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Published by @editorialsonar, 2021-05-01 11:50:58

Way To Go! - Student's Book 6°

Way To Go! - Student's Book 6°

module 3 // Unit 2

3. Read Look at the map of Michael’s neighbourhood and read the directions.
Then, point to the places.

Department Store School Bookshop

Cinema Third Avenue

Bank Pharmacy


Second Avenue First Avenue Bak e r y

a. The bank’s b. The cinema’s c. The school’s d. The pharmacy’s e. The bakery’s

next to the opposite between the café behind the in front of the

hospital. the bank. and the bookshop public library. restaurant.

57 4. Listen Listen to Michael talk to Kaitlin about his neighbourhood and point to
the places on the map in exercise 3. Then, listen again and complete
Word Bank the sentences.
Michael: So… this is the map of my neighbourhood. Here’s the
behind hospital a. Second Avenue. It’s b. the
in front of
next to bank. c. the bank is the cinema, and d.
the cinema is the department store. 101
Kaitlin: Where’s your school?

Michael: The school’s e. the café and the bookshop. My
mum always goes to that café. It’s on Third Avenue.
Kaitlin: Where’s the bakery we always go to?
Michael: The bakery’s right here on the corner of First Avenue,

f. the restaurant.
Kaitlin: And your house?

Michael: It’s on Third Avenue, g. the pharmacy, h.
the public library. Let's go to the bakery and get some

Kaitlin: Sure!

Module // 3 Unit // 2 Lesson // 1

5. Speak In pairs, look at the photos and say where the places are.

Street 1 Street 2

school pharmacy bookshop bakery café

supermarket re s t au ra n t

The supermarket’s The bakery’s…
between… the café.

58 6. Listen Listen to some students talk about their favourite places in the
neighbourhood and complete the table. Then, compare with a partner.

Place: Place: Place: sypToeauuyckniotifdnioucegSfwritonnsuactfodnaoutyntresmTdstooi.aphnteitolhpnes
Location: Location: Location:
102 Why: Why: Why:

7. Speak In groups, ask and answer questions about your favourite place in your


What’s your Where is it?
favourite place in your Why do you like it?


module 3 // Unit 2
Expanding Knowledge » I’m a Good Citizen

1. Read Take the test and learn if you’re a good citizen.

A Good Citizen Knows This!

1. Do you recycle and keep your 2. Do you make noise that makes 3. Do you know the
neighbourhood clean? your neighbours unhappy? emergency numbers in your
a. Always ❏ a. Always ❏ neighbourhood?
b. Sometimes ❏ b. Sometimes ❏ a. Yes ❏
c. Never ❏ c. Never ❏ b. No ❏

4. Do you say hello to your 5. When you walk your dog, do you 6. Do you respect public
neighbours and people in your keep your park clean? spaces and objects such as
community? a. Always ❏ bins, benches, bus stops,
a. Always ❏ b. Sometimes ❏ playgrounds, etc.?
b. Sometimes ❏ c. Never ❏ a. Always ❏
c. Never ❏ b. Sometimes ❏
c. Never ❏
Question 1: a = 5 points, b = 3 points, c = 1 point 20–30 points: You’re a good
Question 2: a = 1 point, b = 3 points, c = 5 points citizen! Good job!
Question 3: a = 5 points, b = 1 point 10–20: You try to be a good citizen.
Questions 4, 5 and 6: a = 5 points, b = 3 points, c = 1 point. Continue trying!
6–10: You aren’t trying to be a
good citizen. You can do it!

2. Read Match the signs with the instructions. 103

1. 2. 3. 4.

a. ‘Please recycle.’ b. ‘This area is c. ‘Clean up after d. ‘Don’t make noise.’

protected by police.' your dog.’

Module // 3 Unit // 2 Lesson // 2

59 3. Listen Listen to people talk about their community and answer the questions.

Mr Gómez The Parra Family Jennifer and Raúl and his friends

a. What does Mr Gómez do to help his community?
b. What does the Parra family do?
c. What do Jennifer and Michael do?
d. What do Raúl and his friends do?

4. Read Look at the signs, stand up, walk around the classroom and follow the

directions your teacher gives.

Turn right Turn left Go straight ahead

5. Read Look at the map and read the directions. Say where Mr Gómez is going.

Park Avenue Leaf Avenue a. Walk straight
Café ahead to
Restaurant Creek Avenue
and turn left
Sun Street there.
May Street
Bak e r y Supermarket

104 b. Turn right on
May Street.

Creek Avenue

Bookshop Tree StreetBank Study Tip
Rose Avenue Rain Street saauynwtLrooderauoarrseueribgnanoeniddncfsiogmynhmoghaeusoepl.prwss
c. The place is
opposite the

Mr Gómez is here

module 3 // Unit 2

6. Read In pairs, read the directions and use the map in exercise 5 to say
where you arrive.

1. You’re at the café on 1. You’re at the 1. You’re at the bank
Leaf Avenue. Walk restaurant on Park on Rain Street. Walk
straight ahead and Avenue. Walk straight straight ahead and
turn left on Sun Street. ahead on May Street. turn left on Creek
Turn left on Creek Avenue.
2. Turn right on Creek Avenue.
Avenue. 2. Turn right on May
2. Turn right on Rain Street.
3. The place is on the Street.
corner of Creek 3. The place is opposite
Avenue and Rain 3. The place is opposite the supermarket.
Street. the bookshop.
Place: Place:

7. Speak In groups, use the map in exercise 5 and give directions.

Walk straight
ahead on Rose Avenue.

Turn left…

8. Speak Look at the community's strategy to make their neighbourhood better

and discuss the questions in groups.

service at church:
organizing events

for charity

Recycle at 105
home and
a. Does everybody in public Community Park
work together in your cleaning and
neighbourhood? areas maintenance

b. What strategies are there Teach All
to keep the neighbourhood something you neighbours are
clean? know: dancing, reponsible for

c. What strategies are there arts and security
to include others in your crafts

d. Is a good community the
responsibility of everybody?

Module // 3 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3

Preparing Your Task » For a Better Community

60 1. Listen Listen to Santiago interview a person from his neighbourhood
in Armenia and complete the questions.

