INTRODUCTION I’m a first-year student at USIM named Nik Nurul Izzah Binti Mohd Ridzewan, and I’m now enrolled in the AEN3183 Dakwah Electronic and Campaign course. The purpose this course, which is being taught by Dr Kartini binti Kamaruzzaman, is to expose students to the field of Electronic Dakwah and Campaign. AEN3183 Dakwah Electronic and Campaign is one of all the topics absorbed by some students in USIM to complete their studies and go through their journey in teaching additional information for them to become a respected and knowledgeable person who will contribute to society. This subject mainly targets information about dakwah in the latest technology currently used. in this subject, the instructors intend to implement the Malaysian- University for Society Service Learning Programme (SULAM) which will be applied in the course Electronic Dakwah and Campaign AEN3183 where it is seen as a potential element. SULAM is a term used for Service Learning Malaysia- University for Society. Every student who takes this subject should complete this component so that their progress as the subject is completed. SULAM may be a program that students with the community act and learn to contribute with them. SULAM together trains students to be with the community so that the students who graduate have the passion to strive so. The objective of SULAM is to review the knowledge learned by the students from these subjects and understand the extent to which scholars understand the subjects. SULAM's objective is also to deliver expertise to students in conducting programmes that will contribute to the community.
CRITICAL REFLECTION “BEFORE” In this subject, from the first week to the fourteenth week, I have learned what da'wah is and how we can use electronic items to deliver da'wah. among the topics I studied are introduction to e-dakwah and campaign, the strategy of online and digital campaign, cognitive dissonance theory and campaign, and many more. for example in the title “the strategy of online dan digital campaign”, I have studied the history of the existence of dakwah online and campaign delivery applications. some websites that I have known, such as web 1.0, web 2.0 and web 3.0, which here I can find out the advantages and disadvantages of using to dakwah and campaign online. besides, in this title, I can find out some e-campaigns, such as identify the problem, identify the objectives, identify your ‘brand’, identify your audience and so on. this can make it easier for us to find out about the problems experienced before we start the campaign and deal with the problems faced. On June 7, group 8 from the SULAM group which is my group, we had our first face-to-face meeting. Among the topics discussed is the selection of topics that are appropriate to the problems faced by Taman Tasik Jaya National School (STAJA). Here I also include the division of the work scope of each committee.
On the date 7 June 2023 corresponding to the tenth week, at 5 pm located in the main meeting room, faculty of leadership and management, here the lecturers involved, namely Dr Kartini and Dr Norsimaa have gathered 4 classes involved in making SULAM a success. The purpose of this meeting is to brief the journey from the beginning to the end at the school. among the contents of the meeting are such as the travel time, the destination and can be used to record campaign and dakwah videos, the division of school students into groups and so on. The lecturer also informed that the representative of each group should prepare questions before and after conducting this campaign. On June 9, 2023 at 8 pm, here we, group 8 held a third meeting regarding the SULAM campaign. The objective and purpose of this meeting is to discuss how and what needs to be done and what is conveyed so that the audience who sees our campaign video can take lessons and learn from it. We also don't forget to remind you that we need to prepare two videos for this subject, namely the SULAM video and also a behind the scene video of the journey as long as we prepare this SULAM video. CRITICAL REFLECTION “DURING” So, the long-awaited day has arrived. before 5:30 in the morning, on June 14, 2023, I bravely got up and got ready to go down from the college to wait for the bus downstairs. In that quiet morning accompanied by rain at dawn, when I arrived below I saw that the bus that would take us to (STAJA) had arrived and I rushed to board the bus through the rain at that time. then, we left from the college to Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Tasik Jaya at 7:30 am after waiting for all our friends to board the bus together.
We arrived at the school at 9:00 o'clock. In addition, we were dropped off right in front of the school hall. The journey of our program begins in the hall, where we have to listen to the opening of the ceremony until its inauguration. On that day, not only USIM students, but students from Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Tasik Jaya, students from Sekolah Kebangsaan Agama Sheikh Haji Mohd Said Seremban, and students from Sekolah Menengah Agama Persekutuan. Before we started the SULAM program, morning we were also able to attend a very interesting opening ceremony. After the ceremony was officiated, we all dispersed and headed to the library to start our SULAM program. Next, we were able to hear a sharing about dakwah from a preacher who is very famous and liked by many people, Tuan Lim Jooi Soon who gave us a lot of knowledge about dakwah, how to dakwah and made us interested in dakwah. After that, before we prepared the da'wah video and campaign with each group and there were school students from SMAP LABU and SHAMS participating in this program, we heard a little bit about e-da'wah and campaign from our lecturer Dr. Kartini and Dr Norsimaa. . After that, we gathered as a group to prepare our preaching video and campaign with the cooperation of group members and students of SMAP LABU and SHAMS. We are 8 people and 13 people are preparing the video recording, making together and we continue to record our group video at Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Tasik Jaya to record our video by using two places which are the J-Qaf room and the corridor.
