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Latest titles available in politics from Brookings Instititution Press

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Brookings Institution Press - Politics 2017

Latest titles available in politics from Brookings Instititution Press

Politics 2017

North American Politics



Privacy, Mass Surveillance, and the Struggle to Reform the NSA
Timothy H. Edgar

May 2017 166pp
9780815730637 Hardback £18.95 / €23.00
America's mass surveillance programmes, once secret, can no longer be ignored. While Edward Snowden began the process in 2013
with his leaks of top secret documents, the Obama administration's own reforms have also helped bring the National Security
Agency and its programme of signals intelligence collection out of the shadows. The real question is: What should we do about
mass surveillance?
This work explains both why and how we can protect our privacy, without sacrificing the vital intelligence capabilities needed to
keep ourselves and our allies safe.


Inside the Gulf Oil Disaster
Daniel Jacobs

Oct 2016 210pp
9780815729082 Hardback £18.95 / €23.00
Presents the first comprehensive account of the legal, economic, and environmental consequences of the April 2010 blowout. A
former Justice Department lawyer responsible for enforcing environmental laws, Daniel Jacobs tells the story that neither BP nor the
US federal government wants heard: how they both fell short, both in terms of preventing and coping with the accident. BP has paid
tens of billions of dollars to settle claims and law suits arising from the accident. The company also has pled guilty to manslaughter
in a separate criminal case. Yet, no one responsible for the accident itself is headed to prison. On the other hand, hundreds of people
have been prosecuted for filing false claims against BP, some 75 of whom have been sentenced to prison.



Five Decades on the Frontlines of Diplomacy
James F. Dobbins

Jun 2017 346pp
9780815730040 Hardback £25.95 / €31.00
Presents a behind the scenes look at 50 years of US diplomacy. From Vietnam in the 1960s to the Afghanistan of this decade, James
Dobbins takes the reader behind the scenes at the Vietnam peace talks, the darkest dates of the Cold War, the reunification of
Germany, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the US military interventions in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Haiti, Kosovo, and Somalia.
Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama turned repeatedly to Dobbins to help find creative solutions for seemingly irresolvable
problems. Now readers can benefit from his insights.



Edited by Bruce Jones
Foreword by Strobe Talbott
Feb 2017 120pp
9780815729532 Hardback £16.95 / €21.00
Seventy years ago, in the wake of World War II, the US did something almost unprecedented in world history: it launched and paid
for an economic aid plan to restore a continent reeling from war. The European Recovery Plan — better known as the Marshall Plan
— was in part an act of charity but primarily an act of self-interest, intended to prevent post-war Western Europe from succumbing
to communism.
This work reviews the global context in which the Truman administration pushed the Marshall Plan through Congress and concludes
with an essay by Bruce Jones and Will Moreland that demonstrates how the Marshall Plan helped shape the entire post-war era and
how today's leaders can learn from the plan's challenges and successes.


Elaine C. Kamarck
Jul 2016 224pp
9780815727781 Hardback £21.50 / €24.00
Asks the important question: When did Americans lose faith in their leaders? And how can they get it back?
Kamarck argues that presidents today spend too much time talking, and not enough time governing. After decades of "imperial" and
"rhetorical" presidencies, we are in need of a "managerial" president.
In her fully readable and accessible book, she explains the difficulties of governing in our modern political landscape, and offers
examples and recommendations of how the new US president can not only recreate faith in leadership, but also run a competent,
successful administration.

