All the best for your The day that you have been Have a well-deserved
retirement Kak Zah!, I waiting for is finally here. retirement, Kak!
Hope you will enjoy every
still remember the minute of your retirement. The office environment will be
first time we met. It We will certainly miss your subdued without your presence
energy in the office. and voice. Drop by to visit us if
was a fun
conversation, never a - Khairul- you happen to come around
dull moment with you this area.
around!. Take care All the best and take care…
- Kamal-
- Michael
Dear Azizah,
Congratulations on your
Enjoy your freedom and unlimited
Best regards,
Yean Nee
Dear Kak Zah All the best to you Kak Zah! Happy
It has been a pleasure working with Let's keep in touch...
you throughout my tenure in Best wishes from Sharon
SBM. Will definitely miss your bubbly
personality in the office.
Wishing you happy retirement and
enjoy your time with your
grandchildren :)
Take care!
Dear Kak Azizah,
Wishing you a happy
retirement and enjoy your
golden years.
We'll definitely miss you!
Best regards,
Assalamualaikum Kak Zah,
Wishing you a happy retirement!" I know
you'll appreciate having more time
to spend with your family. Doa
Ana buat Kak
Zah, semoga Allah swt memberikan kesen
angan, ketenangan serta
kebahagiaan hidup di dunia dan juga
di akhirat...
Salam sayang,
Rozana Mat Supandi
Assalamualaikum Kak Zah,
Though I just joined SBM but getting to know you is
indeed one of a cheerful moment in SBM.
Happy Retirement and wish you all the best in
whatever you do !
Siti Zauyah Hj Hashim
Alhamdullilah beruntung rasa saya ni..
I still think that you were around, with us.
Jauh dimata dekat dihati.. gitewww
Semoga Mak Jah sentiasa diberikan
kesihatan yg baik,
Sentiasa dimurah kan rezeki
Sentiasa dikelilingi insan insan tersayang
Sentisa dibawah lindugan Allah S.W.T
Last but not least,
Semoga ketemu lagi Mak Jah..inshaallah
Natrah Jaafar
Congratulations! May Dear Kak Zah, Dear Kak Zah
your retirement bring you
the rest & relaxation you so Happy Retirement Enjoy your freedom and
richly deserve. All the best, May all the moments unlimited weekends!
stay healthy & happy
alwiz. Reward yourself with a
Love, Christine be fulfilled with joy great and joyous
vacation that you always
and happy resting
craved for.
Happy Retirement!
TASHA -Mona-
Hi Mak Jah, I was happy to know you since I started
joining SBM. You was so nice & happy go lucky! Thanks
for the memory. So long, farewel. XOXO-Zati
Admin Facilities
Mak Nini!! Jom breakfast mok jah lapar...
Jom lunch..cepat cepat cepat..pukul 12.30 mok jah
tunggu kt bwh..lapar ni...
4pm...Mok Nini! (sambil jerit dekat pintu tangga)
Boiii..mok jah balik dulu....
And....many more....gonna miss that mok jah...
Will miss your loud voice kt office..Mok jah je yg berani
jerit dr jauh...hahahahaha..tq Kak zizah for all the
endless help & support...
Keep in touch! For sure!...sampai sombam kito
Happy retirement Electrical Salam Kak...
and wishing you all Happy Retirement.
the best. Stay safe Happy retirement Kak.. All Take care and always
the best.
and healthy -nazri- stay safe...
- Khairul - -Haslizan-
Happy • Happy Retirement,
retirement.. All wishing you all the best
the best. Take in your next
care! undertaking. Stay safe!!
-WanNuraiza- And Stay Happy as
• -Suren-
Assalamualaikum Mok Jah,
Happy retirement to you! Thank you for
all your sharing and advise. Take care,
stay safe and happy as always.
Mohd Firdaus Basiron
Best Wishes
Enjoy your retirement
Kak Zah, and may
you have a relaxing
and wonderful new
chapter ahead.
- Kayhuan-
wishing you a
happy and
Wishes from Boon
Hello Kak Azizah,
I wish you a happy
retirement and …
remember to stay young
Mak Jah,
Often when you think you’re at the end of
something, you’re at the beginning of
something more amazing.
