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Published by Own Ownyxz, 2016-10-21 03:07:33

ELTC Update - Issue 6

ELTC Update - Issue 6

Keywords: update


Issue 6 - June 2014


Editorial Board This sixth issue of eltcUPDATE presents 4 Director’s Note
not only the Malaysian Education Blueprint 5 RIELP
Chief Editor (PPPM) related initiatives and programmes 6 English Enhancement Programmes
Dr Razianna bt. Abdul Rahman but also a special feature on our Director, Dr. 8 New Courses
Ranjit Singh Gill, who is due to leave office for 10 Symposiums
Editors his retirement in January 2015. Since taking 12 Up, Close & Personal
Viloshini Baskaran over the directorship in July 2011, the Director 14 Programmes
Dr. Sivabala Naidu has been actively involved and has headed the 15 PRO-ELT
Dr. Jasvir Kaur planning and execution of the different English 16 ELTC in the International Community
Terry Yap Chee Keong language initiatives and programmes under 18 Subject Leadership, Trainer Training
the PPPM. 20 Snapshots
Photographer 22 Postgraduates Studies
Ahmad Radzi b. Mat Nawi In this special issue, the highlights will be on 23 Latest Publications
the development and implementation of
Graphic Designer various initiatives and programmes as well as
Mohammad Hidayat b. Hasan on ELTC activities and events from June 2013
to June 2014. It is my hope that this issue will
be a good read for all.

Thank you.
Chief Editor

3 three


Issue 6 - June 2014

Director’s Note

It is with mixed feelings that I pen my thoughts for this expectations to provide some of the best in-service
sixth issue of ELTC update as this is the final issue that professional development programmes such as the
will be produced with me at the helm of this centre. I am English Enhancement Program for Upper Secondary
pleased to note that, yet again, our team of editors have Schools, Pro-ELT and OPS-English for English language
managed to put in invaluable time to conceptualise, practitioners in the country. More recently we have
design and publish this annual magazine that serves to also engaged the School Improvement Specialist
disseminate news on the numerous programmes and Coaches (SISC+), English language panel heads from
initiatives that we undertake in addition to events and primary schools and lecturers from IPGMs to develop
activities at ELTC and our numerous visitors. collaborative solutions/interventions that may be
conducted via school-based CPD programmes and
As a centre for in-service teacher professional clinical supervision of beginning teachers.
development training, I believe that we have actively
established programmes that suit the diverse needs In ELTC, our philosophy is simple: we will continuously
of English language teachers in the country. On the offer ways to improve English language instruction
whole, this augurs well for the government’s agenda through programmes that are informed by current
to transform English language education in Malaysia. I research and data. It is this philosophy that will ensure
must add that the role that we play is a crucial cog in the that we remain as the leader in English language
wheel of the government’s education transformation teaching in Malaysia and perhaps, even become one
agenda as we continue to assist in the professional of the best English language training centres in this
development of English language practitioners in the region.

I must say that ELTC is blessed to have a team of Dr. Ranjit Singh Gill
highly dedicated staff who continue to serve beyond

four 4


Issue 6 - June 2014

Remedial Instruction for English
Language Programme (RIELP)

The Remedial Instruction for English Language Program RIELP is listed as an initiative in the Malaysian Educational
(RIELP) is a collaborative effort between the English Blueprint as one of a series of measures to help struggling
Language Teaching Centre and the American Embassy (remedial) students to meet the required proficiency
under the latter’s English Language Specialist (ELSPEC) levels, and prepare them for the new “compulsory-pass
and Senior English Language Fellow (SELF) programs. The 2016” English language subject paper.

Program Objectives To provide Remedial Instruction Module
(RIM) materials for a digital repository to be
To provide support to English language available to teachers
teachers working with remedial students

To develop a Remedial Instruction Module To provide training for a core of Master
(RIM) and support materials Trainers and SISC+ officers