North American Politics Continued

The Case for Modest How to Recover
Growth in America's Edited by Michael E. O’Hanlon America's Lost
Defense Budget Jan 2017 280pp Commitment
Michael E. O'Hanlon 9780815731313 Hardback £16.95 / €21.00 to Competence
As a new administration takes office, what are Donald F. Kettl
Jul 2016 160pp the biggest issues facing the US? The Brookings
9780815729570 Institution offers answers to that question in this Jun 2016 200pp
Paperback £19.95 / €22.00 volume, which continues the Brookings tradition 9780815728016
The Marshall Papers of providing each incoming administration with Paperback £24.50 / €28.00
a nonpartisan analysis of the major domestic and
The US spends a lot of foreign questions confronting America. Outlines the problems in
money on defense. But today's US government, including political pressures,
Brookings national security scholar Michael O'Hanlon NEW proxy tools, and capacity for management. This work
argues that is roughly the right amount given the details the strategies, evidence and people necessary to
overall size of the national economy and continuing CALLING strengthen governmental effectiveness and shut down
US responsibilities around the world. If anything, he THE SHOTS the gridlock.
says spending should increase modestly under the
new president. The President, FORTHCOMING
Executive Orders,
NEW and Public Policy EXCEPTIONS TO
Daniel P. Gitterman THE RULE
REGULATORY Jan 2017 200pp The Politics
EXCELLENCE 9780815729020 of Filibuster
Paperback £25.95 / €31.00 Limitations in the
Edited by Cary Coglianese The US Constitution lays US Senate
Nov 2016 260pp out three hypothetically Molly E. Reynolds
9780815728429 Hardback equal branches of
£34.50 / €38.00 government - the Jun 2017 233pp
Offers new insights executive, the legislative, and the judicial - but over 9780815729969
from law, public the years, the president, as head of the executive Paperback £25.95 / €31.00
administration, political branch, has emerged as the usually dominant political
science, sociology, and administrative force at the federal level. In fact, as Most people believe that
and policy sciences on Daniel Gitterman tells us, the president effectively is the filibuster prevents
what regulators need the CEO of an enormous federal bureaucracy. the Senate from acting
to improve their performance. This book provides on all but the least controversial matters. But that
guidance about how regulators can set appropriate FORTHCOMING knowledge is not exactly correct. Reynolds argues
priorities and make sound, evidence-based that these procedures represent a key instrument of
decisions through processes that are transparent CORRUPTION majority party power in the Senate. They allow the
and participatory. majority to produce policies that will improve its
A Short History future electoral prospects, and increase the chances it
AGAINST THE Carlo Alberto Brioschi remains the majority party.
Apr 2017 100pp THE FIFTH
Stephen Breyer 9780815727910 ESTATE
Edited by John Bessler Paperback £12.95 / €15.00
Aug 2016 160pp The Short Histories Think Tanks,
9780815728894 Hardback From ancient times to Public Policy,
£12.50 / €15.00 modern, corruption and Governance
Does the death has been ingrained in James G. McGann
penalty violate the US human society. In this
Constitution? In this work, Carlo Brioschi Sep 2016 280pp
work, Justice Stephen provides a thorough and 9780815728306 Hardback
Breyer argues that it entertaining look at how corruption has changed £31.50 / €35.00
does: that it is carried out over time. He discusses corruption through politics
unfairly and inconsistently, and thus violates the ban and history from Babylon to modern day US A comprehensive look
on "cruel and unusual punishments" specified by the organised crime. at think tanks and the
Eighth Amendment to the Constitution. important role they play
NEW in shaping public policy
AMERICA'S and public discourse in the US. The author clarifies
POLITICAL COUNTERING the correlation between think tank research and
DYNASTIES TERRORISM the policies enacted by the past three presidential
administrations by looking at case studies in both
From Adams No Simple Solutions foreign and domestic policy.
to Clinton Martha Crenshaw &
Stephen Hess Gary LaFree BESTSELLER

2015 800pp Dec 2016 260pp GET OUT THE VOTE
9780815727088 Hardback 9780815727644
£37.50 / €42.00 Paperback £27.50 / €33.00 How to Increase
Offers an encyclopaedic Provides a comprehensive Voter Turnout,
tour of the families that critical look at how the US Third Edition
have loomed large over has dealt with the terror Donald P. Green &
America's political history. threat over the years. The Alan S. Gerber
Starting with John Adams, Hess paints the portraits authors argue that the
of the men and women who, by coincidence, US still finds it difficult to define just who and what 2015 260pp
connivance, or sheer sense of duty, have made up it is they are fighting and at the same time has yet to 9780815725688 Paperback
America's political elite. determine what is the best way to deter or eradicate £21.50 / €24.00
terror threats.
The authors broke
ground by introducing a
new scientific approach
to the challenge of
voter mobilisation and
profoundly influenced how campaigns operate in the
first two editions of this work. Here, they incorporate
data from more than 100 new studies, which shed new
light on the cost-effectiveness and efficiency of various
campaign tactics.


to Reform Tibet, the CIA, and the Sino-Indian War
Malcolm Sparrow Bruce Riedel New and Revised Edition
G. Edward DeSeve
Apr 2016 200pp 2015 177pp
9780815727811 Hardback 9780815726999 Hardback £28.50 / €32.00 Nov 2016 130pp
£24.50 / €28.00 9780815728931 Paperback £14.95 / €18.00
The Cuban Missile Crisis defined the presidency The little-known truth is that the US federal
Argues that police of John F. Kennedy. But the same week the world government has no formal, or even informal,
departments across stood transfixed by the possibility of nuclear war, continual learning programme for its new high-level
America have shelved Kennedy was also consumed by a war that has managers. This work fills the need for learning, by
the traditional ideas of escaped history's attention: the Sino-Indian conflict. helping new presidential appointees develop the
community policy and Bruce Riedel, a CIA and National Security Council knowledge, skills, and capabilities they will need in
simple problem solving when it comes to crime, to veteran, provides the first full narrative of this crisis, their challenging assignments.
focus on crime reduction. Police departments need which played out during the tense negotiations with
to shed their reliance on metrics and turn back to Moscow over Cuba. FORTHCOMING IN PAPERBACK
making public safety, and public cooperation, their
primary goals. NEW THE PROFESSOR

