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Published by schrammbi, 2019-04-23 05:59:03

ACP Electronic Portfolio Merged PDF

ACP Electronic Portfolio Merged PDF



How to motivate & revive students using
the BOPPPS Lesson Plan

Table of Contents

1. Syllabus Snapshot
2. Student Preparation Strategy
3. BOPPPS Lesson Plan
4. Test Questions
5. Rubric
6. Reflective Essay

What is the Adjunct Certification Program at Lone Star College?

Purpose: The purpose of the Adjunct Certification Program is to recognize and reward adjunct faculty who
make a commitment to the System and to provide an opportunity to enhance their teaching effectiveness.

Who can participate: Adjunct faculty who have taught at LSC for at least 2 semesters may apply. Participants
are chosen based upon recommendations from their department chair.

Course structure and objectives: The Adjunct Certification Program is structured around 5 components of
successful instruction. After successfully completing this program participants will be able to

 Plan for Learning
o Create a syllabus snapshot
o Create a lesson using the BOPPPS lesson planning moel
o Write SMART lesson objectives
o Identify the levels in Bloom’s cognitive taxonomy
o Employ effective strategies to encourage students to prepare for class

 Employ a Variety of Teaching Strategies
o Define teacher-centered, interactive, experiential, and independent learning techniques
o Locate online lesson repositories and resources
o Incorporate at least one new instructional strategy in a lesson plan
o Create questions that address various levels of Bloom's cognitive taxonomy

 Assess Effectively
o Develop an assessment strategy that aligns with the course outcomes
o Utilize various formative assessment tools that are quick, engaging, and informative
o Create effective subjective and objective tools and processes.
o Cite the principles of effective evaluation.
o Develop an assessment rubric

 Use Instructional Technology
o Explain how technology can enhance teaching and learning
o Employ at least one new instructional technology to encourage student engagement
o Locate instructional technology resources

 Foster a Positive Learning Environment
o Utilize effective strategies for dealing with various student challenges
o Employ motivational theory to structure classes that foster student motivation to learn

In order to successfully complete the program, participants must:
• Attend ALL 5 face-to-face meetings with the initial cohort and complete all on-line lessons. This occurs
over a nine week period with a time commitment of 26-30 hours.
• Actively participate in online discussion topics.
• Present a 10 minute overview of a completely new lesson
• Complete a reflective essay
• Compile and submit an electronic portfolio of all completed assignments
• Score a minimum of 80% on all required elements of the course

Meets: Version 1.0.6191
Tues / Thurs
10am-12pm PSYC 2301: General Psychology
HSC1 110
Syllabus Snapshot

Instructor: Brendi Schramm, MA, LMSW
Contact Information:
Office: Room 323
Hours: T/Th: 10-12
Email: [email protected]

Course Description

In PSYC2301 you will learn the basics of human behavior, emotion, motivation, etc. You will explore
psychological theory that relates to how we learn, remember, and interact with others.

Course Text: The Science of Class Policies
(4th edition) by Attendance: Please arrive on time.
Laura King
(McGraw-Hill). Late Policy: No assignment makeup.
ISBN: Lowest exam score will be dropped.

Assignments & Exams:
Exams: 5 Unit Exams (500 points)
Essay: Psychological Issue (250)
Final Exam: Comprehensive (250 points)
Total: (1,000 points)


Version 1.0.6191

Course Calendar

Week Dates Topic/
1/18/19 Chapter 1: Psychology What’s due
1/25/19 Chapter 2: Psychology's Scientific
3 2/1/19 Exam 1 (Chapters 1-3) Begin Chapter 5 Discussion
2/8/19 Chapter 5: Conscious
4 Chapter 6: Learning
5 2/15/19
2/22/19 Exam 2 (Chapters 5 & 6) Chapter 7 Memory
6 Chapter 8: Intelligence & Language
7 3/1/19 Chapter 9: Human Development
8/9 3/8/19 Exam 3 (Chapters 7 & 8) Chapter 10: Motivation & Emotion
Chapter 12: Personality
Chapter 15: Psychological Disorder

10 3/22/19 Exam 4 (Chapters 10, 12, and 15)
11 3/29/19 Chapter 16 & 17: Therapies & Health Psychology
12 4/5/19 Exam 5 (Chapters 16 & 17) Course Review
13 4/12/19 Essay Topic Presentations & Final Exam Review

14 Practice Final Exam
4/26/19 Written Assignment is due today.

15 5/3/19 Practice Final Exam Results Discussion & Final Exam Review

16 5/10/19 Final Exam Week

Your success is important in this
class. We are all here to learn
together. Please let me know if
you are experiencing any difficulty
as we go along in this course. See
official syllabus in D2L. Welcome
to the class!


