed. B egin ning at 7th level, ancient m agic lies so heavily
u pon you that it form s an eldritch w ard. You and friendly
O ath of t h e A n c ie n t s S pells creatures within 10 feet o f you have resistance to
damage from spells.
Paladin Level Spells
At 18th level, the range o f this aura increases to 30 feet.
3rd e n sn aring strike, speak with anim als
5th m oonbeam , misty step U n d y in g Se n t in e l
9th plant growth, protection from energy Starting at 15th level, w hen you are redu ced to 0 hit
13th ice storm , stoneskin points and are not killed outright, you can ch oose to
17th c o m m u n e with nature, tree stride drop to 1 hit point instead. O n ce you u se this ability, you
ca n ’t u se it again until you finish a lon g rest.
C h a n n e l D iv in it y
W h en you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the Additionally, you suffer none o f the drawbacks o f old
follow ing tw o Channel Divinity options. age, and you can ’t be aged magically.

N ature’s Wrath. You can use your Channel Divinity E lder C h a m p io n
to invoke primeval forces to ensnare a foe. As an action, At 20th level, you can assum e the form o f an ancient
you can cause spectral vines to spring up and reach force of nature, taking on an appearance you choose.
for a creature within 10 feet o f you that you can see. For example, your skin might turn green or take on a
The creature must succeed on a Strength or Dexterity bark-like texture, your hair might becom e leafy or m oss-
saving throw (its choice) or be restrained. W hile like, or you might sprout antlers or a lion-like mane.
restrained by the vines, the creature repeats the saving
th row at the end o f each o f its turns. O n a su ccess, it Using your action, you undergo a transformation.
frees itself and the vines vanish. For 1 minute, you gain the follow ing benefits:

Turn the Faithless. You can use your Channel • At the start o f each o f your turns, you regain 10 hit
Divinity to utter ancient w ords that are painful for fey points.
and fiends to hear. A s an action, you present your holy
• W henever you cast a paladin spell that has a casting
tim e o f 1 action, you can cast it using a bon u s action

• Enem y creatures within 10 feet o f you have disadvan­
tage on saving throws against your paladin spells and
Channel Divinity options.

O nce you u se this feature, you ca n ’t use it again until
you finish a long rest.

O ath of V engeance

The Oath of Vengeance is a solem n com m itm ent to
punish those w ho have com m itted a grievous sin. W hen
evil forces slaughter helpless villagers, when an entire
people turns against the will of the gods, when a thieves’
guild grow s too violent and powerful, when a dragon
ram pages through the cou n tryside—at tim es like these,
paladins arise and swear an Oath o f Vengeance to set
right that w hich has gone wrong. To these paladins—
som etim es called avengers or dark knights—their ow n
purity is not as important as delivering justice.

T enets of V engeance C h a n n e l D iv in it y
The tenets o f the Oath o f Vengeance vary by paladin, but W h en you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the
all the tenets revolve around punishing w rongdoers by follow ing tw o Channel Divinity options.
any m eans necessary. Paladins w ho uphold these tenets
are willing to sacrifice even their own righteousness to A bjure Enemy. A s an action, you present your holy
mete out justice upon those w h o do evil, so the paladins symbol and speak a prayer of denunciation, using your
are often neutral or lawful neutral in alignment. The Channel Divinity. C h oose one creature within 60 feet
core principles of the tenets are brutally simple. o f you that you can see. That creature must m ake a
W isd om saving throw, u nless it is im m une to being
Fight the Greater Evil. F aced w ith a ch oice o f fighting frightened. Fiends and undead have disadvantage on
my sw orn foes or com bating a lesser evil. I ch oose the this saving throw.
greater evil.
On a failed save, the creature is frightened for 1
No Mercy for the Wicked. O rdinary foes m ight w in minute or until it takes any dam age. W h ile frightened,
my mercy, but my sw orn enem ies do not. the creatu re’s sp eed is 0, and it ca n ’t benefit from any
bon u s to its speed.
B y Any Means Necessary. My qualm s can ’t get in the
way of exterminating my foes. On a su ccessfu l save, the creatu re’s sp eed is halved
for 1 minute or until the creature takes any damage.
Restitution. If m y fo e s w rea k ruin on the w orld, it is
because I failed to stop them. I must help those harmed Vow o f Enmity. A s a bonus action, you can utter a vow
by their m isdeeds. o f enmity against a creature you can see within 10 feet
o f you, using your Channel Divinity. You gain advantage
O a t h Spells on attack rolls against the creature for 1 minute or until
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed. it d rops to 0 hit points or falls u n con sciou s.

O ath of V e n g ea n c e S pells R elentless A venger
By 7th level, your supernatural focus helps you close
Paladin Level Spells o ff a fo e ’s retreat. W h en you hit a creature w ith an
3rd bane, hu n te r’s m ark opportunity attack, you can move up to half your
5th hold person, misty step speed immediately after the attack and as part of
9th haste, protection from energy the sam e reaction. This movem ent d oesn ’t provoke
13th banishment, dimension door opportunity attacks.
17th hold monster, scrying
Soul of V engeance
Starting at 15th level, the authority w ith w h ich you
speak your Vow of Enmity gives you greater pow er over
your foe. W hen a creature under the effect o f your Vow
o f Enmity m akes an attack, you can use your reaction to
m ake a m elee w eap on attack against that creature if it is
within range.

A v e n g in g A ngel
At 20th level, you can assum e the form o f an
angelic avenger. Using your action, you undergo a
transformation. For 1 hour, you gain the following

• W ings sprout from your back and grant you a flying
speed o f 60 feet.

• You emanate an aura o f m enace in a 30-foot radius.
The first time any enem y creature enters the aura or
starts its turn there during a battle, the creature m ust
succeed on a W isdom saving throw or becom e fright­
ened o f you for 1 m inute or until it takes any dam age.
Attack rolls against the frightened creature have

O nce you u se this feature, you ca n ’t use it again until
you finish a long rest.


Rough and wild looking,
a human stalks alone
through the shadows of
trees, hunting the ores he
know s are planning a raid
on a nearby farm. Clutching
a shortsw ord in each hand,
he becom es a whirlwind of
steel, cutting dow n one enemy
after another.

After tumbling away from a cone of
freezin g air, an elf finds her feet and draw s
back her b ow to loose an arrow at the white
dragon. Shrugging off the wave of fear that emanates
from the dragon like the cold o f its breath, she sends
one arrow after another to find the gaps betw een the
dragon’s thick scales.

Holding his hand high, a half-elf whistles to the hawk
that circles high above him, calling the bird back to his
side. W hispering instructions in Elvish, he points to
the ow lbea r h e’s b een tracking and sen ds the haw k to
distract the creature while he readies his bow.

Far from the bustle o f cities and towns, past the
hedges that shelter the m ost distant farm s from the
terrors of the wild, amid the dense-packed trees of
trackless forests and across w ide and empty plains,
rangers keep their unending watch.

D eadly H unters

W arriors o f the w ilderness, rangers specialize in
hunting the m onsters that threaten the edges of
civilization—hum anoid raiders, ram paging beasts and
m onstrosities, terrible giants, and deadly dragons. They
learn to track their quarry as a predator does, moving
stealthily through the w ilds and hiding them selves in
brush and rubble. Rangers focus their com bat training
on techniques that are particularly useful against their
specific favored foes.

Thanks to their familiarity with the wilds, rangers
acqu ire the ability to cast spells that h arness nature’s
power, much as a druid does. Their spells, like their
com bat abilities, em phasize speed, stealth, and the hunt.
A ranger’s talents and abilities are h oned w ith deadly
focus on the grim task of protecting the borderlands.

Indepen den t A dventurers

T hough a ranger m ight m ake a living as a hunter, a
guide, or a tracker, a ran ger’s true calling is to defend
the outskirts of civilization from the ravages of monsters
and h um anoid h ordes that p ress in from the w ild. In
som e places, rangers gather in secretive orders or join
forces with druidic circles. Many rangers, though, are
independent alm ost to a fault, k n ow in g that, w hen a
dragon or a band of orc s attacks, a ranger might be the
first—and possibly the last—line o f defense.