INEQUALITY A Short History Daniel Patrick
John Hudak Moynihan in the
A Short History Nixon White House
Michele Alacevich & Anna Soci Oct 2016 100pp Stephen Hess
Jan 2017 120pp Paperback £11.95 / €15.00 Feb 2017 172pp
9780815727613 Paperback £14.95 / €17.00 The Short Histories 9780815730996
The Short Histories Paperback £14.50 / €18.00
With long-time legal What happens when a
Inequality endangers the fabric of societies, and social barriers conservative president
distorts the functioning of democracy, and derails to marijuana falling makes a liberal professor
the globalisation process. This work discusses across much of the from the Ivy League his top urban affairs adviser? The
the emergence of the inequality question in the US, the time has come president is Richard Nixon; the professor is Harvard's
twentieth century and explains how it is related to for an accessible and Daniel Patrick Moynihan. The year is 1969, and what
current issues such as globalisation and the survival informative look at attitudes toward the dried by- follows behind closed doors is a passionate debate of
of democracy. product of Cannabis sativa. This work profiles the conflicting ideologies and personalities.
politics and policies concerning the five-leaf plant in
NEW the US and around the world. PUBLIC
A Guide for Challenges to
Navigating the Investing in a Democratic
Politics of the House Startup Culture Governance
and Senate Floors for Security Catherine E. Rudder,
Trevor Corning, and Development A. Lee Fritschler &
Reema Dodin & Steven R. Koltai Yon Jung Choi
Kyle Nevins With Matthew Muspratt
Aug 2016 160pp
Jan 2017 60pp Aug 2016 240pp 9780815728986
9780815727323 9780815729235 Hardback Paperback £23.95 / €29.00
Paperback £9.95 / €12.00 £19.50 / €24.00 Sheds light on
policymaking by private groups, which are
A definitive guide to The combined weight of American diplomacy and unaccountable to the general public and often even
how the US Congress really works. This book is the military power cannot end unrest and extremism in to governments. This book brings to life the hidden
accessible and necessary resource to understanding the Middle East and other troubled regions of the world of policymaking by providing an overview of
and interpreting procedural tools, arcane precedents, world, Steven Koltai argues. Could an alternative this phenomenon and in-depth case studies in the
and the role of party politics in the making of approach work? Koltai says yes. This work argues for areas of finance, food safety and certain professions.
legislation in Congress. the significant elevation of entrepreneurship in the
service of foreign policy. NEW
PRENEURSHIP Climate Change and
The Virtues Water Policy in the
and Defects of A Guide to Shaping United States
Partisanship and Understanding Edited by Pat Mulroy
and Gridlock Policy
Edited by Lynn Ross Dec 2016 240pp
William F. Connelly, Jr., 9780815727842
John J. Pitney Jr. & Feb 2017 60pp Paperback £34.50 / €38.00
Gary J. Schmitt 9780815727361 The US faces a water
Paperback £9.95 / €12.00 crisis as critical as
May 2017 266pp the energy crisis that
9780815730361 Public policymaking dominated headlines
Paperback £29.95 / €36.00 in the US is a dynamic, until recently. Like the energy crisis, a solution can
complex, and even be found. Pat Mulroy has gathered together several
Focuses on how Congress in the twenty-first circuitous process. practitioners and scholars to show us why we face a
century can once again fulfil its proper functions That's where policy entrepreneurs come in. Lynn crisis and what we can do to help alleviate it.
of representation, deliberation, legislation, and Ross, Director of the Master of Policy Management
oversight. The authors offer a series of practical Program at Georgetown's McCourt School
reforms that would maintain, rather than replace, the of Public Policy, lays out what it takes to be a
constitutional separation of powers that has served policy entrepreneur.
the US well for more than 200 years.

European Politics


Russia's Vulnerable Flanks
Janusz Bugajski & Margarita Assenova

Sep 2016 300pp
9780985504557 Paperback £24.50 / €27.00
Examining the impact of Moscow's neo-imperial project on the security of several regions bordering the Russian Federation, this
work also analyses the geopolitical aspects of Kremlin ambitions, and makes recommendations for the future role of NATO, the EU,
and the US in the wider Europe.
Focusing on five vulnerable flanks bordering the Russian Federation-the Baltic and Nordic zones, East Central Europe, Southeast
Europe, South Caucasus, and Central Asia, it examines several pivotal questions, including the strategic objectives of Moscow's
expansionist ambitions; and the repercussions of heightened regional tensions for US, NATO, and EU policy toward Russia and
toward unstable regions bordering the Russian Federation.