Final task activity!

a. live? I live in downtown, Armenia.
about your I like my street. There are
b. lots of shops. There’s a
neighbourhood? in your supermarket, a bookshop, a
department store, everything!
c. places do My favourite place in my
neighbourhood? neighbourhood is the square
where the San Francisco
d. church is. There’s also a park
you like? there where I take my dog.
Another place I like is Café de
la Merced. I always go there
with my friends for coffee!

2. Write Interview a person in your neighbourhood. Write the Final task activity!

106 questions using the words below. Then, write the answers.

Question Answer

a. Where / live?
b. What places / are there?
c. Is there a bakery / pharmacy / bank?
d. What / like / about neighbourhood?
e. What’s / favourite place?
f. Do / like / your community?
g. What / do / to help in the community?

module 3 // Unit 2

3. Read In pairs, look at the list of things to do. Say where you need to go in

your neighbourhood.

Things to do: We need to buy
• Buy milk, bread, eggs
• Buy medicine for grandpa
• Buy a new adventure book
• Visit Emma who is sick
• Play volleyball with Matthew
• Do volunteer work at church

We need to
go to the…

4. Write In groups, design a map of your neighbourhood. Label the different

places and take turns to ask for and give directions.

What places There’s a
are there? supermarket, a
cinema, a park …

I want to go to To go to the park,
the park and I’m walk straight
ahead ….
here …

5. Speak In groups, look at the following community ad. Say what it’s about and if

you think it can work.

Our neighbourhood park We want it to look like this! 21st Century Skills
looks like this… · Leadership
How can you help to improve
your community?

Come with your family this Saturday and help us clean it and
fix the playground.

Together we Can Build a Better Community!

Module // 3 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3

6. Speak In groups, number the neighbourhood problems in order of importance

and discuss what you can do to help. Use the words in the box.

repair rubbish  crime
paint  noise  unkindness
call emergency services  traffic  vandalism
be friendly
put signs up That’s right. We
talk to the police can repair the
run a campaign
have a neighbourhood meeting benches.

We can paint the
rubbish bins.

The problem
we have is vandalism in

our public spaces.

7. Write In groups, make an ad to encourage people in your community to solve
the problems in exercise 6.
61 8.
a. Is your ad visually
attractive? Yes No

b. Does it give the message Final task
you want? Yes No

c. Does it give solutions to the

problem? Yes No

Speak Pronunciation. Listen and practise asking the following questions.

a. Do you like your neighbourhood?

b. What’s an important place in your

c. Do you know the emergency numbers?

d. Where’s the police station?

module 3 // Check Your Progress

Check Your Progress

1. Speak Look at the map of a different neighbourhood I can talk about
places in town.
and ask and answer the questions.
Very well
Department Store Cinema a. Where can you Quite well
Apple Avenue buy shoes? With difficulty

Bank b. Where can you
Police Station Pear Street buy an aspirin?
Lemon AvenuePeach street
c. Where can you
Café Hospital watch a film?
d. Where can you
Bookshop buy fruit?

Bak e r y Supermarket e. Where can
you report an
Strawberry Avenue emergency?

Public Library Church School

62 2. Listen I can talk about
where places are.
Ted’s helping Harry find his way in the neighbourhood.
Listen and follow the directions on the map in exercise 1. Very well
Say where Harry goes. Quite well
With difficulty
a. The first place is the on
 . on

b. The second place is the

3. Speak In pairs, ask and answer questions about your neighbourhood.

a. What places are there in 109
your neighbourhood?
I can describe
b. What’s your favourite place? places.
Where is it?
Very well
c. Do people in your community Quite well
help each other? How? With difficulty

d. What do you like about your

Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 1 Objectives

Unit »3 » I can use vocabulary related to jobs.
» I can talk about actions in progress.
Every Job Is Important » I can describe actions in a simple and

logical sequence.
» I can talk and write about daily activities.

In Context » Different Jobs

1. Speak Look at Joyce’s neighbourhood map and describe the people that
live there.
Who’s she?
She’s Cynthia. What does she do?
Name: Cecilia
Job: Cook Name: Cynthia Where does
Place: Fresh and Job: Nurse she work?
Yummy Restaurant Place: Shield Hospital

Name: Lynn Name: Luis Name: Christopher
Job: Baker Job: Sales clerk Job: Teacher
Place: Corner Bakery Place: Green Place: Lakeside School
Name: Delia
Job: Hairdresser She works at She’s a nurse.
Place: Celia's Salon Shield Hospital.

Name: Ron Name: Mary Anne
Job: Pharmacist Job: Police officer
Place: Blue Pharmacy Place: Police station

110 Speak Discuss with a friend if you know people with these jobs in
your community.

Do you know a baker Yes, I do.
in your community? His name’s José.

module 3 // Unit 3

3. Write In pairs, look at the photos and write what these people
do. Use the Word Bank.

actor builder farmer mechanic

doctor engineer artist accountant

Word Bank 21st Century Skills
· Critical Thinking
builds houses takes care of people acts in a play
fixes cars designs buildings and streets checks accounts What do you like about
grows fruit and vegetables paints these jobs?

63 4. Listen Listen to Joyce talk about her sister’s job and guess what job it is.
5. Then, compare your answers with a partner.

Yes No

a. Joyce’s sister works in an office. 111
b. Jane works with computers.
c. Jane works with children.
d. Jane gets phone calls.
e. Jane grows fruit and vegetables.

Write Write about a member of your family with the words given.
Then, share your information in groups.

My is a .
He/She works at a .
He/She works with children/

Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 1

6. Speak In pairs, choose a character and ask and answer questions about their job.

Study Tip


Does she work in a No, she doesn’t.
restaurant? Yes, she is.

Is she wearing a hat?

7. Listen Match the photos with the sentences. Then, compare with a partner.


64 2. 3. 4.

1. ¨ ¨ ¨


a. In this photo, she’s b. Here, she’s helping c. Here, my sister’s d. Here, she’s
reading a story. the children. doing exercise with painting.
They’re playing the children.
with blocks.

module 3 // Unit 3
Expanding Knowledge » What Are You Doing Right Now?

