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Published by NITROFARM S.A., 2023-03-23 10:58:07


ΕΝΘΕΤΟ ΘΡΕΨΗΣ NITROFARM 2023 EN (03-04-2023) 2023 Four decades of performance for Greek Agriculture harnessing the power of nature CATALOGUE OF NUTRITION PRODUCTS CATALOGUE OF NUTRITION We understand that the 4 years together 7 !!! global consumption of food increases and up to 2035, food production must to be doubled. With limited available arable land, the only way to achieve it this in a sustainable way, is the since 1976 NitroFarm

1976-2023 Against the wave of exit of many companies from the country, NitroPharm SA. Greece "votes" by proceeding with innova on investments of 2,700,000 euros in the last eight years 2015-2023. Having a share of around 11% in the Greek market, it has been looking abroad for 28 years with a wide presence in more than 28 countries, expor ng under its own brand names around the world. It con nues to move dynamically in its long history, from 1976 un l today, based in Thessaloniki in Northern Greece. It has two modern produc on, sub-packaging and storage units that operate on its behalf, but also on behalf of third par es (fason). 28 COUNTRIES Member of: Industrial Area of Sindos, SQ20, B35-55, 57022, Thessaloniki NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System since 1976 KNOW HOW & SOLUTIONS EXECUTION OF ORDERS Economy Contribu on to the Greek GDP and exchange crea on for Greece resul ng due to exports. Workers & Partners More than 1.500 families have an income as a result from our ac vi es. Local partners Retail shops that deal with farmers in Greece and abroad. Suppliers Na onal & Interna onal Our company Four decades of performance for greek agriculture

ADHESIVE To improve the effectiveness of spray solutions depending on capacity vegetation wetting and water hardness. Contains 85.98% w / w excipients and 15% w / v active substance (ethoxylated isodecyl alcohol). The BLUEWETT 15SL remains stable for two (2) years from the date of manufacture. DOSAGE - METHOD OF APPLICATION: General dose: 10-30cc / 100lt spray solution. -Spray solutions of fungicides, wet sulfur and insecticides: 15-20cc / 100lt. -Spray solutions of copper fungicides: 20-25cc / 100lt. -Spray solutions of foliar fertilizers and herbicides: 30cc / 100lt. Its application is done according to the instructions of the plant protection product with which it is combined, since BLUEWETT 15SL is not used alone. HOW TO PREPARE THE SPRAYER: Fill the spray can with water halfway. Dilute the medicine to be applied in a small amount of water and pour it into the spray can, stirring. Add the remaining water while continuing to stir. BLUEWETT 15SL is the last to enter the spray solution, with constant stirring. LAST TREATMENT: When added to sprays containing plant protection products, observe the latest pre-harvest interventions applicable to these preparations. TIME STABILITY - STORAGE: In its original closed packaging, in a cool, dry and well-ventilated place, it is kept stable for two (2) years. Packages: 100ml / 250ml / 500ml / 1LT BLUEWETT 15 SL LUEWETT 15 SL PAGE 1 Free-phone: 800 11 820 820 +30 2310 553354-7, [email protected] since 1976 B35 Industrial Area of Sindos, SQ20, -55, 57022, Thessaloniki NitroFarm It’s not a plant protec on product NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System

ΠΕΡΙΕΧΟΜΕΝΟ: 1 λίτρο (lt) Διανομέας: ΒΙ.ΠΕ. Σίνδου, Α΄ Φάση, ΟΤ20, Κ35-55, 57022, Θεσσαλονίκη, Free-phone: 800 11 820 820, Τηλ.: 2310 553354-7, Φαξ: 2310 545235, e-mail: [email protected], url: NitroFarm Προσκολλητικό Για βελτίωση της αποτελεσματικότητας των ψεκαστικών διαλυμάτων ανάλογα με την ικανότητα διαβροχής της βλάστησης και τη σκληρότητα του νερού. ΔΕΝ ΑΠΟΤΕΛΕΙ ΦΥΤΟΠΡΟΣΤΑΤΕΥΤΙΚΟ ΠΡΟΙΟΝ ΦΥΛΑΞΤΕ ΤΟ ΚΛΕΙΔΩΜΕΝΟ ΜΑΚΡΙΑ ΑΠΟ ΠΑΙΔΙΑ Εγγυημένη σύνθεση: Ethoxylated isodecyl alcohol: 15% β/ο Βοηθητικές ουσίες: 85,98% β/β NITROWETT is an organic liquid solu on that improves the we ng capacity of the spray solu on. Contains: 85% w / w excipients and 15% w / v ac ve substance (ethoxylated isodecyl alcohol). NITROWETT remains stable for two (2) years from the date of manufacture. APPLICATION - DOSAGE: - Add 13-18 ml NITROWETT, in a 100 lt spray solu on containing insec cides, organic fungicides and we able sulfur. - In a 100 lt spray solu on containing herbicides and foliar fer lizers add 25-30 ml NITROWETT formula on. To a 100 lt spray solu on containing copper fungicides, add 18-25 ml NITROWETT formula on. How to prepare the spray liquid: Fill the sprayer container halfway with water. Dilute the medicine to be applied in a small amount of water and pour it into the spray can, s rring. Add the remaining water while con nuing to s r. Finally add and s r the NITROWETT in the container. Packages: 50ml / 100ml / 250ml / 500ml / 1LT PAGE 2 It’s not a plant protec on product Free-phone: 800 11 820 820 +30 2310 553354-7, [email protected] since 1976 B35 Industrial Area of Sindos, SQ20, -55, 57022, Thessaloniki NitroFarm NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System

It has adhesive and surfactant proper es. COMPOSITION: benzyl alcohol: 25 - 50% Excipients: 50 - 70% It is a special surfactant, suitable for combina on with the herbicide MAZA (imazamox). It is considered an advanced solu on as an addi ve in the applica on of the herbicide MAZA (imazamox). Its main property is that it prevents the crystalliza on of the ac ve substance of MAZA (imazamox) on the surface of the leaf, during spraying, which is extremely important to ensure the best effec veness of the herbicide and the excellent distribu on and adhesion to the leaves of the weeds. SPEED OIL combines unique technologies with typical features of conven onal adjuvants that maximize herbicide property. This combina on of features leads to op mal performance of MAZA (imazamox), surpassing conven onal solu ons, with excellent herbicide effec veness. SPEED OIL offers: 1. Excellent movement of MAZA (imazamox) through the skin, on the leaf. 2. Improved we ng due to rapid penetra on into the skin of the leaves. 3. Large dispersion of the spray solu on and improves the we ng of the plant surface. Recommended dose: 50cc / acre. (in MAZA spray solu on (imazamox). Its applica on is done according to the instruc ons of the plant protec on product with which it is combined. SPEED OIL is not used alone. Observe the last opera ons before harvest that apply to the prepara on to be combined. It is not a plant protec on product. Packages: 250ml / 500ml / 1LT ADHESIVE FOR HERBICIDES PAGE 3 Free-phone: 800 11 820 820 +30 2310 553354-7, [email protected] since 1976 B35 Industrial Area of Sindos, SQ20, -55, 57022, Thessaloniki NitroFarm NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System It’s not a plant protec on product

SUPERWETT is a special product with ac ve we ng, homogenizing and dispersing characteris cs. A feature of SUPERWETT is to increase the surface tension of the spray solu on, thus improving its we ability and adhesion. In addi on, the ac vity of insec cides is enhanced, as a result of which it facilitates their ac on. Can be applied in combina on with plant protec on products in foliar applica ons. In any case of unknown combina on, test on a small scale beforehand. COMPOSITION% (W/V): Sodium salt, organic acids 65-70% APPLICATION - DOSAGE: In pure form: In combina on with insec cides: 30 ml / 100 liters of water. CAUTION: Use in the coolest hours of the day (preferably in the a ernoon). Avoid mixing with oils. Packages: 100ml / 250ml / 500ml WETTING AGENT / ADHESIVE PAGE 4 Free-phone: 800 11 820 820 +30 2310 553354-7, [email protected] since 1976 B35 Industrial Area of Sindos, SQ20, -55, 57022, Thessaloniki NitroFarm NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System It’s not a plant protec on product SUPERWETT

It’s not a t’s not a plant protec on lant protec on product product It’s not a plant protec on UMBRELLA INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of on the product label. All instructions in this section must be read carefully to achieve safe and successful use of this product. SHAKE WELL BEFORE USING. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE APPLICATION AREAS UMBRELLA achieves better wetting of the plants and better adhesion of the spray liquid, resulting in improved uptake of pesticides. DOSAGE OF UMBRELLA Use UMBRELLA at 50 ml – 100 ml / 100 Litres of solution as a general adhesive wetting agent under normal conditions. MIXING Half fill the spray can with water and start shaking. Add the recommended amount of pesticide. Mix well and then add the required amount of UMBRELLA. Continue stirring when filling the spray can and during spraying. COMBINABILITY DO NOT use UMBRELLA with other oils or additives. PAGE 5 Free-phone: 800 11 820 820 +30 2310 553354-7, [email protected] since 1976 B35 Industrial Area of Sindos, SQ20, -55, 57022, Thessaloniki NitroFarm NitroFarm SA itroFarm SAis certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System nd ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System NEW Auxiliary of the plants development based on YA 217217/2004 A soluble concentrate formulation containing 40% trisiloxane organosilicone copolymers + 40% esterified vegetable oil. For use as a sticking, uptake, spreading and wetting agent. IMPORTANT INFORMATION. FOR USE ONLY AS A SPREADING AND WETTING AGENT. For Professional Use Only. Crops / Uses / Pesticides: See “DIRECTIONS FOR USE” section Standard concentration: 0.05%-0.1% of spray solution (50 ml – 100 ml / 100 Litres of solution) Maximum concentration: 0.25% of spray solution Maximum number of treatments: Follow the statutory conditions of use of the pesticide Latest time of application: Follow the statutory conditions of use of the pesticide Use with Maximum application rate of spray solution Herbicides 0.15% Insecticides 0.15% Fungicides 0.25% Growth regulators 0.15% Liquid fertilizers 0.10 %

