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Published by Pitisuksa School, 2021-06-06 21:46:38

Handbook 2021 Pitisuksa School

Handbook 2021 Pitisuksa School





This handbook is issued to the parents of all students studying at Pitisuksa School in the
Academic Year 2021. You are recommended to read through it thoroughly. We have added some
new information about the curriculum, educational framework, approach and evaluation. This
handbook also explains about the rules and regulations of our school.

This Parent's Handbook is designed to create an understanding between the school and
parents to promote a collaboration of help and support that contributes to the advancement of learning
and the joy of all of our children.

All of the teachers and staff are looking forward to another great year of learning and growing.
Thank you for your continuing support and kind cooperation.

Pitisuksa Nurtures Children to be Wise and Caring Global Citizens - ปิติศึกษาพฒั นาใหเ้ ดก็ เตบิ โตเป็นพลเมอื งโลกทมี่ เี มตตากรณุ าและปญั ญา


Preface Page
Content I
General School Information II
Curriculum 1
Approach 4
Evaluation 4
School Emphatic Principles 5
General Regulations 6
Admission Procedure 6
Promotion to Higher Level 6
School Session 7
Arrival and Departure 8
Student Leave and Absence 8
Withdrawal / Drop Out Policy 9
Clothing 9
Health Policy 11
Observing Your Child 12
Field Trips and Others 12
Annex 15
School Calendar of 2021-2022 16
Classroom teacher list 17
Medication Form 18
Leaving Form for Student 19
Friday Meeting Form 20

Pitisuksa Nurtures Children to be Wise and Caring Global Citizens - ปิตศิ ึกษาพฒั นาใหเ้ ดก็ เติบโตเป็นพลเมอื งโลกทมี่ ีเมตตากรณุ าและปญั ญา

English Program Montessori School
A Lifelong Joy of Learning

Pitisuksa nurtures children to be wise and caring global citizens

Pitisuksa Nurtures Children to be Wise and Caring Global Citizens - ปิติศกึ ษาพฒั นาใหเ้ ดก็ เตบิ โตเป็นพลเมืองโลกทมี่ เี มตตากรณุ าและปญั ญา

1. To provide an organized English language program which promotes a lifelong
joy of learning in students by using the Montessori approach in kindergarten,
elementary, and middle school levels.
2. To innovate a unique Montessori Education program for our school.
3. To create a school community of learning that encourages all members to
individually develop themselves as a whole and to stay together peacefully.
4. To develop and implement a consistent system of management.
5. To expand the knowledge from inside our school to the outside environment.

1. Every child learns happily.
2. Every child is able to use English for academic purposes and for daily
communication naturally and appropriately according to his / her age. Every child has
enough basic skills for furthering his / her education in the higher levels.
3. Every child has skills for seeking knowledge and is able to think, analyze
critically, and act creatively.
4. Our school provides a Montessori educational program which is unique and
5. Our school has an efficient and creative management system.
6. All members of our school community behave ethically, and work and stay
together peacefully.
7. Pitisuksa is a learning community for all of our members.
8. Pitisuksa expands knowledge from inside school to the outside environment.

Pitisuksa Nurtures Children to be Wise and Caring Global Citizens - ปิตศิ กึ ษาพฒั นาใหเ้ ดก็ เตบิ โตเป็นพลเมอื งโลกทมี่ ีเมตตากรุณาและปญั ญา



Pitisuksa Montessori School provides an English Language Program that embraces both the
Montessori curriculum and the Thai National Curriculum. The school curriculum helps children
develop a positive self-image, foster open mindedness, compassion, and respect for others. It also
encourages self-motivation, self-discipline, self-reliance, independence, and responsible freedom
that will lead to a life-long pursuit of knowledge. Classes are designed to include three age groupings.
Younger students observe and learn from older students, while the older students act not only as a
role model, but also develop nurturing behaviors and leadership qualities. Prepared materials and a
prepared environment are essential to our school curriculum. Skills are taught and mastered with
manipulative learning materials on an individual basis or in small group lessons. Children progress at
their own pace in a socially supportive atmosphere guided by Montessori qualified teachers.
A balance of individual instruction, small group activities, and unstructured time encourages each
child to work on selected tasks. This approach develops competence and a love for learning.