The Jamestown Foundation


Russian Culture under Communism
Isaiah Berlin
Edited by Henry Hardy
Foreword by Strobe Talbott

Aug 2016 250pp
9780815728870 Paperback £20.50 / €25.00
A Brookings Classic
Although the essays in this book were originally written to explore the tensions between Soviet communism and Russian culture,
the thinking about the Russian mind that emerges is as relevant today as when the book first appeared more than a decade ago.
Among the highlights are accounts of Berlin's meetings with the Russian writers in the aftermath of the war; a celebrated
memorandum he wrote for the British Foreign Office in 1945 about the state of the arts under Stalin; Berlin's survey of Russian
culture based on a visit in 1956; and a postscript reflecting on the fall of the Berlin Wall and other events in 1989.
Includes a revised foreword by Brookings President Strobe Talbott and a new introduction by Berlin's editor, Henry Hardy.



Faultlines in a Troubled Alliance
Kemal Kirişci

Jul 2017 200pp
9780815730002 Hardback £25.95 / €31.00
Geopolitics in the 21st Century
The new US administration will face daunting challenges to the international liberal order, ranging from a fragile European Union
rocked by the United Kingdom’s exit, to a cold war-like rivalry with Russia and instability in the Middle East. A long-standing
member of NATO, Turkey stands as a front-line state in the midst of many of these challenges. Yet, Turkey is failing to play a more
constructive role in supporting this order.
Despite these problems, Kemal Kirişci’s new book argues that domestic and regional realities are now edging Turkey toward
improving its relations with the West. A better understanding of these developments will be critical in devising an updated US
strategy toward Turkey and its neighbourhood.

ITS NEIGHBORS Russia, the West and Europe's Grey Zone
Edited by Daniel S. Hamilton & Stefan Meister
Edited by Aylin Ünver Noi & Sasha Toperich
Aug 2016 240pp Aug 2016 280pp
9780990772064 Paperback £14.95 / €18.00 9780990772095 Paperback £28.50 / €35.00
The future of Europe's east is open. Can the societies
Democracy, which protects freedom and citizens’ of this vast region become more democratic and
rights more than any other regime, is in crisis today. secure and integrate into the European mainstream?
Respected authors and experts offer fresh and Or are they destined to become failed, fractured lands
creative answers to the challenges of democracy in mired in the stagnation and turbulence characteristic
the EU and its neighbouring countries by offering a of Europe's borderlands? How and why is Russia
transatlantic perspective. seeking to influence these developments, and what is
the future of Russia itself?
Center for Transatlantic Relations
Center for Transatlantic Relations
Towards Solutions for the Migrant Crisis
US-Ukraine Relations in Turbulent Times Edited by Bertelsmann Stiftung
Steven Pifer
Feb 2017 300pp
Aug 2017 366pp 9783867937498 Paperback £31.50 / €35.00
9780815730408 Hardback £29.50 / €34.00 A collection of essays from authors from different
countries, in particular, from the countries of origin
Provides the first detailed account of US diplomacy of refugees. In these essays, authors analyse the
toward independent Ukraine, covering the formative individual crisis regions at Europe's front door and
dozen years following the collapse of the Soviet make concrete and practice-oriented proposals to
Union at the end of 1991. improve and/or change the situation.
Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung
If you are a teaching academic or course leader you
may request up to three titles as FREE inspection
copies to consider as textbooks for students on your
course. For further details please visit:

BESTSELLER Middle Eastern & African Politics


Putin, Ukraine, and the New Cold War Syria's Humanitarian Crisis and the Failure to Protect
Marvin Kalb Elizabeth Ferris & Kemal Kirisci

2015 230pp Apr 2016 100pp
9780815726647 Hardback £28.50 / €32.00 9780815729518 Paperback £19.95 / €22.00
Marvin Kalb, former CBS Moscow bureau chief, traces The Marshall Papers
how the Crimea has become a global tinder box and
argues that the post-cold war world today hangs on The civil war in Syria has forced some 10 million people from
the resolution of the Ukraine crisis. their homes and communities, creating one of the largest human
displacements since the end of World War II. This volume looks
NEW beyond the ever-increasing numbers of Syria's uprooted population to
consider the long-term economic, political, and social implications of
IRREGULAR MIGRATION, this movement of people.
TRAFFICKING, AND SMUGGLING OF This crisis raises fundamental questions about the relationship
HUMAN BEINGS between action to resolve conflicts and humanitarian aid to assist
the victims. The increasingly protracted nature of the crisis also raises the need for the international
Policy Dilemmas in the EU community to think beyond just relief assistance and adopt developmental policies to help refugees
Edited by Sergio Carrera & Elspeth Guild become productive members of their host communities.