Development and Training Activities

May – August 2013

September 2013 Introductory training by Specialist
– June 2014 Dr. Kay Davis and Andrew Tweed in
Kuala Lumpur and Kuching, Sarawak.
Based on the
stated needs of January 2014
various school Training of 32 teachers and 4 SISCs
districts that have in Kedah
a high proportion
March 2014
of remedial • A select group of English
students in the
classroom, several language teachers developed a
pilot remedial compilation of remedial activities
trainings were (exemplars) to be used as
models for teachers
conducted in • Observation visits to obtain
Kuala Lumpur, feedback on the implementation
Sarawak, Sabah, of the remedial instruction
materials & strategies in the
and Kedah. form of reflections & teacher
Feedback from classroom based observation
participants June 2014
helped guide the
development of
the final training


Completed RIM to be used in the
first phase of training of Master

5 five


Issue 6 - June 2014

English Enhancement Program for Upper
Secondary Schools

Several policy announcements were made related
to the teaching and learning of English in schools
at the launch of the Malaysia Education Blueprint
in September 2013. A key policy stipulates that
English will be a compulsory subject to pass for
the SPM examination from 2016. The “English
Enhancement Program for Secondary Schools” is
an initiative which supports this policy.

Strategies for Secondary Schools with High % Fail Rate

In Class Component Out of Class Component

1 2

≥ 23% Enhanced teaching and learning Additional school support

1,191 hotspot • Differentiated teaching and learning • OPS-Eglish 2.0
schools (LeapEd and ELTC): Methodology, (ELTC, Ko-Ku)
Pedagogy for Differentiated Instruction.

• Coaching & Mentoring (LeapEd & ELTC)
• Remedial Instruction (ELTC)

This program targets upper secondary school students in 1,191 “hotspot” schools, where the SPM failure rate for English
language exceeds 23%. ELTC has been tasked with putting in place, and implementing a support programme for teachers in
these ‘hotspot’ schools towards improving students’ English proficiency levels.

In-Class Component: Differentiated Teaching and Learning Program

The Differentiated Teaching and Learning Program has been co-developed by LeapEd Services and the English Language
Teaching Centre. Collaborations began in April 2014 and focused on the development of the module, the training structure,
and monitoring and evaluation of the programme. This component of the programme is curriculum-based and aims to equip
English language teachers in methodological and pedagogical strategies that support differentiation of students based on
their abilities.

six 6

| Issue 6 - June 2014

30 Master Trainers Master Trainer Training
IPG & ELTC Lecturers Phase 1:
Differentiated Teaching and Learning / Remedial Instruction (23 to 27 June)
will train Phase 2:
238 SISC+ Coaching and Mentoring / Remedial Instruction (11 to 15 August 2014)

will work with SISC+ Training
Heads of Panel / English
Phase 1: Differentiated Teaching and Learning (18 to 22 August 2014)
Language Teachers Phase 2: Coaching and Mentoring (8 to 12 September 2014).
Phase 3: Remedial Instruction (29 Sept to 3 October 2014)

School-based Professional Development
SISC+ have started working with Heads of Panel and English language teachers in schools
from September 2014.

Out of Class Component

While the In-Class Component focuses on teaching and learning in the classroom, the Out-Of Class Component focusses on
creating an engaging environment for learning and practicing the English language. This program has two components. The
English Development Programme (EDP) and the English Support Programme (ESP).

English Development Programme (EDP)

The EDP, which integrates Newspaper in Education (NiE), is seen as a powerful means of immersing students in the English
language as well as improving their proficiency in the language. The Ministry of Education Malaysia has worked collaboratively
with the New Straits Times (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd to introduce NiE into the language classrooms. This project was launched in
April 2014 and 60,000 copies of the New School Times are delivered weekly to 1,191 schools across the nation. A Training
of Trainers (ToT) component has also been developed to ensure the effective use of the New Schools Times in the language
classroom. ELTC and the NSTP will collaborate in training 320 Head of English Language Panel Heads to deliver this NiE
project in their respective schools.

English Support Programme (ESP)

The “English-In-Camp” is a major feature of the ESP. Recently, the 3-day CLICK! 4.0 Entrepreneurship Skills Camp was held
in Terengganu. This camp is an intensive, educational, interactive and highly impactful 3-day program which aims to provide
secondary students (age 14 – 16) with the opportunity to work together to develop social entrepreneurship projects and
learn skills necessary for teamwork, innovation, creativity and leadership. The camp was jointly organized by the Ministry
of Education Malaysia and the US Embassy. The participants included 104 students, 21 teachers and 21 Fulbright English
Teaching Assistants, 9 schools from Pahang and 10 schools from Terengganu. It culminated in a highly competitive pitching
competition, won by 3 schools from Pahang.