1.1 Education Framework

Pitisuksa has a well-balanced education framework that helps promote each child’s individual
interests and their natural tendency for learning at each level.

1.1.1 Toddler level

The Montessori Toddler environment is carefully prepared to aid the toddler in achieving
functional independence (to do by themselves). Social interactions with other children, development
of language skills, practical life activities, music, and movement activities are all addressed. Our
curriculum also includes activities that allow the young children to develop fine and gross motor
coordination and visual discrimination through the senses and learning materials.

Pitisuksa Nurtures Children to be Wise and Caring Global Citizens - ปิติศกึ ษาพฒั นาใหเ้ ดก็ เตบิ โตเป็นพลเมอื งโลกทมี่ ีเมตตากรุณาและปญั ญา


Our curriculum prepares for advancement to kindergarten. The areas of the curriculum are:
✦Practical life activities; are everyday life practices that are designed to respond to
independent needs and concentration.

✦Sensory activities; materials and activities that are designed to respond to each child’s
learning needs and stimulate their movement systems and five senses.

✦Language activities; teaching the language naturally through classroom activities and
communication. These activities are connected to the child’s environment with stories and songs.

✦Cultural activities that are specific to place and time

✦Art activities and others

1.1.2 Kindergarten Level

Children at this age are real explorers. They explore their environment through their senses
and absorb the information through their experiences. A carefully prepared environment with order
and consistency is important. The areas of curriculum are:

✦Practical life: Children learn how to care for themselves and their environment through
"practical" work.

✦Sensorial: The sensorial activities help the children to discover the world through their

✦Math: Children learn to identify the numbers 0-9 using sandpaper numbers, just like the
sandpaper letters that are used for letter sounds. When they have mastered addition and subtraction,
multiplication and division are taught, depending on the interest and ability of the child.

✦Language: Children are introduced to letter sounds through the sandpaper letters. They
trace each letter as they say its sound ("sssss" for "S"). Later they start putting these sounds together
to form words. Even children that have trouble writing can spell words with the moveable alphabet if
they have learned the letter sounds.

✦Cultural: Here the children are exposed to the wider world. They learn about other countries
(geography), animals (zoology), time, history, music, movement, science, and art.

Pitisuksa Nurtures Children to be Wise and Caring Global Citizens - ปิติศึกษาพฒั นาใหเ้ ดก็ เตบิ โตเป็นพลเมืองโลกทมี่ ีเมตตากรณุ าและปญั ญา


1.1.3. Elementary Level

There are 3 main elements in the core-curriculum of the elementary level.
1) Learning of the fundamental skills and the basic core knowledge.
The children explore the realm of Mathematics, Science, Career and Technology, English,
History, Geography Civics, Economics, Arts and Music, Physical Education, Scouting, and the basic
organization of human societies. Their studies cover the basics found in a traditional curriculum such
as the memorization of math facts, spelling lessons and the study of vocabulary, grammar, sentence
analysis, creative writing and library research skills.
2) Inspirational lessons and experiences.
Learning experiences are designed to introduce and inspire appreciation, compassion,
kindness, interest, and wonder in our students. These activities include stories, fieldtrips, themes and
projects, additional activities reflecting humanity and culture, and peace education.
3) Individually Chosen research
Children are encouraged to explore and think creatively and independently to do research on
topics that capture their imagination and self-interest. By researching their own projects and learning,
they will have our teachers facilitate the learning process as a true friend for each child. Encouraging
the children to love to learn, leads to enthusiasm for freedom in the world of self-learning.

1.1.4 Middle School Level

Our Middle School educational syllabus has three main concepts that offer a structured
approach to learning that helps our students to develop as individuals who can play an active part in
improving our school and the wider community.

Self-expression enables our students to communicate what they cannot yet clearly articulate,
such as anxiety or desire, and make connections with other humans. Self-expression develops identity
that leads to self-awareness and empathy for others.