Nov 2016 114pp BESTSELLER
9789461385048 Paperback £16.95 / €19.00
Examining the treatment of irregular migration, THE ISLAMIC STATE
human trafficking, and smuggling in EU law and
policy, this work explores the policy dilemmas A Brief Introduction
encountered in efforts to criminalise irregular Charles R. Lister
migration and humanitarian assistance to
irregular immigrants. 2015 110pp
9780815726678 Paperback £17.95 / €20.00
Centre for European Policy Studies
In 2014 the Islamic State - also known as ISIS, or ISIL - seemingly
BESTSELLER appeared out of nowhere, capturing large swathes of territory in war-
torn Syria and rushing across the border into Iraq and taking over the
MR. PUTIN second-largest city in the country, Mosul.

Operative in the Kremlin What is the Islamic State? Is it a threat as potent and large as Al Qaeda
New & Expanded Edition in the early 2000s? Charles R. Lister provides answers to these and
Fiona Hill & Clifford G. Gaddy other questions, and shows that IS is not a new phenomenon but has
long historical roots and has evolved from a small terrorist group into
2015 533pp a functional state.
9780815726173 Paperback £29.95 / €36.00
In this revised and updated edition, Fiona Hill and BLIND SPOT
Clifford Gaddy argue that Putin is in fact a man of
many complex identities. Drawing on a range of America's Response to Radicalism in the Middle East
sources, including their own personal encounters, Edited by Nicholas Burns & Jonathon Price
they describe six that are most essential: the Statist, Foreword by Joseph Nye & Brent Scowcroft
the History Man, the Survivalist, the Outsider, the
Free Marketeer, and the Case Officer. Apr 2016 215pp
9780898436297 Paperback £21.50 / €24.00
Part of an annual series of pieces written by contemporary thought leaders on the
NORDIC WAYS most pressing US foreign policy and national security issues. This edition evaluates
the roots of extremism, the rise of the Islamic State, and the costs and risks
Project Directed by András Simonyi associated with intensifying US engagement in Iraq and Syria.
Edited by Debra Cagan
Nov 2016 311pp The Aspen Institute
9780990772118 Hardback £39.50 / €44.00
Presents a collection of short insightful essays written FORTHCOMING
by distinguished authors from all five countries
representing a broad spectrum of Nordic life. The IRAN RECONSIDERED
goal is to provide a long-term platform for what it
means to be Nordic in business, as environmental The Nuclear Deal and the Quest for a New Moderation
stewards, in the arts, culture, innovation, education Suzanne Maloney
and in commitment to democratic values.
Aug 2017 170pp
Center for Transatlantic Relations 9780815728245 Hardback £31.50 / €35.00

BESTSELLER Argues that the nature of the Islamic Republic amplifies the threat posed by its
nuclear ambitions and animates the most tenacious opponents of the deal. For
RUSSIA AND THE NEW that reason, the fierce debate that has erupted in Washington over the deal hinges
WORLD DISORDER on the prognosis for Iran's future.

2015 336pp
9780815726098 Paperback £25.95 / €30.00 Learning to Compete in Industry
9780815725565 Hardback £33.50 / €37.00 Carol Newman et al
The Russian annexation of Crimea was one of the
great strategic shocks of the past twenty-five years. Feb 2016 306pp
In this ground-breaking work, Bobo Lo analyses 9780815728153 Paperback £34.50 / €38.00
the broader context of the crisis by examining the
interplay between Russian foreign policy and an Outlines a new industrialisation strategy to help Africa compete in global markets.
increasingly anarchic international environment. This book draws on case study and qualitative research to understand what drives
He argues that Moscow's approach to regional and firm-level productivity in low income countries. The results show that while
global affairs reflects the tension between two very traditional concerns such as infrastructure, skills, and the regulatory environment
different worlds – the perceptual and the actual. are important, they alone will not be sufficient for Africa to industrialise.

Living with the Leviathan
Oct 2016 170pp
Reassessing Collective Leadership 9780815728122 Paperback
Cheng Li £29.50 / €33.00