PAGE 6 Free-phone: 800 11 820 820 +30 2310 553354-7, [email protected] since 1976 B35 Industrial Area of Sindos, SQ20, -55, 57022, Thessaloniki NitroFarm NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System It’s not a plant protec on product Bigger a rac veness of flowers crop for bees and others pollinators. More efficient transport of pollen and pollina on of flowers. Increase the yield up to 20-25%. Be er fruit quality. Slow technique release for a rac ves. Slow release effec ve for almost the whole the flowering period Advantages ATTRACT A rac ve for bees Higher yields due to be er fer liza on Purpose of the product: The product is intended for use during the flowering of cul vated plants. Significantly increases the a rac veness of flowers for bees and other pollina ng insects. The effect of the prepara on leads to greater ac vity and frequency of visits of flowers by these insects, more efficient transport of pollen and therefore be er pollina on of plants. Consistency is a significant improvement in crop quality and size. The product for use in agricultural crops: rapeseed, buckwheat, mustard and others and gardening: fruit trees and shrubs, vegetables, including seed planta ons. It is applied in the form of spray plants, a er previous dilu on in water, using tradi onal devices for the applica on of agrochemicals. Product characteris cs: ATTRACT is a mixture of various natural compounds, including the components of essen al oils that, in precisely selected propor ons, allow to achieve the best synergis c effect in a rac ng pollina ng insects and ac va ng their work. Product formulated in a rac ve slow release technology-Slow Press Technology. Trac on substances are released gradually, which prevents the rapid deac va on (vola lity) of the a ractants immediately a er use of the product. As a result, the effect of a rac ve bees extends over me and lasts almost the en re flowering period. Thanks to the Slow Release technology used - it is enough to perform one treatment to achieve the desired effec veness. It is carried out between the beginning and the full flowering of the plants. ATTRACT a racts and ac vates the work of key pollinators, such as bees. The prepara on prevents the flight of bees to neighboring wild plants, which may be more a rac ve than the crop intended for pollina on. Yield increases a er using ATTRACT, which usually reaches 10-25%. There is a no ceable improvement in many crop quality parameters. Why ATTRACT? EFFECTIVE POLISHING OF FLOWERS PLAYS AN IMPORTANT AND FREQUENTLY DEFINITIVE ROLE BETWEEN THE DETERMINANT FACTORS FOR THE GOOD PERFORMANCE OF THE CALLS. Most of the cul vated species for the produc on of abundant crops require pollina on with foreign pollen, ie Cross-pollinated. These are dominated by insects, which require proper pollina on for proper pollina on. The usual cul va on treatments such as: soil fer lity care, fer liza on, chemical protec on, growth s mula on, will never ensure efficient use of plant produc on poten al without proper pollina on of flowers. The benefits of pollina on support are undeniable. The systema c decline of the bee popula on, which is a threat to the process of natural pollina on of crops, is becoming a growing and global problem. It must be addressed in order to maintain the proper yield of hor cultural and agricultural produc on. This is important, as about 1/3 of the world's food produc on depends on insect pollina on. The use of ATTRACT - a bait for pollina ng insects and a contributor to the pollina on process, is undoubtedly expedient and economically jus fied. General Dosage: 100 ml / 100 liters of water for tree crops. 100 cc / acre for vegetables.

PAGE 7 The preparation calming aggressive behaviour of honey bees. The product is intended for beekeeping. The preparation is to be used in the form of spraying, after previous dilution with water. Composition: The mixture of ingredients of natural origin It is sufficient for the preparation of 2.5 litres of dilution ready for use. BeeCalm Αpplication: Intended use: Properties: it calms aggressive behaviour of honey bees. The introduction of queen bees: Expiration time: The preparation of the spray solution: For exclusive use in the apiaries, in particular for: introducing queen bees, combining bee families, prevention of robberies, and curbing the aggression of worker bees during the performance of hive works. Dilute 100 ml of the preparation in water up to the volume of 1 litre and pour it into a sprayer (10 % solution). The sprayer can not contain any chemical contaminants, and, in particular, any substances which are potentially harmful to honey bees. Best performance results may be obtained by direct spraying of honey bees. Recommended dose: 4-5 ml of spray solution per the surface of the Dadant frame (approx. 50 ml per family nest in the Dadant type hive). before introducing a new queen bee, please ensure that the family is orphaned, or search for and remove the old queen bee. Spray all frames covered with the honey bees. Carefully spray the introduced queen bee with BeeCalm, and release it directly onto the frame. While introducing the queen bee to the orphaned family, it is recommended to eliminate emergency nurseries. It is not an indispensable condition for the acceptance of the queen bee when using the preparation, however, the fact of leaving mature nurseries may lead to a situation when a number of queen bees will appear in the family. No unacceptable threat for the user, the honey bees and bee products has been observed after product application. Avoid contact with eyes and skin with the preparation. In the case of accidental contact, rinse the contaminated surface with large amount of water. Robbery prevention: Before the initiation of works in the apiary, all equipment and other honey bee-related items shall be sprayed with the preparation. Calming honey bee aggression: When working with aggressive families, it is recommended to spray protective clothing, especially hand protection, with BeeCalm. The interior of the hive shall be sprayed through the inlet opening 5-10 minutes before opening the aggressive family. Combining families: Before combining the families, the queen bee should be left in one selected family. Other queen bees shall be searched for and removed. The honey bees from combined families should be sprayed on the frames and transferred to a common hive. 2 years following the manufacturing date. The preparation is mainly based on natural products. Contains no substances which may cause adverse effects on bees. Content 250 ml NitroFarm SA itroFarm SAis certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System nd ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System It’s not a t’s not a plant protec on product plant protec on product It’s not a NEW Store in a tightly closed, original packaging at the temperature of between 0 and 30°C. Free-phone: 800 11 820 820 +30 2310 553354-7, [email protected] since 1976 B35 Industrial Area of Sindos, SQ20, -55, 57022, Thessaloniki NitroFarm

PAGE 8 FITOBALSAM MASTICS FOR VACCINATIONS, PRUNINGS AND WOUND HEALING CHARACTERISTICS: FITOBALSAM is a ready-to-use mas c that has a protec ve, healing and healing effect on plant wounds caused by pruning, gra ing or accidental breakage. The beneficial effect of mas c is guaranteed by a balanced combina on of resins that form an elas c membrane, vegetable oils, emollients and healing agents and pH regulators. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: Use for gra s: For good healing and germina on, spread or spread FITOBALSAM around the gra . Use for pruning: A er smooth and sloping cu ng, apply FITOBALSAM with a brush or spatula in an even layer 2-3mm thick. If the cut in the wood is deep, repeat the applica on a er the first layer has dried. Use to treat old wounds: Remove all ro en wood un l it meets the healthy part, cut the edges of the surface with a sharp knife un l it is oval in shape and then apply FITOBALSAM in an even layer 2-3mm thick all over the cleaned surface. and at the edges. Repeat the applica on a er the first layer has dried. Dura on: 5 years from the date of manufacture. Precau ons: =The product does not withstand the cold: do not use at temperatures below 0 ° C. =Do not use the product when it is raining. = For be er preserva on of the product, close the container ghtly a er use. =Do not swallow and keep out of the reach of children. Packages: 1Kg, 500gr, 200gr Free-phone: 800 11 820 820 +30 2310 553354-7, [email protected] since 1976 B35 Industrial Area of Sindos, SQ20, -55, 57022, Thessaloniki NitroFarm NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System It’s not a plant protec on product

It is essen al for the success of vaccina ons. Facilitates the healing of wounds from pruning, injuries or weather condi ons. It is easy to apply, does not drip, does not pollute and dries in about an hour from its applica on, remaining elas c. IT IS NOT A PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCT - ACT MECHANICALLY METHOD OF APPLICATION: For vaccina ons: Apply a uniform layer around the vaccina on site for protec on against fungi and be er wound healing. For wound healing: Remove the damaged bark by cu ng it at an angle to the wound so that water does not penetrate later, then apply a thin layer of the product on the wound. The thin elas c film that will be formed will protect the wound during healing from the entry of fungi and rot. If you apply to old wounds, first remove other exis ng materials as well as the dead layers of wood un l you reach the healthy surface, then cover the wound with LEGO CORTEX. Cau on: Do not use in temperatures below 0 ° C or in rain or high humidity. If the product is rinsed from the applica on point, apply again. Packages: 250gr / 1kg PAGE 9 Free-phone: 800 11 820 820 +30 2310 553354-7, [email protected] since 1976 B35 Industrial Area of Sindos, SQ20, -55, 57022, Thessaloniki NitroFarm NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System It’s not a plant protec on product

