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Published by @editorialsonar, 2021-05-01 11:55:30

Way To Go! - Workbook 6°

Way To Go! - Workbook 6°

module 4 // Unit 2

Lesson 3 » What is the Traditional Costume in
your Region?

1. Match the photo to the event. abcd

1. funeral

2. traditional dances

3. daily life

4. wedding

2. Read about traditional Japanese costume and label its three parts on the picture.

Kimonos are a traditional Japanese

costume. They use different fabrics

for the different seasons: some

materials are for summer and others

1. are for winter. There are many

different kinds of kimonos. All of

2. them have three main parts: (a) the
kimono, which is the long dress, (b)

the obi, which is a large belt used to

3. close the kimono around the waist,

and (c) getas, which are the special

shoes. Both men and women wear

the kimono for weddings, funerals,

and tea ceremonies.

3. Write a description of the traditional 51

costume in your region. Answer the
questions to help you organize your ideas .

What is its name?
What are its parts?
Are the colours or materials important?
Who wears it?
When do you wear it?

Module // 4 Unit // 2 Check your progress

Check Your Progress

Circle the best option.

1. Which kind of weather do you not usually 6. Which clothes do people not wear on a
find in the winter? hot day?

a. snowy b. rainy c. cold d. hot a. t-shirt b. scarf c. shorts d. dress

2. When you can’t see the sun, it is . 7. ‘What’s the weather ?’ ‘It’s sunny!’

a. sunny c. cloud a. on b. like c. is d. likes
b. cloudy d. temperature
8. For which event do you not need
3. What activity can you not do in stormy traditional costume?
a. funeral c. traditional dances
a. watch a film c. do arts and crafts b. wedding d. daily life
b. play chess d. relax in the garden
9. My father a jacket to work.

4. Which word is not a season? a. wears b. wear c. uses d. use

a. summer b. winter c. March d. autumn 10. Complete the list: hot, warm, , cold.

5. On your feet, you wear and shoes. a. green b. dark c. cool d. snowy

a. socks b. skirts c. shorts d. shirts

Very Quite With
well well difficulty

I can identify vocabulary related to weather
Vocabulary conditions.

I can identify vocabulary related to clothing.

Grammar I can use wh questions to exchange
information about weather conditions and


Reading I understand short texts about weather and

I can write sentences to express

52 Writing information about weather.
I can write sentences to describe traditional

costumes and clothing items.

Listening I can listen to specific information to
complete forms.

Speaking I can give information about my town like
the weather and what clothes to wear.

Unit »3 module 4 // Unit 3
Let’s Celebrate!
Word Bank
Lesson 1 » Today Is a Special Day!
1. Compare dishes 1–3 using the correct form of the words in the Word Bank. colourful
1 23 healthy
last longer


Bandeja Paisa Mexican food Cocada

1. Mexican food is spicier than a cocada. than
2. is .

3. Word Bank
(absolutely) amazing (really) boring
4. great (very) interesting wonderful


2. Complete the chart with your opinions. Use

the Word Bank and the Useful expressions.

Event Your opinion
New Year’s Eve I think New Year’s Eve is great!

Christmas I Useful expressions
think …
Halloween I believe In my opinion … 53
that … I like …
Birthday parties I don’t like …

3. Write about a day you celebrate in your family,

what you do, what you eat, and why you like it.

1. Name the celebration. A day we celebrate in my family is 1 .
2. Give your opinion. I 2 because we always
3. Describe what you do. I spend the day with 4 3 .
4. Say who you celebrate with. 5 and drink 6 always eat
5-8. Describe the food. and we favourite
. My

food is 7 because 8 .

Module // 4 Unit // 3 Lesson // 2

Lesson 2 » Party Time!

1. Read about the Chinese New Year B C
Lighting firecrackers
celebration. Number the photos to

put the events in order.