This fierce independence m akes rangers w ell suited
to adventuring, since they are accustom ed to life far
from the com forts o f a dry bed and a hot bath. Faced
with city-bred adventurers w ho grouse and whine about
the hardships o f the wild, rangers respond with som e

The Ran g er

Proficiency Spells — Spell Slots per Spell Level—
Bonus Features
Level Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st +2 Favored Enemy, Natural Explorer
2nd +2 Fighting Style, Spellcasting — —— —— —
3rd +2 Ranger Archetype, Primeval Awareness
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 2 2 —— ——
5th +3 Extra Attack
6th +3 Favored Enemy and Natural Explorer improvements 3 3—— ——
7th +3 Ranger Archetype feature
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Land’s Stride 3 3 —— — —
9th +4 —
10th +4 Natural Explorer improvement, Hide in Plain Sight 4 4 2— ——
11th +4 Ranger Archetype feature
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 4 4 2— — —
13th +5 —
14th +5 Favored Enemy improvement, Vanish 5 4 3—— —
15th +5 Ranger Archetype feature
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 5 4 3— — —
17th +6 —
18th +6 Feral Senses 6 4 3 2——
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
+6 Foe Slayer 6 4 3 2 ——
7 4 3 3— —

7 4 3 3——

8 4 3 3 1—

8 4 3 3 1—

9 4 3 3 2—

9 4 3 3 2—

10 4 3 3 3 1

10 4 3 3 3 1

11 4 3 3 3 2

11 4 3 3 3 2

mixture o f amusement, frustration, and com passion. W hat made you join up with a band of adventurers?
But they quickly learn that other adventurers w ho can D o you find it challen ging to teach n ew allies the w ays
carry their ow n w eight in a fight against civilization’s o f the wild, or do you w elcom e the relief from solitude
foes are w orth any extra burden. Coddled city folk might that they offer?
not k n ow h ow to feed them selves or find fresh w ater in
the w ild, but they m ake up for it in other ways. Q u ic k Bu il d
You can make a ranger quickly by following these
C r e a t in g a R a n g e r suggestions. First, make Dexterity your highest ability
score, followed by W isdom. (Som e rangers who focus
A s you create your ranger character, consider the nature on two-w eapon fighting make Strength higher than
o f the training that gave you your particular capabilities. Dexterity.) Second, ch oose the outlander background.
Did you train with a single mentor, wandering the wilds
together until you m astered the ran ger’s w ays? Did you C lass Features
leave your apprenticeship, or w as your mentor slain—
perhaps by the sam e kind of m onster that becam e your As a ranger, you gain the follow ing class features.
favored enemy? Or perhaps you learned your skills as
part o f a band o f rangers affiliated with a druidic circle, H it Po in t s
trained in mystic paths as well as wilderness lore. You Hit Dice: 1d 10 per ranger level
might be self-taught, a recluse w ho learned combat Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution m odifier
skills, tracking, and even a m agical connection to nature Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d 10 (or 6) + your
through the n ecessity o f surviving in the w ilds.
C onstitution m odifier per ranger level after 1st
W hat’s the sou rce o f your particular hatred o f a
certain kind o f enemy? Did a m onster kill som eone P r o f ic ie n c ie s
you loved or destroy your hom e village? Or did you see Armor: Light armor, m edium armor, shields
too much of the destruction these m onsters cause and Weapons: Simple weapons, martial w eapons
com m it y ou rself to reining in their depredations? Is Tools: None
your adventuring career a continuation of your work
in protecting the borderlands, or a significant change? Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
Skills: C hoose three from Anim al Handling,

Athletics, Insight, Investigation, Nature, Perception,
Stealth, and Survival

E q u ip m e n t
You start with the follow ing equipment, in addition to
the equipment granted by your background:

• (a) scale m ail or (b) leather arm or A rchery
• (a) tw o sh ortsw ords or (b) tw o sim ple m elee w eap on s You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with
• (a) a du ng eon eer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack ranged weapons.
• A longbow and a quiver o f 20 arrows
D efense
Fa v o r e d E n e m y W h ile you are w earing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.

B egin ning at 1st level, you have significant experience D u e l in g
studying, tracking, hunting, and even talking to a certain W hen you are w ielding a m elee w eapon in one hand and
type of enemy. no other w eapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls
with that weapon.
C hoose a type o f favored enemy: aberrations,
beasts, celestials, constructs, dragons, elem entals, fey, Tw o -W e a po n F ig h t in g
fiends, giants, m onstrosities, oozes, plants, or undead. W hen you engage in tw o-w eapon fighting, you can add
Alternatively, you can select tw o races o f hum anoid your ability m odifier to the dam age o f the secon d attack.
(such as gnolls and orc s) as favored enem ies.
Spellcastin g
You have advantage on W isdom (Survival) checks to
track your favored enem ies, as w ell as on Intelligence By the time you reach 2nd level, you have learned to
checks to recall information about them. use the m agical essence o f nature to cast spells, much
as a druid does. S ee chapter 10 for the general rules of
W hen you gain this feature, you also learn one sp ellcastin g and chapter 11 for the ranger spell list.
language o f your choice that is spoken by your favored
en em ies, if they sp eak on e at all. Spell Slots
The Ranger table show s how m any spell slots you have
You ch oose one additional favored enemy, as well as to cast your spells o f 1st level and higher. To cast one of
an a ssocia ted language, at 6th and 14th level. A s you these spells, you must expend a slot o f the spell’s level
gain levels, your choices should reflect the types of or higher. You regain all expended spell slots w hen you
monsters you have encountered on your adventures. finish a long rest.

N atu ral Explorer F or exam ple, if you kn ow the 1st-level spell animal
friendship and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot
You are particularly familiar with one type of natural available, you can cast animal friendship using either slot.
environm ent and are adept at traveling and surviving in
such regions. C hoose one type o f favored terrain: arctic, S p e l l s K n o w n o f 1s t L e v e l a n d H i g h e r
coast, desert, forest, grassland, mountain, swamp, You know tw o 1st-level spells o f your ch oice from the
or the Underdark. W hen you make an Intelligence or ranger spell list.
W isdom check related to your favored terrain, your
proficiency bonus is doubled if you are using a skill that The Spells Know n colum n o f the Ranger table show s
you ’re proficient in. w hen you learn m ore ranger spells o f your choice. Each
o f these spells must be o f a level for which you have
W hile traveling for an hour or m ore in your favored
terrain, you gain the follow ing benefits:

• Difficult terrain d oesn ’t slow your grou p’s travel.
• Your group can’t becom e lost except by magical

• Even w hen you are engaged in another activity while

traveling (such as foraging, navigating, or tracking),
you remain alert to danger.
• If you are traveling alone, you can m ove stealthily at
a normal pace.
• W hen you forage, you find tw ice as much food as you
normally would.
• W hile tracking other creatures, you also learn their
exact number, their sizes, and how long ago they
passed through the area.

You c h o o s e additional favored terrain types at 6th
and 10th level.

F ig h t in g St y l e

At 2nd level, you adopt a particular style o f fighting as
your specialty. C hoose one of the following options.
You can’t take a Fighting Style option m ore than once,
even if you later get to ch oose again.

spell slots. For instance, w hen you reach 5th level in this A b il it y Sco re Im pr o v e m e n t
class, you can learn one new spell o f 1st or 2nd level.
W h en you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th,
Additionally, w hen you gain a level in this class, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score o f your
you can ch oose one o f the ranger spells you know choice by 2, or you can increase tw o ability scores of
and rep lace it w ith another spell from the ranger your ch oice by 1. A s norm al, you ca n ’t in crease an ability
spell list, w hich also m ust be o f a level for w hich you score above 20 using this feature.
have spell slots.
Extra A ttack
Sp e l l c a st in g A b il it y
W isdom is your spellcasting ability for your ranger B egin n in g at 5th level, you ca n attack tw ice, instead o f
spells, since your m agic draws on your attunement to once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
nature. You use your W isdom whenever a spell refers
to your sp ellcastin g ability. In addition, you u se your L a n d ’s S t r i d e
W isdom m odifier w hen setting the saving throw DC for
a ranger spell you cast and when making an attack roll Starting at 8th level, m oving through n onm agical
with one. difficult terrain costs you no extra movement. You can
also pass through nonm agical plants without being
Spell save D C = 8 + your proficiency bonus + slowed by them and without taking dam age from them if
your Wisdom modifier they have thorns, spines, or a similar hazard.

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + In addition, you have advantage on saving throws
your Wisdom modifier against plants that are m agically created or manipulated
to im pede movement, such those created by the
R anger A rchetype entangle spell.

At 3rd level, you ch oose an archetype that you strive H ide in P l a in Sig h t
to emulate: Hunter or B east Master, both detailed at
the end of the class description. Your choice grants Starting at 10th level, you can sp en d 1 m inute creating
you features at 3rd level and again at 7th, 11th, cam ouflage for yourself. You must have access to fresh
and 15th level. mud, dirt, plants, soot, and other naturally occu rrin g
materials with which to create your camouflage.
P rim eval A wareness
O nce you are cam ouflaged in this way, you can try
B egin n in g at 3rd level, you can use your action and to hide by pressing yourself up against a solid surface,
expend one ranger spell slot to focus your awareness on such as a tree or w all, that is at least as tall and w ide
the region around you. For 1 minute per level o f the spell as you are. You gain a +10 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth)
slot you expend, you can sense whether the following checks as long as you remain there without moving or
types of creatures are present within 1 mile of you (or taking actions. Once you move or take an action or a
within up to 6 m iles if you are in your favored terrain): reaction, you must cam ouflage yourself again to gain
aberrations, celestials, dragons, elem entals, fey, fiends, this benefit.
and undead. This feature d oesn ’t reveal the creatures’
location or number. Van ish

Starting at 14th level, you can u se the H ide action as a
bonus action on your turn. Also, you can’t be tracked by
nonm agical m eans, unless you ch oose to leave a trail.