PEST-STOP Strengthening plants with the help of essen al oils for professional use, for general maintenance of health, and strengthening plants against insect infesta ons, in ornamental plants, trees, shrubs, vegetables, fruit trees. Healthy plants are more resistant and therefore less prone to a acks by harmful insects. Composi on: The energized homeopathic complex containing enhanced among the minerals of potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, vital trace elements such as boron, germanium, silicon, copper, manganese, uranic acid (uranium) and essen al oils. RESULTS OF MULTIPLE PREVENTIVE APPLICATIONS IN THE SOIL: - promotes plant health and vitality. - accelerates the regenera on of plants damaged by an epidemic of harmful insects. - strengthens plant ssue. Instruc ons for use: For preven on, use regularly every week, spraying the soil vigorously and evenly with 0.35% PEST-STOP solu on, ie mix 35 ml of PEST-STOP with 10 liters of water for spraying (approximately 20 ° C). Or add 0.5 liters per hectare per week to irriga on water. In vegetables foliar spraying with 200cc / acre and tree crops 200cc / 100 liters of water. It can generally be applied together with VAT products, nutri on and fer lizers. Because so many varie es are grown, a test applica on is recommended. Approved for organic farming: complies with the EU Regula on on Organic Farming (EC) EU 834/2007 and EU889 / 2008, registered at the Ins tute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL). There are no adverse effects on humans, beneficial organisms or the ecosystem if used properly and in accordance with the instruc ons (eg unaffected, no wai ng me, no groundwater protec on requirements required). MYCO-STOP The homeopathic plant strengthening agent, for the general maintenance of health and their strengthening. Healthy and vibrant plants are less suscep ble to disease. Composi on: Dynamic homeopathic complex containing plant extracts and minerals in enhanced form. Dosage: Spray applica on: 2 liters of OM2 per hectare are diluted up to 1500 liters of water. Wet the plants and the soil. For back spray applica on, use 2 ml per liter of final spray solu on. Irriga on applica on: 0.2 ml per liter. Ornamental plants and herbs: Simple applica on using the solu on, by lying down, irriga ng or spraying To start an exis ng crop: For the first applica on use 2 liters per hectare. A er plan ng new plants: Add irriga on water 0.2 ml / L. Results of mul ple preven ve applica ons: - promotes plant health and vitality. - strengthens the natural resistance of plants to fungal infec ons. - supports the crea on of a new root system and increases the resistance of shoots to disease. - enhances plant growth. - contributes to improving the quality of fruits, vegetables and other crops. - be er storage me for crops. There are no adverse effects on humans, beneficial organisms or the ecosystem, if used properly and in accordance with the instruc ons (ie bees and beneficial insects are not affected). Approved for organic farming: complies with EU Organic Farming (EC) Regula on 834/2007 and EU Regula on. 889/2008, registered in the FiBL (Ins tute of Research and Organic Agriculture). Supports plants, from within (Systemic acquired resistance), strengthening the plant's natural defenses (phytoalexins) against fungal infec ons. Mul ple applica ons allow plants plagued by diseases or harmful environmental influences, etc. to recover more easily, because the regenera ve forces of the plant are s mulated. Supports and contributes to the growth of microorganisms contained in the natural flora, plants and soil. Homeopathic plants are stronger and grow be er. Instruc ons for use: Spraying: use 2 liters of MYCO-STOP per hectare up to 1000 liters of water, soaking the plants and the soil well. It is also applied using a back sprayer, 2 ml per liter of spray mixture. Irriga on: 0.2 ml per liter of water (PTO for floriculture). Applica on period: during the growing season, depending on the crop, growth rate and weather condi ons, spray or irrigate 3 to 6 mes at intervals of 4 weeks. This should preferably start at the beginning of development. Packages: 250ml / 500ml / 1LT Dynamic complexes ynamic complexes macroelements and trace elements macroelements and trace elements Dynamic complexes & PAGE 10 Free-phone: 800 11 820 820 +30 2310 553354-7, [email protected] since 1976 B35 Industrial Area of Sindos, SQ20, -55, 57022, Thessaloniki NitroFarm NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System It’s not a plant protec on product suitable for use in organic farming, according to the requirements of EU Regulation 848/2018 & 1165/2021

από το 1976 NitroFarm The role of PH-SET is to reduce the pH of the spray solu ons. Due to its content of inorganic and organic polycarboxylic acids which inac vate salts and heavy metals, the oxida on and hydrolysis of pes cides takes place at faster rates. Also, due to the content of the indicator in PH-SET, it has the property of showing a pink color in the spray solu on. This happens when the pH value decreases. The ideal price is 4-5. WHY IT IS NECESSARY TO USE PH-SET It is known that most pes cides are extremely sensi ve to pH greater than 7 resul ng in hydrolysis and loss of part of their ac vity. With the use of PH-SET we create the ideal aqueous environment for the stability of the ac ve substances, thus increasing the effec veness of pes cides. APPLICATION - DOSAGE: For hard water: Approximately 75-100 ml / 100 liters of water For semi-hard water: Approximately 20-30 ml / 100 liters of water For so waters: Approximately 10-15 ml / 100 liters of water. In general, the dosage of 50 ml / 100 liters of water is considered sa sfactory in each case. The ideal amount to achieve the ideal pH is determined by the color change of the spray liquids to pink. CAUTION: PH-SET must be added first to the spray liquid and then followed by the addi on of the remaining agrochemicals (drugs and fer lizers). Packages: 250ml / 500ml / 1LT Spray pH correc on PAGE 11 Free-phone: 800 11 820 820 +30 2310 553354-7, [email protected] since 1976 B35 Industrial Area of Sindos, SQ20, -55, 57022, Thessaloniki NitroFarm NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System It’s not a plant protec on product Analysis% w / w: Total Nitrogen (N): 3 - Uric Nitrogen (NH ): 3 2 Phosphorus (P O ) (completely soluble in neutral ammonium citrate and water): 2 5 17 Maximum Diuresis: 0.001% - Specific Weight: 1.20 g / cm3 - pH (10%): 0.5 ± 1 EC FERTILIZER A specialized Phosphorus with Nitrogen fertilizer. It is used for water lubricants, in all crops.

+30 2310 553354-7, Free-phone: 800 11 820 820 e-mail: [email protected] - ΒΙ.ΠΕ. Σίνδου, Α΄ Φάση, ΟΤ20, Κ35, 57022, Θεσσαλονίκη PROVECTA An innovative product with a hybrid mode of action designed to combat insects in difficult places. COMPOSITION: Alkylene oxide modified methyl transyloxane. Parasites accompany people every day. Their chemical control methods, over time, contribute to the parasites of health importance becoming resistant to the chemical compounds used to control them, which makes them even more dangerous. Therapies that use natural remedies are the only reliable way to effectively fight the parasites without developing resistance. ADVANTAGES: = Does not contain pesticides. = Works naturally. = Has fast action. = Increases the effectiveness of health insecticides. Can be used in the presence of stored products. UNIQUE CHARACTERISTICS: Auxiliary additive product that increases the effectiveness of health insecticides. First in Europe specialized aid for DDD. It does not allow the immunization of parasites. It works immediately. It works in a natural way. It does not contain pesticides. Can be used in areas where toxic preparations can not be used. Product properties: PROVECTA® is a direct, specialized, highly effective and innovative formulation with a natural mechanism of action designed to control insecticide-resistant sanitary populations of parasites that live in difficult areas. It does not allow the vaccination of the parasite. PROVECTA® can only be used in dilution with water and as an additive to health insecticides used to control the population of hardy pests living in difficult areas. Provecta® provides increased insect exposure to the insecticide. PROVECTA® allows a different approach to pest control at home. The product can be used for reptiles and flying insects, both indoors and outdoors. In the treatment (disinfection) of ducks, in places where, due to the specificity (hospital, sanatorium), toxic preparations can not be used, which are recommended for administration in a mixture with water only. PROVECTA® is a natural preparation based on All-in-Web technology. After application, a spatial network of polymers is developed which, by external immobilization of the arthropods, inhibits their ability to grow. As a result, insects are fought effectively. Preparation for topical use with household sprayer (LV). It leaves no residue, no grace period is required. IS NOT A PLANT PROTECTION OR BIOCIDAL PRODUCT Free-phone: 800 11 820 820 +30 2310 553354-7, [email protected] since 1976 Industrial Area of Sindos, SQ20, B35-55, 57022, Thessaloniki NitroFarm NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System THE INFORMATION WRITTEN IN THIS FORM HAS AN INFORMATIONAL CHARACTER AND DOES NOT SUBSTITATE IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS ARE INTENDED FOR USE BY PROFESSIONAL USERS. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE AND PRECAUTIONS,WRITTEN ON THE LABEL MUST BE OBSERVED. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT THE TECHNICAL DEPARTMENT OF OUR COMPANY OR CONSULT THE LOCAL AGRONOMISTS. PAGE 12

PAGE 13 Enhances the strength of trees and fruits. Its special composi on improves the quality of the fruits and strengthens the cell walls of trees and plants. Product suitable for use in organic farming. COMPOSITION: 10% Calcium (CaO) 20% SULFUR (S) METHOD OF APPLICATION: =Foliar spray. =Not combined with pes cides-foliar fer lizers. = Not combined with alkaline prepara ons & oils. =Combined with pyrethrins. =A er the applica on of the calcium-sulfur prepara on, 20 days should pass for oil spraying. =Minimum applica on distance 20 days. =Do not spray when trees are stressed. =Summer sprays are done late in the a ernoon, towards evening. Packages: 1LT / 5LT / 10LT / 20LT Free-phone: 800 11 820 820 +30 2310 553354-7, [email protected] since 1976 B35 Industrial Area of Sindos, SQ20, -55, 57022, Thessaloniki NitroFarm NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System It’s not a plant protec on product suitable for use in organic farming, according to the requirements of EU Regulation 848/2018 & 1165/2021

