Dammam Community College
During the Internship
1. On the student’s arrival at the placement, he should provide a copy of the
schedule to his work supervisor, along with copies of the forms, and
provide him with the contact information of Summer Coordinator.
2. The student should contact the Summer coordinator soon after he has
arrived at his place of work. Any problems should be reported to the
Summer Coordinator.
3. The student should keep communicating with the Internship and Alumni
Relationship Office and the Summer Coordinator during the entire
internship to ensure the greatest assistance from both parties.
4. The student should submit his training plan for the placement to the
Summer Coordinator at the College. This should be at the first day of his
placement. All summer Internship files will be submitted through the
5. The student should maintain the logbook on daily basis which will help
him to complete all his reports, and help the field supervisor to produce
an accurate evaluation.
6. The student should submit 3 progress reports bi-weekly, that is, by the end
of weeks 3, 5, and 7. This should be signed by the field supervisor, then
scanned and finally uploaded to the CMS.
7. The student should complete and return all required reports and forms to
the summer coordinator according to the schedule provided at the
beginning of the placement
8. Any late submission will be subject to penalty.
9. The student himself must complete the reports but it must be agreed and
endorsed by the field supervisor.
10. The student should request his field supervisor to submit all forms and
reports required.
11. Student must conform to the general policies, procedures, rules, and
regulations of the organization in the same way that all personnel of the
organization must do.
12. The students must pay particular attention to, and conscientiously
observe, the ethical directives specific to the organization.
13. The student must not interfere with the operations of the organization.
14. The student must observe strict confidentiality of all information, as
would be expected of.
15. The student should follow the directions of the field supervisor at all times
in matters pertaining to the organization.
16. The student is encouraged to seek the advice, counseling, and guidance of
the field supervisor and others assigned as the student's supervisor.
17. The student should perform all tasks and activities assigned to him
2 effectively and efficiently, to the best of his ability.
By the End of Internship
After finishing the Internship, students need to do the following
by the end of the internship immediately:
1. Fill out the Field Experience Survey about you
Internship experience and submit it to the Summer
2. Prepare a draft copy of the Internship final report then
submit it to the Summer Coordinator for discussion
and feedback.
3. Submit an attendance report, signed by the
employer/supervisor, to the Summer Coordinator, via
CMS, at the end of internship period.
4. During Week 8 the student must attend the follow up
meeting. In this meeting, students will be expected to
reflect on and generalize from their experience, relate
it to studies previously undertaken, and apply that
experience to situations likely to be faced in future
After The Internship
After finishing the Internship, in the subsequent semester students need to do the following:
1. During the third week students must submit a Final Report to the Summer Coordinator.
The Summer Coordinator will guide and give recommendations to the student in preparing
the report. A guide is also available on the website and included in the internship package.
2. Prepare a presentation describing his internship and submit the soft copy file via e-mail to
the summer coordinator by the end of Week 6.
3. During Week 7 student will give an oral presentation on his summer internship. The student
will present what knowledge and/or experience he gained during the 8 weeks of internship at
the organization.
Grade Distribution Percentage
1. 3 Progress Reports ( 5% each) 15 %
2. Field Supervisor Evaluation of Student's 20 %
Performance 30 %
3. Final Report
4. Attendance (based on attendance report) 10%
5. Activities log 10%
6. Oral Presentation 15 %
Internship Work Plan and Agreement
This section should be completed by the field supervisor
Name of Organization: ……………………….
Field Supervisor Name: ………………………………
Phone: ……………………Mobile: …………….. E-mail: ………………………………………
Interns Names: ………………………………………………………………………………….
Field Supervisor Responsibilities
Dammam Community College greatly appreciates your participation in its internship program. Your
role is integral to the student’s internship experience and success.
As a field supervisor for this internship, I agree to
1. Provide adequate guidance and support to the trainee.
2. Ensure that the student follows this work plan which will be approved by the DCC Summer
3. Review and approve the student’s progress reports prior to their submission to the DCC Summer
4. Evaluate the student using the provided student evaluation form at the end of week 8 of the internship
training period.