F er a l Senses

At 18th level, you gain preternatural sen ses that help
you fight creatures you can’t see. W hen you attack a
creature you ca n ’t see, your inability to see it d oesn ’t
im p ose disadvantage on your attack rolls against it.

You are also aware o f the location o f any invisible
creature within 30 feet o f you, provided that the
creature isn’t hidden from you and you aren’t
blinded or deafened.

Foe Slayer

At 20th level, you b ecom e an unparalleled hunter o f your
enemies. Once on each of your turns, you can add your
W isdom m odifier to the attack roll or the dam age roll of
an attack you make against one o f your favored enemies.
You can ch oose to use this feature before or after the
roll, but before any effects of the roll are applied.

Ranger A rchetypes if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half
d am age if you fail.
The ideal o f the ranger has two classic expressions: the
Hunter and the Beast Master. Stand Against the Tide. W h en a hostile creature
m isses you with a m elee attack, you can use your reaction
H u n ter to force that creature to repeat the sam e attack against
another creature (other than itself) of your choice.
Emulating the Hunter archetype m eans accepting your
place as a bulwark between civilization and the terrors Uncanny Dodge. W h en an attacker that you can see
o f the w ildern ess. A s you w alk the H unter’s path, you hits you w ith an attack, you can use your reaction to
learn specialized techniques for fighting the threats halve the attack’s dam age against you.
you face, from ram paging ogres and hordes o f orc s to
towering giants and terrifying dragons. B east M aster

H u n t e r ’s P r e y The Beast Master archetype em bodies a friendship
At 3rd level, you gain one o f the follow ing features between the civilized races and the beasts o f the world.
of your choice. United in focus, beast and ranger w ork as one to fight
the m onstrous foes that threaten civilization and the
Colossus Slayer. Y our tenacity can w ear dow n w ilderness alike. Emulating the Beast M aster archetype
the m ost potent foes. W hen you hit a creature with a m eans com m itting y ou rself to this ideal, w ork in g in
w eap on attack, the creature takes an extra 1d8 dam age partnership with an anim al as its com panion and friend.
if it’s b elow its hit point m axim um . You can deal this
extra dam age only on ce per turn. R a n g e r ’s C o m p a n io n
At 3rd level, you gain a beast com panion that
Giant Killer. W h en a Large or larger creature w ithin accom panies you on your adventures and is trained to
5 feet o f you hits or m isses you with an attack, you can fight alongside you. C hoose a beast that is no larger than
use your reaction to attack that creature im mediately M edium and that has a challenge rating o f 1/4 or low er
after its attack, provided that you can see the creature. (appendix D presents statistics for the hawk, mastiff,
and panther as examples). Add your proficiency bonus
Horde Breaker. O nce on each o f your turns w hen you to the beast’s AC, attack rolls, and dam age rolls, as w ell
make a w eapon attack, you can make another attack as to any saving th row s and skills it is proficient in. Its
with the sam e w eapon against a different creature that hit point m axim u m equals its n orm al m axim u m or four
is within 5 feet of the original target and within range tim es your ranger level, w hichever is higher.
of your weapon.
The beast obeys your com m a n d s as best as it can. It
D e fe n siv e T a c t ic s takes its turn on your initiative, though it d oesn ’t take an
At 7th level, you gain one o f the follow ing features action u n less you com m a n d it to. O n your turn, you can
o f your choice. verbally com m and the beast w here to m ove (no action
required by you). You can use your action to verbally
Escape the Horde. O pportunity attacks against you com m a n d it to take the Attack, Dash, D isengage, D odge,
are made with disadvantage. or Help action. O nce you have the Extra Attack feature,
you can make one w eapon attack yourself when you
Multiattack Defense. W h en a creature hits you com m and the beast to take the Attack action.
with an attack, you gain a +4 bonus to AC against
all subsequent attacks m ade by that creature for the W hile traveling through your favored terrain with only
rest o f the turn. the beast, you can m ove stealthily at a n orm al pace.

Steel Will. You have advantage on saving throw s If the beast dies, you can obtain another one by
against being frightened. spending 8 hours magically bonding with another beast
that isn’t hostile to you, either the sam e type o f beast as
M u l t ia t t a c k before or a different one.
At 11th level, you gain on e o f the follow in g features
of your choice. Ex c e p t io n a l T r a in in g
B egin ning at 7th level, on any o f your turns w hen
Volley. You can u se your action to m ake a ranged your beast com panion d oesn ’t attack, you can use a
attack against any num ber o f creatures w ithin 10 feet bonus action to com m and the beast to take the Dash,
o f a point you can see w ithin your w ea p on ’s range. You D isengage, D odge, or Help action on its turn.
must have am munition for each target, as normal, and
you m ake a separate attack roll for each target. B e st ia l F u ry
Starting at 11th level, your beast com p a n ion can
Whirlwind Attack. You can use your action to m ake a m ake tw o attacks w hen you com m a n d it to u se the
m elee attack against any number o f creatures within 5 Attack action.
feet o f you, with a separate attack roll for each target.
Sh a r e Spells
Su p e r io r H u n t e r ’s D efen se B egin ning at 15th level, w hen you cast a spell targeting
At 15th level, you gain one o f the follow ing features yourself, you can also affect your beast com panion with
o f your choice. the spell if the beast is within 30 feet of you.

Evasion. You can nim bly d odge out o f the w ay o f
certain area effects, su ch as a red dragon ’s fiery breath
or a lightning bolt spell. W h en you are su bjected to an
effect that allow s you to make a Dexterity saving throw
to take only half damage, you instead take no damage


Signaling for her com panions to wait, a halfling creeps
forward through the dungeon hall. She presses an ear
to the door, then pulls out a set o f tools and picks the
lock in the blink o f an eye. Then sh e disappears into
the shadow s as her fighter friend m oves forward to kick
the door open.

A hum an lurks in the shadow s o f an alley w hile his
accom plice prepares for her part in the ambush. W hen
their target—a notorious slaver—passes the alleyway,
the accom plice cries out, the slaver com es to investigate,
and the assa ssin ’s blade cuts his throat before he can
make a sound.

Suppressing a giggle, a gnom e w aggles her fingers
and m agically lifts the key ring from the guard’s belt.
In a moment, the keys are in her hand, the cell door is
open, and she and her com panions are free to make
their escape.

R ogues rely on skill, stealth, and their fo e s’
vulnerabilities to get the upper hand in any situation.
They have a knack for finding the solution to just about
any problem, demonstrating a resourcefulness and
versatility that is the cornerstone o f any successful
adventuring party.

Sk il l a n d P recisio n

R ogues devote as much effort to mastering the use of
a variety o f skills as they do to perfecting their com bat
abilities, giving them a broad expertise that few other
characters can match. Many rogues focus on stealth and
deception, w hile others refine the skills that help them
in a dungeon environment, such as climbing, finding and
disarm ing traps, and opening locks.

W h en it co m e s to com bat, rogu es prioritize cun ning
over brute strength. A rogue w ould rather make one
p recise strike, placing it exactly w here the attack w ill
hurt the target most, than w ear an opponent down
with a barrage of attacks. R ogues have an almost
supernatural knack for avoiding danger, and a few learn
m agical tricks to supplement their other abilities.