Diatomaceous iatomaceous earth Ingredient: 100% Diatomaceous Earth (silicon oxide) ACT MECHANICALLY CT MECHANICALLY IT IS NOT A PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCT T IS NOT A PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCT IT IS NOT A BIOCIDE PRODUCT T IS NOT A BIOCIDE PRODUCT ACT MECHANICALLY IT IS NOT A PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCT PAGE 14 Free-phone: 800 11 820 820 +30 2310 553354-7, [email protected] since 1976 B35 Industrial Area of Sindos, SQ20, -55, 57022, Thessaloniki NitroFarm NitroFarm SA itroFarm SAis certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System nd ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Diatomaceous Earth Ingredient: 100% Diatomaceous Earth (silicon oxide) ACT MECHANICALLY CT MECHANICALLY IT IS NOT A PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCT T IS NOT A PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCT IT IS NOT A BIOCIDE PRODUCT T IS NOT A BIOCIDE PRODUCT ACT MECHANICALLY IT IS NOT A PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCT 100% finely ground natural diatoms. Fossil mineral formed from microscopic shells or skeletons and therefore composed of silicon oxide. Composition and origin Safety tips Diatomaceous Earth is harmless to humans and animals, but should be kept out of reach of children. Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes, fine dust may cause irritation. We recommend wearing a face mask. =After skin contact, wash immediately with plenty of soap and water. =Avoid contact with eyes. =Away from children. Description Diatomaceous earth is a dry additive and has the following properties: =Purely biophysical effect. =Strong moisture binding (hygroscopic). =Binds the feces of microorganisms. =Optimizes constant hygiene and constant climate. =High and long-lasting effectiveness. Application Diatomaceous earth can be applied to the required areas either by sprinkling or by a dust pump (pressure sprayer). In the organic waste bin or compost it serves to prevent the nuisance of odors and rot. Diatomaceous Earth cannot be overdosed. The rate of application to the required areas depends on the nature of the material. A thin light coating should be visible all over the treated surfaces. Apply and store the product in a dry place. If the powder becomes slightly moist, place it open in the heater to dry. PACKAGES: 1,5Kg / 20Kg Η Γη διατόμων είναι ένα ξηρό πρόσθετο. Μέσω της επαφής έχει καθαρά φυσική και ιδιαίτερα υγροσκοπική δράση, δηλαδή έλκει νερό. Χρησιμοποιήστε και αποθηκεύστε το προϊόν στεγνό. Εφαρμογή: Στις απαιτούμενες περιοχές είτε με πασπάλισμα είτε με αντλία σκόνης (ψεκαστήρας πίεσης). Στον κάδο οργανικών απορριμμάτων ή στο κομπόστ χρησιμεύει για την πρόληψη της ενόχλησης των οσμών και της σήψης. Σημείωση: Η γη διατόμων παράγει λεπτή σκόνη. Χρησιμοποιήστε προστατευτική μάσκα κατά την εφαρμογή. Αποφύγετε την επαφή με τα μάτια και τους βλεννογόνους, η λεπτή σκόνη μπορεί να προκαλέσει ερεθισμό.

BORAX SODIUM BORAX Crystalline Decahydrate & Pentahydrate granular WATER SOLUBLE BORON (B) EC FERTILIZER PAGE 15 Free-phone: 800 11 820 820 +30 2310 553354-7, [email protected] since 1976 B35 Industrial Area of Sindos, SQ20, -55, 57022, Thessaloniki NitroFarm NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System It’s not a plant protec on product Borax is a hydrated mineral of boron. Its basic structure consists of triangular complexes BO2 (OH) and tetrahedra BO3 (OH), which are connected by sodium chains and octahedra of crystal water. Its most common color is white, but characteris c is its taste, which is sub-sweet metallic. Borax is used in cleaning products for its whitening proper es, in chemical laboratories to create buffers, as a complex, as a chemical to so en water, together with ammonium chloride is used as a solu on in metallurgy, as one of the raw materials for prepara on of flexible paste (Flubber) e.g. in the school demonstra on of the gelmaking process and as a food addi ve. BORAX Crystalline decahydrate: (Na2B4O7. 10H2O) Composi on: B2O3 36.47% min, NaO 16.24% min CAS No. 1303-96-4, EC 215-540-4 BORAX Pentahydrate granular: (Na2B4O7. 5H2O) Composi on: B2O3 48% min, NaO 21.37% min CAS No. 12179-04-3, EC 215-540-4 Used only in case of recognized need. Do not exceed the indicated doses. Packages: 25Kg suitable for use in organic farming, according to the requirements of EU Regulation 848/2018 & 1165/2021

MANGANESE SULPHATE MONOHYDRATE FEED ADDITIVE Composi on: MnSO4 98% minimum, Manganese Mn 31% (water soluble) CAS No. 10034-96-5, EC 232-089-9 Func onal Group: 3b Trace Elements Iden fica on Number: 3B503 Instruc ons for use: 1. The addi ve is incorporated into feed in the form of a premix. 2. For users of the addi ve and premixes, the addi ve and premixes must be handled with appropriate personal protec ve equipment to reduce the poten al for inhala on, skin contact or eye contact, in par cular due to their heavy metal content. , such as nickel. Maximum content of the element 150mg per kilo of complete feed. Packages: 25Kg MnSO4. H2O 31% Mn (Crystalline) PAGE 16 Free-phone: 800 11 820 820 +30 2310 553354-7, [email protected] since 1976 B35 Industrial Area of Sindos, SQ20, -55, 57022, Thessaloniki NitroFarm NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System It’s not a plant protec on product suitable for use in organic farming, according to the requirements of EU Regulation 848/2018 & 1165/2021

MAGNESIUM SULPHATE Magnesium sulfate is an inorganic chemical compound, namely a salt of magnesium, containing sulfur and oxygen. Its chemical formula is MgSO4. In nature it is o en found in its hydrated form (MgSO4 · 7H2O). The monohydrate form MgSO4 · H2O is found as the mineral kieserite CRYSTAL HEPATHYDRATE (MgSO4 · 7H2O) Crystalline - Water soluble MgO content 15% EC 231-298-2 KIZERITIS GRANULAR (MgSO4 · H2O) WATER SOLUTION MGO CONTENT: 25% WATER SOLUTION CONTENT SO3: 50% Natural product that contains Magnesium, an element especially important for the green color of the leaves. Kizerite is applied especially where the intense green color of the leaves plays an important role (eg shrubs, hedges, etc.). Suitable for organic cul va on. Descrip on: - Suitable for all crops in all soil types, regardless of soil pH. - It has excellent dispersion proper es due to the ideal par cle size distribu on and grain hardness. Can be applied accurately and effec vely with all modern fer lizer distributors. - It is suitable for the produc on of fer lizer compound as well as for direct applica on by hand. - It is a crude salt approved in accordance with Regula on (EC) 834/2007 and (EC) 889/2008 for use in organic farming systems. Packages: 50Kg EC FERTILIZER PAGE 17 Free-phone: 800 11 820 820 +30 2310 553354-7, [email protected] since 1976 B35 Industrial Area of Sindos, SQ20, -55, 57022, Thessaloniki NitroFarm NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System It’s not a plant protec on product suitable for use in organic farming, according to the requirements of EU Regulation 848/2018 & 1165/2021

FERROUS SULPHATE EC FERTILIZER PAGE 18 Free-phone: 800 11 820 820 +30 2310 553354-7, [email protected] since 1976 B35 Industrial Area of Sindos, SQ20, -55, 57022, Thessaloniki NitroFarm NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System It’s not a plant protec on product CRYSTAL HEPTAHYDRATE (FeSO4. 7H2O) 19% Fe Suitable for all plants. Crystalline hydrated form of iron that prevents and cures the yellowed leaves of all plants as well as the lawn. Helps preserve flowers and lush vegeta on. CHARACTERISTICS: =Treatment of chlorosis (yellowing of the leaves). =Helps in the con nuous healthy growth of plants. =Favors lush flowering. =Odorless and easy to use. CAS No. 7782-63-0, EC 231-753-5 Packages: 50Kg MONOHYDRATE (POWDER, MICROGRAIN, GRAIN) (FeSO4. H2O) 30% Fe The iron sulfate monohydrate is gray-white in color and is available in powder or homogeneous granules (chemical produc on method). This is a very effec ve floccula on agent that finds applica on: =In the treatment of drinking water and liquid industrial waste. =Against iron deficiency in agricultural ac vi es. =Addi ve in animal feed. =In the reduc on of hexavalent chromium (addi ve in cements). CAS No. 7720-78-7, EC 231-753-5 Packages: 25Kg suitable for use in organic farming, according to the requirements of EU Regulation 848/2018 & 1165/2021

Water Soluble Copper (Cu) 25% Copper sulfate is a chemical compound - a salt of divalent copper (Cu) with the chemical formula CuSO4. It is anhydrous but most people use its hydrated form (CuSO4.5H2O) known as azure. Available in the following forms: Powder, Micrococcus, Granular. CAS No. 7758-99-8, EC 231-847-6 Copper-bluestone sulfate has a wide range of uses and applica ons in many different fields. Par cularly: 1) In agriculture it is some mes used as a soil bactericidal. 2) In many crops as a soil enhancer and in the spraying of fruit trees and especially in vi culture. 3) In the produc on of various pes cides (eg bordigal pulp). 4) For soil disinfec on as a fungicide and control of almost all fungal infec ons of plants from the soil. 5) The whitewashing of tree trunks to protect them from various infesta ons. 6) In dyeing fabrics. 7) As a wood preserva ve in special paints and as a skin preserva ve. 8) In pharmacy, as a local an sep c, fungicide and bactericide. 9) In disinfec ons of generally wider public spaces, camps, hospitals, ships, etc. 10) And of course in chemistry as a raw material for the produc on of other chemical compounds of copper. It is considered one of the best soil fungicides for scabies, but also for infesta ons by monilia and phytophthora. It is applied in the winter months in the soil in an amount of 0.5-1 kg per tree depending on its age and it dissolves slowly with the rain water. In severe fungal infesta ons, a second applica on of the summer months is needed. Packages: 25Kg COPPER SULPHATE EC FERTILIZER PAGE 19 Free-phone: 800 11 820 820 +30 2310 553354-7, [email protected] since 1976 B35 Industrial Area of Sindos, SQ20, -55, 57022, Thessaloniki NitroFarm NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System It’s not a plant protec on product suitable for use in organic farming, according to the requirements of EU Regulation 848/2018 & 1165/2021

ZINC is one of the key elements for the proper func oning of the body (biochemical reac ons). It has a strong an oxidant effect, par cipates in the metabolism of macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and fats) while par cipa ng as a cofactor in over 300 enzymes. In addi on, it par cipates in gene expression, cell prolifera on, the body's defenses, taste, vision and smell, as well as the ac on of many hormones. HEPTAHYDRATE (Crystalline for spraying): ZnSO4 · 7H2O (22,5% Zn minimum) CAS No. 7446-20-0, EC 231-793-3 MONOHYDRATE (Powder, Granular): ZnSO4 · H2O (35-36% Zn minimum) CAS No. 7446-19-7, EC 231-793-3 Used only in case of recognized need. Do not exceed the indicated doses. Packages: 25Kg EC FERTILIZER ZINC SULPHATE PAGE 20 Free-phone: 800 11 820 820 +30 2310 553354-7, [email protected] since 1976 B35 Industrial Area of Sindos, SQ20, -55, 57022, Thessaloniki NitroFarm NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System It’s not a plant protec on product suitable for use in organic farming, according to the requirements of EU Regulation 848/2018 & 1165/2021

