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Stakeholder Engagement Policy approved 06.02.2014

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Published by johannessa, 2019-07-03 01:33:26

Stakeholder Engagement Policy approved 06.02.2014

Stakeholder Engagement Policy approved 06.02.2014






This Policy contains 17 pages



S.ummary: This document establishes the Road Accident's Fund policy with respect to
Stakeholder Engagements
' January 2014
Version 5.3
Date of issue:
ve~iori number Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996
King Report on Governance for South Africa 2009 (King Ill Report}
Re·levant Promotion of Access to Information Act, No.2 of 2000
Legislati_on: Promotion of Administrative Justice Act, No.3 of 2000
Public Finance Management Act,No.1 of 1999
Road Accident Fund (RAF} Act, No. 56 of 1996 as amended

Related American Medical Association Guide {AMA} 61h Edition
Docu.mentation Complaints Management Policy

COM-Task 2000

Delegation of Authority and Approval Framework

. . Department of Transport Strategy Plan {2013-2017)

Expenditure Policy

Financial Misconduct, Unauthorised, Irregular, Fruitless and Wasteful

Expenditure Policy

GRI, 2002

National Intergovernmental Relations Policy and guidelines

PAIA Policy

PAIA Section 14 manual

RAF Annual Performance Plan {2012}

Road Accident Fund Revised Strategic Plan 2013-2017

RAF communications and marketing framework

RAF stakeholder engagement framework and gu ide

·Responsible Person Chief Strategy Officer
General Manager: Stakeholder Relations Management
Contact:Officer Board of the Road Accident Fund

Approval. of Policy

and revision

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Section Heading Desc~i Rtion.

1 Purpose and The purpose of this policy is to:
1.1 To increase stakeholder loyalty and trust thro
1.2 To promote RAF as a strategic partner of cho
1.3 To facilitate a collective effort towards adv

This is done in pursuit of support, care, ub
management of the impact and prevention o
1.4 To foster pursuit of sustainable relationshi
1.5 To build an open relationship with the
foundation for an effective organisational
tra nsparency, fairness, diligence, integrity an
1.6 To acknowledge t hat the Fund has many st
of its strategies and sustainability.
1.7 To build trust in the RAF brand to elimina
past performance.
1.8 This policy is aimed at relationship building
providing environmental insight and creatin
1.9 The Policy is applicable to both RAF interna l

- - - - - - Pag

PFMA RAF Policy. Responsible

Reference Reference Person



ough improved stakeholder relations.
oice both locally and internationally.
vancing the strategic objectives of the Fund.
buntu and sustainable solutions towards the
of road accidents in South Africa.
ips that are mutually beneficial to all parties

e institution's identified stakeholders as a
cooperation. This will be achieved through
nd accountability.

takeholders that can affect the achievements

ate impact of negative perceptions based on

g in realisation of the RAF strategy and vision,
ng new platforms to support the RAF strategic

and external stakeholders.

ge 3 - - -- - -


2.1 To identify and understand primary stakeho
focussed operations.

2.2 To secure an understanding of the Fund's
organisational efficiency and effectiveness.

2.3 To proactively coordinate stakeholder engag
and improved customer satisfaction.

2.4 To uphold a consistent, coordinated and plann
responsive policies and strategies.

2.5 To aggressively demonstrate RAF's commitm
commercial arrangements with key focus area

2.6 To create opportunities for meaningful dialog
2.7 To mobilise and advocate for support towards
2.8 To promote a customer centric and operation
2.9 To lobby for a sector legislative dispensation t

3. Abbreviations 3.1 AMA: American Medical Association
3.2 CEO: Chief Executive Officer
3.3 CMO: Chief Marketing Officer
3.4 COMTASK: Communication Task Policy 2000
3.5 CSO: Chief Strategy Officer
3.6 GCIS: Government Communications and Info
3.7 GM: General Manager
3.8 GRI : Global Reporting Initiative
3.9 IGR : Intergovernmental Relations
3.10 MOA: Memorandum of Agreement
3.11 MOU : Memorandum of Understanding

- - - -- - Page

Reference Reference Person
older needs in order to promote customer

customers and stakeholders to enhance
gement strategies for organisational growth
ned approach by RAF in implementing more
ment to its strategic positioning; aligning
gue with the Fund.
s a solvent, liquid and sustainable RAF.
nally transformed RAF.
that is aligned to social security principles.