A Sh a d y L ivin g

Every tow n and city has its share o f rogues. M ost o f
them live up to the w orst stereotypes o f the class,
m aking a living as burglars, assassins, cutpurses, and
con artists. Often, these scoundrels are organized
into thieves’ guilds or crim e families. Plenty o f rogues
operate independently, but even they som etim es
recruit apprentices to help them in their scam s
and heists. A few rogues make an honest living as

Th e Ro g u e

Level Proficiency Sneak Features
1st Bonus Attack Expertise, Sneak Attack,
Thieves’ Cant
+2 1d6 Cunning Action
Roguish Archetype
2nd +2 1d6 Ability Score Improvement
3rd +2 2d6 Uncanny Dodge
4th +2 2d6 Expertise
5th +3 3d6 Evasion
6th +3 3d6 Ability Score Improvement
7th +3 4d6 Roguish Archetype feature
8th +3 4d6 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 5d6 Reliable Talent
10th +4 5d6 Ability Score Improvement
11th +4 6d6 Roguish Archetype feature
12th +4 6d6 Blindsense
13th +5 7d6 Slippery Mind
14th +5 7d6 Ability Score Improvement
15th +5 8d6 Roguish Archetype feature
16th +5 8d6 Elusive
17th +6 9d6 Ability Score Improvement
18th +6 9d6 Stroke o f Luck
19th +6 10 d6
20th +6 10 d6

locksm iths, investigators, or exterminators, which can Q u ic k Build
be a dangerous jo b in a w orld w here dire rats—and You can make a rogue quickly by following
wererats—haunt the sew ers. these suggestions. First. Dexterity should
be your highest ability score. Make
A s adventurers, rogu es fall on both sides o f the law. Intelligence your next-highest if you want to
S om e are hardened crim inals w ho decide to seek excel at Investigation or plan to take up the
their fortune in treasure hoards, w hile others take up Arcane Trickster archetype. C hoose Charisma
a life o f adventure to e sca p e from the law. S o m e have instead if you plan to em phasize deception and social
learned and perfected their skills with the explicit interaction. Second, choose the charlatan background.
purpose o f infiltrating ancient ruins and hidden crypts
in search o f treasure. C lass Features

C r eatin g a R ogue As a rogue, you have the following class features.

As you create your rogue character, consider the H it Points
character’s relationship to the law. D o you have a Hit Dice: 1d8 per rogue level
crim inal past—or present? Are you on the run from the Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution m odifier
law or from an angry thieves’ guild master? Or did you Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your
leave your guild in sea rch o f bigger risks and bigger
rew ards? Is it greed that drives you in your adventures, Constitution m odifier p er rogu e level after 1st
or som e other desire or ideal?
P roficien cies
W hat w as the trigger that led you away from your Armor: Light arm or
previous life? Did a great con or heist gone terribly Weapons: Simple weapons, hand crossbow s,
w rong cause you to reevaluate your career? Maybe
you w ere lucky and a successful robbery gave you the longsw ords, rapiers, shortsw ords
coin you needed to escape the squalor o f your life. Tools: Thieves’ tools
Did wanderlust finally call you away from your hom e?
Perhaps you suddenly found yourself cut off from your Saving Throws: Dexterity. Intelligence
family or your mentor, and you had to find a new m eans Skills: C hoose four from Acrobatics, Athletics,
of support. Or maybe you m ade a new friend—another
m em ber o f your adventuring party—w h o sh ow ed you Deception. Insight, Intimidation, Investigation,
new possibilities for earning a living and employing Perception, Perform ance. Persuasion, Sleight of
your particular talents. Hand, and Stealth

E q u ip m e n t people in an area are easy m arks or w ill provide a safe
You start with the follow ing equipment, in addition to house for thieves on the run.
the equipment granted by your background:
C u n n in g A ctio n
• (a) a rapier or (b) a sh ortsw ord
• (a) a sh ortbow and quiver o f 20 arrow s or (b) a Starting at 2nd level, your quick thinking and agility
allow you to m ove and act quickly. You can take a
sh ortsw ord bonus action on each o f your turns in combat. This
• (a) a bu rglar’s pack, (b) a du n g eon eer’s pack, or (c) an action can be used only to take the Dash, Disengage,
or Hide action.
explorer’s pack
• Leather armor, two daggers, and thieves’ tools R oguish A rch etype

E xpertise At 3rd level, you ch oose an archetype that you emulate
in the exercise o f your rogue abilities: Thief, A ssassin,
At 1st level, ch oose tw o o f your skill proficiencies, or or A rca n e Trickster, all detailed at the end o f the class
one of your skill proficiencies and your proficiency with description. Your archetype choice grants you features
thieves’ tools. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any at 3rd level and then again at 9th, 13th, and 17th level.
ability check you m ake that uses either o f the chosen
proficiencies. A bility Score Im pro vem ent

At 6th level, you can ch oose tw o m ore o f your W h en you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 10th, 12th,
proficiencies (in skills or with thieves’ tools) to gain 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score
this benefit. o f your choice by 2, or you can increase tw o ability
s c o r e s o f your ch oice by 1. A s norm al, you ca n ’t in crease
Sn e a k A t t a c k an ability score above 20 using this feature.

B egin n in g at 1st level, you k n ow h ow to strike subtly U n can n y D odge
and exploit a foe’s distraction. O nce per turn, you can
deal an extra 1d6 dam age to on e creature you hit w ith Starting at 5th level, w hen an attacker that you can see
an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll. The hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to
attack must use a finesse or a ranged weapon. halve the attack’s dam age against you.

You don’t need advantage on the attack roll if another Evasio n
enem y o f the target is w ithin 5 feet o f it, that enem y
isn’t incapacitated, and you d on ’t have disadvantage on B egin ning at 7th level, you can nim bly d od g e out o f the
the attack roll. way o f certain area effects, such as a red dragon’s fiery
breath or an ice storm spell. W h en you are subjected
The amount of the extra damage increases as you to an effect that allow s you to m ake a Dexterity saving
gain levels in this class, as show n in the S n eak Attack throw to take only half damage, you instead take no
colum n o f the R ogue table. damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only
h alf dam age if you fail.
T h ie v e s’ C a n t
R eliable T a l e n t
During your rogue training you learned thieves’ cant, a
secret m ix o f dialect, jargon, and cod e that allow s you to By 11th level, you have refined your ch osen skills until
hide m essages in seem ingly norm al conversation. Only they approach perfection. W henever you m ake an ability
another creature that know s thieves’ cant understands check that lets you add your proficiency bonus, you can
such m essa ges. It takes four tim es longer to convey such treat a d 2 0 roll o f 9 or low er as a 10.
a m essa ge than it d oes to sp eak the sam e idea plainly.
B lin d sen se
In addition, you understand a set o f secret signs and
sym bols used to convey short, simple m essages, such Starting at 14th level, if you are able to hear, you are
as whether an area is dangerous or the territory of a aware of the location of any hidden or invisible creature
thieves’ guild, whether loot is nearby, or whether the within 10 feet o f you.

Slipper y M ind

By 15th level, you have acquired greater mental
strength. You gain proficiency in W isdom saving throws.

E lu sive

B egin ning at 18th level, you are s o evasive that
attackers rarely gain the upper hand against you. No
attack roll has advantage against you w hile you aren’t

St r o k e of L u c k s e co n d turn at your initiative m inus 10. You c a n ’t use
this feature when you are surprised.
At 20th level, you have an uncanny knack for succeeding
w hen you need to. If your attack m isses a target within A ssassin
range, you can turn the m iss into a hit. Alternatively, if
you fail an ability check, you can treat the d20 roll as a 20. You focus your training on the grim art of death. T hose
w ho adhere to this archetype are diverse: hired killers,
O n ce you u se this feature, you ca n ’t u se it again until spies, bounty hunters, and even specially anointed
you finish a short or long rest. priests trained to exterm inate the en em ies o f their deity.
Stealth, poison, and disguise help you eliminate your
Roguish A rchetypes foes with deadly efficiency.

R ogues have many features in com m on, including their B o n u s P r o f ic ie n c ie s
emphasis on perfecting their skills, their precise and W h en you c h o o s e this archetype at 3rd level, you gain
deadly approach to combat, and their increasingly quick proficiency w ith the disgu ise kit and the p o is o n e r’s kit.
reflexes. But different rogues steer those talents in
varying directions, em bodied by the rogue archetypes. A ssa ssin ate
Your choice of archetype is a reflection of your focus— Starting at 3rd level, you are at your deadliest w hen you
not n ecessarily an indication o f your chosen profession, get the drop on your enemies. You have advantage on
but a description of your preferred techniques. attack rolls against any creature that hasn’t taken a turn
in the com bat yet. In addition, any hit you score against
T h ief a creature that is su rprised is a critical hit.