5. Complete the field supervisor survey at the end of week 8 of the internship training period.
6. Observe the Student learning outcome for this internship listed below.
Internship description and list of duties:
Please include at least six specific intern duties or indicate approval of duties already listed below. These
duties should help the student in successful achievement of student learning outcomes listed below
1. Format, Install, image, upgrade, maintain and troubleshoot an operating system.
2. Disassembling and Assembling the Computer System
3. Setting up a Hard Disk, Format, Create Partitions, Backup and restore data
4. Plan, design, develop and configure a small Networked environment.
5. Create programs and Web-based systems.
6. Develop databases and create professional documents using Microsoft Office Applications.
Please add additional duties as appropriate.
By the end of the internship program student should be able to:
1. Describe the role and responsibility of your department, in the organization.
2. Apply academic knowledge and skills in performing tasks
3. Demonstrate Interpersonal skills with co-workers
4. Show ethical behavior and responsibility
5. Demonstrate effective communication skills.
Field Supervisor signature
This section should be completed by the summer coordinator
Summer Coordinator Name: ………………………………
Phone: ………………………Mobile: ……………. E-mail: ………………………………
Summer Coordinator signature: ………………………………
Date: ………………………………
Dammam Community College
(Internship Details)
Student name:
DCC – ID No.
Home phone:
Internship Starting date:
Major: □ SCM □ ACCT □ HRM □ MKT □ CIT □ ST
Company name:
Company address:
Company Fax:
Supervisor name:
Job Title of the supervisor:
Supervisor’s Office Tel:
Supervisor’s mobile:
Supervisor’s e-mail:
The company accepts the student as a trainee for specified period of EIGHT weeks starting 24-06-18
Signature of the student: Please complete this form and upload it
to the CMS.
Signature of the Supervisor: Summer Training Coordinator details:
Company stamp: Dr. Hani Al-Mohair
Mobile: (0566) 804-366
KFUPM – 5084, Dhahran - 31261
Phone: 03 – 8683300 Ext. 705
[email protected]
Internship Activity Log (week-1)
Student : _______________________________ for the dates of: ___________________________
Day of Week Activities or assignments Time spent in each activity
Student Progress Report
Name of Intern: …………………………………………….. ………………….
Name of Organization: ………………………. ………………………………..
Name of Field Supervisor: ……………………… ……………………………..
Major #: …………Student ID: ……………..………………..
Period Covered From:Week-1 To: Week-3
This report is to be completed and signed by the Intern once every two weeks, and signed by his field supervisor.
The report should be sent the Summer Coordinator on time, as stated in the schedule of tasks. The expectation is
that each of the first five following items must be at least thirty words in length and typed in paragraph format.
1. Describe your principle assignments and responsibilities during this period.
2. What experiences were particularly rewarding during this report period?
3. Any experiences you have faced that could have been better?
4. Describe other professional growth opportunities (e.g., seminars, field trips, directed
readings, and meetings) that you were able to capitalize on during this period.
5. What new knowledge or skill did you learn in this period?
6. What did you learn, either from readings or classroom discussions, that you applied on the
job during this period? (Do not give course numbers or classes.)
7. Which courses/subjects helped you most this period? Please give course numbers or topics?
8. Which courses/subjects you feel could be expanded or added that would have helped you
perform your job better this period?
Please fill the report, sign it, scan it and upload it to the CMS. And to keep copy for your field t upon completion.