Pitisuksa Nurtures Children to be Wise and Caring Global Citizens - ปิตศิ ึกษาพฒั นาใหเ้ ดก็ เติบโตเป็นพลเมืองโลกทมี่ ีเมตตากรุณาและปญั ญา


Psychic formation supports the Human Tendencies to order, to communicate, to abstract –
tendencies, learned through subjects such as Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science to support
the development of human intelligence and the connections between people. These activities help
our students to organize and develop their personality, strengthening them emotionally and

Preparation for adult life invites the adolescent into the human story as it presents collective
human culture. Through subjects such as World History, Geography and The Arts, our students are
provided with the chance to see connections between all peoples as humanity has developed in
different places and times.


We approach the learning of each child with passion, recognizing and respecting their
individuality across the different stages of development. This is also reflected by our individual lesson
approach, with opportunities to manipulate and repeat exercises until each concept is internalized at
the heart of the approach. However, it is also important that the child develops the necessary social
skills needed. Sometimes, lessons and projects are structured in small groups and sometimes in a
larger group. The child then learns how to plan and take responsibility in helping the accomplishment
of the task. The child learns to lead and follow by developing self-discipline and the satisfaction that
comes through accomplishing a task is the reward that they receive. The student does not need any
external rewards or punishments, and none are given.


Children are evaluated authentically. Parents are welcome to evaluate their child’s progress
in many different ways, i.e., classroom observations, parents’ workshops, review of their child’s work
journal and portfolio, classroom performances, and scheduled parent - teacher conferences. At the
end of each term, parents will receive a written progress report on their own child’s performance.

Pitisuksa Nurtures Children to be Wise and Caring Global Citizens - ปิตศิ กึ ษาพฒั นาใหเ้ ดก็ เตบิ โตเป็นพลเมอื งโลกทมี่ เี มตตากรณุ าและปญั ญา



Pitisuksa emphasizes and provides a child-centered education program through the
implementation of Montessori philosophy and principles. The Montessori approach aims at helping
students to be skillful in performing and seeking knowledge by themselves and to think and act
creatively. We emphasize that a well-prepared environment is crucial for students’ self-development
of their own potential. In addition, freedom to think and to perform is important not only for learning but
also for creating self-esteem and self-respect. Students then will respect others and will be able to
work and stay with others peacefully.

Pitisuksa Nurtures Children to be Wise and Caring Global Citizens - ปิติศกึ ษาพฒั นาใหเ้ ดก็ เตบิ โตเป็นพลเมอื งโลกทมี่ เี มตตากรุณาและปญั ญา



We believe in the value and contribution of every person and we admit students regardless
of race, gender, nationality, or ethnic origin. We allow access to all rights, privileges, programs, and
activities offered at the school.

Parents of potential students interested in enrollment for their children are advised to meet
with the School Director. An informal interview with prospective students will be arranged with the
Montessori teachers. Preference will be given to siblings of children already enrolled at the school and
to Montessori transfer students.

Pitisuksa School has organized 5 levels of education as follow;
✦Toddler (2-3 years old)
✦Kindergarten (3-6 years old)
✦Lower elementary (6-9 years old)
✦Upper elementary (9-12 years old)
✦Middle school (12-15 years old)


Once a year there will be a transition from kindergarten to lower elementary, from lower
elementary to upper elementary, and from upper elementary to middle school.

The school arranges classrooms with mixed age groups, traditionally covering a three-year
period from the early childhood level onward. Normally, children remain together for three school
years. Our teachers consider each child’s development and will professionally evaluate the students’
learning progress and their readiness before promoting them to a higher level.

Pitisuksa Nurtures Children to be Wise and Caring Global Citizens - ปิตศิ ึกษาพฒั นาใหเ้ ดก็ เตบิ โตเป็นพลเมอื งโลกทมี่ เี มตตากรุณาและปญั ญา



Education in each academic year is divided into two semesters, the first semester beginning
in the middle of June and ending in late October, and the second semester beginning early November
and ending in the middle of March according to the school calendar.

1st Semester: June 14th ,2021 – October 22nd, 2021
2nd Semester: November 1st ,2021 – March 11th, 2022


Toddler Classes: Mon.-Fri. 08.00 a.m. to 03:30 p.m.

Kindergarten Classes: Mon.-Fri. 08.00 a.m. to 03:30 p.m.

Elementary Classes: Mon.-Fri. 08:00 a.m. to 04:00 p.m.