You hone your skills in the larcenous arts. Burglars, In f il t r a t io n E xp e r tise
bandits, cutpurses, and other crim inals typically follow Starting at 9th level, you can unfailingly create false
this archetype, but so do rogues w ho prefer to think of identities for yourself. You must spend seven days and
themselves as professional treasure seekers, explorers, 25 gp to establish the history, profession, and affiliations
delvers, and investigators. In addition to im proving your for an identity. You ca n ’t establish an identity that
agility and stealth, you learn skills useful for delving into belongs to som eone else. For example, you might acquire
ancient ruins, reading unfamiliar languages, and using appropriate clothing, letters of introduction, and official-
m agic item s you n orm ally cou ld n ’t employ. looking certification to establish yourself as a m em ber of
a trading house from a remote city so you can insinuate
Fa s t H a n d s yourself into the com pany of other wealthy merchants.
Starting at 3rd level, you can u se the bon u s action
granted by your Cunning Action to make a Dexterity Thereafter, if you adopt the new identity as a disguise,
(Sleight o f H and) check, use your thieves’ tools to other creatures believe you to be that person until given
disarm a trap or open a lock, or take the U se an an obvious reason not to.
Object action.
Im po sto r
Se c o n d -S t o r y W o r k At 13th level, you gain the ability to unerringly m im ic
W h en you c h o o s e this archetype at 3rd level, you gain another p erson ’s speech, writing, and behavior.
the ability to clim b faster than norm al; clim bing no You must spend at least three hours studying
longer costs you extra movement. these three com pon en ts o f the p e rso n ’s behavior,
listening to speech, exam ining handwriting, and
In addition, w hen you m ake a running jum p, the observing mannerisms.
distance you cover increases by a num ber of feet equal
to your Dexterity modifier. Your ruse is indiscernible to the casual observer. If a
wary creature suspects som ething is am iss, you have
Su p r e m e Sn e a k advantage on any Charisma (Deception) check you make
Starting at 9th level, you have advantage on a Dexterity to avoid detection.
(Stealth) check if you m ove no m ore than half your
speed on the sam e turn. D e a t h St r ik e
Starting at 17th level, you b e c o m e a m aster o f instant
U se M a g ic D e v ic e death. W h en you attack and hit a creature that is
By 13th level, you have learned enough about the su rprised, it must m ake a Constitution saving throw
w orkings o f m agic that you can im provise the use of (DC 8 + your Dexterity modifier + your proficiency
items even w hen they are not intended for you. You bonus). On a failed save, double the damage of your
ignore all class, race, and level requirem ents on the use attack against the creature.
of m agic items.
A rcan e T rickster
T h ie f ’s R e f l e x e s
W h en you reach 17th level, you have b e c o m e adept at S om e rogues enhance their fine-honed skills o f stealth
laying am bushes and quickly escaping danger. You can and agility with magic, learning tricks o f enchantment
take tw o turns during the first round o f any com bat. You and illusion. T hese rogues include pickpockets and
take your first turn at your n orm al initiative and your burglars, but also pranksters, mischief-m akers, and a
significant number of adventurers.

Spe l lc a stin g A r c a n e T r ic k s t e r S p e l l c a s t in g
W hen you reach 3rd level, you gain the ability to
cast spells. S ee chapter 10 for the general rules of Rogue Cantrips Spells — Spell Slots per Spell Level—
sp ellcastin g and chapter 11 for the w izard spell list. Level Known Known
3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Cantrips. You learn three cantrips: mage hand and 4th 3 3
two other cantrips of your choice from the wizard spell 5th 3 4 2— — —
list. You learn another w izard cantrip o f your choice 6th 3 4
at 10th level. 7th 3 4 3— — —
8th 3 5
Spell Slots. The A rcan e Trickster Spellcasting 9th 3 6 3— — —
table show s how many spell slots you have to cast 10th 3 6
your spells o f 1st level and higher. To cast one o f these 11th 4 7 3— — —
spells, you must expend a slot o f the spell's level or 12th 4 8
higher. You regain all expended spell slots w hen you 13th 4 8 4 2— —
finish a long rest. 14th 4 9
15th 4 10 4 2— —
For exam ple, if you kn ow the 1st-level spell charm 16th 4 10
person and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot 17th 4 11 4 2— —
available, you can cast charm person using either slot. 18th 4 11
19th 4 11 4 3— —
Spells Known o f 1st-Level and Higher. You know 20th 4 12
three 1st-level w izard spells o f your ch oice, tw o o f w hich 4 13 4 3— —
you must ch oose from the enchantment and illusion
spells on the w izard spell list. 4 3— —

The Spells Known colum n of the Arcane Trickster 4 3 2—
Spellcasting table show s w hen you learn m ore wizard
spells o f 1st level or higher. Each of these spells must 4 3 2—
be an enchantment or illusion spell of your choice, and
must be o f a level for which you have spell slots. For 4 3 2—
instance, w hen you reach 7th level in this class, you can
learn one new spell o f 1st or 2nd level. 4 3 3—

The sp ells you learn at 8th, 14th, and 20th level can 4 3 3—
com e from any school of magic.
4 3 3—
W henever you gain a level in this class, you can
replace one o f the w izard spells you know with another 4331
spell o f your ch oice from the w izard spell list. The
new spell must be o f a level for which you have spell 4 331
slots, and it must be an enchantm ent or illusion spell,
unless y ou ’re replacin g the spell you gained at 8th, 14th, You can perform one of these tasks without being
or 20th level. noticed by a creature if you succeed on a Dexterity
(Sleight o f H and) ch eck contested by the creatu re’s
Spellcasting Ability. Intelligence is your spellcasting W isdom (Perception) check.
ability for your w izard spells, since you learn your
spells through dedicated study and memorization. In addition, you can u se the bon u s action granted by
You use your Intelligence w henever a spell refers to your Cunning Action to control the hand.
your spellcastin g ability. In addition, you use your
Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw M ag ical A mbush
DC for a w izard spell you cast and when m aking an Starting at 9th level, if you are hidden from a
attack roll with one. creature w hen you cast a spell on it, the creature has
disadvantage on any saving th row it m akes against the
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + spell this turn.
your Intelligence modifier
V ersatile T rick ster
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + At 13th level, you gain the ability to distract targets with
your Intelligence modifier your mage hand. A s a bon us action on your turn, you can
designate a creature within 5 feet of the spectral hand
M a g e H a n d L egerdem ain created by the spell. D oing so gives you advantage on
Starting at 3rd level, w hen you cast mage hand, you can attack rolls against that creature until the end of the turn.
make the spectral hand invisible, and you can perform
the follow in g additional tasks w ith it: Spell T hief
At 17th level, you gain the ability to m agically
• You can stow one object the hand is h olding in a steal the knowledge o f how to cast a spell from
container worn or carried by another creature. another spellcaster.

• You can retrieve an object in a container w orn or Immediately after a creature casts a spell that targets
carried by another creature. you or includes you in its area o f effect, you can u se your
reaction to force the creature to make a saving throw
• You can use thieves’ tools to pick locks and disarm with its spellcasting ability modifier. The D C equals
traps at range. your spell save DC. On a failed save, you negate the
spell’s effect against you, and you steal the knowledge
o f the spell if it is at least 1st level and o f a level you can
cast (it d oesn ’t n eed to be a w izard spell). F or the next
8 hours, you kn ow the spell and can cast it using your
spell slots. The creature can’t cast that spell until the
8 hours have passed.

O nce you use this feature, you ca n ’t u se it again until
you finish a long rest.


Golden eyes flashing, a human
stretches out her hand and unleashes
the dragonfire that bu rns in her veins.
As an inferno rages around her foes,
leathery w ings spread from her back and
she takes to the air.

Long hair w hipped by a conjured wind,
a half-elf spreads his arms wide and throws
his head back. Lifting him momentarily off
the ground, a wave o f m agic surges up in him,
through him, and out from him in a mighty blast
o f lightning.

Crouching behind a stalagmite, a halfling points a
finger at a chargin g troglodyte. A blast o f fire springs
from her finger to strike the creature. She ducks back
behind the rock form ation with a grin, unaware that her
wild m agic has turned her skin bright blue.

Sorcerers carry a m agical birthright conferred
upon them by an exotic bloodline, som e otherworldly
influence, or exposure to unknow n cosm ic forces.
O ne c a n ’t study s o r c e ry as on e learn s a language, any
m ore than one can learn to live a legendary life. No one
ch ooses sorcery; the pow er ch ooses the sorcerer.

R aw M agic

Magic is a part o f every sorcerer, suffusing body, mind,
and spirit with a latent pow er that waits to be tapped.
S om e sorcerers w ield m agic that springs from an
ancient bloodline infused with the m agic o f dragons.
Others carry a raw, uncontrolled m agic w ithin them,
a chaotic storm that m anifests in unexpected ways.

The appearance of sorcerous pow ers is wildly
unpredictable. S om e draconic bloodlines produce
exactly one sorcerer in every generation, but in other
lines of descent every individual is a sorcerer. Most
o f the time, the talents o f sorcery appear as apparent
flukes. S om e sorcerers can’t nam e the origin o f their
pow er, w hile others trace it to strange events in their
ow n lives. The touch o f a demon, the blessing of a
dryad at a baby’s birth, or a taste o f the w ater from
a mysterious spring might spark the gift o f sorcery.
S o too might the gift o f a deity o f m agic, exposure
to the elemental forces o f the Inner Planes or the
m addening chaos o f Lim bo, or a glim pse into the
inner w orkings o f reality.