Aug 2016 240pp Explores the recent Hong Kong turmoil, where
9780815726920 Paperback the Chinese government insisted on gradual
£29.50 / €33.00 movement toward full democracy and protesters
We must rethink how we analyse Chinese politics occupied major thoroughfares to insist on full
- an urgent task given how China now has more democracy now.
influence on the global economy and regional
security than at any other time in modern history. Richard Bush, Director of The Brookings
This work examines how the structure and Institution’s Center on East Asia Policy Studies, considers what Hong Kong
dynamics of party leadership have evolved since and China must do to ensure both economic competitiveness and good
the late 1990s and argues that “inner-party democracy” may pave the way for governance, and the implications of Hong Kong developments for US policy.
greater transformation within China's political system.
Smart City, Smart State
Inside the Making of India's Foreign Policy Kent E. Calder
Shivshankar Menon
Sep 2016 220pp
Oct 2016 180pp 9780815729471 Paperback
9780815729105 Hardback £22.95 / €28.00
£21.50 / €26.00
Geopolitics in the 21st Century Nearly everyone knows that Singapore has one of
Every country must make choices about foreign the most efficient governments and competitive
policy and national security. Sometimes those choices advanced economies in the world. But can this
turn out to have been the correct ones, other times unique city-state of some 5.5 million residents also
not. In this insider's account, the author describes serve as a model for other advanced economies as
some of the most crucial decisions India has faced. well as for the emerging world?
Menon either participated in directly, or was
associated with all of the major Indian foreign policy decisions he describes in Respected East Asia expert Kent Calder provides
this work, which include the first-ever boundary-related agreement between clear answers to this intriguing question and looks at how Singapore's
India and China, and India's disavowal of the first-use of nuclear weapons. government has harnessed information technology, data, and a focus on
This work will be of interest to anyone searching for answers to questions about innovative, adaptive governance to become a model smart city, smart state.
how one of the world's great, rising powers makes its decisions on the world
stage - and the difficult choices that sometimes had to be made.

Philippe Le Corre & Why Institutions Matter
The United States Alain Sepulchre Edited by Guanghua Wan & Zhang-Yue Zhou
and Regional May 2016 200pp
Security in 9780815727989 Aug 2017 340pp
Southeast Asia after Paperback £21.50 / €24.00 9784899740735 Paperback £37.50 / €42.00
the Cold War
Joseph Chinyong Liow Studies the trends, Approaches the issue of food security in several Asian
sectors, and target and other countries by highlighting the crucial role
Jun 2017 200pp countries of Chinese played by government and economic institutions and
9780815729679 Hardback investments in Europe. by examining how they influence food availability.
£27.50 / €33.00 This book also looks This book lays out policy initiatives for national
at European perceptions of China as a country governments and international bodies to reduce
The Obama with very different history and traditions from the poverty and inequality and to achieve higher levels of
administration's pivot-to- Western world. Philippe Le Corre and Alain Sepulchre food security.
Asia policy implies an important place for Southeast examine how Europe's China presence can serve as a
Asia in US foreign policy. But Washington's attention benchmark to other developed economies. Asian Development Bank Institute
to the region has fluctuated dramatically, from
intense intervention to near neglect. Consequently, FAULT LINES IN A NEW
countries in Southeast Asia worry that the US once RISING ASIA
again will become distracted by other problems and THE HOUSING
disengage from the region. This book casts light on Chung Min Lee CHALLENGE IN
the sources of these anxieties. May 2016 350pp EMERGING ASIA
FORTHCOMING Paperback £19.50 / €22.00 Options and
9780870033124 Hardback Solutions
CHINA'S GLOBAL ENGAGEMENT £40.95 / €50.00 Edited by Naoyuki Yoshino
& Matthias Helbe
Cooperation, Competition, and Influence in Asia's rise over the
the 21st Century past four decades Nov 2016 276pp
Edited by Jacques deLisle & Avery Goldstein is one of the most 9784899740650
significant geopolitical Paperback £26.95 / €33.00
May 2017 365pp and geoeconomic
9780815729693 Paperback £28.95 / €35.00 developments in world affairs. Yet the conventional Provides new insights
narrative of Asia's rise is incomplete, if not and ideas to best design
China specialists from around the world explore key misleading, given the region is home to the world's and implement housing
issues raised by a changing China's interaction with most dangerous, diverse, and divisive security, policies aimed at improving access to affordable and
a changing world. They chronicle China's emergence military, and political challenges. This volume adequate housing. This book offers an innovative
as a more capable actor whose engagement is addresses these challenges. theoretical framework to conceptualise and analyse
reshaping international affairs in many dimensions. various housing policies. It also critically reviews
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace housing policies of various countries and draws
lessons for others.

Asian Development Bank Institute

Latin American Politics


The Quest for Regional Primacy and Brazil on the Long Road to Global Influence
Strategic Autonomy David R. Mares & Harold A. Trinkunas
Teresita C. Schaffer & Howard B. Schaffer
Jul 2016 220pp
Jul 2016 350pp 9780815727958 Hardback £31.50 / €35.00
9780815728214 Hardback £31.50 / €35.00 Geopolitics in the 21st Century
Geopolitics in the 21st Century
In recent decades, India has grown as a global power, As the largest country in South America by land mass and population, Brazil
and has been able to pursue its own goals in its own has been marked since its independence by a belief that it has a potential
way. This work gives an insightful and integrated to be more than merely a very large country. Set apart from the rest of the
analysis of India's ability to manage its evolving role, hemisphere by culture, language and history, Brazil has also been viewed by
and shines a light on the country's strategic vision, its neighbours as a potential great power, and at times, a threat.
foreign policy, and negotiating behaviour.
This work explains Brazil's predilection for soft power through a historical
FORTHCOMING analysis of Brazil's three previous attempts to achieve major power status,
each of which shaped its present strategy. Though Brazil's efforts to rise have fallen short it will continue
PEACE ON A KNIFE'S EDGE to try to overcome the obstacles to its rise, whether those obstacles are domestic or international.