Going to parents’ house

Decorating the house with red E F
lanterns and couplets

Eating fish, rice rolls, and rice
cakes with family

Watching the dragon Giving red envelopes


21st Century Skills CHINESE NEW YEAR’S
· Critical Thinking EVE CELEBRATION

54 2. Read about the celebration twtgbmghTpOmaChoooaooaeneehnaolco utodlsainhcssddtsnptlt hFyih aeawellrllieeduruisneCnsstibrccdeoaetg hedtkkrhn tfhNsitnuat.s ndathpeeTya.eraener, nsrahcwnsidttyndpeewehdrpgilY2aenetepeor reei,0rrbooealapoteadtrrnossdehrlaaplpapaewos.itreelnslI.ip aee iotfroTdtcolninihmetpthesogdry,lilr gaiaeda.rfevetiiSvdn. brovseldFeei,syrpe kspeitlcalneese,rtoaea tue caeoefenconiivpldhdastldptteyeehhhlel,o,brrerd,teepny stnehr ailhetvodirtiseycigoeewntrpaehfialrpfeoanaoe otcglr mrnedde praefoeinseeksfdrirnn.lacseteeyJFtuaodmsdcawsoeyn,rarn ’cirasaiadnluhtuowittecehecpoesaukxeersusrmapleawea yasitlmrnsttoeehens2 pertn.ap edf1esierciolcrse.feyr oit,a rl

and answer the questions.
1. Based on the reading, why do

you think Chinese wear red
underwear on New Year’s Eve?

2. What does the red colour
mean for them?

3. Are there similar superstitions

in your country?

3. Match the questions and answers. A. They travel to their parents’ house.

1. When is the New Year celebration in China? B. T hey eat fish, rice cakes, sweet rice balls and
2. Where do Chinese people travel to spring rolls.

celebrate? C. It is between January 21st and February 20th.
3. What decorations do they use?
4. What do they eat? D. They use lanterns and couplets.

module 4 // Unit 3

Lesson 3 » Colombian Celebrations and Festivals!

1. Match the sentences with the expressions.

1. It’s my birthday today! A. Congratulations!

2. I’ve got an English exam tomorrow. B. Happy Birthday!

3. My sister is graduating this morning. C. Merry Christmas.

4. We’re having a big party for you! D. Good luck.
5. It’s 24th December. E. Surprise!

2. Read the two paragraphs and circle the activities that occur in each festival.

The ‘Feria de las Flores’ (Festival of The ‘Hanami’, or
Flowers) is a festival that takes place in cherry blossom
Medellin every year. It started in 1957 to festival, takes
celebrate silletero culture and has become place in Japan
one of the most important festivals in the every spring.
region. It takes place in August and lasts The tradition is
for 10 days. The festival includes hundreds 1000 years old
of flower displays, music concerts, a and is one of the
parade of horses and special exhibitions. most important festivals in the country.
All over Japan, people sit under the
The highlight of cherry trees and celebrate the arrival of
the festival is the these beautiful pink flowers. They have
silleteros parade, picnics, drink a special rice wine called
where people carry sake, sing songs and read poems. The
silletas, or chairs, blossom starts in the southern islands
containing beautiful of Okinawa in March and reaches the
flower arrangements northern island of Hokkaido in May.
on their backs.

3. Complete the sentences according to the reading to give your opinion and compare the

Japanese and Colombian festivals.

1. I believe the Cherry blossom festival lasts longer than the Festival of Flowers.

2. I believe the is (colourful) than the 55

because .

3. I think that the is (old) than the

because .

4. In my opinion, the is (interesting) than the

5. is (big) than

6. is (good) than

Module // 4 Unit // 3 Lesson // 4


Where are you from?

Where are you from, where are you from?
Let’s dance together, everyone.
Jamaican, English or Australian,

Let’s join together and have some fun!

The weather for Mexico and Brazil
Is stormy, sunny, rainy and hot.

The weather for England and Canada
Is cold, snowing and raining a lot.

Brazil has jaguars and monkeys,
Exotic anteaters and birds to see,
The Chinese like food that’s salty,
Sweet and sour and spicy for me.

Where are you from, where are you from? …

When it’s cold and not very hot,
I like to wear trousers and socks.
Old-fashioned dresses and hats
Make me look beautiful: I really like that!

In my opinion, I’m active and fun,
and serious when work’s to be done.

Boring and quiet is not for me;
I like to keep busy with activities.


module 4 // Unit 3


1. With a partner, say the nationality for each of these words.

1 Mexico 5 America Mexico.
2 Jamaica 6 Canada

3 England 7 China

4 Brazil Mexican.


2. What do the adjectives describe? Put them in the table.

juicy rainy hot sour sunny stormy cold salty sweet snowy spicy

weather food both


Writing 57

3. Answer the questions in full sentences.

1 What’s the weather like in Brazil and Mexico?
The weather in Brazil and Mexico is stormy, sunny, rainy and hot.

2 What’s the weather like in England and Canada?

3 What animals are there in Brazil?

4 What food do people eat in China?

5 What clothes does the singer wear when it’s cold?

6 What clothes make the singer look beautiful?

7 How does the singer describe himself/herself?

8 What does the singer dislike?

9 What does the singer like?

Module // 4 Unit // 3 Check your progress

Check Your Progress

Choose the best option.