Student Preparation Strategy:
McKeachie's Teaching Tips, Getting Students to Read.
Brenda Schramm posted Feb 27, 2019 6:27 PM

Lei, Bartlett, Gorney, and Herschback 2010 literature review (as cited in
Svinicki and McKeachie, 2014) found that students fail to read the
course text due to lacking three factors: Interest in the topic,
confidence in reading ability, and understanding the importance of the

One strategy to encourage students to read the material is the jigsaw
information-sharing activity, which builds cooperative learning.

Each student will be assignment to an expert group. Within a total class
of 32 students, there will be approximately 5 to 6 students per group
for a total of 6 expert groups.

Each expert group will be assigned a reading section over a different
psychological approach (Psychoanalytical, behavioral, humanistic,
cognitive, and sociocultural approaches). The members of each group
will work together to create a fact sheet on the information read to
share with the rest of the class.

Each expert group selects an "ambassador". The ambassadors will take
the fact sheet created from their expert group and go around to the
other five expert groups to educate them on their particular
psychological approach. Thus members of each expert group become
educated on all five psychological approaches.

This technique promotes both critical reading and summarization.

(B. Schramm)


Svinicki, M. and McKeachie, W.J. (2014). McKeachie's teaching tips:

Strategies, research, and theory for college and university
teachers. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.


COURSE: PSYC2301 General Psychology

Lesson Title: Personality Traits

Bridge: Instructor will show video clips of famous people with unique personality types and ask," How would you describe the personality of each?"

Bloom Question (Analysis): What do you think is driving their personality and unique behavior?

End with: Today we will be exploring what makes up personality. You will have the opportunity to test your personality trait using the Myers-Briggs Type

Indicator (MBTI) assessment.

Estimated time: 5 minutes

Course Student Learning Outcome:

1 - Apply psychological concepts to the solution of issues and problems including ethics, coping with stressful events, health and wellness, parenting, learning,

memory, and/or evaluation of media presentations.

Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to

1. Explain the importance of understanding personality traits. (Comprehension).

2. Complete an MBTI assessment and identify one's personality type. (Application)

3. Analyze ways to apply personality type to life (E.g. Relationships, parenting, and career choice.)

Pre-Assessment: I chose to use the KWL chart. I will have students initially write out their K/W and complete the L after the lesson is complete: K-What does

the student know about personality traits? W-What does the student need and want to know? L-What has the student learned from this lesson that they find

important and/or meaningful to them? (Effective pre-assessment and summative evaluation tool.)

Estimated time: 5 minutes

Participatory Learning:


• 4 questions with Bloom’s level identified

• New instructional technology you are trying

• At least one classroom assessment technique (CAT)

Time Instructor Activities Learner Activities Lesson Materials

10 min Personality Theories, Instructor will: Personality Theories, Student will: KWL Chart

(Pre-Assessment) Pen

1) Ask students to complete a KWL chart. (K-What 1) Complete parts K and W of the KW chart at the

student already knows, W-Would like to know, and L- beginning of the lesson.)

Learned from the lesson).

10 min Personality Trait (MBTI): Instructor will: Personality Trait (MBTI): Students will: Computer
15 min (Participatory Lesson): Projector/Screen
10 min 1) Quick lesson on personality theories. 1) Participate in lesson on personality theories. Paper/Pen

2) Play Youtube video clip: Discover Your Personality 2) Watch the video:
Type/Myers Briggs (Tuity). During this video, (During this video, students will write down which of the MBTI Assessments
instructor will pause during each section to have the preferences they have for each dichotomy.)
students answer the following questions:
Bloom's Questions: (Comprehension): 3) Write down the four-number code they generated from Groups
a) Where do you get your energy? listening to the video.
b) How do you gather information?
c) How do you make your decisions? 4) Answer the Bloom Questions:
d) How do you organize your world? a) What are the four dichotomies of the MBTI?
3) Ask students to write the four-number code. b) Do you believe that the MBTI is a valid / reliable
assessment of personality typing? Why or why not?
Personality Assessment (MBTI): Instructor will: (Evaluation)

1) Give the MBTI Assessment Personality Assessment (MBTI): Student will:
2) Ask students to determine test results and
personality type. 1) Take the MBTI Assessment.
3) Explore and discuss various personality styles. (Students will be provided an MBTI assessment to complete
in class. They will answer all of the questions selecting
which preference best describes them.)