ormation Systems

4 - - - -- -


Item Section Heading Descr~ption

4 Definitions 3.12 PAIA: Promotion of Access to Information Ac
3.13 PAJA: Promotion of Administrative Justice Ac
3.14 PFMA: Public Finance Management Act,No.l
3.15 RAF: Road Accident Fund
3.16 SM: Senior Manager
4.1 Communication : A manner of information s

one way, non-iterative process.
4.2 Consultation: The process of gathering in

taking those views into consideration to am
4.3 Corporate Reputation(s): The stakeholder'
RAF's standing persona.
4.4 Dialogue: An exchange of views and opinio
and alternatives, with a view to foster mutu
an initiative.
4.5 lnclusivity: Is the participation of stake
accountable and strategic response to sus
accountable to those on whom the RAF has
to enable their participation in identifying iss
4.6 Materiality: Is the process that determines
the RAF and its stakeholders, recognising t
i.e. some issues will be material to some sta
4.7 Reputational risk: Stakeholder's perception
issues which could potentially negatively im
service delivery. Reputational risk is manag

- -- -- - Page

PFMA RAF Policy Responsible

Reference Reference Person

ct, No.2 of 2000
ct,No.3 of 2000
l of 1999

sharing with stakeholders, generally through

formation or advice from stakeholders and
mend plans, make decisions, or set strategic

's opinion, impression or perception about

ons to explore different perspectives ,needs
ual understanding, trust and cooperation on

eholders in developing and achieving an
stainability. It is also a commitment to be
an impact and who have an impact on it, and
sues and finding solutions.
s the most relevant and significant issues for
that materiality may be stakeholder specific,
akeholders, but not t o others.
about RAF is concerned with any activity or
mpact on the reputation of the RAF and its
ged through the RAF's corporate governance

e 5 - - - -- -


5 Policy 4.8 Responsiveness: Includes the decisions, a
Statement related to those material issues.

4.9 Subject Matter: refers to issues that are re
engagement. An issue should be considere
influence the decisions, actions and behavio
RAF itself.

4.10 Stakeholders: In terms of GRI, 2002; stakeh
reasonably be expected to be significantly a
and whose actions can reasonably be expecte
implement its strategies and achieve its obje
any person or group of people who have
planned changes in an organisation. They can

4.11 Stakeholder Agreements: refers to a collecti

stakeholders outlining areas of cooperation.
MOUs/ MOAs between the RAF and its stak
legally binding and are signed between key re
4.12 Stakeholder Engagement: primarily focuse
executive level to discuss and agree on expe
guide interactions and protocols around com
can also be defined as RAF's effort to unders
concerns in its activit ies and decision making

5.1 The RAF shall conduct stakeholder enga

coordinating its interaction with many parties
the transport sector.
5.2 The power and complexity of key stakehold

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PFMA RAF Policy Responsible
Reference Reference Person
actions, performance and communications

elevant to the purpose of the stakeholder
ed material if it influences or is likely to
our of one or more stakeholders and/or the

holders are entities or individuals that can
affected by RAF's activities, and/or services;
ed to affect the ability of RAF to successfully
ectives.Stakeholders can also be defined as

an interest in, or will be affected by, any
n be internal or external.
ion of signed and agreed decisions between

These are usually expressed in the form of
keholders. Agreements may or may not be
ed on getting to know stakeholders at an
ectations, set values and principles that will
mmunicating with individual stakeholders. It
stand and involve its stakeholders and their


agements through a planned approach, Sec 56 and DoT

s who have a vested interest in the Fund and 57 Board
ders, the stakeholders' increasing ability to Sec CFO
e6 ------



impact on the reputation and the RAF's o
demand for stakeholder segmentation.
5.3 The need for accurate analysis of stakeholde
organisational investment of resources and
the stakeholder relations functions.
5.4 It is for this reason that:
5.4.1 In conducting its stakeholder relations man
contained in the King Ill Report on Corp
guidelines and existing RAF policies on cu
other relevant prescripts.
5.4.2 The RAF will uphold transparent, honest and
and external stakeholders.