The Inside Story of Roh Moo-Hyun's FORTHCOMING NEW
North Korea Policy

Apr 2017 320pp Karinna Fernández, Sebastián Smart & Cristián Peña Crime and
9781931368438 Paperback £28.50 / €32.00 Mar 2017 200pp Displacement in
Lee Jong-Seok served as vice-secretary of South 9781908857279 Paperback £39.50 / €44.00 Latin America
Korea's National Security Council and as its This work is the result of the conference ‘Chile and Edited by
unification minister under the Roh Moo-Hyun The Inter-American System of Human Rights’ held David James Cantor &
administration (2003-08). This work is the at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies of the Nicolás Rodríguez Serna
translation of Lee's 2014 account of Roh's efforts to University of London in 2015. The main objective
bring peace to the Korean Peninsula in the face of pursued by the conference was to reflect the Dec 2016 196pp
opposition at home from conservative forces and relationship between Chile and the Inter-American 9781908857187
abroad from the Bush administration. Human Rights System. Paperback £39.50 / €44.00
In recent years, Latin
Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center Institute of Latin American Studies America has seen
an unprecedented rise in the number of people
THE SOUTH ASIA PAPERS NEW forced to flee their homes due to the activities of
organised criminal groups. What are the reasons
A Critical Anthology of Writings by ELITE behind this emerging crisis of forced displacement
Stephen Philip Cohen PERCEPTIONS OF in the Americas? As the first book to deal with this
Stephen Philip Cohen THE UNITED rapidly evolving phenomenon, this innovative
STATES IN LATIN collection's ten chapters offer fresh perspectives from
Mar 2016 192pp AMERICA AND leading experts.
9780815728337 Hardback £34.50 / €38.00 THE POST-
Here, the author who virtually created the field of SOVIET STATES Institute of Latin American Studies
South Asian security studies, has curated a unique
collection of the most interesting and important Jacob Parakilas NEW
articles, chapters, and speeches from his fifty- Nov 2016 24pp
year career. 9781784130961 PROVINCIALIS-
Paperback £12.50 / €15.00 ING NATURE
TOMORROW'S Chatham House Report
SILK ROAD Understanding the context in which different Multidisciplinary
countries and regions perceive the US is a first step Approaches to
Assessing an to designing better policies. This report highlights the Politics of the
EU-China Free the views individuals in elite roles in public, private, Environment in
Trade Agreement non-profit, academic, and media sectors from twelve Latin America
Jacques Pelkmans & countries across Latin America and the former Soviet Edited by Michela Coletta &
Joseph Francois et al Union have of the US. Malayna Raftopoulos

Oct 2016 308pp Chatham House Nov 2016 134pp
9789461385185 9781908857200
Paperback £24.50 / €28.00 LATIN AMERICA Paperback £39.50 / €44.00
Provides an economic AND THE This timely analysis of
and regulatory analysis ASIAN GIANTS some of the crucial challenges, contradictions, and
of a possible Free Trade promises within current environmental discourses
Area (FTA) between China and the EU, whose design Evolving Ties with and practices in Latin America demonstrates the
is supposed to be "deep and comprehensive". This China and India challenging scenarios and original perspectives that
book provides an overview of the global economic Edited by Riordan Roett & have emerged in relation to the globally urgent issues
environment in which EU-Chinese economic relations Guadalupe Paz of climate change and the environmental crisis.
have developed in recent years, and then elaborates
the substance of the FTA design. Sep 2016 337pp Institute of Latin American Studies
Centre for European Policy Studies Paperback £31.50 / €35.00 NEW
Offers a review of key
and critical policy issues
WHAT HOLDS ASIAN involving the changing relationship between India The Progress, Problems, and Prospects of
SOCIETIES TOGETHER? and China and Latin America. Selected country Alternative Regionalism in Latin America
case studies - Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico - and the Caribbean
Edited by Bertelsmann Stiftung provide a more in-depth analysis of the implications Asa Cusack
Feb 2017 150pp of China's and India's evolving interaction with
9783867937702 Paperback £27.50 / €31.00 the region. Jan 2017 200pp
Provides an analysis and review of social cohesion 9781908857224 Paperback £39.50 / €44.00
in 22 Asian countries in a comparative perspective. Bringing together scholars from across ideological
This book presents a valid and reliable measurement divides, this book provides a comprehensive
of current and past levels of social cohesion analysis of ALBA's successes and failures, evaluating
and explores its most important determinants the project's viability and mapping possible
and outcomes. future trajectories.