7 seven

| NEW COURSES Training A

Issue 6 - June 2014 Con
Intensive Course In English
Language Teaching (doing /
• The Intensive Course in English Language Teaching –Program Intervensi
Tambah Opsyen (ICELT-PITO), is part of the government’s agenda to strengthen Active
Non-Option English language teachers’ teaching and learning of pedagogy Experimentation
as envisaged in the Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025. The course is
expected to significantly reduce the number of non-option teachers in primary (planning / trying out
schools around the country. what you have learned)

• Objectives: Abs
- to raise participants’ awareness on TESL methodology Concept
- to equip participants’ with the knowledge, skills and ability to plan and
conduct play-based activities, performance-based assessment, and grammar (concludin
lessons based on the Meaning-Use-Form framework from the e

• 39 non-option primary school English language teachers from Perlis, Kedah, Kolb’s Experientia
Pulau Pinang and Perak have participated in this intensive 12-week course in 2
cohorts from 1 April 2013 to 24 May 2013.

• The second cohort of 78 teachers commenced training in June 2014 at ELTC.

Specialist Certificate In ELT
Methodology (Primary)

• The Specialist Certificate in ELT Methodology (Primary) Course is designed
to provide educators with current and relevant knowledge on teaching and
learning methodologies for upper-primary school learners.

• Objective:
- to provide participants with comprehensive input on the best practices
and their underpinning principles in the teaching and learning of the four
language skills-listening, speaking, reading and writing to upper primary
school learners.

• Focal points for learning:
- strategies of incorporating 21st century skills in the teaching and learning
- solutions to overcome challenges faced by learners

• Training Mode:
- A mixture of hands-on application of activities
- in-depth small-groups
- plenary discussions
- lectures

• 32 participants have attended the course in 2 cohorts as of June 2014.

eight 8

| Issue 6 - June 2014

Specialist Certificate In
Literacy Development

Approach • The Specialist Certificate in Literacy Development course is designed for the
purpose of exposing educators to current concepts in literacy development
ncrete among young children.
• The course was first piloted in October 2013 and has now successfully reached
having an out to 35 participants in 2 cohorts as of June 2014.
• The course content has three main components:
Reflective - emergent literacy
Observation - development of oracy skills
- development of literacy skills.
(reviewing / reflecting
on the experience) • Objectives:
- to raise awareness in educates on concepts and issues related to emergent
stract literacy
tualisation - to equip participants with comprehensive knowledge on the development
of the literacy skills and the design of a balanced literacy model for primary
ng / learning school children
• Assessment is formative in nature with three components:
al Learning Cycle - forum discussions
- online tasks
- action plan

Specialist Certificate In
Developing Oracy Skills

• This course was conducted by ELTC for IPG lecturers in two phases in February
and March 2014.

• Objective:
- to raise awareness in educators on developing oracy skills in the 21st century

• Through engaging and hands-on activities, participants gain knowledge on how
to develop these oracy skills.

• The course also sets an avenue for the lecturers to re-examine and employ
different skills and strategies to teach listening and speaking skills within the
context of their IPG curriculum.

• Assessment is formative in nature with three components:
- forum discussions
- online tasks
- action plan

