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Published by phil.kretzschmar, 2020-10-13 03:55:21

Sanyo Denki


1. Allgemeines Die Zahlungstermine sind auch einzuhalten, wenn PowerParts AG
Diese Geschäfts- und Lieferbedingungen sind verbindlich. Transport, Ablieferung, Montage, Inbetriebsetzung oder Schareggstrasse 1
Anderslautende Bedingungen des Bestellers haben nur eine eventuell vereinbarte Abnahme der Lieferungen oder
Gültigkeit, sowie sie von der PowerParts AG ausdrücklich Leistungen aus Gründen, die die PowerParts AG nicht zu Postfach 108
und schriftlich angenommen worden sind. Mit Bestellung vertreten hat, verzögert oder verunmöglicht werden oder CH-5506 Mägenwil
der Ware oder Leistung gelten diese Bedingungen als wenn unwesentliche Teile fehlen oder sich Nacharbeiten Tel. +41 62 896 70 80
angenommen. Alle Vereinbarungen und rechtserheb- als notwendig erweisen, die den Gebrauch der Liefer- Fax +41 62 896 70 88
lichen Erklärungen der Vertragsparteien bedürfen zu ihrer ungen nicht verunmöglichen. [email protected]
Gültigkeit der Schriftform. Wenn eine von der PowerParts AG geforderte Anzahlung
2. Angebot und Vertragsschluss oder die bei Vertragsabschluss zu stellenden Sicher-
Angebote, die keine Bindefrist enthalten, sind unver- heiten nicht vertragsgemäss geleistet werden, ist die Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen - AGB
bindlich. Bei allen Angeboten bleibt der Zwischenverkauf PowerParts AG berechtigt, am Vertrag festzuhalten oder
stets vorbehalten. Bestellungen sind für die PowerParts vom Vertrag zurückzutreten und in beiden Fällen
AG erst nach schriftlicher Bestätigung verbindlich. Schadenersatz zu verlangen.
3. Pläne und technische Unterlagen Ist der Besteller mit einer Zahlung aus irgendeinem Grund
Prospekte und Kataloge sind ohne anderweitige Ver- im Rückstand oder muss die PowerParts AG aufgrund
einbarung nicht verbindlich. Angaben in technischen eines nach Vertragsabschluss eingetretenen Umstandes
Unterlagen sind nur verbindlich, soweit sie ausdrücklich ernstlich befürchten, eine Zahlung des Bestellers nicht
zugesichert sind. Jede Vertragspartei behält sich alle vollständig oder rechtzeitig zu erhalten, ist die
Rechte an Plänen und technischen Unterlagen vor, PowerParts AG ohne Einschränkung ihrer gesetzlichen
die sie der anderen ausgehändigt hat. Die empfangende Rechte befugt, die weitere Ausführung des Vertrages
Vertragspartei anerkennt diese Rechte und wird die auszusetzen und versandbereite Lieferungen zurück-
Unterlagen nicht ohne vorgängige schriftliche behalten, dies, bis neue Zahlungs- und Lieferbedingungen
Ermächtigung der anderen Vertragspartei ganz oder vereinbart sind und die PowerParts AG genügende
teilweise Dritten zugänglich machen, sofern dies Sicherheiten erhalten hat. Kann eine solche Vereinbarung
ausserhalb des Zwecks ist, zu dem sie ihr übergeben nicht innerhalb einer angemessenen Frist getroffen
worden sind. werden oder erhält die PowerParts AG keine genügenden
4. Spezifikationen Sicherheiten, ist sie berechtigt, vom Vertrag zurückzu-
Änderungen in den technischen Spezifikationen sind stets treten und Schadenersatz zu verlangen.
vorbehalten, falls dies aus technischen Gründen oder zur Hält der Besteller den vereinbarten Zahlungstermin nicht
Erfüllung behördlicher Bestimmungen erforderlich ist. ein, so hat er ohne Mahnung vom Zeitpunkt der
Die in den Angebotsunterlagen oder in den Informations- vereinbarten Fälligkeit an einen Zins zu entrichten,
mitteln wiedergegebenen techn. Parameter, Abbildungen, der sich nach den am Domizil des Bestellers üblichen
Zeichnungen, Gewichte, Masse etc. sind nur annähernd Zinsverhältnissen richtet, jedoch mindestens 4% über
massgebend, soweit sie ausdrücklich als verbindlich dem jeweiligen Diskontsatz der Schweizerischen
bezeichnet sind. Nationalbank liegt. Zudem werden dem Besteller
5. Behördliche Genehmigungen / Bewilligungen sämtliche internen und externen Inkassokosten in
Der Besteller ist alleine verantwortlich für die Rechnung gestellt. Der Ersatz für weiteren Schaden
Erlangung sämtlicher erforderlichen Verfügungen bleibt ausdrücklich vorbehalten.
bzw. Bewilligungen. 9. Eigentumsvorbehalt
6. Preise Die PowerParts AG oder eine allenfalls von PowerParts
Massgebend sind die in unserer Auftragsbestätigung AG mandatierte Stelle bleibt Eigentümerin der gesamten
genannten Preise. Alle Preise verstehen sich – mangels Lieferungen, bis sie die Zahlungen gemäss Vertrag voll-
anderweitiger Vereinbarung – netto, «Ex Works», ohne ständig erhalten hat. Der Besteller wird die gelieferten
Verpackung, ohne irgendwelche Abzüge. Die gesetzliche Gegenstände auf seine Kosten während der Dauer des
Mehrwertsteuer ist in den Preisen nicht inbegriffen. Sie Eigentumsvorbehalts instandhalten und gegen Diebstahl,
wird in der Rechnung getrennt aufgeführt. Bruch, Feuer, Wasser und sonstige Risiken versichern.
Sämtliche Nebenkosten wie z.B. für Fracht, Versicherung 10. Lieferfrist
und andere Bewilligungen sowie Beurkundungen gehen Alle von der PowerParts AG angegebenen Lieferfristen
zu Lasten des Bestellers. Ebenso hat der Besteller alle verstehen sich ausschliesslich als im Werk abgehend.
Arten von Steuern, Abgaben, Gebühren, Zöllen und Die Einhaltung der Lieferfrist setzt den rechtzeitigen
dergleichen zu tragen, die im Zusammenhang mit dem Eingang sämtlicher vom Besteller zu liefernden Unter-
Vertrag erhoben werden, oder sie gegen entsprechenden lagen, erforderlicher behördlicher Genehmigungen, die
Nachweis dem Lieferanten zurückzuerstatten, falls dieser rechtzeitige Klarstellung und Genehmigung der Pläne,
hierfür leistungspflichtig geworden ist. Die PowerParts die Einhaltung der vereinbarten Zahlungsbedingungen
AG behält sich eine Preisanpassung vor, falls: und sonstigen Verpflichtungen voraus. Werden diese
- Art oder Umfang der vereinbarten Lieferungen oder Voraussetzungen nicht rechtzeitig erfüllt, so wird die Frist
Leistungen eine Änderung erfahren haben, oder angemessen verlängert. Dies gilt insbesondere auch dann,
- das Material oder die Ausführung Änderungen erfahren, wenn der Besteller mit den von ihm auszuführenden,
weil die vom Besteller gelieferten Unterlagen den vertraglich vereinbarten Arbeiten im Rückstand ist.
tatsächlichen Verhältnissen nicht entsprochen haben Die Frist gilt als eingehalten:
oder unvollständig waren. - bei Lieferung ohne Aufstellung oder Montage, wenn die
Soweit nicht anderweitig schriftlich vereinbart, kann die Sendung innerhalb der vereinbarten Liefer- und Leistungs-
PowerParts AG Preisanpassungen nach Vertragsabschluss frist zum Versand gebracht oder abgeholt worden ist.
geltend machen, wenn nachträglich eine Lieferfrist- Falls die Ablieferung sich aus Gründen die der Besteller zu
verlängerung von mehr als 4 Monaten vereinbart worden vertreten hat verzögert, so gilt die Frist als eingehalten
ist, der Umfang der vereinbarten Lieferungen bzw. bei Meldung der Versandbereitschaft innerhalb der ver-
Leistungen verändert worden ist oder Änderungen in der einbarten Frist;
Ausführung notwendig werden, weil die vom Besteller, - bei Lieferung mit Aufstellung oder Montage, sobald
überlassenen Unterlagen unvollständig waren, nicht den diese innerhalb der vereinbarten Frist erfolgt ist.
tatsächlichen Verhältnissen entsprochen haben oder Ist die Nichteinhaltung der Frist für Lieferungen oder
nachträglich verändert wurden. Leistungen nachweislich auf Mobilmachung, Krieg, innere
7. Gefahrenübergang Unruhen, Streik, Aussperrung oder Eintritt unvorherseh-
Die Gefahr geht auf den Besteller über, sobald die Sen- barer Hindernisse, zurückzuführen, so wird die Frist
dung an die den Transport ausführende Person übergeben angemessen verlängert.
worden ist. Falls der Versand sich ohne Verschulden der Ist statt einer Lieferfrist ein bestimmter Termin verein-
PowerParts AG verzögert oder unmöglich wird, geht die bart, ist dieser gleichbedeutend mit dem letzten Tag einer
Gefahr mit der Meldung der Versandbereitschaft auf den Lieferfrist.
Besteller über. Eine im Einzelfall vereinbarte Übernahme Wegen Verspätung der Lieferungen oder Leistungen hat
der Transportkosten durch die PowerParts AG hat keinen der Besteller keine Rechte und Ansprüche gegenüber
Einfluss auf den Gefahrenübergang. der PowerParts AG. Diese Einschränkung gilt nicht für
8. Zahlungsbedingungen rechtswidrige Absicht oder grobe Fahrlässigkeit der
Rechnungen sind innerhalb von 30 Tagen ab Rechnungs- PowerParts AG.
datum frei der auf der Rechnung aufgeführten Zahlstelle 11. Übergang von Nutzen und Gefahr
der PowerParts AG netto, d. h. ohne irgendwelche Abzüge Nutzen und Gefahr gehen spätestens mit Abgang ab Werk
wie Skonto, Spesen, Steuern und Gebühren, zu bezahlen. auf den Besteller über. Wird der Versand auf Begehren
Erfüllungsort ist der Sitz der PowerParts AG. des Bestellers oder aus sonstigen Gründen, die die
PowerParts AG nicht zu vertreten hat, verzögert, geht die
Gefahr im ursprünglich für die Ablieferung ab Werk vor-
gesehenen Zeitpunkt auf den Besteller über. Von diesem
Zeitpunkt an werden die Lieferungen auf Rechnung und
Gefahr des Bestellers gelagert und versichert.

12. Versand, Transport und Versicherung 14.4 Lieferungen und Leistungen von Unter- PowerParts AG
Wenn nicht anderweitig vertraglich geregelt, sind Teil- lieferanten Schareggstrasse 1
lieferungen gestattet. Besondere Wünsche betreffend Für Lieferungen und Leistungen von Unterlieferanten,
Versand, Transport und Versicherung sind der PowerParts die vom Besteller vorgeschrieben werden, übernimmt die Postfach 108
AG rechtzeitig bekannt zu geben. Der Transport erfolgt PowerParts AG die Gewährleistung lediglich im Rahmen CH-5506 Mägenwil
auf Gefahr des Bestellers. der Gewährleistungsverpflichtungen der betreffenden Tel. +41 62 896 70 80
Beanstandungen im Zusammenhang mit dem Versand Unterlieferanten. Fax +41 62 896 70 88
oder Transport sind vom Besteller bei Erhalt der Liefer- 14.5 Ausschliesslichkeit der Gewährleistungs- [email protected]
ungen oder der Frachtdokumente unverzüglich an den ansprüche
letzten Frachtführer zu richten. Die Versicherung gegen Wegen Mängeln an den Lieferungen der PowerParts AG
Schäden irgendwelcher Art obliegt dem Besteller. hat der Besteller keine Rechte und Ansprüche ausser den Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen - AGB
Die Verpackung wird von der PowerParts AG anteilig oder in Ziff. 14 ausdrücklich genannten.
voll in Rechnung gestellt und nicht zurückgenommen. Ist 14.6 Haftung für Nebenpflichten
sie jedoch als Eigentum der PowerParts AG oder einer von Für Ansprüche des Bestellers wegen mangelhafter Be-
dieser mandatierten Stelle bezeichnet worden, muss sie ratung und dergleichen oder wegen Verletzung irgend-
vom Besteller franko an den Abgangsort zurückgesandt welcher Nebenpflichten haftet die PowerParts AG nur bei
werden. rechtswidriger Absicht oder grober Fahrlässigkeit.
13. Prüfung der Lieferungen und Leistungen 14.7 Haftungsbeschränkung
Die PowerParts AG prüft die Lieferungen und Leistungen Die Haftung des Lieferanten für irgendwelche Schäden
soweit üblich vor dem Versand. Verlangt der Besteller aus oder im Zusammenhang mit der nicht gehörigen
weitergehende Prüfungen, sind diese besonders zu ver- Erfüllung des Vertrages, insbesondere aus positiven
einbaren und vom Besteller zu bezahlen. Vertragsverletzung, ist insgesamt auf die Höhe des
Sichtbare Mengendifferenzen müssen sofort bei Waren- Vertragspreises beschränkt.
erhalt, verdeckte Mengendifferenzen innerhalb von 15. Retouren
4 Tagen nach Warenerhalt der PowerParts AG und dem Retouren werden nur nach vorheriger Avisierung ange-
Frachtführer schriftlich angezeigt werden. nommen. Defekte Ware muss mit einer genauen Fehler-
Beanstandungen betreffend Beschädigung, Verspätung, beschreibung sowie einer Kopie der Rechnung, mit der
Verlust oder schlechter Verpackung sind sofort nach die Ware geliefert wurde, zusammen mit einem bei der
Eingang der Warensendung anzumelden. Unterlässt der PowerParts AG anzufordernden RMA-Formular an die von
Besteller dies, gelten die Lieferungen und Leistungen der PowerParts AG bezeichnete Stelle zur Reparatur ein-
als genehmigt und erfüllt. geschickt oder angeliefert werden. Die Versandkosten
Die PowerParts AG hat die ihr mitgeteilten Mängel so sind vom Besteller zu tragen. Durch den Austausch von
rasch als möglich zu beheben, und der Besteller hat ihr Teilen, Baumgruppen oder ganzen Geräten treten keine
hierzu Gelegenheit zu geben. neuen Gewährleistungsfristen in Kraft. Die Gewähr-
Wegen Mängeln irgendwelcher Art an Lieferungen oder leistung beschränkt sich ausschliesslich auf die Reparatur
Leistungen hat der Besteller keine Rechte und Ansprüche oder den Austausch der beschädigten Ware.
ausser den in Ziff. 14 (Gewährleistung, Haftung für 16. Ausschluss weiterer Haftungen des Lieferanten
Mängel) ausdrücklich genannten. Die Fälle der wesentlichen Vertragsverletzung, deren
14. Gewährleistung, Haftung für Mängel Rechtsfolgen sowie alle Ansprüche des Bestellers, gleich-
14.1 Gewährleistungsfrist gültig aus welchem Rechtsgrund sie gestellt werden, sind
Die Gewährleistungsfrist beträgt 12 Monate. Sie beginnt in diesen Bedingungen abschliessend geregelt.
mit dem Abgang der Lieferungen ab Werk oder mit der Insbesondere sind alle nicht ausdrücklich genannten An-
eventuell vereinbarten Abnahme der Lieferungen und sprüche auf Schadenersatz, Minderung, Aufhebung des
Leistungen. Werden Versand oder eine eventuell Vertrages oder Rücktritt vom Vertrag ausgeschlossen. In
vereinbarte Abnahme aus Gründen verzögert, die die keinem Fall bestehen Ansprüche des Bestellers auf Ersatz
PowerParts AG nicht zu vertreten hat, endet die Gewähr- von Schäden, die nicht am Liefergegenstand selbst ent-
leistungsfrist spätestens 18 Monate nach Meldung der standen sind, wie namentlich Produktionsausfall,
Versandbereitschaft. Nutzungsverluste, Verlust von Aufträgen, entgangener
Die Gewährleistung erlischt vorzeitig, wenn der Besteller Gewinn sowie von anderen mittelbaren oder unmittel-
oder Dritte die Ware unsachgemäss oder entgegen den baren Schäden. Diese Einschränkungen gelten nicht für
Betriebsvorschriften betreibt, unsachgemäss Änderungen rechtswidrige Absicht oder grobe Fahrlässigkeit der
oder Reparaturen vornimmt oder wenn der Besteller, PowerParts AG.
falls ein Mangel aufgetreten ist, nicht umgehend alle 17. Urheberrechte / Software-Gewährleistung
geeigneten Massnahmen zur Schadenminderung trifft Soweit Software zum Lieferumfang gehört, wird diese
und als dann der PowerParts AG Gelegenheit gibt, dem Besteller allein zum einmaligen Wiederverkauf bzw.
den Mangel zu beheben. zum eigenen Gebrauch überlassen, d.h. er darf diese
14.2 Haftung für Mängel weder kopieren, noch anderen zur Nutzung überlassen.
Die PowerParts AG verpflichtet sich, auf schriftliche Software ist von sämtlichen Garantiebestimmungen
Anforderung des Bestellers alle Teile der Lieferungen, ausgenommen. Es gelten ausschliesslich die Bestim-
die nachweisbar infolge schlechten Materials, fehlerhafter mungen des Lizenzvertrages des Herstellers.
Konstruktion oder mangelhafter Ausführung bis zum 18. Datenschutz
Ablauf der Gewährleistungsfrist schadhaft oder un- PowerParts AG ist berechtigt, die bezüglich der Ge-
brauchbar werden, so rasch als möglich auszubessern schäftsverbindungen oder im Zusammenhang mit dieser
oder zu ersetzen. Ersetzte Teile werden Eigentum der erhaltenen Daten über den Besteller, gleich ob diese vom
PowerParts AG. Die PowerParts AG trägt die anfallenden Besteller selbst oder von Dritten stammen, im Sinne des
Kosten der Nachbesserung. Bundesdatenschutzgesetzes zu verarbeiten.
Gelingt die Nachbesserung auch innerhalb einer ange- 19. Ausfuhrkontrolle
messenen Nachfrist nicht oder nur teilweise, hat der Der Besteller verpflichtet sich für den Fall der Weiter-
Besteller bei Verschulden der PowerParts AG Anspruch veräusserung der gelieferten Produkte, sämtliche auf
auf die für diesen Fall vereinbarte Entschädigung oder, diese Produkte anzuwendenden Ausfuhrbestimmungen,
sofern eine solche Vereinbarung nicht getroffen wurde, insbesondere die EU-DUAL-USE Bestimmungen, einzu-
auf eine angemessene Herabsetzung des Preises. Ist der halten. Die Nichteinhaltung der Ausfuhrbestimmungen
Mangel derart schwerwiegend, dass er nicht innert berechtigt die PowerParts AG zur Kündigung aller mit
angemessener Frist behoben werden kann, und sind die dem Besteller bestehenden Verträge aus wichtigem Grund
Lieferungen oder Leistungen zum bekanntgegebenen 20. Gerichtsstand und anwendbares Recht
Zweck nicht oder nur in erheblich vermindertem Masse Gerichtsstand für den Besteller und den Lieferanten ist
brauchbar, hat der Besteller das Recht, die Annahme des das für den Sitz der PowerParts AG zuständige Gericht.
mangelhaften Teils zu verweigern, oder, wenn ihm eine Die PowerParts AG ist jedoch berechtigt, den Besteller an
Teilannahme wirtschaftlich unzumutbar ist, vom Vertrag dessen Sitz zu belangen. Das Rechtsverhältnis untersteht
zurückzutreten. Die PowerParts AG kann nur dazu ver- dem schweizerischen Recht.
pflichtet werden die Beträge zurückzuerstatten, die ihr für
die vom Rücktritt betroffenen Teile bezahlt worden sind. Stand: Version 1.4 vom 1. August 2014
14.3 Ausschlüsse von der Haftung für Mängel
Von der Gewährleistung und Haftung der PowerParts AG
ausgeschlossen sind Schäden, die nicht nachweisbar
infolge schlechten Materials, fehlerhafter Konstruktion
oder mangelhafter Ausführung entstanden sind, z.B.
infolge natürlicher Abnutzung, mangelhafter Wartung,
Missachtung von Betriebsvorschriften, übermässiger
Beanspruchung, ungeeigneter Betriebsmittel, chemischer
oder elektrolytischer Einflüsse sowie infolge anderer
Gründe, die die PowerParts AG nicht zu vertreten hat.