Middle School Classes: Mon.-Fri. 08:00 a.m. to 04:00 p.m.


Toddler Classes: Mon.-Fri. 08.00 a.m. to 03:00 p.m.

Kindergarten Classes: Mon.-Fri. 08.00 a.m. to 03:00 p.m.

Elementary Classes: Mon.-Fri. 08:00 a.m. to 03:30 p.m.

Middle School Classes: Mon.-Fri. 08:00 a.m. to 03:30 p.m.

*Please note: Schedules might change according to Thai government policy announcements.

Pitisuksa Nurtures Children to be Wise and Caring Global Citizens - ปิติศกึ ษาพฒั นาใหเ้ ดก็ เตบิ โตเป็นพลเมืองโลกทมี่ ีเมตตากรณุ าและปญั ญา



During the pandemic, the school will implement strict safety and protection procedures. This
will unfortunately cause some inconvenience and delays. Please accept our apologies at this time. In
order to reduce the possible risk to children and related parties, please co-operate and follow the
restriction as below;

1. Toddler students; only 1 parent is allowed to come to Toddler’s gate. The parent can come
before 8.10 in the morning and pick their child up at the wooden gate inside the school according to
the time notified by the teacher.

2. Kindergarten, Elementary and Middle School students; There is a drop off area (wooden
gate inside the school). The duty teacher will be at the gate. The parents can come before 7.50 in the
morning because flag ceremony will start at 8.00 a.m.

3. There is a temperature check point and hand gel dispenser at the entrance. If a child has
a high temperature over 37.5 degree Celsius, the child will be sent back home.

4. Each child and parent have to wear a face mask when entering the school.

5. After school the parents of Kindergarten, Elementary and Middle School students can wait
at the wooden gate. The children will meet their parents at that area.


Please contact the school office before 8:00 a.m. on 053- 750888 if your child will be absent
unexpectedly for the day.

Attendance is taken and recorded daily in all classrooms. Attendance reports are sent to the
office where they are recorded and checked against the parent’s phone reports. The total number of
days of a child’s absence is recorded and shown on the child’s progress report for each semester.

For any unexcused absence or excessive absences, the principal, the teacher and the
parents must meet to work together on supervising the child's attendance behavior. Our students
have to attend classes for at least 80% of the school days in each academic year. Students might not
be promoted to the higher level if their attendance results are less than 80% so as not to effect the
child’s educational progress.

Pitisuksa Nurtures Children to be Wise and Caring Global Citizens - ปิติศกึ ษาพฒั นาใหเ้ ดก็ เติบโตเป็นพลเมืองโลกทมี่ ีเมตตากรณุ าและปญั ญา



In case of withdrawal, the registration fee is not refundable. Tuition dues will be paid up to the
point of withdrawal. Any portion of the month the student attends school will be billed as a full month’s

In the case that the children have to drop out because of illness, the parents must inform the
school as soon as possible. If children have to travel with parents and will be absent from school for
more than 7 school days, parents must inform the school with a written note at least two weeks in


Toddler Students
Please dress your child in clothes that they can easily move around in and can be easily
dressed and undressed. Please prepare a complete change of clothing, 1 or 2 extra sets in case of
accidents or stains.
Kindergarten Students
Please have your child wear their school uniform on Monday and P.E. uniform on the day they
have P.E. classes. In order to promote Thai traditions, please put your child in traditional Thai costume
every Friday.
Elementary and Middle School Students
Please have your child wear their uniform on Monday, scout uniform on Wednesday and P.E.
uniform on the day they have P.E. classes. In order to promote Thai traditions, please put your child
in traditional Thai costume every Friday.
The school uniform and P.E. uniform can be purchased at the school office.

Pitisuksa Nurtures Children to be Wise and Caring Global Citizens - ปิติศึกษาพฒั นาใหเ้ ดก็ เตบิ โตเป็นพลเมอื งโลกทมี่ เี มตตากรณุ าและปญั ญา



Please dress your child in student shoes or sport shoes on the day they have P.E. classes.
Rubber boots are suggested for rainy days. All the above items should be clearly marked with the
child's name.