9 nine

Issue 6 - June 2014 | SYMPOSIUMS

CEFR Symposium 2013


The English Language Standards and Quality Council (ELSQC) and the English Keynote Speaker
Language Teaching Centre, Malaysia (ELTC) organised a symposium on the Common
European Framework for Reference for Languages (CEFR) Prof. Dr. David Little
Language Policy Division,
Date : 29-30 October 2013
Venue : Sama-Sama Hotel, Kuala Lumpur International Airport Council of Europe
Theme : Towards Language Education Transformation in Malaysia
• Aims: Plenary Speakers
- to provide information on the fundamental concepts and principles of the
• Prof. Dr. Chan Swee Heng
CEFR to officers of the Ministry of Education, Malaysia (MOE), public and Universiti Putra Malaysia
private universities, and teacher training institutes
- to provide a platform for practitioners who have used the framework in • Dr. Greg Keaney
various teaching contexts to share their ideas, experiences, and insights on CfBT Education Services
the motivations for and/or restraints against the adoption of the framework in (B) Sdn. Bhd. Brunei
language instruction
• The symposium featured : • Dr. Neil Jones
- two keynote speeches Cambridge English
- four plenary presentations, Language Assessment
- four parallel papers
- five workshops • Dr. Duriya Aziz
- four special interest group discussions Scholastic Inc. Singapore
• This historic two-day symposium was made possible with the support of:
- The Centre for the Advancement of Language Competency (CALC) Parallel Sessions Speakers
- Universiti Putra Malaysia
- British Council, Malaysia • Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hung
- CambridgeEnglish Language Assessments Senior Advisor, Ministry
- Centre for British Teachers (CfBT) of Education and Training
- Scholastic Publishing Inc. (MOET), Vietnam
- Institut Pendidikan Guru, Kampus Bahasa Antarabangsa
True to the theme, this symposium has catalysed discourse on the CEFR among • Ms Azuar Abd. Rahman
members of the Malaysian ELT education fraternity. More importantly the framework IPG Kampus Bahasa
is also being used as the main theoretical framework that structures and sutures Antarabangsa
the English Language Education Development Plan, a policy document by the ELSQC.
ELSQC and ELTC are confident that all current and future developments triggered • Ms Ho Lai Wan
by the symposium will contribute significantly in transforming English language IPG Kampus Bahasa
education in the country. Antarabangsa

ten 10 • Ms Ang Chooi Kean
IPG Kampus Bahasa


ELT Research Symposium 2013 Issue 6 - June 2014

This inaugural four-day symposium was organized by ELTC with an intention to
provide a platform for different kinds of research experience to be shared.

Date : 20-23 August 2013
Venue : English Language Teaching Centre, Malaysia
Theme : To Seek, Shape and Share Experiences in Research…

Writing to Publish

• Among the main highlights of the ELT Research Symposium 2013:
- the keynote address by Professor Dr. Moses Samuel from Universiti
Malaya, a leading ELT scholar in the country who touched on the
importance of classroom based research as a means to improve
teaching practice. His paper, titled Research of Practice for Practice
touched on his vast experience as a researcher and research
supervisor that provided useful insights into the world of
educational research
- a workshop titled Writing to Publish by Associate Professor
Radha Nambiar from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia which
dealt with the mechanics involved in writing and publishing
research papers
- a dialogue session on classroom action research conducted by Dr.
Kalminderjit Kaur and Dr. Lloyd Precious from ELTC

• A total of 68 participants, made up of an eclectic mix of lecturers, teachers,
and student teachers from various educational institutions attended the

Ops English Symposium 2013

The OPS-English Symposium, ‘Moving Forward with OPS-English’ was jointly
organized by the English Language Teaching Centre,Malaysia and Universiti
Teknologi MARA.

Date : 13 – 15 November 2013
Venue : Intekma Resort and Convention Centre, Shah Alam
• The symposium’s theme, ‘Moving Forward with OPS-English’ was a timely
reminder that the programme while highly effective in its implementation, has
several areas that may need to be improved upon.
• This symposium provided a powerful and exciting opportunity for the invited
speakers, teachers and researchers who were involved in the OPS-
English programme (2012 -2013) to come together and share their
experiences as well as to explore avenues for the improvement of
the programme.
• The SIG sessions focused on 12 themes that emerged from the
research carried out by UiTM from Mac to September 2013.
• The invaluable feedback gathered from the SIG sessions provided
insights into the areas that needed to be worked on before the
second roll out in 2014.

11 e l e ve n


Issue 6 - June 2014

Up, Close and Personal with
Dr. Ranjit Singh Gill

Thoughts on Career

Looking back at my career pathway I must say that I do not have
any regrets as I think about my service with MOE and as the
Director of ELTC. I believe that I have worked to the best of my
capacity and capability to fulfil my responsibilities all these years.

Thoughts on ELTC

ELTC owes its success to all its previous directors and I must say I
was fortunate as I had worked with all of them. Any transformation
taking place in ELTC now is a continuation of the bigger agenda
to strengthen ELTC’s profile as the premier training centre for
English language teachers. I can say with confidence that all our
endeavours during my term has been successful and I am sure
we will continue to forge ahead towards becoming the premier
centre for ELT in the coming years and beyond.