Sorcerers have no use for the spellbooks and ancient
tom es o f m agic lore that w izards rely on, nor do they
rely on a patron to grant their spells as w arlocks do.
By learning to harness and channel their ow n inborn
m agic, they can discover new and staggering ways
to unleash that power.

U n explain ed Pow ers

S o rce re rs are rare in the w orld, and it’s unusual to find
a sorcerer w ho is not involved in the adventuring life
in som e way. P eople with m agical p ow er seething in
their veins soon discover that the pow er d oesn ’t like to
stay quiet. A sorcerer’s m agic wants to be w ielded, and
it has a tendency to spill out in unpredictable w ays if
it isn’t called on.

The So rcerer

Proficiency Sorcery Cantrips Spells — Spell Slots per Spell Level—
Known Known
Level Bonus Points Features 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st Spellcasting, Sorcerous 4 2 2— — — — — — — —
+2 —
2nd 4 3
3rd Origin 4 4
4th 5 5
5th +2 2 Font o f Magic 5 6 3— — — — — —— —
6th 5 7 4 2— — — — —— —
7th +2 3 Metamagic 5 8 4 3— — — — —— —
8th 5 9 4 3 2— — — —— —
9th +2 4 Ability Score Improvement 5 10 4 3 3— — — —— —
10th 6 11 4 3 3 1— — —— —
11th +3 5 — 6 12 4 3 3 2— — —— —
12th 6 12
13th +3 6 Sorcerous Origin feature 6 13
14th 6 13
15th +3 7 — 6 14
16th 6 14
17th +3 8 Ability Score Improvement 6 15
18th 6 15
19th +4 9 — 6 15 4 3 3 3 1— ———
20th 6 15
+4 10 Metamagic 4 3 3 3 2—— — —

+4 11 — 4 3 3 3 2 1—— —

+4 12 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 3 3 2 1 — ——

+5 13 — 4 3 3 3 2 1 1——

+5 14 Sorcerous Origin feature 4 3 3 3 2 1 1——

+5 15 — 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1—

+5 16 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1—

+6 17 Metamagic 4 3332 1111

+6 18 Sorcerous Origin feature 433331111

+6 19 Ability Score Improvement 433332111

+6 20 Sorcerous Restoration 4 333322 11

Sorcerers often links you to a pow erful individual in the w orld—the fey
have obscure or quixotic creature that blessed you at birth, the dragon w h o put
motivations driving them a drop of its blood into your veins, the lich w ho created
to adventure. S om e seek a greater you as an experiment, or the deity w ho chose you to
understanding o f the m agical force that infuses carry this power.
them, or the answ er to the mystery o f its origin. Others
hope to find a w ay to get rid o f it, or to unleash its full Q u ic k Bu il d
potential. W hatever their goals, sorcerers are every bit You can make a sorcerer quickly by following these
as useful to an adventuring party as w izards, m aking suggestions. First, Charisma should be your highest
up for a com parative lack of breadth in their m agical ability score, follow ed by Constitution. Second,
knowledge with enorm ous flexibility in using the choose the hermit background. Third, ch oose the
spells they know. light, prestidigitation, ray o f frost, and shocking grasp
cantrips, along with the 1st-level spells shield and
C reatin g a Sorcerer magic missile.

The m ost important question to consider when creating C lass Features
your sorcerer is the origin o f your power. A s a starting
character, you'll ch oose an origin that ties to a draconic As a sorcerer, you gain the follow ing class features.
bloodline or the influence o f wild magic, but the exact
so u rce o f your pow er is up to you to decide. Is it a fam ily H it Po in t s
curse, passed dow n to you from distant ancestors? Or Hit Dice: 1d6 per sorcerer level
did som e extraordinary event leave you blessed with Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution m odifier
inherent m agic but perhaps scarred as well? Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your

H ow do you feel about the magical pow er coursing Constitution m odifier per sorcerer level after 1st
through you? D o you em brace it, try to m aster it, or
revel in its unpredictable nature? Is it a b lessin g or P r o f ic ie n c ie s
a cu rse? D id you seek it out, or did it find you? Did Armor: None
you have the option to refuse it, and do you w ish you Weapons: Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs,
had? W hat do you intend to do w ith it? Perhaps you
feel like you ’ve been given this p ow er for so m e lofty light crossbow s
purpose. Or you might decide that the pow er gives you Tools: None
the right to do what you want, to take what you want
from those w ho lack such power. Perhaps your power Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma
Skills: C h oose tw o from Arcana, D eception, Insight,

Intimidation, Persuasion, and Religion

Eq u ipm en t Spe l l c a st in g Focu s
You start with the follow ing equipment, in addition to You can use an arcane focus (found in chapter 5) as a
the equipment granted by your background: spellcasting focus for your sorcerer spells.

• (a) a light c ro s s b o w and 20 bolts or (b) any sim ple S o r cer o u s O r ig in
Choose a sorcerous origin, which describes the
• (a) a com pon en t p ou ch or (b) an arcane focu s source o f your innate m agical power: D raconic
• (a) a du ng eon eer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack B lood lin e or W ild M agic, both detailed at the end o f the
• Two daggers class description.

Sp e l l c a st in g Your ch oice grants you features w hen you c h o o s e it at
1st level and again at 6th, 14th, and 18th level.
A n event in your past, or in the life o f a parent or
ancestor, left an indelible mark on you, infusing you with Fo n t of M a g ic
arcane m agic. This font of m agic, whatever its origin,
fuels your spells. S ee chapter 10 for the general rules of At 2nd level, you tap into a deep w ellspring o f m agic
sp ellcastin g and chapter 11 for the sorcerer spell list. within yourself. This wellspring is represented by
sorcery points, which allow you to create a variety of
C antrips magical effects.
At 1st level, you know four cantrips of your choice from
the sorcerer spell list. You learn additional sorcerer Sorcery Points
cantrips o f your ch oice at higher levels, as sh ow n in the You have 2 sorcery points, and you gain m ore as you
Cantrips K now n colum n o f the S orcerer table. reach higher levels, as show n in the S orcery Points
colum n o f the S orcerer table. You can never have
Spell Slo ts m ore sorcery points than shown on the table for your
The Sorcerer table show s how many spell slots you level. You regain all spent sorcery points w hen you
have to cast your sp ells o f 1st level and higher. To cast finish a long rest.
one of these sorcerer spells, you must expend a slot of
the sp ell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell Flexible C astin g
slots w hen you finish a long rest. You can use your sorcery points to gain additional spell
slots, or sacrifice spell slots to gain additional sorcery
F or exam ple, if you k n ow the 1st-level spell burning points. You learn other ways to use your sorcery points
hands and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot as you reach higher levels.
available, you can cast burning hands using either slot.
Creating Spell Slots. You can transform unexpended
S p e l l s K n o w n o f 1s t L e v e l a n d H i g h e r sorcery points into one spell slot as a bonus action on
You know tw o 1st-level spells o f your choice from the your turn. The Creating Spell Slots table show s the cost
sorcerer spell list. o f creating a spell slot o f a given level. You can create
spell slots no higher in level than 5th.
The Spells K now n colum n o f the S orcerer table
show s when you learn more sorcerer spells of your C r e a t in g S pell S lo ts
choice. Each of these spells must be of a level for which
you have spell slots. For instance, when you reach 3rd Spell Slot Sorcery
level in this class, you can learn one n ew spell o f 1st Level Point Cost
or 2nd level.
1st 2
Additionally, w hen you gain a level in this class, 2nd 3
you can choose one of the sorcerer spells you know 3rd 5
and replace it with another spell from the sorcerer 4th 6
spell list, w hich also m ust be o f a level for w h ich you 5th 7
have spell slots.
Converting a Spell Slot to Sorcery Points. As a
Spe l l c a st in g A b il it y bonus action on your turn, you can expend one spell
Charism a is your spellcasting ability for your sorcerer slot and gain a num ber o f sorcery points equal to the
spells, since the pow er o f your m agic relies on your slot’s level.
ability to project your w ill into the world. You use your
Charisma whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting M e t a m a g ic
ability. In addition, you use your Charism a m odifier
when setting the saving throw D C for a sorcerer spell At 3rd level, you gain the ability to twist your spells
you cast and w hen m aking an attack roll with one. to suit your needs. You gain two o f the follow ing
M etamagic options of your choice. You gain another one
Spell save D C = 8 + your proficiency bonus + at 10th and 17th level.
your Charisma modifier
You can use only one M etam agic option on a spell
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + w hen you cast it, u nless oth erw ise noted.
your Charisma modifier