After that, we were given time to rest. At that time we also went to pray and pray together and continued to prepare the video until it was ready. Next, when we finish editing the video, we are told to send the video to the lecturer and our lecturer will choose the best 3 groups. in the closing ceremony, we were able to hear a speech from the respected YBRS, Professor Dr Mohd Yahya Mohd Arifin and gave souvenirs to STAJA school and SMAP LABU and SHAMS schools who were willing to attend the day of the program. In fact, we were together in a photography session that was a witness that we were ready and celebrated the cooperation of all in implementing the SULAM program. CRITICAL REFLECTION “AFTER”
After the SULAM program, each of us in the group needs to try to promote the video on social media, especially tiktok because this application is the latest application that is very famous and liked by many people around the world who use it, especially the youth, so tiktok application is our main place to preach and campaign to be easily seen and taken from it. In fact, other applications can also be promoted such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and so on to attract people's interest so that they understand and take advice from our preaching videos and campaigns. By studying this subject in doing SULAM activities, I was able to learn knowledge related to da'wah and campaigns that are very important to me as a Muslim, how important da'wah is to people to go to the right path and try to leave bad things. . This is said because nowadays is a modern age that has various new technologies, especially ICT and social media that are the main focus of many people around the world. By studying digital campaigns, we can learn how to preach more deeply, it also works and is effective on social media that is not just physical. Da'wah through social media is very effective and makes it easier for us to expand da'wah and campaigns. At the same time, with the program, I can increase my interest in preaching and campaigning using social media and that can also increase my own knowledge, experience and teaching in preaching and campaigning on social media and can increase my confidence to spread this preaching further. .
LOG DIARY WEE K DESCRIPTIONS OF LOG DIARY AEN3183 1 This week i learned about the function of this campaign and da'wah. My lecturer Dr. Kartini explained a little about our big assignment which is SULAM. 2 This week I learned about e da'wah for example da'i, mad'u, maudu' and qawa'id. 3 I’m learning about web 1.0, 2.0 and essential strategies for e - campaigning (3.0). 4 I’m learning about cognitive dissonance theory. - cognitive is cognition. Cognition are elements of knowledge - Dissonance. Being psychologically uncomfortable, motivates a person to reduce the dissonance and/or leads to avoidance of information likely to increase the dissonance. 5 This week, I learned how to preach and campaign in an application that is widely used by the youth, namely the tiktok application. 6 This week I learned how to convey da'wah and campaigns through speech intonation, facial reactions and so on. as in the slides, namely verbal and non-verbal communication as well as persuasive communication. 7 this week I learned about attitudes: values beliefs, characteristic of attitudes and function of attitudes. 8 Effective Communication Model od E-dakwah and E-campaign - This week, I learnt the purpose of a campaign, how to starting a campaign and crafting the message for a campaign, how to incorporating Dakwah (Islamic principles and values), and also I learnt to disseminate campaign messages through mediated Communication Channels. - From this lecture, we know that to run an effective campaign we must have a specific target audience. - There are two message contents to do a campaign, namely informational and persuasive messages. The informational message was seek to create awareness or provide instruction play an important role. While, persuasive messages emphasize reasons why the audience should adopt the advocated action or avoid the proscribed behaviors. - Mediated communication channels such as social media was enable the convergence of the three modes of sociality such cognition, communication, and cooperation. 9 Techno Da’ie in The New Media Era - I learnt about Networked Theology with subtopic of networked religion. - There were 5 key traits of Networked Religion such networked community, storied identity, convergent practices, shifting authority, and multisite reality. 10 Worldwide Islamic E-dakwah and E-campaign - This week, I learnt about the importance of new media skills and strategies as dai’e and campaigners and also the intersection between online activities and offline events in contemporary Islamic preaching. - Having interesting skills and strategies in the use of new media can improve campaigning ability better. - Felix Siauw is an independent preacher in Indonesia, who has shown his ability to spread the word very creatively and effectively. - Felix Siauw is always aware of social media trends and current issues so that he always looks up to date and was interested in young people who are also his target audience. 11 E-dakwah and e-Campaign Evaluation - This week, gonna be a hectic week for us to prepared for SULAM program to be held on June 14. - During June 14, we all listened to a very useful and inspiring sharing from Tuan Lim Jooi Soon entitled 'Dakwah nn TikTok'. - Next, we continued the SULAM project together with the participants from Sek Men Agama