- - - -- - Page

PFMA RAF Policy Responsible
Reference Reference Person
operational environment has led to greater (ii)
er needs, specific engagement strategies and Executives
protocols calls for decisive management of GM

nagement, the RAF will follow the guidelines Sec 51(a)(i)
porate Governance, GRI, the National IGR
ustomer care, complaints management and PAIA- Complaints
section 14 Manager,
d open processes of engaging with its internal and 16 Senior



e7 ------

, .......



6 Policy Content 6.1 Defining the Purpose of engagement

6.1.1 In line with King Ill Report RAF upholds a
engagement of st akeholders where the p
6.1.2 defined, and communicated to all stakeholde
6.1.3 The purpose of the engagement must ide
achieved by undertaking the stakeholder en
Stakeholder engagements should be pursue
• Inform;
• Consult;
• Understanding va lues and positions;
• Involve;
• Collaborate;
• Empower; and
• Strengthen Relationships.

6.2 Defining Rules and Protocols of Engagemen

6.2.1 At the onset of a stakeholder engagement t
6.2.2 of engagement must be clearly defined.
6.2.3 Roles and responsibilities of engaging parti
6.2.4 upon.
6.2.5 Sufficient time and thinking should be allo
6.2.6 and implementation.
Information on the area of engagement/ c
easily to the public but in line with the requ
Accurate and comprehensive records o
appropriate should be kept.
Proactive and timely feedback should be giv

- - - - - - Page

an "Inclusive stakeholder approach" in the Senior
purpose and values of the institution are Manager
ers. Stakeholder
entify what outputs or outcomes are to be

ngagement. Section 56
ed to achieve the following: and 57


the implementation, purpose and objectives
ies must be defined, discussed and agreed

ocated to undertake engagement planning
collaboration should be provided freely and
uirements of PAIA.
of engagements including costs where
ven to participants.

8 - - - - --


6.2.7 Stakeholder databases should be develop
6.2.8 and engagement.
6.2.9 An effort must be made to identify and
An approved issue-based stakeholder en
guide the interaction between stakeholde

6.3 Understanding key RAF stakeholders

6.3.1 Internally and externally, RAF engages
reference attached herewith are the

6.4 Stakeholder Conflict management and I

Relationship-based management takes
approach to identifying and building
stakeholders. Efforts must be focused o
rather than buffering or protecting the Fu

Relationship building must be directly
strategic objectives.

In the process of building stakeholder re
dealt with thusly:

6.4.1 Define the conflict;
6.4.2 Differentiate between functional
6.4.3 Identify the causes or sources of s

- - -- - - Pag

ped and maintained ensuring continual review
d map the stakeholders relevant to a specific
ngagement plan must be approved annually to

s closely with key stakeholders. For ease of
current internal and external stakeholders'

or resolution:
an integrated, long-term, organisation-wide

relationships with strategically important
on creating opportunities for mutual benefit
und from the demands of stakeholders.

linked to the RAF's corporate values and

elationship, conflicts may arise and it must be

and dysfunctional stakeholder conflict;
stakeholder conflict;
ge 9 - - - -- -

; t"~

'\..: Road


6.4.4 Indicators or warning signs of stakeh

6.4.5 Be ready to act and use engagemen
relations exercise;

6.4.6 Engage the correct stakeholders by
engagement process is inclusive. Co
influence and willingness to engage

6.4.7 Engage representatives who are em

6.4.8 Seek shared value by ensuring that
engagement and understands how

6.4.9 Agree on rules of engagement by e
roles, rules and risks of engagemen
decision making, conflict resolution

6.4.10 Choose the correct meeting format
discussion, stakeholder panels, etc

6.4.11 Act fairly and be sensitive to percei
the process to allow fair participatio

_____________ Page

holder conflict;
nt to drive decisions, not as a public

y identifying them and ensuring that the
onsider stakeholders' expertise, level of
mpowered to take decisions for their

each stakeholder benefits directly from
project decisions will impact on other

establishing the scope, objectives, resources,
nt at the beginning. Agree the process of
n and evaluation;
t, that is private meeting, roundtable
to achieve the objective of each

ived or actual power differences, facilitating
on by all parties to the conflict resolution.

