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Published by banup113, 2023-09-03 05:07:43

Dare to spell: Form 1-3 ( word list )

Dare to spell form 1-3 flip

Dare to spell 8.00 am: The teacher enters the class according to their timetable 8.05 am: Ask them to prepare a foolscap paper and a pen 8.10-8.45 am: Read out or dictate the words and ask them to write down on the paper. The teacher may give them the meaning of the words if they need it. 8.45-8.55 am. Then ask them to exchange the paper with friends and to do peer checking (Teacher please ensure they have really exchanged the paper with their friends) for that accurate words must be written on the board or shown to them through the projector. Ask the students to write down the total correct words. 8.55-9.00 am: Then the teacher collects the paper For forms 1-3 -Pass it to: Pn.Banu Priya For Form 4-5- Pass it to Pn Bee See ying. 8.00 pagi : Guru masuk ke kelas mengikut jadual waktu masing-masing 8.05 pagi: Minta mereka menyediakan kertas foolscap dan pen 8.10-8.45 pagi: Baca atau imlak perkataan dan minta mereka catat di atas kertas. Guru boleh memberi mereka maksud perkataan jika mereka memerlukannya. 8.45-8.55 pagi. Kemudian minta mereka menukar kertas itu dengan rakan-rakan dan membuat semakan rakan sebaya (Guru sila pastikan mereka benar-benar menukar kertas itu dengan rakan-rakan mereka) kerana perkataan yang tepat mesti ditulis di papan tulis atau ditunjukkan kepada mereka melalui projektor. Minta pelajar menulis jumlah perkataan yang betul. 8.55-9.00 pagi : Kemudian guru mengumpul kertas Untuk tingkatan 1-3 -Hantar kepada: Pn.Banu Priya Untuk Tingkatan 4-5- Hantarkan kepada :Pn Bee See ying.

FORM 1- FORM 3 (Word list) Word Meaning 1. Challenge - To invite someone to engage in a contest or competition, often implying a difficult task or obstacle. 2. Test - A procedure or examination designed to measure a person's knowledge, skills, or abilities. 3. Attempt - To make an effort to do something, even if it's difficult or uncertain. 4. Endeavor - A serious and determined effort to accomplish a goal or task. 5. Venture - A risky or daring journey, often with an uncertain outcome. 6. Risk - The potential of losing something of value in pursuit of a goal or outcome. 7. Brave - Showing courage or fearlessness in the face of danger or adversity. 8. Tackle - To confront or deal with a problem, challenge, or task. 9. Confront - To face a difficult or challenging situation head-on. 10.Engage - To become involved or participate actively in something. 11.Face - To confront or deal with a situation, often a difficult one. 12.Undertake - To commit to or start a task or project, often with a sense of responsibility. 13.Hazard - A risk or danger, especially one that is potential or unforeseen. 14.Gamble - To take a risky action in the hope of achieving a desired outcome, often in games of chance. 15.Push - To apply force in order to move something forward or make progress. 16.Explore - To travel in or through an unfamiliar area or subject in order to learn more about it. 17.Conquer - To overcome or defeat a challenge, obstacle, or enemy.

18.Surmount - To overcome a difficulty or obstacle successfully. 19.Adventure - An exciting and often risky experience or journey. 20.Trial - A formal examination of evidence in a court of law, or a difficult experience or challenge. 21.Defy - To openly resist or refuse to obey a rule, law, or authority. 22.Expose - To make something visible or known, often revealing a hidden truth or fact. 23.Summon - To call or request someone's presence, often formally or authoritatively. 24.Impel - To drive or force someone to do something. 25.Provoke - To deliberately stimulate a reaction or response, often to elicit a strong emotional reaction. 26.Pursue - To actively seek or follow a goal, objective, or person. 27.Encourage - To give support, confidence, or hope to someone. 28.Embark - To begin a journey or project, often with enthusiasm. 29.Resilience - The ability to bounce back from adversity or setbacks, to adapt and recover quickly. 30.Persevere - To continue doing something in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.

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