Packages: 50gr / 100gr / 1Kg / 5Kg / 25Kg PAGE 21 Free-phone: 800 11 820 820 +30 2310 553354-7, [email protected] since 1976 B35 Industrial Area of Sindos, SQ20, -55, 57022, Thessaloniki NitroFarm NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System It’s not a plant protec on product FΕRROUS Fertilizer intended for soil fertilization, ertilizer intended for soil fertilization, fertilization and application in hydroponic crops, ertilization and application in hydroponic crops, especially sensitive to iron deficiency. specially sensitive to iron deficiency. Fertilizer intended for soil fertilization, fertilization and application in hydroponic crops, Composition: 7% iron (Fe), as a chelate complex with HBED, water soluble. Ingredients: Fe HBED1 (CAS no. 1061328-86-6) 1 Substances and mixtures of virgin materials. It is used only in case of recognized need. Application doses should not be exceeded. The chelate is stable at pH 4-11 Fertigation Crop Total Dosage Application Citrus fruits 55,0 g-75,0 g/tree (27,5 kg-37,5 kg/ha) 3-5 applications. The first immediately after flowering. The next two in 20 and 40 days after the first. If it isnecessary, additional applications at the beginning of the colorof fruits and after harvest. - Banana 33,0 g-36,7 g/ unit (49,5 kg-55,1 kg/ha) 3 applications. The first is just at the installation stage. The next two during intensive vegetative growth. Stone fruits 2,5 kg-2,9 kg/ha (1,65 g-1,95 g/ tree) 3 applications. The first after the fruit set stage. The two next: first during intensive vegetative growthand secondly after harvest. Strawberries 2,2 κιλά-2,5 kg/acre 3 applications. The first before the "white boo" stagebite' (before flowering). The next two: firstduring fruit development and after harvest. - Vegetables 3,2 kg-4,0 kg/acre 2-3 applications. The first in 4-6 leaf stage. The next two: during intensive vegetative growth. Flowers 2,8 kg-3,2 kg/acre 2-3 applications. The first in 4-6 leaf stage. Storage instructions: Use: Recommended for ground application and fertilization in the most difficult soil conditions. The stability of the product allows its use in soils with a pH that exceeds the level of 7. Trademark Fe HBED 7% e HBED 7% Chelating agent HBED helating agent HBED ETC 1(C)(II)(a): SIMPLE INORGANIC MICRO-NUTRIENT FERTILIZER Mineral fertilizer CLP 1 (C) (II) (a). Typology: Micronutrient fertilizer elements in the form of a chelate complex. KSY 1: Substances and mixtures of virgin material suitable for use in organic farming, according to the requirements of EU Regulation 848/2018 & 1165/2021

PAGE 22 It’s not a plant protec on product Free-phone: 800 11 820 820 +30 2310 553354-7, [email protected] since 1976 B35 Industrial Area of Sindos, SQ20, -55, 57022, Thessaloniki NitroFarm NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System NITROFER contains iron chelate in the form of Fe-EDDHA which is immediately absorbed and is completely assimilable by plants. Iron deficiency (yellowing) occurs in soils with high calcium concentration, high soil moisture and an excess of other elements. Its guaranteed composition gives excellent results: Restores chlorotic cachectic plants to their normal growth rate. Gives vivid green plants. Fruits and flowers with intense color that can withstand processing and maintenance. Guaranteed composition: Iron chelate EDDHA: Fe 6% w / w Instructions for use: Doses depend on the size and growth of the plants, the intensity of the chlorination and the composition of the soil. Large doses are for highly developed plants, for severe chlorination (yellowing) and for heavy impermeable soils. Small doses are for small plants, light chlorination or for preventive applications and for very permeable soils, which require a lot of watering. In these soils, instead of one application, it is recommended to make 3 or even 4 consecutive applications during the year combined with irrigation. Recommended uses and doses: Vines: 5 g / plant at planting or 20-50 g / stem with about 10 kg of water in a developed crop. Nuts: Peaches, Apricots: 50-150 gr / tree with 10-15 kg of water. Apples: Pears and Apples: 100-300 gr / tree with 10-15 kg of water. Citrus: Small: 50-100 gr / tree. Large: 150-250 gr / tree. The application is done with 10-25 liters of water and immediate integration. Tree nurseries: Generally 5-8 g / seedling with 10-25 liters of water and immediate integration. Ornamental-Floricultural: In pots (Gardenia, Chrysanthemums, Begonia etc.) in already moist soil pour NITROFER solution 1 g / kg water. In Hydrangea 5 g / kg of water. In severe infestation repeat after 8 days. In roses: 3-5 g / plant or 10-20 g / m2, universal. In ornamental shrubs: (azaleas, rhododendrons, hydrangeas): 10-20 g / plant, with watering water. In ornamental trees: 50-100 gr. / Plant similarly. Large crop: Peanuts: Foliar sprays with 5% NITROFER solution in an amount of 30 liters of water / acre. 1-2 sprinkles. Vegetables: root waterings with 50-100 gr. 2% solution (2 g per kilogram of water), to each root, before watering. For universal application: (on the whole surface) an average dose of 5 g / sq. Is recommended. measure of land area. How to apply: Distribute the dose so as to benefit the entire root system of the plants, eg: Dissolve the dose in 10-15 kg of water. In case of universal application, apply the necessary NITROFER dissolved, either in a groove-in linear plantations-on both sides of each line, or on the whole surface. Cover immediately with a harrow or other means and water. On the vines that are being cleared, apply NITROFER, in the pits just before the leveling of the vineyard. Application to the foliage is recommended only in exceptional cases and after a test application on a small scale: 50-100 g / 100 kg of water (no more, especially in chlorinated plants). You will have the best results when the first application is made at the beginning of the vegetation (in the fruit trees after flowering). Not suitable for chlorine sensitive crops. Time of application: On woody plants apply NITROFER at the end of winter to benefit the plants in full from its presence. In heavy soils earlier. In deciduous trees, be sure to mark the trees suffering from iron deficiency from the previous year (yellow foliage). Compatibility: NITROFER Fe EDDHA 6%, ORTHO-ORTHO 2 can be mixed with all common preparations. It is recommended to do a small test of the mixture for better safety. Storage conditions: In its original packaging away from sun and humidity in a well ventilated area, and at a temperature of up to 35oC. suitable for use in organic farming, according to the requirements of EU Regulation 848/2018 & 1165/2021

PAGE 23 Free-phone: 800 11 820 820 +30 2310 553354-7, [email protected] since 1976 B35 Industrial Area of Sindos, SQ20, -55, 57022, Thessaloniki NitroFarm NitroFarm SA NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System nd ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System It is not a plant protec on product t is not a plant protec on product NEW Liquid organic nitrogen (N) fertilizer Liquid yeast extract containing brown algae suitable for use in organic farming, according to the requirements of Regulations EC 848/2018& 1165/2021 Substance helping the development of plants according to YA 217217/2004 COMPOSISTION (W/W) - (W/V): Total nitrogen (N): 1% (w/w) - 1% (w/v), Organic nitrogen (N): 1% (w/w) - 1% (w/v) Organic carbon (C): 10% (w/w) - 10% (w/v) Organic substance with molecular weight nominal: <50 kDa 30 % pH= 6.0 Characteristics: =An all-natural biostimulant based on Ascophyllum Nodosum with a high carrier action obtained by a unique low-temperature extraction process. =The phytohormones it contains promote cell division and relaxation and improve the plant's ability to resist abiotic stresses. Doses and methods of use:CROPS CEREALS: Foliar: 200-300ml/hl. Fertigation: 20-30lit/ha ORNAMENTALS: Foliar: 100-200ml/hl. Fertigation: 10-20lit/ha FORAGE: Foliar: 100-200ml/hl. Fertigation: 10-20lit/ha FRUITS: Foliar: 200-300ml/hl. Fertigation: 20-30lit/ha INDUSTRIAL: Foliar: 100-200ml/hl. Fertigation: 10-20lit/ha HORTICULTURAL: Διαφυλλικά: 100-200ml/hl. Fertigation: 10-20lit/ha The product is not classified as dangerous pursuant to the provisions of Regulation (EU) 1272/2008 (CLP) (and subsequent amendments and adjustments). WARNINGS: =Store in a dry place away from heat sources. =Keep away of reach of children and animals. DO NOT MIX WITH COPPER, SULFUR AND MINERAL OIL BASED PRODUCTS. ALGA

It’s not a plant protec on product EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTOR: since 1976 NitroFarm Member of: PAGE 24

In case of combination, follow the instructionsare indicated on the label of the respective plant protection product. PAGE 25 EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTOR: since 1976 NitroFarm Member of:

PAGE 26 COMPOSITION (W/W) - (W/V): Dry matter: 4.3% (w/w) - 4.5% (w/v), Οrganic nitrogen (N): 1.4% (w/w) - 1.5% (w/v), Οrganic carbon (C) on dry weight: 18% (w/w) - 19% (w/v), Potassium oxide (Κ Ο) on dry weight: 22% (w/w) - 23% (w/v), 2 Sulfur trioxide (SO ) on dry weight: 5.0% (w/w) - 5.2% (w/v), 3 Glycine Beatiane on dry weight: 11.5% (w/w) - 12% (w/v) Ιsopentenyladenine: 0.06 mg/Kg NEW Free-phone: 800 11 820 820 +30 2310 553354-7, [email protected] since 1976 B35 Industrial Area of Sindos, SQ20, -55, 57022, Thessaloniki NitroFarm NitroFarm SA NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System nd ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System It is not a plant protec on product t is not a plant protec on product Substance helping the development of plants according to YA 217217/2004 suitable for use in organic farming, according to the requirements of Regulations EC 848/2018& 1165/2021 Doses and methods of use:CROPS CEREALS: Foliar: 200-300ml/hl. Fertigation: 5-10lit/ha FORAGE: Foliar: 200-300ml/hl. Fertigation: 5-10lit/ha FRUITS: Foliar: 200-300ml/hl. Fertigation: 5-10lit/ha INDUSTRIAL: Foliar: 200-300ml/hl. Fertigation: 5-10lit/ha HORTICULTURAL: Foliar: 200-300ml/hl. Fertigation: 5-10lit/ha The product is not classified as dangerous pursuant to the provisions of Regulation (EU) 1272/2008 (CLP) (and subsequent amendments and adjustments). WARNINGS: =Store in a dry place away from heat sources. =Keep away of reach of children and animals. DO NOT MIX WITH COPPER, SULFUR AND MINERAL OIL BASED PRODUCTS. Fluid organic nitrogen fertiliser N Acid extract of algae of the 'Fucales' family Characteristics: =ASCOCKLONIA is a natural concentrated extract of Ecklonia Maxima and Ascophyllum Nodosum. =The mechanical process of cold micronization, which does not use heat or chemicals, ensures high quality. =ASCOCKLONIA contains a high concentration of amino acids, auxin-like phytohormones, carbohydrates, and vitamins, which provide plant benets such as increased resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses and increased production potential. =It can be applied by foliar application or fertigation at various stages of the plant cycle:. =ASCOCKLONIA promotes the formation of roots, the distension of oral organs and the increase of their dry matter weight.