We have been entrusted with 3 major initiatives to transform
English language education in Malaysia. They are Oral Proficiency
for Secondary School Students or OPS-English 1.0. Professional
Upskilling of English Language Teachers Programme or PRO-
ELT and the initiative that came in response to the SPM English
language paper being made into a compulsory pass subject. I
must say that we are doing pretty well in all these programmes.

Vision for ELTC

In the immediate short term, ELTC must be equipped with
accommodation facilities to house its participants. As a long-term
goal, people who work for this institution must be given adequate
opportunities to undergo professional development training and
courses. This will ensure that we keep abreast with the latest
developments in ELT and allow us to provide high-quality training
for our course participants. In a much longer term, ELTC must be
positioned to provide Masters and Ph.D. programmes for English
language teachers.

t we l ve 12


Issue 6 - June 2014

Plans after retirement Advice for the lecturers and staff of ELTC

To have more vacations. If I decide to work, I would like I think that it is important to discharge the responsibilities
to work with adults - preferably in a university on a part- given to us to the best of our ability. Also I believe, it
time basis. I must admit that I will be quite contented is important to be able to work with others and treat
not working at all. So, I will only work if I like doing the others in the same way that you expect to be treated
work that I am offered. by them. To all the staff of ELTC I thank you all for your
commitment and dedication to your work all this while.
I wish all of you the best of everything in both your
professional and personal domains.

13 t h i r t e e n


Issue 6 - June 2014

Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP)

On-Line ELT Course Design on Open Source Systems
2-20 September 2013
English Language Teaching Centre, Malaysia

Nineteen English Language Teaching (ELT) and Information Technology (IT)
professionals from 12 different countries flew to Malaysia to attend the On-Line ELT

Course Design on Open Source Systems course from 2-20 September 2013
under the purview of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Malaysian Technical
Cooperation Programme (MTCP).
The primary focus of the course was to introduce education
professionals to the principles and practice of developing and
implementing quality online courses. The course content provided
multiple hands-on learning experiences for participants to use
Canvas, a Learning Management System to design their own online
courses. From the various activities, participants were able to come
up with an implementation plan and supporting materials that can
be used to develop online courses to cater for the needs of their
respective countries. The course is presented in a blended learning
format which includes both face-to-face and online sessions.
The MTCP programme included a workshop on Cyber Ethics and
i-Citizen conducted by Prestariang, Cyberjaya and a visit to the
Microsoft office at the KLCC Tower. Taking opportunity of the visit,
the international guests were thrilled to cross the KL Tower Bridge
to view the magnificent KL city from high above ground. Participants
were also taken to Malacca, the historical state, to experience
Malaysia’s diverse cultures and also to learn of its history.

Innovation Day

Innovation Day is an ELTC initiative to recognise and encourage creativity and innovation among English language teachers in
Negeri Sembilan. This programme was jointly organised in collaboration with the Negeri Sembilan State Education department.

Date : 7 November 2014
Venue : English Language Teaching Centre, Malaysia
• 33 teachers from 30 primary schools participated in a creative and innovative lesson
competition held in conjunction with the event.
• 5 teachers were shortlisted to participate in a ‘Live
Lesson’ session at ELTC.
• Ms Gomathi Chelliah of SJK (T) Ladang Juasseh was
declared the winner of the competition.
• The other winners were:
- Ms.Maizion Othman from SK Jelai 2 (Felda)
- Ms. Wong Meil Ling from SJK( C) Sin Min

- Ms. Rizana Jahidin from SK Ulu Bendul
- Ms. Meera Samy Velu from SJK ( T)

• Also held on the same day were activities

for students from the five participating
primary schools.
• Activities conducted by ELTC lecturers were
- interactive story-telling
- model making
- learning through online games

fo u r t e e n 14


Issue 6 - June 2014

Professional Up-skilling of English
Language Teachers (Pro-ELT)

The first cohort of 5,000 teachers involved in the Professional Up-skilling
of English Language Teachers (Pro-ELT) has given the thumbs-up to the
programme for successfully raising their English language proficiency levels.
The participants reported that their pronunciation skills had improved, making
them more confident in conducting English lessons. They also remarked that
they were now more at ease with task-based, student-focused lessons which
provides more opportunities for the use of language amongst their students

The main aim of Pro-ELT is to improve English language teachers’ proficiency
levels so that there will be overall improvement in classroom
pedagogy that will directly benefit the students. Potential candidates
for the programme are selected based on the results of the Aptis
proficiency test. A total of, 24,000 teachers in B1 and B2 bands
were identified to attend this programme. This group of
teachers are expected to benefit the most out of Pro-ELT and
are expected to show a raise in proficiency levels by at least
one band on the Common European Framework of Reference
(CEFR) for Languages.