A wide variety of products are available in various features. See the following pages to find out more.


Splash Proof
DC Centrifugal Fan 9W2T type

The series lineup of the Splash Proof Centrifugal Fan has been

expanded. Its IP56-rated water and dust protection ensures

stable fan operation even in harsh environments.

It is suitable for outdoor ICT equipment, PV inverters,

commercial refrigerators, air conditioning ø175× 69 mm
equipment, and dust collectors. pp. 336 to 337

DC Centrifugal Fan 9T type, 9B1T type

Centrifugal fans blow air in a centrifugal course. It is

suitable for use in ICT equipment, large-scale inverters,

refrigeration units, dust collectors, and air conditioners.

A Centrifugal Fan has been integrated with an inlet nozzle

and brackets into a Bracket-mounted Centrifugal Fan,

making the installation work to your device easy. ø175 × 69 mm
pp. 438 to 442
Bracket-mounted Centrifugal Fan
AC ACDC Fan 9AD type 270 × 270 × 99 mm pp. 448 to 450

These fan operates by internally converting AC power into DC 120 × 120 × 38 mm
power. It provides the superior performance of a DC fan with pp. 479 to 481
the flexibility of AC input.

92 ×92 × 38 mm
pp. 476 to 478

Airflow Tester pp. 524 to 529

This is a portable measuring device that enables you to
easily measure the system impedance and operating
airfow of devices.

With connection duct mounted

PWM Controller pp. 518 to 523

This device provides external speed control of PWM control
function fans. By using this product, PWM control function fans
can be fully utilized without the need for preparing new circuits,
contributing to reducing the system power consumption and the
fan noise.

Box type PCB type

PowerParts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected] 3


Domain Diagram 6 to 9 DC ø221 mm 340 to 341
342 to 343
DC DC Fan 11 ø225 mm

36 mm sq. 12 to 13 Oil Proof Fan 345
38 mm sq. 14 to 18
40 mm sq. 346 to 349
40 mm sq. 19 to 49 60 mm sq. 350 to 355

52 mm sq. 50 to 56 80 mm sq. 356 to 357

60 mm sq. 57 to 94 92 mm sq. 358 to 361
70 mm sq. 95 to 96
120 mm sq. 362 to 363

80 mm sq. 97 to 141 Long Life Fan 365

92 mm sq. 142 to 165 40 mm sq. 366 to 367

120 mm sq. 166 to 189 60 mm sq. 368 to 376
80 mm sq. 377 to 382
127 mm sq. 190 to 194
140 mm sq. 195 to 200 92 mm sq. 383 to 389

150 mm sq. 201 to 202 120 mm sq. 390 to 397
ø172 mm 203 to 218
ø200 mm 219 to 222 140 mm sq. 398 to 406
ø172 mm 407 to 410

Counter Rotating Fan 223 Wide Temperature Range Fan 411

38 mm sq. 224 to 225 40 mm sq. 412 to 413
60 mm sq. 414 to 415
40 mm sq. 226 to 237 80 mm sq. 416 to 417
60 mm sq. 238 to 246

80 mm sq. 247 to 253 92 mm sq. 418 to 421

92 mm sq. 254 to 255 120 mm sq. 422 to 423

120 mm sq. 256 to 257 G Proof Fan 425
ø172 mm 258 to 259
120 mm sq. 426 to 427
Reversible Flow Fan 261 ø172 mm 428 to 429

ø92 mm 262 to 263 Centrifugal Fan 431
ø136 mm 264 to 265
ø100 mm 432 to 433
Splash Proof Fan 267 ø133 mm 434 to 435
ø150 mm 436 to 437
40 mm sq. 268 to 272 ø175 mm 438 to 442
60 mm sq. 273 to 278 ø221 mm 443 to 445
ø225 mm 446 to 447
80 mm sq. 279 to 288

92 mm sq. 289 to 303

120 mm sq. 304 to 312 270 mm sq. 448 to 452

140 mm sq. 313 to 321 Blower 453
ø172 mm 322 to 327
52 mm 454 to 455
Splash Proof Centrifugal Fan 329
76 mm 456 to 459
ø100 mm 330 to 331 97 mm 460 to 468
ø133 mm 332 to 333
ø150 mm 334 to 335 120 mm 469 to 470
ø175 mm 336 to 339
127 mm 471 to 472

160 mm 473 to 474

PowerP4 arts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

AC ACDC Fan 475 DC Fan
Counter Rotating Fan
92 mm sq. 476 to 478 Reversible Flow Fan
120 mm sq. 479 to 481 Splash Proof Fan
Splash Proof Centrifugal Fan
AC Fan 483 Oil Proof Fan
Long Life Fan
60 mm sq. 484 to 487 WideTemperature Range Fan
80 mm sq. 488 to 495 G Proof Fan
92 mm sq. 496 to 499 Centrifugal Fan
120 mm sq. 500 to 508 Blower
160 mm sq. 509 to 511 ACDC Fan
ø172 mm 512 to 516 AC Fan
PWM Controller
PWM Controller 518 to 523 Airflow Tester
Airflow Tester 524 to 529 Technical Material
Standards and Certifications
Options 530 to 544 Please Read
Index by Model No./Safety Standards List
Technical Material 545 Deleted Models in this Catalog
Overview and Characteristics of Fan
Motor protection function 547
Guideline in Selecting a Fan 548
Specifications for DC Fan Sensors 549 to 550
Specifications for AC Fan Sensor 550
Fans with PWM Control Function 551 to 552
Splash Proof Fan 553
Cautions for Use of a Cooling Fan in the
Vicinity of a Power Switching Circuit 554

Standards and Certifications 555
Safety Standards 556
RoHS Directive 556

Please Read: 557
Operating Precautions
Fan Mounting Using Self-tapping Screw 558
Safety Precautions 559 to 560

Index by Model No./Safety Standards List
DC Fan 561 to 581
ACDC Fan 582
AC Fan 582 to 583
Option 584 to 585

Deleted Models in this Catalog 586 to 587

Distributors 588 to 593

Sale Notice of Cooling Fan Set Models 594


Sale Notice of Cooling Fan Set Models

PowerParts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected] 5

Domain Diagram


Airflow (m3/min) 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10 20 30 40 page
Frame size
36 mm sq.
38 mm sq. Conversion table 12 to 13
40 mm sq. 14 to 18
1 m3/min=35.31 (CFM) 19 to 49
1 CFM=0.0283 m3/min
1 m3/min=16.67 /s
1 CFM=0.472 /s
1 /s=0.06 m3/min


52 mm sq. 50 to 56

60 mm sq. 57 to 94

70 mm sq. 95 to 96

80 mm sq. 97 to 141

92 mm sq. 142 to 165

120 mm sq. 166 to 189

127 mm sq. 190 to 194

140 mm sq. 195 to 200

150 mm sq. 201 to 202

ø172 mm 203 to 218

ø200 mm 219 to 222

Airflow (CFM) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 500 1000 1500

Counter Rotating Fan DC

Frame size Airflow (m3/min) 2.0 page
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10 224 to 225
38 mm sq. 10
40 mm sq. Conversion table 226 to 237
60 mm sq.
1 m3/min=35.31 (CFM) 238 to 246
1 CFM=0.0283 m3/min
1 m3/min=16.67 /s
1 CFM=0.472 /s
1 /s=0.06 m3/min


80 mm sq. 247 to 253

92 mm sq. 254 to 255

120 mm sq. 256 to 257
ø172 mm
258 to 259
Airflow (CFM) 5 15 20 25 30 35 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 500

PowerP6 arts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

Reversible Flow Fan DC

Airflow (m3/min) page
Frame size 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0

ø92 mm Conversion table 262 to 263
264 to 265
ø136 mm 1 m3/min=35.31 (CFM)
1 CFM=0.0283 m3/min
1 m3/min=16.67 /s
1 CFM=0.472 /s
1 /s=0.06 m3/min


Airflow (CFM) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 50 100 150 200 250 300

Splash Proof Fan DC

Airflow (m3/min) page
40Frame size 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10 268 to 272
273 to 278
mm sq. Conversion table 279 to 288
60 mm sq. 289 to 303
80 mm sq. 1 m3/min=35.31 (CFM)
92 mm sq. 1 CFM=0.0283 m3/min
1 m3/min=16.67 /s
1 CFM=0.472 /s
1 /s=0.06 m3/min


120 mm sq. 304 to 312

1ø14072mmmsmq. 313 to 321

322 to 327

Airflow (CFM) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 500

Splash Proof Centrifugal Fan DC

Airflow (m3/min) page
100øSize 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10 20 30 40
mm 330 to 331
Conversion table
ø133 mm 332 to 333
ø150 mm 1 m3/min=35.31 (CFM)
ø175 mm 1 CFM=0.0283 m3/min 334 to 335
1 m3/min=16.67 /s
1 CFM=0.472 /s 336 to 339
1 /s=0.06 m3/min


ø221 mm 340 to 341
ø225 mm
342 to 343
Airflow (CFM) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 500 1000 1500

Oil Proof Fan DC

Airflow (m3/min) 3.0 page
40Frame size 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 2.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 34056 to 34096

mm sq. Conversion table 35070 to 35059
60 mm sq.
80 mm sq. 1 m3/min=35.31 (CFM) 31506 to 357
92 mm sq. 1 CFM=0.0283 m3/min
1 m3/min=16.67 /s 31581 to 36114
1 CFM=0.472 /s
1 /s=0.06 m3/min


120 mm sq. 31652 to 36136
Airflow (CFM) 5 100 150 200 250 300
10 15 20 25 30 35 50

PowerParts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected] 7

Domain Diagram

Long Life Fan DC

Airflow (m3/min) page
40Frame size 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10 20 30 40 366 to 367
368 to 376
mm sq. Conversion table 377 to 382
60 mm sq. 383 to 389
80 mm sq. 1 m3/min=35.31 (CFM)
92 mm sq. 1 CFM=0.0283 m3/min
1 m3/min=16.67 /s
1 CFM=0.472 /s
1 /s=0.06 m3/min


120 mm sq. 390 to 397

140 mm sq. 398 to 406

ø172 mm 407 to 410

Airflow (CFM) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 500 1000 1500

Wide Temperature Range Fan DC

Airflow (m3/min) 0.2 0.3 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 page
40Frame size 0.1 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 412 to 413
15 20 25 30 35 Conversion table
mm sq. 414 to 415
60 mm sq. 1 m3/min=35.31 (CFM)
80 mm sq. 1 CFM=0.0283 m3/min 416 to 417
92 mm sq. 1 m3/min=16.67 /s
1 CFM=0.472 /s 418 to 421
1 /s=0.06 m3/min


120 mm sq. 422 to 423

Airflow (CFM) 5 10 50 100 150 200 250 300

G Proof Fan DC

Airflow (m3/min) 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10 20 30 40 page
Frame size 0.1 0.3
Conversion table 426 to 427
120 mm sq
1 m3/min=35.31 (CFM)
ø172 mm 1 CFM=0.0283 m3/min 428 to 429
1 m3/min=16.67 /s 150 200 250 300 350 500 1000 1500
Airflow (CFM) 1 CFM=0.472 /s
1 /s=0.06 m3/min


5 10 15 20 25 30 35 50 100

Centrifugal Fan DC

Airflow (m3/min) 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10 20 30 40 page

Size 0.1 Conversion table 432 to 433

ø100 mm 1 m3/min=35.31 (CFM) 434 to 435
ø133 mm 1 CFM=0.0283 m3/min
ø150 mm 1 m3/min=16.67 /s 436 to 437
1 CFM=0.472 /s
1 /s=0.06 m3/min


ø175 mm 438 to 442

ø221 mm 443 to 445

ø225 mm 446 to 447

270 mm sq. 448 to 452
150 200 250 300 350 500 1000 1500
Airflow (CFM) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 50 100

PowerP8 arts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

Blower DC

Airflow (m3/min) 2.0 page
52Frame size 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 454 to 455

mm 456 to 459
76 mm
97 mm 460 to 468
120 mm Conversion table
127 mm 469 to 470
160 mm 1 m3/min=35.31 (CFM)
1 CFM=0.0283 m3/min 471 to 472
1 m3/min=16.67 /s
1 CFM=0.472 /s 473 to 474
1 /s=0.06 m3/min
Airflow (CFM) 10 15 20 25 30 35 50



Airflow (m3/min) 0.2 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10 20 30 40 50 page
Frame size 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

92 mm sq. Conversion table 476 to 478
479 to 481
120 mm sq. 1 m3/min=35.31 (CFM)
1 CFM=0.0283 m3/min
Airflow (CFM) 5 1 m3/min=16.67 /s
1 CFM=0.472 /s
1 /s=0.06 m3/min


10 15 20 25 30 35 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 500 1000 1500


Airflow (m3/min) 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 page
Frame size 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 2.0 3.0 484 to 487
Conversion table
60 mm sq. 488 to 495
1 m3/min=35.31 (CFM)
80 mm sq. 1 CFM=0.0283 m3/min
1 m3/min=16.67 /s
1 CFM=0.472 /s
1 /s=0.06 m3/min


92 mm sq. 496 to 499

120 mm sq. 500 to 508

160 mm sq. 509 to 511

ø172 mm 10 15 20 25 30 35 50 512 to 516
100 150 200 250 300
Airflow (CFM) 5

PowerParts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected] 9

PowerP10arts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

DC Fan DC Fan DC

Wide lineup including low power consumption fans (9GA type), silent fans (9S type), and high airflow
and high static pressure fans.