1. Read Read the diary and say what Andrea’s doing on each day. Then, answer

the questions.

June 20th June 24th

Dear diary, Dear diary,
It’s fun to Today’s
be a 6th Wednesday
grader while and I’m with
everybody my dad. He’s
else is working! My mother’s a cook and she a pharmacist
works in a restaurant. Right now, I’m at the and works at a pharmacy in town. Right now,
restaurant with her. She’s cooking lots of food he’s talking to a customer. While he’s working,
and I’m helping her to prepare a sauce. I’m doing my homework!

June 26th June 27th

Dear diary, Dear diary,
Today I’m with my Today’s
sister, Julia. She’s a Saturday and
salesperson. She works I’m home while
in a shop. Right now, all my family’s
we’re organizing the working. I’m
products in their place. doing my favourite activity in the world! I’m

a. What does Andrea’s mother do? e. What does Andrea’s sister do?
b. Where does she work? f. Where does she work?
c. What does Andrea’s father do? g. What’s Andrea’s favourite activity?
d. Where does he work?

2. Speak Look at the photos and say Word Bank 113
what the people are doing right run talk eat play

now. Use the Word Bank.

They’re… She’s… He’s… They’re…

Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 2

3. Speak Look around the classroom and take notes about what’s happening.

Then, share your ideas in groups.


Is somebody drinking water right now?
Is somebody writing?
Is somebody listening to music?
Is somebody jumping?
Is somebody eating?

4. Write Write a diary entry about what the people in your family are doing now.

Right now my mum/dad/brother is…
My cousins are…
While my mother/sister is…. I’m…
What’s your sister doing right now?
What do you do while they’re…?

65 5. Listen Listen and read about what an Word Bank
actor does. Use the Word Bank perform learn practise
to complete the sentences.
Then, compare with a partner.

Secondly, we have to learn

First of all, the director gives the lines. Here, I’m with the

My name’s Oscar and I’m an me my role. I have to read other actors. We

114 actor. It isn’t an easy job! the text of the play. our lines!

Thirdly, we have to practise Then, we do the play in the Finally, after all that work,
and practise. Here, we here’s the audience clapping!
theatre. Here, I a
a scene.
play by Shakespeare.

module 3 // Unit 3

6. Read Read about Jane’s typical day as a violinist and put the sentences in the

correct order. Then, compare with a partner.

First of all, I wake ¨ Then, Jane practises with
up at 6:00 a.m. and her teacher.
get ready for work.
I’m a musician. ¨ Finally, Jane and the
I play the violin orchestra perform for an
in an orchestra. audience.
Secondly, I arrive
at the conservatory ¨ First of all, Jane wakes up
and begin to study. Then, I practise on my own. Here early.
I’m playing a piece. Later, we have lunch with the
other musicians. After that, we practise for two hours. ¨ After lunch, she practises
Sometimes we have a performance at night. It’s usually with the orchestra.
a busy day, but I love my job!
¨ Later, Jane eats lunch with
other musicians.

¨ Secondly, Jane goes to the
conservatory and studies.

7. Write Write the names of different jobs and choose one. Then, act it out and

ask your classmates to guess your job.

What are you doing? Are you a dancer?
Are you dancing?

8. Speak Choose a job and draw different activities you have to do for your job. 115

Then, share in groups.

I’m a…
Here I’m…
At the minute, I’m… and…
While I do this, my colleagues…
What’s your job?
What are you doing here?

Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

Preparing Your Task » I Know the People in my Community

66 1. Read Listen and read Ramiro’s documentary about the job of a baker.
Then, answer the questions.

This is Ligia. 1. 2.

She’s a Secondly, Ligia bakes the
bread. The bread goes in
baker. She the oven.
works at

Grandma’s The first thing that Ligia does
Bread in the morning is prepare
Bakery. the ingredients. Here’s Ligia

making the dough.


This is my
do c ume n t ar y.

Thirdly, the bakers make other Here, Ligia’s putting plastic
different breads and cakes. At on some bread rolls.
this moment, they’re making
bread rolls.


Finally, when everything’s
ready, Ligia and the other
bakers sell the bread.

a. Where does Ligia work? c. What’s she doing in picture 1?
b. What’s the first thing she does in d. What’s she doing in picture 2?
e. What’s she doing in picture 4?
the morning?

116 2. Speak Look at the photos and say who works at the places.

There are
doctors in the
hospital. They
help people.

Hospital in The Sydney School in
Zapatoca, Opera House Cabo de la Vela,
Santander in Australia

module 3 // Unit 3

3. Write In groups, choose a person from your community and create a
documentary about his/her job. If possible, take photos or draw the

activities he/she does.

This is . Then, he/she
He’s/She’s a

He/She works at a .

The first thing Later, he/she
he/she does is
Here he’s/she’s . Final task activity!

. Here he’s/
she’s .

At this moment, Finally,
he’s/she’s . .

4. Speak Look at the flow chart and write the corresponding job for each need.
Then, discuss in groups.

In our community people

need good health services.

We need .

We need to buy things. People need education.

We need . We need .

People need security. We need food.

We need . We need .

People need .

We need .


5. Write In groups, choose a person from your community to be Person of the
Month. Explain why.

This is Rocío Pérez. She’s the 21st Century Skills
Community Person of the Month. · Leadership
She’s a nurse. She’s very kind.
She helps everybody in the How do people with other jobs
community when they are sick. help your community?
She makes people feel better.

Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

6. Speak Read and say whether the sentences are true for you. Then, say what job’s

a good choice for you.

Yes No
I like working with computers.
I like working with children.
I like working with animals.
I like working with plants.
I like designing things.
I like cooking.
I enjoy working outdoors.

You like working with You can be an artist or an
children. You‘re creative and art teacher.

like art and music.

7. Read Read quotations about work and match them with the explanations.

1. Every body’s 2. Work is victory.
work in literature,
or music, or Ralph Waldo Emerson
architecture or (1803–1882) American
anything else, is
always an image philosopher and poet
of themselves.
3. We create our own
Samuel Butler (1612–1680) fortune and are the
British poet children of our own works.