C a r e f u l Spell Sorcerous R esto ratio n
W hen you cast a spell that forces other creatures to make
a saving throw, you can protect som e of those creatures At 20th level, you regain 4 expended sorcery points
from the spell’s full force. To do so, you spend 1 sorcery w henever you finish a short rest.
point and choose a number o f those creatures up to your
Charisma modifier (minimum of one creature). A chosen Sorcerous O rigins
creature autom atically s u c ce e d s on its saving throw
against the spell. Different sorcerers claim different origins for their
innate m agic. Although many variations exist, most
D istan t Spell o f these origins fall into tw o categories: a draconic
W hen you cast a spell that has a range o f 5 feet or bloodline and wild magic.
greater, you can spend 1 sorcery point to double the
range o f the spell. D raco n ic B lo o d lin e

W hen you cast a spell that has a range o f touch, you Your innate m agic com es from draconic m agic that w as
can spend 1 sorcery point to make the range o f the m ingled with your blood or that o f your ancestors. M ost
spell 30 feet. often, sorcerers with this origin trace their descent
back to a mighty sorcerer of ancient times w ho made a
E m po w e r e d Spell bargain with a dragon or who might even have claim ed
W hen you roll damage for a spell, you can spend 1 a dragon parent. S om e of these bloodlines are well
sorcery point to reroll a number o f the dam age dice up established in the world, but m ost are obscure. Any
to your Charisma m odifier (minim um of one). You must given sorcerer could be the first o f a new bloodline, as a
use the new rolls. result of a pact or som e other exceptional circum stance.

You can use Em powered Spell even if you have D ragon A ncestor
already used a different M etam agic option during the At 1st level, you c h o o s e one type o f dragon as your
casting o f the spell. ancestor. The damage type associated with each dragon
is used by features you gain later.
Ext en d e d Spell
W hen you cast a spell that has a duration o f 1 minute D r a c o n ic A n c est r y
or longer, you can sp end 1 sorcery point to double its
duration, to a m axim um duration o f 24 hours. Dragon Damage Type
Black Acid
H eigh tened Spell Blue Lightning
W hen you cast a spell that forces a creature to make a Brass Fire
saving throw to resist its effects, you can spend 3 sorcery Bronze Lightning
points to give one target of the spell disadvantage on its Copper Acid
first saving throw made against the spell. Cold Fire
Green Poison
Q u ick en ed Spell Red Fire
W hen you cast a spell that has a casting time o f 1 action, Silver Cold
you can spend 2 sorcery points to change the casting White Cold
time to 1 bonus action for this casting.
You can speak, read, and write D raconic. Additionally,
Su btle Spell whenever you make a Charisma check when interacting
W hen you cast a spell, you can spend 1 sorcery point to w ith dragons, your proficiency bon u s is doubled if it
cast it w ithout any som atic or verbal com pon ents. applies to the check.

Tw in n e d Spell D r a c o n ic R esilience
W hen you cast a spell that targets only one creature and A s m agic flow s through your body, it cau ses physical
d oesn ’t have a range o f self, you can spend a num ber o f traits o f your dragon ancestors to em erge. At 1st level,
sorcery points equal to the spell’s level to target a secon d your hit point m axim u m in creases by 1 and in creases by
creature in range with the sam e spell (1 sorcery point if 1 again whenever you gain a level in this class.
the spell is a cantrip).
Additionally, parts o f your skin are covered by a thin
A b ility Score Im pro vem en t sheen of dragon-like scales. W hen you aren’t w earing
armor, your AC equals 13 + your Dexterity modifier.
W h en you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th,
and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your Elem ental A ffin ity
choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of Starting at 6th level, w hen you cast a spell that deals
your ch oice by 1. A s norm al, you ca n ’t in crease an ability damage of the type associated with your draconic
score above 20 using this feature. ancestry, add your Charism a m odifier to that damage.
At the sam e time, you can spend 1 sorcery point to gain
resistance to that dam age type for 1 hour.

D r a g o n W in g s can do so after the creature rolls but before any effects
At 14th level, you gain the ability to sprout a pair of of the roll occur.
dragon w ings from your back, gaining a flying speed
equal to your current speed. You can create these w ings C ontrolled C haos
as a bonus action on your turn. They last until you At 14th level, you gain a m od icu m o f control over the
dism iss them as a bonus action on your turn. surges o f your wild magic. W henever you roll on the
W ild M agic Surge table, you can roll tw ice and use
You can’t m anifest your w ings w hile w earing arm or either number.
unless the arm or is m ade to accom m odate them, and
clothing not made to accom m odate your w ings might Spell B o m b a r d m e n t
be destroyed when you manifest them. B egin ning at 18th level, the harm ful energy o f your
spells intensifies. W hen you roll damage for a spell and
D r a c o n ic P resence roll the highest num ber possible on any of the dice,
B egin ning at 18th level, you can channel the dread c h o o s e one o f th ose dice, roll it again and add that roll to
presence of your dragon ancestor, causing those around the dam age. You can use the feature only on ce per turn.
you to becom e awestruck or frightened. As an action,
you can spend 5 sorcery points to draw on this pow er
and exude an aura of awe or fear (your choice) to a
distance o f 60 feet. For 1 minute or until you lose your
concentration (as if you w ere casting a concentration
spell), each hostile creature that starts its turn in this
aura must succeed on a W isdom saving throw or be
charm ed (if you chose awe) or frightened (if you chose
fear) until the aura ends. A creature that su cceed s on
this saving throw is im m une to your aura for 24 hours.

W ild M a g ic

Your innate m agic com es from the w ild forces of chaos
that underlie the order o f creation. You might have
endured exposure to som e form o f raw m agic, perhaps
through a planar portal leading to Lim bo, the Elemental
Planes, or the mysterious Far Realm. Perhaps you
w ere blessed by a pow erful fey creature or marked by a
demon. Or your m agic could be a fluke o f your birth, with
no apparent cau se or reason. H ow ever it cam e to be, this
chaotic m agic churns within you, waiting for any outlet.

W ild M a g ic Su rge
Starting w hen you c h o o s e this origin at 1st level, your
spellcasting can unleash surges of untamed magic.
Imm ediately after you cast a sorcerer spell o f 1st level
or higher, the DM can have you roll a d20. If you roll a
1, roll on the W ild M agic S u rge table to create a random
m agical effect.

T id e s of C h a o s
Starting at 1st level, you can m anipulate the forces o f
chance and chaos to gain advantage on one attack roll,
ability check, or saving throw. O nce you do so, you must
finish a long rest before you can use this feature again.

Any time before you regain the use of this feature, the
DM can have you roll on the W ild M agic Surge table
im mediately after you cast a sorcerer spell o f 1st level or
higher. You then regain the use of this feature.

Bend Luck
Starting at 6th level, you have the ability to twist fate
using your w ild magic. W hen another creature you can
see m akes an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving
throw, you can use your reaction and spend 2 sorcery
points to roll 1d4 and apply the num ber rolled as a
bon u s or penalty (your choice) to the creatu re’s roll. You