Model Numbering System Not every combination of the following codes or characters is available. Contact us for an available combination.

9GV 12 12 J 1 01 1

Type name Frame size Voltage Speed code Frame thickness Sensor specifications Frame form

Fans with PWM control function P4 G 01

9GV 12 12 PWM control function Frame thickness Speed code Individual customer s spec
(2 to 4 digits)
Type name Frame size Voltage Frame form

Type name 9E 9P 9R 9A 9EC 9G 9GA 9GAX 9GV 9GE 9GX 9HV 9HVA 9S 9SG
Frame size (mm)
03 04 05 06 08 09 12 13 14 15 17 36 47 57 20
Voltage (V)
Speed code 38×38 40×40 52×52 60×60 80×80 92×92 120×120 127×127 140×140 150×150 ø172 36 × 36 ø172 × 147 ø172 × 150 ø200
Frame thickness (mm)
Sensor specifications (sidecut) (sidecut)
Frame form
05 12 24 48
5 12 24 48 etc.

A B C D E F G H J K L M S W etc.

70 38 32 28 25 50, 51 20 15 10

01 or 001 02 or 002 D01 or D001
With a pulse sensor Without a sensor With a lock sensor

Nil 1 3
Plastic frame: Ribbed frame Plastic frame: Ribless frame
Aluminum frame: Ribless frame 40 × 40 × 28 mm for 1U applications
Plastic frame: Ribbed frame

How to Read Specifications (DC fan)

Model no. Rated voltage Operating voltage range Rated current Rated input Rated speed Max. airflow Max. static pressure SPL Operating temperature Expected life
[Pa] [inchH²O] [dB (A)] [˚C] [h]
9 G A 0 4 1 2 G 7 0 01 [V] [V] [A] [W] [min-1] [m³/min] [CFM]
192 0.77 42 -20 to +70 40000/60˚C
12 7 to 13.8 0.17 2.04 13100 0.36 12.7 (70000/40˚C)

Rated voltage This is the necessary voltage to drive the fan. E.g.) 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 48 VDC
Operating voltage range The voltage range over which fan operation is guaranteed.
Rated current The current when the fan is operating at rated voltage (at free air).
Rated input The power value when the fan is operating at rated voltage (at free air).
Rated speed The speed when the fan is operating at rated voltage (at free air).
Max. airflow The maximum airflow that the fan can generate during rated operation (measured with our double chamber measuring device).
Airflow is the volume of air generated by the fan per unit of time.
Max. static pressure The maximum static pressure value that the fan can produce during rated operation (measured with our double chamber measuring device).
Static pressure indicates a fan's ability to move air against resistance due to the internal structure of the device to which the fan is installed.
SPL SPL stands for Sound Pressure Level. The noise level during the fan's rated operation.
Please refer to the technical material section for the measurement method.
Operating temperature The temperature range over which fan operation is guaranteed (Non- condensing).
Expected life Service life hours that 90% of bearings will survive without failing when continuously operated at the rated voltage and 60˚C
temperature. Expected life at 40˚C is for reference only.
For more information, please refer to the technical material section.

PowerParts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

DC Fan /(Model no.: 9GX3612P3K001 only)

36×36×28 mm

San Ace 36 9GX/9GV type

General Specifications Frame: Plastic (Flammability: UL 94V-0), Impeller: Plastic (Flammability: UL 94V-1)
See the table below. (L10 life: 90% survival rate for continuous operation in free air at 60˚C,
Material rated voltage)
Expected life Locked rotor burnout protection, Reverse polarity protection
For details, please refer to p. 547.
Motor protection function 50/60 Hz, 500 VAC, for 1 minute (between lead wire conductors and frame)
10 MΩ or more with a 500 VDC megger (between lead wire conductors and frame)
Dielectric strength At 1 m away from the air inlet
Insulation resistance -30 +70˚C (Non-condensing, Model no.: 9GX3612P3K001 only), -20 to +70˚C (Non-condensing)
Sound pressure level (SPL)
Storage temperature Red Black Sensor Yellow Control Brown
Lead wire (For models without PWM control function, there is no speed control wiring.)
46 g


The models listed below have ribs and pulse sensors with PWM control function.

Model no. Rated voltage Operating voltage range PWM duty Rated current Rated input Rated speed Max. airflow Max. static pressure SPL Operating temperature Expected life
[V] [V] cycle* [%] [A] [W] [min-1] [m³/min] [CFM] [Pa] [inchH²O] [dB (A)] [˚C] [h]
12 10.8 to 13.2 100 1.3 15.6 24000 0.69 24.4 838 3.367 66 -10 to +60 40000/60˚C
0 0.07 0.84 3200 0.09 3.2 14.0 0.056 32 (70000/40˚C)

* PWM frequency: 25 kHz

The following sensor and control options are available for selection.
Available for all models. Without sensor

The models listed below have ribs and pulse sensors.

Model no. Rated voltage Operating voltage range Rated current Rated input Rated speed Max. airflow Max. static pressure SPL Operating temperature Expected life
[min-1] [˚C] [h]
9GV3612J301 [V] [V] [A] [W] [m³/min] [CFM] [Pa] [inchH²O] [dB (A)]
9GV3612G301 19000 -20 to +60 40000/60˚C
12 7.0 to 13.2 0.75 9.0 14000 0.55 19.4 525 2.108 58.5
0.34 4.08 275 1.104 52.0
0.4 14.1

The following sensor and control options are available for selection.
Available for all models. Without sensor PWM control

Airflow - Static Pressure Characteristics / PWM Duty - Speed Characteristics Example

9GX3612P3K001 With pulse sensor with PWM control function

PWM duty cycle Operating voltage range PWM duty - Speed characteristics example

(inch H2O) (Pa) D12CV12DVC (inch H2O) (Pa) PWPWMMdデutュy ーcyテclィe 110000%% (min-1) V電o圧lta:gDeC: 12 VDC
PWMM周fr波eq数u:en2c5yk: H2z5 kHz
4.0 1000 PWMデduュtyーcテycィle 4.0 1000 25000
100% 24000 min-1
3.5 900 3.5 900
800 800 13.2 V 20000
Static p静re圧ssure3.0700 3.0 700 12 V
Static p静re圧ssure
2.5 600 2.5 600 10.8 V 15000
2.0 500 2.0 500

1.5 400 50% 1.5 400 10000

1.0 300 1.0 300 5000
200 200 3200 min-1
0.5 100 0% 0.5 100
0 100 (%)
0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 (m3/min) 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 (m3/min)
PWPMWデMュdーuテtyィcyサclイe クル
0 5 10 15 20 25 (CFM) 0 5 10 15 20 25 (CFM)

A風irf量low A風irf量low

PowerP12arts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

Airflow - Static Pressure Characteristics DC Fan 36 mm sq. DC

9GV3612J301 With pulse sensor 9GV3612G301 With pulse sensor
Operating voltage range Operating voltage range

(inch H2O) (Pa)Static静pr圧essure13.2 V (inch H2O) (Pa) 13.2 V
Static p静re圧ssure12 V 12 V
700 7V 400
2.5 600 1.5 7V

2.0 500 300
1.5 400
300 200

1.0 0.5
200 100

0.5 100

0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 (m3/min) 00 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 (m3/min)
0 5 10 15 20 25 (CFM)
0 5 10 15 20 (CFM)

Dimensions (unit: mm) (With pulse sensor)

36±0.5 28±0.5

29.5±0.3 Lリeーadドw線ire (4) (4)
4-ø3.5±0.3 AWG28
UL 1007
M取o付u用nti穴ng hole
320 0

36±0.5 (10)

Rota回tin転g方di向rection Airfl風ow吹d出ir方ec向tion

Reference Dimensions of Mounting Holes and Vent Opening (unit: mm)

Inlet side, Outlet side 4-ø3.7



35 page: p. 532

Finger guards

Model no.: 109-1050

PowerParts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

DC Fan

38×38×28 mm

San Ace 38 9GA type Low Power Consumption Fan

General Specifications Frame: Plastic (Flammability: UL 94V-0), Impeller: Plastic (Flammability: UL 94V-0)
See the table below. (L10 life: 90% survival rate for continuous operation in free air at 60˚C,
Material rated voltage)
Expected life Locked rotor burnout protection, Reverse polarity protection
For details, please refer to p. 547.
Motor protection function 50/60 Hz, 500 VAC, for 1 minute (between lead wire conductors and frame)
10 MΩ or more with a 500 VDC megger (between lead wire conductors and frame)
Dielectric strength At 1 m away from the air inlet
Insulation resistance -30 to +70˚C (Non-condensing)
Sound pressure level (SPL)
Storage temperature Red Black Sensor Yellow Control Brown
Lead wire 52 g


The models listed below have ribs and pulse sensors with PWM control function. For models without ribs, append "1" to the end of model numbers.

Model no. Rated voltage Operating voltage range PWM duty Rated current Rated input Rated speed Max. airflow Max. static pressure SPL Operating temperature Expected life
[V] [V] cycle* [%] [m³/min] [CFM] [Pa] [inchH²O] [dB (A)] [˚C] [h]
9GA0312P3K001 [A] [W] [min-1]
100 0.6 21.2 800 3.21 59.0
0 0.62 7.4 25000 0.07 2.5 11 0.04 15.0
0.57 20.1 720 2.89 57.5
100 0.06 0.7 3000 0.07 2.5 11 0.04 15.0
0 0.45 15.9 460 1.85 53.0
9GA0312P3J001 12 10.8 to 13.2 0.52 6.2 23500 0.07 2.5 11 0.04 15.0 -20 to +70 40000/60˚C
100 (70000/40˚C)
0 0.06 0.7 3000

9GA0312P3G001 0.33 4.0 19000
* PWM frequency: 25 kHz
0.06 0.7 3000

The following sensor and control options are available for selection.
Differs according to the model. Refer to the table on p. 570. Pulse sensor Lock sensor

Airflow - Static Pressure Characteristics / PWM Duty - Speed Characteristics Example

9GA0312P3K001 With pulse sensor with PWM control function

PWM duty cycle Operating voltage range PWM duty - Speed characteristics example

(inch H2O) (Pa) (inch H2O) (Pa) (min-1) V電o圧lta:gDe:C112 VVDC
PWPWMMdデutュy ーcyテclィe 110000%% PPWM周fr波eq数u:en2c5yk: H25z kHz
3.5 900 1D2CV1D2 CV 4.0 1000 25000 25000 min-1
3.0 800 13.2 V
PWMデduュtyーcテycィle 3.5 900 12 V 20000
700 100% 800 10.8 V
2.5 600 700
Static p静re圧ssure 3.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 (m3/min)
Static静pr圧essure 5 10 15 20 25 (CFM)
2.0 500 2.5 600 15000
1.5 400 2.0 500
1.0 300
50% 1.5 400 10000
200 0%
0.5 100 1.0 300 5000
200 3000 min-1
0.5 100
0 100 (%)
0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 (m3/min) 00
0 5 10 15 20 25 (CFM) 0


PowerP14arts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

Airflow - Static Pressure Characteristics / PWM Duty - Speed Characteristics Example
9GA0312P3J001 With pulse sensor with PWM control function
DC Fan 38 mm sq. DC
PWM duty cycle Operating voltage range PWM duty - Speed characteristics example

(inch H2O) (Pa) (inch H2O) (Pa) PWPMWMdデutュy cーyテcleィ110000%% (min-1) V電ol圧ta:geD: C1122VVDC
PPWWMMf周re波qu数e:nc2y5: k2H5z kHz
3.0 800 D12C1V2DVC 3.5 900 13.2 V 25000
700 23500 min-1
PWMデduュtyーcyテcィle 800
2.5 600 100% Static静pr圧essure 3.0 700 20000
Static p静re圧ssure
2.0 500 2.5 600 15000

1.5 400 2.0 500 12 V

1.0 300 1.5 400 10.8 V 10000
200 300
50% 1.0 200 5000 3000 min-1
0.5 100 0%
0.5 100

0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 (m3/min) 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 (m3/min) 0 100 (%)

0 5 10 15 20 25 (CFM) 0 5 10 15 20 25 (CFM) PWMPWデMュdーuテtyィcyサcイleクル

A風irf量low A風irf量low

9GA0312P3G001 With pulse sensor with PWM control function

PWM duty cycle Operating voltage range PWM duty - Speed characteristics example

(inch H2O) (Pa) (inch H2O) (Pa) (min-1) V電ol圧ta:geD:C1122VVDC
PWPWMMdデutュy cーyテcleィ110000%% PPWWMM周fre波q数ue:n2c5y:k2H5z kHz
2.0 500 1D2CV1D2 CV 600 20000
19000 min-1
1.5 400 PWMデduュtyーcyテclィe
Static p静re圧ssure 100% Static静pr圧essure 2.0 500 13.2 V 15000

300 1.5 400 12 V Fa回n転sp速ee度d 10000
1.0 300 10.8 V

200 50% 1.0 5000
0% 200 3000 min-1
0.5 100
0.5 100 0 100 (%)

0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 (m3/min) 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 (m3/min) PWMPWデMュdーuテtyィcサycイleクル
0 5 10 15 (CFM)
0 5 10 15 (CFM)

Dimensions (unit: mm) (With ribs)


M取o付un用tin穴g hole

38±0.5 +30
30±0.3 320 0


30±0.3 Lリeーadドw線ire (4) (4)
AWG26 28±0.5
Rota回tin転g 方dir向ection UL 1007


PowerParts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

Reference Dimensions of Mounting Holes and Vent Opening (unit: mm)

Inlet side, Outlet side 4-ø3.7




Options page: p. 532
Finger guards

Model no.: 109-1065

PowerP16arts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

DC Fan DC Fan 38 mm sq. DC

38×38×28 mm

San Ace 38 9GV type

General Specifications Frame: Plastic (Flammability: UL 94V-0), Impeller: Plastic (Flammability: UL 94V-1)
See the table below. (L10 life: 90% survival rate for continuous operation in free air at 60˚C,
Material rated voltage)
Expected life Locked rotor burnout protection, Reverse polarity protection
For details, please refer to p. 547.
Motor protection function 50/60 Hz, 500 VAC, for 1 minute (between lead wire conductors and frame)
10 MΩ or more with a 500 VDC megger (between lead wire conductors and frame)
Dielectric strength At 1 m away from the air inlet
Insulation resistance -20 to +70˚C (Non-condensing)
Sound pressure level (SPL)
Storage temperature Red Black Sensor Yellow
Lead wire 50 g


The models listed below have ribs and pulse sensors. For models without ribs, append "1" to the end of model numbers.