Miguel de Cervantes (1547–1616)
Spanish novelist, dramatist and poet

a. You choose your b. People usually choose jobs c. If you work hard, you see the

destiny and you related to things that interest results of your work.
1 1 8 decide what
them. Their choice shows

you are. what the person’s like.

67 8. Speak Pronunciation. Listen and practise asking the following questions.

a. What do you do? î
b. Do you like your job? ì
c. What activities do you have to do in your job? î
d. Is your job difficult? ì

module 3 // Unit 3

68 Chant

Welcome to our town 119

Welcome to our town,
We like to keep it clean!
We take care of the environment,
Our parks are very green.

We turn off all the lights
And we always use our bikes.

Welcome to our town.
Let me show you around!

There’s a church and a café,
And a square where people meet.
There are lots and lots of restaurants

Where people like to eat.

There’s a doctor healing people,
And the bakers love to cook,

There are builders building houses,
And a library full of books!

Welcome to our town, …

Come and see my house,
My bedroom’s really cool!

Turn left, then right,
It’s opposite the school.

My house has two bathrooms,
A kitchen and a garden!
In my room I have a desk,

And a bed where I can rest.

Welcome to our town, …

Module // 3

1. Speak Do you find these nouns in a house or in a

town? Ask and answer with a partner.

bedroom kitchen church café parks room square restaurants garden houses
bed library school desk

In a town In a house
Where do you find a bedroom? bedroom

You find a bedroom in a house.

2. Read Match the words to make sentences.

1 We build in my room.
2 Books are green.
3 The bakers cook food.
4 The builders have houses.
5 Libraries rest in the library.
6 Parks heals people.
7 The doctor use in the square.
8 People meet the lights.
9 We are our bikes.
10 I turn off books

3. Write Write answers in complete sentences.

120 1 What do the people of the town take care of? 6 What does the doctor do?
7 What do the bakers do?
They take care of the environment.
2 What do people turn off?

3 Where do people meet? 8 What is in the library?

4 How many restaurants are there? 9 Where is the speaker’s house?

5 What do people do in the restaurants? 10 How many bathrooms does the house have?

module 3 // Check Your Progress

Check Your Progress

1. Write Look at the descriptions and write the names of rIeclaanteudsetovjoocbasb. ulary
Very well
the jobs. Quite well

1. This person makes food and works in a kitchen. With difficulty
2. This person meets customers and sells products
3. This person makes houses.

2. Write Look at the photos of different jobs
and say what the people are doing.

She’s . He’s . iIncparnotgarleksasb. out actions

Very well
Quite well
Need help

He’s . She’s . siInecqaaunseidmnecpselce.riabnedalcotgioicnasl

69 3. Listen Listen to Jim talk about his typical day Very well
and put the sentences in order. Quite well
Need help
Thirdly, he collects the First of all, Jim arrives at
ingredients. the restaurant. 121
Finally, Jim decorates Then, he prepares the
the plates. Now the soups.
food’s ready! After that, Jim prepares
Secondly, he checks the the more complicated
menus of the day. dishes.

4. Speak Imagine you have a job. Tell a friend what I can atacltkivaitnidesw. rite about
you do on a typical day.
Very well
I’m a… I work at a… Quite well
The first thing I do is… With difficulty
Secondly, I…
After that… / Then…

Module // 3 Review


hcy(2ooig-nu4hsreepasclntausystwceivoreesrr),omysoaeurkag(seOqtu1oarrpeXo)aininntd. tTahhneesswtqeeuaramrteh/.epIlfqayyuoeeurstwhioaitnvh.eItf3he

1. How many chairs are there in your dining 16. What places are there in your
room? neighbourhood? Name 3.

2. Complete (use the verb in parentheses): 17. Does your house have a garage?
My mother is an architect. She ——— (work)
right now. 18. Complete: When you walk your dog, it is
important to ——— up after it.
3. Choose: —Is—t—h—er—e—/ —ar—e—th—e—re— a desk in your
bedroom? 19. What is your favourite place in your
4. Complete: Don’t u—n—h—apnpoyis. e that makes
your neighbours 20. Complete: What ——— he do? He is a baker.
21. Where can you buy bread?
5. Is there a TV in your living room?
22. Complete: She is an ———; she designs
6. Do students in your school use a car to go buildings and streets.
to school?
23. Complete: He is a ———; he takes care of
7. Conhoaorseec:y—cTl—hin—agt—/p—Tr—ohj—oes—cet.children are working people.

8. Choose: What —is—th—a—t—/ a—r—e—th—o—se—? They are 24. Complete (use the verb in parentheses):
solar panels. While I am studying at school, my dad
——— (make) lunch.
9. Where can you buy groceries?
25. What do you like about your
10. Cbeogminplteotest:u—d—y—. T, Ihaernr,ivIehaavtescahboroelaaknadnd neighbourhood? Name 2 things.
play with my friends.
26. Complete: The pharmacy is in ——— of the
11. How many bedrooms are there in your bookshop.
27. What does your father do?
122 12. Complete (use the verb in parentheses): At
the moment I ———(do) my homework. 28. Complete: ——— do you live? I live in
13. Complete: Walk straight ahead and ————
left on Creek Avenue. 29. Do you live in a house or an apartment?

14. Do you separate rubbish and recycle? 30. Complete: First of all, Sam arrives at the
Explain. bakery. ———, she prepares the ingredients.
Thirdly, she bakes the bread.
15. wChoorkossea:t—WR—ehp—eúr—eb—/li—cWa—h—dae—t Cdooleosmsbhiea work? She

module 3 // Review

1 234 5

6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 123
26 27 28 29 30

Module // 3 Final Task

Final Task

A Radio Programme about My Community!

1. In groups, collect the information and materials you created in this module.

Use the checklist to make sure you have everything you need.