-' ~·.!dRoad

6.5 Stakeholder engagement plan

6.5.1 The stakeholder engagement plan identifie
for each stakeholder.

6.5.2 When developing a stakeholder engagem
following must be adhered:
• Choose suitable method of engagemen
• Plan engagement logistics (timing, reso
• Determine key messages to com munic
• Consider stakeholder engagement cris
• Consider stakeholder conflict managem

6.6 Monitoring, Evaluating and Reporting

6.6.1 An implementation and evaluation rep
6.6.2 engagement plan .
The RAF Board shall oversee reportin
6.6.3 provides information about the steps tak
dialogue held through formal and informa
The RAF Board shall review and monito
action plans and provide feedback via

6.7 Institutional arrangements for stakehold

6.7.1 In response to the risk of stakeholder pre
and coordinated approach to liaising
engagement platforms through local, pro

____________ Pag

es key communication strategies to be utilised Sec Sl(a)(i)

ment plan for all transversal engagements the

ourcing and responsibilities);
sis; and

ment and I or resolution

port must be in place for each stakeholder

ng including reporting to stakeholders that
ken by RAF arising from mutual discussions or
al ergagement processes.
or the outcomes associated with engagement

designated RAF officials on progress to the

der relations

essure, this policy institutionalises a structured
g with various stakeholders, by creating
ovincial and national stakeholder engagement


, ~~- Road

6.7.2 In compliance with the COMTASK policy 20
support stakeholder relations at regional off

6.7.3 The RAF must:
• Mobilise its resources to ensure repres
platforms across the three spheres of go
• Lobby for support of RAF strategic objec
judicial arms of governance; and
• Engage key business players whose opera

6.7.4 RAF must pursue an integrated and purp
programme requiring collaborations with th
Communications, Regional Management,
Network Services.

For the above reason, the following institut

6.8 National stakeholder forum

6.8.1 To ensure alignment of the stakeholder rela
6.8.2 the RAF, the Board and the Department
stakeholder forum must be established to
strategic pursuit of key partnerships and re
the RAF. The forum should meet at least bi-
The forum must comprise of, but not be

Marketing and Communications, Operation
the Project Management Office.

_____________ Page

000, then financial and human resources to
fice level shall be prioritised.

sentativity in the stakeholder engagement
ctives through the legislative, executive and

ations impact on the work of the RAF.
poseful stakeholder relations management
he following business units: Marketing and
, Claims Management and the Hospital

tional arrangements must be upheld:

ations initiatives to the strategic direction of
of Transport as a shareholder, a national

o serve as a platform for coordinating the
elations to meet the strategic objectives of
limited to representatives of the following

ns, Legal, Forensic, Risk Management and


t r~

' Road


6.9 Provincial and regional stakeholder forums

6.9.1 Provincial and regional stakeholder forums
6.9.2 mobilise the support of the Provincial an
the objectives of the RAF.
RAF Regional General Managers, mus
organisational strategic objectives and ac
Government Level.
The Stakeholder Relations Department sha
through the RAF Stakeholder Relations pro

7. Roles and 7.1 Members of the Board and EXCO shall be
• The RAF Board shall review and monito
action plans and provide feedback via d

• Committing to act as advocates for the
relationships with key stakeholders;

• Providing requisite resources for implem
from this policy;

7.2 Chief Strategy Officer shall be responsible

• Determining the stakeholder engageme

organisational barriers, providing resou
f unctions;
• Providing strategic direction to the func
ensure key customers are mobilised to
of the Fund's strategic objectives and bu
• Championing conflict and strategic m
management function;

------------ Pag

s Board

s must be established to advocate, lobby and Exco
nd Local Government stakeholders to realise
st utilise this platform to advance the Strategy
ct as the face of RAF at Provincial and Local Officer

all provide strategic direction to this structure
gramme of action.

responsible for:
or the outcomes associated with engagement
designated RAF officials on progress to the

RAF by developing and sustaining strong

menting strategy frameworks emanating

e for: Sec Sl(h)
ent strategy, addressing cultural and
urces in support of the stakeholder relations

ction stakeholder relations management and
owards value adding relationships in support
usiness strategy;
management of the stakeholder relations


-' ~~ Road

• Facilitating for establishment and mana
stakeholder relations across all three sph

7.3 Chief Marketing Officer shall be responsible
• Supporting stakeholder relations man
relating to M arketing and Communica
marketing and internal communications