Model no. Rated voltage Operating voltage range Rated current Rated input Rated speed Max. airflow Max. static pressure SPL Operating temperature Expected iife
[˚C] [h]
9GV0312K301 [V] [V] [A] [W] [min-1] [m³/min] [CFM] [Pa] [inchH²O] [dB (A)]
9GV0312J301 -20 to +60 40000/60˚C
9GV0312G301 0.79 9.48 18200 0.65 23 425 1.707 59
9GV0312E301 15900 315 1.265 54
9GV0312H301 7 to 13.2 0.6 7.2 13500 0.57 20 220 0.924 50
10500 130 0.522 43
12 0.4 4.8 7000 0.48 17 60 0.241 34

4.5 to 13.2 0.21 2.52 0.37 13.1
0.16 1.92
0.24 8.5

The following sensor and control options are available for selection.
Differs according to the model. Refer to the table on pp. 573 to 574. Without sensor Lock sensor PWM control

Airflow - Static Pressure Characteristics

9GV0312K301 With pulse sensor 9GV0312J301 With pulse sensor 9GV0312G301 With pulse sensor
Operating voltage range Operating voltage range Operating voltage range

(inch H2O) (Pa) (inch H2O) (Pa) (inch H2O) (Pa)

2.0 500 450 350
450 1.25 300
1.5 400 13.2 V 1.5 350 13.2 V 1.00 250 13.2 V
350 12 V 12 V 12 V
300 0.75 200
Static p静r圧essure300 150 7V
Static静pr圧essure1.0 250
1.0 250 Static p静r圧essure7V2007V0.50
200 100
0.5 150 0.5 100 0.25 50

50 50

00 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 (m3/min) 00
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 (m3/min) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 (m3/min)

0 5 10 15 20 25 (CFM) 0 5 10 15 20 25 (CFM) 0 5 10 15 20 25 (CFM)

Ai風rfl量ow Ai風rfl量ow Ai風rfl量ow

PowerParts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

Airflow - Static Pressure Characteristics

9GV0312E301 With pulse sensor 9GV0312H301 With pulse sensor
Operating voltage range Operating voltage range

(inch H2O) (Pa) (inch H2O) (Pa)

0.8 200 0.5 125
Static p静r圧essure 0.6 150 13.2 V Static p静re圧ssure 0.4 100
0.5 12 V
0.4 100 0.3 75
0.3 0.2 50 13.2 V
0.2 50 12 V
4.5 V 0.1 25 4.5 V
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 (m3/min) 0 0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 (m3/min)
0 5 10 15 (CFM) 0 2 4 6 8 10 (CFM)

Ai風rfl量ow Air風fl量ow

Dimensions (unit: mm) (With ribs)

38±0.5 28±0.5
4-ø3.5±0.3 (4) (4)

M取o付un用tin穴g hole

320 0

38±0.5 (10)

Rotat回ing転d方ir向ection リLeーaドd w線ire Airfl風ow吹d出ir方ec向tion

UL 1007

Reference Dimensions of Mounting Holes and Vent Opening (unit: mm)

Inlet side, Outlet side 4-ø3.7







Options page: p. 532
Finger guards

Model no.: 109-1065

PowerP18arts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

DC Fan DC Fan 40 mm sq. DC

40×40×10 mm

San Ace 40 9P type

General Specifications Frame: Plastic (Flammability: UL 94V-0), Impeller: Plastic (Flammability: UL 94V-1)
See the table below. (L10 life: 90% survival rate for continuous operation in free air at 60˚C,
Material rated voltage)
Expected life Locked rotor burnout protection, Reverse polarity protection
For details, please refer to p. 547.
Motor protection function 50/60 Hz, 500 VAC, for 1 minute (between lead wire conductors and frame)
10 MΩ or more with a 500 VDC megger (between lead wire conductors and frame)
Dielectric strength At 1 m away from the air inlet
Insulation resistance -30 to +70˚C (Non-condensing)
Sound pressure level (SPL)
Storage temperature Red Black or Blue Sensor Yellow
Lead wire 19 g


The models listed below have ribs and pulse sensors.

Model no. Rated voltage Operating voltage range Rated current Rated input Rated speed Max. airflow Max. static pressure SPL Operating temperature Expected iife
[min-1] [Pa] [inchH²O] [dB (A)] [˚C] [h]
109P0405H901 [V] [V] [A] [W] [m³/min] [CFM]
109P0405M901 6200 41.2 0.165 25 -10 to +60 40000/60˚C
109P0412H901 5 4.5 to 5.5 0.16 0.8 5000 0.15 5.3 27 0.108 21
109P0412M901 0.11 0.55
6200 0.12 4.2 41.2 0.165 25
5000 27 0.108 21
12 7 to 13.8 0.07 0.84 0.15 5.3
0.06 0.72
0.12 4.2

The following sensor and control options are available for selection.
Available for all models. Without sensor Lock sensor
Differs according to the model. Refer to the table on pp. 562 to 563. PWM control

Airflow - Static Pressure Characteristics

109P0405H901 With pulse sensor 109P0405M901 With pulse sensor 109P0412H901 With pulse sensor
Operating voltage range Operating voltage range Operating voltage range

Static静pr圧essure(inch H2O) (Pa)5.5 V (inch H2O) (Pa) 5.5 V (inch H2O) (Pa) 13.8 V
Static静pr圧essure5V 5V 12 V
Static静pr圧essure600.20 504.5 V0.25 60
4.5 V 7V
0.20 50 0.15 40 0.20 50

0.15 40 30 0.15 40
30 0.10 30

0.10 20 0.10
20 20
0.05 10
0.05 10 0.05 10

00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 (m3/min) 00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 (m3/min) 00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 (m3/min)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (CFM) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (CFM) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (CFM)

Air風fl量ow Air風fl量ow Ai風rfl量ow

PowerParts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

Airflow - Static Pressure Characteristics

109P0412M901 With pulse sensor
Operating voltage range

Static静pr圧essure(inch H2O) (Pa) 13.8 V
12 V
0.20 50 7V

0.15 40



0.05 10

00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 (m3/min)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (CFM)


Dimensions (unit: mm) 4-ø3.5±0.3 +1
10 0
+1 M取o付un用ti穴ng hole (3) (3)
40 0


320 0

40 0



Rotat回in転g d方ir向ection Lリeーadドw線ire Air風flo吹w出d方ire向ction
UL 1007

Reference Dimensions of Mounting Holes and Vent Opening (unit: mm)

Inlet side, Outlet side 4-ø3.7







Options page: p. 532
Finger guards

Model no.: 109-059, 109-059H

PowerP20arts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

DC Fan DC Fan 40 mm sq. DC

40×40×15 mm

San Ace 40 9GA type Low Power Consumption Fan

General Specifications Frame: Plastic (Flammability: UL 94V-0), Impeller: Plastic (Flammability: UL 94V-0)
See the table below. (L10 life: 90% survival rate for continuous operation in free air at 60˚C,
Material rated voltage)
Expected life Locked rotor burnout protection, Reverse polarity protection
For details, please refer to p. 547.
Motor protection function 50/60 Hz, 500 VAC, for 1 minute (between lead wire conductors and frame)
10 MΩ or more with a 500 VDC megger (between lead wire conductors and frame)
Dielectric strength At 1 m away from the air inlet
Insulation resistance -30 to +70˚C (Non-condensing)
Sound pressure level (SPL)
Storage temperature Red Black Sensor Yellow Control Brown
Lead wire (For models without PWM control function, there is no speed control wiring.)
28 g


The models listed below have ribs and pulse sensors with PWM control function.

Model no. Rated voltage Operating voltage range PWM duty Rated current Rated input Rated speed Max. airflow Max. static pressure SPL Operating temperature Expected life
[V] [V] cycle* [%] [m³/min] [CFM] [Pa] [inchH²O] [dB (A)] [˚C] [h]
9GA0412P7G001 [A] [W] [min-1]
12 10.2 to 13.8 100 0.36 12.7 192 0.77 42 -20 to +70 40000/60˚C
0.17 2.04 13100 (70000/40˚C)

* PWM frequency: 25 kHz. Fan does not rotate when PWM duty cycle is 0%.

The following sensor and control options are available for selection.
Available for all models. Without sensor Pulse sensor Lock sensor

The models listed below have ribs and pulse sensors.

Model no. Rated voltage Operating voltage range Rated current Rated input Rated speed Max. airflow Max. static pressure SPL Operating temperature Expected life
[V] [V] [A] [W] [min-1] [dB (A)] [˚C] [h]
9 G A 0 4 1 2 G 7 0 01 [m³/min] [CFM] [Pa] [inchH²O]
9 G A 0 4 1 2 H 7 0 01 12 7 to 13.8 0.17 2.04 13100 42 -20 to +70 40000/60˚C
0.06 0.72 7300 0.36 12.7 192 0.77 28 (70000/40˚C)

0.2 7.1 59.6 0.24

The following sensor and control options are available for selection.
Available for all models. Without sensor Lock sensor
Differs according to the model. Refer to the table on p. 570. PWM control

Airflow - Static Pressure Characteristics / PWM Duty - Speed Characteristics Example

9GA0412P7G001 With pulse sensor with PWM control function

PWM duty cycle Operating voltage range PWM duty - Speed characteristics example

(inch H2O) (Pa) 1D2CV12DVC (inch H2O) (Pa) PWPMWMduデtyュcーycテleィ110000%% (min-1) V電o圧lta:gDeC: 12 VDC
PWWMM周fr波eq数u:en2c5yk:H2z5 kHz
1.2 300 1.2 300 15000

1.0 250 1.0 250 13100 min-1
0.8 200
0.8 200Static p静re圧ssure 13.8 V 10000
0.6 150 Static静pr圧essure
0.4 100
PWMデduュtyーcテycィle 0.6 150 12 V

0.4 100 10.2 V 5000
0.2 50
0.2 50 50%

0 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 (m3/min) 0 100 (%)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 (m3/min)
0 5 10 15 (CFM) 0 5 10 15 (CFM) PWMPWデMュdーuテtyィcyサcイleクル

Air風fl量ow Air風fl量ow

PowerParts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

Airflow - Static Pressure Characteristics

9GA0412G7001 With pulse sensor 9GA0412H7001 With pulse sensor
Operating voltage range Operating voltage range

(inch H2O) (Pa) 1D2CV1D2 CV (inch H2O) (Pa) 1D2CV1D2 CV

1.2 300 0.4 100 13.8 V
12 V
1.0 250 90
Static p静re圧ssure 0.8 200 13.8 V Static p静re圧ssure 0.3 80


0.6 150 12 V 0.2 50

0.4 100 7V 40
0.2 50
0.1 30


0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 (m3/min) 00 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 (m3/min)

0 5 10 15 (CFM) 0 246 8 (CFM)

Ai風rfl量ow Ai風rfl量ow

Dimensions (unit: mm) (With pulse sensor with PWM control function)

4-ø3.5±0.3 15.2±0.5 (4)
M取o付un用tin穴g hole

40±0.3 +30
32±0.3 320 0


32±0.3 Lリeaーdドw線ire
40±0.3 AWG28
UL 1007

Rota回tin転g 方dir向ection Airf風lo吹w 出dir方ec向tion

Reference Dimensions of Mounting Holes and Vent Opening (unit: mm)

Inlet side, Outlet side

39 4-ø3.7




Options page: p. 532
Finger guards

Model no.: 109-059, 109-059H

PowerP22arts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

DC Fan DC Fan 40 mm sq. DC

40×40×15 mm

San Ace 40 9P type

General Specifications Frame: Plastic (Flammability: UL 94V-0), Impeller: Plastic (Flammability: UL 94V-1)
See the table below. (L10 life: 90% survival rate for continuous operation in free air at 60˚C,
Material rated voltage)
Expected life Locked rotor burnout protection, Reverse polarity protection
For details, please refer to p. 547.
Motor protection function 50/60 Hz, 500 VAC, for 1 minute (between lead wire conductors and frame)
10 MΩ or more with a 500 VDC megger (between lead wire conductors and frame)
Dielectric strength At 1 m away from the air inlet
Insulation resistance -30 to +70˚C (Non-condensing)
Sound pressure level (SPL)
Storage temperature Red Black or Blue Sensor Yellow
Lead wire 32 g


The models listed below have ribs and pulse sensors.

Model no. Rated voltage Operating voltage range Rated current Rated input Rated speed Max. airflow Max. static pressure SPL Operating temperature Expected iife
[min-1] [Pa] [inchH²O] [dB (A)] [˚C] [h]
109P0405H701 [V] [V] [A] [W] [m³/min] [CFM]
109P0405M701 7700 75.5 0.303 28 -20 to +60 60000/60˚C
109P0412R701 5 4.5 to 5.5 0.28 1.4 6500 0.18 6.4 52.9 0.213 24
109P0412S701 0.21 1.05
109P0412H701 9700 0.15 5.3 111.9 0.449 34
109P0412M701 8600 92.1 0.369 32
109P0424H701 7 to 13.8 0.13 1.56 7700 0.227 8.0 75.5 0.303 28 40000/60˚C
6500 52.9 0.213 24
12 0.18 2.16 7700 0.2 7.06 75.5 0.303 28 -20 to +70
10.2 to 13.8 0.13 1.56
0.18 6.4 60000/60˚C

0.095 1.14 0.15 5.3

24 20.4 to 27.6 0.08 1.92 0.18 6.4

The following sensor and control options are available for selection.
Available for all models. Without sensor Lock sensor

Airflow - Static Pressure Characteristics

109P0405H701 With pulse sensor 109P0405M701 With pulse sensor 109P0412R701 With pulse sensor
Operating voltage range Operating voltage range Operating voltage range

(inch H2O) (Pa) (inch H2O) (Pa) (inch H2O) (Pa)

0.6 150 80 0.8 200
0.30 0.7
Static静pr圧essure0.5 5.5 V 5.5 V 0.6 150 13.8 V
Static静pr圧essure0.4 1005V0.25 605V 0.5 12 V
Static静pr圧essure0.34.5 V0.204.5 V0.4 100
0.2 50 0.15 40 0.3 7V
0.1 0.2 0.2 50
0.1 0.10 2468 0.1 0.1 0.2
20 2468
00 0.1 0.2 0.3 (m3/min) Ai風rfl量ow 0.3 (m3/min) 00 0.3 (m3/min)
0.05 10 (CFM) Air風fl量ow 10 (CFM)
0 2 4 6 8 10 (CFM) 0

PowerParts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

Airflow - Static Pressure Characteristics

109P0412S701 With pulse sensor 109P0412H701 With pulse sensor 109P0412M701 With pulse sensor
Operating voltage range Operating voltage range Operating voltage range

(inch H2O) (Pa) (inch H2O) (Pa) (inch H2O) (Pa)

0.6 150 0.6 150 0.30 80

Static静pr圧essure 0.5 13.8 V Static静pr圧essure 0.5 13.8 V Static静pr圧essure 0.25 60 13.8 V
0.4 100 12 V 0.4 100 12 V 0.20 12 V
0.3 10.2 V 0.3 10.2 V 0.15 40
0.2 50 0.2 50 10.2 V
0.1 0.1 20

00 0.1 0.2 0.3 (m3/min) 00 0.1 0.2 0.3 (m3/min) 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 (m3/min)
2468 10 (CFM)
0 2 4 6 8 10 (CFM) 0 2 4 6 8 10 (CFM) 00
Ai風rfl量ow Ai風rf量low 0

109P0424H701 With pulse sensor
Operating voltage range

(inch H2O) (Pa)

0.6 150

Static静pr圧essure 0.5 27.6 V
0.4 100 24 V
0.3 20.4 V
0.2 50


00 0.1 0.2 0.3 (m3/min)

0 2 4 6 8 10 (CFM)


Dimensions (unit: mm) 4-ø3.5±0.3 +1
15 0
40 0 M取o付un用tin穴g hole (4) (4)


320 0

40 0


UL 1007

Rota回tin転g方di向rection Airf風lo吹w出di方re向ction

PowerP24arts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

Reference Dimensions of Mounting Holes and Vent Opening (unit: mm)
(15)Inlet side, Outlet side4-ø3.7



DC Fan 40 mm sq. DC(15)

Options page: p. 532
Finger guards

Model no.: 109-059, 109-059H

PowerParts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

DC Fan

40×40×20 mm

San Ace 40 9GA type Low Power Consumption Fan

General Specifications Frame: Plastic (Flammability: UL 94V-0), Impeller: Plastic (Flammability: UL 94V-0)
See the table below. (L10 life: 90% survival rate for continuous operation in free air at 60˚C,
Material rated voltage)
Expected life Locked rotor burnout protection, Reverse polarity protection
For details, please refer to p. 547.
Motor protection function 50/60 Hz, 500 VAC, for 1 minute (between lead wire conductors and frame)
10 MΩ or more with a 500 VDC megger (between lead wire conductors and frame)
Dielectric strength At 1 m away from the air inlet
Insulation resistance -30 to +70˚C (Non-condensing)
Sound pressure level (SPL)
Storage temperature Red Black Sensor Yellow Control Brown
Lead wire 35 g


The models listed below have ribs and pulse sensors with PWM control function.