2) Determine test results and personality type.
Personality Lab Activity (MBTI): Instructor will: (Students will write down the four dichotomy preferences
from the results of the test to come up with a four number
Ask students to form groups and discuss ways to personality code (E.g. ENFJ). They will compare this with
apply the MBTI to their life. the personality preference that they guessed from watching
the MBTI video.)

Personality Lab Activity (MBTI): Student will:

1) Explore and discuss various personality styles using
(Student will match up with other classmates that also show
their personality type and explore their similarities and
differences. Students will discuss ways that they can apply
the MBTI to their life, including deciding on a career,
choosing friends, raising children. Students will share with
the class what they had learned about their personality


2) Answer the Bloom Questions: (Synthesis): How can you
identify people's personality type by observing their
behavior while using the MBTI?

3) How could you improve your relationships with others by
understanding how your and their personality types
interact? (Synthesis).
Post-assessment: How will you assess if objectives have been met?
CAT (KWL/One Minute Paper): Write down everything that you have learned from this lesson within the next minute on a sheet of paper.
Kahoot,it! Students will answer each of the assessment questions using their cell phones. If students lack cell phones, they may team up with a classmate.
Estimated time: 5 min
Summary: How will you close the lesson?
Wrap up message: We explored personality theories, including psychoanalytic, humanistic, and trait theory of personality. We learned more about our own
personality traits by taking the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). We also shared with each other what we learned from taking the MBTI and applied this
various life situations.
Estimated time: 5 min


Good Questions

Write 4 questions that would generate class discussion regarding the lesson you are
planning based on Bloom's Taxonomy.

Student Learning Outcome:
Apply psychological concepts to the case study of Genie the Feral Child.

Lesson Objectives:
1. By the end of this lesson students will be able to list and explain each of the major
theories in psychology and the psychological issues that each is best known to address.
(Bloom's Taxonomy - Knowledge and Comprehension).

Comprehension questions:
A) How would you compare and contrast each of the major psychological theories on


B) Name one or more concepts that derives from trait theory?

2. By the end of this lesson students will be able to analyze a case study on Genie the
Feral Child including conceptualizing the case. (Bloom's Taxonomy - Analysis).

Evaluation questions:
A) What are the outcomes from the creation of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator


B) Which personality test do you think is more effective: MBTI or the Big 5
Personality Test?

3. By the end of this lesson students will be able to come up with a relevant treatment
solution for the aforementioned case from a list of psychological therapy approaches.
(Bloom's Taxonomy - Application and evaluation).

Synthesis questions:
A) Can you propose a practical way that the MBTI or Big 5 could be used?

B) How could you improve your relationships by applying the BMTI?

C) What treatment plan would you create from trait theory?

(Brendi Schramm)

Grading Rubric
Week 8 Assignment: Psychological Disorder

Objective: To learn about a particular psychological disorder with appropriate treatment. (Schramm)


25=Excellent 20=Good 15=Average

Introduction: Introductory Paragraph the previews the Introduction Introduction Introduction
main thoughts in the paper. clearly states states the
main topic,
the main

topic. Includes states main topic,

Includes all some of the but does not contain

necessary necessary the necessary

elements elements elements.

Details are

placed in a Details are

Body: Define and describe the psychological disorder. logical order. placed in Some details are not

What are the symptoms and characteristic of this Supportive logical in a logical or
disorder? sentences order, but expected order.

clarify and supporting Supportive

Include a psychological treatment to use for this explain the sentences sentences do not

particular disorder. Explain why that you selected this topic lack always clarify or

treatment. sentence. clarity. explain

Conclusion: Wrap up of the main thoughts of your The
paper. conclusion

provides a


The thought,

conclusion but fails to

summarizes clearly The conclusion is

the main summarize missing or difficult to

points in the main tell whether it is a

paper. points. clearly conclusion.

