1/23/2020 Our Team - NRI Abroad
Ou Tea
Anu Rampa
Anuj is a marketer and publisher. Over the past two decades, he is exposed to various cultures & global
affairs, whereby real stories & events affect human beings globally. All groups and societies have their say
when it comes to support and wellbeing for their people, however, some care for their people and some
don’t. Similarly, when it comes to India and its people, we do have a gap where we must come forward to
contribute towards nation’s wellbeing and try recapture our lost heritage, intelligence and values. Anuj
always wanted to do tangible things for the nation. Having studied and settled in the UK, he decided to give
back to India and its people. This initiative (NRI Abroad) is in infancy, but he hopes to take this endeavour
forward to make things work for the nation.
As individuals, we all are responsible for our own actions and their consequences. Society is also
responsible for its own actions and consequences, but then society is made of individuals too. Under some
circumstances, if individual’s action result in a drop in their well-being, then it is their personal responsibility,
as a result they are bound to bear the repercussions. Similarly if society’s action result in a drop of
everyone’s wellbeing, then it becomes society’s responsibility, hence society is bound to bear the
consequences. To summarise this, society is incomplete without its people and people are too not complete
without their society. Therefore, both need to stick and work together to look after each other’s interests.
Balde Jugde
Baldev is an entrepreneur and well-known name in Manchester community. Baldev left India when he was
just 10, and having gone through many twists and turns in life, he is one of the sought after businessmen in
the city. Baldev always craved to support people in India & UK whichever way he could. He has been
addressing issues that affect community and also been involved in philanthropic activities through his
initiatives whilst associated with various ethnic communities.
Baldev’s association with (NRI Abroad) is immensely paramount in carrying out activities which we meant to
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