Thank YOU for volunteering to be a 2017 Run Ranger Run state
ambassador. You are making the movement happen! We appreci-
ate your support and your willingness to bring Run Ranger Run to
your state.
Key tasks we can use your support and enthusiasm to obtain in your state:
Host a kick off Event
Recruit par cipants to start their own team
Communicate (share your successes and lessons learned on the State Ambassador Face-
book page)
In this packet you will find:
Informa on on Run Ranger Run
Informa on on GallantFew, Inc.
Kick Off event concepts and ideas
How to recruit par cipants
Ideas for fundraising
Ideas for sharing Run Ranger Run with your state
Run Ranger Run 2017 flyer
How can you recruit par cipants for Run Ranger Run?
You are already registered and
have received your t-shirt, so
wear it with pride! If you are
working out or just running
errands, your shirt is a great
marke ng tool. Show it off and
use it as a conversa on starter.
Ask if people have heard of
Run Ranger Run and direct
them to the website to register.
Word of mouth is a great way.
Share the movement and know
your facts. Review the fact
sheet on Run Ranger Run included in this packet, as well as the GallantFew
sheet and express to people why this par cular fundraiser is so very important.
Running clubs, gyms, and community groups are a great place to recruit new
par cipants. Do you have people you know who are avid runners? Do you
know of people who want to commit to a New Year’s Resolu on? Do you have
a group that supports the military or veterans? Any of those groups are great
for sharing informa on about Run Ranger Run and encouraging par cipa on.
What about local ROTC or JROTC groups?
Con nued
Is someone unsure about par cipa ng because they don’t think they can fill a
team? No problem! Not every member of a team has to be a marathon
runner. They just have to do their part. Run Ranger Run is typically a team
event and that means everyone comes together to do what they personally can
to contribute at any skill level. Many teams have team members in mul ple
states, so if someone wants to join but doesn’t know enough people locally,
encourage them to recruit member from a different state.
Think outside the box. Run Ranger Run can be for everyone. People may
want to par cipate because of a personal connec on to GallantFew’s mission or
Cory Smith’s story of his personal journey that began Run Ranger Run, a fitness
goal, or something else, so don’t assume if someone doesn’t fit the profile you
may have envisioned for Run Ranger Run, it doesn’t mean they won’t want to
par cipate! Reach out, spread the word and look to resources outside the box
share the movement and help increase par cipa on!
How can you spread the word about Run Ranger Run?
Share informa on about Run Ranger Run via social media. Use the Run
Ranger Run Facebook, Twi er, and Instagram accounts to spread the word
about promo ons, other teams and par cipants, and updates on your
personal social media sites. If you belong to a community group where
you can share posts or informa on, share Run Ranger Run updates there as
well. Please use #RunRanger Run , #RRR17
- Tip #1—Submit a photo of you for they “How I Run Ranger Run” posts.
We will create a meme that matches our them and you can use to share
on social media throughout the Run Ranger Run campaign.
Do you belong to a gym, running club, community or other group? Ask if
you can share a Run Ranger Run flyer, postcard or poster at their facility or
on their website. Always direct them to for more
informa on about Run Ranger Run, registra on and updates.
Hold a Kick Off Event. All around the country there will be Run Ranger Run
Kick Off Events. You can help kick things off January 28th by organizing an
event too! See the Kick Off Event chart to follow the best prac ces for
How can you help raise funds for Run Ranger Run?
Local Business Sponsorship. Ask local businesses to sponsor yourself or
your team and encourage
others to do the same.
Individual Sponsorship from
family and friends. You can
send an email via Crowdrise
with all the informa on you
would like to share about the
fundraiser or feel free to form
your own. You can post links
to your personal Crowdrise
page or your team page on
your social media accounts to
encourage dona ons and let people track your fundraising achievements.
* Tip #1 - We have added a sample par cipant solicita on le ers at
Sponsorship by the mile. Teams will walk, run or bike a total of 565 miles
but why stop there? Accrue as many miles as you can and ask people to
donate $1, $2, etc. per mile.
*Tip #1 - We have added a sample pledge forms at
Social Event. Host a social event , in your hometown, for Run Ranger Run
and apply the proceeds to your fundraiser.
* Tip #1 - Na onal chain restaurants (i.e. Chili’s, Applebee’s) o en
have charity nights. GallantFew is happy to work with you to complete
con nued
the necessary paperwork to host “dining in” fundraisers in your area.
* Tip #2 - Happy hour at some of your local establishments.
Volunteers have hosted and raised significant fund simply from
coordina ng a charity happy hour at a favorite pub or establishment.
Matching Dona ons. Ask your team members or those you recruit if their
companies offer matching dona ons. If so you can include those in your
fundraising. GallantFew currently is set up to receive matching gi s from:
- Textron
- Apple
- Microso
- Na onal Instruments
- BP
- Bank of America
- CA Technologies
- Dell
- Edison Interna onal
- Exelon
- Shell
February 1– 28, 2017
Join the movement around the world and
support Veterans through
GallantFew’s Run Ranger Run!