Model no. Rated voltage Operating voltage range PWM duty Rated current Rated input Rated speed Max. airflow Max. static pressure SPL Operating temperature Expected life
[V] [V] cycle*[%] [A] [W] [min-1] [m³/min] [CFM] [Pa] [inchH²O] [dB (A)] [˚C] [h]
9GA0405P6F001** 5 4.5 to 5.5 100 0.35 1.75 12400 0.33 11.7 191 0.77 40 40000/60˚C
100 0.18 0.9 8000 0.21 7.4 79.5 0.32 28 60000/60˚C
9GA0412P6G001 12 10.2 to 13.8 100 0.23 2.76 16000 0.42 14.8 318 1.28 47
24 20.4 to 27.6 0 0.04 0.48 3800 0.1 3.5 17.9 0.07 14 -20 to +70 60000/60˚C
9GA0412P6H001 0.14 1.68 12400 0.33 11.7 191 0.77 40
100 0.04 0.48 3800 0.1 3.5 17.9 0.07 14 40000/60˚C
9 G A 0 4 1 2 P 6 F 0 01 0 0.08 0.96 8000 0.21 7.4 79.5 0.32 28 60000/60˚C
9GA0424P6G001** 0.03 0.36 2200 0.06 2.1 6.0 0.02 10
9GA0424P6H001** 100
9 G A 0 4 2 4 P 6 F 0 01 * * 0 0.13 3.12 16000 0.42 14.8 318 1.28 47
0.08 1.92 12400 0.33 11.7 191 0.77 40
100 0.04 0.96 8000 0.21 7.4 79.5 0.32 28

* PWM frequency: 25 kHz ** Fan does not rotate when PWM duty cycle is 0%.

The following sensor and control options are available for selection.
Available for all models. Without sensor Pulse sensor
Differs according to the model. Refer to the table on p. 570. Lock sensor

Airflow - Static Pressure Characteristics / PWM Duty - Speed Characteristics Example

9GA0405P6H001 With pulse sensor with PWM control function

PWM duty cycle Operating voltage range PWM duty - Speed characteristics example

(inch H2O) (Pa) 5DCV5DVC (inch H2O) (Pa) PWPMWMduデtyュcーyテcleィ110000%% (min-1) V電o圧lta:gDe:C55VVDC
PPWWMM周fr波eq数ue:n2c5y:kH25z kHz
1.2 300 1.2 300 14000

1.0 250 1.0 250 12000 12400 min-1

0.8 200Static p静re圧ssure 0.8 200 10000
0.6 150 Static p静re圧ssure0.6 150
0.4 100 0.4 100 5.5 V 8000
Fa回n転sp速e度ed0.2 50
PWM デduュtyーcyテclィe 5V 6000
100% 4.5 V


0.2 50 50% 2000

00 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 (m3/min) 00 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 (m3/min) 0 100 (%)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 (CFM) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 (CFM) PWMPWデMュdーuテtyィcyサcイleクル

Ai風rfl量ow Air風fl量ow

PowerP26arts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

Airflow - Static Pressure Characteristics / PWM Duty - Speed Characteristics Example DC Fan 40 mm sq. DC

9GA0405P6F001 With pulse sensor with PWM control function

PWM duty cycle Operating voltage range PWM duty - Speed characteristics example

(inch H2O) (Pa) 5DVC5DCV (inch H2O) (Pa) PWPMWMduデtyュcーycテleィ110000%% (min-1) 電Vo圧lta:gDeC: 55 VVDC
PPWWMM周fr波eq数u:en2c5yk:H2z5 kHz
120 PPWWMMデduュtyーcyテclィe 120 14000
0.4 100 50% 0.4 100 12000

Static静pr圧essure 0.3 80 Static静pr圧essure 0.3 80 5.5 V Fa回n転sp速e度ed 10000
60 60 5V
4.5 V 8000 8000 min-1
0.2 0.2
40 40 6000

0.1 20 0.1 20 4000


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 (m3/min) 00 0.1 0.2 0.3 (m3/min) 0 100 (%)

0 2 4 6 8 10 (CFM) 0 2 4 6 8 10 (CFM) PWMPWデMューduテtyィcサycイleクル

Air風flo量w Ai風rfl量ow

9GA0412P6G001 With pulse sensor with PWM control function

PWM duty cycle Operating voltage range PWM duty - Speed characteristics example

(inch H2O) (Pa) 1D2CV1D2 CV (inch H2O) (Pa) PWPWMMdデutュy ーcyテclィe 110000%% (min-1) VP電PoWW圧ltMMa:g周fDer波:eC1q1数22u:eVVnD2c5Cyk: H2z5 kHz 16000 min-1

1.6 400 1.6 400 13.8 V 16000
1.4 350 1.4 350 12 V
1.2 300 1.2 300 10.2 V 14000
1.0 250 1.0 250
Static静pr圧essure 0.8 200 Static p静re圧ssure 0.8 200 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 (m3/min) 12000
0.6 150 0.6 150 5 10 15 (CFM)
0.4 100 PPWWMMデduュtyーcyテclィe 0.4 100 Fa回n転sp速e度ed 10000
0.2 50 100% 0.2 50 Air風fl量ow
00 00
0 6000
50% 4000 3800 min-1
0% 2000

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 (m3/min) 0 100 (%)

5 10 15 (CFM) PWMPWデMューduテtyィcサycイleクル


9GA0412P6H001 With pulse sensor with PWM control function

PWM duty cycle Operating voltage range PWM duty - Speed characteristics example

(inch H2O) (Pa) D12CV12DVC (inch H2O) (Pa) PWPWMMdデutュy ーcyテcleィ110000%% (min-1) PV電PoWW圧ltMMa:g周fDer波C:e1q1数22u:eVVnD2c5Cyk:H2z5 kHz

1.2 300 1.2 300 16000

1.0 250 1.0 250 14000
0.8 200
Static静pr圧essure Static p静re圧ssure 0.6 150 13.8 V 12000 12400 min-1
0.4 100 12 V
0.8 200 PWWMMデduュtyーcyテclィe Fa回n転s速pe度ed 10000
0.6 150 100% 10.2 V

0.4 100 6000

50% 4000 3800 min-1
0.2 50 0% 0.2 50

00 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 (m3/min) 00 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 (m3/min) 0 100 (%)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 (CFM) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 (CFM) PWMPWデMューduテtyィcサycイleクル

Ai風rfl量ow Ai風rfl量ow

9GA0412P6F001 With pulse sensor with PWM control function

PWM duty cycle Operating voltage range PWM duty - Speed characteristics example

(inch H2O) (Pa) 1D2CV12DCV (inch H2O) (Pa) PWPWMMdデutュy ーcyテclィe 110000%% (min-1) VPP電oWW圧ltMMa:g周fDer波C:e1q1数22u:eVVnD2c5Cyk:H2z5 kHz

120 120 16000

Static p静r圧essure 0.4 100 Static p静re圧ssure 0.4 100 14000
0.3 80 PWM デduュtyーcyテclィe 0.3 80 13.8 V Fa回n転s速pe度ed 10000 8000 min-1
60 100% 60 8000
12 V 6000
0.2 40 50% 0.2 10.2 V 4000
40 2000 2200 min-1
0.1 20
0% 0.1 20

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 (m3/min) 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 (m3/min) 0 100 (%)
0 2 4 6 8 10 (CFM)
0 2 4 6 8 10 (CFM) PWMPWデMューduテtyィcサycイleクル

PowerParts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

Airflow - Static Pressure Characteristics / PWM Duty - Speed Characteristics Example

9GA0424P6G001 With pulse sensor with PWM control function

PWM duty cycle Operating voltage range PWM duty - Speed characteristics example

(inch H2O) (Pa) 2D4CV2D4 CV (inch H2O) (Pa) PWPMWMduデtyュcーyテcleィ110000%% (min-1) VPP電oWW圧ltMMa:g周feDr:波eC2q2数4u4eV:VnD2cC5y:k2H5z kHz 16000 min-1

1.8 450 PWMデduュtyーcyテcィle 1.8 450 27.6 V 16000
1.6 400 100% 1.6 400 24 V
1.4 350 50% 1.4 350 20.4 V 14000
1.2 300 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 (m3/min) 1.2 300
Static p静re圧ssure 1.0 250 5 10 15 20 (CFM) Static静pr圧essure 1.0 250 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 (m3/min) 12000
0.8 200 Ai風rfl量ow 0.8 200 5 10 15 20 (CFM)
0.6 150 0.6 150 Fa回n転sp速e度ed 10000
0.4 100 0.4 100 Air風fl量ow
0.2 50 8000
0.2 50
00 6000
00 4000


0 100 (%)

PWPMWデMュdーuテtyィcyサclイe クル

9GA0424P6H001 With pulse sensor with PWM control function

PWM duty cycle Operating voltage range PWM duty - Speed characteristics example

(inch H2O) (Pa) 2D4CV24DVC (inch H2O) (Pa) PWPWMMdデutュy cーyテcleィ110000%% (min-1) PVP電oWW圧ltMMa:g周feDr:e波C2q2数4u4eV:VnD2cC5y:k2H5z kHz

1.2 300 1.2 300 16000

1.0 250 Static p静r圧essure 1.0 250 14000 12400 min-1
0.8 200 12000
Static p静re圧ssure 0.6 150 27.6 V
0.8 200 PWMMデduュtyーcyテclィe 0.4 100 24 V Fa回n転sp速e度ed 10000
0.6 150 100%
0.4 100 20.4 V 8000


0.2 50 50% 0.2 50 2000

00 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 (m3/min) 00 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 (m3/min) 0 100 (%)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 (CFM) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 (CFM) PWPMWデMュdーuテtyィcyサcイle クル

Ai風rfl量ow Ai風rfl量ow

9GA0424P6F001 With pulse sensor with PWM control function

PWM duty cycle Operating voltage range PWM duty - Speed characteristics example

(inch H2O) (Pa) 2D4CV2D4 CV (inch H2O) (Pa) PWPWMMdデutュy ーcyテclィe 110000%% (min-1) VPP電oWW圧ltMMa:g周feDr:e波C2q2数4u4eV:VnD2cC5y:k2H5z kHz

120 120 16000

0.4 100 0.4 100 14000

Static p静re圧ssure Static静pr圧essure 0.3 80 27.6 V 12000
0.3 80 PWM デduュtyーcyテclィe 24 V Fa回n転sp速e度ed 10000
100% 0.2 20.4 V
60 50% 40 8000 8000 min-1
0.1 20 6000
40 4000

0.1 20 2000

00 0.1 0.2 0.3 (m3/min) 00 0.1 0.2 0.3 (m3/min) 0 100 (%)

0 2 4 6 8 10 (CFM) 0 2 4 6 8 10 (CFM) PWPMWデMュdーuテtyィcyサcイle クル

Ai風rfl量ow Ai風rfl量ow

PowerP28arts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

Dimensions (unit: mm) DC Fan 40 mm sq. DC


M取o付un用tin穴g hole

40±0.3 +30
32±0.3 320 0


32±0.3 Lリeーadドw線ire (4) (4)
40±0.3 AWG26
UL 1007 20±0.5
Rota回tin転g 方dir向ection
Air風flo吹w 出di方rec向tion

Reference Dimensions of Mounting Holes and Vent Opening (unit: mm)

Inlet side, Outlet side 4-ø3.7




Options page: p. 532
Finger guards

Model no.: 109-059, 109-059H

PowerParts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

DC Fan

40×40×20 mm

San Ace 40 9P type

General Specifications Frame: Plastic (Flammability: UL 94V-0), Impeller: Plastic (Flammability: UL 94V-1)
See the table below. (L10 life: 90% survival rate for continuous operation in free air at 60˚C,
Material rated voltage)
Expected life Locked rotor burnout protection, Reverse polarity protection
For details, please refer to p. 547.
Motor protection function 50/60 Hz, 500 VAC, for 1 minute (between lead wire conductors and frame)
10 MΩ or more with a 500 VDC megger (between lead wire conductors and frame)
Dielectric strength At 1 m away from the air inlet
Insulation resistance -30 to +70˚C (Non-condensing)
Sound pressure level (SPL)
Storage temperature Red Black or Blue Sensor Yellow
Lead wire 45 g


The models listed below have ribs and pulse sensors.

Model no. Rated voltage Operating voltage range Rated current Rated input Rated speed Max. airflow Max. static pressure SPL Operating temperature Expected life
[min-1] [Pa] [inchH²O] [dB (A)] [˚C] [h]
109P0405J601 [V] [V] [A] [W] [m³/min] [CFM]
109P0405H601 9800 98.5 0.396 39
109P0405F601 0.46 2.3 8000 0.28 9.9 65.7 0.264 33 40000/60˚C
109P0405M601 6500 45.1 0.181 28 60000/60˚C
109P0412G601 5 4.5 to 5.5 0.32 1.6 5000 0.225 8.0 26.5 0.106 24 -20 to +70
10 9 P 0 412 D 6 01 0.25 1.25 153.8 0.618 44
109P0412E601 12500 0.183 6.5 124 0.498 42
109P0412H601 11000 87.3 0.351 37
109P0412F601 0.12 0.6 0.136 4.8 65.7 0.264 33
109P0412M601 9200 45.1 0.181 28
109P0424G601 0.28 3.36 8000 0.35 12.4 26.5 0.106 24 -20 to +60 40000/60˚C
109P0424D601 6500 153.8 0.618 44
109P0424H601 0.18 2.16 5000 0.31 10.9 124 0.498 42
109P0424F601 69.6 0.28 35
109P0424B601 12 7 to 13.8 0.13 1.56 12500 0.26 9.2 45.1 0.181 28
0.11 1.32 11000 28.3 0.114 25
0.225 8.0 -20 to +70 60000/60˚C
0.09 1.08 6500 0.183 6.5
8 to 13.8 0.06 0.72 0.136 4.8

12 to 27.6 0.15 3.6 0.35 12.4 -20 to +60 40000/60˚C
-20 to +70 60000/60˚C
12 to 27.6 0.13 3.12 0.31 10.9

24 12 to 27.6 0.07 1.68 0.233 8.2

14 to 27.6 0.06 1.44 0.183 6.5

20.4 to 27.6 0.06 1.44 0.14 4.9

The following sensor and control options are available for selection.
Available for all models. Without sensor
Differs according to the model. Refer to the table on pp. 562 to 563. Lock sensor

Airflow - Static Pressure Characteristics

109P0405J601 With pulse sensor 109P0405H601 With pulse sensor 109P0405F601 With pulse sensor
Operating voltage range Operating voltage range Operating voltage range

(inch H2O) (Pa) (inch H2O) (Pa) (inch H2O) (Pa)

0.50 130 0.35 90 0.25 60
0.45 110 80
0.40 100 0.30 70 0.20 5.5 V
Static静pr圧essure 0.15 40 5V
Static静pr圧essure 5.5 V 4.5 V
0.35 90 5.5 V 0.25 60 4.5 V
0.30 80 5V
0.25 70 4.5 V 0.20 50
0.20 50 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 (m3/min) 0.15 40 0.10
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 (CFM) 30 20
0.15 40 0.10 20
0.10 30 Ai風rfl量ow 0.05
0.05 20 0.05 10
00 00 00
0.1 0.2 0.3 (m3/min) 0.1 0.2 0.3 (m3/min)
2468 10 (CFM)
0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 (CFM)

PowerP30arts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

Airflow - Static Pressure Characteristics DC Fan 40 mm sq. DC

109P0405M601 With pulse sensor 109P0412G601 With pulse sensor 109P0412D601 With pulse sensor
Operating voltage range Operating voltage range Operating voltage range

(inch H2O) (Pa) (inch H2O) (Pa) (inch H2O) (Pa)