Pitisuksa Nurtures Children to be Wise and Caring Global Citizens - ปิตศิ ึกษาพฒั นาใหเ้ ดก็ เตบิ โตเป็นพลเมืองโลกทมี่ เี มตตากรุณาและปญั ญา



School will follow the National Guideline for Covid Prevention and Protection Policy. If your
child requires medication during the day, please provide it with the written medication form and signed
instructions to the class teacher. Do not send your child to school on the day any of the following
symptoms are present:

✦Has a fever
✦Does not feel well
✦Has a rash
✦Has a persistent cough
✦Has a discharge of discolored or a profuse amount of mucus from the nose or eyes
✦Has diarrhea
✦Has hair lice
✦Other infectious diseases; Covid -19, fever, RSV, hand- foot and mouth disease, red eyes
disease, chickenpox and others.
If a child becomes ill while at school, the parent will be called to come and take their child
home immediately. If a child is absent or becomes ill due to a communicable illness like chickenpox,
please let us know so we can inform the teachers and parents of other students in the class.
For other Infectious diseases, the classroom will be closed for cleaning if there are 2 or more
sick students. Furthermore, all classes in the same level will be closed if there are sick children in more
than one classroom.
For COVID-19, the school will be closed for 3 days for cleaning, if there is only 1 sick student.

Pitisuksa Nurtures Children to be Wise and Caring Global Citizens - ปิติศกึ ษาพฒั นาใหเ้ ดก็ เติบโตเป็นพลเมอื งโลกทมี่ เี มตตากรุณาและปญั ญา



The school will provide group health insurance for all students. The insurance fee is 700 THB
per year. The insurance card will be distributed when school opens.


The school provides a daily nutritional lunch for all children including meat and vegetables.
The monthly menu will be displayed on the school board and sent to all class line groups. The school
provides morning and afternoon snacks with seasonal fruits. However, there are some kinds of foods
which are not allowed; sweet tasting milk, sour tasting milk, chocolate milk, soda drinks also crisps
and chips.

Students will be provided with a nutritious mid-morning snack. Please do not give sweetened
milk, soft-drinks, sweets of any kind, candy, or any packets of snacks for your child to bring to school.


Parents and grandparents are encouraged to visit their children's classroom. Appointments
must be made ahead of time. The Director and the teachers are available for discussion by
appointment only. Usually, a classroom observation period is scheduled once per semester. Parents
are welcome to book the time and the date at their convenience.


During the course of the year, the children will go on field trips to enrich their learning
experiences. Teachers and parents who volunteer can accompany the children. All field trips must be
approved by the principal and will be announced in advance. Parent’s permission slips will be sent
home and must be returned to school at least one day before the trip.

Pitisuksa Nurtures Children to be Wise and Caring Global Citizens - ปิติศกึ ษาพฒั นาใหเ้ ดก็ เติบโตเป็นพลเมืองโลกทมี่ เี มตตากรุณาและปญั ญา



11.1 ITEMS NOT TO BRING TO SCHOOL: Children are not allowed to bring cell phones,
smart watches, tablets, weapons, sharp objects, toys or computer games to school. We will have a
special day for toys and we will make an announcement in advance. Children do not need to bring
money, sweets or packets of snacks of any kind.

11.2 COMMUNICATIONS AND ANNOUCEMENTS: School will communicate through the
following channels.

1. Line Group of each class. The class teachers will invite the parents to join the line group.
The line group is for the school to convey information to the parents. If the parents would like to enquire
about their child’s progress, please contact the teacher directly.

2. The school will issue letters to address important notices and requests. Please return notice
permission slips in a timely manner.

3. Email
4. Exhibition Board
5. A Weekly Bulletin to inform of ongoing activities in each week.
11.3 ARRANGING APPOINTMENTS AT SCHOOL: If you would like to meet the teachers or
the principal, please make an appointment through the school office at 053-750888.
The school will arrange one Teacher–Parent education workshop per semester or more if so
needed. The teachers will share and discuss Montessori education in general, or inform about a
particular topic. These dates are marked on the calendar and the time for each workshop will be
announced in advance.

