Monday, 15 May 2017
Turrell Fund Office
Continental Breakfast
8:00 a.m. - 8:50 a.m.
Morning Seminar – Board Room
8:50 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
11:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Board Meeting
11:30 a.m. - 2:15 p.m.
1. Meeting called to order – S. Lawrence Prendergast
a. Recognition of John Morning’s appointment to Trustee Emeritus of the
Board of Trustees of the Pratt Institute, and the creation of a scholarship
called The John Morning Award for Art and Service.
2. Prayer – The Reverend Dr. John P. Mitchell
3. Discussion of Minutes of 14 November 2016 Meeting (Enclosure)
S. Lawrence Prendergast
a. Overview of Meeting – Curtland E. Fields
4. Treasurer’s Report – Rich Ribeiro
a. Income and Expense Report, including 2017 Distribution of Grants
(separate mailing)
5. Audit Committee Report - Robert E. Angelica
a. Report on meeting with Auditors
b. Review of Audit Reports (separate mailing)
6. Finance and Investment Committee Report - Robert E. Angelica
a. Report – Chief Investment Officer update
7. Discussion of Grants - The Reverend William S. Gannon
a. Interim Grants
Programs for Parents
570 Broad Street, 8th floor $30,000
Newark, New Jersey 07102
b. Rescissions
Turning Point Community Services $ 5,000
Irvington, NJ
May 18, 2015
(Did not fulfill the conditions of the grant)
Reinvestment Fund - Newark Fund for Quality $25,000
Newark, NJ
May 16, 2016
(Were not able to meet requirements of grant)
c. Resolution: Restoration of Interim Grant Funds to $150,000
d. Discussion of recommended grants – Curtland E. Fields
e. S. Whitney Landon Awards Review of 2017 Finalists - (separate mailing)
(during working lunch – Kim Keiser)
8. Other Business – S. Lawrence Prendergast
a. Adoption of updated By-laws, and Articles of Incorporation
b. Election of William H. Hammond, Jr. as Chairman of Audit
c. Removal of Diana Kostas as Assistant Treasurer
9. Proposed schedule of future Meetings for November 2017 and May 2018 Cycles
November 2017 Cycle – Monday, 13 November 2017
a. Audit Committee (to be announced)
b. Board of Trustees 8:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
c. Finance and Investment Committee (to be announced)
May 2018 Cycle – Monday, 14 May 2018
d. Audit Committee (to be announced)
e. Board of Trustees 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
f. Finance and Investment Committee (to be announced)
10. Adjournment
2:15 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Afternoon Seminar – Board Room
2:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Afternoon Break
3:45 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Reception (Library and Living Room)
5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Michele Adubato
Chief Executive Officer
North Ward Center
Honoring the legacy and shaping an even brighter future, Michele Adubato, a widely recognized
educational leader with more than 20 years of experience as an educator, social worker and school
principal, embraced the role of chief executive officer for the North Ward Center (NWC), following the
retirement of its founder, Stephen N. Adubato.
“My father, Stephen N. Adubato founded NWC with one simple goal: to
empower the residents of Greater Newark by providing services
designed to strengthen the family and their community. I firmly believe
that service to others is the highest purpose and I am honored to be in
a position to lead an organization that has served the community so
well for so long.”
Michele holds a Master of Arts (MA) in Educational Leadership from
Caldwell College, a Master of Social Work (MSW) from Rutgers
University-Newark and a Bachelor’s Degree in Theater Arts and
Television Production from Rutgers University-Newark. Driven by a
passion to serve others and empower individuals to succeed, Michele
began her educational career in the Newark Public School System in
1992 as a special education teacher at Camden Elementary School.
In the early 1980s, Michele worked with juveniles in need of
supervision in Essex County for six years and also worked as a
freelance video producer, creating an award-winning three-part series on the problems in urban
In 1997, she joined the New Jersey Regional Day School (NJRDS) where she developed and
administered educational initiatives that helped students with special needs transition from school to
adulthood. The transition program was recognized by the State Department of Education as a model
program for students with disabilities. As principal of NJRDS she had extensive responsibilities,
including supervision, curriculum leadership, school finance, parent and community affairs and
continued to expand the transition program.
Passionate about helping children and young adults in the autism community, in 2010 Michele founded
The Center for Autism, a non-profit organization that provides comprehensive day services and
opportunities for adults with autism and their families.
Michele’s unique background and education allows her to build on an already strong foundation of
service at the North Ward Center, while forging needed and new initiatives for the urban community.
Michele will not only expand the capacity of service, but expand the vision of how the North Ward
Center can be the national model of community excellence for non-profit organizations. Michele’s
current focus is on the expansion of Robert Treat Academy, a public charter school founded by the
North Ward Center 20 years ago. Michele is uniquely positioned to broach true collaborative
laboratories of learning between traditional public schools and public charters.
Irene Cooper-Basch
Irene Cooper-Basch has spent the past 20 years in philanthropy focused on the city of
Newark, including 14 years at Victoria Foundation, where she currently serves as the
Executive Officer. Victoria Foundation is a private grantmaking institution founded in
1924, with current assets totaling $265 million. This place-based foundation makes grants
totaling $10 million a year to benefit children and families living in Newark, New Jersey
in the areas of education, youth development, and neighborhood revitalization.
Irene serves as a trustee or advisory board member of many charitable causes, including
the Newark City of Learning Collaborative, the Newark Safety Council, New Jersey
Performing Arts Center, Newark Celebration 350, the Russ Berrie Unsung Hero Awards,
and past Chair of the Council of New Jersey Grantmakers.
Irene is a proud graduate of Rutgers University-Newark, with a Ph.D. in Urban Systems.
She also holds a Master’s of Medical Humanities from Drew University and a Bachelor
of Arts from New York University. Irene taught English, mathematics, and drama to
middle school children in Botswana, Africa as a Peace Corps volunteer in the early