Supervisors Signature
Student Signature
Additional Timetable if required
Student Name:
Student Mobile number:
Student email:
Company Name:
Supervisor Name: Single Shift
Supervisor Mobile#:
Supervisor's email:
Starting date of Training:
Ending Date of Training:
Single Shift Additional Timetable if required
Week 1 Time In Time Out Week 2 Time In Time Out Week 3 Time In Time Out Week 4 Time In Time Out
Time Out S Sun n Time Out
Sun Sun Sun
Mon Mon Mon Mon
Tue Tue Tue Tue
Wed Wed Wed Wed
Wed Wed Wed Wed
Thu Thu Thu Thu
Week 5 Time In Time Out Week 6 Time In Week 7 Time In Time Out Week 8 Time In
Sun Sun Sun Sun
Mon Mon Mon Mon
Tue Tue Tue Tue
Wed Wed Wed Wed
Wed Wed Wed Wed
Thu Thu Thu Thu
Supervisor Signature: Company Stamp:
Student Signature:
Dammam Community College – Summer Internship Program
Student’s Evaluation - Confidential
Student’s Name: Student’s ID:
Major: Starting Date of Training:
Brief Description of the Training:
Please rate the student for the following items on a scale from 0 to 10 score: (01 reflects poor and 10 reflects distinguished)
(Please refer to the rubrics (tables) attached, for assessment of the first five items)
Item Score
Knowledge and understanding of duties and responsibilities المعرفة وفهم الواجبات والمسؤوليات
Ability to apply knowledge & skills in performing tasks القدرة على تطبيق المعرفة والمهارات في أداء المهام
Maintaining effective relations with co-workers ) فريق العمل،الحفاظ على علاقات فعالة مع زملاء العمل (المواقف
(Attitude, Team Work ) ، الحضور ودقة المواعيد،المسؤولية والسلوك الأخلاقي (مسؤليته عن عمله
) إمكانية الإعتماد عليه،الإنضباط الذاتي
Responsibility and Ethical Behavior
القدرة على التواصل الشفوي والكتابي و العروض التقديمية
(Responsible on his work , Honest, Attendance & Punctuality, Self-discipline,
Ability of oral and written communication & presentation
Judgment and decision making الحكم وصنع القرار
Ability of learning and searching information القدرة على التعلم والبحث عن المعلومات
Quality of work output جودة انتاج العمل
Motivation and Enthusiasm الدافع والحماس
Critical thinking and Problem solving abilities المجموع قدرات التفكير النقدي وحل المشاكل
التقييم العام لأداء الطالب التقييم العام لأداء الطالب
TOTAL (Out of 100)
Overall rating for the student’s performance
Excellent 100-90 ⃝ Good 75-89 ⃝ Satisfactory 60-74 ⃝ Poor Less than 60 ⃝
Comments if any:
Supervisor’s Name: Signature:
Company Name:
Position: Company Stamp
Email: الرجاء إرسال هذا النموذج بعد تعبئته الى العنوان التالى
Dr. Hani Al-Mohair (0566) 804-366
Please Complete this form and send it to: Off Phone: 03-868-3300 Ext 705
Summer Training Coordinator
KFUPM Email: [email protected]
PO Box 5084
Dhahran 31261
Download the Summer Guide from DCC Website and read it
Dr. Hani Al-Mohair ([email protected])
Documents Due Date Report Content
Internship Details First Day Details of Company history,
Work plan-Agreement activities, objectives, etc…
Progress Report-1 Week 3 Details of Supervisor
Details on Job description
Progress report of job
assignments and activities as per
Training plan & Schedule
Progress Report-2 End of Week 5 Progress report of job
(Thursday) assignments and activities as per
Training plan & Schedule
Progress Report-3 Week 7 Progress report of job
(Thursday) assignments and activities as per
Training plan & Schedule
Online Surveys done by Through DCC Website online
Student Week 8
Supervisor (Monday)
Supervisor Evaluation Last Day Sealed in an envelope
Complete file with all First Day of next semester Submit Final report incorporating
documents including all the necessary changes and
Final Report, corrections.
Attendance Sheet &
08 Weekly activity Logs Last week of summer To take their feed back
(it will be checked by your or first Week of next the semester
September/October Present knowledge and
Follow up meeting experience acquired.
Power Point Presentation
On your report
Final Grades November Registrar Office