Bellville Technical High School
Study Guide
March 2020
Grade 8
Examiner(s): Mrs Maree Paper: Task 4 (Comprehension)
Moderator: Mrs Taljaardt Task 5 (Language)
Task 7 (Paper 3)
Duration: Task 4 (1 hour and 15 min) Mark allocation: Task 4 (30 marks)
Task 5 (45 minutes) Task 5 (20 marks)
Task 7 (2 hours) Task 7 (40 marks)
TASK 4 Adverb
Question 1- Comprehension Conjunction
Question 2- Visual text Preposition
TASK 5 Capital letters
Apostrophe (functions)
Summary Comma
Verb TASK 7
Question 1- Transactional text (review)
Question 2- Essay (descriptive essay)
Examiner(s): Mrs Maree Paper: Task 4 (Comprehension)
Moderator: Mrs du Plesis Task 5 (Language)
Task 7 (Paper 3)
Duration: Task 4 (1 hour and 15 min) Mark allocation: Task 4 (30 marks)
Task 5 (45 minutes) Task 5 (20 marks)
Task 7 (2 hours) Task 7 (40 marks)
TASK 4 Nouns
Question 1- Comprehension Adjectives
Question 2- Visual text preposition
TASK 5 Prefix and suffix
Summary writing
Verb TASK 7
Adverbs Question 1- Transactional text (review)
Synonyms and antonyms Question 2- Essay (descriptive essay)
March Controlled Test Page 1
Examiner(s): A.RYK Paper: 1
Duration: 1 UUR 30 MIN Mark allocation: 50
Taak 4: Voorsetsels
Vraag 1: Begripslees Voegwoorde
Vraag 2: VisueleTeks Tye (Verlede, toekomende en
Taak 5: Taal teenwoordigetyd)
Meervoude en Verkleiningsvorme
Werkwoorde Afkortings en Akronieme
Byvoeglike Naamwoorde, Trappe van Lees enskryftekens
Vergelyking en Intensiewe Vorme
Examiner(s): Windvogel (WV) Paper: 1
Duration: 1½uur Mark allocation: 50
TAAK 4 Saamgestelde sinne
Vraag 1: Literêre teks (20) Byvoeglike bysin
Vraag 2 Visuele teks (10) Bywoordelike bepaling
Taak 5
Taalstrukture en konvensies (20) Stereotipering
Voorsetsels Partydigheid
Byvoeglike naamwoorde Vooroordeel
Lees en skryftekens Antonieme
Trappe van vergelykings Sinonieme
Intensiewe vorme Enkelvoudige sinne
Examiner(s): JN Paper: 1
Duration: 60 MINUTES Mark allocation: 50
Unit 1 The Economy: Government p. 12 – 19 Eenheid 1 Die Ekonomie: Regering bl. 12-19
Unit 2 The Economy: National Budget p. 20 -29 Eenheid 2 Die Ekonomie: NasionaleBegroting bl.
Unit 3 The Economy: Standard of Living p. 30-36 20-29
Unit 4 Financial Literacy; Accounting concepts – Eenheid 3 Die Ekonomie: Lewensstandaard bl.
Calculate profit and loss p.37-44 30-36
Unit 5 Financial Literacy: Source documents p. 55 Eenheid 4 Finansiëlegeletterdheid:
-63 Rekeningkundigebegrippe - bereken die wins
enverlies bl. 37-44
Eenheid 5Finansiëlegeletterdheid:
Brondokumente bl. 55 -63
March Controlled Test Page 2
Examiner(s): S.Hardy Paper: 1
Duration: 1 hour Mark allocation: 50
Unit 1: Eenheid 1:
Longitude & latitude pg 2,3 Breedteliggingenlengteligging bl. 2,3
Scales pg 4 Soorteskale bl. 4
Measure the distance Bereken die afstand
Unit 2: Eenheid 2:
Hemispheres pg 7 Halfrondes bl. 7
Rotation day and night + the sketchpg 8 Rotasiedagen nag + tekening bl. 8
Rotation and time pg 8 Rotasieentyd bl. 8
Revolution pg 10 Omwenteling bl. 10
Seasonal temperature changes + the sketch pg Seisoenale temperatuur verandering + tekening. Bl.