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3
Eco-Friendly Home I Belong to a Community Every Job Is Important

Lesson 3, exercise 1 Lesson 3, exercise 1 Lesson 3, exercise 1

Understanding data Santiago’s interview with Ramiro’s documentary
Mrs Pérez on Ligia, the baker
Lesson 3, exercise 2
Lesson 3, exercise 2 Lesson 3, exercise 3
Survey on classmates’
home and eco-friendly Interview with person in Documentary of person
activities your neighbourhood from your community

Lesson 3, exercise 6 Lesson 3, exercise 7

Eco-friendly person Ad to encourage people to
interview improve their community

2. Read and match the sentences with the parts of a radio programme. Then, practise in groups.

1. Good 2. Today 3. Now, 4. Thank 5. And now, 6. Thank you
morning, we have an we have a you! Now we an advert very much.
ladies and interesting survey about have another break. See you
gentlemen. interview. our school section on our tomorrow
This is Radio community. programme: a with another
1! documentary. interesting

124 a. This b. This c. This d. This e. This f. This
finishes the indicates that introduces introduces an introduces a introduces a
show. there are ads the radio interview. survey. documentary.
in the show. show.

module 3 // Final Task

3. In your group, prepare a Radio Programme. Choose Option 1 or Option 2 and start organising

the information.

A Radio Programme about My Community 21st Century Skills
· Communicating

Option 1: Make a live Option 2: Make a recorded Learning to express
broadcast. radio programme. your ideas clearly is very
important. Use precise
words and say what you
mean so that you are clear.

Practise the survey, Present your show. Practise the survey, Listen to the radio
interviews, ad break and interviews, ad break programme.
documentary to make and documentary, then,
your live show. record it!

4. Follow the steps for your presentation choice.

Option 1: A live broadcast

Pre-Production Production On Air Post
a. Get your material c. Choose two presenters. e. Present
ready: prepare your Decide in groups what each of your f. In your
interviews, survey, ad and everybody is going to say parts to the group, say if
documentary. and when. Use the language class. you think it
in exercise 2. went well and
b. Prepare an introduction how it could
to the programme. Say d. Practise until everybody be better.
that it is a show about your feels that they know the
community. Say where material.
it is and the name of the

Option 2: A recorded radio programme

Pre-Production Production On Air Post 125
a. Get your material ready: d. Choose two f. Prepare the recording
prepare your interviews, presenters. Decide equipment (mobile h. In your
survey and documentary. in groups what phone, recorder, group, say
b. Use the ad you made in everybody is going computer, etc.) and if you think
Unit 2, Lesson 3, exercise 7 to to say and when. other elements, such as it went well
make a radio ad. Use the language music, for the ad. and how
c. Prepare an introduction to in exercise 2. g. Record the show. it could be
the programme. Say that it is a e. Practise until Because it’s recorded, better.
show about your community. everybody feels you can change some
Say where it is and the name that they know parts you think could be
of the neighbourhood. the material. better.

Module // 3 Evaluation



For questions 1-5, match the words and the definitions. Write the correct letter in the box.
There is one example (0).

0. Baker A This person’s job is to design and build engines, machines, roads,
1. Cooker bridges, etc.
2. Pharmacy
3. Greet B a shop that sells medicines and also other types of products, for
4. Bedroom example cosmetics
5. Engineer
C a person who bakes and sells bread and cakes

D a room for sleeping in

E to say hello to somebody or to welcome them

F an appliance for cooking food, containing an oven and gas or
electric rings on top



For questions 6-10, read the conversation and complete the sentences by choosing the correct
word. Write your answers in the box. There is one example (0).

126 0. What do you do/are you doing right now?
6. My sister and I are play/playing outside, in the garden.
7. Wow! There are/is a garden at your house! Please, send me a picture.
8. What are that/those objects on the house?
9. They are solar panels. What/Where do you live? In a house? In an apartment?
10. I live in an apartment. There is/are 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, a kitchen and a living room.

0 are you doing

module 3 // Evaluation


For questions 11-15, read the directions / locations and put a ✔ next to the ones that are correct
according to the map. There is one example (0).

Supermarket Church Library
Café Hospital
Main Street

1ST Avenue
2ND Avenue

Bakery Central Street Bank


0. To go from the supermarket to the library, go straight down Main St. on to 2nd ✔
Avenue. It’s at the corner of Main St. and 2nd Avenue, on the left.

11. The bookshop is on Central St. opposite the park.

12. To go from the café to the bank, just cross the street. The bank is opposite the café.

13. To go from the park to the church, just cross the street. The church is at the corner
of Main St. and 2nd Avenue.

14. The hospital is on 2nd Avenue. It is next to the church.

15. Where is the library? It’s at the corner of Central St. and 1st Avenue.


For questions 16-20, think about different ways to be a good citizen and build a better community. 127
Use the words to help you write five (5) ideas for a campaign. There is one example (0).

0. greet __A__l_w__a_y__s__g_r_e__e_t__p_e__o_p__l_e__i_n__y_o__u_r__n__e_i_g_h__b__o_u__r_h__o_o__d__. _______________________

16. recycle ________________________________________________________________________________

17. clean up after pets ________________________________________________________________________________

18. be friendly ________________________________________________________________________________

19. rubbish ________________________________________________________________________________

20. noise ________________________________________________________________________________

Module 4

GlobalizationAround the World

128 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

One World Weather Changes Let’s Celebrate!

Language Functions Language Functions Language Functions

• Talk about nationalities • Describe weather • Describe celebrations and
• Describe places conditions traditions
• Identify cultural
• Understand details about • Talk about traditional
characteristics the weather in short, spoken foods
• Ask for and give information texts
• Describe people, places
about your town • Describe clothes and customs
• Compare traditional clothes
Text Types: • Compare customs
from different regions and
• form, informative paragraph, countries Text Types:
descriptive paragraph,
advertisement, newspaper Text Types: • descriptive paragraph,
article informative paragraph,
• descriptive paragraph, story (narrative text)
poem, scientific paragraph,
fable (narrative text)

Explore Your Knowledge

Look at the pictures and say …

• Which places do you

• Which animals do you

• Which products do you

• Which regional things can you

Task: A Regional Exhibition

In this module you will work in groups to prepare a formal presentation.