0.200 50 0.9 220 0.7 180

0.175 0.8 200 0.6 160 13.8 V
0.150 40 140 12 V
Static静pr圧essure Static静pr圧essure 0.7 180 13.8 V Static静pr圧essure 7V
160 12 V
0.125 30 0.6 140 7V 0.5 120 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 (m3/min)
0.100 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 (CFM)
0.075 5.5 V 0.5 120 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 (m3/min) 0.4 100
5V Air風flo量w
4.5 V 0.4 100 0.3 80

0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 (m3/min) 0.3 80 0.2 60
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (CFM) 60 40
0.050 10 0.2 40 0.1 20
0.025 Air風fl量ow
0.1 20

00 00 00

0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 (CFM) 0


109P0412E601 With pulse sensor 109P0412H601 With pulse sensor 109P0412F601 With pulse sensor
Operating voltage range Operating voltage range Operating voltage range

(inch H2O) (Pa) (inch H2O) (Pa) (inch H2O) (Pa)

0.5 120 0.4 100 0.25 60

Static p静re圧ssure 0.4 100 13.8 V Static静pr圧essure 0.3 80 13.8 V Static静pr圧essure 0.20 13.8 V
12 V 12 V 0.15 40 12 V
0.3 80 60
60 7V 0.2 7V

0.2 40 0.10 7V
40 20
0.1 20
0.1 20 0.05

00 0.1 0.2 0.3 (m3/min) 00 0.1 0.2 0.3 (m3/min) 00 0.1 0.2 0.3 (m3/min)

0 2 4 6 8 10 (CFM) 0 2 4 6 8 10 (CFM) 0 2 4 6 8 10 (CFM)

Air風flo量w A風irf量low Ai風rfl量ow

109P0412M601 With pulse sensor 109P0424G601 With pulse sensor 109P0424D601 With pulse sensor
Operating voltage range Operating voltage range
Operating voltage range

(inch H2O) (Pa) (inch H2O) (Pa) (inch H2O) (Pa) 27.6 V
24 V
40 0.8 200 0.7
0.150 160 12 V
0.7 180
13.8 V 160 0.6
Static静pr圧essure 0.125 30 12 V Static静pr圧essure 0.6 140 Static静pr圧essure 140
0.100 20
0.075 8V 0.5 120 27.6 V 0.5 120

0.4 100

0.4 100 0.3 80
0.050 0.3 80 24 V
0.025 60 0.2
10 0.2 40 12 V 40

0.1 20 0.1 20

00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 (m3/min) 00 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 (m3/min) 00 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 (m3/min)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (CFM) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 (CFM) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 (CFM)

Air風flo量w Ai風rf量low Ai風rfl量ow

109P0424H601 With pulse sensor 109P0424F601 With pulse sensor 109P0424B601 With pulse sensor
Operating voltage range Operating voltage range Operating voltage range

Static静pr圧essure(inch H2O) (Pa) 27.6 V Static静pr圧essure(inch H2O) (Pa) 27.6 V Static p静re圧ssure(inch H2O) (Pa) 27.6 V
24 V 24 V
0.4 100 0.25 60 40 24 V
12 V 0.15 20.4 V
0.3 80 0.20
60 0.15 40 0.10
0.10 14 V 20
40 20
0.1 20 0.05 10

00 0.1 0.2 0.3 (m3/min) 00 0.1 0.2 0.3 (m3/min) 00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 (m3/min)

0 2 4 6 8 10 (CFM) 0 2 4 6 8 10 (CFM) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (CFM)
Ai風rfl量ow Ai風rfl量ow Ai風rfl量ow

PowerParts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

Dimensions (unit: mm) 4-ø3.5±0.3 20±0.5

+1 M取o付un用ti穴ng hole (4) (4)
40 0 リLeーaドd w線ire
32±0.3 UL 1007

320 0

40 0



Rota回tin転g方di向rection Air風flo吹w出d方ire向ction

Reference Dimensions of Mounting Holes and Vent Opening (unit: mm)

Inlet side, Outlet side

39 4-ø3.7






Options page: p. 532
Finger guards

Model no.: 109-059, 109-059H

PowerP32arts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

DC Fan DC Fan 40 mm sq. DC

40×40×28 mm

San Ace 40 9HV type

General Specifications Frame: Aluminum, Impeller: Plastic (Flammability: UL 94V-0)
See the table below. (L10 life: 90% survival rate for continuous operation in free air at 60˚C,
Material rated voltage)
Expected life Locked rotor burnout protection, Reverse polarity protection
For details, please refer to p. 547.
Motor protection function 50/60 Hz, 500 VAC, for 1 minute (between lead wire conductors and frame)
10 MΩ or more with a 500 VDC megger (between lead wire conductors and frame)
Dielectric strength At 1 m away from the air inlet
Insulation resistance -30 to +70˚C (Non-condensing)
Sound pressure level (SPL)
Storage temperature Red Black Sensor Yellow Control Brown
Lead wire 60 g


The models listed below have pulse sensors with PWM control function.

Model no. Rated voltage Operating voltage range PWM duty Rated current Rated input Rated speed Max. airflow Max. static pressure SPL Operating temperature Expected life
[V] [V] cycle* [%] [A] [W] [min-1] [m³/min] [CFM] [Pa] [inchH²O] [dB (A)] [˚C] [h]
12 10.8 to 12.6 100 1.52 18.3 25000 0.83 29.3 1100 4.42 65 -20 to +60 40000/60˚C
0 0.2 2.4 7500 0.25 8.8 99 0.4 37

* PWM frequency: 25 kHz

Airflow - Static Pressure Characteristics / PWM Duty - Speed Characteristics Example

9HV0412P3K001 With pulse sensor with PWM control function

PWM duty cycle Operating voltage range PWM duty - Speed characteristics example

(inch H2O) (Pa) 1D2CV1D2 CV (inch H2O) (Pa) PWPMWMduデtyュcーycテleィ110000%% (min-1) V電o圧lta:gDe:C1122 VVDC
PPWM周fr波eq数u:en2c5y:kH25z kHz
1400 PWM デduュtyーcyテcィle 1400 12.6 V 30000
5.0 1200 100% 5.0 1200 12 V
Static静pr圧essure 10.8 V 25000 25000 min-1
4.0 1000 4.0 1000
Static p静re圧ssure Fa回n転s速pe度ed 20000
3.0 800
3.0 800 600 15000
50% 2.0 10000
2.0 0% 400 5000 7500 min-1
1.0 200
1.0 200

0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 (m3/min) 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 (m3/min) 0 100 (%)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 (CFM) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 (CFM)
A風irf量low PWMPWデMュdーuテtyィcサycイleクル

Dimensions (unit: mm)



40±0.3 +30
32±0.3 320 0


32±0.3 Lリeーadドw線ire 4±0.3 28±0.5 4±0.3
40±0.3 AWG26
UL 1007

Rota回tin転g方di向rection Air風flo吹w 出dir方ec向tion

PowerParts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

Reference Dimensions of Mounting Holes and Vent Opening (unit: mm)

Inlet side, Outlet side

39 4-ø3.7


4-R2.85 (17.5)

Options page: p. 532
Finger guards

Model no.: 109-059, 109-059H

PowerP34arts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

DC Fan DC Fan 40 mm sq. DC

40×40×28 mm

San Ace 40 9GAX type Low Power Consumption Fan

General Specifications Frame: Plastic (Flammability: UL 94V-0), Impeller: Plastic (Flammability: UL 94V-0)
See the table below. (L10 life: 90% survival rate for continuous operation in free air at 60˚C,
Material rated voltage)
Expected life Locked rotor burnout protection, Reverse polarity protection
For details, please refer to p. 547.
Motor protection function 50/60 Hz, 500 VAC, for 1 minute (between lead wire conductors and frame)
10 MΩ or more with a 500 VDC megger (between lead wire conductors and frame)
Dielectric strength At 1 m away from the air inlet
Insulation resistance -30 to +70˚C (Non-condensing)
Sound pressure level (SPL)
Storage temperature Red Black Sensor Yellow Control Brown
Lead wire 53 g


The models listed below have ribs and pulse sensors with PWM control function. For models without ribs, append "1" to the end of model numbers.

Model no. Rated voltage Operating voltage range PWM duty Rated current Rated input Rated speed Max. airflow Max. static pressure SPL Operating temperature Expected life
[V] [V] cycle*[%] [m³/min] [CFM] [Pa] [inchH²O] [dB (A)] [˚C] [h]
[A] [W] [min-1]
100 0.9 31.8 1000 4.02 64 -20 to +60 30000/60˚C
9GAX0412P3S001** 20 1.3 15.6 25000 0.155 5.5 32 0.125 21.5
10.8 to 12.6 100 0.9 31.8 64
0 0.07 0.84 4400 0.26 9.2 1000 4.02 38
9GAX0412P3S003 100 0.81 28.6 87 0.35 61
12 20 1.3 15.6 25000 0.15 5.3 800 3.21 21
100 0.81 28.6 28 0.11 61
9GAX0412P3K001** 0 0.11 1.32 7800 0.24 8.5 800 3.21 32
10.8 to 13.2 70 0.28
0.92 11.04 22000
0.07 0.84 4200

0.92 11.04 22000

0.1 1.2 6500

* PWM frequency: 25 kHz ** Fan does not rotate when PWM duty cycle is 0%.

Airflow - Static Pressure Characteristics / PWM Duty - Speed Characteristics Example

9GAX0412P3S001 With pulse sensor with PWM control function

PWM duty cycle Operating voltage range PWM duty - Speed characteristics example

(inch H2O) (Pa) 1D2CV12DCV (inch H2O) (Pa) PWPWMMdデutュy cーyテcleィ110000%% (min-1) V電ol圧ta:geD:C1122VVDC
PPWWMM周fre波q数ue:n2c5y:k2H5z kHz
4.5 1100 4.5 1100 25000

4.0 1000 4.0 1000 25000 min-1

3.5 900 PWM デduュtyーcyテclィe 3.5 900
3.0Static p静r圧essure800 3.0 800 12.6 V 20000
Static静pr圧essure700700 12 V
2.5 600 2.5 600
Fa回n転sp速ee度d10.8 V15000

2.0 500 2.0 500

1.5 400 1.5 400 10000

1.0 300 20% 1.0 300 5000 4400 min-1
200 200
0.5 100 0.5 100

0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 (m3/min) 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 (m3/min) 0 100 (%)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 (CFM) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 (CFM) PWMPWデMューduテtyィcサycイleクル

Ai風rfl量ow Ai風rfl量ow

PowerParts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

Airflow - Static Pressure Characteristics / PWM Duty - Speed Characteristics Example

9GAX0412P3S003 With pulse sensor with PWM control function

PWM duty cycle Operating voltage range PWM duty - Speed characteristics example

(inch H2O) (Pa) 1D2CV12DCV (inch H2O) (Pa) PWPWMMdデutュy cーyテcleィ110000%% (min-1) V電ol圧ta:geD:C1122VVDC
PPWWMM周fre波q数ue:n2c5y:k2H5z kHz
4.5 1100 4.5 1100 25000

4.0 1000 4.0 1000 25000 min-1

Static p静r圧essure 3.5 900 Static静pr圧essure 3.5 900 12.6 V
800 800 12 V 20000
3.0 700 3.0 700 Fa回n転sp速ee度d
PWWMMデduュtyーcyテclィe 10.8 V
2.5 600 100% 2.5 600 15000

2.0 500 2.0 500

1.5 400 1.5 400 10000
300 300 7800 min-1
1.0 200 0% 1.0 200
0.5 100 0.5 100

0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 (m3/min) 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 (m3/min) 0 100 (%)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 (CFM) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 (CFM) PWMPWデMューduテtyィcサycイleクル

Ai風rfl量ow Ai風rfl量ow

9GAX0412P3K001 With pulse sensor with PWM control function

PWM duty cycle Operating voltage range PWM duty - Speed characteristics example

(inch H2O) (Pa) 1D2CV12DCV (inch H2O) (Pa) PWPWMMdデutュy cーyテcleィ110000%% (min-1) V電ol圧ta:geD:C1122VVDC 22000 min-1
PPWWMM周fre波q数ue:n2c5y:k2H5z kHz
4.0 1000 4.0 1000 20000

3.5 900 3.5 900
800 800 13.2 V
Static p静r圧essure 3.0 700 PWMデduュtyーcテycィle Static静pr圧essure 3.0 700 12 V 15000
2.5 600 2.5 600 Fa回n転sp速ee度d

2.0 500 2.0 500 10.8 V 10000

1.5 400 1.5 400
300 300
1.0 200 1.0 200 5000 4200 min-1

0.5 100 20% 0.5 100

0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 (m3/min) 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 (m3/min) 0 100 (%)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 (CFM) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 (CFM) PWMPWデMュdーuテtyィcサycイleクル

Ai風rfl量ow Ai風rfl量ow

9GAX0412P3K003 With pulse sensor with PWM control function

PWM duty cycle Operating voltage range PWM duty - Speed characteristics example

(inch H2O) (Pa) 1D2CV12DCV (inch H2O) (Pa) PWPWMMdデutュy cーyテcleィ110000%% (min-1) V電ol圧ta:geD:C1122VVDC 22000 min-1
PPWWMM周fre波q数ue:n2c5y:k2H5z kHz
4.0 1000 4.0 1000 20000

3.5 900 3.5 900
800 800 13.2 V
Static p静r圧essure 3.0 700 Static静pr圧essure 3.0 700 12 V 15000

2.5 600 PWM デduュtyーcyテclィe 2.5 600 Fa回n転sp速ee度d
2.0 500 2.0 500
10.8 V 10000
6500 min-1
1.5 400 1.5 400
300 300 5000
1.0 200 1.0 200

0.5 100 0% 0.5 100

0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 (m3/min) 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 (m3/min) 0 100 (%)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 (CFM) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 (CFM) PWMPWデMューduテtyィcサycイleクル

Ai風rfl量ow Ai風rfl量ow

PowerP36arts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

Dimensions (unit: mm) (With ribs) DC Fan 40 mm sq. DC


M取o付un用tin穴g hole

320 0


32±0.3 Lリeーadドw線ire (4) (4)
40±0.3 AWG26
UL 1007 28±0.5

Rota回tin転g 方di向rection Airfl風ow吹d出ir方ec向tion

Reference Dimensions of Mounting Holes and Vent Opening (unit: mm)

Inlet side, Outlet side

39 4-ø3.7






Options page: p. 532
Finger guards

Model no.: 109-059, 109-059H

PowerParts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

DC Fan

40×40×28 mm

San Ace 40 9GA type Low Power Consumption Fan

General Specifications Frame: Plastic (Flammability: UL 94V-0), Impeller: Plastic (Flammability: UL 94V-0)
See the table below. (L10 life: 90% survival rate for continuous operation in free air at 60˚C,
Material rated voltage)
Expected life Locked rotor burnout protection, Reverse polarity protection
For details, please refer to p. 547.
Motor protection function 50/60 Hz, 500 VAC, for 1 minute (between lead wire conductors and frame)
10 MΩ or more with a 500 VDC megger (between lead wire conductors and frame)
Dielectric strength At 1 m away from the air inlet
Insulation resistance -30 to +70˚C (Non-condensing)
Sound pressure level (SPL)
Storage temperature Red Black Sensor Yellow Control Brown
Lead wire 53 g


The models listed below have ribs and pulse sensors with PWM control function. For models without ribs, append "1" to the end of model numbers.

Model no. Rated voltage Operating voltage range PWM duty Rated current Rated input Rated speed Max. airflow Max. static pressure SPL Operating temperature Expected life
[V] [V] cycle* [%] [A] [W] [min-1] [m³/min] [CFM] [Pa] [inchH²O] [dB (A)] [˚C] [h]
9GA0412P3J01 12 10.8 to 13.2 100 0.92 11.04 22000 0.81 28.6 799 3.21 61 -20 to +60 30000/60˚C
9GA0412P3G01 0 0.1 1.2 6500 0.23 8.12 68 0.27 32
9GA0412P3H01 100 0.49 5.88 18000 0.67 23.7 535 2.15 54 -20 to +70 40000/60˚C
9GA0412P3M01 0 0.05 0.6 4500 0.16 5.7 33 0.13 22
100 0.39 4.68 16500 0.61 21.5 450 1.81 53
0 0.05 0.6 4500 0.16 5.7 33 0.13 22
100 0.28 3.36 14500 0.54 19.1 347 1.39 50
0 0.04 0.48 3500 0.13 4.6 20 0.08 17
100 0.21 2.52 12500 0.46 16.2 258 1.04 47
0 0.04 0.48 3500 0.13 4.6 20 0.08 17

9GA0424P3J001** 24 21.6 to 26.4 100 0.27 6.48 18000 0.67 23.7 535 2.15 54
9GA0424P3G001** 100 0.22 5.28 16500 0.61 21.5 450 1.81 53
9GA0424P3H001** 100 0.16 3.84 14500 0.54 19.1 347 1.39 50
9GA0424P3M001** 100 0.11 2.64 12500 0.46 16.2 258 1.04 47

* PWM frequency: 25 kHz ** Fan does not rotate when PWM duty cycle is 0%.