The second cohort of 9000 teachers are currently undergoing
training at various centres around the country while the last
cohort of 10,000 teachers will undergo training in 2015.


Item Data Remarks

1. Implementation November COHORT 2
Date 2012 -
November Cluster & Centralised Modes Item Data Remarks
2013 1. Implementation Mac 2014 -
Number selected : 5010 Mac 2015 Cluster &
2. Number of 4461 Teachers exempted (based on criteria) : 53 Date 9000 to be Centralised Modes
Participants Absent with reason : 201 2. Number of trained 9002 on the
Absent without reason : 295 programme
3. Number of 89 Total completed the programme : 4461 Participants 152 76 Face-to-
trainers 255 Face-to-face and e-moderators face and 76
In all states 3. Number of 283 e-moderators
4. Number of trainers
training centres In all states
4. Number of
training centres


Band Pre Aptis (Entry Level) Post Aptis (Exit Level) APTIS TEST RESULTS (Band) Pre Aptis (Entry Level)

C2 0 15 C2 2
C1 0 983
B2 1357 3125 C1 1288
B1 3011 328
A2 87 B2 8639
A1 6 9
Total 4461 1 B1 1656
A2 50

A1 2

Total 11,637

RESULTS (9002 B1 & B2 selected to attend Pro ELT Coh 2)
1. 76.4% teachers moved up at least one band proficiency on the CEFR
2. 90.8% B1 teachers moved up at least one band proficiency on the CEFR Post Aptis: To be conducted after Pro ELT Coh 2
ends in March 2015.

3. 42.17% B2 teachers moved up at least one band proficiency on the CEFR

15 f i f te e n


Issue 6 - June 2014


in the International

Dr. Ranjit Gill presented a paper on “Enhancing
English Teacher Language Proficiency: The Malaysian
Experience” at the Global Conference on Educating the
Next Generation of Workforce: ASEAN Perspectives on
Innovation, Integration and English, 23 - 25 June 2013,

Bangkok, Thailand

Dr Razianna Abdul Rahman of ELTC and Prof.Moses
Samuel of University Malaya represented Malaysia and
presented a paper on “Developing Teachers in Meeting
Students’ Needs: Malaysia’s Current English Language
Policy” at the Forum on English for ASEAN Integration
organised by Brunei-U.S. English Language Enrichment
Project for ASEAN, 11 - 14 November 2013, Universiti
Brunei Darussalam (UBD).

Mohd Razali M Zain of ELTC and Rezuan Ahmad of
BPSH at a meeting with staff at the Office of English
Language Acquisition at the Department of Education,
Washington DC, during their trip on the “International

Leadership Project, Connecting English Language
Policy Makers to the United States” sponsored by the
U.S Department of State, Bureau Of Educational and

Cultural Affairs, 8 February to 1 March 2014.

Prof. Dr George Iber, a Senior English Language
Fellow based in ELTC, Malaysia presented a paper
on “Achieving English Competence in Malaysia:
Training the Teachers to Help Remedial Students” at
the 10th Annual CamTESOL Conference on English
Language Teaching from 21 - 23 February 2014.

s i x te e n 16


Issue 6 - June 2014

Ananda Kumar and Leela James Dass of ELTC
presented a paper on “The Use of Reflective Practice
in the Teaching of ESL in the Classroom” at the
10th Annual CamTESOL Conference on English
Language Teaching, 21 - 23 February 2014, Phnom
Penh, Cambodia.

Dr. Jayanti Sothinathan of ELTC and Vanessa Lee of

the British Council presented a paper on “Two Teams,

One Goal: Enhancing English Language Teaching in

Malaysia” at the Teacher Educator Conference 2014,

21 - 23 February 2014, Hyderabad, India.