7.4 GM Stakeholder Relations shall be responsi
• Providing support to EXCO and the RAF B
with this policy;
• Providing strategic direction to the functi
oversee implementation of related strate
• Comm unicat ing the stakeholder engagem
development of the stakeholder relations

7.5 Regional General Managers shall be respon
• Championing stakeholder engagements a
realise the objectives of the RAF;
• Advancing the organisat ional strategic
Provincial and Loca l Government Level;
• Driving advocacy and other stakehold

7.6 Senior Manager: Stakeholder Relations
• Ensuring day-to-day operational impleme
• Ensure establishment and coordination o

___ __ _ Page

agement of institutional arrangements for Chief
heres of government. M arketing
e for:
nagement function by availing resources GM
ations, i.e. media coordination, branding, Sec Sl(h) Stakeholder
management. Relations

ible for: Regional
Board in ensuring operational compliance General
ion st akeholder relations management and
egies and policies throughout RAF; Senior
ment strategy and facilitate for the Manager:
s brand. Stakeholder
nsible for:
at Provincial and Local Government level t o

objectives and act as the face of RAF at

der liaison initiatives within their specific

entation and compliance with this policy;
of Regional and Provincial stakeholder fora;

, ,~

·~ Road


• Develop and implement stakeholder en
stakeholder engagement strategies.

7.7 Employees:
• Must be aware of any potential reputa
with stakeholders; and
• Adhering to the content of this policy.

8 Approval 8.1 The approval of this policy is done in accord

8.2 Any amendments to this policy must be


9. Implementation 9.1 Communication

This policy will be communicated in the following w

• Stakeholder engagement briefing sessi
• Memoranda of Agreement/ Understan
• Implementation of collaborated pr

responsibility and stakeholder relations
• Intranet, Email; Awareness sessions an

9.2 Monitoring

Compliance with this policy is monitored through:

____________ Pag


ngagement strategy including regional

ational risks emerging from their relationships

dance with the RAF Policy Framework. Section Board
S l( l ) ( a)(i)
e done in accordance with the RAF policy Section Executives
S l ( b ) ( i i) CFO
Section 56 Manager
ways: King Report GM ' s
Ill, Principle SM' s
8.5 Managers
ions and seminars
rojects on road safety, corporate social
nd training



• Quarterly reports

10. Non-Compliance Non-Compliance with this policy will lead to disciplin
Accident Fund' s applicable disciplinary policies and p

11. Effective date This policy w ill take effect from the date of signature

12. Policy revision This policy will be reviewed in accordance with the r
frequency, Framework.
process and

____________ Page

nary action in accordance with the Road Section DoT
procedures. Sl(l)(a)(i) Board
Section CFO
Sl(b)(ii) Responsible
Section 56 GM's
e by the Board. Managers
review dates as set out in the RAF Policy



, ,~

' Road


The signatories hereof, confirm their acceptance of the contents and autho


Signature: Chief Executive Officer
____________ Pag


orise the adoption thereof:
Date of Signature

If . IDate o Sagnature

Date of Signature
Date of Signature



The stakeholder engagement policy fosters adoption of a structured approach to liaising with various
stakeholders, by creating engagement platforms through local, provincial and national stakeholder fora. Its also
fosters engagement partnerships with the various sub-sector bodies and other social formations, in order to tap
into their membership. These will be:

• The RAF Sub-committee engagements;
• Provincial stakeholder forums;
• National stakeholder forum;
• Targeted communication to the sub-sector members;
• Public sector clients' strategic forums;
• Stakeholder engagement, feedback and needs analysis;
• Develop messages for stakeholder awareness and Identify ways of communicating these messages;
• Review, revise or develop presentations outlining the RAF's mandate, functions and strategic

• Set-up meetings with relevant stakeholder representatives to promote the RAF services, to build

partnerships and to inform stakeholders on challenges and/or positive issues when necessary;
• Propose SMME development initiatives through these structures (access to leamerships and support

from the RAF).



The RAF's Regional Offices have an important role to play in ensuring that this strategy is a success. As we recognise that
the competitive landscape is changing rapidly and some levels of stakeholder hostility also growing at a rapid rate where
most issues are located within the ambit of our regional offices, it is vital through the support of Head Office that Regional
Offices should reflect the RAF's unique contribution in the consciousness of the public.