Persekutuan Labu dan Sek Men Agama Sheikh Hj Mohd Said who were also present. 12 Technology and Dakwah in the 21st Century & Campaign Evaluation (I) 13 E-dakwah and e-Campaign Evaluation - We were asked by our course coordinator Dr Kartini, to fill out a 'Self and Peer Review' form to assess teamwork, self-motivation, responsibility, and communication skills for ourselves and each group members. 14 Worldwide Islamic Campaign and Dakwah - I learnt about the example of Islamic worldwide campaign and the purpose, strategies, and types of campaigns they conducted - Digital media technologies should be adopted by Muslims to improve the scalability of their dakwah towards societies. This includes through socio-political campaign. - The Islamic Relief Worldwide campaign is made up to give awareness to the society about Islam and defending Islamic Justice - Look thoroughly how Islamic values and principles become the guidance and shapes the IRW values. The values such as Ikhlas, Ihsan, Rahmah, Adl, and Amanah are all encompass specific meanings. - For the iERA campaign was made up to attract non-muslim to embrace Islam. - iERA aims to conduct the value-based campaign to bring positive change that can strengthen community relations both Muslims and non-Muslims.
CONCLUSION In conclusion, the SULAM program gave me a lot of experience and knowledge in getting involved in organizations running campaigns involving the community. This SULAM program also taught me a lot about the spirit of helping fellow group members in making this campaign video a success. By studying the subjects applied in making this SULAM program a success, I was able to learn knowledge related to da'wah and campaigns that are very important to me as a Muslim, how important it is to preach to people to go on the right path and stay away from the wrong path. In addition, it made me realize that our involvement is not only to get marks in this assignment, but it trains us to draw closer to God because when we invite people to goodness, even if we are not completely good. let's not look at who is delivering, but look at what is to be delivered. then Allah will double the reward for us. In fact, Prophet Muhammad SAW himself also invited people to do good. On this occasion, I would like to express my deepest appreciation and gratitude to the lecturers involved in making the SULAM program at STAJA school a success, namely Dr Kartini and Dr Norsimaa. from the beginning of the registration of this subject until the completion of the SULAM video, there is too much knowledge related to preaching and electronic campaigns shared by the lecturer. here also I would also like to take the opportunity to say a thousand thanks to the class leaders from the four classes who took this subject. Without your help, maybe the lecturers will be a little burdened to make this SULAM program a success. Thank you for being a wing to the lecturer in conveying information to all class members about this subject as well as the journey throughout the SULAM program. Not forgetting the two schools involved which are SMAP LABU school and SHAMS school who made our campaign video a success. Thank you for helping us and listening to all our instructions in making our videos part of the score in this subject. Hopefully this video that we run and record can be a lesson and a lesson to all of you to avoid the problems discussed and the solutions given. Hopefully SMAP LABU school and SHAMS school can curb the problems that often occur in their respective schools. Finally, I would like to say a big thank you to all the members of my group, which is group 8. Without you all, I probably wouldn't have been able to make this video. Thank you for teaching me many things. I really enjoyed getting to know you all, hope to see you again. Here I also want to take the opportunity to say a thousand thanks to the media in my group, which is k. Balqis and K. wanna, because you worked hard to complete the video at the time set by the lecturer by ignoring your meal time, by eating a little later than the other group members. Hopefully this video can provide benefits, knowledge and can be realized by the community out there and can curb the problems faced. In addition, it is not only the school that needs to curb the problems faced by students at school, but parents also need to intervene to deal with the problems faced by students. Here I hope
this video is not only for the community, but it becomes an enlightenment for us to always take care and learn from the good side of a good video. REFERENCES 1. Carnival ExploreSTREM pupuk sikap belia dalam Masyarakat. file:///C:/Users/ACER/Downloads/Harakah%2019-22%20Jun%202023%20-%20KAMPUS.pdf 2. file:///C:/Users/ACER/Downloads/ 15_Jun_2023_Dagang_News_USIM_anjur_program_perkasakan_interaksi%20(1).pdf