Registra on will open on October 1st .
In 2012, 3rd Ranger Ba alion Veteran /US Army Corporal Cory Smith, having deployed to combat twice, experienced
having friends killed and wounded and with his marriage failing decided to highlight the difficult journey home many
soldiers have faced leaving the Army. Corey went through a very public and very difficult journey home himself. Cory
decided to run 565 miles in 28 days with holding his daughter Elleigh in his arms the end goal of his run.
To honor Cory’s incredible effort and to con nue the momentum to raise awareness for Veterans issues—par cularly
around divorce, unemployment, homelessness and suicide—GallantFew hosts an annual Run Ranger Run event.
A team captain recruits and forms his or her own team
Team goal is to walk, run or ride a bike (or any BENEFITING
combina on) a total of 565 miles in the month of
Teams can be two to ten people.
Teams are not limited geographically. It can be a Progress is being made due to dedicated and joint efforts.
local group that logs mileage together, or could We need to con nue our momentum in helping veterans
be a team spread out across the USA or world. who con nue to ba le unemployment, underemploy-
ment, homelessness and suicide. The most recent
Teams can honor a fallen, wounded or serving Department of Labor Sta s cs from March 2016 show
Soldier, Sailor, Airman or Marine by naming their Global War on Terror veteran unemployment is down 1.4
team in honor of that person, and their team percent. The VA also reports a decline in veteran suicide to
website will reflect that. twenty per day from previously reported twenty two
veterans a day take their own lives. The work of
Teams will register and track their progress GallantFew does make a difference and your miles will
online. change lives!
Teams raise money by ge ng their family,
friends, and co-workers to sponsor them.
For more informa on contact Candyss Bryant—cbryant@gallan or 706-718-9520
Follow the prompts STEP #2
youRun February1-28
[email protected]
To facilitate a peacef
from military serv
with hope
ful, successful transition
vice to civilian life filled
e and purpose.
What We Do:
GallantFew was founded by Veterans for Veterans. S
network of United States military Veteran mentors (
on-one mentoring by a Veteran, previously transitio
tion, with a Veteran (“Future Guide”). GallantFew is
uniformed service, with no inter-service rivalry. We
and frustrated.
Our Goal:
Our goal is to one day provide every transitioning V
Veteran mentor, just like him or her, in the same hom
How Can You Help?
- Sign up to be a “Guide” OR volunteer to h
- Make a Donation (
- Encourage a Veteran to take the Spartan P
- Create an awareness activity or join our co
Run Ranger Run (
Call: 817-567-3293 Ema
Charitable 501 (c
Since 2010, GallantFew has been building a global
(“Guides”). The core focus of GallantFew is one-
oned and now established in civilian a occupa-
s representative of Veterans from all branches of
e want to prevent veterans from becoming isolated
Veteran from every branch of the service with a
help a Veteran in transition
Pledge (
ore awareness activity,
ail: [email protected]
c)(3) 27-1779772
The Problem
22 18-34 37% There are
Veterans take their This age group is more likely for
lives every day. at a 20% greater Global War on 250k
risk for Veteran Terror Veterans to
1 per 65 minutes be unemployed than transitioning Veterans/year
unemployment. a person who never GallantFew ‘guides’ help
Equivalent of 3.3
per 1000. 27 times 53% served. transitioning Veterans
stay on azimuth through
the US average 1 of 2 separating local one-on-one mentoring
suicide rate. post 9/11 Vets will be
faced with a period of relationionships.
unemployment “Thanks again for all of your
time and mentorship to this
Help us stop the next one. process. It’s not easy but you
have definitely helped in more
Source: 2015 Veteran Economic Opportunity Report, IAVA, The Economist and Department of Labor ways than I can express.”
US Army 75th Ranger Regiment MSG (Ret)
GallantFew is a revolutionary Veterans support network with the mission to
prevent isolation by connecting Veterans leaving active duty to Veterans just like
them. The goal is to facilitate a peaceful, successful transition from military service
to a civilian life full of hope and purpose.
884 compared to 695
services performed services performed
in 2015 in 2014
2015 Revenue: $654,651
15 Darby Project Supported the Raider 7 Partnered with the
Chapters started. crash with aid to fami- Elk Institute, providing
Worked in collaboration with lies and teammates. psychological care.
USSOCOM to idenfy Rangers
Raider Project wilderness Provided DFW Fit-Vet, a partner-
in need of a service dog. retreat in Colorado. ship with Metroport Rotary and
Partnerships with: Service 2 Summit Indoor Climbing to help
School, WarriorScholar Project, Provided 80 Veterans with
Hire Heroes USA, Rally Point posturepedic mattresses Veterans increase physical fitness,
6, and Sua Sponte Elite Race confidence and trust.
2015 Expenses: $630,797
Team. Run Ranger Run, awareness
event, facilitated nearly 3000
Special thanks to our 1000+ volunteers, donors and the continued support of the Gatewood Foundation,
Carrington Charitable Foundation, 2 Vets Arms and the Honoring Sandrino’s Sacrifice Fund.
EIN # 27-1779772