1. Which of these words to describe food is 7. Chinese New Year lasts longer
negative? Colombian New Year.

a. healthy c. delicious a. than b. that c. as d. from
b. nice d. boring
8. Which is , Japanese food or
Chinese food?
2. In my , Christmas is more fun

than New Year’s Eve. a. more healthy c. healthyer
b. more healthier d. healthier
a. opinion b. think c. believe d. like

3. My sister like Halloween. 9. Mexican food is good, but I think

a. isn’t b. is c. doesn’t d. don’t Colombian food is !

4. Food you don’t cook is called . a. very better c. better
b. more good d. gooder
a. raw b. oily c. salty d. juicy
10. Fruit and vegetables are than
5. I really love and sour pork! meat.

a. raw b. sweet c. salty d. spice a. colourfuler c. colourful
b. more colourful d. very colourful
6. This fish is amazing!

a. good c. absolutely
b. can d. very

Very Quite With
well well difficulty

I can identify vocabulary related to food.

Vocabulary I can identify vocabulary related to
celebrations and traditions.

Grammar I can use adjectives to compare customs,
food, places, and people.

Reading I understand short texts about celebrations
and food.

5 8 I can state my opinion in short writings.
Writing I can write sentences to describe and
compare celebrations and food.

Listening I can listen to specific information about
family traditions.

Speaking I can talk about celebrations, traditions and

Level // 6

Vocabulary Activities

Module 1 j. _ E _ _ _ f. Moving your body to
the rhythm of music.
1. Complete the sentences k. N _ _ _
using classroom items. g. Using your arms to hit a
Module 2 ball over a net and score a
a. There is a in the point.
3. Unscramble the parts of the
classroom to know the body
a. mra
b. gle
b. You need a to
c. yee
find the definitions of
d. dahe
e. cakb
c. The teacher writes on the
. f. tohmu

d. The has all the g. nadh

information you need to h. motashc

learn. i. hetet

e. You carry your books in a j. eson
4. Write the name of
f. A is where you the activity for each
put your notebook to description.
write. a. Folding paper in different
ways to create figures.
g. You use and
b. Using pencil and paper to
to write. create two-dimensional
2. Complete the name of the 59
numbers and write the c. Travelling in the
number next to it. mountains or forests by
a. _ N _ foot.

b. _ _ _ E _ d. Creating music with an
c. _ _ R _
e. Creating three-
d. _ E _ dimensional figures with
e. _ _ O

f. _ O _ _

g. S _ _

h. F _ _ _

i. _ I _ _ _

LEVEL // 6 Vocabulary Activities

Module 3 Cook 9. Match the two columns to
form actions related to the
5. Complete the following Teacher environment.
household items and write
in which part of the house Librarian a. throw waste
they go. b. turn off paper bags
a. _ _ f _ _ _ _ _ _ t _ _ Salesperson c. use the lights
b. _ e _ d. turn off rubbish
c. _ _ _ w _ _ Module 4 e. separate a bicycle
d. s _ _ _ f. collect rubbish in the bin
e. _ _ b _ _ and _ _ a _ _ s 7. Choose which item you g. use the tap
f. _ _ s _ _ _ _ _ _ c _ _ _ _ don’t wear for every h. reduce rainwater
weather condition. i. keep places clean
Part of the house: a. Rain: a) sunglasses b) hat
c) coat
b. Wind: a) coat b) scarf
c) skirt

a. c. Sun: a) sunglasses b) hat
b. c) scarf

c. d. Storm: a) jacket b) hat
d. c) T-shirt
e. Snow: a) trousers
e. b) dress c) sweater

8. Find 14 adjectives to

6. Write the place in town for describe personality, food,

each action. Then, match it and places.

with the corresponding job. HA B P E AC E F U L OH
a. Reading books: ED I FQE T XO I CPA


b. Buying medicine: A R D SWE E T T S O T D


c. Shopping for clothes: ADC I ODR E F C B S R


d. Eating bread and cakes: YNE S LQRA T E L UN

e. Eating: D I SC I P L I NEDTO
6 0 f. Studying:

g. Protecting citizens:

Match the job:
Police officer

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