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 129

1. Pablo’s presentation 4. Drawing of the traditional 5. Chart about a festival in your
of his town (Lesson 3, costume of your region region (Lesson 3, exercise 4)
exercise 1) (Lesson 3, exercise 5)
6. Information about typical foods
2. Factsheet about your from your region (Lesson 3,
Department (Lesson 3, exercise 6)
exercise 5)

3. Plasticine map of your
Department (Lesson 3,
exercise 6)


Where are you from? 

Module // 4 Unit // 1 Lesson // 1 Objectives

Unit »1 » I can talk about nationalities.
» I can describe places.
One World » I can identify cultural characteristics.
» I can ask for and give information about

my town.

In Context » I’m Colombian!

70 1. Listen Listen and read about an Intercultural Encounter in Medellín.

Come and meet new Youth Intercultural Encounter
friends! Celebrate Medellín, Colombia
every culture and
exchange ideas and
opinions for a better

Paola’s from Colombia. Kenji’s from Japan. Josh’s from the United Mei-Li’s from China.

2. Read Match a–f with the names of the countries.

130 Mexico the United States Japan a f
Colombia China Canada c e
Brazil the United Kingdom Argentina
Australia France Peru b American
3. Write Complete the form. d

Second Youth Intercultural Encounter

Your name: Your country: Your age:

Some friends I want to meet are:

Australian Chinese Colombian Peruvian Mexican

Japanese Brazilian Canadian English French

module 4 // Unit 1

71 4. Listen Listen to children at the Second Youth Intercultural Encounter and
complete the answers.

a. Where’s Paola from? d. What’s Josh’s nationality?
b. How old is she? e. How old’s Mei-Li?
c. Which city’s Kenji from?

72 5. Listen Listen to a radio programme about the Intercultural Encounter in Medellín
and tick (✔).

bagels China The Great China
the USA Wall the USA

The Heaven China noodles China
Temple the USA the USA

The Statue China
of Liberty the USA

72 6. Listen Listen again and complete. Use the words in the box.
Compare with a partner.

big active organized interesting beautiful disciplined

1. Mei-Li says the Great Wall of China and the Heaven Temple are

and .

2. Mei-Li thinks Chinese people are and .

3. Josh says New York is a city.

4. Josh thinks people in New York are very .

7. Speak In groups, write about your country and town. Use the Word Bank 131

to help you. Then, tell your class.

My country: My town: Word Bank
An interesting place in quiet
my country: kind

Module // 4 Unit // 1 Lesson // 1

8. Speak Look at the sportspeople. Ask and answer questions with a partner.

Nationality: Swiss Nationality: Jamaican Nationality: Nationality: Japanese
Sport: Tennis Sport: Track and Field Colombian Sport: Figure Skating
Special characteristic: Special characteristic: Sport: Cycling Special characteristic:
strong fast Special characteristic: agile

9. Write Choose three international sportspeople and complete. Then, ask

and answer questions with a partner.

Name: Name: Name:
Country: Country: Country:
Characteristics: Characteristics: Characteristics:

10. Read Read and complete the diagram with information from the text.

132 My name’s Luciana and I’m from Peru. I’m 13 years old and I
love swimming. I swim every day from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.
and then in the afternoon from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. I think
that to be a good athlete, it’s important to be disciplined. I
think that friends and family are very important too. Thanks
to them I feel strong and motivated. I also think it’s very
important to balance sports with school and family. I enjoy
swimming competitions.

To be a good

Important characteristics Other important things:
, and

module 4 // Unit 1

Expanding Knowledge » I’m from Cali

1. Speak Look at a map of Colombia and be a tourist. Ask and answer questions

in pairs.

Where’s It’s in Chocó.

San Andrés Island

Tayrona Park


Villa de Leyva



La Lindosa Park

Coffee National

Tatacoa Desert Leticia

2. Write Choose a place in exercise 1 and draw a picture of it. 133

Then, make notes and tell a partner.
A place in Colombia I like is ... It’s in the Department of ...

3. Speak Ask and answer questions in groups.

What’s the name of your department?
What is a famous place there?
What other places can you visit in your department?

Module // 4 Unit // 1 Lesson // 2

4. Write Look at the tourist ads. Then, design one about a place in your town or city.

Old-Fashioned? Yes! Modern? That too!

Visit San Andrés.
It’s beautiful and relaxing!

Visit Bogotá: Always fun.

In Zipaquirá, live In Leticia…
an interesting and enjoy exciting
peaceful experience. activities. It’s
never boring


5. Write Look at the words. Then, write your own word using a

special style. Share it with a friend.

Happy Study Tip

You can learn
vocabulary by drawing

pictures of words.

6. Speak Ask your classmates questions about their town.

Then, complete the chart.

Question Friend’s name Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
Is your town fun?
134 Is your town boring?
Is your town old-fashioned?
Is your town modern?
Is your town stressful?
Is your town noisy?
Is your town quiet?
Is your town crowded?

module 4 // Unit 1

7. Read Read a newspaper article. Discuss in groups if you Study Tip

agree or disagree with the article. attoPoUwsuefssoitenenrtteddaheswenkdmecihicdyeaeteitwatoaontnosh.tarierdnryys.

The Problem of Living in a Big City:
How Can Citizens Help?

• Respect traffic signs.
• Report dangers.
• Use buses.
• Recycle rubbish.
• Respect others.

Living in a big city can It can also be positive.
be a problem: traffic, A big city has libraries,
crime, noise, rubbish … museums, restaurants,
parks and sports centres.

Your city’s your
responsibility, too! Help
to make your city the
place you want it to be!

73 8. Listen Listen to students talk about their towns and take notes.
Then, give your opinion.

21st Century Skills
· Critical Thinking

What are the positive and
negative things about your


1. Andrea’s from… She likes her town. / She 135
doesn’t like her town. Her town is ….

2. Jason’s from… He likes his town. / He
doesn’t like his town. His town is…

3. Ricardo’s from… He likes his town. / He
doesn’t like his town. His town is…

I like / don’t like my town. My town is…

Module // 4 Unit // 1 Lesson // 3

Preparing Your Task » I Know My Town

74 1. Listen Listen and look at Pablo’s presentation of his town.
Then, ask and answer questions with a partner.