Grammar and Spelling: Proper grammar, spelling and Grammar and There is
punctuation is used in each of the responses. spelling are one or
good. APA is more
followed grammar Grammar is
correctly. error. APA needing attention.
is followed APA is followed, but
for the needing more

most part. corrections.

Total: 100 points 80 points 60 points
. (Brendi Schramm)

Overall Score 100/100


Reflective Essay
Adjunct Faculty Certification Program (ACP)

Brendi Schramm
Lone Star College

April 22, 2019




The Adjunct Faculty Certification Program (ACP) is a ten-week program that helps
faculty members gain four essential concepts for successful instruction. Within Lone Star College
System, this program includes: Creating a positive learning environment, planning effectively for
learning, and instructing for learning within the areas of assessment & evaluation and teaching
strategies. (Lone Star College, 2019). The ACP program brings value, knowledge and insight to

ACP Value
The ACP program has provided great value in helping this instructor to really prefect
lesson plans. It is great to begin each lesson by providing an attention-getting activity that helps
capture student attention (and get them off their cell phones) while bridging the information into
the main lesson. It helps to have the lessons clearly connected with the course learning objectives,
and formal and summative assessments while providing a clear wrap up at the end. Most helpful
was program coordinator, Sunnye Pruden's examples of how she incorporated the BOPPPS into
her classes.

ACP Knowledge

The ACP program has helped this faculty member to gain knowledge and skills in
creative a fun, meaningful, and effective lesson that helps to expand student knowledge by
building on the levels of Blooms’ taxonomy within the creative questions posed and gearing the
assignments and assessments toward deeper and critical thinking. For example, instead of just a
true or false question that may test understanding, it becomes more valuable to use a question that
addresses higher ordered thinking, such as using analysis and/or evaluation.



This instructor has taught the lesson on personality many times. It is great to see how
every element ties smoothly together. Using this method helps the student learning objectives to
drive the lesson. It sets the stage for what is to be accomplished. The rest of the lesson is geared
toward meeting these objectives. The built-in assessments help to reveal whether the lesson was
effective in meeting these objectives.

ACP Insights

The ACP program helps instructors gain insight from both the information shared by
Sunnye with her experience and expertise in lesson planning and also gained much from the
insight of classmates. Sunnye provided relevant examples for each of the assignments. The
lesson on working with challenging situations was helpful and quite pragmatic, especially with
everyone contributing to the discussion on ways to improve the situations using valuable
solutions for each.

ACP: Incorporated into Classroom

This instructor had fun applying the BOPPPS lesson to several classes this week. It was
quite interesting to see how each of the elements played into student engagement. The students
seemed to appreciate the Bridge-in activity. It made the rest of the lesson go smoothly. She plans
to use the BOPPPS in creating lesson plans for all of her courses. She really sees the value in it, in
enhancing course material covered in class.

This instructor especially appreciates the resources available to instructors for expanding
technology, creating assignments, etc. She uses the resource on technology to create a Kahoot
game to use with students in her classes.



ACP: Effective instructing
The ACP program gives this instructor a new level of confidence as it ads quality to the
lesson. It meets the criteria of instilling high academic quality, having all elements of an effective
lesson, while promoting student engagement.
This instructor knows that in the past lessons, there was a sense that something was missing. The
learning objectives were in the course syllabus, but not clearly included on the lesson or in the
assessment. With the BOPPPS lesson, this instructor sees that now all the elements are in place
within a neat package.

Further Professional Development Opportunities
Some ideas for further professional development opportunities may be ways of
promoting "heart" into teaching, such as listening to student concerns and utilizing positive
student engagement.

In summary, the ACP program has provided great value, knowledge, and insight by
adding a quality product that helps adjunct faculty members to create stellar lesson plans that
provide seamless connections between learning objections, assessments, and higher-order
thinking strategies. It promotes an instructor-friendly way of applying the knowledge and skills
gained into the classroom perfecting faculty effectiveness. It was well worth the time and work
expended to learn this valuable approach. Thank you Sunnye!



Lone Star College. (2019). LSCS Adjunct Certification Program Manual. Retrieved at


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