Pitisuksa Nurtures Children to be Wise and Caring Global Citizens - ปิตศิ ึกษาพฒั นาใหเ้ ดก็ เติบโตเป็นพลเมืองโลกทมี่ เี มตตากรุณาและปญั ญา


Parent-Teacher conferences will be scheduled for all the parents twice a year. A written
progress report will also be issued at the end of each term. In addition, parents or teachers may call
for conferences should the need arise. These will be arranged by the school director. We will also
offer Parent Education gatherings for parents to discuss Montessori principles at school and at home.
11.5 BIRTHDAYS In order to promote a good attitude towards birthday celebrations, we will
organize a valued birthday activity for every child. Please help to promote sensible “giving” amongst
the children.
11.6 PARENT CONTRIBUTIONS The school and parents’ relationship is a vital component
within our school, and it is important to create a learning society that is conducive to fostering a
community to share and learn together. The school will be extremely pleased if you have any special
talents and want to share your time and expertise with the children. Please contact the school office
or the director to co-ordinate in this regard. If you have any surplus equipment that may be useful to
other students or can be used as educational material for teaching, the parents are welcome to help
and share. The school really appreciates your help and cooperation.
11.7 IMPORTANT DAYS OF DIFFERENT RELIGIONS We respect the beliefs of all religions
and we have included ‘Peace Education’ in our school curriculum so that the children will learn to live
together peacefully with people of different beliefs. In order to comply with the policy of The Ministry
of Education however, we will organize Buddhist activities on the related Buddhist Holy Days. In this
case, the parents of non–Buddhist children can appropriately consider allowing or not allowing their
children to participate in the activities. The school will inform the parents of all activities in advance.

Pitisuksa Nurtures Children to be Wise and Caring Global Citizens - ปิติศึกษาพฒั นาใหเ้ ดก็ เติบโตเป็นพลเมอื งโลกทมี่ เี มตตากรณุ าและปญั ญา



Pitisuksa Nurtures Children to be Wise and Caring Global Citizens - ปิตศิ กึ ษาพฒั นาใหเ้ ดก็ เติบโตเป็นพลเมืองโลกทมี่ เี มตตากรณุ าและปญั ญา

Pitisuksa Nurtures Children to be Wise and Caring Global Citizens - ปิติศึกษาพฒั นาใหเ้ ดก็ เติบโตเป็นพลเมืองโลกทมี่ เี มตตากรณุ าและปญั ญา

Pitisuksa Nurtures Children to be Wise and Caring Global Citizens - ปิติศึกษาพฒั นาใหเ้ ดก็ เติบโตเป็นพลเมืองโลกทมี่ เี มตตากรณุ าและปญั ญา

Pitisuksa Nurtures Children to be Wise and Caring Global Citizens - ปิติศึกษาพฒั นาใหเ้ ดก็ เติบโตเป็นพลเมืองโลกทมี่ เี มตตากรณุ าและปญั ญา

Pitisuksa Nurtures Children to be Wise and Caring Global Citizens - ปิติศึกษาพฒั นาใหเ้ ดก็ เติบโตเป็นพลเมืองโลกทมี่ เี มตตากรณุ าและปญั ญา

Pitisuksa Nurtures Children to be Wise and Caring Global Citizens - ปิติศึกษาพฒั นาใหเ้ ดก็ เติบโตเป็นพลเมืองโลกทมี่ เี มตตากรณุ าและปญั ญา


School Manager School Organization Chart

School Licensee

School Director

Fianacial General Management Personnel Academic Students Activities
- General Service -Students Admission - Educational Program - Projects and Activities
- Finances -Registration - Faculty/Staff -Students Assessment - Guidance Activities
- Supplies / hardwares -Clerical Work Recruitment - Curriculum - Students Field Trip
-Purchasing/hiring - IT & PR Development - Students Clubs and
- Stock & Inventory -Infrastructure & - Personnal Orientation -In-house Supervision extra Activities
Facilities - Ethics & Research - Learning resources
-Building & maitainance - HR development - Classrooms Evironement
-Reception - Classroom Observation
- School environement - Health & Nutrition - School Library

- Faculty/Staff welfare

- Faculty/Staff

Pitisuksa Nurtures Children to be Wise and Caring Global Citizens - ปิตศิ กึ ษาพฒั นาใหเ้ ดก็ เติบโตเป็นพลเมืองโลกทมี่ ีเมตตากรุณาและปญั ญา

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