My city, Popayán a. Does he present a map?
Yes ✔ No
by Pablo Talero Velasco, grade 6th
b. Does he talk about his town?
Where is it? It’s in Cauca. Yes No
Description: peaceful, interesting
Favourite place: Humilladero Bridge c. Does he say his favourite place?
Something special: I can buy fruit on Yes No
the street.
The people: kind and happy d. Does he say what he likes?
Yes No
Final task
e. Does he talk about people in his town? activity!
Yes No

f. Does the presentation have pictures?
Yes No

2. Speak In groups, play charades.

136 busy crowded fun hard-working

organized modern noisy kind Study Tip

old-fashioned Using physical
movement helps you to
remember new words.



Box of Words

module 4 // Unit 1

3. Speak Look at the places and describe them.

Pereira, Risaralda Turbo, Antioquia Manizales, Caldas

Pereira’s interesting but
very busy. Turbo is…

4. Read Read about Serranía de la Macarena and complete the flow chart.

Five Colours River Serranía de la Macarena
Serranía de la Macarena is in the department
of Meta. There are mountains here and there
are lots of different animals: anteaters, deer,
monkeys, jaguars and many species of birds
and insects.

You can explore the famous River of Five
Colours, the Caño Cristales River. It’s beautiful.



Place: There are I can visit This place is

Module // 4 Unit // 1 Lesson // 3

5. Write In groups, research your department and complete the chart. Final task

My department is: This is the flag of my department:

Some towns in my department are: An important product in my department is:

An important person in my department is: A typical animal in my department is:

6. Write Make a map of your department in Colombia. Show and tell.

1. Draw the 2. Cover the map
map on with plasticine.
some cardboard.

3. Create the 4. Make signs to Ibagué
mountains or indicate where
any other things your town or
you think other important
are important. places are
5. Present your map.

138 This is the Department Final task
of Tolima. Some activity!

important places are…

75 7. Speak Say the tongue twister. Who can say it faster?

In my country there are treasures, treasures and
parks, mountains, rivers and stars in the dark.

module 4 // Check Your Progress

Check Your Progress

1. Speak Read and describe to a partner.

b. El Chicharito is .
SHAKIRA: An actor from c. Taylor Swift
She sings, Hong Kong who d. Jackie Chan .
dances and helps to build .
helps children. schools.
SWIFT: OR 'CHICHARITO': nationalities.

The singer who A football player from Very well
wants to stop Mexico who works Quite well
bullying. with UNICEF.

76 2. Listen Listen and complete.

a. Lucía’s from . With difficulty

She likes her city. She doesn’t like her city. I can describe places.
Very well
Lucía thinks her city is . Quite well

b. Hernán’s from . With difficulty

He likes his town. He doesn’t like his town.

Hernán thinks his town is .

c. Lorena’s from .

She likes her city. She doesn’t like her city.

Lorena thinks her city is .

3. Speak Write and tell a partner about your town.

I’m from . It’s in the Department of .

My town’s and . I can identify cultural
My favourite place is .
Very well
In my opinion, people in my town are and Quite well
. With difficulty

I can ask for and give information about my town.

Very well Quite well With difficulty

Module // 4 Unit // 2 Lesson // 1 Objectives

Unit »2 » I can describe weather conditions.
» I can understand details about the
Weather Changes
weather in short, spoken texts.
» I can describe clothes.
» I can exchange information about my

home city and country.

In Context » What’s the Weather Like Today?

77 1. Read Listen and read.

It’s sunny. It’s snowing. It’s raining. It’s windy.

It’s hot. It’s cold. It’s stormy. It’s cloudy.
2. 3.
2. Speak Look and describe.

140 1.

What’s the weather
like in picture 1?

It’s sunny and
it’s hot.

module 4 // Unit 2

3. Read Mark whether the weather is good (✔) or bad (✘) to do the activities.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

play football fly a kite do arts and crafts run play chess

4. Write Complete the chart. Then, tell a partner.

Monday Antonio Nariño Middle School Friday 21st Century Skills
Weather Integration Week Weather · Collaborating

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Does your school have an
Integration Week?
Weather Weather Weather
Do you participate in it?

It’s Activity: Activity:

Activity: Activity: Activity:
watch TV

5. Read Read and describe the weather.

The flowers dance Image 21st Century Skills 141
after the rain. To come · Creative Thinking
It’s green. It’s green.
The grass smiles I can’t play today. What words are used in these
after the rain. I can’t. The wind poems to describe
It’s clean. It’s clean. blows hard. It’s dark. the weather?
I watch the rain
I watch the clouds: pour down.
an elephant there, I can’t play today.
a bear. They now I can’t.
become grey and
black, a tiger in
the sky.

Module // 4 Unit // 2 Lesson // 1

78 6. Listen Listen to the weather forecast and match the places with the weather.

a. Pasto b. Armenia 21st Century Skills
· Communicating

What can you do when it’s
sunny? What can you do

when it’s raining?

c. Riohacha d. Bogotá

78 7. Listen Listen again and write the temperatures.

Pasto: Useful Words
Riohacha: 11 eleven 21 twenty-one
Armenia: 12 twelve 22 twenty-two
Bogotá: 13 thirteen 30 thirty
14 fourteen 40 forty
15 fifteen 50 fifty
16 sixteen 60 sixty
17 seventeen 70 seventy
18 eighteen 80 eighty
19 nineteen 90 ninety
20 twenty 100 one-hundred

8. Speak Describe today’s weather.

142 Good morning! This is the weather.

Today in… the weather is…
The temperature in… is…
Today in… We have a… day.

module 4 // Unit 2
Expanding Knowledge » What Are You Wearing Today?

1. Speak Imagine a trip to one of these places in Colombia. Say what clothes

you will take.

Tunja Guatapé Cali Santa Marta
Temperature: 13°C Temperature: 18°C Temperature: 15°C Temperature: 25°C

shirt sweater underwear trousers socks t-shirt scarf

blouse jacket shorts skirt shoes hat dress

I want to go to Tunja…
In Tunja, it’s cold… In Tunja, you

wear a sweater or a jacket…

You don’t wear shorts because 143
it isn’t hot!

What do you wear in…?