The following sensor and control options are available for selection.
Available for all models. Without sensor Pulse sensor
Differs according to the model. Refer to the table on p. 570. Lock sensor

Airflow - Static Pressure Characteristics / PWM Duty - Speed Characteristics Example

9GA0412P3K01 With pulse sensor with PWM control function

PWM duty cycle Operating voltage range PWM duty - Speed characteristics example

(inch H2O) (Pa) D12C1V2DVC (inch H2O) (Pa) PWPWMMdデutュy cーyテcleィ110000%% V電o圧lta:geD:C1122VVDC
(min-1) PPWWMM周fr波eq数ue:n2c5y:k2H5z kHz
4.0 1000 PWMデduュtyーcyテcィle 4.0 1000 13.2 V 22000 min-1
100% 12 V 20000
3.5 900 3.5 900 10.8 V
800 800
3.0 700 3.0 700
Static p静re圧ssure
2.5 600 Static静pr圧essure2.5 600 15000

2.0 500 Fa回n転sp速e度ed2.0 50010000
6500 min-1
1.5 400 1.5 400
300 300 5000
1.0 200 1.0 200

0.5 100 0% 0.5 100

0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 (m3/min) 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 (m3/min) 0 100 (%)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 (CFM) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 (CFM) PWMPWデMュdーuテtyィcyサcイleクル

Air風flo量w Air風fl量ow

PowerP38arts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

Airflow - Static Pressure Characteristics / PWM Duty - Speed Characteristics Example DC Fan 40 mm sq. DC

9GA0412P3J01 With pulse sensor with PWM control function

PWM duty cycle Operating voltage range PWM duty - Speed characteristics example

(inch H2O) (Pa) 1D2CV12DCV (inch H2O) (Pa) PWPWMMdデutュy cーyテcleィ110000%% (min-1) V電o圧lta:geD:C1122VVDC
PPWWM周fr波eq数ue:n2c5y:kH25z kHz
700 700 13.2 V 20000
2.5 600 12 V10.8 V
2.5 600 18000 min-1
2.0 500
Static p静re圧ssure 2.0 500 Static p静re圧ssure 15000
1.5 400
1.5 400 PPWWMデduュtyーcテycィle 300 Fa回n転sp速ee度d 10000
300 100% 5000 4500 min-1
1.0 200 50% 200
0.5 100 0%
0.5 100

0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 (m3/min) 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 (m3/min) 0 100 (%)
0 5 10 15 20 25 (CFM) 0 5 10 15 20 25 (CFM)
Ai風rfl量ow Ai風rfl量ow

9GA0412P3G01 With pulse sensor with PWM control function

PWM duty cycle Operating voltage range PWM duty - Speed characteristics example

(inch H2O) (Pa) 1D2CV1D2 CV (inch H2O) (Pa) PWPWMMdデutュy cーyテcleィ110000%% (min-1) V電ol圧ta:geD:C1122VVDC
PPWWMM周fre波q数ue:n2c5y:k2H5z kHz
700 700 20000
2.5 600 2.5 600
16500 min-1
Static静pr圧essure 2.0 500 Static静pr圧essure 2.0 500 15000

1.5 400 PWMデduュtyーcテycィle 1.5 400 13.2 V Fa回n転sp速e度ed 10000
300 100% 300
50% 12 V
1.0 1.0 10.8 V
200 200
5000 4500 min-1
0.5 100 0% 0.5 100

0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 (m3/min) 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 (m3/min) 0 100 (%)
0 5 10 15 20 25 (CFM) 0 5 10 15 20 25 (CFM)
PWMPデWュMーdテutィy サcyイcleクル
Ai風rf量low Ai風rfl量ow

9GA0412P3H01 With pulse sensor with PWM control function

PWM duty cycle Operating voltage range PWM duty - Speed characteristics example

(inch H2O) (Pa) 1D2CV12DVC (inch H2O) (Pa) PWPMWMduデtyュcーycテleィ110000%% (min-1) VPP電oWW圧ltMMa:g周feDr波:eC1q1数2u2eV:VnD2cC5y:kH25z kHz

2.0 500 2.0 500 20000

Static p静re圧ssure 1.5 400 Static静pr圧essure 1.5 400 15000 14500 min-1
300 PPWWMMデduュtyーcテycィle 300 13.2 V Fa回n転sp速e度ed
1.0 100% 1.0 12 V
10.8 V
200 200

0.5 100 50% 0.5 100 5000
3500 min-1
00 0%
0 0 100 (%)
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 (m3/min) 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 (m3/min)
5 10 15 20 (CFM) 0 5 10 15 20 (CFM)

A風irf量low Ai風rfl量ow

9GA0412P3M01 With pulse sensor with PWM control function

PWM duty cycle Operating voltage range PWM duty - Speed characteristics example

(inch H2O) (Pa) D12C1V2DVC (inch H2O) (Pa) PWPWMMdデutュy cーyテcleィ110000%% (min-1) V電ol圧ta:geD:C1122VVDC
PPWWMM周fre波q数ue:n2c5y:k2H5z kHz
350 350 20000
1.25 300
1.25 300

Static p静re圧ssure 1.0 250 PPWWMデduュtyーcテycィle Static静pr圧essure 1.0 250 13.2 V Fa回n転sp速e度ed 15000 12500 min-1
100% 12 V
0.75 200 50% 0.75 200 10.8 V 10000
150 150
0.5 0.5 3500 min-1
100 100

0.25 50 0% 0.25 50

0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 (m3/min) 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 (m3/min) 0 100 (%)
0 5 10 15 20 (CFM)
0 5 10 15 20 (CFM) PWMPWデMューduテtyィcサycイleクル

PowerParts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

Airflow - Static Pressure Characteristics / PWM Duty - Speed Characteristics Example

9GA0424P3J001 With pulse sensor with PWM control function

PWM duty cycle Operating voltage range PWM duty - Speed characteristics example

(inch H2O) (Pa) 2D4CV2D4 CV (inch H2O) (Pa) PWPMWMduデtyュcーycテleィ110000%% (min-1) V電ol圧ta:geD:C2244VVDC
PPWWMM周fre波q数ue:n2c5y:k2H5z kHz
700 700 20000

2.5 600 2.5 600 18000 min-1

Static静pr圧essure 2.0 500 PPWMデduュtyーcテycィle Static静pr圧essure 2.0 500 26.4 V 15000
1.5 400 1.5 400 24 V Fa回n転sp速e度ed 10000
300 50% 300 21.6 V

1.0 1.0 5000
200 200

0.5 100 0.5 100

0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 (m3/min) 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 (m3/min) 0 100 (%)
0 5 10 15 20 25 (CFM) 0 5 10 15 20 25 (CFM)
A風irf量low Ai風rfl量ow

9GA0424P3G001 With pulse sensor with PWM control function

PWM duty cycle Operating voltage range PWM duty - Speed characteristics example

(inch H2O) (Pa) 2D4CV24DCV (inch H2O) (Pa) PPWWMMdデutュy ーcyテcleィ110000%% (min-1) VP電PoWW圧ltMMa:g周fDer波:eC2q2数4u4e:VVnD2cC5y:kH25z kHz

700 700 20000

2.5 600 2.5 600 16500 min-1

Static静pr圧essure 2.0 500 Static静pr圧essure 2.0 500 15000

1.5 400 PWM デduュtyーcyテclィe 1.5 400 26.4 V Fa回n転sp速e度ed 10000
300 100% 300
50% 24 V 5000
1.0 1.0 21.6 V
200 200

0.5 100 0.5 100

0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 (m3/min) 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 (m3/min) 0 100 (%)
0 5 10 15 20 25 (CFM) 0 5 10 15 20 25 (CFM)
Ai風rfl量ow Ai風rfl量ow

9GA0424P3H001 With pulse sensor with PWM control function

PWM duty cycle Operating voltage range PWM duty - Speed characteristics example

(inch H2O) (Pa) 2D4CV2D4 CV (inch H2O) (Pa) PPWWMMdデutュy ーcyテcleィ110000%% (min-1) V電o圧lta:gDe:C2244 VVDC
PPWWMM周fr波eq数ue:n2c5y:kH25z kHz
2.0 500 2.0 500 20000

Static静pr圧essure 1.5 400 PWM デduュtyーcyテclィe Static静pr圧essure 1.5 400 26.4 V Fa回n転sp速e度ed 15000 14500 min-1
100% 10000
300 300 24 V
1.0 50% 1.0 21.6 V

200 200 5000

0.5 100 0.5 100

0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 (m3/min) 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 (m3/min) 0 100 (%)

0 5 10 15 20 (CFM) 0 5 10 15 20 (CFM) PWMPWデMュdーuテtyィcyサcイleクル

Ai風rf量low Ai風rfl量ow

9GA0424P3M001 With pulse sensor with PWM control function

PWM duty cycle Operating voltage range PWM duty - Speed characteristics example

(inch H2O) (Pa) 2D4CV2D4 CV (inch H2O) (Pa) PWPMWMduデtyュcーycテleィ110000%% (min-1) V電ol圧ta:geD:C2244VVDC
PPWWMM周fre波q数ue:n2c5y:k2H5z kHz
350 PWM デduュtyーcyテclィe 350 26.4 V 20000
1.25 300 100% 1.25 300 24 V
Static静pr圧essure Static静pr圧essure 21.6 V Fa回n転sp速e度ed 15000 12500 min-1
1.0 250 50% 1.0 250 10000

0.75 200 0.75 200 5000
150 150

0.5 0.5
100 100

0.25 50 0.25 50

0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 (m3/min) 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 (m3/min) 0 100 (%)
0 5 10 15 20 (CFM) 0 5 10 15 20 (CFM)

Ai風rf量low Ai風rfl量ow

PowerP40arts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

Dimensions (unit: mm) (With ribs) DC Fan 40 mm sq. DC


M取o付un用tin穴g hole

320 0


32±0.3 Lリeーadドw線ire (4) (4)
40±0.3 AWG26
UL 1007 28±0.5

Rota回tin転g 方di向rection Airf風lo吹w 出di方re向ction

Reference Dimensions of Mounting Holes and Vent Opening (unit: mm)

Inlet side, Outlet side 4-ø3.7







Options page: p. 532
Finger guards

Model no.: 109-059, 109-059H

PowerParts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

DC Fan

40×40×28 mm

San Ace 40 9GE type

General Specifications Frame: Aluminum, Impeller: Plastic (Flammability: UL 94V-0)
See the table below. (L10 life: 90% survival rate for continuous operation in free air at 60˚C,
Material rated voltage)
Expected life Locked rotor burnout protection, Reverse polarity protection
For details, please refer to p. 547.
Motor protection function 50/60 Hz, 500 VAC, for 1 minute (between lead wire conductors and frame)
10 MΩ or more with a 500 VDC megger (between lead wire conductors and frame)
Dielectric strength At 1 m away from the air inlet
Insulation resistance -30 to +70˚C (Non-condensing)
Sound pressure level (SPL)
Storage temperature Red Black Sensor Yellow Control Brown
Lead wire 55 g


The models listed below have pulse sensors with PWM control function.

Model no. Rated voltage Operating voltage range PWM duty Rated current Rated input Rated speed Max. airflow Max. static pressure SPL Operating temperature Expected life
[V] [V] cycle* [%] [A] [W] [min-1] [m³/min] [CFM] [Pa] [inchH²O] [dB (A)] [˚C] [h]
100 0.84 10.08 16500 0.76 26.8 415 1.666 58 -20 to +60 40000/60˚C
9GE0412P3J03 12 10.8 to 13.2 0 0.07 0.84 3000 0.13 4.6 13 0.052 17
0.65 7.8 15000 0.69 24.4 343.0 1.378 56
9GE0412P3G03 100 0.05 0.6 2650 0.12 4.2 10.7 0.042 14
* PWM frequency: 25 kHz 0 0.47 5.64 13000 0.6 21.2 260 1.044 52
0.05 0.6 2400 0.11 3.9 8.2 0.033 13

The following sensor and control options are available for selection. Pulse sensor
Available for all models. Lock sensor
Differs according to the model. Refer to the table on p. 573. Without sensor

Airflow - Static Pressure Characteristics / PWM Duty - Speed Characteristics Example

9GE0412P3K03 With pulse sensor with PWM control function

PWM duty cycle Operating voltage range PWM duty - Speed characteristics example

(inch H2O) (Pa) 1D2CV12DCV (inch H2O) (Pa) PWPWMMdデutュy cーyテcleィ110000%% (min-1) V電o圧lta:geD:C1122VVDC
PPWWMM周fr波eq数ue:n2c5y:kH25z kHz
2.00 PPWWMMデdュutーy テcyィcle 2.00 500 13.8 V 20000
100% 12 V
1.75 450 50% 1.75 450 10.8 V 16500 min-1
400 400
0% 350 0.3 0.6 0.9 (m3/min)
1.50 350 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 (m3/min) 5 10 15 20 25 30 (CFM)
1.25 300 5 10 15 20 25 30 (CFM)
Static静pr圧essure 1.50 Ai風rfl量ow 15000
1.00 250 1.25 300
0.75 200 1.00 250 10000

150 0.75 200
100 150
0.50 0.50 100 5000
3000 min-1
0.25 50 0.25 50
0 100 (%)
00 00
0 0

PowerP42arts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

Airflow - Static Pressure Characteristics / PWM Duty - Speed Characteristics Example
9GE0412P3J03 With pulse sensor with PWM control function
DC Fan 40 mm sq. DC
PWM duty cycle Operating voltage range PWM duty - Speed characteristics example

(in(cinhcHh2OH2)O()Pa(P) a) 1D2CDV1CD21CV2 V (in(cinhcHh2OH2)O()Pa(P) a) PPWWPMMWデMduュデtーyュcテーyィcテle1ィ011000%00%% (min-1) V電o圧lta:gDe:C1122 VVDC
PPWWMM周fr波eq数u:en2c5yk: H2z5 kHz
1.61.6 404000 1.61.6404000 131.32.2VV 20000
1.41.4 353050 1.41.4353050 101.08.8VV

Static静静pr圧圧essure 1.21.2 303000 PWWPWMMMデdデュuュtーyーテcyティcィle Static静静pr圧圧essure1.21.2303000 15000 15000 min-1
1.01.0 252050 10100%0%

0.80.8 202000 0.80.8202000 10000
0.60.6 151050
505%0% 0.60.6151050

0.40.4 101000 0%0% 0.40.4101000 5000
0.20.2 5050 2650 min-1
0.20.2 5050
0 100 (%)
00 00 0.20.2 0.40.4 0.60.6 0.80.(8m(3m/m3/imn)in) 00 00 0.20.2 0.40.4 0.60.6 0.80.(8m(3m/m3/imn)in)
0 0 5 5 1010 1515 2020 2525 3030(CF(CMF)M) 0 0 5 5 1010 1515 2020 2525 3030(CF(CMF)M)

9GE0412P3G03 With pulse sensor with PWM control function

PWM duty cycle Operating voltage range PWM duty - Speed characteristics example

(inch H2O) (Pa) 1D2CV1D2 CV (inch H2O) (Pa) PWPMWMduデtyュcーycテleィ110000%% (min-1) V電o圧lta:gDe:C1122VVDC
PPWWM周fr波eq数ue:n2c5y:kH25z kHz
1.50 350 1.75 13.2 V 20000
400 12 V
1.25 300
1.50 350 10.8 V
Static静pr圧essure 1.00 250 PPWWMMデdュutーy cテyィcle Static静pr圧essure 1.25 300 Fa回n転s速pe度ed 15000 13000 min-1
100% 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 (m3/min) 10000
0.75 200 1.00 250 5 10 15 20 25 30 (CFM)
150 50%
0.75 200 Ai風rfl量ow
0.50 150 5000
100 2400 min-1
0.50 100
0.25 50 0% 0.25 50 0 100 (%)
0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 (m3/min)
00 PWMPデWュMーdテutィy サcyイcleクル
0 5 10 15 20 25 (CFM)

Dimensions (unit: mm) 4±0.3 28±0.5 4±0.3



40 ±0.3 +30
32 ±0.3 320 0


32 ±0.3 Lリeーadドw線ire
40 ±0.3 AWG28
UL 1061

PowerParts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

Reference Dimensions of Mounting Holes and Vent Opening (unit: mm)

Inlet side, Outlet side 4-ø3.7







Options page: p. 532
Finger guards

Model no.: 109-059, 109-059H

PowerP44arts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

DC Fan DC Fan 40 mm sq. DC

40×40×28 mm

San Ace 40 9GV type

General Specifications Frame: Plastic (Flammability: UL 94V-0), Impeller: Plastic (Flammability: UL 94V-0)
See the table below. (L10 life: 90% survival rate for continuous operation in free air at 60˚C,
Material rated voltage)
Expected life Locked rotor burnout protection, Reverse polarity protection
For details, please refer to p. 547.
Motor protection function 50/60 Hz, 500 VAC, for 1 minute (between lead wire conductors and frame)
10 MΩ or more with a 500 VDC megger (between lead wire conductors and frame)
Dielectric strength At 1 m away from the air inlet
Insulation resistance -20 to +70˚C (Non-condensing)
Sound pressure level (SPL)
Storage temperature Red Black or Blue Sensor Yellow
Lead wire 50 g


The models listed below have ribs and pulse sensors. For models without ribs, append "1" to the end of model numbers.