Dr.Khairul Aini bt. Mohamed Jiri presented a paper on
“Empowering Female Teachers’ Roles in Promoting
Multiculturalism in Malaysia” at the 2014 Annual
Conference of the Comparative Education Society
of Hong Kong (CESHK), 28 February - 1 March 2014,
Hong Kong.

Dr Kalminderjit Kaur of ELTC and Ms Annette Zammit
of British Council, Kuala Lumpur presented a paper
on “Two Teams, One Goal: Pro ELT English Language

Teaching in Malaysia” at the 48th Annual International
IATEFL Conference and Exhibition, 2 - 5 April 2014,
Harrogate, United Kingdom.

17 s e ve n t e e n


Issue 6 - June 2014

Subject Leadership Programme

Subject Leadership was introduced in 2012 as a pilot project specifically for English Panel Heads from
primary schools across Malaysia. In 2013, this programme was introduced to five zones nationwide:
Central, Northern and Southern Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak. The aim of this programme is to
strengthen the role of English Panel Heads as instructional leaders.

At the end of the Subject Leadership Programme, ELTC strives
to produce Subject Leaders who are:

Subject Leadership

Informed Creative

Supportive -Prsooblvleemrs
Year 2a
Knowledge Collaboration School-based
Communication Empathy Assessment
Ideas Year 2b
Skills Coaching
& Mentoring

RYEeLTamr 3ax+


Trainer Training Programme

Trainer Training is tailored to meet the needs of trainers such The various activities are designed to capitalise on the
as teacher educators (IPG lecturers), State level Trainers, skills and talents of the participants and showcase effective
Fasilinus and School Improvement Specialist Coaches training methodologies. This provides an avenue for both
(SISC+) in Phonics and Language Arts. The programme the trainers and participants to share their ideas and
comprises three courses which are Introduction to Basic knowledge on effective training.
Trainer Toolkit, Fun Learning through Language Arts:
Toolkit for Trainers and The Teaching of Phonics: Toolkit for

e i g h t e e n 18


Issue 6 - June 2014

Subject Leadership Implementation ©

TTB Model

Interactive ASccthievmataintag CSomtrpateetgeincce 7 Types of
Language Creative Play

Aesthetic YLoiutnergaLteuarernfeorrs PlLaeya-rBnainsged Recycling
Lexical Sets


20 20 16 15 14 20 20 20
20 max MLtehisartroanukignehgs

14 13 12

SLAcEshSAsoUeDoBsElJs-REmbSCaeHTsnIePtd Assessment

Coaching & 5b14b13b 15a14a13a20 20 20
20 20 201
Mentoring School-based
Mentoring Interpreting
Building Assessment
Relationships LeFaOrRning Feedback

School-Based Pilot Group TTB
CPD Cycle 1 Cohort 1-5

Coaching Cycle 2 Cohort 1-3

To be completed Assessment

Quescussion For Further Information, Visit:

2014 Programme Implementation Details:

Introduction to Fun Learning Through The Teaching of
Basic Trainer Toolkit Language Arts: Toolkit Phonics: Toolkit for
Target Group: State
for Trainers Trainers
trainers Target Group: SISC, State Target Group: SISC, State
Cohorts: Trainers and IPG lecturers Trainers, FasiLINUS, IPG
1: 3-7 March 2014
2: 21-25 April 2014 Cohorts: lecturers
1: 20-23 Jan 2014 Cohorts:
2: 9-12 Feb 2014 1: 3-7 March 2014
3: 30Apr – 3May 2014 2: 21-25 April 2014
4: 30 Apr- 3 May 2014 3: 21-25 April 2014

19 n i n e t e e n


Issue 6 - June 2014




Photo Captions 3 Performance Readings by author Dato’ Dr. M.
Shanmughalingam, 9 October 2013

1 Outreach Carnival 2014 activities for students and teachers on 4 Visit by the Director of English Language Office (OELP) of the
22-25 April 2014 U.S State Department, 24 January 2014