Congratulations on your retirement!
Best wishes,
Congratulations, enjoy
Now you can sit back &
From Mior.
Salam Mak Jah Happy Retirement, It's a big
day for you, because everything
will change.
I hope retirement brings you the
opportunity to fill your time
with everything you enjoy.
Cheers to a happy and healthy
Thank you for bringing such joy From : Sara
to the office. We will miss you!
Enjoy your retirement Mak Jah...
From Badrul MS
Here's wishing you a wonderful
healthy, wealthy, happy and
long retirement! You're one of a
kind, and I am sure going to
miss you! Thank you for all your
Chen PK
Assalam Mak Jah..
Wishing you the best
in the next phase of
your life.
Happy Retirement!
Stay healty ya..
Salam Mak Jah, may Allah
give you, life full of bless
ahead of your retirement
day, stay active & healthy
and enjoyed this
wonderful journey
Hi Kak Azizah,
Wishing you all the very best
and enjoy your life to the
max! Gonna miss your voice
and laughter...
Thank You & Happy
Retirement !
From: Fion
Hi Mak Jah,
Happy retirement and
best wishes for the day
ahead. Take care of
your health and stay
Tasyriff IZzat (TIZ)
EAS Kak Azizah,
Have a lovely retirement. Thanks for all the support in SBM.
Thank you for your support in my 8 years in SBM. Hope you
enjoy your retirement and no need to travel between
Seremban and KL anymore!
Aaron Chong
Assalamualaikum Kak Azizah,
"Retirement doesn’t mean the end of your active life. It just
signifies another chapter and journey. Enjoy it"
Have a lovely retirement. Thank you for everything
Amir Saleh Jalaludin (AJ)
EDM Hi Kak Azizah,
We hope retirement brings you the chance to do whatever it is
that you always wanted to do but didn’t get to.
Thank you and all the best!
Dave & Raymund
DCC Happy Retirement Kak Azizah :)
Thank you for your energetic and sunshine mood that can
brighten up someone's day.
May this next chapter of life bring you endless time to do the
things you love.
Mak Jah,
I wish you a new journey of success & happiness in this new
chapter of your life. And remember this, you can't RETIRE from
being AWESOME.
-Agnes Bibiana-
To our sweet and lovely Kak Azizah,
Retirement is an everlasting vacation, so enjoy it!
I wish you pleasant times, good health and great
people by your side.
Assalamualaikum Kak Azizah,
Selamat bersara!
Thanks for the support, assistance, friendship, guidance and cheerfulness that
you have shared with us all these years.
Semuga akak sentiasa sihat, di murahkan rezeki and semuga berbahagia
hingga ke syurga.
Enjoy the well-deserved retirement!
Dari IshakKitan.
Hi Kak Jah! Happy retirement to you! May your days be filled with happiness
always! Hope to see you around again someday...
Best regards,
Dearest Kak Azizah,
Thank you for your contribution to our department and
personally assist me on the travel request before
pandemic time. All the best to your retirement life and
enjoy the great time with your grandchild.You will
surely be missed in the office.
Wish you a good healthy and happiness always be
with you
Kakak, kakak! Thank you Dearest Kak Jah,
so much for helping us Have a great time beyond
when we need help in your retirement, although
office all the time. Despite spoiling your grandkids is
your busy schedule or
work, you never say 'NO' a full-time job :)
to us.You always keep We'll miss the energy that
your words never left us you bring with you in this
unattended. office.
Take good care of your
Happy retirement to you! health and may Allah
Stay healthy and Enjoy !
Hope to see you again .. bless you.
Yours sincerely, Sincerely,
Thank you for all you've done for the hydro team and
have a wonderful time in the future.
Selamat Bersara, Azizah.
Please enjoy the next phase of your life.
From Bong
On Behalf of hydro team
I wish you a happy, loving and healthy
retirement. Your new KPIs are enjoying
your hobbies, having quality time with
your friends and family.