All policy, strategy and implementation plans will be developed and driven from the Head Office with input s and
participation of the regional general managers. As such, perceptions of how well the RAF is performing and proposals for
improvement on the RAF services should be driven from the regions through advocacy and other stakeholder liaison

1.1. The RAF Committee engagements: (Part of Institutional Arrangements)

Currently, various skills development committees are engaged by the RAF for various initiatives, these are the National skills
development committee, the special committees and the regional committees. It is proposed that these committees be kept
in the loop on all activities and initiatives happening within the RAF, to keep them up to date.

The committees need to be informed of their respective roles and the RAF's expectations. A consolidated database of all
committee members needs to be maintained to ensure distribution to all.

1.2. Provincial and regional stakeholder forums:

The purpose of the regional/ provincial platforms will be to strengthen zone-specific stakeholder needs and relationships and
to give support to the regional teams, on zone specific challenges and needs, thus capturing such details and feeding them
into the organisation, for a generic and global perspective. These forums will comprise of stakeholders as follows:

a) Segmented subsectors contained in our stakeholder map;
b) Provincial Public Sector Focus;
c) Provincial Private Sector Focus;
d) Provincial public and private sector partnerships towards the corporate soclal responsibility focus of the RAF,

with respect to corporate citizenship, sustainability, social security and socio-economic upliftment;
e) SMME stakeholders, within the transport industry and/or transport industry-related business activities;

Two forums per province are proposed and these forums will need to be managed, by developing a database of the
members, developing terms of reference for participation and distributing communication to the members of the forums, via
the RAF regional offices.

1.3. National stakeholder forum

The national structure will serve as a platform for discussing strategic direction of the RAF. This could be an annual
stakeholder's conference, where all industry stakeholder representatives are briefed about the annual achievements and
highlighting some key strategic areas emanating from the provincial and regional stakeholders forums and to ultimately map
out the strategic objectives for year ahead.

This forum could also table research findings and other relevant insight necessary to advance the course of the forum,
towards a common understating of where and what the RAF is doing. The purpose is not to seek of this 111ational forum
would be to seek the support of and to keep the entity's stakeholders informed. The annual forum will need to be limed
taking into account the recognised timely announcements of the entity's key strategic milestones and other shareholder
related activities.

1.3.1. Public-Private Sector Strategic forums

There are various forums within which the RAF can make presentations to provide information and create added awareness
of its mandate and get buy-in at a leadership and political level on some of its initiatives and to build partnerslhips, with both
private and public sector stakeholder, namely: the transport forum at provincial and municipal levels, the Speakers forum,
the forum of H.O.D's, the MINMEC, the CFO's forums, GCIS forum, FOSADG, Black Business Council, BUSA, etc.
Additional forums will be identified to roll out this programme.


Aim: To ensure a positive and external Image of the RAF whilst proactively

Enhancing RAF'sreputation Improved perceptions about Lawyers and conveyens

Facilitate for cooperative co- RAF
Prosecutors andjudges

Uphold the needs of the claimant

Promote business free from fraud
and under-handedness

providing relevant information and drawing stakeholder support for the RAF

sors Transparent and trust based Meetings through law quarterly
relations societies

Promotion of integrity and empathy
for claimants

Improved systems
and processed

Improved turn around times for
claim settlements


Accessible, simple and Victims of Road accidents
efficient service (claimants)

Suppliers who claim agai

s RAF cares for its customers RAF on the road
Easy access to support and care
Sustainable rehabilitation and CSR programmes
reintegration interventions targeting claims

inst Quick turn around times for Post crash care
settlement of supplier claims services

Financial/ investment
empowerment funds
aimed at enhancing
sustainability of road
accident victims

Database of supplier Bi-annually

Annual seminars with Annually
targeted suppliers per

CSR collaborations annually
with supplier
claimants aimed at
sustaining their
businesses and
contributing to the
plight of the
unemployed in SA


Enhanced understanding and Extending social security services Social Dev. Dep
support for the caring function of RAF to RAF vulnerable claimants Health Dept
Promotion of sustainable social Validation of data integrity on Hospital CEOs
security for victims and their families claimants who may also be in their

Extend the footprint of RAF

Home Affairs De

pt quarterly

security safety net for the poor and Extension of MoUs to
vulnerable provincial and regional

Preserving human dignity for accident heads

victims and their families

i.e. regional executive




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