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Published by cheschesnut, 2019-10-06 06:19:36

Monochrome Nature Travel Magazine-5

Monochrome Nature Travel Magazine-5






Design thinking is a way or a

process to create something new

with an innovative solution and

also has five stages; empathize,

define, ideate, prototype, and

test(Dam & Siang, 2019). Those

stages are not a step-by-step

procedure and have no specific

order, it is just a guide to come up

with innovative solutions.    Unlike

traditional thinking which is a

methodical procedure and a

straightforward problem-solving,

design thinking starts with an

observation and it is an interactive

process to understand and to

identify the root cause of the

problems. Design thinking Also,  the idea i have in my mind is
systematize, or by the book. I need
encourages us to think out of the to listen, study, pass my quiz, pass
the exam, repeat until I graduateand
box, come up with ideas or then I can become a  CPA. Although
there are a lot of “what if’s” coming
perspective without hesitations.  through my mind, I am confident I
can finish my goals firmly that later
PDNIM YM PAT UEF • 2 EGAP If Design thinking can apply in on became different when I already
organizations, and also can come entered FEU. I observed the
up with an innovative solution, environment, i observe the people
then I firmly believed that it can around me, there are many students
also help us to achieve our passion who are much smarter and better
or career and create a fulfilling than me, then i realized that the
life. I, myself experienced using methodical way I used to think
design thinking. Back then, before in  survivingcollege, will really not
entering college life in FEU, I was get me through college. I need to
an idealistic person I used to think think outside of the box, I need to
according to the fantasies I have be more realistic rather than
read and I have watched. I was idealistic. It was the unexpected
blown to the fact that I can do environment I faced and still facing. 
things on my own hands and
finish it without sacrificing and is
together of my enjoyment. 

I discovered that I do have a lot
of things to consider; I have
different perceptions and ways
on how will I achieve my goal.
Before, I planned for my future
systematically and in order. I
made sure it was well-organized
and precise. I thought that it was
just easy to become a Certified
Public Accountant but it is the
opposite of what I thought.
Being a FEU student made me
realize that there are a lot of
things to consider becoming a
CPA, That idealism is not
applicable after all, the reality is
the thing to consider. That you
have to be eliminate the things
you thought will easily
happened in just a snap.
That there are a lot of obstacles
that I will experience before
making it.

Like in the experiences that I

have shared, I still consider and

use a systematic approach to

resolve these kinds of

experiences, which I am still

currently dealing with. I still plan

things out to organize what I

want and will do. I also use

science and rationality, in terms DNIM YM PAT UEF • 3 EGAP

of analyzing things first or

evaluating what are the

necessary things I need to do in

order to achieve my goals and to

make it much easier to





College students really love to Trish Narvaez stated that before
sleep because of those multiple
times of sleepless nights doing they entered the campus, they
their task and responsibilities,
but when they should be are still a sleeping citizen of the
awake? In my opinion, they need
to be always awake and aware society, they don’t have any care
in terms of the events in their
surroundings, environment, and on the events around them, they
society. You need to #StayWoke.
did not give any attention to
Far Eastern University is a well-
known school because of the observe the society but when
academic excellence that they
have, every college student is the time they attended different
busy in different responsibilities,
duties and task of being a seminars in their NSTP 1,
student but how they
maintained being a woke discussing about different social
citizen in society? A second year
accountancy students named issues of the country, they woke
Reva Queena Boyo, Maybelene
Lalangan and up from sleeping. They realize

and learned that each of the

event happened can affect their

life and their family life.The

university helps them

to  #StayWoketoday, because of

those seminars they are now

PDNIM YM PAT UEF • 4 EGAP aware that it is important to be

vigilant in the community and

today, they use social media to

have a voice in the society.

Urban dictionary defines “woke” and just accepting. Staying
as being aware, and “knowing woke need to start in you. You
what is going on in the need to wake up now, you need
community”, it also mentions its to see those unseen events, you
specific ties to racism and social need to decide now to speak,
injustice (Foley, 2016). How and you need to leave the
important is staying woke in the sleeping stage of you in the
community? Personally, it is community. You need now to be
important because sleeping or educated on what really
being passive will affect every happened in the country. Do not
individual including you, your become a passive citizen and
friends, your teachers, your became the Jose Rizal and
family, and you may all suffer other heroes of the country and
from not knowing #StayWoke.