PAGE 27 100% Water Soluble Our manufacturing process allows us to produce a superior granular product that delivers all the benefits without binfers, fillers or the mess, 100% Water Soluble Designed for Foliar Application with: Due to it's small size/weight, it can more easily enter the cells of plants. It acts as a natural chelating agent binding to nutrients to create Fulvic Acid rich, nutrient complexes. These complexes are then easily absorbed by the plants' leaves, effectively increasing the plants' uptake of nutrients. It also helps plants absorb needed nutrients that are otherwise inaccessible. In combination with fertilization and other foliar applications, it allows you to improve the efficiency of products being applied to the foliage. Free-phone: 800 11 820 820 +30 2310 553354-7, [email protected] since 1976 B35 Industrial Area of Sindos, SQ20, -55, 57022, Thessaloniki NitroFarm NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System DOSAGE: 10 liters per acre It’s not a plant protec on product DOSAGE: 2 Kg per 1 acre DOSAGE: 2 Kg per 1 acre suitable for use in organic farming, according to the requirements of Regulations EC 848/2018& 1165/2021

PROTEIN RICH PRODUCT, AMINO ACIDS AND ORGANIC SUBSTANCE. DYNA Auxiliary substance for plant growth MINE according to ΥΑ 217217/2004 pH 6-7 General Dosage: Application in soil. Dose 1-2 liters per acre through irrigation water. Foliar: With a dose of 100-250cm. per 100 liters of water. Compatibility: Combines with most organic and inorganic fertilizers. It is also combined with most plant protection products. Avoid alkaline reactions. Storage conditions: Store in a dry and cool place.Shake well before use. Used in arboriculture, for Nuts (Peaches, nectarines, apricots, cherries), Apples (apples, pears), Citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, tangerines), Almonds, Peanuts, Peanuts, K, Cotton, Potatoes, Strawberries, Tomatoes, table and industrial, in Greenhouse crops, outdoor vegetables, Alfalfa-Clover. Components Free amino acids Total Nitrogen (Ν) Organic substance % w/w 22,0 2,0 21,0 Composition: PACKAGING: 250ml / 1LT / 2LT / 5LT / 10LT / 20LT Free-phone: 800 11 820 820 +30 2310 553354-7, [email protected] since 1976 B35 Industrial Area of Sindos, SQ20, -55, 57022, Thessaloniki NitroFarm NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System Product suitable for all crops applied bythe soil but also foliar. Contains proteins and amino acidswhich increase the absorption of Nutrients,their movement inside the plant and their rapid assimilation. =In arboriculture, a spring application at the beginning of vegetation, an application after fruit set, and an application before the fruit growth stage, with 100-150cc / 100 liters of water. =In horticultural and greenhouse crops, one application 20-30 days after planting, and a second application after one month, with 100cc / acre. =In cotton at the beginning of cultivation, and after flowering, with 100cc / acre. PAGE 28 It’s not a plant protec on product Free aminoacids 22% w/w Aspartic acid 0.08, - Gamma-aminobutyric acid 0.05 Glutamic acid 21.61 - Alanine 0.06 - Arginine 0.10 Phenylalanine 0.10 - Glycine 0.05 - Hydroxyprolin 0.05 Histidine 0.10 - Isoleucine 0.08 - Leucine 0.08 - Lysine 0.09 Methionine 0.09 - Proline 0.07 - Serine 0.07 - Tyrosine 0.1 Threonine 0.07 - Tryptophan 0.05 - Valine 0.07 Total free aminoacids 21.51 Aminogram

PAGE 29 Formula on with high value organic ma er. The organic nitrogen, potassium, amino acids and vitamins it contains improve the structure, physical and chemical proper es of the soil and soil microbial ac vity. For applica on in soil with root irriga on (and drip) in all crops. Guaranteed composi on: Organic nitrogen (N): 3.0-5.0% w / w Potassium (as K2O): 3.0-5.0% w / w Organic substance: 60-62% w / w It also contains: Amino acids: 3% w / w (Aspar c acid, Glutamic acid, Tyrosine, γ-Aminobutyric acid, Alanine, Serine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Valine, Glycine, Threonine, Methionine, Lysine, Proline, Cysteine, His dine, Arginine). Vitamins: 5.7 gr / kg - Bio n (vitamin H), Folic acid (vitamin B9), Inositol, Calcium pantothenate (vitamin B5), Pyridoxine (vitamin B6), Riboflavin (vitamin B2), Thiamine, Nico nic acid. Trace elements: 0.26 gr / kg Iron, Zinc, Manganese, Copper, Cobalt. Specific gravity: 1.31, pH: 6.4 ± 0.5 For applica on in soil with root irriga on (and drip) in all crops. Its rich nutrients help: In the early stages of growth, during flowering, in the filling of the fruit, it raises the sugars and color in the fruits, and finally in the produc on of quality fruits that can withstand the shelf a er harvest. Apply by root watering: During the first waterings of the growing season or in annual crops before or a er transplan ng or germina on At the beginning of flowering When filling the fruits And when the color of the fruits changes. Dose: 12-24 liters per acre in a growing season If a total of 4 applica ons are made then the dose in each opera on is: 3-6 liters per acre per applica on. ATTENTION: It is not combined with products that have very acidic chemical compounds and with sulfide or copper prepara ons. Store the product in ven lated, cool and dry places, temperature between + 5 ° C to + 35 ° C, away from heat / igni on sources. It must also be protected from sunlight. Packages: 1LT / 5LT / 10LT / 20LT Auxiliary substance for plant growth Free-phone: 800 11 820 820 +30 2310 553354-7, [email protected] since 1976 B35 Industrial Area of Sindos, SQ20, -55, 57022, Thessaloniki NitroFarm NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System It’s not a plant protec on product suitable for use in organic farming, according to the requirements of Regulations EC 848/2018& 1165/2021

PAGE 30 INFERNO is a liquid soil condi oner. COMPOSITION: 1.7% (N), 0.6% (Cu), 1.7% C. Method of Prepara on of Solu on: In 50 liters of water, add 1lit INFERNO. How to Apply: A er the trees have been thoroughly peeled off, root watering should be done at 5-10 kg per tree with the INFERNO solu on. In the 1,000 liters of INFERNO solu on, 100-200 trees can be rooted. The amount per tree depends on the growth of the tree and the way the orchard is planted. The applica on can also be done through a drip irriga on system. It is recommended to spray 3-4 foliage with PHOSTRICK Zn every 20-25 days, star ng from the stage when the tree has formed the first normal size leaves. Applica on me: According to the weather condi ons and whenever deemed necessary by the local agronomist. AVAILABLE ONLY FOR ROOTING. Packages: 1LT / 5LT / 20LT Free-phone: 800 11 820 820 +30 2310 553354-7, [email protected] since 1976 B35 Industrial Area of Sindos, SQ20, -55, 57022, Thessaloniki NitroFarm NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System It’s not a plant protec on product Auxiliary substance for plant growth

It is not a plant protec on product t is not a plant protec on product PAGE 31 Characteristics: =KELPOWER is a natural concentrated extract of Ecklonia Maxima brown seaweed from the west coast of South Africa. =Mechanical cold micronization process, which does not use heat or chemicals, ensures high quality. =KELPOWER contains a high concentration of auxin-like amino acids, phytohormones, carbohydrates and vitamins, which provide benefits to plants such as increased resistance to biotic and abiotic stress and increased production potential. It can be applied by foliar application or fertilization at the various stages of the plant cycle. =KELPOWER promotes the formation of roots, the elongation of floral organs and the increase in the weight of fruits in dry matter. COMPOSITION (W/W) - (W/V): Organic nitrogen (N): 1% (w/w) - 1.05% (w/v) Organic carbon (C): 10% (w/w) - 10.05% (w/v) Organic substance with nominal molecular weight: <50 kDa 30 % Liquid organic nitrogen (N) fertilizer Liquid yeast extract containing brown algae suitable for use in organic farming, according to the requirements of Regulations EC 848/2018& 1165/2021 Substance helping the development of plants according to YA 217217/2004 Free-phone: 800 11 820 820 +30 2310 553354-7, [email protected] since 1976 B35 Industrial Area of Sindos, SQ20, -55, 57022, Thessaloniki NitroFarm NitroFarm SA NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System nd ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System NEW Doses and methods of use:CULTURES CEREALS: Foliar: 300-400ml/hl. Fertigation: 5-10lit/ha ORNAMENTALS: Foliar: 300-400ml/hl. Fertigation: 5-10lit/ha PASTURE: Foliage: 300-400ml/hl. Fertigation: 5-10lit/ha FRUITS: Leafy: 300-400ml/hl. Fertigation: 5-10lit/ha INDUSTRIAL: Foliar: 300-400ml/hl. Fertigation: 5-10lit/ha HORTICULTURAL: Foliar: 300-400ml/hl. Fertigation: 5-10lit/ha The product is not classified as dangerous according to the provisions of Regulation (EC) 1272/2008 (CLP) (and subsequent amendments and adaptations). WARNINGS: =Stored in a dry place away from heat sources. =Hold on away from children and animals. DO NOT MIX WITH COPPER, SULFUR AND MINERAL OIL BASED PRODUCTS.