W ild M a g ic S u r g e

d 100 Effect d 100 Effect
01-02 Roll on this table at the start o f each o f your turns for 45-46 You cast levitate on yourself.
the next minute, ignoring this result on subsequent 47-48 A unicorn controlled by the DM appears in a space
03-04 rolls.
05-06 For the next minute, you can see any invisible creature within 5 feet o f you, then disappears 1 minute later.
if you have line o f sight to it. 49-50 You can’t speak for the next minute. Whenever you
07-08 A modron chosen and controlled by the DM appears
09-10 in an unoccupied space within 5 feet o f you, then try, pink bubbles float out o f your mouth.
11-12 disappears 1 minute later. 51-52 A spectral shield hovers near you for the next minute,
You ca st fireball as a 3rd-level spell centered on
13-14 yourself. granting you a +2 bonus to AC and immunity to m agic
15-16 You cast m agic missile as a 5th-level spell. missile.
17-18 Roll a d10. Your height changes by a number o f inches 53-54 You are immune to being intoxicated by alcohol for
equal to the roll. If the roll is odd, you shrink. If the the next 5d6 days.
19-20 roll is even, you grow. 55-56 Your hair falls out but grows back within 24 hours.
21-22 You cast confusion centered on yourself. 57-58 For the next minute, any flammable object you touch
For the next minute, you regain 5 hit points at the that isn’t being worn or carried by another creature
23-24 start o f each o f yourturns. bursts into flame.
25-26 You grow a long beard made o f feathers that remains 59-60 You regain your lowest-level expended spell slot.
until you sneeze, at which point the feathers explode 61-62 For the next minute, you must shout when you speak.
27-28 out from your face. 63-64 You cast fog cloud centered on yourself.
29-30 You cast grease centered on yourself. 65-66 Up to three creatures you choose within 30 feet o f you
31-32 Creatures have disadvantage on saving throws against take 4d10 lightning damage.
the next spell you cast in the next minute that involves 67-68 You are frightened by the nearest creature until the
33-34 a saving throw. end o f your next turn.
35-36 Your skin turns a vibrant shade of blue. A remove curse 69-70 Each creature within 30 feet o f you becomes invisible
spell can end this effect. for the next minute. The invisibility ends on a creature
37-38 An eye appears on your forehead for the next minute. when it attacks or casts a spell.
During that time, you have advantage on Wisdom 71-72 You gain resistance to all damage for the next minute.
39-40 (Perception) checks that rely on sight. 73-74 A random creature within 60 feet o f you becomes
41-42 For the next minute, all your spells with a casting time poisoned for 1d4 hours.
o f 1 action have a casting time o f 1 bonus action. 75-76 You glow with bright light in a 30-foot radius for the
43-44 You teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space of next minute. Any creature that ends its turn within 5
your choice that you can see. feet o f you is blinded until the end o f its next turn.
You are transported to the Astral Plane until the 77-78 You cast polym orph on yourself. If you fail the saving
end o f your next turn, after which time you return throw, you turn into a sheep for the spell’s duration.
to the space you previously occupied or the nearest 79-80 Illusory butterflies and flower petals flutter in the air
unoccupied space if that space is occupied. within 10 feet o f you for the next minute.
Maximize the damage o f the next damaging spell you 81-82 You can take one additional action immediately.
cast within the next minute. 83-84 Each creature within 30 feet o f you takes 1d10 necrotic
Roll a d10. Your age changes by a number o f years damage. You regain hit points equal to the sum o f the
equal to the roll. If the roll is odd, you get younger necrotic damage dealt.
(minimum 1 year old). If the roll is even, you get older. 85-86 You cast m irror image.
1d6 flumphs controlled by the DM appear in 87-88 You cast fly on a random creature within 60 feet o f you.
unoccupied spaces within 60 feet o f you and are 89-90 You become invisible for the next minute. During that
frightened o f you. They vanish after 1 minute. time, other creatures can’t hear you. The invisibility
You regain 2d10 hit points. ends if you attack or cast a spell.
You turn into a potted plant until the start o f your 91-92 If you die within the next minute, you immediately
next turn. While a plant, you are incapacitated and come back to life as if by the reincarnate spell.
have vulnerability to all damage. If you drop to 0 hit 93-94 Your size increases by one size category for the next
points, your pot breaks, and your form reverts. minute.
For the next minute, you can teleport up to 20 feet as 95-96. You and all creatures within 30 feet o f you gain
a bonus action on each o f yourturns. vulnerability to piercing damage for the next minute.
97-98 You are surrounded by faint, ethereal music for the
next minute.
99-00 You regain all expended sorcery points.


With a pseudodragon curled on his shoulder, a young
elf in golden robes sm iles warmly, w eaving a m agical
charm into his honeyed w ords and bending the palace
sentinel to his will.

A s flam es spring to life in her hands, a w izened
human w hispers the secret name o f her dem onic patron,
infusing her spell with fiendish magic.

Shifting his gaze betw een a battered tom e and the
odd alignment of the stars overhead, a w ild-eyed tiefling
chants the m ystic ritual that w ill open a doorw ay to a
distant world.

W arlocks are seekers o f the know ledge that lies
hidden in the fabric o f the multiverse. Through pacts
made with mysterious beings of supernatural power,
w arlocks unlock m agical effects both subtle and
spectacular. Drawing on the ancient knowledge of
beings such as fey nobles, dem ons, devils, hags, and
alien entities o f the Far Realm , w arlocks piece together
arcane secrets to bolster their own power.

Sw o r n a n d B e h o l d e n

A w arlock is defined by a pact with an otherworldly
being. Som etim es the relationship between w arlock
and patron is like that o f a cleric and a deity, though
the beings that serve as patrons for w arlocks are not
gods. A w arlock might lead a cult dedicated to a dem on
prince, an archdevil, or an utterly alien entity—beings
not typically served by clerics. M ore often, though, the
arrangement is sim ilar to that betw een a master and
an apprentice. The w arlock learns and grow s in power,
at the co st o f occa sion a l serv ices perform ed on the
patron’s behalf.

The magic bestowed on a warlock ranges from minor
but lasting alterations to the w arlock's being (such as
the ability to see in darkness or to read any language)
to access to pow erful spells. Unlike bookish wizards,
w arlocks supplement their m agic with som e facility
at hand-to-hand com bat. They are com fortable in light
arm or and know how to use simple w eapons.

D elvers in to Secrets

W arlocks are driven by an insatiable need for knowledge
and power, w hich com pels them into their pacts and
shapes their lives. This thirst drives w arlocks into their
pacts and shapes their later careers as well.

Stories of w arlocks binding themselves to fiends are
widely known. But m any w arlocks serve patrons that
are not fiendish. S om etim es a traveler in the w ilds
com es to a strangely beautiful tower, m eets its fey lord
or lady, and stum bles into a pact without being fully
aw are o f it. A n d som etim es, w hile p orin g over tom es o f

The W arlo ck

Proficiency Cantrips Spells Spell Slot Invocations
Known Known Slots Level Known
Level Bonus Features
1st 2 2 1 1st —
2nd +2 Otherworldly Patron, Pact Magic 2 3 2 1st
3rd 2 4 2 2nd 2
4th +2 Eldritch Invocations 3 5 2 2nd 2
5th 3 6 2 3rd 2
6th +2 Pact Boon 3 7 2 3rd 3
7th 3 8 2 4th 3
8th +2 Ability Score Improvement 3 9 2 4th 4
9th 3 10 2 5th 4
10th +3 — 4 10 2 5th 5
11th 4 11 3 5th 5
12th +3 Otherworldly Patron feature 4 11 3 5th 5
13th 4 12 3 5th 6
14th +3 — 4 12 3 5th 6
15th 4 13 3 5th 6
16th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4 13 3 5th 7
17th 4 14 4 5th 7
18th +4 — 4 14 4 5th 7
19th 4 15 4 5th 8
+4 Otherworldly Patron feature 4 15 4 5th 8
20th 8
+4 Mystic Arcanum (6th level)

+4 Ability Score Improvement

+5 Mystic Arcanum (7th level)

+5 Otherworldly Patron feature

+5 Mystic Arcanum (8th level)

+5 Ability Score Improvement

+6 Mystic Arcanum (9th level)

+6 —

+6 Ability Score Improvement

+6 Eldritch Master

forbidden lore, a brilliant but cra zed student’s m ind is Your patron’s dem an ds might drive you into adventures,
opened to realities beyond the material w orld and to the or they might consist entirely o f sm all favors you can do
alien beings that dwell in the outer void. between adventures.

O nce a pact is made, a w arlock ’s thirst for know ledge W hat kind o f relationship do you have with your
and pow er can’t be slaked with m ere study and research. patron? Is it friendly, antagonistic, uneasy, or rom antic?
No one makes a pact with such a mighty patron if he or H ow im portant does your patron consider you to be?
she d oesn ’t intend to u se the pow er thus gained. Rather, W hat part do you play in your patron’s plans? D o you
the vast majority o f w arlocks spend their days in active know other servants of your patron?
pursuit o f their goals, which typically m eans som e kind
o f adventuring. Furthermore, the dem ands o f their How does your patron com m unicate with you? If
patrons drive w arlocks toward adventure. you have a familiar, it might occa sion a lly sp eak with
your patron’s voice. S o m e w arlock s find m essa ges
C reatin g a Wa r l o c k from their patrons etched on trees, m ingled am ong tea
leaves, or adrift in the clou d s—m essa g es that only the
A s you make your w arlock character, spend som e time w arlock can see. Other w arlocks converse with their
thinking about your patron and the obligations that patrons in dream s or w aking visions, or deal only with
your pact im poses upon you. W hat led you to m ake the in term ed iaries.
pact, and how did you make contact with your patron?
W ere you seduced into sum m oning a devil, or did you Q u ic k B u il d
seek out the ritual that w ould allow you to m ake contact You can make a w arlock quickly by following these
with an alien elder god? Did you search for your patron, suggestions. First, Charisma should be your highest
or did your patron find and ch oose you? D o you chafe ability score, follow ed by Constitution. Second, choose
under the obligations o f your pact or serve joyfu lly in the charlatan background. Third, ch o o s e the eldritch
anticipation o f the rewards prom ised to you? blast and chill touch cantrips, along with the 1st-level
spells ray o f sickness and witch bolt.
W ork with your DM to determine how big a part your
pact w ill play in your character’s adventuring career. C lass Features

A s a warlock, you gain the follow ing class features.

H it Po in t s
Hit Dice: 1d8 per w a rlock level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution m odifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your

Constitution m odifier per w arlock level after 1st

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