PDNIM YM PAT UEF • 6 EGAP As two people who are sisters, It is only in high school when
has the same upbringing and my curiosity began to grow. I
went to the same schools, you’d grew an immense interest to a
think that we have the same lot of things. This is also the
views in life. No, it’s actually the time when I had the courage to
opposite. My sister and I are try new things. While my sister’s
only a year and a half apart and curiosity at this stage kind of lay
yet we are so far different from low. Because unlike me, my
each other. sister always known what she
My sister as a kid was naturally
curious. She'd always have Fast forward to now, I asked my
questions ready to ask bugging sister a question. Since she went
everybody to give her answers. I, to the same university that I am
on the other hand, only cared attending right now which is Far
for the things I like. And instead Eastern University, I want to
of asking questions, I would know whether or not FEU
usually satisfy my curiosity improved her curiosity
through reading most specially throughout her 4 year stay. This
when I started learning about is what she has to say:
the internet at age 10.

“FEU taught me to ask more questions because curiosity is
something that you have to feed. Satisfying your curiosity is
also satisfying your mind. FEU definitely made me more
excited to be curious because I can easily ask my professors
and classmates questions without any hint of judgement. That
is one of the beauty of FEU, respect and diversity is

As for me, what I learned about Curiosity can lead us to greater
curiosity being in the university things. Maintain an open mind
for more than a year is that and be willing to learn, unlearn
curiosity is part of learning. We and relearn to find get the
are in a student-centered answers you seek. Don’t think
learning and quite frankly not about why you question, simply
everything is handed to us. So if don’t stop questioning. Your
you are not curious enough to curiosity will develop into an
ask for answers or look for other amazing discovery. Something
perspectives then you are not you will easily identify with and
going to learn as much. can pursue further (Oppong,


PDNIM YM PAT UEF • 8 EGAP Handling Fake News: Then vs. Now

written by Ella Janelle Dela Cruz

As a child, I was really gullible and easy to fool. I believed that
everything people say to me, is true and I didn’t stop to actually think
about what they said. Of course, that is normal when you’re dealing with
children. According to a philosophical theory called Tabula rasa, every
individual is born a blank slate. The thing about children is that their
minds are young, which is why they’re easy learners who know to pick up
on everything you say. The only downside to it, because their minds have
not been influenced yet, waiting to be loaded with knowledge,
manipulation works so much effectively on them than it does on adults.

Because they don’t have prior of technology. It is only up to us, DNIM YM PAT UEF • 9 EGAP
knowledge about what you’re whether we will succumb to it
telling them, they are going to or fight it. To see, to read, to
merely accept it to fill a space hear, is not to believe. Not
inside their minds, without everything on the surface is
verifying if it’s true or not. At least, true. Not everything posted on
that’s how I was when I was social media is true. We live in a
little.  Back when I was in my early democratic country, where the
teens, the internet already existed opinion of its citizens is the
by then. Different kinds of social most important but also subject
media sites became popular and to a lot of manipulation, and it
everybody used them, especially is our job to stop that, by
Facebook. I would scroll through avoiding to be manipulated.
my feed without thinking too
much about what I was seeing.
Pictures plastered with faces of
different politicians accompanied
with atrocious words you would
never imagine them to say kept on
spreading and people would
actually believe them, including
me. Can you imagine that? I was
one of the many people who didn’t
know how to distinguish what was
true from what is false and I’m
embarrassed of the person I was
before. But as I grew up, I learned
the importance of filtering the
information I receive and to not
just sit back and take information
as it is. For instance, when a class
suspension has been posted, I
make sure to check if the one who
posted it is a reliable source and
not just some troll who takes
advantage of other people’s
ignorance. My stay here in FEU has
also had a hand in shaping my
critical thinking skills which help
me become a woke citizen.

Fake news will always be there and
will keep improving because 

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