PAGE 32 Magistrate agistrate EC FERTILIZER C FERTILIZER It’s not a t’s not a plant protec on product lant protec on product It’s not a NEW Free-phone: 800 11 820 820 +30 2310 553354-7, [email protected] since 1976 B35 Industrial Area of Sindos, SQ20, -55, 57022, Thessaloniki NitroFarm NitroFarm SA itroFarm SAis certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System nd ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Foliar fertilizer with Magnesium, Molybdenum & Sulphur Magnesium Sulphate fertiliser solution with added Molybdenum formulated to ensure rapid uptake Balanced composition to support photosynthesis and protein production Incorporating R100 technology (Patent No 2522065) to increase nutrient uptake and boost cytokinin levels in tissues with resulting increased cell division and growth Magnesium ensures optimal enzyme activity for protein synthesis, as well as having a role in aiding phosphate and nitrogen metabolism and energy transfer. Molybdenum is important for grain set and embryo maintenance involved in enzyme functions associated with nitrogen and sulphur metabolism. Storage and disposal: Keep away from food, drink and animal feeding stuffs. Keep out of reach of children. Wash out container thoroughly, and dispose of safely. Do not re-use container for any purpose. All values given as W/W %, for W/V % or g/L please refer to product literature or contact the supplier. Magistrate is a Magnesium Sulphate Fertiliser Solution with added Molybdenum. Water-soluble Magnesium Oxide (MgO) as Magnesium Sulphate 6.1 % (3.7 Mg) Water-soluble Sulphur Trioxide (SO 3 ) 12.1 % (4.8 S) Water-soluble Molybdenum (Mo) as Sodium Molybdate 0.50 % Crop Dose Rate Cereals 2.5 -3.5 l/ha as a bittersaltz alternative OSR Proleaf Boron 1.35 + Magistrate 2.0 l/ha to provide B, Mo, Mg, S Beans 2.5 – 5.0 l/ha Apply at a rate of 2.5 – 5.0 l/ha in a minimum of 100 l/ha of water. For further recommendations, please consult your supplier. To be used only where there is a recognised need. Do not exceed recommended application rate. Application Rates

Increases the absorption of nutrients and combats abiotic stress PAGE 33 Description: STATUS is the only official bioactivator patented and approved in Europe with CE that combines the agent MTU and pidolic acid and contributes to the increase of chlorophyll. STATUS contains 2 g/l MTU (1-(2-methoxyethyl)-3-(1,2,3-thiadiazol-5-yl)urea) & 320 g/l pidolic acid. The MTU factor stimulates photosystem I, increasing the concentration of chlorophyll and other pigments in the chloroplasts. This improves resistance to abiotic stress, green leaf retention and biosynthesis of digestible elements. Pidolic acid enhances nitrogen assimilation. This combination enhances the efficiency and quality of production. Instructions for use: Status is applied foliarly with a general dosage of 0.2-0.25 lt/10 acres, up to 2 applications. Suitable for all crops: Vegetables, Leafy vegetables, Sea anemone, Stone fruits, Eggplants, Citrus fruits, Cereals, Rape, Maize, Grass. Time of application: At the stage of plant growth and at fruit set. VOLUME OF WATER: 100-300 liters of water per acre. Compatibility: Follow the instructions for mixing the crop protection product. Status must always be added to the spray can First. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL CONDITIONS: Keep locked up, out of reach of children. Dispose of contents and container in accordance with national waste disposal legislation. Store away from sunlight in a cool and dry place. STATUS It’s not a plant protec on product Free-phone: 800 11 820 820 +30 2310 553354-7, [email protected] since 1976 B35 Industrial Area of Sindos, SQ20, -55, 57022, Thessaloniki NitroFarm NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System Plant growth regulator Plant growth regulator according to YA 217217/2004 ccording to YA 217217/2004

PAGE 34 TANALIA NEW PRODUCT EC FERTILIZER TANALIA is a product that helps the growth and development of plants. Contains tannins (high molecular weight polyphenols), which are derived from plant extracts Castanea and Schinopsis sp. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: Dissolve a certain amount of product to the aqueous solution and mix until completely diluted. APPLICATION: With fertigation: Dose: 10-20 L/ha. Number of applications: 3\4 applications. Solution concentration: 1 -2 ‰. Interval time between applications: 14/21 days. Time of application: =1st application 7 days after transplantation date. =2nd application 14/21 days from 1st application. =3rd application 14/21 days from 2nd application. =4th application 14/21 days from 3rd application. Foliar fertilization: Dose: 20 L/ha. Number of applications: 3 applications. Water volume: 800-1000 l/ha. Time between applications: 20 days. Time of application: =1st application 10 days after sowing date. =2nd application 20 days after 1st application. =3rd application 20 days after 2nd application. CROPS: Solanaceous (tomato, potato, pepper, melzana, etc.), Cucurbits (pumpkin, cucumber, watermelon, melon, etc.), Anemones, Vine, Strawberry, Tobacco, Leafy (lettuce, spinach etc.), Carrot, Fruit trees Free-phone: 800 11 820 820 +30 2310 553354-7, [email protected] since 1976 B35 Industrial Area of Sindos, SQ20, -55, 57022, Thessaloniki NitroFarm NitroFarm SA NitroFarm SAis certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Composition: Tannin content: Min 36% (ISO 14088) Dry matter: Min 46% Density: 1.24 g/cm3 pH (1% sol.): 3.10 - 3.80 Organic carbon: 20.00 - 22.00 % It’s not a plant protec on product =The chemical structure of tannins allows proteins to precipitate forming insoluble complexes, neutralizing thereby inhibiting enzymes for plant growth and health. =They also have the ability to transform elements such as iron in chelated form. This characteristic of tannins has a double benefit for the plants, on the one hand it offers the plants the iron in an assimilable form and on the other hand prevents it growth of pathogens due to their iron deprivation. =Strengthens and disinfects the soil in the rhizosphere by promoting root growth and health. =Promotes metabolic activity resulting in increasing fruit size and quality. =Increases plant resistance in situations stress from abiotic and biotic factors.

METHOD AND TIME OF APPLICATION, CROPS: ICCZn++ is applied to all crops such as vegetables, strawberries, potatoes, legumes, arable crops, fruits, nuts, citrus fruits, kiwis, vines, olives, pomegranates, ornaments, lawns, preventive or therapeutic during growth. Creates a homogeneous (without agglomerates) and stable aqueous solution. It is applied by hydro-lubrication or by spraying foliage (foliar), with universal and uniform wetting to runoff. DOSAGE: Foliage: 50-150ml ICCZn++ per 100 liters of water, depending on the needs of each crop. Hydrofertilization: 200-400ml per acre. Duplicate applications may be required. Avoid overdosing. COMBINITY: Combines / mixes with most agrochemicals, but not with phosetyl-Al. STORAGE CONDITIONS: Store in the package, at temperatures above -4° C, in a closed warehouse, protected from extreme temperatures, fire and humidity. PAGE 35 FOR HEALTHY, ALIVE AND DURABLE PLANTS IN CONDITIONAL CONDITIONS Composistion (w/v): 01 Water Soluble Copper ++ (Cu ): 5% min CUSO -5H O 4 2 02 Water soluble Zinc ++ (Zn ): 1,1% min ZnSO -H O 4 2 ICCZn++ is a liquid fertilizer of two important trace elements, copper and zinc. Due to the ionic form of its components, it penetrates quickly into the plant tissues when sprayed on foliage, correcting nutritional deficiencies and strengthening the plant's defense and endurance. The special technology of ICCZn++ allows the ions of its nutrients to remain stable and bioactive until they are completely absorbed by the plant. ICCZn++ is used to prevent and treat nutritional deficiencies (deficiency) of copper and zinc in plants by significantly increasing their concentration within a few days of its application. It does not soil or paint the plants and the organs that are sprayed. ICCZn++ increases the production of chlorophyll, plant hormones and enzymes important for plant metabolism while intensifying the photosynthesis and production of substances for nutrition of flowers, fruits, roots and all plant organs, thus increasing production. In addition, ICCZn++ strengthens cell membranes, improves plant resistance to heat stress and increased soil salinity, improves the absorption of water and other nutrients while enhancing the activity of plant defense mechanisms, thus contributing to the rapid and unimpeded growth / plant growth and their endurance. ICCZn++ creates a homogeneous and stable aqueous solution. It is applied with universal and uniform foliage spray until runoff. Foliar application should be done at a time of day that does not favor rapid evaporation of the spray solution. It can also be applied through the soil with water lubrication. The application of the preparation should be done after the advice of an agronomist. Trace element fertilizer in ionic form Trace element fertilizer in ionic form PACKAGE: 1LT EC FERTILIZER Free-phone: 800 11 820 820 +30 2310 553354-7, [email protected] since 1976 B35 Industrial Area of Sindos, SQ20, -55, 57022, Thessaloniki NitroFarm NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System It’s not a plant protec on product ICCZn++ "The present preparation certified by Institute of Ecology Agriculture DIO for use in Organic Agriculture " suitable for use in organic farming, according with the requirements of Reg. EC 848/2018 & 1165/2021