Bertelsmann Stiftung Institute of Latin American Studies

Global Politics


Economic Disruption, Political Upheaval, and Social Strife New Cases of
in the 21st Century Proven Success in
Darrell M. West Global Health
Amanda Glassman &
Sep 2016 200pp Miriam Temin with the
9780815729211 Hardback £19.50 / €24.00 Millions Saved Team and
Advisory Group
Slow, incremental change has become a relic of the past. Today's shifts come
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megachange in the new attitudes and policies toward same-sex marriage; in 9781933286884
the extraordinary rise and then collapse of the Arab Spring, the spread of ISIS- Paperback £19.50 / €22.00
fomented terrorism, and the fracturing of once-stable international alliances. Over the past fifteen years, people in low- and
middle-income countries have experienced a health
What to do? West says that we should alter our expectations about the speed revolution. This work chronicles the global health
and magnitude of political and social change. With megachange becoming revolution from the ground up, showcasing twenty-
the new normal, our institutions must develop the ability to tackle the two local, national, and regional health programmes
massive economic, political, and social shifts that we face. that have been part of this global change.

NEW NEW Center for Global Development

The Policy Challenges of Rescue, A Short History DEMOCRACY
Interception, and Long-Term Response to Greg Clark
Maritime Migration Richard Youngs
Kathleen Newland & Elizabeth Collett Nov 2016 110pp Jul 2016 240pp
9780815728917 Paperback £11.95 / €15.00 9780870034282
Nov 2016 120pp The Short Histories Paperback £19.50 / €22.00
9780983159162 Paperback £24.50 / €28.00 9780870034299 Hardback
With migrant maritime arrivals the subject of major Examines the enduring forces - such as trade, £48.95 / €54.00
policy and public focus in the Mediterranean, the migration, war and technology - that have Examines what it is about
Bay of Bengal, and elsewhere, this volume reviews enabled some cities to emerge from the pack into Western democracy
the policy responses to irregular maritime arrivals at global leadership. that non-Westerners
regional, national, and international levels. react negatively to and
NEW whether critics often
Migration Policy Institute are equating a dislike for certain Western social or
HEAT, LIGHT, AND POWER economic features with an aversion to Western
TRILATERAL CONTEXT Saving Lives, Reducing Costs Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Glada Lahn & Owen Grafham
John Deutch & Edmond Alphandéry Foreword by Kofi Annan FORTHCOMING
Jul 2016 80pp
9780930503963 Paperback £14.95 / €17.00 Nov 2016 72pp REACHING FOR THE SKY
Assesses the complex and changing relationship 9781784130954 Paperback £12.50 / €15.00
between energy supply, the global economy, and Chatham House Report for the Moving Energy initiative Empowering Girls Through Education
geopolitics in a world in which Europe continues to Urvashi Sahni
strive to diversify supply and maximise flexibility Using a purpose-built model, this study provides
in the face of a security challenge in Ukraine; and the first-ever global estimates of energy use among Jul 2017 200pp
where the Asia Pacific region aims to diversify supply, forcibly displaced people, and the costs incurred for 9780815730385 Hardback £23.95 / €29.00
increase conservation, and reassess nuclear power in using this energy. Focuses on how gender equality can be achieved in
the wake of Fukushima. a patriarchal society through education. This book
Chatham House shows how girls learn to be equal and autonomous
Trilateral persons in school and how they use this learning to
MANAGING transform their lives and those of their families.
THE FOG OF PEACE Economic Policy
Cooperation After Essays on the Global Political Economy
A Memoir of International Peacekeeping in the Crisis Kemal Dervis
the 21st Century Edited by Tamim Bayoumi,
Jean-Marie Guéhenno Stephen Pickford & Jul 2016 110pp
Paola Subacchi 9780815729617 Hardback £20.50 / €23.00
2015 276pp Is the world giving up on the promise of ever
9780815726302 Paperback £24.50 / €28.00 2015 350pp greater prosperity for all, on functioning democratic
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Illustrates with personal, concrete examples, Paperback £33.95 / €41.00 set of circumstances that led to the recent rapid
the need to accept imperfect outcomes and growth in emerging markets unlikely to be present in
compromises. The author argues that nothing is The global financial crisis the future? Kemal Dervis addresses these and similar
more damaging than excessive ambition followed by of 2007-09 highlighted questions in this thought provoking series of essays.
precipitous retrenchment. the economic
interdependencies between all major countries,
raising the issues of international cooperation. This
work looks at how, following the global financial
crisis, countries have changed the way they cooperate
with each other on matters of economic policy.

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