2. Write Complete the paragraph. Then, tell a partner.

In general, the weather where I live is with a

temperature of degrees. Today is

I usually wear .

Module // 4 Unit // 2 Lesson // 2

3. Write Complete the chart with what your friends are wearing today.

Friend’s name Clothes

4. Speak Read and answer the questions.

What’s the weather like in the different seasons? What clothes are the people wearing?
Which weather is more similar to the weather in your hometown?

Other Useful spring


hot cold


warm cool winter

5. Read Describe the weather for each season.

Spring: In spring, the weather is . Summer: In summer, it is .
It can be too. The temperature is . It can be too. The temperature is .

Autumn: In autumn, the weather is and . Winter: In winter, the weather is
The temperature is . and the temperature is very .

144 6. Read Read and tick (✔) true (T) or false (F).

We have seasons because the Earth moves around the sun. When certain parts of the
Earth are close to the sun, they are warm.

The Earth moves, so when it’s summer in the northern hemisphere, it’s winter in the
southern hemisphere.

Some regions of the Earth do not have the four seasons; for example, the areas in the
poles and the areas in the middle. Colombia does not have the four seasons because it
is in the Equatorial zone of the earth. In Colombia, the weather depends on the altitude
and each region has a relatively permanent temperature during the year.

module 4 // Unit 2

True False

a. Colombia has four seasons.
b. The seasons depend on the Earth’s movement around the

sun and on itself.
c. When a region in the Earth is close to the sun, it is warm.
d. Colombia is in the polar zone of the Earth.
e. In Colombia, the weather depends on the altitude.

79 7. Listen Listen to some children from around the world and complete the chart.

Name: Name: Name:
Place: Place: Place:
Weather: Weather: Weather:
Clothes: Clothes: Clothes:
Month: Month: Month:

8. Speak Look and be one of the people. Talk about the clothes you’re wearing

and describe the weather.

Natalie Jocelyn 145

Fernando Dhruv

Module // 4 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3

Preparing Your Task » What’s the Traditional
Costume in your Region?

1. Speak Look at the pictures. Discuss where the people are from and what
they are wearing.

Colombian Festival

2. Speak In pairs, discuss the questions. 21st Century Skills
· Communicating
146 a. What’s the weather in your region like?
b. What’s the traditional costume in your region? Do you ever wear the traditional
c. What’s the name of a traditional dance in costume of your region?

your region?

module 4 // Unit 2

3. Write Label the clothes. Then, compare with a partner.

Traditional Dress For Joropo In Los Llanos Orientales

Word Bank ___________________________


___________________________ ___________________________

80 4. Speak Look, listen and compare. Word Bank

5. Speak Draw the traditional costume of your region. Label the clothes and
describe them.

The traditional costume of 147
my region is…
Final task activity!
The woman wears… and the
man wears…

Module // 4 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3

6. Read Read Aesop’s Fable and choose the correct message.

The Sun and the Wind from “It’s not working” says
Aesop’s Fables the Wind.
The Sun is now in the sky.
The Sun and the Wind are talking It is now a sunny day and it
about how strong they are. is very warm.
At that moment, a man comes. The man takes the
He is wearing a jacket. jacket off.
“Listen,” the Wind says. “If I make “OK. You win,” says
the man take off his jacket, I am the Wind.
the king of nature.” The Sun smiles.
“OK,” says the Sun.
So the Wind blows and blows,
but the man doesn’t take off his

a. It’s a good idea to wear a jacket. 21st Century Skills
b. Kindness is always good. · Critical Thinking
c. The wind has to blow more.
Is it better to be kind or strong?
7. Speak Ask and answer the questions. Are you kind to others?

a. What’s the man wearing?
b. What does the Wind do to make the man take it off?
c. What does the Sun do to make the man take it off?
d. Who’s the winner? Why?

8. Write Play Scattergory. Use the chart.

Weather conditions and the seasons Clothes Nationalities Countries

148 9. Listen Listen and repeat.

81 Tongue Twister
The sun shines and the snail hides in the bushes,
in the bushes.
The wind blows and pushes. It pushes!

module 4 // Check Your Progress

Check Your Progress

1. Write Read and complete. Use the words in the I can describe weather
Word Bank.
Very well
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Quite well
With difficulty
Activity for today: Activity for today: Activity for today:

a. On Monday, it’s . A perfect activity for today is . Word Bank
b. On Tuesday, it’s . A perfect activity for today is .
c. On Wednesday, it’s flying a kite
. A perfect activity for today is . playing football
reading at the library
82 2. Listen Listen and complete. Then, compare with
a partner.

Oxford Bristol Bath London Iaincbaosnhuout rntthd, eseprwsoetkaaentnhdtederexttas.ils
Very well
Temperature: Temperature: Temperature: Temperature:
°C °C °C °C

Weather: Weather: Weather: Weather:

3. Speak Choose a place to go on holiday from exercise Quite well
With difficulty
2 and talk about the clothes you need.

I can describe clothes.

Very well Quite well With difficulty


4. Speak Ask and answer questions. hiInocfmaonremecxaicttyhioaannngadebcoouutnmtryy.
Very well
Which clothes are A traditional costume Quite well
traditional in your region? is…. The man wears…
The woman wears…. With difficulty
What do people wear?

Module // 4 Unit // 3 Lesson // 1 Objectives

Unit »3 » I can describe celebrations and traditions.
Let’s Celebrate! » I can talk about traditional foods.
» I can describe people, places and customs.
» I can compare customs.

In Context » Today Is a Special Day

1. Read Read about different celebrations.

JCahninueasreyN-FeewbrYueaarry: Tamal Christmas tree 21st Century Skills
Nativity Colombian · Critical Thinking
December 24th What celebrations are
important to your family?


Lights TThhuarsndkaAsygmiivneirnNicgoa:vnfeomurbtehr Turkey
Du r iDnigwaaulti:umns we e ts

83 2. Listen Listen and complete the chart.


Chinese New Year Indian Diwali Colombian Christmas American
When: When: Thanksgiving
Important facts: Important facts:
When: When:

Important facts: Important facts:

Food: Food: Food: Food:

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