We will miss your happy smiling face. It
was my pleasure to meet you and work
with you.
Best Regards,
Chris Chi
• Wishing you a happy and healthy
retirement, Kak Azizah — have fun!
• Best regards from Jamie Hii
Wishing you the
best retirement
ever! Enjoy the new
chapter of your life
-Swasti Mishra
• Hi Kak Azizah, Thank you very much
for all your support and assistance
throughout these years. It was a real
pleasure knowing and working with
• Wishing you a very happy and healthy
• Hope you will enjoy this new chapter
of your life.
• Keep up your cheerfulness.
• Best regards from Yogeshwara Kumar
Salam Kak Azizah,
Happy retirement.
Wishing you all the happiness and joy retirement can bring!
Semoga diberikan kesihatan dan kebahagiaan bersama keluarga
-Emir Sabarudin
We wish you to enjoy your golden time with Family and Friends.
May this time onwards will give you more opportunity to do
things that you may always want to do.
Semoga diberkati dan dikurniakan
kesihatan yang berpanjangan
Mechanical I hope
retirement brings
you the chance
to do whatever
it is that you
always wanted
to do but didn’t
get to. All the
Hi Kak Azizah....years passed you still are the Assamualaikum Kak,
same happy go lucky and kind person. Hope enjoy your retirement!!!!
the retirement gives you time to spend with I wish you the best in life
family and have some travelling for fun and and have great time
spiritual reasons. spending with your
family members.
It gives me great happiness to wish you all the
best in life and may God fulfill your wishes in life. Jumpa lagi. Insyallah
Start completing your bucket lists!!!
God Bless and take care!!!
Cheers to your
retirement as a
person who gave
their all! May this be
the best and most
rewarding year of
your life. Enjoy!
We are going to miss
you .
I wish you a happy,
loving and healthy.
NavalMuhammad Nadzri
Good health and good
life with your
loves one, InsyaAllah
(God bless).
- Badrul Isam
Assalamualaikum and salam sejahtera Assalamualaikum Kak
Mak Jah. Azizah. Selamat Bersara.
Happy retirement and may you always Saya doakan diberikan
be blessed with joyful post-retirement
life and good health. kesihatan yang
berterusan..rezeki yang
hentinya..keselamatan dan
kesejahteraan dunia
Semoga Happy selalu..
Thank you for being such a kind soul to From
all of us throughout your time here at
Kind regards, Wishing you the most exciting and stress-free
Asyraf Azran retirement ever.
Assalamualaikum Kak Azizah... Salam Kak Zizah, Have a nice
Selamat bersara dan semoga di journey ahead.
kurniakan kesihatan yg baik dan di
Enjoy your retirement!!
rahmati Allah selalu. My apologized if
Minta maaf kalau ada tersalah
any mistake unintentionally
dan silap. by me.
Semoga ikatan ukhuwah kekal dan
Enjoy your life!
berpanjangan. May Allah bless u and your
Me - Roslan
Assalammualaikum Assalam Kak Azizah,
Kak Azizah, Wishing you a joy, happy & healthy
Untung la dah pencen..boleh Enjoy your permanent weekend with
jalan2 pasni..makan angin family.
kuar asap....
Namun pencen -Fadzil-
bukan pengakhiran tetapi
permulaan sesuatu yang
Doakan Kak Jah enjoy your
life to the fullest and release
all the stresses with work
with new environment..
Enjoy your long holiday with
family and stay safe.
Dear Kak Azizah,
Thanks for all the good support, help and
Dear Kak Azizah, sharing. I'm sure SBM gonna be different Dear Kak Azizah,
thanks for your without you and your laughter, you'll be missed
definitely. Wish you a happy, healthy and Thanks for all your support
support and I fulfilling retirement life ahead. over the years. We’ll miss
wish you a happy you around the office.
Wishing you a wonderful
retirement and Best wishes, retirement. Enjoy this new
always stay Alicia chapter of your life, and we
healthy & happy hope it's filled with good
health, relaxation, and fun!
You will be
missed! Best wishes,
Sim TiamHock
Best wishes,
Lay Ling