2 Workshop on “How to Read: Implications for Classroom 5 Farewell reception for Tuan Sukeman bin Suradi, Deputy
Teaching” by Mr. Amir Hafizi, writer, screenwriter and editor, Director, Teacher Education Division, on the occasion of his
during the Outreach Carnival 2014 , 22-25 April 2014
retirement, 24 April 2014

t we nt y 20


S N A P S H O T S Issue6-June2014






6 Study tour by delegates from Normal University, Philippines, 9 ELTC‘s Green Day with the community, officiated by YB Dato’
9 April 2014 Hj. Hasim bin Rusdi, ADUN Labu, 30 August 2013

7 Presentation on ELTC’s roles and functions to NUTP delegates, 10 English Language Standards and Quality Council Mid-project
25 March 2014 Review Meeting, 22 April 2014

8 Visit by the delegates from Lao PDR and Brighton Education 11 Meeting on content of The School Times between NSTP staff
Group, 25 February 2014 and ELTC lecturers, 21 February 2014

21 t we n t yo n e


Issue 6 - June 2014

Doctoral Studies Masters Level

Norhayati Binti Mahadi (beginning July 2013) Syaliana Binti Jamaludin (beginning
March 2014)
Programme Evaluation
University Of Western Australia Teaching English To Speakers Of Other
Scholarship: Hadiah Latihan Persekutuan (HLP), Seameo RELC, Singapore & Victoria
Ministry of Education Malaysia University of Wellington, New Zealand
Scholarship & Sponsorship: Seameo
RELC, Singapore & Ministry of Education

Elaine Pang Ling-Ling (beginning Sept 2013)

Curriculum Development Muhammad Hazrul Bin (beginning
University Of Warwick, UK Haris Fadzilah March 2014)

Scholarship: Hadiah Latihan Persekutuan (HLP), Teaching English To Speakers Of Other
Ministry of Education Malaysia Language
Seameo RELC, Singapore & Victoria
Norina Melati Binti Mohd Yusoff (beginning May 2014) University of Wellington, New Zealand
Curriculum Development Scholarship & Sponsorship: Seameo
University Of Sussex, United Kingdom RELC, Singapore & Ministry of Education
Scholarship: Hadiah Latihan Persekutuan (HLP), Malaysia
Ministry of Education Malaysia
Noor Azmira Binti (beginning
Amran Sept 2014)

Education And Globalisation
University Of Oulu, Finland

Lakshmi A/P Chellapan (beginning June 2014) Scholarship & Sponsorship: University
of Oulo, Finland & Ministry of Education
Philosophy Malaysia
University Of Otago, New Zealand

Scholarship & Sponsorship: University of Otago &
Ministry of Education Malaysia

Mohd Razali Bin Mat Zain (beginning June 2014)
Developing Curriculum: A Framework For Preparing
Quality Teachers For Future
Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI)
Scholarship: Niche Research Grant Scheme, UPSI

Logeswary A/P M. Arumugam (beginning June 2014)
Developing Curriculum: A Framework For Preparing
Quality Teachers For Future
Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI)
Scholarship: Niche Research Grant Scheme, UPSI

22t we n t y t wo


Issue 6 - June 2014

Call for papers ESL Practitioner

Articles are invited for the third issue of the ESL Practitioner journal to be published in October 2015. The ESL
practitioner is a practice oriented ELT publication by the English language Teaching Centre Malaysia. It is aimed
at advancing the professional development of ELT practitioners in areas of teaching, training and management
of ELT materials. The publication also acts as a forum for discussion of ELT related challenges faced by ELT
professionals. The ESL Practitioner is published once a year and has a wide circulation of readership which include
lecturers from local and private universities, teacher training centres, MoE division officers, State Department
officers and school teachers. The third issue of the publication will include the following theme:

The Practice of ELT in Malaysia
Sub Themes:
ELT Literacy development Malaysia
ELT Assessment
ELT Pedagogy
ELT Oracy Development
ELT Programme evaluation
Teacher Professional Development
Remedial Education in ELT
Differentiated teaching and Learning Practices in ELT
Empowering ELT Teacher Educators : Policy and Practice

The following submissions will be considered:
Opinion Articles (2500 words)
Research based papers (5000 words)
Practice Based papers (4500 words)
Ideas that work (2500 words)
Reviews of instructional materials (2500 words)
Current Trends and Issues in ELT policy and Practice in Malaysia.

Articles/ papers may be submitted up to April 2015 to the following mail: [email protected]
For further information please contact: 067979009

23 t we n t y t h re e

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