Model no. Rated voltage Operating voltage range Rated current Rated input Rated speed Max. airflow Max. static pressure SPL Operating temperature Expected life
[min-1] [Pa] [inchH²O] [dB (A)] [˚C] [h]
9GV0412K301 [V] [V] [A] [W] [m³/min] [CFM]
9GV0412J301 16500 415 1.668 58 -20 to +60 40000/60˚C
9GV0412G301 10.8 to 12.6 0.84 10.08 14700 0.76 26.8 330 1.325 55 -20 to +70
9GV0412H301 13000 260 1.044 52
9GV0412C301 0.6 7.2 11600 0.68 24.0 207 0.831 49
8300 100 0.402 41
12 7 to 13.2 0.47 5.64 0.6 21.1
0.31 3.72
0.53 18.7

0.15 1.8 0.37 13.1

The following sensor and control options are available for selection.
Differs according to the model. Refer to the table on p. 574. Without sensor Lock sensor PWM control

Airflow - Static Pressure Characteristics

9GV0412K301 With pulse sensor 9GV0412J301 With pulse sensor 9GV0412G301 With pulse sensor
Operating voltage range Operating voltage range Operating voltage range

(inch H2O) (Pa) (inch H2O) (Pa) (inch H2O) (Pa)

1.8 450 1.75 450 1.50 400
1.50 400 350
1.6 400 12.6 V 13.2 V
1.4 350 12 V 350 1.25 300 12 V
1.2 300 10.8 V 1.25 300
1.0 250 1.00 250
1.00 250
Static p静re圧ssure 13.2 V
Static静pr圧essure 12 V
0.8 200 0.75 200 0.75 200 7V

0.6 150 0.50 150 7V 0.50 150
100 100
0.4 100 0.25 50
0.25 50
0.2 50

0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 (m3/min) 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 (m3/min) 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 (m3/min)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 (CFM)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 (CFM) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 (CFM)
Ai風rfl量ow Ai風rfl量ow

PowerParts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

Airflow - Static Pressure Characteristics

9GV0412H301 With pulse sensor 9GV0412C301 With pulse sensor
Operating voltage range Operating voltage range

(inch H2O) (Pa) (inch H2O) (Pa)

1.2 300 160
0.6 140
1.0 250 0.5 120

Static p静re圧ssure0.8 200 0.4 100 13.2 V
Static p静re圧ssure0.6 150
0.4 100 13.2 V 0.3 80 12 V
0.2 50 12 V 7V
0.2 60
7V 40

0.1 20

0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 (m3/min) 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 (m3/min)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 (CFM) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 (CFM)

Ai風rfl量ow Air風flo量w

Dimensions (unit: mm) (With ribs)

40±0.3 4-ø3.5±0.3 28±0.5
M取o付u用nt穴ing hole (4) (4)

UL 1007

320 0

40±0.3 (10)

Rota回tin転g 方di向rection Airf風lo吹w出di方re向ction

Reference Dimensions of Mounting Holes and Vent Opening (unit: mm)

Inlet side, Outlet side 4-ø3.7







Options page: p. 532
Finger guards

Model no.: 109-059, 109-059H

PowerP46arts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

DC Fan DC Fan 40 mm sq. DC

40×40×28 mm
San Ace 40 9P type
Model 109P0424R3013 is not certified.

General Specifications Frame: Plastic (Flammability: UL 94V-0), Impeller: Plastic (Flammability: UL 94V-1)
See the table below. (L10 life: 90% survival rate for continuous operation in free air at 60˚C,
Material rated voltage)
Expected life Locked rotor burnout protection, Reverse polarity protection
For details, please refer to p. 547.
Motor protection function 50/60 Hz, 500 VAC, for 1 minute (between lead wire conductors and frame)
10 MΩ or more with a 500 VDC megger (between lead wire conductors and frame)
Dielectric strength At 1 m away from the air inlet
Insulation resistance -30 to +70˚C (Non-condensing)
Sound pressure level (SPL)
Storage temperature Red Black or Blue Sensor Yellow
Lead wire 52 g


The models listed below have ribs and pulse sensors.

Model no. Rated voltage Operating voltage range Rated current Rated input Rated speed Max. airflow Max. static pressure SPL Operating temperature Expected life
[min-1] [Pa] [inchH²O] [dB (A)] [˚C] [h]
109P0405H3013 [V] [V] [A] [W] [m³/min] [CFM]
109P0405F3013 8700 102.9 0.414 37 40000/60˚C
109P0412K3013 5 4.5 to 5.5 0.68 3.4 6700 0.32 11.3 58.8 0.236 30 -20 to +70 60000/60˚C
109P0412J3013 0.28 1.4 50
109P0412G3013 15500 0.244 8.6 340 1.365 44 -20 to +60 40000/60˚C
109P0412B3013 12500 210 0.843 42
109P0412H3013 8 to 13.2 0.55 6.6 11500 0.59 20.8 179 0.719 40 -20 to +70 60000/60˚C
109P0412F3013 10300 143 0.574 37
109P0412M3013 7 to 13.2 0.35 4.2 8700 0.46 16.2 102.9 0.414 30 -20 to +60 40000/60˚C
109P0424R3013 0.31 3.72 6700 58.8 0.236 20
109P0424J3013 4100 0.42 14.8 21.6 0.087 47 -20 to +70 60000/60˚C
109P0424G3013 44
109P0424B3013 12 0.28 3.36 14000 0.38 13.4 263.4 1.057 42
109P0424H3013 12500 210 0.843 40
109P0424F3013 7 to 13.8 0.195 2.34 11500 0.32 11.3 179 0.719 37
10300 143 0.574 30
0.105 1.26 8700 0.244 8.6 102.9 0.414
6700 58.8 0.236
10.2 to 13.8 0.045 0.54 0.15 5.3

0.25 6 0.51 18.0

12 to 26.4 0.18 4.32 0.46 16.2
0.19 4.56
24 0.13 3.12 0.42 14.8

0.38 13.4

12 to 27.6 0.095 2.28 0.32 11.3

14 to 27.6 0.055 1.32 0.244 8.6

The following sensor and control options are available for selection. PWM control
Available for all models. Without sensor
Differs according to the model. Refer to the table on pp. 562 to 563. Lock sensor

Airflow - Static Pressure Characteristics

109P0405H3013 With pulse sensor 109P0405F3013 With pulse sensor 109P0412K3013 With pulse sensor
Operating voltage range Operating voltage range Operating voltage range

(inch H2O) (Pa) (inch H2O) (Pa) (inch H2O) (Pa)

0.6 150 0.35 90 1.6 400

0.4 100 5.5 V 0.30 80 1.4 350 13.2 V
5V 70 1.2 300 12 V
Static静pr圧essure0.2 504.5 V 0.25 60 5.5 V 1.0 250 8V
Static静pr圧essure 5V 0.8 200
Static静pr圧essure0.20 504.5 V

0.15 40 0.6 150
0.10 20 0.4 100

0.05 10 0.2 50
0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 (m3/min)
00 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 (m3/min) 00 0.1 0.2 0.3 (m3/min) 0 5 10 15 20 25 (CFM)
2468 10 (CFM)
0 5 10 15 (CFM) 0 Ai風rfl量ow

PowerParts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

Airflow - Static Pressure Characteristics

109P0412J3013 With pulse sensor 109P0412G3013 With pulse sensor 109P0412B3013 With pulse sensor
Operating voltage range Operating voltage range Operating voltage range

(inch H2O) (Pa) (inch H2O) (Pa) (inch H2O) (Pa)

0.10 250 1.0 250 0.8 200

Static静pr圧essure 0.08 200 13.2 V Static p静r圧essure 0.8 200 13.2 V Static静pr圧essure 0.6 150 13.8 V
12 V 12 V 0.4 100 12 V
0.06 150 7V 0.6 150 0.2 50 7V
0.04 100 0.4 100

0.02 50 0.2 50

00 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 (m3/min) 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 (m3/min)
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 (m3/min) 0 5 10 15 20 (CFM) 0 5 10 15 (CFM)

0 5 10 15 20 (CFM) Ai風rfl量ow Ai風rfl量ow


109P0412H3013 With pulse sensor 109P0412F3013 With pulse sensor 109P0412M3013 With pulse sensor
Operating voltage range Operating voltage range Operating voltage range

(inch H2O) (Pa) (inch H2O) (Pa) (inch H2O) (Pa)

0.6 150 0.35 90 13.8 V 40
12 V 0.15
0.4 100 13.8 V Static静pr圧essure 0.30 80 Static静pr圧essure 13.8 V
12 V 70 7V 30
Static静pr圧essure 0.2 50 0.25 60 0.10 12 V
7V 10.2 V
0.20 50 20

0.15 40 0.05
0.10 30 10

00 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 (m3/min) 20 0.1 0.2 0.3 (m3/min) 00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 (m3/min)
0.05 10 2468 10 (CFM)

00 Ai風rfl量ow

0 5 10 15 (CFM) 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (CFM)

Ai風rfl量ow Ai風rfl量ow

109P0424R3013 With pulse sensor 109P0424J3013 With pulse sensor 109P0424G3013 With pulse sensor
Operating voltage range Operating voltage range Operating voltage range

(inch H2O) (Pa) (inch H2O) (Pa) (inch H2O) (Pa)

1.2 300 0.10 250 1.0 250

Static静pr圧essure 1.0 250 26.4 V Static静pr圧essure 0.08 200 26.4 V Static静pr圧essure 0.8 200 26.4 V
0.8 200 24 V 24 V 0.6 150 24 V
0.6 150 12 V 0.06 150 12 V 0.4 100 12 V
0.4 100
0.04 100

0.2 50 0.02 50 0.2 50

0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 (m3/min) 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 (m3/min) 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 (m3/min)
0 5 10 15 20 (CFM) 0 5 10 15 20 (CFM)
0 5 10 15 20 (CFM)
A風irf量low Ai風rfl量ow

109P0424B3013 With pulse sensor 109P0424H3013 With pulse sensor 109P0424F3013 With pulse sensor
Operating voltage range Operating voltage range Operating voltage range

(inch H2O) (Pa) (inch H2O) (Pa) (inch H2O) (Pa)

0.8 200 0.6 150 0.35 90 27.6 V
24 V
0.6 150 0.4 100 27.6 V Static静pr圧essure 0.30 80
24 V 70 14 V
Static静pr圧essure 0.4 100 26.4 V Static静pr圧essure 0.2 50 0.25 60
24 V 12 V
0.2 50 0.20 50
12 V
0.15 40
0.10 30

0.05 10

0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 (m3/min) 00 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 (m3/min) 00 0.1 0.2 0.3 (m3/min)

0 5 10 15 (CFM) 0 5 10 15 (CFM) 0 2 4 6 8 10 (CFM)

Ai風rfl量ow Ai風rfl量ow Ai風rfl量ow

PowerP48arts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

Dimensions (unit: mm) 4-ø3.5±0.3 28±0.5 DC Fan 40 mm sq. DC

40±0.5 M取o付un用tin穴g hole (4) (4)
40±0.5 320 0

UL 1007

Rotat回in転g 方dir向ection Airfl風ow吹d出ir方ec向tion

Reference Dimensions of Mounting Holes and Vent Opening (unit: mm)

Inlet side, Outlet side 4-ø3.7







Options page: p. 532
Finger guards

Model no.: 109-059, 109-059H

PowerParts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

DC Fan

52×52×15 mm

San Ace 52 9GA type Low Power Consumption Fan

General Specifications Frame: Plastic (Flammability: UL 94V-0), Impeller: Plastic (Flammability: UL 94V-0)
See the table below. (L10 life: 90% survival rate for continuous operation in free air at 60˚C,
Material rated voltage)
Expected life Locked rotor burnout protection, Reverse polarity protection
For details, please refer to p. 547.
Motor protection function 50/60 Hz, 500 VAC, for 1 minute (between lead wire conductors and frame)
10 MΩ or more with a 500 VDC megger (between lead wire conductors and frame)
Dielectric strength At 1 m away from the air inlet
Insulation resistance -30 to +70˚C (Non-condensing)
Sound pressure level (SPL)
Storage temperature Red Black Sensor Yellow Control Brown
Lead wire 40 g


The models listed below have ribs and pulse sensors with PWM control function.

Model no. Rated voltage Operating voltage range PWM duty Rated current Rated input Rated speed Max. airflow Max. static pressure SPL Operating temperature Expected life
[V] [V] cycle* [%] [m³/min] [CFM] [Pa] [inchH²O] [dB (A)] [˚C] [h]
9GA0512P7G001 [A] [W] [min-1]
9GA0512P7A001 12 10.2 to 13.8 100 0.5 17.7 91.5 0.367 38 -20 to +70 40000/60˚C
9GA0512P7H001 0.13 1.56 7800 0.4 14.1 59 0.237 32
9GA0512P7M001 24 20.4 to 27.6 100 0.275 9.7 27.5 0.11 22
9GA0524P7G001 0.08 0.96 6300 0.215 7.6 17 0.068 16
9GA0524P7H001 0.05 0.6 4300 0.5 17.7 91.5 0.367 38
9GA0524P7M001 0.4 14.1 59.0 0.237 32
0.04 0.48 3400 0.275 9.7 27.5 0.11 22
0.215 7.6 17.0 0.068 16
0.07 1.68 7800

0.05 1.2 6300

0.03 0.72 4300

0.02 0.48 3400

* PWM frequency: 25 kHz. Fan does not rotate when PWM duty cycle is 0%.

The following sensor and control options are available for selection.
Available for all models. Without sensor Pulse sensor
Differs according to the model. Refer to the table on p. 570. Lock sensor

Airflow - Static Pressure Characteristics / PWM Duty - Speed Characteristics Example

9GA0512P7G001 With pulse sensor with PWM control function

PWM duty cycle Operating voltage range PWM duty - Speed characteristics example

(inch H2O) (Pa) (inch H2O) (Pa) (min-1) V電o圧lta:gDe:C1122 VVDC
PPWM周fr波eq数u:en2c5yk: H25z kHz
0.5 120 1D2CV12DVC 0.5 120 PWPWMMdデutュy ーcyテclィe 110000%% 8000 7800 min-1

0.4 100 PWMデduュtyーcyテcィle 0.4 100 13.8 V 6000
0.3 80 50% 0.3 80 12 V
60 60 10.2 V
Static静pr圧essure 4000
40 40 2000
0.1 20 0.1 20

0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 (m3/min) 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 (m3/min) 0 100 (%)
0 5 10 15 20 (CFM) 0 5 10 15 20 (CFM)
PWPMWデMュdーuテtyィcyサclイe クル
Ai風rfl量ow Ai風rfl量ow

PowerP50arts AG - Schareggstrasse 1 - CH-5506 Mägenwil - - [email protected]

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