13 13
*go through all the activities we did in the class* *gaan deur al die aktiwiteite wat gedoen is in die
Examiner(s): WL Paper:
Duration: 1H00 Mark allocation: 50
The Industrial Revolution in Britain and southern Die Industriële Rewolusie in BrittanjeenSuider –
Africa from 1860 p79 -88. Afrikavanaf 1860 bl.79 -88.
1. The economy before the Industrial 1. Die ekonomievoor die Industriële Rewolusie.
Revolution. Farming economy, cottage Boerdery ekonomie enkot huis nywerhede; bl.82-
industries; p82-83. 83.
2. What the Industrial Revolution was; p84 2. Wat die Industriële Rewolusie was; bl.84
3. Social changes during the Industrial 3. Sosiale veranderinge gedurende die
Revolution. Changing living conditions; p86- Industriële Rewolusieen veranderde
87. (essay) lewensomstabdighede; bl.86-87. (langvraag)
4. Child labour; p88 4. Kinderarbeid; bl.88
5. Labour, resistance, the trade unions 5. Arbeid, weerstand, die vakbond bewegingen
movement and working class organisation; die werkers klas organisasie
Examiner(s): VI Paper: 1
Duration: 1 hour Mark allocation: 50
Chapter 2 Hoofstuk 1
Graphical communication Ortografiese projeksies
p.17 – 39 Bl 17 – 39
All drawing equipment, pencil, eraser, etc. Alle teken toerusting, potlood, uitveer ens.
Coloring pencils/pens optional Kleur potlode/penne opsioneel.
March Controlled Test Page 3
Examiner(s): H Swanepoel Paper: 1
Duration: 1 Hour Mark allocation: 50
Tema 1 : Telgetalle p4 – 18 Topic 1 : Whole numbers p4 – 18
Tema 2 : Heelgetalle p19 – 31 Topic 2 : Integers p19 - 31
Tema 3 : Eksponente p32 – 44 Topic 3 : Exponents p32 – 44
Tema 4 : Getal- en meetkundige Topic 4 : Numeric and geometric patterns
patrone p45 – 54 p45 – 54
Tema 5 : Funksies en verwantskappe Topic 5 : Functions and relationships
P56 – 64 p56 - 64
Tema 6 : Algebraïeseuitdrukkings p65 – 76 Topic 6 : Algebraic expressions p65 – 76
Tema 7 : Algebraïesevergelykings p77 - 88 Topic 7 : Algebraic equations p77 - 88
Examiner(s): K. Bruce Paper: Control test
Duration: 1 hour Mark allocation: 60
Studeer die volgende: Study the following:
Fotosintesebl12-14 Photosynthesis p 12-14
Respiration p 16-19
Respirasiebl16-19 Introducing ecology and ecosystems p 20-25
Inleiding tot ekologieenekosisteme
(Population ,community ,ecosystem, biosphere,
bl20-25 (Bevolking, biotic ,Abiotic and sampling)
gemeenskap,ekosisisteem, biosfeer, Feeding relations p26-29 (Producer, consumer,
bioties , abiotiesenmonsterneming) decomposer)
Energy flow p 30-33 (Food chain and food web)
Voedingsverhoudingsbl 26-29 Balance in an ecosystem p34-35 (How balance
(Produsente, verbruikersenontbinders) can be disrupted)
Adaptations p 38-43 (Camouflage, mimicry,
Energievloeibl30-33 adaption in animals and a good fit)
Conservation p44-47 (How we protect the
Balans in ekosisteembl 34-35 (Hoe ecosystem)
balansversteurkan word)
Micro-organisms p48-49 (Types of micro-
Aanpassingsbl 38-43 (Aanpasings, organisms)
aanpassings by diere,
kamoefleringenNabootsing) Harmful micro-organisms p52-53 (Examples of
harmful micro-organisms)
Behoud van ekosistemebl44-47
(Watjykandoen) Useful micro-organisms p56-57 (Examples of
useful micro-organisms)
Mikro-organismesbl 48-49 (Tipemikro-
(Voorbelde van skadelikemikro-
Nuttigemikro-organismesbl 56-57
(Voorbelde van Nuttigemikro-
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