Διανομέας: ΒΙ.ΠΕ. Σίνδου, Α΄ Φάση, ΟΤ20, Κ35-55, 57022, Θεσσαλονίκη, Free-phone: 800 11 820 820, Τηλ.: 2310 553354-7, Φαξ: 2310 545235, e-mail: [email protected], url: από το 1976 NitroFarm κατάλληλο για χρήση στη κατάλληλο για χρήση στη βιολογική γεωργία, σύμφωνα βιολογική γεωργία, σύμφωνα με τις απαιτήσεις των με τις απαιτήσεις των Καν. ΕΚ 848/2018 & 1165/2021 Καν. ΕΚ 848/2018 & 1165/2021 κατάλληλο για χρήση στη βιολογική γεωργία, σύμφωνα με τις απαιτήσεις των Καν. ΕΚ 848/2018 & 1165/2021 IonFe++ IonFe++ PAGE 36 TECHNOLOGY CANADA PACKAGE: 1LT EC FERTILIZER Free-phone: 800 11 820 820 +30 2310 553354-7, [email protected] since 1976 B35 Industrial Area of Sindos, SQ20, -55, 57022, Thessaloniki NitroFarm NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System It’s not a plant protec on product IRON FERTILIZER RON FERTILIZER IONIC IRON IONIC IRON Water Soluble Ionic Iron Water Soluble Sulphur Composition (w/v): IonFe++ PROPERTIES IonFe++ is a liquid and acid reaction formulation of concentrated iron sulfate heptahydrate in hydrated ionic form. Its innovative technology allows iron ions to remain stable and bioactive until fully absorbed by plant tissues. The main feature of IonFe++ is its good penetrating ability, when sprayed on the foliage of plants (foliage), directly and significantly increasing the iron content of plants. It does not soil or paint the plants that are sprayed. IonFe++ is used to prevent and treat iron deficiency in plants, known as mesoneurial chlorosis. It is common in alkaline and calcareous soils with high pH (pH> 7.5), in very acidic and very light, sandy soils or in soils very poor in organic matter. It is manifested by chlorination (yellowing) of the leaves, initially of the new leaves at the top of the shoots, especially with the rise of temperature. Chlorination is due to the inability to synthesize chlorophyll from the leaves, resulting in reduced growth and low crop yields. With the use of IonFe++, iron is administered immediately, the production of chlorophyll is activated and photosynthesis is intensified. If symptoms of malnutrition have already occurred, the IonFe++ will green the color of the older chlorotic leaves, while new leaves that will develop after its foliar application will not be chlorotic. METHOD AND TIME OF APPLICATION, CROPS IonFe++ applies to all crops such as vegetables, strawberries, potatoes, legumes, arable crops, fruits, nuts, citrus fruits, kiwis, vines, olives, pomegranates, ornamentals, lawns, preventive or therapeutic growth. Creates a homogeneous (without agglomerates) and stable aqueous solution. It is applied by hydrolubrication or by spraying foliage (foliar), with universal and uniform wetting to runoff. DOSAGE Foliage: 100-200ml per 100 liters of water, depending on the needs of each crop. Hydro-fertilization: 200-400ml IonFe++ per acre. Duplicate applications may be required. Avoid overdosing. COMBINITY Combines / mixes with most agrochemicals. Not combined with fosetyl-Al and chlorpyrifos. STORAGE CONDITIONS Store in its packaging, at a temperature of -40C, in a closed warehouse, protected from extreme temperatures, fire and humidity. suitable for use in organic farming, according to with the requirements of Regulations EU 848/2018 & 1165/2021

Διανομέας: ΒΙ.ΠΕ. Σίνδου, Α΄ Φάση, ΟΤ20, Κ35-55, 57022, Θεσσαλονίκη, Free-phone: 800 11 820 820, Τηλ.: 2310 553354-7, Φαξ: 2310 545235, e-mail: [email protected], url: από το 1976 NitroFarm κατάλληλο για χρήση στη κατάλληλο για χρήση στη βιολογική γεωργία, σύμφωνα βιολογική γεωργία, σύμφωνα με τις απαιτήσεις των με τις απαιτήσεις των Καν. ΕΚ 848/2018 & 1165/2021 Καν. ΕΚ 848/2018 & 1165/2021 κατάλληλο για χρήση στη βιολογική γεωργία, σύμφωνα με τις απαιτήσεις των Καν. ΕΚ 848/2018 & 1165/2021 IonMn++ PAGE 37 PACKAGE: 1LT Free-phone: 800 11 820 820 +30 2310 553354-7, [email protected] since 1976 B35 Industrial Area of Sindos, SQ20, -55, 57022, Thessaloniki NitroFarm NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System It’s not a plant protec on product MANGANESE FERTILIZER ANGANESE FERTILIZER IONIC MANGANESE IONIC MANGANESE EC FERTILIZER TECHNOLOGY CANADA Composition (w/v): Water Soluble Ionic Manganese Water Soluble Sulphur PROPERTIES IonMn++ is a liquid and acid reaction formulation of concentrated manganese sulfate monohydrate in hydrated ionic form. Its innovative technology allows manganese ions to remain stable and bioactive until fully absorbed by plant tissues. The main feature of IonMn++ is its good penetrating ability, when sprayed on the foliage of plants (foliage). It is very effective, immediately and significantly increasing the manganese content of plants, while it does not soil or stain plants and organs that are sprayed. IonMn++ is used to prevent and treat manganese deficiency in plants. It is common in alkaline and calcareous soils with neutral or high pH (pH> 7.0) in calcareous soils with high content of peat organic matter as well as in soils acidic and slightly due to leaching. It is manifested by vague mesoneurial chlorination initially of the new leaves at the top of the shoots. Gradually the chlorotic tissue in the leaves turns brown while dark mesoneurial spots or bands appear. Manganese is a component of enzymes that regulate chlorophyll production and is also a building block of chloroplasts. Its lack leads to a reduced rate of photosynthesis and reduced growth and production of plants. IonMn++ directly gives manganese to plants, which activates the production of chlorophyll, treats chlorination and intensifies photosynthesis. If symptoms of malnutrition have already occurred, the leaves that will develop after its foliar application will not be chlorotic. Mangan-ion will also correct chlorination on old leaves. METHOD AND TIME OF APPLICATION, CROPS IonMn++ is applied to all crops such as vegetables, strawberries, potatoes, legumes, arable crops, fruits, nuts, citrus fruits, kiwis, vines, olives, pomegranates, ornamentals, lawns, preventive or therapeutic. Creates a homogeneous (without agglomerates) and stable aqueous solution. It is applied by hydro-lubrication or by spraying foliage (foliar), with universal and uniform wetting to runoff. DOSAGE Foliage: 50-100ml IonMn++ per 100 liters of water, depending on the needs of each crop. Hydrofertilization: 100-200ml per acre. Duplicate applications may be required. Avoid overdosing. COMBINITY Combines / mixes with most agrochemicals, but not with phosetyl-Al and chlorpyrifos. STORAGE CONDITIONS Store in its package at temperatures above -4 0C, in a closed warehouse, protected from extreme temperatures, fire and humidity. IonMn++ IonMn++ suitable for use in organic farming, according to with the requirements of Regulations EU 848/2018 & 1165/2021

Διανομέας: ΒΙ.ΠΕ. Σίνδου, Α΄ Φάση, ΟΤ20, Κ35-55, 57022, Θεσσαλονίκη, Free-phone: 800 11 820 820, Τηλ.: 2310 553354-7, Φαξ: 2310 545235, e-mail: [email protected], url: από το 1976 NitroFarm IonZn++ PAGE 38 TECHNOLOGY CANADA EC FERTILIZER Free-phone: 800 11 820 820 +30 2310 553354-7, [email protected] since 1976 B35 Industrial Area of Sindos, SQ20, -55, 57022, Thessaloniki NitroFarm NitroFarm SA is certified with ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System It’s not a plant protec on product PACKAGE: 1LT ZINC FERTILIZER ZINC FERTILIZER Composition (w/v): IONIC ZINC ONIC ZINC Water Soluble Sulphur Water Soluble Ionic Manganese PROPERTIES IonZn++ is a liquid and acidic reaction formulation of concentrated zinc sulfate monohydrate in hydrated ionic form. Its innovative technology allows zinc ions to remain stable and bioactive until fully absorbed by plant tissues. The main feature of IonZn++ is its good penetrating ability when sprayed with foliage. It is very effective, directly and significantly increasing the zinc content of plants, while it does not soil or stain the plants and organs that are sprayed. IonZn++ is used to prevent and treat zinc deficiency in plants. It is common in alkaline and calcareous soils with high pH, in calcareous soils with high content of organic matter as well as in soils resulting from rocks poor in zinc. Almost half of the world's soils suffer from zinc deficiency and this element has been recognized as the most critical and deficient for plants, causing serious losses in production. Zinc is essential in plants for the production of growth hormones and the growth of the internodes. It is a structural component of enzymes that regulate metabolism and is important for the synthesis of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids. Zinc deficiency is manifested several times with light green, yellow or white discoloration between the nerves that starts from the middle leaves and from dwarfism of plants and leaves and deformation of the fruits. In many cases of borderline deficiency, however, the quality and quantity of production may be reduced due to latent zinc deficiency without obvious symptoms. IonZn++ provides zinc to plants quickly and efficiently, allowing them to regain normal growth and growth. METHOD AND TIME OF APPLICATION, CROPS IonZn++ is applied to all crops such as vegetables, strawberries, potatoes, legumes, arable crops, fruits, nuts, citrus fruits, kiwis, vines, olives, pomegranates, ornaments, lawns, preventive or therapeutic during growth. Creates a homogeneous (without agglomerates) and stable aqueous solution. It is applied by hydro-lubrication or by spraying foliage (foliar), with universal and uniform wetting to runoff. DOSAGE Foliage: 50-100ml IonZn++ per 100 liters of water, depending on the needs of each crop. Hydrofertilization: 100-200ml Zion per acre. Duplicate applications may be required. Avoid exceeding the recommended doses. COMBINITY Combines / mixes with most agrochemicals, but not with phosetyl-Al and chlorpyrifos. STORAGE CONDITIONS Store in its packaging, at temperatures above -40C, in a closed warehouse, protected from extreme temperatures, fire and humidity. IonZn++ suitable for use in organic farming, according to with the requirements of Regulations EU 848/2018 & 1165/2021


PAGE 39 EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTOR: since 1976 NitroFarm Member of: It’s not a plant protec on product

PAGE 40 EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTOR: since 1976 NitroFarm Member of: In case of combination, follow the instructionsare indicated on the label of the respective plant protection product.

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